Why are acrylic nails soft? Covering nails with acrylic: technique and examples. Removal of acrylic nails

pink radish

Good afternoon, dear readers! Housewives often add radishes to vegetable salads in spring and summer. Not many people like the bitter-sweet taste, but there are lovers and fans of this vegetable.

We are accustomed to pinkish fruits, but there are also yellow, purple, burgundy, white. There are many varieties, but the beneficial properties are almost the same for fruits of any color.

Radish: composition

If you disassemble the radish into chemical elements, then most of all it contains Vitamin C, followed by Vitamins of groups B, E, D, PP. Gives a little bitterness to this root crop.

Of the trace elements, it can be noted - iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, chromium, zinc, sulfur. It contains a lot of protein, dietary fiber, natural sugars.

On a note! Enough to eat 100-120 gr. of this vegetable to replenish the daily intake of Vitamin C.

Radish multi-colored

radish calories

There are not many calories in this root vegetable, to the delight of those who want to lose weight. In 100 gr. The product, depending on the degree of maturity, contains only 14-16 kcal.

How many radishes can you eat per day?

To improve the body and for the prevention of spring beriberi, it is recommended to use no more than 150 gr. in a day. Many gastroenterologists believe that it is desirable to limit one or two times a week as part of vegetable salads.

But, if everything is in order with your gastrointestinal tract and no side effects are found, then you can eat at least every day, just follow the measure.

On a note! Radishes are digested in the human body for a little over three hours.

Radish multi-colored

Radishes: benefits

1. Due to the high content of Vitamin C, it helps to strengthen. Doctors recommend replacing pharmacy multivitamins with this root vegetable in the spring. The fruit is useful for the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, such as tracheitis.

7. A very interesting property of a vegetable that not many people know! But in vain! If you mix radish juice with pulp, then you can easily relieve hangover symptoms and reduce cravings for alcohol.

8. Root juice can lubricate wounds and abrasions, which will cleanse and enhance the regeneration of skin cells. To get rid of a headache, it is recommended to smear whiskey with fresh radish juice.

9. The root crop has gained popularity in cosmetology. Facial masks help to give the skin a radiant look, cleanse pores, whiten freckles and age spots.

10. A decoction based on the root crop helps to eliminate cough and sore throat.

11. The root crop has a diuretic and decongestant effect, is able to remove bile from the body.

12. Vegetable salad with radish and vegetable oil is recommended for people with diabetes to normalize blood sugar levels.

How to remove bitterness from radishes

If you do not like this bitter taste at all, then you can remove the pink skin and throw the radish in slightly brackish water for 30-40 minutes. But! Useful substances that endow this vegetable with antibacterial properties will leave with bitterness.

Radish for women

The benefits of radishes for a woman's body

1. Regular consumption of pink radish will help to avoid development.

2. It has a positive effect on the digestive system, normalizes the water-salt balance, removes excess fluid from the body.

3. It has a rejuvenating effect, has a beneficial effect on the skin condition.

4. It will help get rid of extra pounds or maintain weight at the right level, improve metabolism, remove toxins from the body.

Radish face masks

You can make good homemade masks from mashed radishes, which will give the skin a healthy look, smooth out all the bumps.

Mask for dry skin

Necessary: Grate the root crop, add olive or peach oil, apply the mass on the face, rinse after 15 minutes with warm water. Butter can be replaced with cream, sour cream, kefir, egg yolk.

Mask for the face

For skin whitening

Necessary: On a fine grater, grate a pink vegetable, fresh, add a spoonful of chopped sour cream. Mix the mass, apply on the skin with a thick layer, rinse after 30 minutes.

Necessary prepare freshly squeezed juice, which is good to wipe for whitening, acne scars, intimate areas, armpits.

To soften the skin and enrich with vitamins

Necessary: mix the chopped root crop with melted butter 82.5% fat. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes, washed off with milk or warm water.

Radish during pregnancy

1. The root crop will enrich the body with essential vitamins, help relieve symptoms, get rid of edema.

2. It will improve intestinal motility, eliminate increased gas formation and relieve the problem with.

3. - this is the main vitamin for a pregnant woman, which is involved in the proper formation of the fetus. And calcium will strengthen the bone tissue of both a pregnant woman and an unborn child.

4. Helps regulate weight.

5. Regular consumption of radish salads dressed with olive oil will protect a pregnant woman from flu and colds, and strengthen the immune system.

6. Women during pregnancy, due to a hormonal imbalance, quickly get tired, become whiny and irritable. A vegetable will help to cope with this problem.

7. While breastfeeding, it is possible for a nursing mother to include radishes in her diet, but only when the baby is three months old.

For kids

At what age can you give a child a radish?

It is not recommended to give a pink root vegetable to very young children. Try introducing a new food to your child's diet starting at two years of age.

It is best to chop the radish and add it to your favorite salad. Although many children simply refuse to eat radishes because of the specific bitterness.

1. Pink root crop will strengthen the protective functions of the body and increase resistance to third-party infections.

2. Strengthens children's teeth, improves the condition of bones, nails and hair.

3. Helps prevent obesity in children.

4. Strengthens the nervous system, improves appetite, regulates stool.

radish tops

Radish tops: useful properties and contraindications

Few people know that the top leaves (tops) are not inferior to the root crops themselves in their chemical properties.

After a long winter, the body is so lacking in vitamins, which can be more than replenished by adding young leaves to salads or borscht.

Necessary: Young leaves (enough 20 gr.) Rinse well, dry, finely chop, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes.

How to choose and store radishes

1. When choosing a pink root vegetable, inspect the appearance. The fruits should be undamaged, smooth, medium in size. It is better to buy a vegetable with tops, but when you come home, cut it off. During storage, it will pull useful substances from the root crop, so you will deprive yourself of all the vitamins.

2. Cracks in the fruit mean that the vegetable did not have enough water, it will certainly be very hard and unnecessarily bitter in taste.

3. It is best to store in the refrigerator in a separate vegetable compartment in a bag or plastic container. With tops you can store no more than a day, and without tops no more than a week.

Radish: harm and contraindications

1. On an empty stomach, as the juice can burn the walls of the stomach and cause or exacerbate peptic ulcer.

2. With kidney disease, urolithiasis, inflammation of the pancreas.

3. With diseases of the thyroid gland.

4. Do not use vacuum-packed root vegetables. They have lost their useful properties and have accumulated a large amount of starch. They will not bring anything good to the body, but stomach problems and diarrhea are a must.

Video: “Live healthy” and Elena Malysheva. Radishes - benefits, how to choose, how to store, how to eat

In contact with

At one time, acrylic nails became a real discovery. After all, not every woman can boast of strong and healthy nail plates. And with the help of acrylic, you can become the owner of a chic manicure in just an hour.

What are acrylic nails?

Using acrylic involves several steps. To begin with, it is worth noting that in the process of creating an “artificial nail”, two main monomers are used - this and When mixing these components, this results in the formation of a substance that quickly hardens in air. These properties are used during the procedure.

Acrylic nails can be extended using forms made of paper, foil or metal, which are placed under the edge of their own nail plate.

After the acrylic polymer hardens, the master carefully corrects its shape and covers it with powder on top.

Acrylic legs and their advantages

Statistics show that acrylic nails are more popular than, say, gel nails. Indeed, such a manicure has a number of advantages. To begin with, it is worth noting that such nails are quite strong. But if they still managed to break, then the master will be able to return them to their original form.

Since acrylic is quite elastic, sometimes such nails cannot even be distinguished from natural ones, especially with the good work of the master. In addition, you can constantly create a new design by covering the surface with varnishes and sparkles. For example, acrylic manicures are very popular because French manicure is suitable for almost any clothes and always looks beautiful and elegant.

Another plus is that such nails are very easy to remove, because for this you just need to immerse your fingers in a special solution.

Acrylic legs and their disadvantages

Of course, such a manicure also has a number of negative sides. Despite the assurances of the masters, many clients of beauty salons claim that building with acrylic severely damages natural nail plates - after removing the polymer, your own nails need deep restorative care.

It is worth considering that acrylic nails need to be adjusted every 2-3 weeks. This fact cannot but go unnoticed, since not every woman can afford a regular visit to a beauty salon.

How to care for acrylic nails?

Of course, a beautiful manicure requires special care. To begin with, it is worth noting that fungal diseases are the most dangerous problem in nail extensions, since excellent conditions are created between the surface of acrylic and the natural nail plate for the reproduction of pathogenic fungi. Proper care is the prevention of such diseases.

Acrylic nails cannot stay in water for a long time. Therefore, for washing dishes or other household work, use A after each bathing and washing your hands, carefully wipe your skin and nail plates. By the way, moisture is one of the necessary conditions for the life of microbes.

Washing your hands with antibacterial soap and treating your nails with alcohol before going to bed is also a preventive measure to protect against diseases of the natural nail plate.

Acrylic nails: reviews

Customer opinions vary. Some women say that after removing their own nails have become much stronger and healthier. Others, on the contrary, argue that after the procedure it was necessary to restore the natural nail plates for a long time. However, all ladies agree that acrylic nails wear well, rarely break, and look beautiful.

Using acrylics, every masterfaced with some kind of problem. It is known that acrylics for building are divided into two main groups - with a smell and without. Many masters (usually those who own the same technology) try to compare them and find out which one is better. You need to understand that each of these lines is good in its own way and serves certain purposes. But the winner will always be the one who owns many technologies. As for the main mistakes in working with acrylics for building, they are common to both groups.

Problem one. Material delamination

In half of the cases, it occurs due to improper preparation of the natural nail. How to prepare nails for acrylic extension? You need to start with the use of an exfoliator (anti-cuticle). Then the nail plate is degreased and the gloss (surface layer) is carefully removed, making sure not to cut the nails. The surface of the nail must be perfectly clean, so the disinfectant should be applied with a lint-free tissue. You can not touch the nails prepared for extension with your hands.

Another reason for the peeling of acrylic lies in non-compliance with the conditions for applying bondex (not to be confused with a primer!). First of all, you need to remember that it is applied only in one thin layer. The stability of acrylic is reflected in the insufficient fixation of the ball in the area of ​​the cuticle and side ridges, as well as the ingress of acrylic into the cuticle area. Even if you remove the material that has fallen on the cuticle with a file, you no longer have to wait for a positive result.

A mistake is also an insufficiently smooth transition of acrylic on the border with the surface of a natural nail, a poorly executed sawdust of this transition, as well as non-compliance with the consistency of the ball when working with some types acrylics for building- it can be either too dry or too liquid. The master needs to be very careful when correcting in order to prevent the appearance of so-called cameras. If you follow all the rules, the material will remain absolutely stable, even if the scheduled correction time is missed. But sometimes it happens that everything is done according to the rules, but the acrylic peels off anyway. Each such case should be analyzed separately. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that the client's nails are very thin and "moving" - in this case, it is necessary to choose a more plastic material. Sometimes the cause of exfoliation can be an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the client or the use of strong drugs (however, such cases are extremely rare). If the natural nail plate twists as it grows out (downward or laterally), the acrylic may peel from the free edge of the nail. In this case, firstly, it is recommended to use forms, not tips, and secondly, with each correction, it is necessary to clean and glue the border between the free edge of natural and artificial nails.

The second problem. yellowing material

All acrylics for building, available today for sale, in the process of "life" on natural nails, slightly change their color. On the one hand, this is due to the processes occurring inside the material, and on the other hand, the influence of the shade of the growing natural nail on the color of acrylic. Why does the surface of an acrylic nail turn unnaturally yellow? The main reason is the work with a dirty brush with the remnants of old acrylic. To avoid this, remember a few basic rules:

When working with certain types acrylics for building it is necessary to strictly observe the consistency of the ball and the correct movements of the brush - otherwise the material will get between the bristles;

After washing the brush in the cleaner, you cannot immediately start working - you must first lower it into the monomer (in general, it is better to use the monomer for cleaning, since frequent use of the cleaner spoils the brush);

Brushes must not be stored upside down! In this case, the old monomer accumulates at the metal base, and then, during operation, seeps into the ball and causes the material to yellow.

In addition, to prevent yellowing when working with odorless acrylics, it is necessary to deal with an excessive amount of monomer (observe the consistency of the ball). The fact is that an excess of monomer during operation rises to the surface of the acrylic coating and causes a yellow spot, most often in the area.

A too thick bondex layer (or its contamination) can also provoke yellowing of the material. Do not forget that at the end of the work, the monomer remaining in the cup cannot be poured into a common container or reused.

And one more important nuance: before coating acrylic nails colored varnish must be applied to them with base coats specially designed for acrylics.

Problem three. Cracks in the danger zone and permanent nail brittleness

If yellow spots can be covered with dark varnish in extreme cases, then cracks in the nails require immediate and radical intervention. To avoid the constant appearance of cracks, it is necessary to check:

Is the stress zone formed in the right place when modeling with acrylic;

Is the form correct?

Is the size of the tips accurately selected;

Are the tips sawn in the stress zone during processing?

It is desirable that the length of the free edge does not exceed half the length of the natural nail hole. Acrylic should not be applied too thickly. Otherwise, it will lose elasticity and become more brittle.

Carefully reviewing the entire process acrylic extensions and by eliminating the above causes of errors, each master will be able to solve the problem he faces or outline the direction in which he needs to work for continuous self-improvement.

Manicure is done no later than 3-4 days before the extension, since micro-cuts are possible during nail manicure, which can lead to inflammation when filing the nail. Before extension, do not wash your hands for at least 2 hours, so that the nails are not saturated with moisture, and also avoid contact with oils.

After extension:

Immediately after acrylic nail extension, you should not do a manicure, it is better to wait 2-3 days, since acrylic is completely polymerized within a day, the material “shrinks” on the nail, so it is advisable to perform work related to water with rubber gloves.
Fresh acrylic / gel nails do not like temperature changes.
Be sure to moisturize the cuticle and nail from the back with cuticle oil so that it does not twist. The oil makes the nail and cuticle softer, as a result of which, the number of detachments is reduced.
If it is necessary to shorten the length of acrylic / gel nails, they need to be filed, and not bitten with tweezers or scissors, you need to learn how to file correctly.
It is necessary to go to the correction of nails in time, as the overgrown edge of the nail twists and exfoliates from the artificial material. The standard break between corrections is 2-3 weeks, during which time the natural nail grows and shifts the stress zone forward, which violates the correct design of the artificial turf.

Common reasons:

Most often, the exfoliation of the material is caused by improper preparation of the natural nail for extension:

  • -Before modeling nails, it is necessary, first of all, to push back the cuticle, remove the pterygium and eliminate the shine of the natural nail with a file with an abrasive of at least 180 grit. Do not use rough abrasive files, as excessive or rough filing of the natural nail plate weakens its adhesive properties.
  • - The natural nail is sawn and often in the transverse direction, due to which the surface of the nail becomes wetter and as a result the material does not hold.
  • -Nails peel off when filed with blunt files of already extended nails, which do not remove the thickness, but only heat the material.
  • - When processing a natural nail plate with a file, special attention must be paid to the area near the side ridges, since this area is a hard-to-reach and most polluted place.
  • - Hitting the material (gel or acrylic) on the cuticle or laying out the material in a thick layer gives 90% of cases of material exfoliation.
  • -When working with molds, the corners in the stress zone can be poorly pressed, because of this, the material is laid out thicker than necessary, so seagulls are formed, and as a result, detachment.
  • -When creating a shape when sawing, it is important to measure the C-bends and arches, correctly positioning the highest point - the apex. The thickening of the material, especially in the cuticle zone, changes the correct lines of longitudinal arches and C-bends, therefore, the surface tension force changes, which leads to delamination of the material, since the thickening is an additional source of incorrect distribution of tension forces on the nail surface.
  • -Incorrectly modeled stress zone leads to an additional load on the artificial nail, resulting in breakage, detachment.
  • - Thoroughly remove filing dust with a lint-free cloth,
  • foam sponge or a brush with special bristles with an antistatic effect, remove dust especially carefully in the cuticle area.
  • - Excessive use of a primer changes the structure of the natural nail and causes the material to peel off. Primer (acidic, non-acidic, acid-free) must dry completely.

Acid and non-acid primers have a very sharp acidic smell, bake eyes, dissolve fat, evaporate quickly, thereby drying the nail plate. The most important task of the primer is to lift the scales of the nail plate for better adhesion. When working with acrylic, the primer is applied to 3-5 nails. a fat-free nail plate is restored after half an hour and requires re-treatment.

  • -If “air pockets” are found during the correction, before laying out the material, it is necessary to carefully cut them off, without affecting the natural nail.
  • -If a crack or detachment was left during the correction, this will lead to even greater detachment during the build-up, as the air left under the new material begins to move and lift it.
  • - The brush should always be washed and not dusty.
  • -If the natural nail plate, during regrowth, twists down or on the sides and at the same time the material peels off from the side of the free edge of the nail, then it is recommended to use forms, not tips, and with each correction it is necessary to clean and glue the border between the free edge of natural and artificial nails.
  • -Cold hands are also the cause of detachments, if necessary, warm the client's hands before building.
  • - If the client's hands are naturally damp, flaking of the material usually occurs prior to filing.
  • -Materials from different manufacturers are usually compatible with each other, but when experimenting, remember that each manufacturer uses its own technology in the production of materials.

About gel detachments:

  • - The most common cause of gel peeling is the failure to follow the technology when applying the bond (primer) that holds the second phase gel, so the correct application of the bond is very important. It must be applied in a very thin layer, literally rubbing it into the nail, without getting on the cuticle, since the thick layer of the bond slips during polymerization and undermines itself with its mass, and also cannot dry completely, therefore complete adhesion of the gel to the nail plate is impossible. Pay special attention to overlapping the end of the nail with the bond - this will avoid peeling off the gel from the side of the free edge of the nail.
  • -Another common mistake is applying too much sculpting gel, especially in the cuticle area. It is important to indent 1 mm from the cuticle with the material.
  • -If the gel peeled off the tips during wear, then most likely the tips were not properly processed, the tips are filed with a file with an abrasiveness of not more than 150 grit, leaving vertical longitudinal grooves, necessarily covering all the free edges of the tips with gel.
  • -If the detachment occurred at the tip, that is, the tips peeled off from the nail - this means that the gel did not get on the sides of the nail or tips.
  • - The gel may peel off if the transition of the material at the border with the natural nail is not smooth enough.
  • - To perform a jacket, the use of varnish is contraindicated, since the varnish tends to dry for several hours, producing fumes that “raise” the protective gel.
  • -Another most common cause of gel flaking is too little baking time and the use of old UV lamps. Ultraviolet lamps do not burn out suddenly, they gradually lose their power, the gel under an insufficiently powerful lamp polymerizes only from above, which is difficult to recognize by the appearance of the nails. Therefore, the lamps and reflectors inside the UV machine must be replaced according to the manufacturer's recommendations. At the end of the working day, it is necessary to wipe the inner surface of the device, lamps and reflectors with a foam rubber sponge with a sticky remover.

About cracks:

To avoid cracking in the stress zone:

  • - You need to correctly put the forms and select the tips
  • - Do not cut tips in a stress zone
  • - Correctly form a stress zone
  • -Sufficient layer to lay out the sides
  • - The length of the finished gel nails should not exceed 1/3 of the length of the nail bed, then they will be worn longer.
  • -If the crack is still formed, it should not be corrected, cut off the damaged gel nail and make a new one.
  • - Cracks in non-tacky topcoats occur when applied to a wet acrylic design and if overcooked in a lamp, as non-tacky topcoats have more catalyst added to speed up curing.

About acrylic peels:

  • -The more accurately the proportions of materials are observed, the stronger and more elastic the artificial nail is, do not use the amount of material that exceeds the required amount.
  • - Violation of the ratio of liquid and powder: if the acrylic ball is too dry, then it will not be possible to press it, and a too wet ball will flow onto the cuticle or will not harden to the end and when filing, the material will crawl under the file, which will lead to peeling of the material.
  • - Do not pour the remaining monomer into the container where it is stored.
  • - Do not use an overly wide brush that extends beyond the edges of the natural nail to apply preparations.
  • - Do not level the surface of the artificial nail with an additional portion of the monomer, smoothing out the irregularities of the acrylic.
  • -Do not correct the hairs of the brush with your fingers, use napkins.
  • -Modern acrylic materials make it possible to achieve the finest laying of acrylic, which gives plasticity to the build-up.
  • - The top coat in the area of ​​the cuticle and ridges should lie on a free thin strip of the nail plate, so we will seal the acrylic, because the adhesion of the top coat is better than that of acrylic, since it is applied in a thin layer.
  • -Start sanding freshly laid acrylic with a nail file with at least 100 grit. Correction can be done with a nail file with a coarser grit.
  • -If the router is used incorrectly, microcracks appear on the acrylic, which lead to cracking of the acrylic.
  • -Remove nail polish with acetone-free liquid, as liquid containing acetone will make acrylic matte.
  • -To wipe the brush, use a special cloth and change it often.