After conception, what to do. What happens at the very beginning. Subjective signs of pregnancy

Our great-grandmothers tried in various ways to understand whether pregnancy had come, long before the delay. They listened to their bodies and used folk signs. It was only by the early 1960s that ultra-precise diagnostics of pregnancy appeared. The German scientist Sondek presented the world with a test that allowed to determine the content of hCG in urine. It is his invention that modern ladies use. Until that time, in gynecological offices, women were told what the signs were. Doctors immediately warned that such symptoms may also indicate pathology of the organs of the reproductive system.

What is ovulation?

Pregnancy occurs only after ovulation, and this happens very quickly. Such a complex process still attracts the attention of doctors and scientists. By ovulation, it is customary to understand a certain moment, which occurs approximately 4-7 days after the end of the last menstruation. At this time, the egg leaves the ovary, showing its readiness for fertilization. If unprotected intimate contact occurs at this moment, conception occurs under the condition of a healthy woman. Also, pregnancy can occur if there was sex a few days before the expected ovulation. Sperm cells remain active for 3 days.

Fertilization process and pregnancy

The "meeting" of the ovum and the male sperm occurs in the fallopian tubes. After their successful merger, a new element is formed - a zygote. It is already the beginning of the development of a completely new person. Fertilization is the time when the zygote is born. It is from this period that a woman is considered pregnant. Then the process of active cleavage of the zygote begins. The cell gradually increases in size and turns into an embryo.

On the fifth day of its life, the zygote is transformed into a blastocyst. For some time after fertilization, the embryo floats freely in the fallopian tubes, looking for an attachment point. After completing the task, the division phase begins. It is at this moment that the restructuring of the body begins, and a woman can clearly feel the first signs of egg fertilization.

It is an important period in the life of every expectant mother. Any disturbances in the functioning of the body, unhealthy diet or alcohol abuse can affect the development of the fetus. The sooner a woman finds out about her new role, the better.

The first manifestations of new life

In the first few days after ovulation, it is almost impossible to understand whether a woman is pregnant or not. The embryo has not yet had time to securely anchor in the uterine cavity, so no signs appear. For some reason, pregnancy may not occur at all. For example, the egg was unable to fertilize, or ovulation did not occur. Another common reason for the lack of conception is the mismatch of the organisms of partners in the immune systems. This means that the lady's body rejects male sperm.

Despite all the above facts, many women want to know about the successful attachment of the embryo before visiting the doctor. What are the signs of egg fertilization? In fact, the so-called folk methods for determining the onset of pregnancy are not highly reliable. However, many ladies still resort to their help. Among them can be noted pain in the abdomen and mammary glands, sudden cystitis, increased basal temperature and others. More details about each feature will be discussed below.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

Many women note the appearance of discomfort in the lower abdomen. The discomfort in its characteristics may resemble the pain that occurs before the onset of menstruation. Such spasms are not associated with the growth of the uterus, because the gestation period is still small. This is a kind of reaction of the body to the completion of the process of conception. If the pain persists for more than two weeks, and menstruation does not occur, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy. With such symptoms, consultation with a gynecologist will not be superfluous.

Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract

When conception has already taken place, signs of egg fertilization may be caused by a disruption in the functioning of the digestive tract. They should only be taken seriously if intimate contact took place 7-10 days before the onset of the following symptoms:

  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • rejection of smells and products.

The gastrointestinal tract disorder usually begins after the final attachment of the embryo to the genital organ.

Psychological aspect

Women actively planning to add to the family calculate the most favorable time for conception, study specialized literature. We can say that they are constantly in psychological stress. The ladies are trying to explain the frequent mood swings by the pregnancy that has already come.

There is some truth in this reasoning. Women in position are really in a difficult emotional state. As a result of changes in the hormonal background, the process of fertilization of the egg can be considered successful. The signs that characterize the condition of a pregnant woman are known to everyone. This is excessive emotionality, tearfulness, and self-pity.

Breast discomfort

Another manifestation of the onset of pregnancy is soreness in the mammary glands. Approximately 90% of women admit that they felt discomfort in their breasts immediately after conception. The mammary glands, a few days before the date of the expected menstruation, begin to increase in size, acquire a rounded shape. You may notice how the nipples become wider and slightly darker. This prepares the breasts for future lactation.

Sudden cystitis

The first signs of fertilization after ovulation often appear in the form of various ailments. One of them is the well-known cystitis. The restructuring of the whole organism acts as the cause of the inflammatory process. Immune defenses are weakening, so all paths of entry are open for pathogenic flora. Sometimes women experience urinary problems until the very day of giving birth.

Basal temperature change

The woman planning to conceive constantly measures the basal temperature. This method is also practiced if they want to give birth to a child by a certain date. It is believed that a sharp rise in temperature indicates ovulation. If in the next few days this figure continues to grow, it means that fertilization has occurred. When a woman is confident in the success of conception, but the basal temperature does not rise, there is a threat of miscarriage. This clinical picture usually indicates a deficiency of the hormone progesterone.

Determination of the level of hCG

Hormonal signs after fertilization of the egg are manifested not only by a change in the psycho-emotional state of a woman. Long before the upcoming birth, chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced in the body. This happens almost immediately after conception. Therefore, you can find out about pregnancy a few days or even weeks before the delay. You just need to do a blood test. The most truthful result can be obtained if 10 days have passed since the day of intimate contact. Some women do this test as soon as their basal temperature rises. However, it cannot be considered 100% reliable, since the level of the hormone in the blood does not differ much from the norm at first.

Pregnancy test

If a woman has found signs of fertilization in a delay, you can safely go to the pharmacy for. Before using it, you should study the instructions on the package. In addition, it is recommended to use several tests of different price categories and manufacturers at once. In this case, one can hope for a reliable result.

If most of the tests used show pregnancy, you need to see your gynecologist. The specialist will be able to confirm the presence in the cavity of the genital organ of the developing embryo. The thing is that sometimes the test shows two stripes in case of ovarian diseases or malignant tumors. Therefore, in addition to the standard examination, it is required to take a blood test and go for an ultrasound examination. If other of the signs of ovulation listed in our article, egg fertilization are absent, and ultrasound shows pregnancy, you need to believe this particular diagnostic method. Today, ultrasound is considered the most accurate conception confirmation procedure. It is safe for health and does not take much time.

Why do you need to know the signs of fertilization, delays?

Not all women know about special calendars and calculate the days of the expected ovulation. Many of them do not have a permanent partner, but use contraception. Therefore, for them, a delay in the next menstruation can be a real surprise.

Unfortunately, pregnancy tests do not always show a reliable result. In medical practice, there are also known cases when a woman learned about her new role shortly before childbirth. fetal movement is very difficult, but still possible. That is why every woman who cares about her health should know what signs of egg fertilization should be paid attention to in the first place. This information is especially important for women who have an irregular menstrual cycle.

The woman's body is designed in such a way that signs of conception appear already a week after fertilization. By listening to your body, you can determine whether to start preparing for a meeting with your unborn baby. At the beginning of pregnancy, the body perceives the fertilized egg as a foreign organism and actively "fights". All are individual, and the signs of conception in each woman can manifest themselves in completely different ways.... Someone immediately experiences all the "delights" of pregnancy, while someone has no changes, except for a delay in menstruation. Most of the signals that fertilization has occurred can be observed not earlier than from the sixth week of pregnancy. Sometimes symptoms appear in the form of a pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

It can be irritability, fatigue, and other manifestations. The body reacts to pregnancy like a virus until it gets used to all the changes inside it.

The very first signs of conception

An early sign of pregnancy is slight bleeding one week after conception. It may be accompanied by cramps, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. This suggests that the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. Bleeding may appear as early as day 6.

However, any bleeding and pain should not be perceived as a manifestation of pregnancy. It can also be the result of birth control, hormonal drugs, early menstruation, or an ectopic pregnancy. A visit to the doctor and a vaginal ultrasound will help determine what is really happening to the body. The likelihood of conception can be confirmed by such signs as:

  • fatigue;
  • excessive sentimentality, emotionality;
  • self-pity;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • aggression;
  • irritability and tearfulness;
  • apathy;
  • drowsiness.

These symptoms can occur due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which is needed to maintain pregnancy. An increase in basal (rectal) temperature will help to find out that fertilization has occurred. It usually decreases a few days before the onset of menstruation, but in the case of conception, this does not happen.

In a pregnant woman, the mammary glands become enlarged and the sensitivity of the nipples increases, so the body prepares for future breastfeeding. The breast increases in size, becomes hot, sensitive, painful, the areoles around the nipples change in color, they darken, turn brown. Almost all women notice this from the 5th day of pregnancy. Such changes occur due to the release of hormones into the bloodstream. As the pregnancy develops, colostrum will begin to be released from the breast, which is necessary for the baby in the first minutes of his life. These signs let the woman know that conception has occurred and that she needs to start taking the necessary multivitamins. Headaches in the early stages are explained by the fact that the body is rebuilding and the hormonal background changes.

Pregnancy symptoms are similar to those of a cold.

Some women develop symptoms similar to those of a cold or flu. These are such manifestations as:

  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hot flashes;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise;
  • dyspnea;
  • headache;
  • runny nose, cough, sore throat;
  • drowsiness;
  • surges in blood pressure.

A woman can feel such signs several weeks after fertilization. Changes in hormonal levels and restructuring of processes in the body can lead to attacks of dizziness and loss of consciousness.

An increase in body temperature and pressure drops depends on the increased production of hormones by the pituitary gland. Those women who suffered from pressure problems before pregnancy may face them again during pregnancy. Severe headaches and other symptoms require immediate medical attention. This will avoid late toxicosis and reduce the risk for the baby.

Pregnancy and Digestive Disorders

After the introduction of a fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus, a colossal change occurs in the hormonal system of the female body. In this case, the work of many organs is disrupted, first of all, the reaction occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. In connection with hormonal changes, there are signs such as:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Bloating, flatulence.
  5. Disturbance of taste sensations.
  6. Heartburn.
  7. Stomach cramps.
  8. Increased appetite.
  9. Unusual taste preferences.
  10. Intolerance to certain foods and odors.
  11. Increased cravings for those products that were not previously delighted.

It should also be remembered that some of these symptoms are signs of food poisoning. If nausea and other manifestations persist for several days, there is reason to think about buying a pregnancy test.

Pregnancy and bladder

Increased urination is one of the signs of conception (of course, if it is not cystitis or kidney disease). Forced frequent visits to the toilet appear two weeks after conception.

Such symptoms are not reliable, since the uterus begins to press on the bladder not earlier than the third trimester of pregnancy. And in the early stages, this is nothing more than changes in the body and the restructuring of all organs. Sometimes a woman can go "small" up to 15 times a day.

When carrying a child, the load on all organs increases, including the kidneys. They begin to work in an enhanced mode, therefore, inflammatory processes may occur. It is necessary to visit a doctor on time, take all the prescribed tests and, in the slightest doubt, do not hesitate to seek help from your doctor. In order to slightly reduce the burden on the kidneys, you should limit fluid intake, especially before bedtime, and avoid salty and spicy foods. In recent months, water retention in the body causes swelling.

The main signs of conception

Sometimes a woman does not feel any of the above symptoms. Then an interesting position can be prompted by a violation of the menstrual cycle, or, more simply, a delay in menstruation. If you feel good and are sure that there is no inflammation in the pelvic organs, then the delay may be a reason to buy a pregnancy test.

It is possible that menstruation may begin, but it will not go as usual, or will end much earlier. In any case, pharmacy tests will help determine pregnancy. They can show a positive result as early as 3 weeks after conception. A more accurate result is a blood test for the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in it. This hormone begins to be produced by the placenta after the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus.

There are also unusual signs that a new life is developing in a woman's body. These are various signs and dreams. They cannot be attributed to reliable, but many women, having seen a fish in a dream, soon found out that they were pregnant.

Every woman should understand that certain changes have occurred in her condition - pregnancy has begun. This is very important, because then you need to adjust your work schedule, go to bed earlier, give up bad habits, alcohol, junk food, and even wear heels less. From the very beginning, it is important to save energy, because they will still be needed in the next 9 months.

Features of the conception process

Almost all women planning children know that the likelihood of conception increases during ovulation. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day from the beginning of the months(you can determine the beginning of this process using a thermometer). At this time, the mature egg begins to move towards the uterus. During this movement, fertilization occurs. Further, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus. After about 7 days, it is fixed and the embryo begins to develop. From this moment, the gestation process begins.

Methods for determining early pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy in the early days are not pronounced. But there are several ways to spot a "point of interest" early on. The choice of one of them depends on the desire of the woman, the urgency and importance of obtaining the most reliable information.

Visit to a gynecologist

After a gynecological examination, the doctor diagnoses conception by the condition of the cervix and uterus and determines the approximate period. The doctor can diagnose a seven-day pregnancy, with one hundred percent probability he will determine a ten-day pregnancy.


The most accurate diagnostic method... With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose the fact of conception after 7 days (that is, in fact, at the time of the fixation of the fertilized egg on the uterus and the beginning of the formation of the embryo).

Test - strips

It is also a very accurate determination method. But you need to know how to use the test strip correctly. It reacts to a specific hormone that the placenta begins to produce after fertilization - hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Its concentration in the blood increases gradually (the percentage of hCG increases by an order of magnitude every second day) and reaches the peak required for the test, by the 14th day of pregnancy... Therefore, if the pregnancy is planned, then you should not do the test earlier than the second week. Up to this point, the result can be negative only because the concentration of hCG in the blood is too low.

Symptothermal method for determining the day of conception

We can say that this is an ultra-precise method for determining the "interesting position". You can establish the fact of conception as early as 2-3 days. But this requires constant and systematic monitoring of the "behavior" of your reproductive system.

The essence of the method is that it is necessary to monitor the basal temperature and the condition of the cervix. Enter the observation results into a special table. A drop in temperature can mean both ovulation and pregnancy. Thus, a decrease and then an increase in body temperature can be a sign of pregnancy in the first days after conception.

To summarize the above. You can determine early pregnancy by choosing one of the following methods:

The main symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception (5-7 days)

Certain pregnancy symptoms can be felt as early as 2-3 days after conception. This is due to the fact that even before the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity, the embryo is formed, the genetic code of the unborn child is "assembled", and active division of blastomere cells occurs.

At this time, it can be observed:

  • a slight increase in body temperature (as with a mild cold);
  • small bloody discharge (appears after the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, slightly damaging the blood vessels).

The first signs of pregnancy after conception (7-10 days)

A woman who is planning pregnancy (and any other woman) can understand that she is pregnant without any tests and ultrasound as early as 7-14 days after fertilization. Depending on the characteristics of the organism, women may experience these symptoms, how:

Mood swings, drowsiness, temperature drops, dizziness

All these symptoms indicate that hormonal changes are taking place in the body; it is preparing for 9 months of bearing a baby. During menstruation, similar symptoms may also appear. But if there is a delay, then they are eloquent evidence that pregnancy has occurred.

Interestingly, all these symptoms disappear 5–6 days after conception, when the body is finally rebuilt. A woman may simply not pay attention to them.

Breast changes

Women can observe certain changes in the mammary glands during menstruation. But with the onset of pregnancy, these changes are much more pronounced. The breast increases in size, swells, becomes tight. There is a tingling sensation, the nipples become as sensitive as possible.

Change in the appearance of the abdomen

Naturally, the belly does not begin to grow from the first days of pregnancy, but since the uterus reacts to the embryo in it and increases in size, the belly rises slightly. This symptom is especially pronounced in thin women with a flat tummy. In the old days it was said that the stomach "rose" like dough. This symptom usually appears 8-10 days after pregnancy.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge

Lower abdominal pain is not uncommon during menstruation. After conception, they begin at the "wrong" time. They usually last for several days. The pain is not very strong, and you can tolerate it. After their termination, it is necessary to intensively observe yourself, their repetition can become a "wake-up call" for the expectant mother.

Bloody discharge, small, not abundant, is also a normal symptom of pregnancy. Although it is extremely rare. Discharge occurs due to the fact that small vessels burst in the uterus due to the beginning of the growth of the embryo.

Increased basal temperature

In the first 10 days after conception, the temperature is steadily kept at around +37. This indicates that pregnancy has come (unless, of course, there is an intestinal infection).

Lack of menstruation

For some women, a little delay is normal. But, if there are suspicions or a planned pregnancy, then the absence of menstruation 14 days after ovulation is the main sign that pregnancy has occurred.

The course of pregnancy in the first 2-4 weeks after conception

If pregnancy has occurred, then the woman will expect certain changes and manifestations (which, by the way, can become additional symptoms for those who are not sure that conception has taken place). In the first month of pregnancy, a woman is expected:

Interestingly, not all of the changes described above can occur, and symptoms appear in the early days of pregnancy. Some women, for example, do not gain weight at all or even lose it. This is due to stress, workload and other reasons. In some, early toxicosis is not observed in the first days of pregnancy, which, however, can still manifest itself in the second and third trimester.

Carrying a baby is not an easy process, especially in the early days of pregnancy. Much depends on the individual characteristics and the general condition of the body. Some women at this time change their taste preferences, others become intolerant of certain smells, and still others complain of muscle cramps. Do not ignore these symptoms, you should definitely consult your doctor. The fact is that they can talk, for example, about a lack of any trace elements and vitamins in a woman's body.

During pregnancy (especially in the early stages) you need to adjust the daily routine, reduce physical activity, change the diet, protect yourself from drafts and hypothermia. A woman during this period is very vulnerable, since many medications (even banal analgin and citramone) are prohibited. That is why it is so important to focus on the first signs of pregnancy after conception.


After the onset of conception, numerous changes occur in the woman's body due to hormonal changes. Typically, the first signs and symptoms of conception occur after a delay. However, in some cases, early symptoms and signs may appear that indicate conception has occurred.

Ovulation and conception

Ovulation that occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle ensures the implementation of the female reproductive function. Ovulation is understood as the release of a mature egg from the follicle with the aim of subsequent fertilization with a sperm, which takes place in the fallopian tube.

During the period of intrauterine development in girls, about 2 million follicles are laid, which contain immature eggs. By the beginning of puberty, their number is significantly reduced. The first period of puberty ends by the age of 12-14, when the first menstruation is observed.

In girls, during the first 1-2 years after the onset of menstruation, the cycle is biphasic, but there is no ovulation, which is associated with insufficient production of sex hormones. By the age of 16, the cycle is completely normal. It has relatively constant parameters, excluding periods of pregnancy, lactation and premenopause.

The normal cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days and does not differ in pathological symptoms and signs that significantly worsen a woman's well-being. A prerequisite is the presence of two phases and ovulation, without which reproduction is impossible. Menstrual bleeding varies from 3 to 7 days. Adequate blood loss requires the use of at least 4 pads per day.

Menstrual cycle parameters genetically determined.

Changes during the cycle ensure reproductive function. The cycle depends on the functioning of the hypothalamus, which secretes FSH and LH. The activity of the pituitary gland is regulated by the hypothalamus through releasing hormones.

The beginning of the cycle coincides with the first day of menstruation. There is an active production of FSH by the pituitary gland, which leads to the development of several follicles in one of the ovaries, functioning alternately. The developing follicles are a temporary hormonal structure required for the production of estrogen. Estrogens, in particular estradiol, ensure the development of the follicle, the proliferation of the endometrium of the uterus for the subsequent introduction of the ovum.

Only one follicle undergoes full development, which becomes dominant as it grows. A granular membrane forms around it. The cavity is filled with fluid at the primordial follicle stage. When a follicle is fully matured, it is called a graaf bubble, which contains a complete egg.

As FSH and estradiol accumulate, the pituitary gland receives a signal to produce LH. There is a rupture of the follicle membrane, from which a mature egg emerges. At the site of the follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, producing progesterone. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum dissolves at the end of the cycle. The ovarian cycle ends.

The uterine cycle includes several phases.

  1. Desquamation. Rejection of the functional layer of the uterus and the onset of menstruation.
  2. Regeneration. Restoration of the superficial functional endometrium due to the basal layer.
  3. Proliferation. Overgrowth of glandular tissue and stroma.
  4. Secretion. Modification of the mucous membrane, which implies its looseness.

When exposed to negative factors, there may be a temporary lack of ovulation. After 30 years, the absence of ovulation several cycles per year is considered normal. Persistent anovulation is observed with symptoms of endocrine pathologies, which are subject to diagnosis and treatment.

Ovulation is an important precondition for conception. That is why its definition for the purpose of subsequent sexual intercourse on favorable days increases the possibility of conception.

To determine ovulation in order to increase the possibility of conception, you can use various methods. In particular, keeping a calendar that marks the first day of your period and records your cycle length can help you calculate the approximate day of ovulation. Ovulation occurs around the middle of the cycle and divides it in half. After the onset of ovulation, menstrual bleeding is noted normally after 12-14 days. If the cycle is irregular, the average duration can be used as the basis for calculations.

Basal temperature measurement is an alternative to ovulation tests. The method is based on measuring the temperature in the rectum, vagina or oral cavity. It is advisable to use a mercury thermometer for measurements. Measurements are taken after 6 hours of sleep at 5-6 in the morning. Do not move before measuring the temperature. Otherwise, the results will be erroneous. You should lie still during the study for 5 minutes.

In the first phase of the cycle under the influence of FSH, the basal temperature does not exceed 37 degrees. With the release of LH before ovulation, it decreases by 0.3-0.4 degrees, and then rises to 37 and above degrees. Before menstruation, in the absence of conception, the temperature drops. On critical days, the temperature is in the range of 37 degrees.

On measurement results affects short intermittent sleep, movement, alcohol, SARS, sexual intercourse. Under these conditions, the result will be biased.

Measurement results, as well as dates in the menstrual calendar, can be marked both in paper and electronic form. For simplicity and convenience, you can use special programs in which you can make various notes.

Many gynecologists consider basal temperature measurement an outdated method, the results of which are influenced by numerous factors. It is possible to determine ovulation using pharmacy tests that react to the level of LH in the urine.

Ovulation tests are recommended between 10 am and 8 pm. The first morning urine should not be used. Typically, each package contains 5 test strips in order to track the dynamics of LH growth and identify the brightest strip. A bright red test strip testifies to the approaching auspicious day for conception. This means that ovulation should occur within 12-48 hours. An analogue of express tests is a special reusable device that determines the days favorable for conception by saliva.

The onset of ovulation is accompanied by numerous changes in the body. You can determine the most suitable days for conception by the characteristic signs and symptoms.

  1. Allocations. The cervical canal of the cervix contains glands in the submucosa that produce protective mucus. This secret fills the canal like a plug and protects the reproductive organs from infection. By the end of the first phase, the secretions become more fluid, which favors the advancement of sperm. The discharge resembles egg white in appearance. In addition, spotting may be observed, indicating a rupture of the follicle membrane.
  2. Changing the position of the cervix. During and after menstruation, the cervix is ​​low. On days favorable for conception, it rises high and opens slightly.
  3. Soreness in the lower abdomen. The pains can be aching and cramping. Aching pains are caused by a sign of tissue irritation by minor hemorrhage when the egg is released. With contractions of the fallopian tube, cramping pain from the ovulated ovary may be noted. In some women, the symptoms of soreness persist for two days.

During ovulation, symptoms such as headaches, breast tenderness, increased appetite, and increased sense of smell may also occur. As a rule, libido increases during this period. This sign is due to nature itself.

Symptoms of impending ovulation have an individual character. The absence of subjective signs is sometimes noted. In this case, you can use ovulation tests, calendar method, basal temperature measurement.

The egg is ready for fertilization within 16-32 hours. It is this period that is considered the most favorable for conception. Nevertheless, spermatozoa differ in vitality within five days after intercourse. A small part of the sperm can "wait for the egg" in the genital tract of a woman.

Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube when the sperm and ovum merge. However, before the sperm is in the immediate vicinity of the ampullary tube, it must cover a distance of 17-20 cm.

The vagina is a destructive environment for male germ cells. A significant part of them die much earlier than potential fertilization. That is why the possibility of conception increases with a significant number of healthy active sperm.

Theoretically, even one full-fledged sperm is enough for fertilization, which can penetrate the egg membrane. The sperm head contains a substance that dissolves the membrane. It has been proven that many male germ cells are involved in this process, which help a single sperm cell to penetrate into the egg cell. It is also believed that the ovum selectively approaches the selection of "candidates", allowing only a specific germ cell to complete fertilization.

The fertilized egg moves through the tube into the uterine cavity, continuously dividing. A few days later, the ovum is in the uterine cavity, where it can migrate for up to two days. After implantation, conception can be considered complete. The hormone hCG begins to be actively produced, which can be fixed in the urine according to express tests starting from the first day of the delay.

The first signs of pregnancy

The most reliable sign of pregnancy is delayed menstruation. From the first day of the delay, you can perform a short term pregnancy test.

After fertilization, numerous changes occur in the body, which can manifest as specific symptoms and signs. Typically, the earliest symptoms appear after a delay in menstruation and a positive pregnancy test. However, in some women, the signs and symptoms of conception may be noticed earlier.

Many signs and symptoms of pregnancy are associated with hormonal levels. It is known that sex hormones regulate not only the activity of the reproductive system, but also the whole organism.

Gynecologists call the following first signs of symptoms that can be observed after conception.

  1. Allocations. Implantation can be judged by a slight brown smearing discharge that appears before the delay. The appearance of an insignificant amount of blood is associated with damage to the vessels of the functional layer of the uterus during the introduction of the ovum. During pregnancy, immunity decreases against the background of hormonal fluctuations, which causes the activation of the opportunistic flora. That is why thrush or candidiasis is considered a frequent companion of pregnancy, including after conception.
  2. Bloating. A woman may notice increased gas production, bloating, especially in the evening. Many women notice this sign from their clothes, which can become tight.
  3. Change in taste preferences. This symptom can appear simultaneously with an exacerbation of the sense of smell. The woman notes intolerance to certain foods and odors. Some have an increased appetite.
  4. Cramps in the lower abdomen. Often, the first symptom of pregnancy is cramping, tingling, and pulling pains. This symptom can also indicate a threat. That is why if the pain intensifies, you should consult a doctor. The ovary in which the corpus luteum of pregnancy is intensively developing can also hurt.
  5. Engorgement of the mammary glands. During pregnancy, the glands actively prepare for lactation. The first signs of enlargement, engorgement of the mammary glands can be noted even before the delay in menstruation. A little later, you can see the appearance of colostrum.
  6. Basal temperature indicators. It is known that before the next menstruation, the basal temperature indicators decrease. After conception, the basal temperature is at around 37.1-37.4 degrees. The rise in temperature is associated with the production of progesterone, also called the pregnancy hormone. If the basal temperature drops, this may indicate the risk of termination of pregnancy.
  7. Nausea. This is one of the early signs that is often associated with pregnancy. With the severity of nausea, we can talk about the appearance of toxicosis. The causes of toxicosis by a specialist are not known for certain. However, it is believed that this sign indicates a favorable course of pregnancy.
  8. General condition and psycho-emotional background. Symptoms of the onset of pregnancy are drowsiness, weakness, fatigue. Variability of mood, tearfulness, which are associated with changes in hormonal levels, is also considered a sign.
  9. Colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases. During pregnancy, immunity decreases, which is a defense mechanism. Immunity is reduced so that the mother's body cannot reject the growing organism, which is perceived as a foreign body. The occurrence of cold symptoms is noted before the delay. The appearance of signs of thrush associated with the structural restructuring of the vaginal mucosa, hormonal fluctuations and activation of the fungal flora is possible. Running thrush can lead to the development of symptoms of cystitis and urethritis.

Development of pregnancy by day

Fertilization and subsequent conception occurs during the period of the egg cell's viability.

First-third day

It takes at least two hours for the sperm to move to the egg. After the penetration of the male reproductive cell into the egg, fertilization occurs, which does not always end with conception. For the first three days, the fertilized egg moves through the tube, while dividing continuously. During this period, there are no signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Signs may appear during tube implantation and the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

From the first days of conception, there may be signs of a physiological decrease in immunity and mood lability. Changes in taste, mild nausea and engorgement of the breast glands may occur.

Fourth day

The contraction of the fallopian tubes promotes the descent of the fertilized egg into the uterus. A woman may experience minor cramping pains. Before implantation, the migration of the ovum in the uterine cavity is possible for two days.

Fifth-seventh day

Signs and symptoms of implantation are noted. In particular, a small amount of smearing brown discharge may appear before delay. Intense pain on one side of the abdomen, the appearance of profuse discharge indicate implantation in the tube. However, these symptoms usually appear somewhat later as the ovum grows.

Eighth to tenth day

The implantation of the ovum is coming to an end. This period is called critical by gynecologists. Pregnancy can be negatively affected by adverse factors. Drowsiness, nausea, increased appetite, thirst may appear. Pregnancy can be determined by a blood test, which indicates an increase in hCG levels.

Eleventh to fourteenth day

A woman may notice the appearance of symptoms that usually do not appear before the next menstruation. In some cases, there is a lack of characteristic symptoms of the approaching menstruation. There is a noticeable engorgement of the mammary glands, their soreness. Nausea and increased salivation, taste perversion may be present.

On days 14-15, a pregnancy test shows a positive result in case of conception.

If you keep a chart of basal temperatures, you can determine pregnancy even before the first symptoms appear. However, even when observing a clear "picture" of conception on the chart, I would like to find some more confirmation of my guesses. It is best, of course, to take an analysis for hCG or at least do a test, but you can also listen to your feelings and look at the changes. Sometimes pregnancy symptoms appear as early as the first days after conception.

Of course, it cannot be said that you will notice changes almost a few hours after intercourse. But after some time, the body will gradually begin to rebuild under the new regime in order to ensure the safety of the ovum and conditions favorable for its development. Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days are not pronounced and not always, however, some of them are especially sensitive and attentive women are able to recognize.

Bloody issues

On the 6-12th day after conception, a woman may observe slight bleeding in herself. It can be ordinary leucorrhoea with blood or blood streaks, as well as creamy discharge of a yellow, beige or pinkish hue. The ingress of blood cells into the vaginal discharge is explained by the implantation of the ovum: just by this time it reaches the uterus and makes its landing. To attach to the surface, the blastocyst scrapes out a small depression in the uterine epithelium to take root here. Scanty spotting can resume on days of increased activity of the ovum. Very often women take them for the beginning of the next menstruation.

It should be noted that this symptom is not observed in 100% of cases. Then other symptoms of pregnancy in the early days can indicate that conception has taken place.

ARI symptoms

Around the same time, you may feel unwell. A woman who does not suspect pregnancy is confident: she has caught a cold. Against the background of increased body temperature, a runny nose, sore throat, body aches, severe physical fatigue appear. Hot flashes are replaced by chills, the woman cannot get warm in any way, and suddenly she suddenly becomes unable to breathe.

It is good if you are not accustomed to treatment or prefer harmless folk methods (warm tea, bed rest), because medications can harm an unborn baby and even cause an early miscarriage.

Such a "disease" in the first days of pregnancy is understandable: the body temperature rises under the influence of progesterone, the level of which in the blood rapidly increases with the onset of pregnancy. Other symptoms are added due to a temporary drop in immunity, which is necessary for the consolidation of the ovum: the female body perceives it as a foreign body and tries to get rid of the "invader". The decrease in the protective functions of the mother helps the unborn baby to take root in the uterus.

Sleepiness and tiredness

At the same time, symptoms of general fatigue join. Some women feel the most real physical and mental exhaustion: they are exhausted, they constantly want to sleep, and apathy may even develop. Sleep becomes stronger in the evening and interrupted at night and in the morning. Sometimes it seems impossible to get up: during the night you did not sleep at all.

These symptoms are observed in the first days after conception and are also due to the activity of progesterone and the tremendous work that your body has begun to change its state. The mood can sometimes be completely nasty: others notice that you have begun to flare up over trifles, and this, of course, annoys you even more. After the second month, the situation should change: estrogen will take care of the stimulation of the psyche, the level of which will increase with an increase in the period.

Nausea and vomiting

Not in the first place, but still very often these symptoms of pregnancy find their expression in the first days. A woman is turned back not only by smells, but even by thinking about certain products. Taste and olfactory preferences change dramatically.

Feeling unwell and increased salivation can be mistaken for poisoning, especially if vomiting is also added to them.

All of these reactions are defensive and do not pose any threat if expressed mildly. In the case of large losses of saliva and frequent vomiting, the condition of the expectant mother worsens, which also has a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss this issue with your doctor.

The opposite turn of events is not excluded: the woman's appetite improves so much that it may even frighten her. Moreover, you usually want something specific, often incompatible with each other.

Breast changes

For many women, the breasts swell somewhat and become more sensitive every time before their period. But with the onset of pregnancy, you notice that this time everything is not as usual. The sensitivity is increased so much that any touch of the chest causes pain and discomfort. The breasts themselves become noticeably heavy, and the nipples and areolas may even darken.

The opposite effect is also possible: the breast, which is extremely sensitive before each menstruation, is surprisingly not painful this time.

Changes in the uterus

Of course, sensations in the uterus are also present. It swells and increases in size due to a sharp increase in blood circulation. These changes are quite tangible, women note a feeling of bursting from the inside. The uterus may ache and tingle, pulling pains are often present.

Other pains and disorders

In general, almost anything can get sick with the onset of pregnancy, and this disgrace will continue throughout the entire gestation of a child. Very often, expectant mothers complain of pain and lumbago in the back and lower back, radiating to the tailbone. Legs, head, teeth may hurt. What can we say about chronic sores, which with the onset of pregnancy come out like mushrooms after rain. The extremities may swell a little, the pressure decreases, dizziness and fainting are possible.

Increased urination

In addition to the whole picture, you also start running to the toilet, including at night. This will not always be the case, but in the first trimeter, such symptoms are common.

With the onset of pregnancy, the urge becomes noticeably more frequent, but normally they are not accompanied by "pathological" symptoms: burning and cuts in the lower abdomen. If you feel pain against the background of increased urination, then it is likely that urinary infections have worsened. Be sure to check with a doctor!

Basal temperature

And finally, what we started with. By measuring the basal temperature, you will certainly determine the onset of pregnancy by indicators. If conception has occurred, then the basal temperature in the phase of the corpus luteum is kept at elevated levels and does not fall. We can talk about pregnancy with a high degree of probability if the indicators remain at the level of 37.1-37.3 C for at least 18 days in a row.

A characteristic symptom of pregnancy is the so-called implantation temperature drop: against the background of increased BT readings, it falls on one of the days, then returns to rise.

With the onset of a delay in menstruation, the suspicion of pregnancy naturally increases. Take a pregnancy test and repeat it a few days later to make sure the results are valid.

I would like to note that it is not at all necessary that you will observe one or more of these signs in yourself. It is possible that the symptoms of pregnancy in the early days in your particular case will be different. Some women notice facial flushing (especially in the evening), others experience thrush or hemorrhoids, and still others experience bloating and constipation. Everything is individual.

If the pregnancy is confirmed in your case, we wish you to carry a healthy baby easily and without complications!

Specially for Elena Kichak

The first signs of the onset of pregnancy, manifested after conception

are not reliable, but it is quite interesting to collect small statistics of the most probable and fantastic signs that the body of the expectant mother gives about the upcoming motherhood. To write this article, we, among other things, looked at several topics on the forums of expectant mothers. So, what do women feel in the first two weeks, what are the very first signs of pregnancy after conception?

Stomach ache

This is a standard occurrence. Such pains can be felt by women even before the onset of menstruation, so at first the discomfort does not mean anything. But if the pain persists, but there is still no bleeding, then it is worth contacting a gynecologist. Sometimes such pains signal a threatening spontaneous abortion. These spasms have nothing to do with the growth of the uterus, as many believe. At 5 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is only about the size of a hen's egg, and no "ligaments" are stretched either. In general, these first signs of pregnancy after conception should not be disturbing if there is no spotting spotting.

Digestive system problems

Here we include the following:

  • flatulence;
  • nausea and vomiting (toxicosis);
  • change in taste preferences in food;
  • a sharp reaction to some odors.

But just keep in mind that the above symptoms are the first signs of pregnancy after conception only if at least a week has passed since its moment. The previously fertilized egg is still in the fallopian tube, and the woman's hormonal background remains unchanged. Sharp changes can be noticed only after the introduction of a fertilized sperm egg into the wall of the uterus.

Difficult psychological state

First of all, it consists in frequent mood swings. Of course, women are generally not permanent creatures, but expectant mothers, for the most part, become even more capricious. There is no need to judge them for this. The hormonal background plays a role here. The woman's body signals what it lacks, so future fathers sometimes have to run to the store at night. And self-pity is caused by the instinct of self-preservation of oneself and the child. Mood changes can begin at the same time as the main first signs of pregnancy appear after conception. It has been noticed that primiparous always worry more strongly, the reason for this is inexperience or internal unwillingness to become a mother.

Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands

Probably 90% of women have these first signs of pregnancy after conception. For some, they are more pronounced, while others do not pay attention to them because of the existing mastopathy (with which these sensations are similar). Some women with zero or first breast size notice that literally a couple of weeks after conception, their breasts began to acquire more seductive, rounded shapes. This is due to the preparation of the breast for the subsequent feeding of the baby.

In some cases, women even notice discharge from the nipples - this is colostrum. A liquid that replaces breast milk for a baby in the first days of his life. But more often this symptom appears in the second half of pregnancy.

Increased urination

If we talk about this first sign of pregnancy after conception, then its main cause is an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood, which somewhat relaxes the sphincter of the bladder. He starts to want to go to the toilet more often. And with an increase in gestation, this symptom, as a rule, becomes more pronounced. From the second half of pregnancy, the heavy uterus begins to press on the bladder, which again increases the frequency of urination. Probably, there is no such future mother who would not get up at night to use the toilet.

It is very important not to miss the onset of cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder that occurs in many expectant mothers. In principle, if a woman is registered with a gynecologist, then she regularly takes urine tests, and according to their results, a recurrence of cystitis can be determined. Its main symptoms are very frequent and painful urination, pain in the lower abdomen. In more severe cases, the body temperature rises and there is severe weakness.

Increased rectal and body temperature

With regard to basal temperature, this is one of the main proofs of an interesting situation, but only after the onset of a delay in menstruation. We can say that the first signs of pregnancy after conception, but not too reliable for the time being. The fact is that an increase in basal temperature in the second half of the cycle is an ordinary phenomenon and only indicates that ovulation has occurred and that a woman in this cycle is capable of conceiving, respectively. The thermometer begins to show a little more than 37 degrees due to the fact that the body, after ovulation, begins to intensively produce progesterone, which provokes an increased temperature. If conception has taken place, and the values ​​on the thermometer are shown below 37 degrees, then the doctor may suspect a lack of progesterone, and this is one of the common causes of spontaneous miscarriages.

Remember that temperature values ​​are greatly influenced by the intake of various medicines, alcohol intake, sexual intercourse a few hours before the morning, various diseases, etc.

By the way, the first signs of pregnancy after conception consist in raising not only the basal, but also the general body temperature. It is often perceived as an incipient cold, but no other symptoms of a possible illness appear.

Chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine of a woman

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that begins to be produced by the chorion, the future placenta. There are three simple ways to determine the presence of this hormone: do a home pregnancy test, donate blood for analysis, and donate urine for analysis. The latter method was very popular for many years until the convenient test strips became available. Now you don't need to carry urine for analysis. A pregnancy test with high sensitivity (look at the packaging, the number should be written there no more than 20) can show an accurate result 2-3 days before the delay. While regular, not overly sensitive test strips are recommended to be used only after the start of the delay.

A blood test can be done even earlier, literally from 10 days after conception, about a week before the start of the delay. And if ovulation occurred in the middle of the cycle, then by this time everything will be clear. The results of a blood test for hCG are the most reliable, the only accurate first signs of pregnancy after conception before the onset of a delay in menstruation.

Mystical sign - dreams

Many mothers know that the very first symptom of an emerging life has nothing to do with medicine and health. These are our dreams. Most women claim that they saw fish in a dream during the menstrual cycle when the egg was fertilized ... Yes, an ordinary, live fish, swimming in a pond or hanging on the hook of a fishing rod. Believe it or not, it's up to you.

Why do you need to know the first signs of pregnancy after conception?

We have considered the main probable and relatively reliable symptoms. But does it make sense to rush to diagnose in such a way, especially since mistakes at very early stages are not rare? Yes, there is some sense in this. As you know, in the early stages it is very dangerous to take some medications, which means you need to ask the doctor to adjust the treatment, if it is being carried out. Expectant mothers cannot take x-rays in the early stages, it is undesirable to catch a cold, and even more so, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections must be completely eliminated. There are diseases that are asymptomatic and during the planning period it is advisable to undergo a full examination for both partners.

For this, you need to know the first signs of pregnancy after conception, and in order not to worry, the child should be planned, not accidental.

Happy and healthy pregnancy!

Signs of conception

Regardless of whether the pregnancy is long-awaited or accidental, the body of the expectant mother will not hesitate to inform the lucky woman about her interesting situation with the help of characteristic symptoms. Contrary to popular belief that there can be no question of any signs of conception before menstruation is delayed, many already established mothers claim that they knew about their pregnancy almost the next day after intercourse. Is this so, and what are the first signs after conception exist, let's try to figure it out.

Signs of pregnancy, immediately after conception

Gynecologists believe that the first week, or even the first 10 days after conception, should not wait for any signs of pregnancy. Since the body is just beginning the process of restructuring and a violent reaction to such changes should begin a little later. But, nevertheless, the statistics say the opposite.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most reliable signs that conception occurred already in the first week after what happened.

A girl is on the bus, her grandmother comes up to her:

Girl, make way for an old grandmother.

I can't, I'm pregnant.

You can't see it that way.

Do you want it to be visible in 2 hours?

The joke is a joke, but there are many girls who are looking for pregnancy symptoms in the first days. To figure out when you really need to look for them, you need to understand how the pregnancy goes from the first day and why the symptoms occur.

The first days of pregnancy, what they are

So, a small nimble sperm entered the uterus, ran into the tube and found an egg there. They merged in love ecstasy and became a microscopic embryo. All this took a little time, only a day. And what has changed in the body of the expectant mother on the first day of pregnancy after conception? Practically nothing, since all the symptoms of pregnancy in the early days are associated with hormones, and these substances are very tricky, they prepare a woman to become a mother every month.

In the second half of each cycle, progesterone begins to be produced, it is he who is responsible for the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days. But the fact is that without pregnancy, some symptoms also appear - this is an increase in the breast, and an increase in basal temperature (for the heroic ladies who follow her). And progesterone also stimulates the multiplication of epithelial cells inside the uterus, so that the small embryo has something to eat in the first days of pregnancy, until the placenta is formed.

So the first day of pregnancy after conception for a mother is no different from the usual day after ovulation. The most interesting thing starts in a week. It is on the seventh day that the fruit of love between the egg and the sperm ends its difficult journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus itself. There he quickly hides in a thick epithelium, carefully prepared for him by progesterone, and only then the mother's body begins to produce another interesting hormone - chorionic gonadotropin. It prevents the corpus luteum, which is responsible for the synthesis of progesterone, from retirement or simply disappearing, as it happens during a normal cycle. The corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone, the hormone accumulates and causes specific pregnancy symptoms in the early days.

Chorionic gonadotropin can be found in urine using a small white strip called a pregnancy test. Just do not look for the hormone on the first day of pregnancy, as it is not there yet. It is best to check after a delay in menstruation, and if it is very unbearable, then 2-3 days before their possible start. Chorionic gonadotropin makes itself felt as a large red line on the strip, it is located above the same red line, without which the test is not considered valid. So the pregnancy test from the first day will not show, you will have to wait two weeks.

The first days of pregnancy, what a woman feels

In fact, it is impossible to feel pregnancy on the first day, and the reasons were stated above. Although this sometimes happens, especially with women who are looking forward to pregnancy or are afraid of it. The reason why pregnancy is supposedly recognized from the first day is purely psychological, but from the first week it is already physiological. The implantation on the seventh day can make itself felt with a slight pink discharge. A woman may be surprised by such a surprise, saying that her periods began early. Such pregnancy symptoms in the first days should not be scary, they are normal and do not threaten a breakdown. It's just that the embryo settles too violently in the uterus and slightly damages the epithelium, causing a little bleeding. The secretions declassify pregnancy on the first day of the embryo's stay in its habitat for the next nine months.

What does progesterone do with the body of the expectant mother in the first days of pregnancy? He thinks, first of all, about the child and rebuilds all the functions of the woman's body for him. The functions of the body do not really like this, they are rather conservative and do not always want to work in a new regime. The mother feels the disputes between functions and progesterone on herself, if not on the first day of pregnancy, then on the seventh or eighth for sure.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days appear in the morning and end in the toilet with a standard movie scene. From that moment, nausea during pregnancy and periodic vomiting can accompany a woman for three months. Although not everyone starts their mummy journey this way, some women are lucky, it all depends on how the relationship between progesterone and function develops on the first day of pregnancy.

Another symptom that accompanies pregnancy from the first day (almost), your husband may really like - the breasts become large and beautiful. But in love games this will not help, because she also begins to hurt, and much more than on the eve of her period. And the first days of pregnancy do not dispose to love games, because they constantly want to sleep. The pressure can also drop and the headache will no longer be an excuse, but become an objective reality.

Don't be surprised if, on your first day of pregnancy, you feel like throwing away all your perfume, shower gels, hand soaps, and dirty men's socks. And also clean the refrigerator, leaving only pickles there. After all, pregnancy from the first day can completely change your taste and addiction to smells.

In the early days of pregnancy, you suddenly begin to find out where the toilet is in your partners' office, in the supermarket or in your favorite cafe, and you will also learn to find the way to the toilet at home in the dark. This is normal, because frequent urination is also a progesterone trick. He wants the baby to get as much food as possible and therefore drives the blood to the uterus, and at the same time to the kidneys. The kidneys start to work very, very well and haunt you day or night. The main thing is not to confuse the symptoms of pregnancy in the early days and cystitis. With cystitis, you not only often run to the toilet, but also jump up there in pain, sometimes the temperature also rises.

And now information for heroic women who measure basal temperature. The procedure is really difficult, you need to determine the temperature with a thermometer every morning, before getting out of bed, in the anus. Then write it down in a notebook, and not once, but for several months in a row. The temperature rises in the first days of pregnancy, then drops during implantation, and then rises again. In the normal menstrual cycle, the decline continues until the next ovulation, which occurs only after a month.

[email protected]: Can signs of pregnancy appear in the form of Abdominal pain and nausea on the second or third day after conception?!?!

Nikita Struchev

8 months ago

Will a pregnancy test show the correct answer after two to three days? Vote for the best answerNikita Struchev Pupil (99) 8 months ago is this 100%? And what signs can appear? [email protected]

Oracle (80435) 100% no. the day of intercourse is not equal to the day of conception. After PA, pregnancy may occur within 5 days. And there will definitely not be any special signs in the first month of pregnancy. Nikita Struchev Student (99) 8 months ago Will the pregnancy test show the correct answer after two or three days? Oksana Real

Oracle (60225) Of course not. For the same reason. Sorry, Move over, Bitch! Enlightened (35607) 8 months ago Tests very accurately show whether conception has occurred, but pregnancy may not occur. Eco is even less accurate in terms of pregnancy, the transplanted cells take root much less often than during natural conception. Olga

Sage (12817) I'm not confusing anything) I have the most wonderful planning experience and more than one year. Tests show, then, when the level of hCG is already stable, because the ovum has been implanted and is developing. And about IVF - you are confusing the concepts of "conception" and "implantation". And in the practice of IVF there are no statistics that would show the rarity of engrafted embryos in relation to natural pregnancy. You shouldn't argue with me about this. With my knowledge in practice, I will soon be able to do IVF myself.

How to determine pregnancy 1 week after conception

What happens after conception?

You should know that pregnancy after fertilization of the egg occurs on average within 10 days. It is during this period that the egg leaves the tube into the uterine cavity, and is attached to its surface. During this period, a woman may notice certain changes in her body, which gynecologists attribute to signs of 1 week pregnancy.

After the egg has entered the uterus, a hormone is intensively produced in the woman's body, without which it is impossible to bear a child. In gynecology, this hormone is known as chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG.

The main purpose of this hormone in the 1st and 2nd trimesters is to maintain the vital activity of the corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone. With a shortage of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman, the threat of interrupting the process of bearing a child increases.

Chorionic gonadotropin found in a woman's blood is the main sign of pregnancy 2 weeks after conception. It is at this time, as a rule, that a blood or urine test is taken.

Sometimes they try to determine the presence of hCG in a woman's body with the help of special tests, using them at home. But the results obtained are not always reliable, due to the low sensitivity of the test.

Feelings of a woman

After conception, a woman does not always notice the changes taking place in the body, since the egg is just beginning to mature in the uterus. The follicle gradually increases in size and produces estrogen, the amount of which can vary in intensity of the manifestation of the main signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks after conception.

As a rule, there are no sensations at 1, 2 and 3 weeks, even if the woman is pregnant.

The following signs may indicate early pregnancy:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • drowsiness;
  • tearfulness.

All signs after fertilization are difficult to distinguish from those of premenstrual syndrome. A woman soon after conception notices how her emotional state changes, joy often changes with anger and vice versa. Many of these symptoms are observed at 6 weeks of gestation, and do not go away until the birth itself.

The first week falls on the first half of the menstrual cycle, so the symptoms are almost the same. During this period, the woman's stomach pulls, which is caused by the contraction of the uterus, after the end of the cycle, the unpleasant sensations disappear and the pregnant woman feels much better.

Nausea and swelling of the mammary glands at 1 week are not felt, usually such changes in the body of the mother's future occur at 5, 6, 7 or 8 weeks after the fertilization of the egg.

The first week is very important, many gynecologists even call it decisive, since the development of the fetus, the well-being of the pregnant woman and the process of childbirth itself depend on how it goes. The embryo is consolidated, so after 7-10 days it will be clear whether the pregnancy will continue or not.

Discharge in a pregnant woman

The appearance of menstruation at 1 week is considered a fairly common phenomenon; it performs the function of cleansing and preparing the uterus for fixing a fertilized egg in it. But you should know that the appearance of bloody discharge as a sign of pregnancy at week 7 should not be considered, since this is already considered a pathology.

In all trimesters of bearing a child, the appearance of white, transparent and stretching vaginal discharge in a very small amount is considered normal. Sometimes, however, such discharge can be infectious, but this can be established with the help of a smear.

If, according to the results of the analysis, pathogenic microorganisms are not detected, there is no cause for concern.

Basal temperature as a sign of pregnancy

It is possible to determine pregnancy after fertilization of the egg by measuring the basal body temperature. If you follow the rules, then basal temperature can be measured in three places - in the armpit, in the rectal opening, in the vagina.

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, the most reliable indicators can be obtained by measuring the temperature by introducing a thermometer into the rectal opening.

Women, impatiently awaiting the onset of fertilization, begin to measure their basal temperature several days after having intercourse. But the most accurate indicators will be if measurements are taken no earlier than 10 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Basal temperature 37, 5 and above is the main sign of pregnancy at 3 weeks, which will be confirmed by a pregnancy test.

The temperature should be measured in the morning after waking up, measurements should be taken daily, and based on the results obtained, it can be concluded whether a pregnancy has occurred or not.

Also, if there is a probability of conception, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, after examining the woman's uterus, the specialist can already see all the signs of pregnancy at 5 weeks, you should not visit the doctor's office earlier, because at such an early period it is possible to determine a pregnant woman or not only with the help of an ultrasound scan.

Related materials

  • 10 How to determine the term of conception?

Our great-grandmothers tried to find out whether conception occurred long before the delay in menstruation, listening to their bodies or trusting folk signs. Ultra-precise medical diagnostics of pregnancy arose closer to the beginning of 1960, when, based on the experimental findings of a German scientist, Dr. Sondek, the first test was created to determine the amount of hCG in a woman's urine. Therefore, until 1960, in gynecological offices, women were told about what the first signs of pregnancy after conception could be, warning that in some cases the alleged symptoms indicate diseases of the reproductive system.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen as a sign of pregnancy

Many women experience discomfort in the lower abdomen immediately after conception. These sensations may somewhat resemble the pain observed before the onset of the next menstruation. Usually, the spasms described by the overwhelming majority of pregnant women when they recall the beginning of their pregnancy are not associated with the growth of the uterus. This is a natural reaction of the body to the successful completion of conception. However, if the pain lasts more than 2 weeks and your period does not occur, there is a high likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, who will do a transvaginal ultrasound scan to exclude the threat of spontaneous abortion or an abnormal position of the ovum.

Digestive system dysfunction and pregnancy

Most often, the first signs of pregnancy after conception are associated with the woman's digestive system. They should be taken seriously if conception occurred no earlier than a week before the onset of the following symptoms:

  • flatulence, accompanied by heaviness in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • rejection of certain foods and odors;
  • the desire to change your diet or add dishes with unexpected flavor combinations.

You can feel when conception has occurred only when an egg fertilized by a sperm cell invades the wall of the uterus. Until this moment, the hormonal background of a woman remains the same, therefore, it is not possible to find out about the exact date of pregnancy, guided by observations of the work of the digestive system.

The psychological aspect of pregnancy

Women who are actively planning pregnancy, specially calculate favorable days for conception and therefore are in a tense psychological state. They try to explain the frequent changes in their moods by the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. There is some truth in this: pregnant women really are in a difficult psychological state. Thanks to changes in the level of hormonal levels, you can feel that fertilization has taken place. The woman becomes very emotional. She feels self-pity, the reason for which may be panic fear for her child or the irreversibility of future childbirth (this condition is due to the fact that the pregnant woman is afraid of the very process of delivery).

Soreness of the mammary glands: mastopathy or pregnancy?

Certain signs of pregnancy after conception are associated with changes in the mammary glands. About 90% of women in labor felt discomfort in the chest area immediately after probable conception. The mammary glands enlarge long before the first day of delayed menstruation (approximately 1.5 - 2 weeks). The chest becomes round. You can see how the areolas and nipples become wider, acquiring a rich brown hue. Thus, the breasts begin to prepare for future infant feeding.

Cystitis as a signal of pregnancy

The shortest gestation period is very often accompanied by cystitis. The cause of bladder inflammation can be associated not only with changes in the uterus (which at first resembles a chicken egg), but also with the restructuring of the entire body. The woman's immune system is weakened. Therefore, until the very day of birth, she may experience urinary problems, which can be caused by infections. However, now cystitis is treated with safe antibiotics, which can be used even when the period is less than 7 weeks.

Increased basal temperature

Women who want to know when favorable days for conception come regularly measure their basal body temperature. This method is practiced by those for whom the date of birth is especially important. After all, some mothers strive to give birth to a child by a certain significant date: New Year, wedding anniversary or other important event. It is believed that a sharp rise in temperature indicates ovulation. If the temperature rises in the days following ovulation, conception has occurred. But if conception has taken place, and the temperature does not rise, the woman can be diagnosed with a lack of progesterone, which often becomes the cause of miscarriages.

Cold as a probable symptom of pregnancy

In the first days after conception, you can feel weakness, general malaise, and an increase in body temperature. This condition is often accompanied by all the symptoms of acute respiratory infections: runny nose, cough, sore throat. This is how the body reacts to the changes that have occurred to it. Therefore, some women talk about the possible date of birth, counting the day of conception from the day of the cold, if the period coincides with the subsequent delay in menstruation. This condition is justified in the case when you can remember the approximate date of the onset of a cold.

Diagnosis by detecting hCG in the blood and urine of a woman

Long before childbirth, a hormone is produced in a woman's body - chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is produced in a matter of days after conception by the future placenta. This means that you can find out about the approximate date of pregnancy long before the first days of missed periods pass. It is enough to determine the presence of hCG in the body (this can be done in three ways: buy a pregnancy test, do a special blood or urine test). The most reliable result can be obtained if the period from the beginning of fertilization is 10 days. Some women, considering favorable days, do a hCG test immediately when their basal temperature rises, but such results can be questioned since the concentration of the hormone at first does not exceed the permissible level in the body of non-pregnant women.

Why do you need to know about the first signs of pregnancy?

Not all women calculate the days of ovulation, because they use contraceptives or do not have a permanent sexual partner. Therefore, for them, the days of delay in the next menstruation come as a surprise. Not all pregnancy tests can show reliable results. There were times when a woman found out that she had an impressive pregnancy shortly before ... giving birth. Of course, it is difficult not to notice the movement of the child in the womb, but, as history shows, it is possible. So you need to know about the first symptoms of a possible pregnancy in order to help the doctor determine what the preliminary date of birth is. This is especially important for those women who have an irregular menstrual cycle and, therefore, the days of ovulation may vary from month to month.

How to determine the time of conception?

The possible term of conception is considered to be from the first day of the last menstruation. In the same way, the possible date of birth is determined in order to prevent cases of prolonged pregnancy or to determine the degree of prematurity in case of premature birth. The date of conception is calculated in two ways:

  1. 40 weeks or 280 days are added to the date of the first day of the last menstruation (after calculating the period for ovulation - 2 weeks).
  2. From the first day of the last menstruation, 3 months are counted and a week is added to the resulting date.

Having determined the term of conception, a woman will be able to protect herself and the baby. Indeed, many medicines, cosmetic procedures, methods of functional diagnostics are unacceptable in the period from the beginning of pregnancy to the birth itself. In addition, every woman is obliged to know her pregnancy term in order to have time to decide what she will do next. If the expectant mother works in hazardous production, she will have to quit so as not to endanger the life of her baby. In addition, she will be able to understand the cause of her malaise and dramatic changes in mood, which will make life easier not only for her, but also for those around her.

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Signs of pregnancy on day 3

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For some, a child is a gift from above, especially if the pregnancy does not come for a long time.

Sometimes I really want to determine if there is a pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation! It turns out that this is possible, and already on the 3rd day after conception.

What are the main signs of pregnancy on day 3?

Unfortunately, not all women immediately notice their situation, but not because there are no symptoms, but simply not everyone listens to their body.

On the 3rd day after conception, many women lose their appetite, dizziness occurs, and may be slightly nauseous. Also, a few days after conception, an increase in basal temperature, aching pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, is possible. Basal temperature is often the main sign of a conception that has occurred. As a rule, it will be slightly increased - about 37 degrees. However, it is possible to track conception in this way only in cases where a woman constantly monitors any changes in basal temperature for a long time. Sometimes women notice profuse white vaginal discharge, confusing them with thrush.

When a couple plans a baby for a long time, but it does not work out for a long time, the woman feels the slightest change in the body, because she listens very carefully. The signs of pregnancy on the third day are already quite obvious and noticeable if you carefully monitor your well-being. Of course, more than one test and analysis will not be able to diagnose pregnancy with one hundred percent probability, but this is not necessary. The maternal instinct and signs of a change in general well-being are enough.

After the delay, it will already be possible to diagnose pregnancy using a test or analysis. However, tests do not always show two bars. The hCG test, which is also used to diagnose pregnancy, usually shows clear results only after a week of delay. In any case, for an accurate diagnosis, you need to be patient and carefully monitor the new signs that have appeared.

Why do the signs appear on the 3rd day?

After the sperm fertilizes the egg, the fertilized egg begins to move into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tube. that promotion can last from 2-9 days. From the moment the fertilized egg moves into the uterus, the body begins to rebuild. As a rule, this begins to happen by the third day.

Alas, but getting pregnant is not as easy and easy as it seems. Therefore, those planning a child need to control ovulation, and then any changes in the body. In cases where it has not been possible to become pregnant for more than a year, you should consult a doctor. Medication may be needed.

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How long does it take to show signs of pregnancy? And how to determine if fertilization has occurred? The answers to these questions are especially interesting for women who have made a decision or really dream of having a child.

How long does it take for the first signs of pregnancy to appear?

Usually, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear 10 days after conception, because already 7 days after fertilization, serious hormonal changes occur in the female body, and you can feel them on your own. Therefore, knowing the exact date of ovulation and paying special attention to her well-being, a woman may well be able to notice the signs of the onset of pregnancy. It can be excessive emotionality - tearfulness, moodiness, increased irritability, etc.

Regardless of the duration of pregnancy, in each specific case, expectant mothers have individual sensations, but there are also general feelings that most women experience. Not the least role here is played by the characteristics of the body, the state of health and even the desire to become pregnant (in fact, as well as the absence of such). And therefore, it is difficult to unequivocally answer at what time the signs of pregnancy will appear exactly.

10 signs of early pregnancy

As mentioned above, the body of the expectant mother begins to respond to pregnancy as soon as conception occurs, or rather, as soon as the fertilized egg has attached to the wall of the uterus. And therefore, certain signs may appear already in the early stages - they most likely make it possible to assert about the onset of pregnancy. However, it is worth noting that many women do not feel any changes at all, but those who really want to get pregnant are able to find signs of pregnancy in themselves, even if there really is none.

So, here are 10 signs of early pregnancy that will help determine that you will soon become a mom even before the delay. At the same time, it is important to understand that the appearance of one or two of them is not yet a reason to run to the doctor. You need to assess your condition in aggregate, according to several criteria.

1. Bloody discharge. About 6-12 days after ovulation, bloody, pinkish or brown vaginal discharge may appear, accompanied by minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen. They feel very much like the onset of menstruation, but, nevertheless, the woman is struck by the thought that menstruation does not start as usual. This so-called implantation bleeding, caused by the attachment of the ovum to the wall of the uterus, is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy;

2. Increase in basal temperature. Among the 10 signs of pregnancy, this one is one of the most reliable. Women keeping a temperature chart are well aware that basal temperature rises at the time of ovulation. And if fertilization has not occurred, it decreases again. However, when pregnancy occurs, it remains at 37 ° C (sometimes slightly higher);

3. A feeling of general malaise, accompanied by an increase in temperature. This change entails a change in hormonal levels. Not knowing about the onset of pregnancy, the woman thinks that she just caught a cold or got sick;

4. Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. During pregnancy, increased blood flow to the pelvic organs, so women can "feel" their uterus literally from the first days of implantation of the ovum;

5. Increased breast tenderness or swelling of the mammary glands. This sign of pregnancy appears one to two weeks after conception. The chest becomes so sensitive that sometimes it is simply impossible to touch it. However, some women, on the contrary, are surprised that for some reason the chest does not hurt before menstruation, as usual;

6. Nausea, vomiting, aversion to odors. Early toxicosis is one of the first signs of the onset of pregnancy. This condition can also be accompanied by a decrease in appetite, salivation, a change in taste preferences;

7. Frequent urination. Frequent urge is due to hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. As the flow of blood to the pelvic organs increases, the overflow of blood vessels causes temporary changes in the functioning of the kidneys, bladder and ureters;

8. Slight drop in pressure. This pregnancy symptom is considered universal. In women whose blood pressure did not exceed the norm before pregnancy, it can lead to headaches, dizziness, weakness, fainting;

9. Bloating, bowel upset, gas. During pregnancy, as a result of hormonal changes, the blood supply to the vessels of the abdominal cavity increases, intestinal peristalsis slows down, and the rate of movement of its contents decreases. As a result of this, bloating occurs, constipation appears;

10. Profuse vaginal discharge, thrush. An increase in vaginal secretions is a protective reaction of the body that occurs during pregnancy. So it prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes, but at the same time creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of yeast fungi, which leads to thrush.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay

By far the first clear sign of pregnancy is when menstruation stops. It is this fact that prompts a woman to buy a pregnancy test. However, monthly bleeding may be absent for various reasons, including due to irregularities in the menstrual cycle, stress, climate change, any disease, and even due to banal overwork. Therefore, delay is not always an early pregnancy symptom. But if it is accompanied by some other signs, you can almost 100% assert about the onset of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay include:

  • Breast augmentation. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by colostrum discharge from the nipples. This is explained, again, by hormonal changes in the female body, which begins to actively prepare for the upcoming childbirth and lactation;
  • The presence of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine and blood. All pregnancy tests are based on determining the level of this particular hormone in the urine, and a clinical blood test can confirm it. More reliable, of course, is a blood test. It can be done as early as 10 days after the estimated date of conception. By the way, it is not necessary to wait for a delay in menstruation;
  • Enlargement of the uterus. True, only a gynecologist can determine this during an examination conducted no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the onset of the delay. However, it is this symptom that is the reason for the diagnosis of "pregnancy in question" and the appointment of an ultrasound examination;
  • Detection of the ovum by ultrasound. Even in the complete absence of any signs of the onset of pregnancy, this method allows you to make sure that the woman is in position. Only now to do an ultrasound scan, in order to get more accurate results, is recommended at least 6 weeks after a delay in menstruation.

In any case, your assumptions should be confirmed either by a test or by the results of an examination by a gynecologist. Then we can safely say that soon you will become a mother! Smile and tune in to positive emotions!

Text: Oksana Klenova