Pregnancy and childbirth allowance is paid. Benefits for working pregnant women. Cash payments for food

1. Identity document of the second parent (if any) and confirming his place of residence in the Russian Federation (passport)

2. Documents of registration of the applicant (second parent) at the place of stay or confirming actual residence in Moscow (if necessary)

3. Child's birth certificate

4. Birth certificates of the oldest child (older children)

5. Certificate from the body of the state employment service on the non-receipt of unemployment benefits by the applicant (with the exception of students)

6. Extract from the work book about the last place of work, certified in accordance with the established procedure, and in case of its absence, the request contains information that the applicant (the second parent, if any) did not work anywhere (did not work) and does not work (do not work ) under an employment contract, does not carry out (does not carry out) activities as an individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary engaged in private practice, does not apply (does not apply) to other individuals whose professional activities, in accordance with federal laws, are subject to state registration and (or ) licensing

7. If available - a death certificate of the child (children), taking into account the birth of which (s) the benefit is provided

8. Certificate of death of the older child (older children) (to determine the size of the provided public service)

9. Documents confirming the fact of non-receipt of benefits by the second parent (if any), namely one of the following:

1) a certificate from the place of work (service) of the father (mother, both parents) of the child that he (she, they) does not use (do not use) parental leave and they are not provided with childcare benefits at the place of work (if the parents work or carry out other activities);

2) a certificate from the body for social protection of the population at the place of residence in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation stating that the childcare allowance at the place of residence of the applicant (second parent) was not provided (in the case of applying for the provision of a public service in Moscow at the place of residence or actual residence)

10. A copy of the mother's application, certified at the place of work, service or in the body of social protection of the population about the termination of the payment of benefits (in the case when, due to the illness of the mother, another family member who actually cares for the child during this period applies for the provision of public services) and a certificate of termination of the payment of the monthly mother's childcare allowance

11. Applicants who were dismissed during maternity leave in connection with the liquidation of organizations additionally submit information on average earnings

12. Applicants who were dismissed during parental leave in connection with the liquidation of organizations additionally submit the following documents:

1) an order on the granting of parental leave;

2) a certificate of the amount of maternity allowance paid at the place of work and (or) monthly childcare allowance;

13. Applicants who are not subject to compulsory social insurance, additionally submit the following documents:

1) a document of a housing organization confirming the cohabitation of a child on the territory of the Russian Federation with one of the parents or a person replacing him, caring for him, issued by an organization authorized to issue it (if the other parent is a citizen of a foreign state);

2) a document confirming the status of the applicant and (or) second parent (for individuals operating as individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, other individuals, whose professional activities, in accordance with federal laws, are subject to state registration and (or) licensing;

3) a certificate from the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation on the absence of registration of the applicant and (or) the second parent as an insured and on the non-receipt of public services at the expense of compulsory social insurance funds in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity (for individuals who carry out activities as individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, other individuals, whose professional activities in accordance with federal laws are subject to state registration and (or) licensing);

4) a certificate from the place of study, confirming that the applicant is studying full-time - for applicants from among full-time students in educational institutions;

5) a certificate from the place of study on the period of payment and the amount of maternity benefits (for applicants studying full-time at educational institutions);

14. Applicants (other relatives, instead of the mother and (or) father), who are actually caring for the child and are not subject to compulsory social insurance, additionally submit one of the following documents:

1) death certificate of parents (if any);

2) a court decision that has entered into force on depriving parents of parental rights or recognizing parents as incapacitated (partially capable), missing;

15. A document confirming the rights of the person replacing the parents (guardian, adoptive parent), namely one of the following documents:

1) the decision (extract from the decision) on the establishment of guardianship over the child;

2) a court decision that has entered into legal force on the adoption (adoption) of a child (children) or a certificate of adoption (adoption);

16. A document confirming the fact of the absence of the second parent (if the only parent applies as an applicant), namely one of the following documents:

1) a certificate on the basis for entering information about the father (mother) of the child in the birth certificate;

2) certificate of death of the second parent;

3) certificate of divorce;

4) a court decision that has entered into legal force recognizing the second parent as missing.

The exciting 9 months pass by unnoticed, and now the expectant mother begins to engage in pleasant chores - preparing a cozy "nest" for her baby, buying him clothes, diapers and toys.

The joyful expectation of the appearance of a toddler is often accompanied by concern about the financial component of the issue. Therefore, expectant mothers and those women who are just planning to expand their families, seek to obtain the maximum amount of information about what payments for pregnancy and childbirth they are entitled to. Can every pregnant woman count on financial assistance and support from the state? The answer is, unfortunately, in the negative. In addition, the amount of financial assistance will be different in each individual case.

Maternity benefits in 2017

Pregnancy benefits 2017: types of benefits

There are several types of financial assistance in the form of benefits for women in a special situation, which are assigned to expectant mothers in certain cases. What are the benefits for pregnancy?

  • "Maternity" - the right to receive this type of financial support are women, whose gestational age has "stepped over" 30 weeks (in case of waiting for one toddler). If two or more toddlers have settled in a woman's womb, then she can go on a well-deserved rest from the 28th week.
  • A one-time allowance, to which future mothers who have applied to the antenatal clinic in advance are entitled (the waiting period for the baby should not exceed 12 weeks at the time of contacting the LCD).
  • Women in a position whose spouses are doing military service can count on a separate type of payment. This type of support for women is also a lump sum payment for pregnancy.

Payment of maternity benefits 2017: grounds for obtaining material compensation

In the course of processing any type of payment, and pregnancy benefits are no exception, documentary evidence of the existence of grounds for receiving financial assistance is required. What documents for calculating benefits need to be prepared for the expectant mother?

  • Sick leave.
  • Application for maternity benefits.
  • Certificate of income, on the basis of which the calculation of the amount of the benefit will be made.

The FSS makes payments on sick leave for pregnancy, which is calculated individually in each case, within 10 days from the date of receipt of information from the enterprise. In addition, there are other nuances when applying for this financial assistance:

  • A woman must provide a certificate of incapacity for work to calculate the amount of material assistance no later than 6 months from the day of the end of the sick leave.
  • One of the most important differences of this type of assistance from other benefits for the baby, which the father of the baby can also issue, is that only a woman can apply for this type of payment.
  • Material compensation is not provided to a woman in parallel with wages. The expectant mother must choose - either to receive payments for maternity leave, or she does not interrupt her work and generally receives a salary.

Pregnancy: Claimants for Benefits and Benefits 2017

Many women in a position mistakenly believe that only the fact of having a baby in the womb gives the right to financial benefits from the state. This opinion is wrong. Financial support can be counted on:

  • Employed women. The amount of assistance is 100% of the average income in the 24 months preceding the onset of the decree. If, at the same time, the expectant mother was a part-time job at several enterprises, each of the organizations is obliged to calculate maternity benefits for the working employee.
  • Those dismissed before the onset of the decree, but who managed to register as unemployed during this period.
  • Female students studying in full-time (full-time) form of study. On a budgetary or contractual basis, the training takes place does not matter. The financial support is calculated based on the amount of the scholarship. To calculate the aid you owe, you should contact the dean's office.
  • Pregnancy payments to non-working women are also made, although this statement is not true for everyone. Only those unemployed women who were deprived of their jobs as a result of the liquidation of the organization can apply for payments.
  • Women who have applied for an individual entrepreneur. The amount of financial compensation will be affected by the amount of deductions that were made to the FSS.
  • Female military personnel on a contract basis. To calculate financial assistance, in this case, the amount of its financial allowance is taken as the basis.
  • Spouses of conscripts.

In addition, if a woman belongs to one of the categories from the list above, and plans to adopt a baby under three months old, she can also apply for state assistance.

One-Time Financial Assistance: Payments for Registration in Early Pregnancy 2017

If a pregnant woman applied to the LCD with the intention of registering in the first weeks (up to the 12th) of an “interesting situation”, she is entitled to an additional payment. The amount is issued once, its size is 581.73 rubles. This type of assistance is assigned simultaneously with the accrual of sick leave payments for pregnancy ("maternity"), but no later than 10 days after the submission of the document from the LCD. The allowance does not exclude other charges due to a woman, but it has a number of features that an expectant mother should know about.

Applying for maternity benefits and benefits 2017

In general, a woman in a position to receive “maternity” financial support should contact her employer. The exceptions are the following situations:

  • If, within six months after the end of the period of the certificate of incapacity for work, issued in connection with the expectation of a baby and his birth, the woman did not apply to the employer for the due payment, she should go to the FSS. And then the fund will decide whether there was a valid reason for the pass and whether it is worthwhile to accrue state aid.
  • The woman is registered as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, she needs to immediately contact the insurance fund. In this situation, the FSS calculates the pregnancy benefit.
  • If, when a woman turns to an organization, the latter has ceased to exist or has an insufficient amount of finance in her accounts, the mother must also go to the FSS.

List of documents for obtaining state compensation

A woman who registered for pregnancy earlier than 12 weeks is entitled to payment not only on the "maternity" sick leave, but also a one-time fixed amount. To register the latter, you will need:

  • A document from the LCD (certificate) confirming that the pregnant woman is observed earlier than 12 weeks of waiting for the baby.
  • Application for payment of maternity benefits.
  • Identity document (passport).

Calculation of pregnancy benefits in 2017

Material assistance in connection with the expectation of a crumb and its subsequent birth is paid in one-time, in full amount for the entire period under the certificate of incapacity for work.

Sick leave period

How many days of rest is a mother entitled to in connection with the upcoming appearance of the baby in the world?

  • 70 + 70. A total of 140 days is due to a mother who is expecting the birth of one baby.
  • 70 + 86. A total of 156 days of "leave" is received by a woman if she gave birth to one toddler, but the birth was pathological (cesarean section).
  • 84 + 110. A total of 194 days of sick leave should be paid for a woman expecting two or more crumbs.

Upper and lower limit for financial assistance

To determine the amount of due payments, an important role is played by the woman's work experience preceding the decree.

  • If the expectant mother has worked for less than six months at this point, then the payment of financial assistance is made on the basis of the minimum wage - the minimum wage rate. Until June 30, 2017, its value is 7,500 rubles, so the amount of the minimum benefit during this period will be equal to
    7500 * 24/730 * 140 = 34520,00 rub.

From July 1, 2017, it is planned to increase the minimum wage to 7800 rubles. If this happens, the woman can count on 35901, 37 rubles of material assistance.

  • The upper limit of the allowance has also been determined. To calculate it, I use data from 2015 and 2016.

The maximum amount of payment 2017 = (718000 + 680000) / 730 = 1901.37 * 140 (days of incapacity for work) = 266191.80 rubles in case of natural birth of one baby.

If the delivery was pathological, the maximum amount of payment for pregnancy will be 353,654.82 rubles. When two or more toddlers are born, the amount of material assistance is determined at the rate of 368,865.78 rubles.

Rules for calculating the amount of benefits

Material compensation for a woman's pregnancy and the birth of a baby does not have a clearly defined value. Several factors affect its size:

  • The amount of a woman's insurance experience.
  • Cumulative income for 2 years that lasted until the start of the decree.
  • Labor regime.

As you can see, the timing of registration for pregnancy does not affect maternity payments. When calculating the amount of state aid for a certificate of incapacity for work, the following formula is used:

C (sum of benefits) = D (average daily earnings) * K (the number of "sick" days - 140, 156 or 194), while the following algorithm is used to determine the average daily income:

D = M (monthly income) * 24/730
When determining the amount of total monthly income, all types of payments from which taxes are withheld are used. Tax on benefits received (personal income tax) is not withheld.

Thus, it is easy to see that the majority of expectant mothers are eligible for state financial assistance. In order to meet the deadlines for the payment of financial support for pregnancy and childbirth, provide documents in a timely manner to calculate the compensation due to you.

In 2018, a one-time maternity allowance (BIR) is provided for the period of childbirth for women, subject to compulsory social insurance(at the place of work or service) and is not paid (except for those officially recognized as unemployed within a year after dismissal during the liquidation of the organization).

The allowance is paid in the same way as in previous years: for the entire period of maternity leave(usually 140 days) as compensation (insurance coverage) for the fact that some time in prenatal and postnatal period(in the simplest case, respectively, 70 days before and 70 days after childbirth) a woman will not be able to work and receive a salary.

Who pays - the employer or the Social Insurance Fund?

Initially, the personnel department at the place of work must be provided with and (usually combined with an application for the provision of maternity leave). Then, on the fact of payments between the employer and the FSS, a netting takes place - as a rule, against the insurance premiums payable. That is, in fact, it turns out that the money is ultimately paid from the FSS funds.

Only after the court decision comes into force, the mother of the child will be able to receive money (FSS). It is easier to issue a payment without litigation through the FSS in the regions in which it operates.

If a woman works for two or more employers(insurers) have worked for them at the same time and for the last two years, she can issue full payments each of them separately. If during the last two years the expectant mother has worked in other places, the allowance is issued for one of the current jobs (at the applicant's choice).

Pilot project "Direct payments" with registration in the FSS

Some workers have conflict situations with the employer, especially during the economic crisis, when, according to the law, he must pay benefits, but does not.

  • In accordance with the terms of the project, usually the documents (sick leave and salary data) are submitted to the FSS by the employer himself.
  • In some cases, a woman will be able to do this herself - then you need to apply to the FSS at the place of registration of the employing company.

This opportunity simplifies the life of a woman, the company's accounting department and the FSS employees themselves. Accountants do not need to calculate the amounts of netting with the FSS. And a woman who has gone on maternity leave, regardless of how her employer's financial affairs are, will receive payment:

  • in a timely manner;
  • correctly calculated;
  • in the right amount.

How to get maternity benefits

The benefit is paid for the number of days that the woman will actually be on maternity leave... The right to go on maternity leave and at the same time to receive benefits:

  • 30 weeks (7 months) for a normal pregnancy;
  • 28 weeks - with multiple fetuses;
  • 27 weeks - for women living or working in an area contaminated after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or PA Mayak;
  • on the offensive premature birth- between 22 and 30 obstetric weeks.

The important point is that a woman should apply for the maximum within six months after the end of the vacation in BiR... It happens that, for some reason beyond the control of the employee, it is not possible to apply within such a period. Then, if there is a valid reason, you can apply for benefits later and.

Good reasons are:

  • insurmountable obstacle (natural disaster, fire);
  • long-term illness for more than 6 months;
  • moving to another locality;
  • illegal dismissal and related forced absenteeism;
  • death of a loved one.

If the deadline is missed for another reason, you can go to court with a request to recognize her as respectful.

Procedure for appointment and payment

First, a pregnant worker should contact an antenatal clinic, where she will be given sick leave with indication. This certificate of incapacity for work is presented to the accounting department of the enterprise or directly to the FSS.

The claim for the benefit is usually made on the same day... This can happen:

  • On the day indicated in the sick leave- this is done most often. Then the benefit will be assigned (in general) from the 30th week.
  • Any other day after the start of the maternity period stipulated in the sick leave - it makes sense if a woman feels good and wants to continue working. Then the vacation days during which the woman worked simply disappear, and the benefit is assigned from the day indicated in her application.
  • Any day after giving birth, observing the deadline stipulated by law - the money will be credited from the date of actual maternity leave (except in cases of premature birth, when the benefit is assigned for the full period).

In general, the benefit is calculated for the standard period of sick leave. If, for example, complications related to childbirth have occurred, then the employee is issued, on the basis of which the payment is recalculated. The additional amount is transferred to her account.

Terms of payment and transfer of money

The law provides that when applying for benefits to the employer maternity allowance:

  • appointed before 10 calendar days after submitting and registering an application;
  • is transferred on the day next to the appointment, on which the payment of wages(the benefit itself is transferred to the salary card).

When registering a benefit through the FSS sometimes you have to wait a little longer:

  • the application is also considered during 10 days;
  • in case of a positive decision, the money can be paid by the 26th of the next month for the month of appeal (then the payment is transferred to the woman's bank account or credited by postal order).

How to calculate your maternity allowance

  • at work at two employers for at least two years, you can apply for the calculation of maternity leave to each of them;
  • if, before going on maternity leave, for some time from the previous two years, a woman was in or, she may replace settlement years.

When adopting a baby the payment is calculated from the date of adoption until the end of:

  • 70 days from the date of birth of one child;
  • 110 days from the date of birth of the adopted twins.

Will fall within certain strict monetary limits. For working women, with a maternity leave of 140 days, it cannot be:

  • less than the minimum amount (from 01.07.2016 - RUB 34,521.20);
  • more than the maximum (from 01.01.2016 - RUB 256,027.40).

What documents are needed to receive benefits

The basis for calculating benefits is. With him, a woman should contact the accounting department of the company where she works.

Usually, in the organization's business, the registration of the allowance is combined with the registration of maternity leave. Woman writes one statement to go on maternity leave and to receive maternity leave. Taking leave is a prerequisite in order to apply for a benefit.

Obligatory documents for assigning payments from the employer are an application and sick leave. You may also need other documents:

You need to apply to the FSS with a passport or other identity card. When submitting documents for payments, the following should be taken into account. The woman should change documents in a timely manner in case of a change of surname upon marriage, otherwise her application will be returned to the FSS.

Application for maternity allowance in 2016 (sample)

The application for granting benefits must state the following mandatory information:

  • the name of the organization to which it is submitted (name of the employer, branch of the FSS);
  • Full name of the applicant without abbreviations in accordance with the passport;
  • information about the identity card (passport);
  • information about the place of registration and separately - about the place of actual residence;
  • a request to provide (the dates from the sick leave are indicated) and accrue benefits;
  • method of receipt (by mail, bank transfer);
  • grounds for appeal (in this case - maternity leave);
  • applicant's signature, date.

Sample application

The application can be submitted in person, through a legal representative by a notarial power of attorney, or sent by mail. In it, a woman declares her desire to go on maternity leave and apply for a BBR benefit.

When using the scheme (pilot project), the employer is excluded from the scheme for calculating and transferring benefits. However, he still must accept the application and the sick leave from the employee, submit to the FSS a certificate of the woman's salary for the previous two calendar years.

Certificate 182n about the amount of earnings for calculating benefits

The main purpose of the 182n earnings certificate is to become the basis for. If a woman draws up a payment at her enterprise, then no help needed... It is provided by:

  • transferred from an additional place of work of a woman, if she draws up a BIR allowance from the main employer.

Help form and the procedure for its issuance were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 182n dated April 30, 2013. From the order number, the conditional name of the document comes from. In addition to other data (details of the employing organization, full name of the pregnant woman, etc.), the certificate contains:

  • The amount of salaries, other benefits and payments for which insurance premiums were charged for the two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave.
  • The number of days during these periods during which the woman was temporarily disabled, was on maternity leave, childcare.

If necessary, a certificate is issued by the employer on the last working day of the employee. If the organization in which the woman worked has ceased to exist, or the certificate cannot be obtained for other reasons, the salary data are requested independently by the employees of the FSS in the Pension Fund.

Order on the appointment of maternity benefits (sample)

There is no approved order form. The document is published in any form... The organization order usually combines the same information as in the woman's statement:

  • the head of the organization orders to send the woman on leave for the BIR and assign her an allowance;
  • the document is drawn up on the basis of an application and sick leave.

Example order

In the accounting department, organizations know how such orders are made, and there are usually no problems with paperwork. A copy of the order is given to the woman in her arms by subscription about acquaintance on the main copy.

Other social benefits for maternity

In some regions there are analogues of maternity benefits, which are paid through social protection from the regional budget on different terms. For example:

  • The local BIR benefit is paid only to the unemployed, university graduates, and people with disabilities of I and II groups. The payment amount is small - about 326 rubles. for each full month of pregnancy from 12 weeks.
  • An additional monthly allowance of 500 rubles. can apply for a pregnant woman from a family with a low per capita income.
  • In many, a local supplement is due to pregnant women with the wording "for food". So, in 2016, for each month of pregnancy, starting from the 4th, until the very birth, they will be given 300 rubles, in - 580 rubles, in - 566 rubles.

Also, each individual employer on their own initiative can establish a supplement for a woman on maternity leave, but this amount will already have to be taxed with personal income tax. Exception - if the additional payment for the birth of a child is issued as material aid and represents an amount up to 50,000 rubles.


The maternity allowance is due to working, civil servants, women studying full-time - that is, those from whose income insurance premiums are deducted... The payment is made out together with the place of work, service or study. Those dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise should apply for social security benefits.

In some regions, there is a BBR manual, which is very convenient to use.

  • She has practical benefits for all parties: women, employer and FSS.
  • Only drawback of the project - poor awareness of the population that the payment can be obtained in this way.

The payment is charged for the entire period. Under normal conditions, this is 140 days (70 days before and after childbirth). The payment is due to a woman regardless of the length of service (service), but its amount depends on the time of work in the company. For those who work less than six months, it will be calculated by the size of the minimum wage(will amount to 34,521.20 rubles for 140 maternity days). In general, the payout will be 100% of average monthly earnings.

So, you found out that you are expecting a baby. Naturally, this event in your life will be accompanied not only by joy, but also by vanity. So, the expectant mother needs to pass all the necessary tests, register with a gynecologist and visit him regularly. Also, an important need is the collection of documents for receiving benefits from the state. Maternity capital, maternity payments and much more. Now we will tell you in detail about what payments in the Russian Federation are due to pregnant women from the state as of 2015, so that you know what you can rely on.

So, in connection with pregnancy and upcoming childbirth, you can count on compensation such as:

  1. maternity allowance for expectant mothers - full-time students or workers;
  2. allowance for individual entrepreneurs;
  3. maternity allowance for pregnant unemployed.

Please note that from the beginning of the year before last, accruals and payments due to pregnant women began to be charged according to a new scheme, and became more significant than those that were accrued earlier. So, according to the new rules, the calculation of the due payments determined by the size of the average salary, which the expectant mother received at work over the past two years.

Terms of accruals and payments for pregnancy

To be eligible for social benefits during pregnancy, you must meet following conditions:

Determination of the amount of a lump sum in connection with pregnancy

The period of maternity leave in Russia is one hundred and forty days. Of this number, 70 days before the baby is born, the rest of the days are calculated after the baby is born and may vary due to certain circumstances. Therefore, the total amount of payments depends on the length of the maternity leave of the young mother.

The amount of maternity benefits ranges from the minimum wage to the maximum. It is equal one hundred percent of a woman's average earnings expecting a baby, while work experience is not important. Also, if your insurance experience is less than six months, the amount of payments received will not exceed the minimum wage.

To understand what benefits are due to a pregnant woman on maternity leave, you need to calculate her average income over the past two years. Thus, the total payments will be calculated taking into account the income for each working day. Then the average daily income will be multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave.

The approximate amounts due to women in childbirth as benefits will be as follows:

  1. with singleton uncomplicated pregnancy, the period of the decree will be 140 days, and the amount of the benefit is about 189 thousand rubles;
  2. if the pregnancy is singleton, but complicated, then the term of the decree will be 156 days, and the sum is more than 200 thousand rubles;
  3. and for multiple pregnancies, the decree is calculated based on 194 days, and a payment is assigned in the amount of the order 260 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount of maternity payments must not be less than the minimum wage of 4,611 rubles.

So, the amount of the benefit that you will receive can be calculated using the following formula. Take the standard decree term of 140 days, then 730 calendar days in two years. Multiply your monthly salary by 24, and divide the resulting number by 730, and what you get, multiply by 140 days. This is the approximate amount of your payments that you are entitled to.

Unlike the previous procedure for calculating the due funds, calculations are carried out based on earnings over the last 2 years... Previously, only the previous year was taken into account.

Benefits for pregnant women: due dates for receiving benefits

Payments to pregnant women are relying on early terms. So, you are already entitled to benefits even at 12 weeks of pregnancy subject to registration in the antenatal clinic at the place of residence or in a private antenatal clinic.

Your doctor must provide, upon request, a certificate stating that you were registered early. This will make it possible to receive a payment of 515 rubles. The amount, although small, will not be superfluous either.

To receive this payment, you need to write an application. All you need is a certificate from the antenatal clinic and a certificate of incapacity for work due to pregnancy, you submit them to the accounting department at the place of work or study and expect the payment due to you.

After 28-30 weeks of pregnancy, you need to request a sick leave at the consultation and provide it at the place of work for the purpose of compensation, which you should receive 10 days after submitting the documents.

List of documents for receiving payments during pregnancy

List of required documents Next:

The procedure for obtaining maternity benefits for individual entrepreneurs

If the expectant mother is not an employee or unemployed, but is itself a legal entity - an individual entrepreneur, then the procedure for assigning maternity benefits will be somewhat different.

An individual entrepreneur can expect to receive maternity benefits in the event that if she paid insurance premiums within the last year before vacation, due to pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, the amount of the benefit is calculated depending on the amount of the minimum wage.

To receive maternity benefits, an individual entrepreneur must provide the following documents:

  1. Sick leave from the place of registration for pregnancy;
  2. Application of a legal entity - an entrepreneur to the FSS with a request to assign benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

If a female entrepreneur also works on the basis of an employment contract and pays within the last two years contributions to the FSS, then in the same place she has the right to receive pregnancy benefits, as well as from the employer who has entered into an employment contract with her.

The procedure for providing payments and benefits for unemployed expectant mothers

The amount of payment for an unemployed expectant mother differs in each case and is equal to the minimum amount of accrued maternity benefits... The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation assumes responsibility for the calculation and payment of benefits for the unemployed due to pregnancy.

In some cases, the unemployed cannot qualify for maternity benefits. This happens in cases when the expectant mother at the time of pregnancy was not officially employed anywhere or quit during pregnancy.

An exception is the case of dismissal of a pregnant woman in connection with the liquidation of the company where she worked, also if the woman is a full-time student of an educational institution. In the latter case, the amount of maternity payments is equal to the size of the scholarship and the educational institution assumes responsibility for receiving this allowance.

In addition, unemployed persons are not eligible for benefits if registered early in pregnancy. However, in different regions of the country, payments may differ from those generally accepted at the federal level.

If an unemployed person lives in Moscow, then, provided that she is registered in connection with pregnancy for a period of up to twenty weeks, she has the right to one-time assistance, regardless of her employment.

Leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth: timing and features

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 255-FZ, which is devoted to the appointment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, the terms of leave can be changed in the case when the birth occurs earlier than the scheduled date. In such cases, the days that were calculated by law for prenatal leave are transferred to postnatal leave. We have already talked about the duration of prenatal and postnatal leave. In a typical singleton pregnancy, he is 70 days before the baby is born and the same after.

Also, this law provides for the preservation of a job for a woman who is sent on maternity leave. She also receives benefits in connection with the decree at the place of work, if she does not officially work, then the responsibility for receiving benefits lies with the social service.

Sometimes going on maternity leave and receiving payments in connection with it can be accompanied by unpleasant surprises from the accounting department at the place of work. In particular, the accounting department may tell you that you can receive the due payments only when they are transferred from the FSS, and this procedure takes several months.

But it's not right. Remember that the costs of maternity employer companies will still be reimbursed, and a woman who goes on maternity leave has full right to receive payments within no more than ten days after you have submitted all the necessary documents to the accounting department to receive payment.

Remember, it is your legal right to receive your expected Maternity Benefit on time. And, in case of refusal to pay benefits on time, you have every right to sue the employing company that refuses to pay benefits on time.

Payment of maternity benefits assigned to refugee mothers, Russian citizens, mothers with foreign citizenship living in the territory of the Russian Federation. The main categories of women who are eligible for benefits are:

  • young mothers with official employment;
  • women in childbirth recognized as unemployed due to the liquidation or reorganization of the company in which they worked;
  • pregnant women students studying at stationary departments of vocational schools, institutes, technical schools, universities;
  • Russian citizens who are in military service under contract, who are on the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or firefighting structures;
  • mothers who are adoptive parents of children who can be attributed to the above categories.

In the case of a normal course of pregnancy, assistance is charged and paid for, the length 140 days (70 days before the baby is born and the same amount after). If a pregnant woman has complications, then the maternity leave may be increased. up to 156 days (86 - before childbirth and 70 after). In case of birth 2nd and subsequent child, maternity holidays are increasing up to 194 days (84 - before childbirth and 110 after them). The allowance is paid by the employer or social services during maternity holidays.

In a situation where a woman has decided to be on maternity leave until the child reaches 3 years of age, she must refuse to receive assistance for childbirth and write an application for the provision of appropriate payments to her. All questions regarding the purpose of the allowance are regulated.

The amount of maternity allowance in 2019

Government appointed maternity allowance 2019 for several categories of expectant mothers, in the following sizes:

  1. To women in labor, students in an amount equal to their scholarships.
  2. To mothers who are in military service under contract - in the amount of their money allowance.
  3. For women, the company where they were listed - 655.49 rubles for 1 month of sick leave.
  4. Working women in labor - a one-time payment in the amount of their 100% average wage(paid by the employer). In this case, the minimum allowance will be not less than 51,919 rubles(calculated from the minimum wage). The maximum benefit amount is 301,096.6 rubles for 140 days.

Calculation of maternity allowance you can do it yourself using a calculator and a simple calculation method. It consists of several actions:

  • the total official salary is determined (if there is a "black" salary, then it is not taken into account) for the last 730 days(two years) before the onset of the decree - its value can be found out from the salary certificate from your employer;
  • the average daily salary is determined - the total salary is divided at 730;
  • the final amount of the benefit is calculated - the average daily salary is multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave.

The amount of child benefits in 2019

Manual Size from 01.01.2019 (in rubles) Size from 01.02.2019 (in rubles)
Maternity for working women (general procedure) Average daily earnings for each day of maternity leave
Minimum amount of maternity allowance RUB 51,919 - 140 days of maternity leave
Maximum amount of maternity allowance 301,096.6 - 140 days of maternity leave
Monthly allowance for the unemployed and dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization 628,47 655,49
For mothers, full-time The amount of the scholarship established in a higher or secondary educational institution
Contract women The size of the monetary allowance, acting at the place of service
Lump sum early pregnancy 628,47 655,49
Lump-sum allowance for pregnant spouses of conscripts 26539,76 27680,97
Lump-sum payment at the birth of a child 16759,09 17479,73
Lump-sum allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing 16759.09 or 128 053.08 if a disabled child, a child over 7 years old, or several children at once, if they are brothers or sisters, was transferred to the family for upbringing 17479.73 or 133559.36 if a disabled child, a child over 7 years old, or several children at once, if they are brothers or sisters, was transferred to the family
Maternal capital 453026
Monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old (working mother) 40% of average monthly earnings (billing period 2017 and 2018)
Minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old (for employed people) 4512 - for the first child;

6284.65 - on the second and next

4512 - for the first child;

6554.89 - on the second and next

The minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years (for unemployed or with less than six months of experience) 3142.33 - for the first;

6284.65 - on the second and subsequent

3277.45 - for the first child;

6554.89 rubles - for the second and next children

"Putin's" manual The size of the children's regional subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of 2018
Serviceman's monthly childcare allowance 11374,18 11863,27
Monthly survivor's allowance for a soldier's child 2287,65 2386,02
Monthly allowance for a child living in the Chernobyl zone 3241.05 - up to 1.5 years;

6482.10 - from 1.5 to 3 years

3380.42 - up to 1.5 years;

6760.83 - from 1.5 to 3 years

Monthly allowance for a child under 3 years old Size of one baby PM
Monthly allowance for children under 18 from low-income families Installed at the regional level

Childcare allowance table from 1 January 2019

The procedure for registration of the allowance

List of required documents

To be credited maternity allowance you will need to submit:

  • statement;
  • about disability due to pregnancy or a certificate received at the antenatal clinic, which specifies the actual period of carrying the baby's fetus;
  • a certificate issued by the Employment Center confirming the status of unemployed;
  • labor book or an extract made from it, indicating the last job;
  • a certificate in which the amount of salary from the last places of employment is calculated (if any);
  • a document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • a certificate with bank details - it contains the name of the bank and the account number to which the funds will be transferred;
  • an identification number;
  • certificate of the liquidation committee about dismissal from the enterprise, due to the fact that it was liquidated;
  • a certificate issued by the HOA or the housing office at the place of residence, which must indicate the place of employment or study of the woman, or that she is unemployed.

Basic nuances

There are several important nuances that must be taken into account when calculating pregnancy assistance. These points relate to issues related to the maximum average salary for the year, restrictions on the average daily salary and with the deduction of a certain number of days from a biennial calendar period:

  1. Excluded from the biennium are days on which average earnings have been maintained (for example, sick leave, maternity or childcare vacations) and for which fear has not been accrued. contribution for the FSS (established , 14th article, paragraph 3.1).
  2. The value of the average salary for each of the 2 years taken should not be higher a certain the maximum size (the maximum base for deductions of contributions for the Social Insurance Fund), which is established by law. In 2016, it was fixed at the level 718,000 rubles, in 2017 - 755000 rubles. In 2018, the size is 815,000 rubles. In 2019 - 865,000 rubles. Therefore, at the time of calculating aid, a separate amount will be applied to determine the average salary for each year.
  3. The average daily salary is limited in size and will be separate for each year. It is calculated as follows: the marginal base for the FSS is taken for each year and divided by 730 (the total number of days for both years), and then the two amounts received are summed up.

Example for calculating maternity benefits

Ekaterina Petrova Born in 1990, she has been working as an accountant at Vityaz Alko Group CJSC since 2010. In 2018, being pregnant, the girl consulted a doctor at the antenatal clinic 70 days before birth your child in order to receive a sick leave, which will indicate term pregnancy. Having received a sick leave, the girl brought it to her enterprise and wished to arrange assistance for childbirth. Since the medical certificate indicated that the pregnancy was proceeding normally, it was decided to grant Catherine maternity leave. for 140 days.

To calculate the amount of assistance, the girl's salary for 2017 and 2016 was taken. In 2016, the girl worked in the company 600,000 rubles, and in 2017 - 680,000 rubles... In the period 2016-2017, she did not get sick and did not issue "sick leave".

The average daily salary was calculated as follows: (600,000 + 680,000) / 730 = 1753.42 rubles... The size of the lump sum is as follows: 140 * 1753.42 = 245 479.45 rubles- this amount was paid to the woman at the company's cash desk.


The most important points should be highlighted:

  1. Women of various categories have the right to use childbirth assistance: the unemployed, female students, working people, and contract servicemen.
  2. The standard maternity vacation period is full 140 days(for the first child) and 194 days(for the 2nd and subsequent child).
  3. The minimum amount of maternity allowance for 2019 cannot be less than 51,919 rubles (the size of the minimum wage).
  4. You must apply for benefits no later than 180 days after the birth of your child. Application for accrual after 180th day does not qualify for maternity assistance.
  5. Payment for maternity holidays is carried out immediately for the entire maternity period.
  6. The company should contact the FSS office to reimburse the costs incurred for the payment of maternity assistance.

Most popular questions and answers to them on maternity benefits

Question: My name is Angelina. I had the following situation: my daughter works in a small company. A month ago, she gave birth to a child, but did not apply to receive maternity benefits. And the question arises: is it not too late to apply to the company in order for it to pay my daughter an allowance?

Answer: Angelina, according to Article 12 (paragraph 2) of Law No. 255, a woman in labor has the right to apply for material support for pregnancy for 180 days after the birth took place.

List of laws

Sample applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents.