Congratulations to residents with the day of the city. Megion Happy City Day congratulate officials

The celebration of the City Day in Moscow is accompanied by many concerts, speeches of pop stars, as well as other solemn events. The holiday is celebrated both on the streets of the city and in theaters and exhibition halls. In honor of the day of the city of Moscow, it is customary to speak official speech before the opening of the concert or the beginning of the celebration. As a rule, about the holiday speaking in prose, quoted great writers or mention the historical personalities that have made the greatest contribution to the development of our capital. The poem with congratulations to the citizens or the city itself is also part of the entertainment program at any celebration.

When the day of the city of Moscow is celebrated

Since 1997, the celebration of the Day of the city of Moscow falls on the first September weekend. The date was chosen on the basis of the first mention of the word "Moscow" in the ancient Ipatiev chronicles. It is reliably known that in 1847 Moscow officially celebrated its 700th anniversary.

Congratulations on the city of Moscow for solemn events in prose

Not in vain say that Moscow is the heart of Russia. The clock of the Spasskaya Tower set the rhythm of the whole Great Power. All ways and roads of the world are leading to Moscow, its greatness and the power of centuries is chanting poets and legendary writers. Moscow can not be admired. Hope it can be infinite! All the verge of the modern world and the history of the powerful state united in one single look at our zlato-head and the glorious capital. We wish that day the beloved city of prosperity, cultural and spiritual growth, and endless strength, in order to continue to ask the pace of life throughout Russia and the whole world.

Happy City Day, Moscow! This is a special holiday for us and is the time to recall the importance of our capital. This diplomatic center, a modern city, where hundreds of nationalities blended; Millionaire with a rich cultural heritage and glorious history, a combination of old architectural memo and proud highness. This is a city of bold contrasts, which inspires and nourishes the forces of each of its inhabitants. Let Moscow flourish, becomes richer, and at the same time does not forget about his true origins!

Original greetings in verse on the day of the city of Moscow

Happy City Day, Moscow!

Let your age be eternal.

Story source

Our city is endless.

Already eight centuries

Great Grand has lived

Where Yuri Dolgoruky

The foundation laid.

The capital flourishes,

Green and careless!

Happy city day! Yours

Let the borders shine.

We are not found in the world

Whether the capital.

The was the glory of the principality

And royal grandeur

In a huge force, the main thing

From all capitals the difference.

You became modern

But save the sums

Those memorable dates

Long-run days!

On the day of the city of Moscow

We read those

Who owes the city

For your now success.

Moscow Princes

As a fortress, bold,

Then hundreds of fires

Erase the city could.

But strongly resisted

Great capital.

In history came

In our age new faces.

Wish, let Moscow

Cathedrals shines

And spirit of change

Russia inspires.

Best congratulations on the city of Moscow for students and students in prose

Our capital is an invaluable treasury of ancient architecture, the spiritual heritage of Russia and historical memory. This city inspired many great artists, writers and composers. Here I lived and created my art masterpieces Victor Vasnetsov, Fedor Dostoevsky left the immortal heritage, wrote his amazing novels Boris Pasternak. Moscow continues to inspire us, its inhabitants, and in the modern age. On the day of the city, we wish the capital of even more prosperity, and let it always remain the unchanging muse for real talents!

"Moscow ... How much in this sound for the heart of Russian merged! How many in it responded!" - These words of the great writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, we remember today for no accident. On the birthday of Moscow, I would like to say about love for the glorious Russian city, in which vintage architectural monuments, great museums and theaters, and wayward modern highlights were mixed. Let the city today blooms, plays golden domes under the rays of the warm autumn sun and rejoices from happiness of his inhabitants!

Moscow, despite its old and depth roots, an incredibly young city. Young, because attracts young hearts with its rhythm, dynamics, style and bright colors. Moscow has always been and will be the city of great opportunities, her soul inspires everyone, who will even stop for a second and admire the majestic appearance of a huge city. Moscow is the world of special dreams and opportunities. On the day of the city, let us bow before the magnitude of the capital and celebrate an important date!

The best modern congratulations on the city of Moscow in verse

Happy City Day, Moscow!

Muscovites - reunite

To the noisy you holiday

Join now!

We were lucky

Yours admire

None of us can

With Moscow to say goodbye.

Let it also be decorated

Lights in Moscow shine

History and our days

Bridges connect.

Happy City Day, Moscow!

Center for Important Decisions

Fuss and holiday,

Difficult accomplishments.

In one hum in you mixed

Conquer you, the capital,

Only a few were solved.

I wish you, city,

So vain, not naive,

Funny congratulations on the Day of Moscow in prose

Moscow - unshakable fortress. Neither the Mongol-Tatar attacks, nor Napoleonic fires could deliver this city to her knees. And all because people live here with the same unshakable will, the desire to be successful and happy. Happy City Day, Moscow!

Moscow is the city of Azart. Arriving here once, I will not want to search in this world another "Rome". Moscow is the city of insomnia. How can I sleep when around such a blissful radiance of thousands of lights? Moscow is a city of anxiety. A fuss and a mad tempo become so habitual that it is impossible to present another life. But the most important thing is that attracts us to this city - the real Russian spirit from which he began. Happy City Day, Moscow!

Congratulations to you and all residents of Megion with the day of the city. Thanks to the hardworking hands of builders, geologists, oilmen among the taiga and swamps, modern homes and schools appeared, stretched roads and oil pipelines. I am convinced that the youth of Megion will pick up the relay of their fathers and will make their city even more beautiful and richer. I wish all the inhabitants of the city of happiness, health and success in creative affairs for the benefit of the beloved country.

CM. Mironov,
Chairman of the Council of the Federation

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

Despite his youth, Megion and his workers managed to make their important contribution to the glorious history of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. I wish you personally and all residents of the city of excellent festive mood on this day, further successful development and prosperity.

V.A. Pichugov,
Member of the Federation Council
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

I sincerely congratulate you on all residents of Megion Happy Birthday of a young beautiful city, which marks 28 years old! From the date of its foundation, it passed a little time, but during this short period from the working settlement he grew into a modern and compact city with a developed socio-economic infrastructure. Today, Megion is a landscaped, promising and dynamically developing city of our region. On the birthday of Megion, I want to wish you every resident and every family of good health, happiness, well-being, glorious affairs and work accomplishments, joy and good mood, and the city, of course, prosperity. Happy holiday!

V.V. Yakushev,
Governor of the Tyumen region.

Dear friends!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the city day!

Every year to celebrate this holiday has become a good tradition. This day and a kind of summarizing the results passed, and the starting point for the implementation of the planned plans.

The city has a glorious story, inseparable from the history of the entire autonomous district. Our Ugorsky region at all times was and remains a support of the Russian state, and in this considerable merit of Megionans.

The labor of your hands, your persistence, courage, mind and talent, roads, housing are built, a modern infrastructure is being built, social and cultural facilities are being built. The life of a dynamically developing city is saturated with pleasure events, good achievements.

Today, the holiday of all who started the arrangement of Megion, who works for his benefit today. The best traditions live in the teams today, which means that there will still many bright events in the history of the city.

I wish you, dear countrymen, the implementation of the planned, decent future, new labor accomplishments, well-being and prosperity.

A.V. Filipenko,
Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

Dear megionans!

Sincerely congratulate you and residents with the day of the city! The city of Megion can be safely called the peer of the new History of Ugra associated with the development of oil wealth and the creation of the West Siberian oil and gas complex of Russia!

I sincerely wish the city of Megion for further development and prosperity, residents of well-being and confidence in tomorrow!

N. Dobrynin,
Deputy Governor of the Autonomous District.

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

I sincerely congratulate you and in your face of all Megionans with a common holiday - Day of the city! Twenty-eight years turned out to be the city of Megion. These are years of great accomplishments and victories, incarnation, seemingly unthinkable goals and faith in the wonderful future of the hometown. Doctors and teachers, oilmen and geologists, builders and transport workers are recognized today in love their hometown, wish him long and long, good and prosperity.

Megion leaves no one indifferent. He is famous for many: romance of pioneers, bright labor victories, harsh weekdays, Siberian Raddle. But the main wealth of the city was and remaining people - talented, hardworking, wise megionans. It is their work alive alive the city and every year becomes more and more beautiful and prosperous.

Happiness, health, good, prosperous residents of the city and happy fate - Megion!

O. S. us,
Vice President TNK-BP,
Deputy Duma Khmao Ugra

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

Congratulations to you and all Megionans happy birthday to the city! I am sure that the city of Megion in your face found exactly the leader who is truly able to give development to his city and does everything on itself that the city for many years has retained the positive dynamics of development, finds new, non-standard solutions to the old problems and are not afraid to implement them in practice.

For me, residents of the district, colleagues, deputies, the heads of the municipalities of Ugra highly appreciate your work and contribution to the development of the city of Megion and Ugra in general.

I sincerely wish you all the Megionans of health, happiness, well-being, continued success, faithful friends, love and care of relatives and loved ones. I hope for fruitful cooperation in the future for the benefit of our territories and residents of Ugra.

M.V. Gnets,
MP Duma Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra.

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

Dear countrymen!

Take sincere congratulations on the birthday of the city of Megion!

For 28 years, Megion from a small village grew into a modern well-maintained city. The successes and achievements of the city are the merit of not one generation of Megionans. Thanks to their work and energy, Megion today takes a worthy place among the cities of Ugra, has its traditions and well-deserved glory, continues to strengthen the economy of the Autonomous Okrug and all Russia.

Let each next page of the city history be another bright step in the embodiment of your plans aimed at improving the welfare of the inhabitants of the city.

I wish you to celebrate the birthday of the city brightly and meaning, let him bring you the joy of meetings and a good mood.

I sincerely wish Megion for further development and prosperity, and all residents of the city, each family - happiness, love, success in affairs, the performance of all the conceived, calm, wealth and good health!

B.S. Hohryakov,
Head of the city of Nizhnevartovsk

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

Take the warmest and sincere congratulations on the occasion of the celebration of the 28th anniversary of the formation of the city of Megion. I wish you all residents of the city in this significant day of festive mood, well-being, good health. I wish you confidence in tomorrow, the revival of good traditions, good luck in the affairs and the implementation of the cherished plans for the benefit of the city.

S.F. Kakotkin
Head of the city of Kogalym

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich and residents of the city of Megion!

From myself personally and on behalf of Nyagans I congratulate you and all residents of Megion Happy Birthday of the city!

Residents of Megion can rightly be proud of their city. With its hard work, persistence and optimism, you have already achieved a lot and highly raised the bar for promising plans. In a single family of cities, Ugra, Megion contributes to the economic power of the district, the development of culture and the preservation of its originality. I sincerely wish you not to dwell on the achieved, further growth and development of your beautiful city, well-being to you and success in everything!

A.V. Ryudkov,
Head of the city of Nyagan.

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

These days you and all residents celebrate a wonderful holiday - the birthday of the city.

Despite his youth, Megion is a modern city with a developed infrastructure and an effective system of local governments. Many hard roads had to go through the founders of the city.

In all the good changes that occurred over the years, in all that is done, the huge merit of citizens - oilmen, drillings, builders, teachers, medical workers.

Hot congratulations to veterans, pioneers. Your enthusiasm, efforts, dedicated labor is the beginning of the beautiful city. From the bottom of my heart, I wish all residents of the world of the world, happiness and inspiration. Good health and well-being for many years, success in transformation and prosperity!

P.I. Cukushkin,
Head of the city of Urai

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your face of all residents with the 28th anniversary of the formation of your city, which rightfully deserved a reputation as modern and promising territory, open for fresh ideas and innovations. Thanks to the joint creative work of all residents, your leadership, Megion is good every day and today is one of the most developed cities of the district and occupies a worthy place among them. On the day of a wonderful holiday I express my deep appreciation for your robotable work in the name of our small homeland. Your active life position, sincere love for his native land is an example of a selfless service of his land and its people.

I wish you and residents of the city of success in all endeavors, confident progressive steps in the development and prosperity, stability, peace and harmony.

V.N. Semenov,
Head of the municipality of the Nefteyugansky district.

Dear Alexander Anatolyevich!
Dear residents of the city of Megion!

Take sincere congratulations on the birthday of the city of Megion!
Today, the city of Megion takes a worthy place among the cities and districts of the district, makes a worthy contribution to the steady suburbs of the economy and the social development of our region.
We wish you all the inhabitants of Megion of economic prosperity, stability, confidence in the future, the revival of good traditions, good luck in affairs and the implementation of cherished plans, success in the creation and development of the infrastructure of the city, support from your countrymen!
We believe that Megion has a lot of rainbow prospects ahead, because you have the most important thing - the desire to ensure a decent life to countrymen.

Head of the city of Yugorsk

Undoubtedly, this city is the best city on earth, this place for each of us means something important, someone here was born and spent the happy years of childhood, someone met her first love, who had achieved her first victory, Someone implemented her first cherished dream. Friends, I congratulate everyone on the afternoon of our city and I want to wish us peaceful sky over your head, bright good, good, mutual respect and wonderful opportunities for growth and development.

Congratulations on the day of the city! We wish every resident or guest of our city to be happy, lived in prosperity and well-being. May each have their own beautiful story that happened on the streets of the beloved city. We are our city!

I congratulate on the day of the city and I sincerely wish you to always have a peace and a holiday so that this corner of the planet was a place for happy meetings and joyful events so that our city always flourished and every resident gave a good hope for the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Dear comrades, today a special holiday, a holiday for all of us. I congratulate on the day of the city and I sincerely want to wish us to be friendly and one, so that our efforts, aspirations, strength and hopes helped develop and flourish our city. Let everyone be happy here, love and successful in their own business. All peace and good.

I sincerely congratulate on the day of the city and I want to wish the eternal prosperity of this wonderful corner on the planet. Let life here be cheerful and happy, let the children laugh be a ring, let the young people successfully study and bravo works, let everyone feel himself in demand and an important figure, let him be honored and respect for all old people. Let the city grows, develops and occupies a special place in the hearts of its inhabitants.

Congratulations to all of you, dear friends and comrades, Happy Day of the city. Wish I want this city to be the best for each of you so that this place meant something special and important. Let our city flourishes and grows, and each resident of it and the guest makes its part in its development and well-being.

Happy City Day! Let it be famous and flourishes this beautiful place on Earth, albeit for a minute it does not stop here a happy course of life. I wish all the inhabitants of good health and strong forces, bright dreams and holidays.

I congratulate on the day of the city and I wish you to live in this wonderful place and every day to rejoice at the sunshine, feel inspiration and strive for something good. Let this city flourish, grow and develops, let its inhabitants feel happy people, let this cozy corner on Earth will give each of us a bright dream and light hope.

Dear residents and guests of the city, from the whole of the soul, congratulate everyone on the day of the city, with a universal holiday and the day of big walks. I want to wish that in this city with every day life becomes more painful and happier to develop all the spheres of vital activity and are satisfied with everyone people remained that everyone loved their city and tried to contribute to the general good.

Congratulations on the day of the city! I wish that in your city there are always clean, smooth and very beautiful streets, large areas, cozy boulevards and wide prospectuses! So that residents of the city and visitors feel sincere hospitality, the generosity of the soul and the warmth of the relationship! Let the winding of the building grow, many apartments and houses are built, new shops, restaurants, clubs, children's and sports grounds appear! Let the city immerses in greenery, fragrant with flowers and is famous for the whole country!

This is a holiday that unites all citizens regardless of age, nationality, religion and profession, those who were born in Irkutsk, and those who tied their destiny for whom he became native and beloved.

We are proud of the glorious past Irkutsk. From here, from the shores of Irkut and Angara, the development of Eastern Siberia, the Far East and Russian America began. Everything that Irkutsk is famous is the merit of many generations of Irkutsk, who made an invaluable contribution to the creation of a large industrial, transport, scientific and educational and cultural center of the Baikalia.

Today, Irkutsk is a dynamically developing modern city, which preserved its historical identity, unique appearance and unique beauty. The main wealth of Irkutsk is its residents who give their strength, talent and knowledge for his prosperity, sincerely loving their city.

I wish all the Irkutsks of good health, well-being, success in the implementation of the planned plans for the benefit of the dynamic development of Irkutsk!
Happy City Day, Irkutsk!

Governor of the Irkutsk Region Sergey Eroshechenko

Dear Irkutska!

Heart and cordially congratulate you with one of the most beloved and joyful holidays - the day of the city! We meet him with a sense of pride in a rich and interesting story of our native Irkutsk, with confidence in a successful and happy future.

Each day Irkutsk becomes more beautiful and more comfortable. The landscaping of the historic center is actively going, housing, kindergartens, schools, a new building of the city perinatal center are being built, and new squares, children's and sports grounds appear actively. The implementation of projects, which will significantly change the appearance of Irkutsk, and the quality of life of Irkutkan. But all this can be incarnated with your active support. The preparation and holding of the 350-year-old anniversary of Irkutsk showed that we can effectively work as a big friendly team.

I sincerely thank all Irkutsks, who is its work, talent, energy makes an invaluable contribution to the strengthening of the material and intellectual potential of the city, contributes to its dynamic development.

Let this holiday be a bright, memorable event for everyone who proudly calls himself Irkutan!

Mayor of Irkutsk Victor Kondrashov

Dear countrymen!
I cordially congratulate you on the International During the Defense of Children!

On the first summer day, we celebrate one of the most kind of holidays, the main meaning of which is to recall that children need special care and attention that we, adults, responsible for the fate of each child.

Children - the meaning and joy of our life. Surrounded by love and support of adults, they grow healthier, better learn, become successful in adulthood.

Create conditions for spiritual, intellectual and physical growth of the young generation is one of the main tasks of the state. That is why the priority of our national development has become a policy in the field of childhood and motherhood protection, social support for families.

On behalf of the Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region, I wish to the younger generation of happiness, peace, health, good luck on the life path!

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region Lyudmila Berlin

Dear residents and guests of Irkutsk!

This holiday is loved by the residents of the capital of the privagarium of all generations. Irkutsk is a dynamically developing, modern city, while preserving its uniqueness and originality.

Special pride of Irkutsk is its inhabitants. Thanks to the efforts and persistence of each Irkutyanin, the city from year to year becomes more attractive and more convenient for life: residential buildings are built, new buildings of social institutions are built, whole microdistrict are landscaped, sports complexes are opened. And there is no doubt that every new birthday of the city we will meet new successes and achievements. After all, all Irkutan unites one thing - love for his homeland.

Today, Irkutsk amazingly combines an antiquity, a rich historical heritage and modernity. This is the highlight that attracts people from different parts of the world. We are proud of the glorious past Irkutsk, we believe in his future - it is constructed today.

I sincerely wish the native city to grow and develop, and Irkutants - good health, well-being, happiness, prosperity and success in all endeavors.

Chairman of the Duma of Irkutsk Andrey Labygin

On behalf of the Deputies of the Duma of the city of Irkutsk, I congratulate you on the day of the city!

On behalf of the team of Gazprom Mining Irkutsk, I congratulate all the inhabitants of Irkutsk with a wonderful holiday - the city's Day!

Favorite city carefully stores events, memories, emotions ... each of us is your Irkutsk. Someone here was born and grew up, someone found a dream here, someone came here and stayed, having fallen in love with the Irkutsk unhurried lifestyle and the unique charm of its provincial intelligence. For each of us, Irkutsk is unique. However, one thing remains unchanged - we all love our city, proud of his many years of history and traditions, admire the beauty of its old buildings, originality and article. We daily contribute to the future and the future of our city, entering your names in the chronicle of Irkutsk.

Let the city of Irkutsk are built, good and flourishes! Let the residents of the city protect him, decorate, honor and with sincere pride pronounce: "I am Irkutan!

Happy holiday, dear Irkutska!

General Director of Gazprom Mining Irkutsk LLC Andrei Tatarinov

Happy holiday, favorite city!
Will celebrate together
Citizens of all classes,
Happy birthday to congratulate.

Noisy people under the evening came out
From houses in your park big.
Your streets filled
Noise, laughter, bustle.

The sky will bloom salute
Will only become a little bit
And celebrate the city new
Year in your history.

You are cozy and green
Roads in the residents of their own.
And winter and hot summer
You love infinitely.

Small Motherland Razdare -
Parks, streets, fields,
Reservoirs, alleys ...
Here in all your soul!

Pooh City

Dressed in the morning,
Disamed his flowers.
Naughty he became as if
Because of this beauty.
Flower beds add
Flags, ribbons and balls -
Famously flies to the sky
Under the smiles of the shoes.
The sun will sit behind the highlights,
The park will be filled at all.
Shoes, heels, sneakers ... -
The city remembers everyone exactly!
Voices, manners, faces ...
Knows the city is all.
We, of course, not the capital,
Yes, you do not need her!
Sky will bloom salute
And paints the city of the vitality.
Birthday meets
He notes now.

Original poems on the city day

Look, beautifully like!
Flower beds in motley
And elegant all-all -
And adults and children.

Dancing, songs and flowers
From the center to the outskirts.
The city of VMIG elegant became
Holiday owner.

And fountains are cold
And the sun is so merciless.
But human stream is floating
On the streets of elegant.

With the onset of darkness
Flowering salute.
Under the bumps thousands of people
As one zerd.

And you with all this day
Your city congratulations
Because you love you
Our beautiful edge.

And it will be almost
Music again
And this city will be
Holiday celebration.

Congratulations on the city in verse

The city celebrates his holiday.
So he prepared and waiting
Noisy walking until the morning -
People will not soon calm down.

On the central square large
As usual - just not to break through.
Here all the way all the evening
Everyone is dancing, everyone is having fun.

City Day for each of us
Good news and for the soul of Otild.
Benefit for him
And we, of course, are all glad.

There are more and more houses,
All better build, better clean,
Yes, someone leaves, so what? -
There are those that come.

We celebrate the holiday of urban.
For us, he was always and will be the roads.
And we launch our salute into the sky.
So happy birthday to you, our city!

Congratulations on the city day in verse

Oh, beautiful our city,
Light, hope, support!
And with nothing
We do not compare yours.
No nail and beautiful
Our small homeland.
Prosperity, our city!
We promise to store
Your streets, parks,
Your comfort and expanses
And your beauty -
Always you're young.
Remember the expitions glorious,
Your story -
Complex, long-standing ...
Our city is a hero!
You are ancient and light,
Grow up quickly.
And different together
You collected the century.
You are calm and quiet,
Green, spacious.
Here is all our native -
Bridges, squares, houses.
Happy birthday, our city!
Celebrates every resident.
And where wouldn't go,
You will return back.
Because for everyone
You are not a nail.
That is why he is always
Little Motherland is glad.

Congratulations on the day of the city, poems about the beloved city

I feel joyful here.

School native - the lowest bowl,
You are our good teachers!
You have taught to dream of us and think ...
My city is my school!

I am still young. I still confess:
I feel good in this city!
In the rainbow summer I have a bumping again,
I will wander on the streets ...

Rainbow in the sky. My city is love!
Happy birthday, nice, you!
You are for me the most beautiful ...
Happy, city, with you only me!