Wishes to young teachers. Initiation into a teacher of a young specialist: script. Daily hard work

Parting words to young professionals at the August 2015 meeting

Kvasnikova L.A. biology teacher MBOU Krasnoyarsk secondary school

Good afternoon, colleagues!

Soon for class ... Soon the bell will ring again for classes.

For some, this year is another

For some - the first, the most difficult!

Young colleague at school for the first time

He meets the very first class in his life ...

Today we want to offer all of you

Wish all teachers good luck.

Give good advice to young colleagues,

My dear, dear colleagues! Here you are, young teachers! What you have been preparing for for several years has come true. Today you take the baton from the older generation of teachers. The school needs young, smart, energetic people, able to keep pace with the times and meet the challenges of the times. Needs those who are interesting and understandable to our students. Those who communicate freely with schoolchildren in the language of computer technology and modern economic terms, use digital equipment, Internet resources. You are our youth. The path of a teacher is not easy, but,Believe me, this is the most beautiful profession in the world.

What a proud calling -

Educate others.

Therefore, I would like to wish you guys love and desire to deal with children. After all, the main thing in the work of a teacher is love for your students, if you love them, they will reciprocate you.

They are beautiful in soul and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

Lessons, ventures will not be in vain!

You will be able to find the way to the children,

May successes await you on this path!

Coming soon - the first of September! I would be glad if our tips help you:

Always smile and be confident. The best cure for failure, sadness, stress is optimism. Smile!

Be active, reward yourself for success, be ready to cooperate.

Rejoice sincerely in meeting students, calmly accept their expressions.

Remember! The name of a student is the sweetest and most important sound for him. Respect the dignity of the student and be able to admit your mistakes! - may truths be born in your lessons, discoveries are made, peaks conquered, searches continue. - When organizing students, try to do without the help of someone else's authority. It will not do you any good, but rather harm you. Better to ask the class for support!

When communicating with parents, remember that their children are the most precious thing in life. Be smart and tactful.

Live life to the fullest with your children. Rejoice and be sad with them. Get carried away and be amazed with them. Teach justice, perseverance, and truthfulness. - Do not be discouraged, good luck and grief, think philosophically: an intelligent person can benefit from mistakes. - The place at the teacher's table, like a movie camera, exposes, enlarges the personality, increases both advantages and disadvantages. Be beautiful!

School years in the life of every person leave an indelible mark. They left the class long ago, the person grew up, matured. But he always remembers his school teacher, those good seeds that he sowed. It is worth living and working for this! I wish you excellent mood, peace of mind, success in responsible and noble work. Enjoy your school life! Good journey to YOU! Good luck to everyone who goes forward along the road of knowledge. With the beginning of the new school year!

Event dedicated to honoring young professionals.

Gorbunova Natalia Alekseevna, teacher - organizer of MBUDO CDOD in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Description. The script is aimed at an adult age audience and will be useful and interesting for organizers of city events.

Target: formation of a system of work to attract and retain young specialists in the institution.
Adaptation of young professionals to the position.
Development of young professionals in professional activities.
Assessment of the potential of young specialists.
Equipment: Sound design, banners, flowers, ribbons, loaf.
Concert program progress.

Fanfare. Leading out.
Alexander: Hello dear friends!

Olga: Good afternoon, dear guests of our holiday!
We cheer today
Your young friends
Those who are full of strength and knowledge
Fresh thoughts and ideas.

Olga: It seems that quite recently the guys were happy about the graduation from the university, accepted congratulations, bragged about their diplomas. And here they are - young specialists, for whom the road to professional and career growth has opened.
Alexander: Youth is a time when everything is interesting. Youth is a time when everything succeeds. Youth is a time when all roads and paths are open.

Olga: But how do you choose the right path? Who to be? Sooner or later, this question arises before everyone. One becomes a musician, another - a programmer, the third - an economist, and someone wants to become a doctor or teacher.
Alexander: The work of a teacher is incomparable. The weaver sees the fruits of his labor in an hour, the steelmaker in a few hours rejoices in the fiery stream of metal, the grain grower in a few months admires the ears.
The teacher has to work for years and years to see the result of his creation. And there is nothing more joyful and more difficult than the education of the soul!
Olga: The medical profession is one of the most respected and responsible professions on earth. Sometimes not only the health, but also the life of the patient depends on the doctor and the nurse.
Alexander: And we are very glad that the ranks of specialists of these humane professions are replenished in Dimitrovgrad.

Olga: In our city there are traditions that go back decades, and there are those that are still very young. Today there will be a presentation of another holiday - "Dedication of young professionals to the profession". I would like to wish it to become a good tradition in our city too.
Alexander: We welcome our energetic, creative, unique, courageous, young professionals, future Makarenko and Pirogovs with applause! We meet our hope and support!
Young specialists come to the center of the hall to the music.
Olga: Dear friends, you have only recently embarked on this path. You are a fresh stream in your holy cause, a young shoot of brilliant ideas and aspirations. We wish you only bright days, and let your every business fall into grateful soil and grow with amazing fruits.
Alexander: And the solemn initiation into the profession is the key to the successful and fruitful work of yesterday's graduates. No dedication is complete without an oath. Young professionals, to take the oath at attention.
Olga: To read the oath, we invite the director of the municipal government institution "Committee for Youth Affairs" of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Starostin, Artemam Anatolyevich.

The director reads, the young professionals repeat
I, joining the ranks of young specialists of the city of Dimitrovgrad, solemnly promise:

Remember firmly and tirelessly apply in practice everything that I have been taught, teach and will teach.
Everything: I swear!
Listen to the voice of reason (especially the voice of leadership).
Everything: I swear!
Patiently listen to all the comments and suggestions of colleagues (but do it in your own way and, most importantly, correctly).
Everything: I swear!
Take an active part in all entertainment activities.
Everything: I swear!
Do not lend a leg to colleagues, lend a shoulder.
Everything: I swear!
To meet every day with the hope that it will be better than yesterday.
Everything: I swear!
Love yourself and others.
Everything: I swear!
Do not be afraid to put forward new hypotheses, ideas and projects for the benefit of our city, the Russian people and the world.
I swear!
Adopt advice from senior colleagues.
Everything: I swear!
Do not deviate from the chosen and, undoubtedly, the right path.
Everything: I swear!
I swear to strengthen and increase your greatness, dear Dimitrovgrad
Everything: I swear!
I swear by inspired work and ebullient energy of youth to create the present and design the future.
Everything: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Olga: Dear friends, let us congratulate each other with applause.

Alexander: The floor is given to the Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Irina Viktorovna Bakanova.
Speech by I.V. Bakanova.
A young specialist ... an interesting phrase. On the one hand, he is a specialist, and on the other hand, he is young, which means "green", who does not know how to do anything. You can say: learn, work, gain experience, get bruises and bumps, a year will pass, another - you will learn. That's right if you work with technology, but there are always real people with a teacher or doctor. They cannot wait for you to grow up, gain experience. They need you smart, kind, funny, wise here and now. It doesn't matter to them that you yourself are 20-23 years old.

Olga: And at this moment it is very important that at work you are greeted as a colleague, as a friend who can be advised, prompted, helped, warned, supported. And it is equally important to pass the ceremony of initiation into the profession.

Olga: The head of the Education Department of the Administration of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Evgeny Yuryevich Gribakin, is invited for the initiation ceremony.
Speech by E.Yu. Gribakin

Alexander: And the head of Clinical Hospital No. 172 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia
Performance. Musical background. Tying ribbons.
Here we have a replenishment.
It's not easy in our business
We wish you luck
Endless besides.

And we give you as a gift a performance by the choreographic studio "Suite" of the Center for Continuing Education for Children.
Russian dance "Ladushki"

Alexander: Each person has his own charter, his life credo, his own recipe for happiness.
Olga: But the recipe for the labor bread of a teacher, educator, doctor is special.
Alexander: Interesting. What does it consist of?
Olga: Let's take 2 kg of justice, a glass of soulfulness, add patience, a spoonful of punctuality, a handful of unpredictability, mix everything with prudence, energy, humanity. We will decorate all this with elegance.
NS a loaf is brought out from the music.

Your first bread, labor!
You taste it.
The first bread is much tastier
Than bananas and watermelon!

Olga: Dear friends! The book of your professional life is still being written, and we hope that it will turn out to be a solid tome with rich content. But already now we guess that thanks to you this book will be the same, kind and wise as you are, it will be imbued with the light of knowledge and warmth that you sincerely share with people.

Alexander: And also there will be no neglect of trifles and insignificant events. This book will be worthy of your name!

Olga: And at the end of the first part of our holiday, we give you a musical gift.
Alexander sings the song "The Best Day".
Olga: And now we invite young professionals to go through and prepare for the sports program of our meeting. After a short break, we invite teams of young specialists in education and medicine to the competition.
Sports part. (Young professionals change their clothes and take part in a sports event prepared by the sports committee)
Demonstration performances of athletes
Alexander: Hard work and dedication never go unnoticed, they evoke feelings of respect and joy. All your heights are still ahead. There is no doubt that you will gain recognition for your professionalism. The main thing is to never stop there.
You chose to your liking,
The choice was made to glory!
We see a great talent,
We accept you with all our hearts.
You made an oath today
Congratulations were accepted.
And at the end of our meeting, accept another musical gift

Olga sings the song "We wish you".
Happiness, health, good luck in your work.

Congratulations to the young teacher in verse

In a moment of despair, maybe you
It seemed: “Oh, how I was wrong!
Why did I choose this path?
How can I curb this evil crowd? "
Don't believe it was an inner voice!
With others, this happened more than once.
Believe me, the class loves and listens to you!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts now!

Congratulations, our young teacher!
We are very glad to have fallen into your hands.
After all, you were just a schoolboy
And you understand how difficult it is for us now.
Thank you for the interesting lessons,
For an invention that does not let you get bored.
For a sense of humor and intelligence,
Doesn't let you shout at children.

You came to our school for the first time
With excitement, trepidation, as in the first grade!
We want to congratulate you on the holiday!
Let your eyes shine with happiness now.
Always be wise, be on top!
And fair, kind and cheerful
Be patient and always love children!
Let every year be unique, new!

Do not be afraid, you will succeed!
And the lessons will be quiet!
And at the blackboard with the expression
Someone will tell you poems!
That you will succeed!
And you are so smart and so young!
And you are not in danger of exhaustion
From intellectual hunger !!!

More recently, you studied too,
You were probably a good student.
And surprised all the professors
A meaningful and correct answer.
Perhaps sometimes we do not make you happy,
But congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Sometimes we just can't tell
And everything you say, we understand!

You - and frown? What are you, fullness,
We easily saw through you:
You are kind, because you yourself remember
How recently were a schoolboy!

Strict only in fairness,
This is how a teacher should be ...
Be very, very happy - and
Do not grumble at children in vain!

Although still quite timid
Like a doe go to class
But already very skillfully
Begin the story.

Prosperity in your work,
And success in skill,
All kinds of shine
In this complex magic.

Let quite recently
You began to teach,
A full member of the school
You have already become.

Our young teacher
Thank you, you are so cool!
We want to thank you for everything
Let the holiday bring you only joy!
We wish you good deeds in work,
Teaching children is your destiny!
We know that you are the most beautiful with us,
Let success be everywhere and everywhere!

We want to say a lot of kind words,
We want to express our love!
You, teacher, though young,
But she is smart, and always kind to us!
You teach us to live correctly,
Always cherish friendship in life,
We congratulate you on the holiday,
And we wish you happiness now!

Our teacher,
Of course, you are older than us,
But you are still young!
We believe - forever!
We wish you on your holiday
Always happy to be
In your work - the main thing -
To love the disciples!

Our teacher, beloved,
Young, so beautiful!
We love and respect you,
Well, if sometimes we offend,
Please do not judge strictly
And forgive us, for God's sake!
We wish you success on your holiday,
And more fun and laughter!

Happy Holidays
Your teacher!
You are so young
But you teach us.
We promise not to be naughty
We will never,
And lessons to teach everything
We will always be!

Our teacher, we wish you good days!
You are young, of course, but we know there is no smarter
Tender and kinder than you! Thank you!
You give your kindness and affection to all of us!
Congratulate you on the holiday
We all want now
We love you, dear,
And you love us!

Congratulations, our young teacher!
We are very glad to have fallen into your hands.
After all, you were just a schoolboy
And you understand how difficult it is for us now.
Thank you for the interesting lessons,
For an invention that does not let you get bored.
For a sense of humor and intelligence,
Doesn't let you shout at children.

Were recently behind the bench
You are at the university,
You are our young teacher,
You are the best in the world.
The whole class congratulates you,
Don't be hard on us
Today they will kiss you
Girls are touchy.

You came to our school for the first time
With excitement, trepidation, as in the first grade!
We want to congratulate you on the holiday!
Let your eyes shine with happiness now.
Always be wise, be on top!
And fair, kind and cheerful
Be patient and always love children!
Let every year be unique, new!

You have chosen the path of a teacher
A wonderful and correct way.
May there be a lot of strength and patience
They will have time to snuggle up to you right away.
Thanks for your efforts,
Thanks for your hard work,
May your wishes come true,
You will be happy.

Let quite recently
You began to teach,
A full member of the school
You have already become.
Further - a long road -
To educate in the world of knowledge,
You have a lot
For pets to explain.

More recently, you studied too,
You were probably a good student.
And surprised all the professors
A meaningful and correct answer.
Perhaps sometimes we do not make you happy,
But congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Sometimes we just can't tell
And everything you say, we understand!

School, institute,
And again it's time to learn
Everyday tireless work
So to teach, so that they were eager to learn.
Smart and smart guys
Strength of spirit, nerves to steel,
So that your demanded work
Was appreciated. To be respected.

Happy Teachers Day:

1. We are a funny song

Let's start the banquet now.

Let's smile at each other

And let's shout to everyone: "Hello!"

Chorus: Imagine


We will shout very loudly



We will shout to everyone: "Hello!"

2. We all came to the holiday,

And, therefore, more fun

Shake hands

And we'll sit down more tightly.

Chorus: Imagine


Let's shake hands.



And we will dance more tightly.

3. Let the problems go down your throat,

And not a shisha money,

We'll love it anyway

Any kid.

Chorus: Imagine


Even without money.



Any kid.

4. Let it be difficult

Do not grieve all the same!

I will send you now

Air kiss.

Chorus: Imagine


I give you from the bottom of my heart



Air kiss.

5. Neither on holidays nor on weekdays

We will not be bored.

We know how to work

And we love to relax.

Chorus: Imagine


We know how to work.



But it's better to rest.

6. Let's look at each other

And let's say from the heart:

"Well, really, girls,

Are we very good? "

Chorus: Imagine


We are the best in the world!



We are very good!

7. We have a holiday today.

The time has come long ago:

We will congratulate each other

And we all shout: "Hurray!"

Chorus: Imagine


We will congratulate each other.



We shout to ourselves: "Hurray!"

In 2010, I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8,760 hours of success, 525,600 minutes of love and 31,536,000 seconds of pleasant moments!

Today we dedicate you
In the dignity of a teacher, an important dignity.
Let's help a little first,
And then do everything yourself.
The guys are preparing surprises.
From now on you are priestesses of good.
You will be like kittens
Look for the sprouts of the mind in them. Teach, develop and educate,
And there is no other way.
And count on nerves and strength,

I came to the kindergarten - and you are ours.
Endless glory awaits you
Instead of a salary - a mirage!

On the table are tickets and crib answers to them. Test takers take a question, read it out loud, then pick up and read any answer card.

- Will you tell parents about the bad behavior of their children?
- Will favorites appear in groups soon?
- Will you wake up a child who fell asleep in your class?
- How often will you be late for work?
- May be. I’ll think about it.
- Yes! I have been dreaming about this for a long time.
- Perhaps. It will depend on my mood.
- Why not? Someone can, but I can’t!

Leading. So, in the Kingdom of Reasonable Teachers, abbreviated as the CIA, new reigning persons appeared, and their coronation and registration took place.

Music sounds, the recorder comes out.

Registrar. Today, on the eve of Teacher's Day, you join the CIA.
Anyone joining the CIA must:

Arm yourself with plans and synopses, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism.

Remember what has long been said in Russia: "Talent must be hungry." Therefore, give up on everything and eat exclusively spiritual food.

Amaze yourself and others with your own invention, imagination, talent, enthusiasm, as well as modesty and politeness.

And now I ask you to take an oath and repeat three times after each point: "I swear!"

Educator's Oath

I, ____________ (full name), joining the ranks of the teachers of kindergarten No. 1 "Sun", solemnly swear:

1. Get up to work when the alarm rings; if someone keeps in bed, unhook those greedy hands and get up, get up, get up.

I swear!

2. Leave a bad mood outside the door and put on the mask of a happy, businesslike, rich, charming and attractive woman every morning.

I swear!

3. Prepare for classes on time and professionally if the facilitator opens the door to my group.

I swear!

4. I solemnly promise to write the plans weekly, like the love story that became the bestseller of the year.

I swear!

5. To love other people's children more than their own.

I swear!

6. To master the following specialties in combination:

Junior Assistant Educator;

Street cleaner;

A carpenter;




and other specialties necessary to improve the quality of education at the DU.

I swear!

7. Every day tell the parents of all my pupils that their children are the smartest, most educated, the best in the world, obedient, despite the fact that after work I drink valerian and other sedatives.

I swear!

8. On walks, where all world issues and sexual problems from neighbors to world stars are discussed, at the sight of the administration, take a working form in time and tear off the fifth point of their foothold from the bench of a neighboring site.

I swear!

9. Be an active employee of our team, take part in competitions of city, regional, republican and galactic significance.

I swear!

10. Be a role model for a child.

Who looks at themselves

He sees his face

Who sees his face -

He knows the price for himself.

Who knows the price -

It happens to be strict with yourself.

Who is strict with himself

He is truly great!

I swear!

Registrar. Colleagues of the new arrivals, congratulate the young and present them with gifts. Prepare the blackest bread in advance, cut it into slices, put on a tray with a white napkin. Prepare a comic sheet for receiving the first earned bread, comic gifts, in addition - "real" gifts (books, flowers, etc.), issued work books, which can be given out on this very day "to hold".

Leading: We cheer today

Young friends -

Those who are full of strength and knowledge

Fresh thoughts and ideas.

All of you have chosen the best

Among many roads

If soon you are on this

She brought the threshold.

My first occupations

You have successfully completed -

And taught you something

And they were able to captivate the children.

You are now worthy of the honor

To be called a "teacher".

Here is the first tangible

All efforts are the result.

Earned in a month

Your first bread, labor!

Receive, sign!

Photo to us at the moment!

His first "pay"

You taste it.

The first bread is much tastier

Than bananas and watermelon!


Here we have a replenishment.

It's not easy in our business

We wish you patience

Endless besides.

Become children's best friend

And manage to do everything:

Teach, inspire, compel

And, moreover, do not get bored.

Yes, even if you have a salary,

That is enough for food.

And the surplus is for travel:

To the sea, to the palm trees, to the cockatoo ...

So that fortune smiles

So that at least miraculously, but lucky,

To protect our walls from harm, comfort, warmth.

And now gifts for you,

But not at all just like that,

With meaning. We will tell you -

What, to whom, why and how.

1. For the educator of the younger group - buttons.

Fidgets on panties

You sew on a button

And on the loop - on the chairs.

Fasten - and everything is okay.

2. Muses. the leader - 2 ropes.

So that from the stage you captivated

All with a smile from ear to ear

Here, take this remedy

And sew the strings.

3. To the psychologist - a bag of peas.

If a boy stares blankly

How blind and deaf he was,

Then put it on without regret

Its in the corner, on peas.

Now it will come for you

And a solemn moment:

Get the most important

Your labor document.

(The head gives the young teachers work books)


I chose to my liking,
I made a great choice!
I see a great talent in them,
I accept everyone with my soul.
You made an oath today
Congratulations were accepted.
Let it be light in our kingdom
All of you will be warm.

Leading: And here is this for your memory.

There will be light and shadow in life

But try longer

This is an important day to remember.

(Diplomas are awarded)

Leading: Congratulations to you, colleagues,

Recognition and honor to you.

Be with us, be with childhood

More than one academic year!

Congratulations to colleagues

Song to the tune "They teach at school".

1. Spend all the occupations, go on an excursion,

Feed and write a bunch of pieces of paper.

Pedagogical advice and supervision

And the salary is almost zero.

And the family sometimes makes a storm.

2. In addition, have time to go to the store,

Warm your husband with affection,

Prepare a hearty dinner for him and the children.

Read all the newspapers, sketch out a lesson plan,

And you yourself also need rest.

3. You step on the threshold

This fabulous country.

And today we are giving initiation.

After all, your profession is so important all over the world,

Well, the main weapon is patience!

1 - Today we dedicate you
In the dignity of a teacher, an important dignity.
Let's help a little first,
And then do everything yourself.
The guys are preparing surprises.
From now on you are priestesses of good.
You will be like kittens
Look for the sprouts of the mind in them.

2 - Teach, develop and educate,
And there is no other way.
Count on nerves and strength
Whoever came to the kindergarten cannot leave it!

This is reasonable, good, eternal,
I came to the kindergarten - and you are ours.
Endless glory awaits you
Instead of a salary - a mirage!

Young specialists are awarded crowns with the inscription "Learning is light" and badges "Teacher".

Leading. So they began to live and live in the preschool kingdom, in the "Solnechny" state for a long time and merrily. Soon the tale will tell itself, but it will not be done soon. And therefore, for all the reigning persons on this holiday, the final song-wish sounds.

Song-wish on the motive of the song "Be Healthy".

We wish you happiness, we wish you success
And we sincerely congratulate you on this day.
Master a profession, get down to business,
So that tomorrow you would look boldly.
So that you have many good friends,
From friendship with whom it would be brighter.
So be healthy, live richly,
Let your salary triple.


to get the first

earned bread labor

teachers of the State Educational Institution "Nursery-kindergarten No. 1 of Yelsk"

for September 2010

The total amount ______________ 30 gr.

Head of the State Educational Institution "Nursery Garden No. 1 of Yelsk" _________________

Responsible for compiling the statement: _______________

Young Specialist Diploma.