Seeing off winter at elementary school. Scenario. Interesting facts about Maslenitsa. Festivities. Seeing off winter

Shrovetide traditions

Maslenitsa is a holiday not only for the Slavs, but also for almost all of Europe. The tradition of celebrating the arrival of spring has been preserved in different cities and countries, from Siberia to Spain. In the countries of Western Europe, Maslenitsa smoothly turns into a nationwide carnival, where quarrels and disputes cease during the celebration, unrestrained fun, laughter and humor reign everywhere.

In Scotland in the old days on Shrovetide it was customary to bake "lean cakes". A handful of oatmeal was poured into the palms folded together, then the flour was firmly squeezed in the palms and immersed in cold water, and the resulting ball was baked in the hearth right in the hot ash. The Scots consider baking pancakes to be an important act in which all family members try to take part: one greases the pan with butter, another pours dough on it, the third turns the pancake over ...

In one of the cities of England, for many years, a women's pancake race has been held. At 11.45, the "pancake bell" is ringing. Every woman runs with a hot skillet and a pancake. Competition rules dictate that competitors must be at least 18 years old; each must have an apron and a kerchief; while running, you need to toss the pancake in the pan at least three times and catch it. The first woman to give a pancake to the bell ringer becomes the champion of the pancake race for a year and is rewarded with ... the kiss of the bell ringer.

Theatrical performances and concerts are held in schools in Denmark these days. Schoolchildren exchange signs of friendship, send comic letters to their friends through acquaintances without specifying a return address. If a boy receives such a letter from a girl and guesses her name, then on Easter she will give him chocolate.

If the main characters of the Russian Maslenitsa were newlyweds, then in Eastern Europe they were bachelors. Beware, bachelors, Maslenitsa. Especially if you happen to find yourself in Poland at this time. Proud Polish women, having lulled your vigilance with pancakes, donuts, brushwood and vodka, will certainly drag you by the hair for dessert. On the last day of Maslenitsa, you can go to the tavern, where the violinist will “sell” unmarried girls.

And in the Czech Republic, these cheerful days, young guys with faces smeared with soot go around the whole village to music, carrying a painted wooden block - "klatik". It is hung on each girl's neck or tied to an arm or leg. If you want to pay off, pay.

In Yugoslavia, you will certainly be put in a pig's trough and dragged around the village. And on the roof of your own house, you can find the figure of a straw grandfather.

And in the old days we had our own customs of meeting and seeing off this holiday. In 1722, on the occasion of the conclusion of the Nystadt Peace Treaty after almost twenty years of war with Sweden, Peter I invited foreign ambassadors to the Maslenitsa celebration. The emperor opened horseback riding with an unprecedented spectacle. Peter rode through the snowdrifts in a ship harnessed with sixteen horses. Behind him was a gondola, in which sat Tsarina Catherine, dressed as a simple peasant woman. Further, other ships and sledges, harnessed by different animals, moved.

Catherine II was very fond of skiing from the mountain, merry-go-rounds, swings. They were arranged in Moscow at the Pokrovsky Palace, where the empress loved to go to Shrovetide with the whole court. And on the occasion of her coronation, imitating Peter I, she organized a grandiose masquerade procession in Moscow at Masleni week called "Triumphant Minerva". For three days a masquerade procession rode around the city, which, according to the empress's plan, was supposed to represent various social vices - bribery, embezzlement, bureaucratic red tape and others, destroyed by the beneficial rule of the wise Catherine. The procession consisted of four thousand characters and two hundred chariots.

And when Catherine II waited for the birth of her grandson Alexander, to whom she secretly intended to transfer the throne, bypassing her unloved son Paul, the Empress, with joy, arranged a truly “diamond” carnival for her entourage. Those who were the winners in the games started after supper were presented with a diamond by the empress. During the evening, she presented her associates with about 150 diamonds, striking in their price and rare beauty.

In traditional life, it was always believed that a person who spent the Maslenitsa week badly and boredom would be unlucky throughout the year. Unbridled Shrovetide gluttony and fun are seen as a magical harbinger of future well-being, prosperity and success in all business, household and economic endeavors.

The beginning of Shrovetide ranges from February 3 (i.e. January 21, old style) to March 14 (March 1, old style).

Shrovetide is a week-long holiday, a ritual holiday with round dances, songs, dances, games, and most importantly - with the rite of praise, feeding and burning of the self-made effigy of Winter. The entire celebration of Maslenitsa is accompanied by ritual carnival calls and songs, ditties, jokes, jokes, funny congratulations and wishes.

The main event of the last day was the "farewell to Maslenitsa", which were often accompanied by burning bonfires. In Russia, for this day, they made a stuffed animal of Winter out of straw or rags, usually dressed it up in women's clothing, carried it across the village, sometimes putting the stuffed animal on a wheel stuck on top of a pole; After leaving the village, the scarecrow was either drowned in an ice-hole or burned. Sometimes, instead of a doll, a live "Shrovetide" was taken around the village: a smartly dressed girl or woman, an old woman or even an old man - a drunkard in rags. Then, amid screams and hooting, they were taken out of the village and planted there or dumped into the snow (“Carnival was celebrated”).

It is curious that the concept of "Maslenitsa Scarecrow" is erroneous, in fact, the "Winter" scarecrow was made, it was rolled, it was escorted and burned, but since this action took place on Maslenitsa (that is, a holiday), very often the scarecrow is mistakenly called Maslenitsa ...

Where no stuffed animals were made, the ceremony of "seeing off Maslenitsa" consisted mainly of lighting communal rural fires on a hill beyond the village or by the river. In addition to firewood, they threw all kinds of junk into the fires - bast shoes, harrows, purses, brooms, barrels and other unnecessary things, previously collected by children throughout the village, and sometimes stolen specially for this. Sometimes a wheel was burned in a fire, a symbol of the sun, associated with the approaching spring; it was more often worn on a pole stuck in the middle of a fire.

Among the western and southern Slavs, the Russian "Maslenitsa" corresponded to Start, Mensopust, Pust and some other characters - stuffed animals, whose "wires" ended the Maslenitsa week.

Every year there are less and less truly Russian holidays. Of course, the people are not deprived and they come up with new ones instead of the old ones. But still, the rejection of truly Russian folk festivals is the loss of our roots. In order not to forget about the brightest, today we will tell you interesting facts about Maslenitsa.

Why did the festivities get such a wonderful name?

Starting to list interesting facts about Maslenitsa, one cannot fail to mention the history of the origin of the holiday. Few people know that until the 17th century, in the last week of February, people held pagan rituals. At this time, the people celebrated the vernal equinox. But with the spread of Christianity, the holiday was renamed. Remained entertainment, round dances and even the ritual of burning a scarecrow.

What, then, did the church bring? She tied to Easter. So now the holiday has become "floating" and directly dependent on the church. The priests did the best, they were guided by the principle: you cannot stop the madness, lead it. During the last week of Lent, Christians were allowed to eat eggs and butter. That is why the holiday received such a cute name - Maslenitsa.

What is bear fun?

What makes our state known abroad? Thanks to felt boots, shawls, vodka and bears. Therefore, the next interesting fact about Shrovetide will be associated with hairy animals.

From the earliest times in Russia there was such fun which was called "bear fights". These entertainments were organized on Maslenitsa, since by the end of winter the animals woke up. Who took part in the bear fights? Entertainment was divided into three types:

    Bullying. The bear was tied to an iron pole in the center of the square. And they set a dog on the furry animal. The fight was considered over when the bear fell or when the dog died. If the forest dweller turned out to be too tenacious and lively, dogs were set on him until he was completely exhausted.

    Fight with a man. It was a folk entertainment in which the brave guys showed their skill and courage. The man entered the pen to the bear, as a weapon he had a snag. The fight went on until victory. If the bear killed the guy, then the next volunteer entered the fight.

    Circus performance. But they did not always come into confrontation with bears. Sometimes the animals were tamed, and then the trained animals showed circus numbers.

Where did the tradition of climbing a pole come from?

They were always accompanied by various contests for which prizes were given. One of the popular entertainment to this day is the conquest of the ice column.

Where did this tradition come from? From paganism. Previously, people climbed the pillar not for gifts, but for spiritual enlightenment. It was believed that only a person whose body and soul are in good shape can achieve it. Gradually, gifts began to hang on the post - they were scarves, fur coats or felt boots.

Today, at the Maslenitsa folk festival, there are also daredevils who conquer the ice column. But gifts are no longer awaiting them in heaven, but on earth. A piece of paper is pinned to the top of the pillar, with a picture of the win, whoever takes it off gets a present.

Why is the scarecrow burned?

Maslenitsa folk festivals are held all day long. And in the evening they always burn a scarecrow. Some sincerely believe that Shrovetide is being burned, but this is not so. The scarecrow symbolizes winter, which people see off.

It used to be a tradition that everyone gathered in the square scolded the cold, hunger and snowfalls. But they did not forget to thank the winter for the snowmen, merry fun and cozy evenings. After such outpourings, there were round dances and dances. And only then the scarecrow was burned. This ritual was staged in honor of the coming spring, and with the same honors were paid to the annoying winter. After the straw doll was burned, the youth jumped over the dying fire.

Today, a scarecrow for Shrovetide is burned rather out of habit. Although many still honor this ritual and create dolls from hay on their own.

Is Maslenitsa celebrated only in Russia?

A truly Slavic holiday is popular in other countries as well. In Denmark, before the beginning of Lent, people bake buns instead of pancakes. They stuff them with raisins and candied fruits. Cinnamon and powdered sugar are used as decoration.

An interesting fact about Shrovetide is that Norwegians also prefer buns rather than pancakes, and they get them from their neighbors, and in a very original way. The day before Maslenitsa, the "Maslenitsa branch" is made. People decorate a birch branch with feathers, flowers, or berries. With such a weapon in the morning they go to neighbors and whip those who are sleeping. It is believed that "sleepyhead" "partakes" of the suffering of Jesus. Having received corporal punishment, the owner of the house must feed the unexpected guests with buns.

But the Americans have nothing against Russian delicacies. On Shrovetide, they also bake pancakes. And they eat them the same way, for seven days.

What records did people set on Shrovetide?

The Slavic holiday has always been celebrated on a grand scale. In the history of Russia Maslenitsa 1777 is listed. This year, a grandson was born to Catherine II, and she walked in grand style. In one day, the empress presented the winners of street competitions with 150 diamonds. The stones were real, and of excellent purity.

Andy Robel, a chef from Australia, was able to make a 76 cm stack of pancakes. Today this is a record height.

Dominik Kuzzakrea was able not only to throw a pancake to a height of almost 10 meters with a frying pan, but also caught it with the same frying pan.

Why is it considered that the first pancake is lumpy?

Before the advent of Christianity, our ancestors brought gifts and made sacrifices not only to spirits, but also to animals.

Shrovetide used to be called Komoeditsa. After all, it was in the spring that the bears who were called "comas" woke up. Pancakes were baked for them and taken as gifts to the forest. Thus, people appeased both spirits and bears.

The pancakes did not burn with a good hostess, so the first product was not lumpy, but "coma", that is, forest dwellers.

Why do they eat pancakes on Shrovetide. There are two explanations. One of them says: a pancake looks like the sun, and Maslenitsa is a holiday of spring. And the second option is more everyday: there was no food by the beginning of spring, and there was not enough food to make rich pies. And pancakes can be mixed with eggs, flour and water.

On Shrovetide, all the youth of the village took part in games and amusements. One of them was horse riding. Guys for Maslenitsa bought beautiful harnesses, in sleighs and rolled the girls around the village.

Games in the capture of snow towns were also common. Skiing from the icy mountains was also considered fun, which was honored with the outgoing winter.

Before Shrovetide became a national holiday, it was considered a sacrament of initiates. People met in small groups, asked the gods for the arrival of spring, burned ritual bonfires, sang songs and greeted the dawn. All this happened on the day of the vernal equinox.

Today Shrovetide is counted from the bright holiday of Easter. It is celebrated for 58 days. Shrovetide lasts a week, and each day has its own meaning. On Monday, our ancestors made. On Tuesday, they dressed up and walked around the neighbors. On Wednesday, pancakes were baked in all the villages. Fistfights took place on Thursday. On Friday they went to the mother-in-law for pancakes, and on Saturday to the sister-in-law. On Sunday there was a festivities, where they danced and burned a scarecrow.

Dorogorsky CFB, Mezensky District

The village is festively decorated. At the venue of the holiday - bright posters, poetic greetings. Above the stalls there are inscriptions: "Where there are pancakes - there it is!"

"Where there are pancakes - there we are!", "We have edible fish and meat!" Trade in pancakes, pies, bagels is organized. Samovars with beautiful teapots on top are smoking on the tables.

An ice pillar is installed on the territory designed for the celebration, and prizes are at the very top of it. The place of the holiday is decorated with snow figures, slides and a snow fortress are made.

Already at 10 o'clock in the morning, "heralds" are riding through the village on horseback, horse teams with mummers appear. "Heralds" also walk on stilts, inviting people to the holiday:


Make yourself at home!

We need to celebrate the Russian winter Fun! Noisy! Cheerfully and amicably!

The mummers and heralds invite everyone to the place of the celebration by 11 o'clock. Heralds and buffoons are dressed brightly and unusually. They wear sheepskin coats turned out with fur, on their faces - masks, in their hands - bells, rattles, rubs (an ironing device). With noise and ringing, they attract the attention of people:

Hurry everyone! Hurry everyone!

Winter awaits you in all its glory!

To the one who is young at heart,

Winter cold is not terrible!

We invite everyone who loves laughter

Who knows how to work, dance and have fun!

The heralds travel from end to end of the village, and by 11 o'clock everyone gathers at the festive site. The inhabitants of the village are dressed in smart clothes, some in old clothes - "fur coats", wards, velvet warriors embroidered with beads with "bushkamda. Uzhev, everything is ready to welcome the guests. Folk songs are heard, trade is in progress. "Troikas", pairs of horses, single teams drawn to a sleigh also drive up.

At 11 o'clock the bells are ringing (via broadcast). The hostess of the holiday comes out (she is dressed in an old Mezen sundress, with a bandage on her head).


Hey people! Run, hurry, marvel!

Everyone, hurry up for the winter holiday!

In today's joyful sunny day Forget sooner and boredom and laziness!


Go to the meeting of Winter and Spring!

Hot, ardent, pancakes are waiting for you!

The hostess of the holiday

People! It has been ordered to you to bring the decree now,

Prepared by Our Mother Winter herself!

We will please every guest in everything!

Let's make you laugh

We will not let you get bored!

All (heralds, peddlers).


Winter comes to the ringing of bells in a discharged troika. The hostess of the holiday meets her.

Hello dear guests!

I am glad to see you at the holiday!

Low bow to you and my affection!

Dear friends,

After all, Spring will come here Soon!

The hostess of the holiday

Let's summarize the work results:

Who worked well in winter And with what great deeds Our village is glorified again!

The best milkmaid of the Dorogorsky state farm arrives in a troika. The hostess of the holiday and Winter call her, present a commemorative medal, a "letter" and bow to her in the belt for her work. Then the best machine operator is also honored, etc.

After the celebration, the folklore group of the village of Dorogorskoye performs (songs, round dance, square dance, "eight"), Again the mummers call everyone to taste pancakes, tea from a samovar. The hostess of the holiday and the mummers invite spectators and guests of the holiday to take part in the games.

1. Competition in a sleigh with sticks. (The hostess and the mummers lead everyone to the venue of the game, there are markers "start", "finish".)

2. Competition in bag running. The bags should be bright, with multi-colored patches sewn on them.

The hostess of the holiday

Dear friends! According to an old custom, we invited newlyweds to the holiday. Young families in our village are our future, a guarantee that the village will continue to flourish. Today, at the holiday, young couples became guests of honor (he names the names of the newlyweds - those who became husband and wife in the last year).

Calling each pair, the mummers bring a troika to the young, and they complete a circle of honor. Then the young are given funny "letters". Winter and the mummers announce the performance of the Kimzhensky folklore choir. After the performance of the choir, the games are organized again.

3. Competition "Who is Faster". The young men take the sleds, the girls are put on them and the runner, taking the sleds with them, to the “finish” mark. The first gets the prize.

4. Race on stilts.

Winter and the Hostess announce the performance of the Zherda folklore choir.

The hostess of the holiday

Dear guests! Now is the time to meet Spring. Let's arrange a competition - who has more strength: Winter or Spring?

The mummers bring a rope, one half of which is “spring”, decorated with flowers and greenery, and the other half is “winter”, white. In the tug-of-war, the villages of Bor - Gora, Monastyrshchina - Petukhovo compete.

The winners meet Spring. A cheerful bell chime is heard. An elegant troika appears, Vesna is on it, accompanied by mummers and members of folklore choirs. They come out of the sleigh with songs and go to meet Winter. The hostess greets Spring with bread and salt, brings her to Winter.

Hello dear sister!

I want to say goodbye to you.

Take my business

So that I leave calmly.

The hostess of the holiday brings the awarded leaders to the Winter and Spring.

These are golden people!

Their labor hands Our state farm is getting richer.

They are not afraid of my frost!

Taking the baton

Thank you

To your gallant hands !!!

The hostess of the holiday, Spring, the mummers are solemnly seeing off Winter in the troika, she is leaving.

The hostess of the holiday

Now, my friends,

It's time for us to have fun!


Who - into threes,

Who - on the sled,

Some - for tea and for the steering wheel!

The hostess, Vesna, the mummers invite everyone to take part in the games - a fight with sacks filled with straw, two "fighters" sitting on a log, getting a prize from a pillar.

In the game "Snow shooting range" (colorful targets, which can be stuffed animals, symbolizing "anger", "hatred", "greed", "drunkenness"), players compete in accuracy, throwing snowballs.

The capture of the snow town was led by a team of boys and a team of girls. All winners of the games were awarded prizes and congratulations.

The holiday ended with a ride on triplets of folklore groups performing merry "Shrovetide" songs. To the accompaniment of comic songs, scarecrows - "targets" of the snow shooting range, were burned at the stake. In the evening, a festive concert and dancing took place in the House of Culture.

Shrovetide script for children and adults

Pancake week- the old Russian holiday of the farewell to winter - is still loved by both adults and children. It is celebrated widely, on a grand scale, for a whole week. On Sundays, fairs are held in the squares where you can taste hot pancakes - a symbol of this holiday, watch comic performances with the participation of mummers, and take part in all kinds of competitions.

Although Maslenitsa is not a calendar holiday, it always falls at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. That is why we found it useful to present the scenario of the Maslenitsa celebration in this section.

Preparation for the holiday. Two weeks before the holiday, you can post the following invitation on the school notice board:

“Dear ladies and gentlemen! On the eve of the great old Maslenitsa holiday, we invite you to take part in the "Baking pancakes" competition. Suggest us your recipe for baking pancakes. According to the results of the competition, participants will be invited to the game "Lick your fingers".

We invite you also to the event ... (name)

On Friday we invite you to the "Seeing Off and We" party.

The holiday will take place on Sunday ... 20_year ... hours. Come to see people, show yourself, ask each other for forgiveness. Shrovetide is waiting for you!

Organizers ".

Event decoration.

Option 1. For this holiday, you can choose a comfortable large area. On such a site, it is necessary to build a platform (stage 4x4 meters, 1.5 meters high with a staircase and a backdrop), on which microphones should be installed on stands. On the backdrop (metal mesh), you should hang the Shrovetide symbol - the Sun or a pancake. The entire snow area is decorated with colored balls, flags, decorative flowers, etc. A matryoshka in a sundress (3 meters) sits on a large step-ladder next to the platform. To the left and to the right of the platform along the site, there are "shells" for competitions:

A pillar doused with water for climbing for prizes; a boom log, on which they will fight with bags of hay; stakes (piles) for driving them into the ground with a special bat;

Poles (collars) with an inclined crossbeam, on which are hung colored (head) shawls, kerchiefs at high heights;

Kegs filled with water, or empty kegs, buckets;

Model of a Russian stove, etc.

Near the square, where Maslenitsa is held, there may be trading "outlets": a pancake, leaven, pie, tea, souvenir, book, pastry shop, coffee shop, etc. At the entrance to the site there is a painted arch and a huge snow woman, as well as a billboard with an advertisement for the holiday.

Option 2... The day before the holiday, schoolchildren can build a snow fortress in the schoolyard, make a stuffed animal of Winter (it is made of straw and fixed on a cross-piece made of sticks, dressed in a spacious dress sewn from shreds, a bright ribbon with a star is tied on the chest, which should remind of the past “ royal "greatness). On the day of the holiday, you can arrange a motorcade of sleighs. The first on the sleigh rides the buffoon and the accordion player, they are carrying Shrovetide. Blizzard and Blizzard are on the second sleigh, Winter and Frost are traveling with them. This whole train is rounded up by mummers who sing and dance.

Seeing off winter. Shrovetide festivities. Scenario

At the set time, participants and guests (children, parents, teachers) gather to the place of the holiday. Russian folk songs and musical pieces on the theme of Maslenitsa are played on the radio. The presenter appears - Matryoshka.


Hello, Shrovetide annual,

Our dear guest!

You came on black horses,

On the sleigh, beautiful, painted.

Your daring buffoons

They brought us expensive gifts:

And pancakes, and gingerbread, and rolls -

To our window their swords!

Buffoons run out onto the platform, jingle bells and bells. They are holding branches with white and red patches, multi-colored stripes of fabric - a symbol of health and longevity.

Buffoons(sing to an arbitrary tune).

The tendrils of the peas curl

Worms on a hook.

Two cheerful buffoons,

Like peas in a pod.

Chorus:(the choir sings from the crowd).

Buffoon, buffoon,

Go out the door with a pipe

And to the people from the heart

Sing a ditty and dance.


Every piper, piper,

Every piper and jester

And the instigator of amusing affairs,

And a cheerful troublemaker.


And my older brother

Loves grapes

And my middle brother

Even the porridge is glad.


If suddenly someone feels bad

And the heat is lacking

Call the buffoon

He will dance and sing for you.


Buffoon, buffoon,

Learn to cook peas.

Let's cook on the track

Green peas.


They hung over the river,

Two porches caught on ...

And not a rocker at all,

Just Ma-sl-ni-tsa!


Sing dance with your soul

Hands on the side

And here is Vanka the youngest

Just a fool.

1st buffoon. Dear residents, parents of your own children!

2nd buffoon... First of all, as usual, let's get to know you.


We, buffoonery-actors,

We dance as we can, we sing as we can.

We make a promise: until the end of the century

To amuse and delight a person!

Today we will show you this,

We will be respected for life!

Not for money, not for fame

And for the sake of laughter, jokes and fun!

Shrovetide happens once a year -

Happy is he who comes to us!

The buffoons conduct a competitive program consisting of four competitions.

"Firewood sawers"

Several "goats" were installed on the site, hand saws and several not very thick logs were prepared. A team of two sawers must cut their log in no time at all.


Glorious guests, wonderful people,

Turn your face here.

We start sports now

Competitions of daredevils.

Strong guys compete

Guys in juice, be healthy.

To the center of the square are called

Original firewood sawers!

(Prizes - two saws with the text "The Best Sawyer": consolation souvenir prizes - bottles of yogurt.)


1st buffoon.

The competition is new, notice

Here are things like this, brother:

It is necessary that this pile

I entered the ground to the end.

Come out and don't be shy

Hit the pile with a hammer!

(Props - sharp cola-piles are slightly driven into the ground. Wooden hammers or clubs are prepared for hammering them. Prizes are a live rooster, a live rabbit, a bunch of bagels, pancakes.)

"Dance on stilts"

2nd buffoon.

Dancers, are you awake?

Come out, take your stilts

And in front of everyone from the heart

Dance on stilts!

(Props - stilts, prizes - bags of seeds, pancakes with jam. An accordion player is playing on the court.)

"Competition of accordionists"

Adults and children who know how to play the harmonica are summoned to the stage. Accordionists play whatever they want, but the repertoire should be fun. The best musician wins.

1st buffoon.

Here is a harmonica, an accordion,

There is white snow on the accordion,

Play it a little

A kind Russian man.

Accordion player, take the accordion

For the game - not for fun.

Touch the buttons with your hand ...

The accordion is the winner!

(Props - stools, harmonica, prizes - children's accordion, pancakes. As a prize, you can present the winner with a children's harmonica-toy.)

(The song "And I was teapot" from the repertoire of N. Kadysheva and the group "Golden Ring" sounds. A sleigh is approaching the school ground, in which Blizzard and Snowstorm are traveling. The sleigh is making a circle of honor.


Good afternoon to you, gentlemen!

All of you have arrived here

To meet the spring

With an affectionate word to greet,

We will see off mother winter -

And for the diligence - to reward everyone!


Good guests, hello!

On all sides - hello!

Allow me, dear guests,

Introduce yourself to us!


I am a gray-haired friend of winter,

Gray-haired snow blizzard!


I was in a hurry for a holiday to you

In untouched fields

Where snow falls on the ground,

And my name, guests, Blizzard!


Like butter week

Pancakes flew from the pipe -

Everyone was invited to the holiday

They called for a walk!

Scenario of the holiday "Farewell to Winter"

year 2013

Deputy Director for BP:

Purpose: to familiarize students and parents with the preservation of the traditions of our ancestors

Shrovetide is traditionally celebrated outdoors. We offer you a scenario for such an event.

Hello dear guests! Today we are going to remember the old Russian holiday, rejoice, have fun, how our grandfathers amused themselves on Shrovetide. Shrovetide - cheese week - takes place seven weeks before Easter. They were always looking forward to her. Each day of Shrovetide Week has its own name: Monday - "meeting"; Tuesday - "flirting"; Wednesday - "gourmet"; Thursday - "revelry", "wide"; Friday - "mother-in-law evening"; Saturday - "sister-in-law's gatherings"; Sunday is "forgiven day". The whole week was called "Honest, wide, noblewoman Maslenitsa."

It is not necessary to do a stage play, outdoor games will also help to make this holiday fun.

You will need two adults who will be the entertainers. They will attract children and adults to all kinds of competitions, they will direct the fun in the right direction. During the holiday, they can improvise, change assignments, add their own texts. However, the list of entertainments and competitions must be drawn up in advance so that there are no annoying pauses and misunderstandings.

Further on in the script we will call them buffoons. The main thing is to take into account that the event takes place on the street, which means that static contests must be alternated with mobile ones so that children and adults do not have time to freeze.



1 buffoon

Many interesting things await you today!

Games, fun, wonders from wonders!

Hurry, there will be enough gifts for everyone!

2 buffoons

We invite those

Who loves dancing, fun and laughter.

Goodbye the winter,

There will be a harvest in the summer.

1 buffoon .

Let's have some great fun!

People are having fun here.

And I think it's lucky

The farewell party will take place!

2 buffoons

According to the tradition of our ancestors

We must spend the winter.

Many kind and glorious holidays

We have left from antiquity.

1 buffoon .

Many good old holidays

We have left from antiquity.

Pass them on to great-grandchildren

By tradition, we must.

Winter appears to the song Three White Horses.


Together with Russia I live in epics,

And, like her, I am many centuries old,

Then I sleep on feather beds,

I'm spinning over a tow of winds

Now in the steppe, now in the mischievous forest,

Do not pass then, do not pass.

You will not find a second Russia,

And the second one cannot be found.

I'm harsh and everyone loves me

I am frosty, and everyone is waiting for me.

And I knew that kind people

They will come to see me off with honor!

Kindergarten performance.


Bow to you, good people!

Come, look, look!

I will be with you for the last time.

Only here and only now!

Snow, frost is not a hindrance to us

More noise, more laughter!

Come, come, spend your Winter!

1 buffoon.

Winter is sweet without reservations

To you with immaculate whiteness,

And the steepness of the snow slides

And ice with mirror-like straightness.

2 buffoons

Today we are seeing off Mother Winter.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank her for the snow-white cover, for the winter blizzards, for the deep snow.


How is it necessary, brothers,

Say goodbye to you today!

I was kind to you

But it's time for us to part.

Spring will come to you soon

The snow will melt, the ice will melt.

I will pass the baton today

Spring and Summer.

I'll be gone for a little while

The meeting is in the same year.

Winter goes to the music "Three White Horses"

Buffoons. Winter does not want to leave, look what a notable frost! To keep us warm, let's play.

Outdoor games are held. (Choose one game)

· Throwing panicles

This is a wonderful outdoor competition, fun and simple: the championship in throwing a broomstick at a distance. For such fun, you need to take a few panicles without a shaft. What a winter without a janitor with a broom clearing the snow? We are holding a competition for the title of Honorary Janitor. The winner is the one who throws the whisk farthest or knocks down the snow figurine.

So the holiday continues. The Buffoons appear.


To us, here! Get ready, people!
Interesting things await you today!
Games, fun, fun and laughter,
The holiday will be enough for all of us.

Come on, children, together, let's call spring-red in unison.

Adults, along with children and Skomorokhs, are calling for spring.

Spring, spring is red!
Come spring with goodness
With great joy:
With a warm sun
The harvest is abundant.
We'll rain,
With beautiful flowers
With abundant gifts!

Spring appears with a greeting

Winter is not without reason angry

Its time has passed.

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives you out of the yard!

Hello dear guests! I am glad to see you again, warm you with my warm rays, please with the first spring flowers and cheer you up.

Are you ready to meet me?

Now I’ll ask you riddles.

(the text accompanying its appearance can be anything).
Spring invites children and adults to guess riddles about Spring, birds and animals)

Children and adults can be divided into teams in advance, or you can guess each one in turn.


· From the little window to the little window - a golden spindle. (Sunray)

· He came from heaven, left to earth. (Rain)

· The red rocker hangs across the river. (Rainbow)

· Without language, but speaks. Without legs, but running. (Creek)

· Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, paved the bridge. She came red, scattered the entire bridge. (Frost and spring.)

· What is not sown in the spring will be born? (Grass)

· The whole field is covered with a small, green color. (Spring meadow.)

· Mother in spring - in a colored dress, mother in winter - in a white cloak. (Field)

· Brothers began to get out of the cradle. They fell to the ground - they turned green. (Germinating grain.)

· In summer he walks without a road near trees and oaks, and in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear)

Well done! And now for a little quiz.

A quiz is being held. I have the floor

Note. Do not forget that the holiday is held on the street, which means that the game is being played further.

Buffoons. Hey-gay, honest people, we strained our brains - now we will strain our muscles!

1. Buffoon.

Here is fun, so fun.
This has never happened before.
It's hard to run without legs
The legs are hidden in a bag.
Who will be more agile
More and more quickly for the reward.

We offer to arrange a jogging in bags.

Both individual players and teams can participate in the competition.

Note: while the inventory is being distributed, the division into teams, the explanation of the rules of the game, one of the buffoons is reading an impromptu cheerleader.

Spring. Warmed up? Now let's take a break and remember songs about winter, spring and, of course, about Shrovetide.

Note: you can play like this: name it by a line from different songs or by the principle of playing "Cities", that is, the next line should start with the letter that ended the previous line.

Round dance "How I got up early"

1. As I got up early,
I cleaned up quickly.

Shrovetide came to us,
Brought pancakes and butter!

2. As I stood at the hot stove.
She baked pretzels and rolls.

3.With rolls of pancakes, shanezhki
For my dear friend Vanya.

4. Oh. girlfriends, get ready,
Dress up in sundresses.

5. We will lead round dances together,
We also need to spend the winter

Buffoons. And now we invite you to try the fun of our ancestors - walking on stilts.

Eh, fun is so fun!
You will laugh at glory,
Transform into a crane.
I will help you with this!

Note: you can arrange a hike on stilts at speed, who will get to the finish line faster.
You can simply invite everyone to try their hand. A competition is being held.

Spring. How do we know that spring has come?

Children. The streams are running, the sun is warming, the birds are coming.

Spring. True, birds come from the south, the piles of snow are melting. Let's play the "bird game" - "Sparrows and Crows".

· Sparrows and crows

Game rules: players are divided into two teams - "sparrow" and "raven". The presenter says: "Sparrows!" Suddenly, the presenter says "Ravens!" The game is dynamic, you don't need to drag it out

Spring. Now everybody's invited, let's do a tug of war. This is an old carnival fun.

Note: Arrange multiple tournaments. Only moms are the first, dads are the second, and then a competition of family teams can be arranged.

Buffoons. This has never happened before! Competition on a panicle. Birch or Christmas tree? Is it a fairy tale or a reality? Do witches kick up dust?

· Panicle racing

A long strip is drawn in the snow - a track, plastic bottles are placed along it with a snake, the participants (you can seat the whole family) sit astride long brooms and run to the finish line.
Note: If the brooms are difficult to find, replace them with brooms or snow shovels.

Spring. What is the farewell to winter without riding on troika with bells? I suggest all dads who wish to turn into horses.

Note: dads are harnessed to sleds, for greater believability, bells are put on their necks, kids in the sled should help dads, pretending to neigh. The winners are those who reach the finish line first.

Spring. Well done, horses! Let's now take a rest and remember fairy tales and films about winter, spring and Maslenitsa.

Assignment to teams ... Play a scene from a fairy tale: "Snow Maiden" and "Morozko"

Note: before the screening, anyone who wants to must quietly tell Vesna which film or fairy tale he has thought up, one team guesses: "From which fairy tale is an excerpt?"

Buffoons. The Japanese have sumo, and we have our own fun. We invite you to participate in the old Russian fun "Petushki".

· Cockerels

A flat area is selected on which a circle is drawn. The participants of the game are divided into pairs according to the age and weight category. The first pair enters the circle, jumping on one leg and holding the other with their hand, the players must push the opponent out of the circle. Attentions are pushed not by hands, but only by shoulders. The one who is pushed out of the circle is eliminated from the game.
The next pair of players enter the circle, then the winners compete with each other. The last winner wins.

Buffoons. And now we invite you to ditties.

Primary school students are speaking.

We start singing ditties
Please don't laugh:
There are a lot of people here,
We can get confused!

1. I'm ready for Maslen
Eat 50 pancakes.
I'll eat them with baked goods,
I'll try to lose weight.

2. Baked goods, godfather, pancakes,
Yes, so that they were lush.
Today Maslen week -
You can eat too much.

3. The Martians flew in,
We were satisfied.
Their plates are not empty
And full of pancakes.

4. I ate the fifth pancake,
My skirt burst.
I'll go sew up my skirt
To eat pancakes again.

5. Play more fun, accordion,
Shrovetide, do not be sad!
Come spring, rather
Drive winter away from us!

6. My friend and I were walking,
They put cheese on the mountain,
All were covered with pancakes,
They poured oil on top!

Everything. We finish singing ditties
Until another evening.
You sit until the morning
If there is nothing to do.

(Texts with ditties for the audience are distributed in advance, after the performance of the children, a competition of ditties among the audience)

1. On Monday with a clear dawn
Everybody's riding a slide
They chew all kinds of food,
They sing songs loudly.

2. Throughout the village to each courtyard
A children's choir runs.
Old things are carried from houses,
All kinds of rags.

3. Everyone is carried over the fence,
Making a big fire.
After all, Shrovetide,
Glorious Maslenitsa!

4. For a loved one for a scarf
The guy climbs on the sixth.
And the sixth is doused with water,
That's why it's icy.

5. In trials, the lads stand,
And in the concoction, the girls are brisk -
Pancakes are baked sweet,
Treats are served.

6. The people are smiling,
He leads a round dance.
After all, Shrovetide,
Good Shrovetide!

7. Have fun, honest people,
Stuffing your belly.
This is Shrovetide,
Maslenitsa is celebrated!

8. Dying to the heart of the cheesecakes,
The girls are singing ditties.
Everybody is dancing around
And his soul rejoices.

9.Happy Sunday
We ask everyone for forgiveness.
Our good aspirations
Arouse admiration.

10. Farewell to all the people
Set fire to Shrovetide.
Fire up quickly
So that our life is more fun!

11. They drove a diva around the yard,
Oh, yes, statuesque and beautiful.
It's a pity for me to burn this,
My wife won't let me sleep.

12. Drawn a mask
We will cover with pancake decorously.
Let it burn completely
Everyone is tired of winter.

13. Thank you all for your attention,
For the enthusiasm, fun, laughter.
For the fire of competition
Creative Success.

14. The moment of farewell has come,
Our speech will be brief.
We say: "Goodbye,
Until a happy new meeting! "

Spring. Well, dear guests, sang, have fun? Isn't it time for us to taste the blinks, to find out which hostess did the best.

Performed by all participants of the holiday.

1. We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

2. They dissolved in a new kvashka,
The pancakes were running for two hours.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

3. My older sister
The pancakes are baked by a craftswoman.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

4. She baked something to eat,
There are probably five hundred.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

5. She puts on the tray
And she herself carries it to the table.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

6. Guests, be healthy,
Here are my pancakes ready.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Note: Make an appointment with friends and guests in advance so that each family will present pancakes for the tasting. Prepare plates with the names of the hostesses. Before tasting, the names of the hostesses must be hidden. Everyone who has tasted pancakes is given one fant, which he can vote only once for the pancakes he likes.
Next to each dish with pancakes, you need to put a bowl or box where the forfeits will be put. At the very end of the tasting, the number of forfeits is counted, and the hostess who has received the most forfeits wins.

What Shrovetide without a hot samovar blazing with heat? Sbiten, a traditional Russian drink, will come in handy outdoors. It is very simple to prepare it. Mint, St. John's wort (any fragrant herbs are suitable) with spices (cinnamon, cloves) are brewed, honey is added. The drink is consumed only hot.

Spring. Isn't it time, dear guests, to say goodbye to Winter, Maslenitsa? Let the cold cold give way to the warm sun, let an ant grass instead of snow in the fields turn green. Let drops and streams murmur instead of howling blizzards.

Buffoons. It's time for us to part with winter, we will warm ourselves from the fire. This is what our ancestors did when the fires were kindled.

Burning Shrovetide

Firewood for the fire must be prepared in advance, the fire must be high so that a scarecrow of Maslenitsa burns in it. Children can help in collecting firewood for a fire, but only under the supervision of adults. You need to remember about the safety of babies, explain in advance the rules of behavior around the fire and be near them.

Children and adults join hands and dance around the fire with the words:

Go away, Winter! Goodbye Shrovetide! Hello Spring!
Burn, burn clearly, so that it does not go out! Goodbye Shrovetide!
And come back next year!

Buffoons. Everyone is familiar with the fairy tale "Snow Maiden" from childhood, written. Forest dwellers-berendei saw off Shrovetide with words that we would like to end our holiday with:

Goodbye, honest Maslena!
If I'm alive, I'll see you.
Wait at least a year
Yes, know, know that Maslena will come again.

Spring meeting

Stilt Relay Bag Run

Tug of war

Pancake tasting Pancake tea is delicious!

Young athletes

Farewell to Shrovetide Burning Shrovetide