Jumpers for children from 4. At what age does a child need jumpers? Baby jumpers: pros and cons

There are many devices designed to save a woman from carrying a baby all day long. One of them is jumpers, invented so that the child learns to stand and walk faster and has fun.

But in the past few years, pediatricians have begun to talk about the dangers of jumpers, walkers, and other devices for accelerating a child's development in an upright position. Are they right, and from what age can jumpers be used without harm to children, let's try to figure it out together.

Jumping for a child

Jumpers are panties or seats with elastic bands or springs that are mounted in a doorway, on a ceiling or a stable floor structure (photo jumpers). In them, the child learns to jump, starting from the floor, strengthening the muscles of the legs and being very happy. It would seem that the use of such a device should only be welcomed as a simulator and a way to entertain the child and give a little rest to the mother. But walkers also have disadvantages, which increase if the mother uses the walker incorrectly.

The first and main mistake is using jumpers too early. Trusting the recommendations of manufacturers that children can be put in jumpers from almost 3 months old, parents can harm the fragile spine, hip joints and weak legs of their child. The consequences can be very different.

To get started, read the article "".

Possible back injuries, development of leg tone, curvature of the legs, improper development of the feet. Not much help with solving the problem and a more thoughtful design with roller-holders for the armpits. Therefore, the main question that parents must decide for themselves before making a purchase or accepting a gift is

From how many months can jumpers be?

When asked at what age jumpers can be used, most pediatricians answer - from 6 months, for both boys and girls. Of course, if the baby does not lag behind in development and already begins (!) to sit down, holds well and arches its back. More careful doctors do not recommend putting the child in jumpers until 9 months old, when the baby has already learned to crawl, wants to stand and is interested in everything around.

The biggest opponents of the device are allowed to use jumpers only when the baby is already learning to walk - to strengthen the legs and self-confidence. All these prohibitions are aimed at protecting the back of the child. Premature heavy load on the spine may affect later, when the child sits down at the school desk and at the computer at home.

Doctor speaks! Dr. Komarovsky is a big proponent of crawling and an opponent of learning to walk too early by any means. In his opinion, the stories of parents that their baby did not crawl, because these are the features of his development, do not correspond to reality. Children are not able to crawl in exceptional cases. And the fact that adults are trying with all their might to put the baby on his feet as early as possible (lead him under his arms, put him in walkers and jumpers) does great harm to the fragile spine. To the question - when it is possible to jump in jumpers, he answers this way: the baby must crawl, develop arms and legs, strengthen the ligaments of the back, and only then - rise to the legs.

How to use jumpers correctly

You can avoid all or most of these negative points if you not only know when to put your child in jumpers, but also how to do it correctly.

  • Jumpers should be safe for the baby. They must be securely fastened at the top or firmly on the floor, all rubber bands should not be frayed, the springs are closed with special covers. All the time while the child is in jumpers, there are adults nearby.
  • The child must be healthy and vigorous. Sick, lethargic, irritable or sleepy children should not be placed in walkers. You can not let the child fall asleep while sitting in jumpers.
  • Contraindicated in abnormal (too strong or weak) leg muscle tone, rickets, problems with the nervous system.
  • Do not use the device if children's skin is rubbed at the points of contact with the panties or the seat.
  • It is necessary to properly seat the baby in the walker. When sitting in a suspended walker, if one foot is better on the floor than the other, leg development can be impaired. For the same reason, a child should not lean to one side in a walker with a seat. It is impossible for children's feet to reach the floor only with toes or fingertips! The child should stand firmly, legs slightly bent at the knees, preferably shod.
  • You can not put in jumpers immediately after eating.
  • The time spent in jumpers is the most important indicator of their incorrect use. In the first days, the baby is seated for only a few minutes. In the future, the jumping time can be increased to 20 minutes, but no longer! Treat jumpers as a simulator and too much entertainment, an overdose of which is dangerous at any age!

Baby must crawl

Speaking of jumpers, it is worth reminding parents once again that their baby should crawl and as much as possible. Crawling, the baby forms and strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the back, necessary for normal walking. To do this, it is often necessary to lay the child on the tummy, even if he does not like it at all, stimulate the reflex repulsion of the legs and encourage crawling in every possible way.

If a child crawls a lot, it means that he is developing correctly and the use of jumpers will not harm him. The arguments of the opponents of jumpers are based on such negative possible consequences:

  1. Predominant in the development of the lower body of the child, passive at other times,
  2. inability to keep balance and disorientation in space,
  3. the development of the wrong muscle groups that are needed for walking,
  4. the child may decide that jumping is the only way to get around.

If your child crawls and is in a walker two or three times a day for 20 minutes, you can be calm, this will bring nothing but fun and additional leg training.

Advice! Having decided at what age you can use baby walkers, you need to choose a device option that is suitable both in terms of cost and quality. The cheapest models, in the form of panties with an elastic band, are attached to the doorway with nails and are quite dangerous. Suspended models on a more serious mount can cling to the opening with loops or clips (only for protruding jambs). The cost of hanging jumpers is from 600 rubles to 4 thousand rubles, if a seat with a back and a tabletop are added to them, the price increases by about a thousand more. A portable floor model, including a seat, a table and educational toys - from 3 to 8 thousand rubles.

When used correctly at the right age, baby walkers can be a great training and entertainment complex that will bring a lot of joy to the child and his parents. Do not neglect our tips, share them with your friends, and let your baby grow up healthy!

Jumpers: pros and cons (video)

Jumping for children (video)

We note right away that the opinions of doctors about the need and safety of using jumpers vary greatly. To understand the reasons for the situation, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main functions and properties of this simple design.

Jumpers for a child are a small structure similar to children, but there is a difference - it's a high back and a deep seat. This seat is attached to the spring belts, which, in turn, are attached to the doorway of the apartment. The length of the springs can be adjusted, and the baby happily begins to lean on the legs, squat, and then bounce.

It is possible to use jumpers for the development of a child from six months, but only with the permission of the attending physician, who may be against it. As soon as the baby begins to take the first steps, and this happens for about a year, he will no longer need such entertainment, and from 8 or 9 months you can add walkers to the jumpers so that the baby begins to master stepping movements.

You should definitely consult not only with a pediatrician, but also with a neurologist and an orthopedist before buying this accessory.

Important arguments for and against

Jumpers have equally as supporters and opponents of their use in the development of infants. One half believes that a healthy child will get stronger and learn to walk faster if he is regularly and briefly planted in this accessory, while others treat him with discontent and disdain, that is, they are categorically against the use of this accessory.

And there is something to think about: an increased load on a child's fragile body can lead to serious consequences, such as spinal curvature and neurological abnormalities. At the same time, a reasonable approach eliminates such risks. That is why there are both “for” and “against” in this issue.

As a reference, we can cite the fact that in the 70-80s of the last century, the jumpers were discontinued, since that generation of doctors believed that they only teach the baby to push off the floor, while violating the natural development of proper walking. When they were used, the foot was allegedly formed incorrectly, the muscle tone in the legs was disturbed, and the hip joints were deformed. In Canada, at the end of the 20th century, they completely banned not only the production, but also the sale of used devices. The government justified this by saying that they pose a serious danger to the child. Let's try to understand all the arguments for using jumpers.

The use of jumpers, of course, has certain advantages.

  • The kid gets a lot of positive emotions from jumping, besides, such activities perfectly stimulate the vestibular apparatus. Against this, there is absolutely nothing to note even doctors.
  • The use of this accessory is great for additional exercises for children with weak muscles, after injuries, including birth injuries (if there are no contraindications from a neurologist) and with improper leg positioning (in this case, classes are held together with parents who help "put" the leg correctly).
  • The accessory is able to entertain the baby during the time that the mother is busy with household chores, while moving, he can not only bounce, but also turn around and look back at the actions of his parents.

There are also many arguments against jumpers.

  • Curvature of the spine in an infant is possible with excessive use of jumpers without the control of the baby's parents, so orthopedists and neurologists are against this device, especially if parents abuse it.
  • Jumping can affect the function of the cerebellum. On subsequent attempts to walk, the infant may tumble and fall for a long time in an attempt to learn to walk on his own.
  • The child does not develop a sense of caution, because there are limiters from blows, and the springs do not allow falling to the floor.
  • In infants at this age, “knowledge of life” occurs through a sample of the objects that surround it, “by the teeth”, and a long stay in jumpers prevents this. In addition, the baby can be very upset, because the toy in his hands has fallen, and he will not be able to pick it up himself.
  • Exercises do not contribute to the proper formation of the foot and do not use the entire area necessary for walking, thereby depriving the child of the skills of early independent movement. This is a strong argument against using the device.
  • Jumpers and walkers greatly overload the muscles of the child's back, because the child will not be able to change the constant vertical position on his own.

What could be the consequences?

Experts quite often mention such an aspect of the importance of using jumpers as psychological, in addition to the physical inconvenience of using them. After all, it is the psychological aspects that affect the well-being and condition of the child far from immediately, manifesting themselves only when the parents begin to sound the alarm, because the baby does not make attempts to walk independently.

The use of this accessory reduces the period of crawling, and it is he who contributes to the establishment of interhemispheric connections of the brain and the harmonious and proper development of the baby.

If these connections are poorly formed in infancy, then later the baby may expect problems with learning and assimilation of school material. It will be difficult for a child to teach reading and counting, but then parents are unlikely to be able to compare learning problems and how much the child crawled in infancy.

The child is simply not created to constantly jump - the physiology and development of the baby at this age is to learn to sit down, then crawl and, getting up, walk. The use of jumpers, on the one hand, allows you to unload the baby's mother for a while, but it is rather difficult to immediately assess the harm from them.

Jumpers are fixed in the doorway with a special reliable clamp

Precautions when using jumpers

If you want to please your baby with positive emotions and there are no contraindications from doctors, and the baby is completely healthy, you can purchase an accessory - of course, provided that the parents follow not only the safety rules, but also the temporary regime. However, before hanging the jumpers in the doorway, parents should familiarize themselves with the safety measures.

  • First of all, it is worth noting the fact that there can be several approaches per day, but the period of one “session” should not be more than 15 minutes. This time is enough for a young mother to carry out wet cleaning indoors or to ventilate the children's room well before going to bed.
  • For those children who still do not know how to sit on their own, it is necessary to choose models that have special straps under the armpits - they support the baby's spine that has not yet grown strong.
  • It is necessary to hang the jumpers in such an opening where the baby will not be able to injure himself on the sharp corners of the furniture during exercise.
  • In no case should jumpers be used without shoes on a flat, even and, of course, non-slip sole. Nowadays, even for a six-month-old child, you can buy shoes, in addition, the daily ritual of putting on shoes will become familiar to a child who will subsequently take independent steps.

Do not confuse walking shoes with soft boots that do not hold the foot, without arch support and a good heel. Orthopedists and neurologists are against the use of jumpers without proper footwear.

In this case, the springs can be slightly loosened under the supervision of the parent, so that the baby can make independent attempts to move. The child will have more space and the opportunity to reach the subject of interest to him.

With the right and reasonable approach, jumpers are safe for a healthy child, and weakened children are sometimes even necessary on the recommendations of doctors. However, as with everything, the most important rule is the careful supervision of mom or dad and a clear time frame.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 05/24/2019

With the birth of a child, parents have a lot of questions about how to properly care for a child so that it develops correctly, at what age and what to do. Previously, knowledge about proper upbringing and care was passed down from mothers, grandmothers, from generation to generation. Today, the benefit can be guided not only by the experience of predecessors, but also by the recommendations of pediatricians. This is an incredible advantage of modernity, which should not be denied. Knowing research in the field of pediatrics, young parents can avoid many mistakes and prevent many diseases in children and deviations in their development.

It is believed that daughters should not be planted early, as they may have a bend in the uterus. Is it true? What does the word “plant” actually mean? From what months can you start using additional accessories such as a kangaroo, car seat, jumpers? In order not to harm their child, parents should be aware of these things and from how many months it is possible for a girl. If you are looking for a specific answer from what age, then each child develops individually, so you still need to figure out why and how girls should not be planted.

Periods of development of an infant

The baby is born with a very thin spine, which is an elongated light arc. It is absolutely not designed for positions other than horizontal. As it grows, it transforms, this should happen naturally when the child tries to hold the head and raise it on its own.

Physiological curves begin to form at the spine: cervical lordosis, also thoracic kyphosis, and also lumbar lordosis. Their development as a result helps the child to stand on his feet. All this happens gradually, not immediately, so it will be better if you do not specifically put the child upright. This refers to the position of the child hanging in the hands of adults, deliberately planting and forcibly standing on legs that are not yet developed for this. Adults need to wait a few months, when the spine gets stronger, the health of the daughter in the future directly depends on this.

Important!!! The spine in both sexes is formed in the same way. Therefore, the issue of early planting for boys and girls is equally relevant.

Consequences of sitting down from early months

Forced seating is dangerous for children suffering from rickets. This disease is characterized by soft bones, sagging muscles, and therefore leads to various pathologies. But even a healthy baby can be harmed if planted in this way from early months. Forced sitting without support of a baby who does not yet know how to keep his back straight, results in the back bending, and those muscles that were supposed to support it relax. Due to this, the curvature of the spine begins.

How to understand how many months a girl is ready to sit?

Most mothers want their children to develop ahead of time. Therefore, they proudly prove that their daughter began to sit on her own from three to four months. They think that if the baby raises her shoulders, then it is already possible to sit and she is ready. Unfortunately no. The girl herself will never sit from three months, because her spine is still not developed for this. Usually impatient adults start to plant children. This can even be seen from the way the baby sits in a half-fold.

Important!!! Do not think and do not doubt whether it is possible for the baby to sit. She sits by herself. In as many months when physiologically ready and she wants to.

Doctors believe that when he or she can sit without assistance for several minutes, then the spine is ready. This often happens at six or eight months of development. It even happens that the child first learns to crawl, and only then to sit. But doctors strictly forbid to seat the child until he sits down himself.

What time can you put a girl in jumpers?

Walkers are not needed at all. The child can stand up and learn to walk without additional equipment. Walkers are more likely to be needed by mothers, who in this way can be distracted by their own affairs knowing that nothing threatens the child. After six months, the child becomes very inquisitive, he is changeable, becomes more active. Walking is not always safe for him, because you can hit or fall, so mothers with walkers are calmer. Then the child moves around the apartment with great joy and freedom, nothing threatens him.

It seems that with a walker, the child learns to walk faster. In practice, it's quite different. With this movement, completely different muscles are involved than when walking. Therefore, the desired effect of forming the spine is not achieved, there is no active crawling, which strengthens the back, and children will learn to walk incorrectly, as a result, this will lead to foot deformities. The baby also learns to walk, never learning how to balance.

Attention!!! Walkers do not help to walk, but give a sense of security. Sometimes after them the child is afraid to walk on his own. Walkers are harmful not only physiologically, but also psychologically.

If you want to give the child some kind of support, it is better to let it be a toy cart that the child can walk and push. In this case, he will walk on his own.

When, for safety reasons, walkers are still needed, they can be put in them only when the baby knows how to hold the back himself and stand on his legs in the crib. It's better not to use them. Nature itself will tell the child when he needs to walk, how to fall.

When can girls use jumpers?

Jumpers make life easier for parents no less, allowing you to distract the child for a while. These are rubber bands that are fixed on the doorway with a soft seat in which the child is seated. The kid bounces off the floor, jumps up and down and has fun in this way. Let's weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this device.

“For” jumpers:

  1. They bring joy to the child and parents.
  2. Strengthen muscles.
  3. Jumpers expand the view of the child.
  4. Jumpers make the child active and mobile.
  5. Parents can take a break and do their own thing.


  1. The child is constrained, only the lower part of the body is loaded, he makes monotonous jerks. Despite the activity and joy of the child, crawling is much more useful for him.
  2. This is traumatic. He can hit the door frame, fall out of the seat.
  3. It is possible to get a curvature of the lower extremities, as well as the spine due to increased jumping load on weak bones.
  4. Muscles develop incorrectly. Development falls on the calves, and the main muscle involved in walking - the quadriceps - does not develop at all.
  5. Jumpers develop an addiction to jumping. Such activity in a child provokes a surge of adrenaline. This is accompanied by joy, the brain becomes addicted to this kind of pleasure.
  6. The child's brain is poorly developed, and with each jump it becomes more and more difficult for him to process new information. And it is useless, because a person will not move like that later, there is no need for the brain to learn to perceive information under such conditions of movement.
  7. The constant repetition of jumps can cause the brain to remember this type of movement, this will interfere with the correct formation of walking in the future.
  8. Skipping the crawling period leads to poor arm muscle development, affecting development.

The opinion of doctors about jumpers is unequivocal - this is a big premature physical load, fraught with curvature and other pathologies of the spine. Moreover, there is compression of the perineum. The downside is that when pushing off, the child does not step on the entire foot, but on the toe. In the future, you can spoil his gait. From a practical point of view, jumpers are very harmful. The child hopes for a protective device, so he will not learn to jump, walk, climb.
If, taking into account all the negative factors, parents are determined to purchase jumpers, this can only be done if when the daughter can sit and stand up on her own, from the age of about seven or eight months. Physicians strongly recommend putting in jumpers no more than fifteen minutes to avoid overuse and injury.

Read more:

Jumpers are a very useful tool. In addition to the fact that the child has fun in them, jumpers also develop muscles and coordination. Moreover, not only the muscles of the legs are trained, but also the weakened muscles of the shoulder girdle, upper limbs. The vestibular apparatus of the baby is also developing, because in jumpers you can not only jump up and down, but also spin and roll over. Thus, coordination of movements develops, the child becomes more dexterous.

Sometimes jumpers are used as a means of rehabilitation for diseases, but in this case they can be used only on the recommendations of doctors.

Despite such seemingly obvious advantages, many parents are opponents of jumpers. And they have their reasons for that. Firstly, unscrupulous manufacturers write that it is possible to put a child in jumpers from 3-4 months. However, this device should be used only when the child can already independently hold the back, i.e. at 6-7 months.

The muscle tone of the child may be disturbed due to the use of jumpers: sometimes they squeeze the baby's perineum too much. In addition, jumpers somewhat limit the movement of the child. And if you put the child in jumpers for too long, walking training may slow down.

Restrictions on the use of jumpers

The decision to use jumpers remains with the parents, but there are cases when it is impossible to categorically put a child in this device.

  1. With inflammatory processes on the skin. Especially if the inflammation is at the point of contact of the jumpers with the skin of the child.
  2. With neurological and orthopedic diseases.
  3. If the child has not yet learned to hold his head on his own.

Types of jumpers for children

There are several types of jumpers that differ:

  • fastening (some jumpers are fastened with special clips, others need to be nailed to the doorway with a nail);
  • along the springing element (as a rule, an elastic band acts as its function);
  • by seat design.

How to use jumpers: rules

So that the jumpers do not harm the baby, follow certain rules and strictly follow the instructions. Check that the child is easy to place and get out of the jumpers, and that his legs rest on a hard surface with the whole foot, and not just the toes.

It is important to limit the time the child spends in jumpers. It is worth starting from 3 minutes, gradually increasing the period, but not more than up to half an hour. The child should jump on his own, at his own request, do not force him. Before using jumpers, check that all mechanisms are securely fastened.

After putting the child in jumpers, put his hands on the armpit rollers, fasten the fasteners and adjust the height. Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the floor and your knees are free to bend.

Do not leave your child in the jumper unattended. Fastenings can come unfastened, and the child can crash into the wall, playing too much.

How to choose jumpers

First of all, be guided by the requirements of the safety and convenience of the child. Before putting the baby in the jumper-simulator, make sure the elements are reliable.

  1. Underarm cushions made of soft fabric will ensure the comfort of the child in the process of training.
  2. The bar above the head is needed so that the child does not get tangled in the belts.
  3. Fastening for cheaper jumpers is made in the form of a steel hook with a thread. More expensive models are equipped with special clips in the form of staples. Such jumpers can be removed and moved to another place.
  4. The elastic spring shock absorber is adjustable in length, which allows you to set different amplitude and frequency of jumps.
  5. Belt slings are made in the form of rubber or spring. Models with adjustable straps are more comfortable and versatile.
  6. The seat should be deep, with a hard back to support the baby's spine.
  7. The choice of children's hanging jumpers depends on the weight of the child.
  8. When buying floor jumpers, check them for stability.
  9. Give preference to jumpers with adjustable back and seat. The child is growing rapidly, and every month it is wasteful to purchase a new model.
  10. When buying in a store, ask for a quality certificate confirming the reliability of the jumpers.

Jumping jumpers for children: from what age can they be used?

Many manufacturers of jumpers write that they can be used from the moment when the child learns to hold his head on his own. However, doctors do not recommend the use of this device at such an early age: the spine is not yet ready for this. It is safer to start using jumpers from 6-7 months, when the child learns to sit down on his own. However, there is one catch here: pediatricians say that using the simulator can interfere with the development of crawling skills.

How much time can a child spend in jumpers

Do not force the baby to jump if he does not want to. For the first time, a session of 3 minutes will be enough, then the time can be gradually increased to half an hour. The average duration of one jumping session is 15-30 minutes.

During the day, it is allowed to use the simulator repeatedly, but not more than 3 times. Focus on the desires of the child - most likely, the jumpers will get bored of him earlier than in half an hour.

In this article:

Today, many devices have been invented to entertain the baby and free mother's hands for a while. Among them are children's jumpers.

If the attitude towards such items as a stroller, a crib, a walker is quite definite, then in the case of jumpers, everything is not unambiguous. Jumping for children, according to many, is attractive not only as an opportunity to entertain the baby, but also as a simulator.

At the same time, some pediatricians argue that this device can seriously harm a fragile child's body. Which point of view is correct? How to choose a model? Consider the main advantages, disadvantages, design features and rules for using jumpers.

At what age do jumpers use

Pediatricians do not give an unambiguous answer, from how many months you can think about buying jumpers. They only confidently indicate that the period during which the baby can be in jumpers without harm to health should be short. And physically, the child must mature to use them - to confidently hold the head, and even better, be able to sit without support.

The very first jumpers are designed for children from 4 months. They have a special design that provides additional support in the underarm area.

An accommodation for a child older than six months may not have this support. Many pediatricians who allow the use of the simulator believe that jumpers are more suitable for children from 6 months. Some models of suspension trainers are designed for ages 9 months and up.

In any case, before buying, you will need to consult with a pediatrician.

Advantages and disadvantages

Baby jumpers are a controversial invention. For every argument in favor of this simulator, opponents will give an argument against it. It is up to the mother to decide whether to use it or not, based on the developmental characteristics of the child, after consulting with the doctor observing the baby.

Advantages of the simulator:

  • the baby learns to stand and walk straight;
  • the baby realizes that he can regulate his movements, their intensity and speed;
  • the device develops coordination of movements, trains the vestibular apparatus of the child;
  • thanks to the jumpers, mom has some free time;
  • the simulator creates a good mood and causes positive emotions in the baby;
  • jumpers, when used under the direction of a physician, can help eliminate certain health problems as an affordable exercise machine.

Disadvantages of the device:

  • early being in a vertical position contributes to an increased load on the legs and back of the baby;
  • jumpers do not stimulate the baby to crawl, which is much more useful at this age than walking;
  • the simulator interferes with the development of balance;
  • jumping strengthens the baby's muscles, but not all that are necessary for upright walking skills.


There are several types of jumpers. They can be:

  • hanging;
  • fasten in the doorway with clamps;
  • mounted on a special stand or legs in any room, a doorway is not needed for this.

Children's hanging jumpers are best used for older children, they create an increased likelihood of injury on doorways. However, they are ideal for small apartments, as they take up little space.

The exercise machines fixed on a support are mobile, they can be used even in the yard. They are not traumatic, but they require a lot of space. They are more expensive than hanging ones.

In the design of jumpers, you can use both elastic bands (cheaper options) and springs. The springs will last longer. But you need to make sure that they are wrapped in a cover to avoid pinching the delicate skin of the baby.

Tires wear out faster. Their technical condition should be monitored so that the device does not become unusable during the crumbs' jumps and does not lead to a situation dangerous for the child.

In what cases jumpers are prohibited

The simulator is not allowed to be used if:

  • There are restrictions on the part of a neurologist or orthopedist (hypertonicity or hypotonicity of muscles, developmental delay, neurological pathologies, defects in the development of the musculoskeletal system).
  • There are inflammations or allergic reactions on the child's skin in places of contact with jumpers.
  • The baby has not reached the age of three months.
  • The child does not like jumpers or is not in the mood to be in them.
  • The kid just got sick, there are residual signs of the disease.

Terms of use

In order for the jumpers not to harm the health of the crumbs, certain rules for their operation must be observed. First of all, when assembling the structure, it is important to take into account all the instructions for assembly, installation and use.

Rules for the operation of the simulator:

  • Correctly selected height of the structure. The legs of the baby in the jumpers should touch the floor in a bent position.
  • Be sure to fasten the fixing strap.
  • If the baby only ate, do not use jumpers. The same restriction applies to the illness of the baby.
  • The child must not be left unattended in jumpers. Otherwise, the simulator can be dangerous for the crumbs.
  • When buying a device, you need to take into account not the manufacturer's recommendations, from how many months you can use children's hanging jumpers, but the needs, features and capabilities of the child's body.
  • Before placing the baby in the simulator, you need to put on shoes or put a rubber mat under the legs.
  • It is necessary to strictly control the time spent by the child in jumpers. You need to start with a few minutes, gradually bringing the time up to 20 minutes. Too long a baby in the simulator creates an excessive load on the fragile back and leg muscles.

Jumpers for boys and girls

There is an opinion that jumpers are forbidden for boys. Allegedly, this is due to the harm that they have on the reproductive system of the child. But this is an exaggeration. When choosing a simulator, the main criterion should not be the sex of the baby, but the age and state of his health. For example, jumpers are suitable for children from 6 months, while not every four-month-old baby will be ready for this simulator.

It really doesn't matter if a boy or a girl uses jumpers. It is important how often and how long the time spent in them. As soon as the child grows up and begins to crawl, the time of jumping on the simulator should be reduced in favor of crawling or walking.


Consider a few popular models.

Jetem Air Jumper

Model characteristics:

  • fastening jumpers makes it possible to install them in any room;
  • rotating seat;
  • the ability to transform the simulator into a swing;
  • The allowable maximum weight of the baby is 11 kg.

It should be noted the high quality of the materials from which the simulator is made. The cover is removable and easy to wash.

Jumpers have a wide bumper which reliably protects the kid from blows.

The advantages of this device include an interesting music panel that can entertain the baby. Jumpers of this manufacturer will reliably serve more than one generation of children.

Among the minuses, only their cost can be distinguished - it is higher than the analogues of the Russian manufacturer.

Fisher-price "Rainforest"

The jumpers of this model are designed taking into account the physiological characteristics of babies from six months to 12 months. Fisher-prise "Rainforest" is suitable for those children who already know how to sit on their own.

The design is stable, it does not need to be suspended and the jumpers can be placed in any room. The height of the jumpers can be adjusted according to the growth of the crumbs (3 positions). On the positive side, the baby can not only jump, but also study animals, the sounds they make, listen to music, watch the change of colors and explore the electronic panel, developing fine motor skills.


If the previous models of jumpers can be considered as a sports equipment and an entertainment center, then the Fairy is the first real simulator for a baby. This hanging model combines the functionality of jumpers and swings. They come with a length-adjustable leash to insure a child taking their first steps while hiking.

In appearance, the jumpers are a suspended panty seat, fastened with a metal ring. The underarm area is reinforced with additional soft rollers, on which the baby can lean when jumping. This reduces the load on the back and legs of the crumbs.

The Fairy simulator allows you to strengthen the muscles, develop coordination of movement and the vestibular apparatus, entertain and cheer up the child. These jumpers are recommended for children who sit confidently. The optimal age for them is 9 months. It is allowed to disembark a child who has not reached this age, but not younger than 6 months.

Model on expander rubber Sport baby

A variant of a Russian manufacturer related to economy class products. In appearance, these are hanging jumpers that are attached to the doorway. The model in the economy version has some limitations. It does not allow the baby to make rotational or circular movements. But ordinary jumps bring a lot of joy to the child, allow you to free your mother's hands for a while. These jumpers are designed for the age of 5 months.

In addition to the basic model, under this brand you can buy a VIP model. It combines the functions of jumpers and swings. Such jumpers will last up to 2 years.

Baby sports suggest that the safe time for a baby to stay in them continuously cannot exceed 20 minutes. In this case, jumping will not harm his fragile body.

Swing jumpers

There are also jumpers in the trading network, which can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also as a swing. Such models are a little more expensive, but they will also last a child longer. Russian manufacturers offer many models of swing jumpers. For example, Sport baby, Fairy.

Foreign manufacturers offer many more expensive analogues. Among them are the famous Babycare, Efenflo.

Selection rules

How to choose baby jumpers? What criteria should be the main ones when buying and what you should not pay attention to - let's figure it out.

Among the modern assortment, many recommendations and preferences, it is not difficult to get confused. Consider how to choose jumpers so that they bring joy to the baby and do not harm his health.

From 4 months

The main criterion when choosing a simulator is the readiness of the baby to be in an upright position and jump. Some manufacturers write in the instructions for their models that the recommended age for them is 4 months.

If the baby has no health complaints from the pediatrician, neuropathologist, orthopedist, confidently holds his head, can sit, and his back muscles are strong enough, you can use these simulators at an early age.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the equipment of such models with special supporting rollers in the armpit area. If they are absent, then it is better to postpone the adaptation for a few more months. It is advisable not to use hanging jumpers as the first simulator at this age. They are more traumatic than other varieties.

For a four-month-old toddler, jumpers are more of a simulator, and not a pleasant pastime. It is difficult for him to stand upright on his own, and the jumpers will help prepare the baby for walking skills.

From 6 months

Six months is a safer age for the use of jumpers. At this time, you can more freely choose models of simulators, because physiologically the baby is already ready to stay in an upright position.

At the age of six months, when using this device, the same rules apply as in earlier stages. You should still start with a few minutes, bringing the time spent in them to 20 minutes a day.

Despite the fact that the muscles of the crumbs are strong enough, do not neglect the safety rules. Before buying, a consultation with a pediatrician is required. It is important to make sure that the child's health condition has no contraindications for the use of the device.

Many pediatricians claim that at 6 months jumpers are not a simulator, but entertainment and free hands for mom. Crawling develops muscles and coordination of movements much faster and more actively. It is believed that after the baby has learned to crawl, he actively learns the world around him, explores it, moving around the room. And jumpers from this moment contribute to the inhibition of the pace of the physiological and intellectual development of the child.

Jumpers will bring many pleasant minutes to the baby and mother, if you take seriously their choice and the rules of safe operation. Before buying, you should not ignore the opinion of the pediatrician, since this simulator is capable of seriously harming the health of the child instead of the expected benefits.

An interesting video with a specialist's opinion on the dangers of early use of jumpers