Psychological support for the elderly. Accompanying the elderly Responsible for escorting the disabled and the elderly

Serving the elderly by social workers is carried out according to two schemes: patronage and social support. They have significant differences. Patronage provides for home work, care, creation of conditions for the most comfortable life of the ward.

Social support is built on a different principle. The accompanying person helps the ward to participate in public life, to self-actualize in the status in which he is at a particular moment.

Escort is not limited to home-based services. Its functions and tasks are much broader. Thus, escort of the elderly is organized at the airport, at railway stations, on trips to sanatorium-resort treatment, to hospitals for examinations, social events, etc.

That is, the service provides for the provision of assistance of a various nature, from psychological to transport (for example, at Sheremetyevo, elderly citizens and disabled people can be escorted by special vehicles).

Accompanying the elderly from "Social Support"

Social support is a multi-stage process. By entrusting its organization to the specialists of the Social Support patronage service, you will receive a guarantee of the quality of services. We know how to work with the elderly!

When working with older people, a wide range of socio-psychological methods are used: conversation, discussion, personality-oriented psychotherapy, role-playing games, etc.

Places of work with older people can be different: nursing homes, day care centers, social services centers. It is only important that the inclusion of an elderly person in any psychotherapeutic work was carried out not just with his consent, but at his initiative. Only in this case, some positive effect is possible.

The specialists identified three main guiding principles in working with older people:

  • - do not allow older people to be drawn into the negative image of aging, for example, you need to help them see and understand that the source of their problems lies in the situation, but not in themselves;
  • - require older people to take responsibility for their lives wherever possible;
  • - to stimulate activities of older people that support a sense of integration and wholeness of life.

Psychological support includes group work and individual counseling.

Group sessions can be useful when older people share common concerns and interests, share each other's concerns, and can use the group for information and support.

These include: working with loss, instilling hope, reducing social isolation, psychological support, getting rid of fears - these are the main goals of group work with older people.

Types of group support: instrumental (ways and methods of solution) and emotional and justifying (understanding, empathy).

Loss, loss of a spouse, loneliness, relationships with family, dependence on the dead, neuroses are the main goals of individual counseling.

It must be borne in mind that an elderly person lives in the past and ceases to develop as a person. In dealing with such problems, it is recommended to use the following methods of consultation: Scenario for the future. Strengthening resources. Making a positive use of the situation.

In addition to these traditional methods of psychological assistance, there is a self-help method. Let's highlight 6 stages of self-help:

  • 1. Collecting information about an elderly client.
  • 2. Analysis of the collected information.
  • 3. Formulation of the main problem of the elderly person.
  • 4. The purpose of independent work.
  • 5. Activities that an older client can learn.
  • 6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of actions.

In the West, training of cognitive skills has become widespread, which is considered one of the most effective and developed methods of psychotherapy in working with the elderly.

E. D. Smith cites snippets of cognitive training that are simple, accessible to any old person, and provide significant compensation for mild cognitive deficits. Activities such as solving crosswords, replenishing knowledge of languages, history or other discipline by reading, visiting special lectures or clubs are an especially effective form of learning that supports the functions of attention, memory, and logical thinking.

Learning processes help the elderly to behave appropriately to the constantly changing requirements of the environment. The ability of older people to learn is often underestimated, while in most cases, as a result of training, they not only restore lost functions and skills, but also develop new ones.

R. Wood identified the following types of support for older people suffering from dementia: stimulation and activity; occupational therapy; music; Pets; multisensory stimulation; work with memories; orientation in reality; confirmation therapy.

It is possible to carry out activities aimed at expanding competence in old age - this is a solution to development problems, such as:

  • 1 Adaptation to loss of physical strength and health.
  • 2 Adjustment for retirement.
  • 3 Adjustment to the loss of a spouse
  • 4 Explicit adherence to the age group of the elderly.
  • 5 Flexible and plastic acceptance of the social roles of the elderly.

Old age is not a disease, and one should not think that care and treatment is enough for it. An old person needs to be accompanied - this is a complex, important task of society.

Today, age is not a social role, but often an existential crisis. And every such crisis a person needs to be helped to comprehend and survive in a new way. For any aging person, changes in the central nervous system are characteristic, which leads to a decrease in performance, the appearance of resentment and irritability, a decrease in memory and the loss of some skills, depression. An elderly person more than anyone else needs support, human participation.

In a harmonious relationship, the family performs a psychotherapeutic function in relation to all its members. It is realized by providing emotional support, providing conditions for an emotional response, maintaining a sense of its usefulness and need, etc. In order for old age to be the "golden time" of older people, it is necessary to develop in them a constructive acceptance of old age.

The constructive type of aging includes the presence of a good emotional sphere (absence of fears, anxiety), tolerance, independence in solving problems, adequate self-esteem, and a life plan. It presupposes active old age. Active old age - old age in conditions of involvement in social relations. An elderly person transfers his experience, knowledge, feels needed. This behavior relieves feelings of loneliness and gives independence. Thus, the retirement age, paradoxically, becomes the age of opportunity: you can travel, return to college, live another life.

Elderly people may require more moral support and companionship than physical assistance. We can help you find a companion caregiver for your older relative. Many employees in our database are ready to communicate and provide moral support to your loved one - at a reasonable price. Contacting EasyCare can be a solution to the problem of loneliness in older people.

The cost of a companion caregiver service for an elderly person

Check out the cost of such services in our company. We guarantee that the employee handpicked by EasyCare will be a responsible and responsive companion for the elderly person.

Features of the activity of a companion nurse for the elderly

What does companion include? Is friendship between the client and the employee possible, or is it a purely formal communication? Let's try to answer these questions.

What a companion caregiver can do for an elderly person:

  • accompany on walks, on trips to the store, clinic, etc.
  • buy groceries, household goods;
  • help in cleaning, cooking;
  • talk with an elderly person, accompany him to recreational activities;
  • monitor the health of the client, inform the client about their concerns about the physical condition.

Companions read to elderly people, watch their favorite TV series and talk shows with them, talk about topics of interest to clients. Is friendship possible between client and employee? It is quite possible: we select candidates for companions in such a way that they are maximally compatible with clients in terms of emotional characteristics and taste preferences. We firmly believe that no amount of professional commitment can replace true soulful communication. Therefore, we recommend as companions responsive and empathic people who never devalue the experiences of another person and treat their clients with trepidation.

What else should you look for when choosing a companion?

  • relevant work experience;
  • the presence of characteristics from previous places of work;
  • emotional qualities, mental stability;
  • the candidate's outlook, taste preferences, attitude to politics, religion, minorities.

EasyCare can take care of all these issues. You just have to get to know the candidate, already being sure that his characteristics are ideal.

Benefits of contacting EasyCare

Why is our service convenient and safe? We find a candidate who fully meets your requirements. At the same time, his professionalism is guaranteed. our employees are tested in three stages:

  1. Study of the candidate's documents on education, professional development, work experience.
  2. Face-to-face interviewing of the future employee by EasyCare specialists.
  3. Testing a candidate for identifying his emotional stability, determining personal characteristics.

After verification, the employee undergoes internal training. We guarantee that your assistant will be trained and aware of all modern requirements in the field of escorting the elderly.

Only after that a personal meeting between the client and the potential partner will take place. In addition, if the employee likes it, and you hire him for the service, our cooperation will not be interrupted. We will unobtrusively monitor the performance of our employee and his compliance with the standards of our company.

How to find a companion for an elderly person in Moscow

Contact EasyCare for help finding a companion for an elderly person. We will offer you several candidates, one of which you will definitely consider the most suitable. We guarantee that we will provide a professional in their field with good recommendations and a sincere attitude to work.

We provide services for accompanying the elderly to clinics, shops, recreation areas. We will accompany you on walks around the city, as well as on trips outside the city... You can not be afraid for your loved ones, because our nurses always have a first aid kit with them and will be able to provide first aid in any unforeseen situations. We also have in the team strong men, which help to lift and lower a sick person in the absence of an elevator. Give care to people close to you!

Accompanying the elderly on a walk

Our company provides caregivers who are will help your relative walk down the street... Caregivers of the company " Mentor" help an elderly person get dressed, go down the street, get into a car or a walking chair. You you can order a nurse with a personal car, and then your relative can travel around the city with comfort. We will help the elderly person to visit nature, we will conduct a short excursion around the city, we will visit the places in which he wanted to visit. Present a holiday to your loved one. We carry out both one-time walks and with the frequency you need.

Accompanying an elderly person to the theater, museum, concert hall

We will help your relative to attend various entertainment events, help you get ready, get dressed, go down to the vehicle. We will pick you up and bring back from the event... Company "Mentor" will take care of your elderly relative during the entire trip.

Our company has professional guides, you can order a guide to accompany an elderly person.

Escorting an elderly person to the store

We will help the elderly person to visit any store. If this is a grocery store, then we will help you choose good products, we will help you bring them home. We accompany the elderly also to clothing stores, we will help to choose and try on.

You can check the cost of accompanying a nurse with our manager, the price depends on the duration and complexity of the trip. You can find out approximate prices in the section.

Take care of your elderly relative, let him feel young again. Our company "Mentor" is ready to provide 12% discount to all new customers, we also have discounts for regular customers.

Accompanying the elderly and sick people, people with disabilities to a place of rest, escort for treatment, escort to places of cultural pastime, on a visit and in other cases when our ward needs help on the way

Escort nurse services

If anyone deserves our most sincere attention and warm care, it is our close relatives - mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers. Life is arranged in such a way that, as we get older, we plunge headlong into the daily cycle of events - work, children, urgent matters and other concerns.
While our loved ones become less and less independent with age, they lose the ability to actively move even within the boundaries of their hometown, or even completely afraid to leave the house once again. And so I want to do at least something pleasant for them, for example, give them the opportunity to relax on the seaside or improve their health in a comfortable sanatorium.

Walking with a nurse

Walking in the fresh air certainly has a beneficial effect on the body and psyche of a person. The lungs saturate the blood with oxygen, the body receives useful physical activity, as well as new impressions from contact with the outside world. Unfortunately, with age or due to poor health, a person is not able to independently enjoy walks in the fresh air. Without the help of a health visitor, organizing regular walks for the elderly can be a real challenge for relatives and family members.