Rainbow is the theme of a bright summer birthday (preparation). For birthday guests in rainbow style

Collective project "Rainbow World" in the preparatory group for school

Tikhomirova Olga Valentinovna educator of the first qualification category "Kindergarten No. 16", Zaporozhskoye village, Priozersky district, Leningrad region
Project participants: children of the preparatory group for school, educators and parents
Tasks: develop children's empathy, creativity, imagination and observation;
develop memory and coherent speech;
to unite the children's team;
create a joyful mood in the group for a long period;
to involve parents in the life of children in kindergarten.
Late autumn brings a sad mood.
In November, the sun rarely appears, the sky is a dull gray shroud.
It's damp and dull outside, you don't want to walk.
The trees are bare, the leaves have fallen and rotted.
Nature sleeps and does not make us happy with its colors.

1st stage of the project

Discussion of the problem(1st day):
Reading poems about late autumn, talking about seasonal changes in nature, discussing the question - What pleases us with nature, how can we please ourselves?
The sky was breathing in autumn ... A.S. Pushkin
Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
Less often the sun shone
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she was naked,
Fog fell on the fields,
Goose noisy caravan
Stretched towards the south: approached
Quite a boring time;
It was November already at the yard.

Autumn E. Bulgakova
If there is no mood,
If the street is wet
The rain smears the tears
On the asphalt and on the glass
If the children are on the go
Do not stick their nose out
It means - lost
Multicolored umbrella Autumn.
Do you think November is a boring time?
Why does it get dark early?
Why does the sun rarely appear in the sky and does not warm?
Why do children and adults walk less?
What multicolored umbrella has autumn lost?
What colors did nature delight us in summer, at the beginning of autumn?
Why is everyone waiting for snow, winter?
Why is there no mood when it's late autumn outside?
How to cheer up?
What colors cheer you up?
What colors are boring?
What's interesting to do?
When people are happy, happy?
During the conversation, the children offer their ideas for raising the mood (watch cartoons, play an outdoor game, arrange a holiday, invite guests to tea, dance ...)
The teacher offers a creative project "Rainbow World":
- Guys, let's arrange it with you in the Rainbow World group!
What does the word "rainbow" mean?
What is a rainbow?
How many colors are there in a rainbow?
When does it appear?
Why was it called that?
What is Joy?
How do people show joy?
The teacher invites the children to ask all these questions at home to their parents, and tomorrow we will discuss the answers.

2 stage of the project

Discussion of the upcoming project(2nd day).
Children talk about what their parents told them about Rainbow. The teacher talks about a natural phenomenon - Rainbow. Shows illustrations of unusual rainbows: inverted, fiery, circular, double, man-made.

We remember the colors of the spectrum with children. The teacher invites children to devote their day to each color.
What color will the first day be?
Second, third, fourth ...?
How to make everyone understand what day it is in our group?
How to attract parents to our "Rainbow World"?
Children offer their ideas as they see, for example, Red Day:
wear red clothes;
create an exhibition with Red toys, objects;
draw something red;
bring the ball Red;
tell a poem about Red;
sing a song about Red;
make a riddle about Red;
reward an active participant.
The teacher invites all children and their parents to take part in the Rainbow World. The most active participants will be rewarded with "praises" that can be pasted into your album. We agreed to finish the project with a holiday, during which we will count the "praises" and reward the most active participants in the project.
The teacher invites the children to paint the circles with the colors of the Rainbow so that they can hang a note at home in a conspicuous place and not forget what the next day is:

The teacher gives all parents notes about the upcoming project.
Dear Parents!
The collective project "Rainbow World" starts in our group
Target: Determination of the role of color in our life. Tasks: The development of children's empathy (empathy is empathy with the emotional state of another person), creativity, imagination and observation, the development of coherent speech and the rallying of the children's team. Creation of a joyful mood in the group for a long time.
Project duration: from 10 to 21 November 2014.
Project participants: children, educators, parents.
Every day is dedicated to one of the colors of the "RAINBOW" spectrum.
On this day, the child comes to kindergarten (if possible) in clothes of the desired color, or brings something of this color (for example, the RED day - the child comes in a red T-shirt, with a red apple, with a red ball, flag, toy, with a poem about red, a song, a riddle, a picture, etc.)
The most active participants receive "praises", which will be calculated at the end of the project (who has more?)
At the end of the project, we invite all participants to the "Rainbow World" entertainment!
Good luck with your project!

3 stage of the project

The structure of each day
Morning time
1. Children enter the group.

Children come to kindergarten in the morning wearing matching clothes. They examine each other's clothes, compare shades of colors.

2. Exhibition decoration.

Children arrange at the exhibition objects, toys, pictures, drawings, vegetables, fruits of the corresponding color, which they brought from home or found in a group.
3. Creation of the "Air Rainbow".
Children, with the help of a teacher, hang the balls on the curtain in accordance with the color spectrum of the rainbow.
4. Charging with music.
We carry out exercises for songs with words corresponding to the color of the day.
Time after breakfast
5. Conversation "Sense of color".
- What color do you think?
- What mood does it evoke?
- What sensations do you experience when you see a lot of this color around you?
- Do you think the group is happy or sad today? Anxious or calm?
- How many of you like this color, who does not?
6. Taking pictures for memory.

7. Reading poetry and riddles. Children recite poems and riddles that they have learned at home. If you have not learned, but brought a note, then the teacher reads.
8. We dress up the doll Tanya. We dress up a flat cardboard doll in a dress of the appropriate color.
9. Reading the "Colored Fairy Tale".
Every day has its own tale: Red tale, Orange tale, Yellow tale, etc. Doll Tanya is the heroine of this fairy tale.
10. Test of "color". If fruit was brought, we divide it by everyone and eat it, thank you for the treat.
11. Element planning for Paper Rainbow.
Children suggest in the form of which silhouette we will depict the stripe of the corresponding color on the "Paper Rainbow".
12. Presentation of "Praises".
The teacher distributes "praises":
1 - for an item of clothing of the corresponding color;
1 - for a poem, riddle;
1 - for an item for the exhibition;
1 - for drawing. You can earn four compliments or more in one day. Children paste them into their albums.
Quiet hour
13. Decoration of a corner for parents.
In the parent's corner we post information about the color corresponding to the day.
14. Registration of poems and riddles.

15. Preparing the element for the "Paper rainbow".
The teacher makes the preparation of the element, agreed with the children.
Evening time
16. Creation of "Paper Rainbow".

Children trace the silhouette of the element, cut it out and stick it on a Whatman paper, where a new color appears every day.
17. Draw the color of the day.

Children themselves decide what they will paint with the appropriate color.
18. Experimental activities.
A teacher with children conducts experiments on the formation of colors and rainbows at home.
19. Children leaving home.
We thank the parents for taking part in this day, we remind you about the next color day.

Example of one day

ORANGE DAY Morning time
Children come to kindergarten in the morning dressed in shades of orange. They examine each other's clothes, compare shades of colors.
Children arrange at the exhibition objects, toys, pictures, drawings, vegetables, orange fruits that they brought from home or found in a group.

The teacher, with the participation of children, hangs orange balloons from the curtain (an air rainbow is created).
We carry out exercises to the song “Orange sun in the clouds, orange sky on our hands, orange songs above the ground ...” (group “Paints” author A. Voronov)
Time after breakfast
Color Sense Exercise
Relax the muscles of the body, lower your arms freely and calmly look at the orange objects.
Try to get a feel for how orange feels. What mood does it create? Does he seem light or heavy, warm or cold, joyful or sad, sociable or secretive, strong or weak?
Orange is warm and soft. It invigorates, but compared to red, it is calmer and lighter. Orange is made for happiness and communication. This color is used by clowns all over the world, as orange instills joy, self-confidence, benevolence and tolerance. Orange removes mistrust and feelings of superiority.
- Who likes this color?
Taking pictures for memory

We dress up the Doll Tanya in an orange dress and read a story about her.

Reading fiction
ORANGE FAIRY TALE (Nishcheeva N.V. "Multicolored fairy tales")
Autumn came, and the girl went into the forest for ORANGE leaves. She came across a birch - all yellow, with leaves like gold coins. An aspen also met her. She stood red from top to bottom, right up to the top of her head. Then the girl saw an old oak tree. It was still quite green, only with brown acorns. And in the forest there was also a rowan with ORANGE berries. But the girl did not need berries, but leaves. And then she saw a tree, which spread its branches in all directions and burned with ORANGE fire, as if a huge fire was kindled in the forest. The girl went up to the tree. - Hello, maple! Hello! the maple rustled, and a few ORANGE leaves slowly flew to the ground. - That's for me? the girl asked. - You ... - the maple rustled again, and again the maple leaves swirled in the air and fell at the girl's feet. “Thank you,” the girl said. - But why are you dropping such beautiful leaves? Soon you won't have one left. “I'm getting ready for winter,” the maple replied. - In winter, it will be hard for me if snow falls on each leaf. I need strength for those green buds that will unfold in the spring. And again the maple leaves, like huge ORANGE butterflies, swirled around the girl. She picked up a bunch of them. A whole bunch of ORANGE maple leaves! I brought it home, smoothed each leaf and put all of them in a vase on the windowsill. When winter came, white snow lay everywhere, and an ORANGE summer sun seemed to be shining on the girl's window.
Communication. Development of dialogical speech. What fairy tale have we read? What time of year is it? Where did the girl go? Why did she go? What kind of leaves did she want to pick? Which tree did she see first? What were the birch leaves like? What tree did the girl meet later? And what were her leaves? What tree did the girl see yet? And which tree had orange leaves?
Poems about the color orange
Petya was a wonderful artist!
He once mixed yellow with red ...
The boy looked, was surprised:
A new color, orange, was born!
Oranges have this color,
Ripe persimmons and tangerines.
And yesterday the hedgehog is a clever little hare
He treated me to orange carrots.
Look out the window on a summer evening
Watch the sun go down to sleep
In warm orange pajamas
To shine above us again in the morning.
We often hear about orange
This color is also called red.
A sly ginger cat is watching the bird.
Chickens are stealing by a red fox ...
If you are sad, then without a doubt
This color will cheer you up! A. Markova
Orange riddles
He's with orange skin
That looks like the sun
And under the skin - slices.
Let's calculate how much?
We will give a share to everyone,
We'll eat everything one by one. (Orange)

For the filling of the pie
Dried apricots will suit us.
And what a fragrant fruit
Does he give dried apricots to people? (Apricot)

I walk in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel)

They wear red-haired berets,
Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.
Very friendly sisters
Golden ... (Chanterelles)

For curly tuft
They dragged the fox out of the mink.
Very smooth to the touch,
It tastes like sweet sugar! (Carrot)
Children recite poems and riddles that they have learned at home. If you have not learned, but brought a note, then the teacher reads.

Nastya treats the children with oranges, Sasha - carrots, we smell, taste the orange color.
Planning an element for "Paper Rainbow"
Children suggest in the form of which silhouette we will depict the strip of the corresponding color on the "Paper Rainbow" (oranges - orange circles, triangles - carrots, flowers - marigolds). We decided on the flowers.
The teacher presents "Praises"
for an item of clothing of the corresponding color;
for a poem, a riddle;
for the item for the exhibition;
for the drawing. Children paste them into their albums.
Quiet hour
In the parent's corner, we post information about the role of orange in our lives.

The teacher draws up poems and riddles that the children brought from home.
The teacher prepares the silhouette of a flower for the "Paper Rainbow".
Evening time
After sleep, children circle the silhouette of a flower on orange self-adhesive paper and stick it on a Whatman paper, after the color is red.
If desired, children draw orange pictures (with paints, crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens).
A teacher with children conducts experiments on the formation of orange.
"How to get orange color"

To get a classic orange you will need:
red and yellow in equal proportions, palette;
by changing the proportions of these colors, you can also get golden-orange if you add more yellow, and red-orange if there is more red when mixing;
if you want a more muted shade of orange, add a little more white; to get a dark orange, you should not add black, it is better to take a dark gray;
Experiment with "Yula"
The teacher, together with the children, glues yellow and red triangles on the spinning top. Then we spin the whirligig and see only the orange color.
We post children's drawings at the exhibition in the dressing room.

We share our impressions with parents about the orange day, remind us of the next yellow day.

At the end of the project

We found out that color plays a big role in our life.
We are constantly engaged in color therapy, without even knowing about it.
Each of us has our own color preferences. We have favorite and least favorite colors, pleasing to the eye or annoying shades of different colors. Wearing clothes of our favorite color or enjoying the colors of nature, we feel comfort, tranquility and inner satisfaction. We prefer to reject unloved colors, thereby weakening the unfavorable, as it seems to us, effect.
We felt how different shades of colors affect our mood: green and blue - soothed, red and orange - excited, yellow - pleased, blue and purple - inspired.
For two weeks, we maintained a joyful holiday mood.
Children's empathy increased, the group rallied. The children advised each other how they could earn more "Praise", reassured each other if someone did not have clothes of the appropriate color.
During the project, children's creativity and imagination exploded.
Coherent, dialogical speech developed.
Memory developed (children learned poetry).
Talents came to light (they themselves wrote poems about colors Sasha Y., Vitya S., mother of Kirill S.).
Parents took an active part in the project, supported their children day in and day out and rejoiced at the Praises together with them.
The project ended with the entertainment "Rainbow World" with parents, with the fairytale hero "Dunno", with dances, songs and games (the scenario of the entertainment can be viewed in my blog). The goal is achieved, the tasks are completed!
Thank you for the attention!

Rainbow day already automatically winds us bright and warm thoughts. Indeed, as a rule, immediately after a gloomy rain, the clouds disperse and a multi-colored stripe appears in the sky. She gives people hope and happiness. It is also considered a kind of symbolism. Why not? After all, rainbow colors have always been associated with something good, and never with something bad.

Rainbow Facts

It is quite rare that you see a rainbow at noon. Most often, it appears in the evening or morning. For a rainbow to form, sunlight must hit the raindrop at an angle of about 42 degrees. When darkness falls, you can see a rainbow here too. This phenomenon is called the lunar rainbow. Immediately, the rays of light are refracted when reflected from the moon, and not from the sun itself.

Scientists have noted that two people cannot see the same rainbow. Light that bounces off certain raindrops bounces off other raindrops from a completely different angle for each person. Thanks to this, we see a different image of the beauty.

As for the colors of the rainbow, even as a child, parents used to tell a little count that helped to remember all 7 colors of the rainbow. Only, in fact, the rainbow consists of more than a million shades, including colors that the human eye cannot see. Although, maybe some are unique and see.

How to make a rainbow

It turns out that a rainbow can be created at home in a variety of ways. For example, fill a glass with water and place it on the table in front of the window. The day must be sunny. Place a piece of white paper on the floor. Dampen the window with hot water and adjust the glass of paper until you see a rainbow.

Another way. Place the mirror inside a glass of water. In this case, the room should be dark, and the walls are white. Shine your flashlights into the water by moving it. Do until the heavenly body is formed.

Birthday boy


Number of guests

ideally 7 people


up to 5 years

Duration of the holiday

1.5 - 2 hours


a house and a garden

Holiday colors

7 Rainbow colors in a variety of combinations and interpretations


chrysanthemums, asters, roses, gerberas


colorful balloons, paper flowers, bright umbrellas, garlands, rainbow caps


Rainbow cake, layered jelly, rainbow fruit skewers, cherry muffins, white chocolate muffins, cookies, colorful ice cream

Thematic entertainment

rainbow cooking, tagging, guessing, bright darts, rainbow bowling, color secrets, musical rainbow, riddles, dancing


pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, kits for creativity

The main characters of the children's rainbow holiday

In fact, many times I thought about making a surprise holiday for my beloved and only (so far) Sonechka. When she turned three, we invited clowns-animators, hoping for something grandiose. Alas, the guys worked according to the standard and soulless program. For the 4th birthday, we have carefully selected a specialized entertainment center (while paying a lot of money). But the holiday was again spoiled by indifference. Then the situation was saved by the attractions and beloved friends of our girl. And now I decided: stop experimenting! No one but me will do better, and, most importantly, with love, taking into account all the habits, dreams, desires and character of the birthday girl. And the topic itself turned up. We were just (in early spring) returning with Sonechka from the garden and saw a bright rainbow in the sky. She was so happy! I started jumping and clapping! And then - in almost all of my daughter's drawings - the rainbow took pride of place in the sunny sky. In a word, closer to July (namely, in this juicy summer month at our birthday crumbs), I gathered my courage and began to prepare ...


First of all, I determined the circle of invitees. Among Sonechka's friends and girlfriends, there were just 6 five-year-old tomboys. This number was perfect for me! To make everything beautiful, I sent them real invitations. Their design and format was absolutely simple, understandable and appropriate to the theme.

1. Invitations to the "Rainbow" holiday

Option 1. Rainbow after rain

For such a cute card, you will need:

0.5 sheets of pink and white cardboard;

Thin finishing tape (7 rainbow colors), 10 cm each;

Scissors, glue, black marker.

How to do it?

Fold half of the pink cardboard in half vertically. Then draw a cloud in random order on white cardboard and outline its edges with a black marker (for contrast). Cut out.

Cut off seven multi-colored pieces of 10 cm from the rolls of ribbons.

We glue the ribbons to the cloud.

Then we transfer the entire structure to the front side of the pink card. We sign and send to future lucky guests.

I made just such cards for our holiday. Everything about everything took me about 40 minutes. However, then I found a few more simple but very effective rainbow invitations. I share my find!

Option 2. Rainbow accordion

Making such a postcard is also quite simple. The basis is an ordinary envelope, known from the lessons of primary school labor. True, for beauty, you can round off its edges a little with scissors. An accordion rainbow is a glued seven-flower made of colored paper (although, here you can also save time on cutting and buy a roll of quilling ribbons). Well, a cloud cut out of white stationery. Glue everything together and - voila! - the postcard is ready!

Option 3. Caramel rainbow

Such a rainbow will create a festive mood for your guests long before the start of the holiday! Well, it will save you from unnecessary troubles, which will gather a lot before the holiday. All she needs is a bright candy on a stick and a simple postcard from a nearby store. However, the only caveat: such an invitation should not be sent by mail. Better give the future guest personally.

Well, the invitations have been sent, your most important flower-flower is peacefully playing in the sandbox, not suspecting anything about the future holiday, and time is surely starting to play clearly not at your gate. It's time to connect hidden reserves - dads, grandmothers and girlfriends - and start preparing rainbow decor for the room (or even the whole house) where the holiday will take place.

2. Decoration and decor for a colorful children's party

Balloons. Nothing echoes the rainbow from the Heavens like light and bright balloons. Do not skimp on this weightless and colorful abundance, combine colors and decorate with balls everything - from walls, stairs and ceiling to a clearing in the yard!

By the way, huge balloons filled with helium in combination with flowers from multi-colored corrugated paper look unique and simply attract a festive atmosphere into the house.

Another very effective and absolutely simple way to decorate a room for a children's party is to make simple garlands from multi-colored paper. You can freely choose the shape for repeating chain elements. It doesn't matter if there are flags, circles or simple squares, the main thing is to add to the atmosphere as much of the colorful beauty of the solar spectrum as possible!

A wonderful element of rainbow decor! Multicolored umbrellas, hung open from the ceiling, were invented for his "Ladies' Happiness" by Emil Zola. Thanks to him, France adores this attribute even today. And young ladies also cannot imagine a walk in the rain without a beautiful umbrella. Thus, the rainbow on earth complements the rainbow in heaven. A mesmerizing sight!

Windmills made of thick glossy cardboard or plastic in transparent glasses filled with small bright candies are just a fabulous phenomenon! This is how boys and girls, who unconditionally believe in all kinds of miracles, will perceive such a simple decoration! In addition, this decoration at a certain moment of the holiday can be very good for everyone to eat together!

Flowers. Bright asters, chrysanthemums, gerberas will perfectly complement the sunny atmosphere of the holiday. Although, it is the snow-white, like clouds, flowers in transparent vases filled with water tinted with food dyes that look amazing.

I believe that this decor will be quite enough for a children's party. Do not be too philosophical. After all, what is too much may not fill, but ruin the holiday!

Well, if you have too much creative energy, channel it into making a festive, enchanting dress for your birthday girl! And at the same time - tell your guests what you can wear for the children who are going to your rainbow holiday!

3. Costumes for a rainbow holiday

A rainbow in combination with a fabulous childhood suggests a bright outfit full of all sorts of details. For girls, the simplest option would be a dress with a rainbow tulle skirt with an elastic band. Beautifully, rosy, and for a matinee in kindergarten, it will quite come off in the future as a carnival costume!

By the way, such a dress can be supplemented with no less bright accessories. For example, the same rainbow leggings, beads or a wreath.

Another option for a rainbow outfit made at home is a tunic made of ribbons.

Advice. It is better not to sew satin ribbons together, but to glue them using an adhesive backing tape.

But it will be possible to surprise everyone present at the rainbow children's party with such an outfit made of felt with a foam rubber cloud in the form of a bottom trim. True, for the manufacture of such an outfit, you will need to spend a little more time, while it is imperative to have minimal sewing skills.

The mother of one of our little guests chose an economical version of a festive outfit. Although, the ensemble looked amazing! She dressed her baby in a snow-white dress, while prying rainbow trousers under it, making a wreath of bright flowers, and adding all this with fenits and beads.

Preliminary work: the lawn, watered with a hose.

Characters: Summer, Rain, Koschey Colorless, Rainbow.

Venue: summer playground.

Attributes: skipping rope, two cloaks, two umbrellas, two hats, two chairs, multi-colored cards corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

PROGRESS of the holiday.

Children sit on the summer playground. Summer enters.

Hello guys!

I am woven from the heat

I carry warmth with me

I warm the river

"Swim!" - I invite you.

And love for it

You are all me. I AM…

Of course, I am Summer! And we have a holiday with you today. And which one - you yourself will guess now. You see, the rain has passed, and after the rain, what always happens?

Yes, guys, we have a holiday today - Rainbow Day! And she will definitely come to visit us.

Rain comes in.

Help kind people! Help out!

Hello rain! Calm down, say hello to the guys and explain to us - what's the matter?

Hello guys!

The sun was burning hot

The sultry land was melting.

At night a cloud came

They waited for the rain of the field.

Glad, glad all the blades of grass

And ears and flowers

What funny rains

Soundly pouring from a height.

The rain is noisy and cool,

A song full of miracles!

At dawn breathes greedily

Moisture-filled forest!

I'm a Rain! I like traveling very much. Today I watered your flower beds and lawns so that flowers and herbs grow beautiful and bright. But without my friend Rainbow, this is impossible. She was kidnapped by Koschey Colorless. And he gave me assignments. Until I fulfill them, he will not return my friend Rainbow to me. Help me please!

Can we help you guys?

Yes! We will help you!

Rain: The first task of Koschei Colorless - you need to list all the colors of the rainbow.

Children list. It turns out Koschey Colorless. He is holding seven multi-colored cards corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

Koschey colorless:

Yeah, you know the colors! Then here are the tasks for each color! The first color is red. And the task is - guess my riddles! Or maybe you are so small and stupid that you shouldn't mess with you!

What is dawning in the sky

And warms everyone with warmth?

Ran along the path

Legs of silvery threads.

Lightning flashes in the sky

Thunder rumbles through the thunder

The vine is leaning to the ground

Begins ...

Across the river - jump on a gallop -

The footbridge has spread.

Made friends the coast

Seven-color arc.

How smart you are! Okay, here's the next one for you - the "orange" assignment.

The rainbow loves to jump over the rope, and the rope in the air looks like a rainbow. The task will be as follows - you need to make as many jumps as possible, jumping: on two legs, on one leg. Or maybe some of you know how forward or backward?

Children come out, compete.

Koschey Colorless:

Oh, what clever friends Rain and Rainbow have! The next task will be more difficult. Here is your "yellow" assignment: I have many fairy tales kept in my dungeon. Do you want to release them free?

Koschey Colorless:

Then answer my questions and fairy tales will be released.

How the phrase ends: “Soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon ...

1.the deed is done,

2.the soup is cooked,

3. the book is being written.

Who left your grandparents?

1. Pinocchio,

2. Gingerbread man,

Who did brother Ivanushka become after he drank water from a hoof?

1.in a teddy bear,

2.in a baby elephant,

3. into a kid.

What did Emelya ride from the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"?

1.on the stove,

2. on a sleigh,

3. by car.

Who helped Grandfather to pull out the turnip?


3. mumps.

What happened to the Snow Maiden?

1. ran away,

2. married,

3. has melted.

Yes, you are not only smart, but also true connoisseurs of fairy tales! I'll have to release them.

Here is the next task for you - "green". I want to see how smart you are, but smart! Wow! It's raining!

You, Koschey, look, the sun is shining, there is no rain!

Koschey Colorless:

This is my so-called task - "It's raining!"

The terms of the assignment are as follows: you need to split into two teams. Look - at the finish line, there are props on the chairs. At my command, the first participants run to the finish line, put on raincoats and hats, open umbrellas and loudly say: "It's raining!" Then they carefully remove their raincoats, hats, close their umbrellas and return to the start line, passing the baton to the other team members. The winner is the team whose members completed the task faster and correctly.

Well done, you are dexterous and nimble!

The next task is "blue": let's see how attentive you are! I will name different parts of the body and show on myself. You must repeat after me. I will confuse you on purpose!

Attention! Ear! (lists body parts).

How attentive you are! Okay, there is another task for you - "blue". I want to check how literate you are! Do you all know the letters of the alphabet?

Koschey Colorless:

Tell me many - many words with the letter "A".

Children are called.

And now on the letter "R":

Children are called.

Well done! You upset me with your knowledge! I'll probably have to give you the Rainbow! Well, okay, here's the last task for you - guess where I hid Rainbow:

Dad puts on a cap

And out of the hut.

On the right, he plants a turnip.

On the left are beets and beans.

There are rows of beds everywhere,

The harvest will be in order!

Rather, rather, let's go help out the Rainbow!

They go to the garden to look for Rainbow.

Hello Rain! Hello guys! How glad I am to meet you! I invite you to the Rainbow Party! Let's Dance! I invite you to the Rainbow Dance!

All together repeat the dance moves beyond the Rainbow. Then Rainbow and Rain distributes treats to the children.

So I chose a holiday - I got a rainbow day. I made such a wonderful craft, and Svetlana Grigorievna helped me come up with poems for photographs. We composed together. I often observe a rainbow in the sky, and Svetlana Grigorievna also told me that in the sky you can see two rainbows at the same time. Maybe this spring I'll get lucky?

I learned from the Internet that Rainbow- atmospheric optical and meteorological phenomenon, usually observed in a field of high humidity. It looks like a multi-colored arc or a circle made up of the colors of the spectrum (looking outside - inside the arc: red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, violet). These seven colors are the main names of colors that are customary to highlight in a rainbow in Russian culture (possibly following Newton, see below),
but it should be borne in mind that in fact the spectrum is continuous, and the colors
these in the rainbow pass into each other with a smooth change through the set
intermediate shades.

The center of the circle described by the rainbow lies on a straight line passing through the observer and the Sun, moreover, when observing a rainbow (as opposed to a halo)
The sun is always behind the back of the observer, and at the same time see
The sun and the rainbow are impossible without the use of optical devices.
For an observer on earth, a rainbow usually looks like an arc, a part of a circle, and the higher the point of view of the observer, the fuller the rainbow (from a mountain or an airplane, you can also see the full circle). When the Sun rises above 43 degrees above the horizon, the rainbow is not visible from the Earth's surface.

I was especially struck by the fact that it is impossible to simultaneously observe the Sun and the rainbow, that is, the Sun must be behind me. I have never noticed this, this year I will definitely take a closer look. And about the fact that the higher I stand, the bigger the rainbow! In the 1st grade we drew a rainbow, and Svetlana Grigorievna told us a counting rhyme so that we could easily remember them and the order in which they walk in the rainbow "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting."

I will definitely tell you about this in the gymnasium at the lesson of the surrounding world. And also in our class there will be a drawing or handicraft competition "My rainbow". It remains to return from vacation! And I also found such a poem in the book, it looks even more like a counting rhyme:

S. Mikhalchenko
One, two, three, four, five -
The wind came out for a walk.
ONCE - counts red color -
Red sun, red summer
Scarlet berry-raspberry,
Hot beaches with red clay.
TWO - orange autumn,
Brings ginger mushrooms.
The flame of a red fire
Scream from the schoolyard.
He threw off the forest on THREE outfits.
Yellow- Golden autumn.
A pale haze of amber
Dawn is rising.
Where there are FOUR - there is taiga,
Greens juicy in the snow.
Dark fabulous space
Spruce among the harsh mountains.
FIVE - sparkles blue,
A cold river from under the ice floes,
Pale blue drift
And a sweet-ringing icicle.
SIX - and at dusk it will come
Blue New Years night.
After blizzard snow storms -
Winter sky blue.
SEVEN - purple thunderstorm
Cuts eyes with lightning.
Purple clouds,
Somewhere a mighty thunder is thundering.
And streams run, sparkling
Sorting out all the colors,
They lead the waters in a round dance
with the wind, with the sun all year round.