Discussion on the topic: my view of friendship. Essay on the topic of what friendship is. What is taken for friendship?

Every schoolchild should write an essay about friendship. This is one of the simplest tasks that can be assigned to a student. However, even this can cause some difficulties in writing. To make working on an essay on this topic as simple as possible, it is worth giving several relevant examples.

About the structure

An essay on friendship, like any other essay, is structured in accordance with a three-part form. It includes an introduction, main body and conclusion. The second part is the middle of the work, and it should be the largest in volume. In general, the introduction and conclusion should be as brief as possible. They usually occupy 30% of the entire text. The main task of the introduction is to familiarize the reader with the topic and bring him up to date. The main idea will be revealed in the content. And the conclusion usually sums up everything previously said.

By the way, it is best to draw up a preliminary thesis plan. Break it down into several points and write several keywords in each that will help you navigate. Looking at them, the student will remember what else he wanted to write about in his essay. This way you won’t miss a single important thought.


An essay about friendship can be started in different ways. A good option would be the following paragraph: “The word friendship comes up very often in the lives of each of us. Sometimes we say it without even thinking. What meaning does it actually carry? Who can we really call our friend? What qualities should this person have? And can there be several friends? Each of us has asked these questions at least once. And you should know the answer to them.”

This kind of introduction is really considered good. Firstly, it poses several questions at once, which makes the author’s task easier. He doesn't have to think about what to write next in the main part. You just need to give answers to the questions you pose yourself. Secondly, this introduction immediately makes it clear to the reader what will be discussed next, which is also important.

Main part

An essay about friendship must contain statements and evidence. This work teaches students to reason. And this process is usually accompanied by attempts to prove the correctness of one’s opinion. Keeping this principle in mind, you can begin the main part as follows: “Without friendship, life can hardly be called complete. Yes, we can make acquaintances, friends, comrades. But each of us needs a friend. After all, this is the person who can always support you in difficult times. Someone close, who you can trust, and it will be mutual. Anyone for whom your problems will not seem empty will perceive them as their own. With a friend you can not only have fun, have fun and spend time interestingly. You can still tell him about the most secret things, ask for help, advice, and count on understanding. A friend becomes a person whom each of us calls a soul mate. Because it really is. Then, after many years of close communication, it’s even strange to remember that moment of acquaintance, when both were still strangers.”

In this character, you can write an essay “What is friendship?” Writing provides freedom for creativity and thought. You can choose any topic. This could be an essay on the topic “Friendship of Peoples,” for example. No one prevents a student from writing about his own experience. The main thing is that the text has meaning and reflects the topic.


This part should be as short and succinct as the introduction. It might look like this: “Friendship is sacred. Anyone who has a loved one will confirm this. We all need a friend. After all, this is the person you can trust. And real happiness lies in the fact that everyone has someone with whom they want to share their innermost and secret. With whom you can be yourself. And to know that you are accepted and loved this way.”

This could be the ending. In principle, there are various other options for concluding an essay on this topic. The main thing is that after reading it there is no feeling of incompleteness.

Friendship is not just an emotional attachment, it is a close relationship based on trust and sincerity. I believe that a true friend will not deceive you under any circumstances. He will find the strength to tell the truth, even if it is not easy for him to do so. I can confirm my point of view with specific examples.

An essay about friendship

There are not many things in the world that are eternal. After all, gold, precious jewelry, exquisite clothes, expensive cars and houses - all these are false, temporary values. Over time, they depreciate, break, deteriorate, and cease to be fashionable. But among the eternal, true values, three things can be named. This is faith, love and friendship. « A true friend is the greatest treasure», « a true friend is known in trouble“How often do you and I hear these proverbs, but how rarely do we think about their real meaning.

In today's time it is very difficult to find true friend. Yes, each of us has many friends, whom I call mayfly butterflies. They are ready to go with you to a movie or a cafe, help you spend money in fashion boutiques, or laugh at a joke. But these friends will never support you in difficult times. Why should they Friend who needs to be helped, who needs to be consoled, wasting your time? They'd rather go with others who are lucky friends to the cinema. And they are not interested in losers.

And here a true friend will never leave you in trouble. No matter what happens, no matter what trouble knocks on your door, a friend will always be there, always ready to help, support, and console. He is ready to sacrifice his time, money and even his life for you. This is the real one friendship, which is an eternal and expensive thing in life. And therefore, as a very valuable thing, it must be protected and treasured.

Essay on the topic of Friendship | March 2015

An essay about What is friendship? 9-11 grade

Every person needs a friend - a person close to you in spirit, someone with whom it is interesting to spend time. A friend is that person who will support you both in sorrow and in joy, who will always try to help with advice and deed.

But do all of us know how to be friends? And generally speaking - what is true friendship? It happens that two people constantly communicate, spend a lot of time together, but one of them has trouble or joy, and the strong friendship is no longer there.

They usually say about such people that they failed the test. Some of them were afraid of the other’s troubles, did not want to interfere, to worry... And it happens even worse - one friend began to envy the other: his successes, joys, victories... It is not without reason that they say that true friendship is tested not so much by misfortune as by joy.

So what is it, in my opinion, real friendship? I think it should be tested over the years. When people have been friends for many years, they have experienced a lot together and passed the “test of strength.” A true friend, I think, wishes you only the best, tries in every possible way to help, to make your life better. This doesn’t mean that he always says only nice things to you, far from it! On the contrary, a true friend can tell you, one of the few, the whole truth to your face, open your eyes to something, show you where you were wrong. After all, it is very important to stop or point in the right direction in time, to help you understand your mistakes.

Of course, friendship is a two-way concept. Two people should equally value their relationship, protect it, and try to preserve it. And then, in my opinion, friendship will be truly strong and durable.

Essay What is friendship for grades 9, 10, 11 | March 2015

An essay about Real friendship 6-8 grade

If true friendship it wasn’t, then pogrom and war reigned all over the world... But true friendship is a rare occurrence nowadays. You can appear to be your best friend, but not be one. True friendship is, first of all, the confidence that the person you consider your friend will not leave or betray you in difficult times, and will keep what you told him secret. This is the most important thing in true friendship for me! A true friend will never advise anything bad and will try to do everything to make you feel better.

Yes, there will always be someone on earth who can be called true friend. Throughout your life, you will overcome difficult obstacles on your path together, you will do everything together. A true friend is forever, no matter what happens! Even if fate separates you, pleasant memories of this person will remain in your heart!

There are two people in my life so far whom I can proudly name real friends- these are ____ and _____. No matter what happened, they always helped me in difficult times and gave practical advice. I am truly grateful to them for being on earth! I will always remember that there were such girls!

Essay True friendship for grades 6, 7, 8 | March 2015

Essay about Friendship 8-11 grade

What is friendship? Each person understands its meaning in life in their own way: for some it is understanding, for others it is an opportunity to spend their free time in an exciting and unforgettable way. For me, friendship is, first of all, a feeling of support from a loved one and a firm belief that he will come to the rescue in difficult times. A true friend does not know how to envy, offend or cause pain: social status is not important to him, he is close to you in spirit and understands you perfectly.

It is not necessary that a true friend agreed with your any point of view: it is much more valuable that he supports you, even if he does not agree with your views on life. A true friend can criticize, but will never lie out of flattery or deliberately humiliate. The secrets that you share with a friend remain only between the two of you, and this is how the sincerity of the person’s true attitude towards you is valued and verified.

Friendship is not subject to time, and emotions in communication with a friend do not change: even many years later, people have common topics for conversation, reverent memories and common values ​​in life. A friend is able to forgive you not only minor mistakes, but also serious mistakes and will never reproach you for making mistakes. A true friend is the person with whom you will never get bored, and who will not let you get bored.

In both joy and sorrow, only a devoted and faithful friend should be next to us. But is it possible in the modern world, where there are a lot of temptations and enticements, to sincerely experience true friendship?

In my opinion, friendship is the only feeling that is not subject to pretense: it does not tolerate lies and masks. With a true friend, a person does not have the need to hide his character traits, possible shortcomings and pretend to be someone who he really is not.

It seems to me that our generation misunderstands the truth of true friendship. Many of my peers call friends people whom they have known for a short time, whom they still cannot trust, but already call them almost brothers and sisters. Friendship is tested not only over the years, but also through the trials that a person encounters throughout his life.

The basic principle of friendship is loyalty. Trust only strengthens friendship, and the confidence that a person will not betray you will support you - proof of true friendship.

It is important to understand that a friend is not an ideal person: he can make mistakes and ridiculous things. The main thing is that a friend knows how not only to forgive, but also not to harbor grudges.

Essay about friendship for grades 8-11 | March 2015

Mini-essay on the topic Friendship

Option 1. (grades 5-7) Is it possible to live without friendship? No, without friendship our life would not be complete. But only if we mean real friendship, and not one that is built on selfish communication. True friendship is devotion, mutual sympathy, common interests. It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb “A friend is a friend in need.” Friendship is when you are ready to help at any time, to share troubles and sorrows with your friend. A friend will never slander you behind your back. A true friend will be able to say “no” and will always be on your side. Isn't this true friendship? True friendship knows no distance and will always stand the test of time.

Option 2. (grades 6-8) What is friendship? This is joy! Great joy from communication! The joy of having someone close to you who will help you with advice, will always listen and will certainly support you in everything. Only he can be completely trusted. Only from him can you listen to criticism addressed to you without being offended. True friendship, like true love, is a rather rare phenomenon. But if it does exist, then we must take care of it like the apple of our eye. After all, when we lose a friend, we lose a part of ourselves. And you should always remember that it’s easy to lose it, but it’s incredibly difficult to find it. And the older we get, the more difficult it becomes. I have a friend! Which means I'm a happy person. So I'm not alone. And he too. And together - the sea is knee-deep, together we will solve any problems, and we will not be afraid of any difficulties and adversities. After all, we Friends!

Option 3. (grades 5-9) What is friendship? Friendship is, first of all, helping a close friend, mutual understanding. A person cannot live without friendship. After all, he needs to communicate and develop. With friends, everything goes quickly, because you can talk to them and ask for help. Some people's friends are a classmate or a classmate, some have a neighbor from the yard. And for me friends this my ! I find it very interesting to work with them, and they always help me. Friendship comes in different forms. Some have been friends since childhood, others met at school. But it doesn’t matter what kind of friendship and who you’re friends with, because we are one, we are a family, and we should be together. There is no such person on Earth who does not have a best friend. And I'm sure friendship comes in second place after parents. Make friends with friends, be kind to them and you will be happy!

mini essay on friendship for grades 5-9 | March 2015

Essay about Friendship

Each of us knows how difficult it is for a person to live alone, so we seek friendship. Most often, we subconsciously try to make friends with people of a cheerful disposition, witty, kind, and sympathetic. Over time, we impart these qualities to those we consider friends. But life is not always carefree, sometimes you need help. So who should you turn to if not your friends? And that's when it turns out who's real Friend, and who is so, an acquaintance for spending leisure time together. Is it possible to understand in advance who will be your real friend? It's possible, but it's not that easy. But, in my opinion, there are several traits that are essential for friendship.

Firstly, they say friendship happens between equals, but between slave and master it does not exist.

Secondly, friendship happens between good people. After all, good people are incapable of evil deeds. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying; tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

Apparently, this topic is really relevant if there are so many thoughts about friendship. So in literature, this topic turns out to be one of the leading ones. Panas Mirny wrote about the friendship between Grigory and Chipka in his novel “Do oxen roar when the manger is full?” They knew each other since childhood, but until Chipka became rich, they were just friends. When Chipka gained weight in society and had money, Grigory became his close friend. He invited Chipka to be his godfather, hoping for rich gifts from him. But whether he was a true friend, the reader will see later. When the rebel Chipka was beaten by soldiers and he called for help, his so-called friend Grigory simply hid behind the fence so that it would not affect him. And he didn’t feel sorry for Chipka at all, or for anyone at all except himself.

It turns out that it is true what they say: it is friendship that makes, but misfortune tests them. In life, a person always finds like-minded people, people who are close in spirit and way of life. After all, there are really so many people around, but only a few friends. What do we strive for in relationships with other people? Sincerity, warmth, concern. Why would another person care about you so much? Because friendship is a mutual concept, unlike love. If you want to be taken care of, be prepared to take care of your friend in the same way. It turns out that a necessary condition for friendship is not to be selfish. To understand this in time means to deprive yourself of disappointment and self-criticism. How often do you hear from some people that they say they have no friends, are lonely... Most often this is true, but has anyone ever wondered why this is so? It seems that we forget that we must be ready to give, and not just take.

Friendship- this is a feeling of sincere desire to give warmth and hope. If only I could find the same one among many people sincere friend who would think the same way. And check it out - it's not easy. There are many examples of sincere friendship in literature. The images of Niz and Euryalus from I. Kotlyarevsky’s poem “The Aeneid” became a symbol of friendship, because these people were ready to sacrifice their lives for a friend. No less noble were the relationships between the heroines of P. Kulish’s novel “The Black Rada,” and from it we learned how the Cossacks knew how to be friends, and how mutual assistance united them both in battle and in life. That’s why Kirill Tur called his friend Chernogor a brother. In relations with other Cossacks, Kirill Tur was guided by custom and did as his noble heart told him.

Essay on the topic of Friendship | February 2015

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What is friendship?

The word “friendship” has many meanings, all of them are somewhat similar: “mutual affection of two or more people”, “unselfish, lasting affection based on love and respect.” Many people from different countries and eras spoke on the topic of friendship. Shota Rustaveli, Georgian poet: “Whoever leaves a friend in trouble will himself know the bitterness of troubles.” Each of us has comrades and friends. Some - for joint entertainment, some - as a vest into which to cry. But a true friend is a friend for all occasions, for any situation. For me, friendship is, first of all, loyalty and devotion. A true friend will never betray, he is always faithful to his friend and trusts him. It is very important to know that even if everyone turns away, your friend will not leave you and will always be there. A good and faithful friend will always support you, no matter how difficult the situation may be, and besides, friends are always honest with each other. As they say, “An old friend is better than two new ones.” Friendship also has to go through a lot: tears, quarrels, distance and sometimes even misunderstanding. It is very difficult to build a friendship, find it and only then maintain it. “Friendship is a great power,” they say so for good reason, because care and mutual understanding are the most important things for people’s relationships. When, after a quarrel with a friend, you meet him, smile at him, hug him and feel that this is your home, this is your home... Or after a long trip you bring a souvenir to a friend, he smiles, his mood immediately rises, and he understands that during the trip you remembered him.

I have a friend Ksyusha, we have been friends since kindergarten, we were in a group together, we sat at the same desk together at school, later I moved to school 18, it was very difficult to get used to the new team; but a little later everything went well, Ksyusha and I are friends to this day, we rarely see each other, but when we go for a walk or come to each other for tea, we can talk for days; There were strong quarrels, sometimes they did not understand each other and fought because of this, but they could not last a day without talking to each other or writing. She understands me perfectly, what I'm thinking - she knows everything, no matter what I do, she knows it all, she knows me like no one else. I love my friend, I will try to maintain our female friendship for life...

Theme description: Remember how in the children's song?

The breeze is friends with the sun,

And dew - with the grass.

A flower is friends with a butterfly,

We are friends with you...

So, childhood is over, and now it’s school and we’ll talk about “Friendship.” Ask:

"What is friendship and my view of friendship."

What is friendship? This is joy! Great joy from communication! The joy of having someone close to you who will help you with advice, will always listen and will certainly support you in everything. Only he can be completely trusted. Only from him can you listen to criticism addressed to you without being offended.

True friendship, like true love, is a rather rare phenomenon. But if it does exist, then we must take care of it like the apple of our eye. After all, when we lose a friend, we lose a part of ourselves. And you should always remember that it’s easy to lose it, but it’s incredibly difficult to find it. And the older we get, the more difficult it becomes.

Friendship must be nurtured like a fragile and delicate flower. “Water” with thoughts about a friend, “fertilize” with worthy deeds.

What should a friend be like? Faithful! Patient! Good! Yes, exactly like that! After all, he is a Friend! A friend will be tested by both time and circumstances. And over the years, true friendship only becomes stronger.

Friendship cannot be one-sided, otherwise it is no longer friendship. Everything is common, all together! Always and everywhere!

There cannot be many friends, one, maybe two or three in a lifetime. And the rest of the dozens and hundreds are just friends, comrades, acquaintances. Yes, they are good, pleasant, wonderful, but these are not friends.

And I have a friend! Which means I'm a happy person. So I'm not alone. And he too. And together - the sea is knee-deep, together we will solve any problems, and we will not be afraid of any difficulties and adversities. After all, we are friends!

Essays for OGE 15.3: “What is friendship”

Friendship is not just an emotional attachment, it is a close relationship based on trust and sincerity. I believe that a true friend will not deceive you under any circumstances. He will find the strength to tell the truth, even if it is not easy for him to do so. I can confirm my point of view with specific examples.

An essay about friendship

There are not many things in the world that are eternal. After all, gold, precious jewelry, exquisite clothes, expensive cars and houses - all these are false, temporary values. Over time, they depreciate, break, deteriorate, and cease to be fashionable. But among the eternal, true values, three things can be named. This is faith, love and friendship. « A true friend is the greatest treasure », « a true friend is known in trouble“How often do you and I hear these proverbs, but how rarely do we think about their real meaning.

In today's time it is very difficult to find true friend. Yes, each of us has many friends, whom I call mayfly butterflies. They are ready to go with you to a movie or a cafe, help you spend money in fashion boutiques, or laugh at a joke. But these friends will never support you in difficult times. Why should they Friend. who needs to be helped, who needs to be consoled, wasting your time? They'd rather go with others who are lucky friends to the cinema. And they are not interested in losers.

And here a true friend will never leave you in trouble. No matter what happens, no matter what trouble knocks on your door, a friend will always be there, always ready to help, support, and console. He is ready to sacrifice his time, money and even his life for you. This is the real one friendship. which is an eternal and dear thing in life. And therefore, as a very valuable thing, it must be protected and treasured.

Essay on the topic of Friendship | March 2015

An essay about What is friendship? 9-11 grade

Every person needs a friend - a person close to you in spirit, someone with whom it is interesting to spend time. A friend is that person who will support you both in sorrow and in joy, who will always try to help with advice and deed.

But do all of us know how to be friends? And generally speaking - what is true friendship. It happens that two people constantly communicate, spend a lot of time together, but one of them has trouble or joy, and the strong friendship is no longer there.

They usually say about such people that they failed the test. Some of them were afraid of the other’s troubles, did not want to interfere, to worry... And it happens even worse - one friend began to envy the other: his successes, joys, victories... It is not without reason that they say that true friendship is tested not so much by misfortune as by joy.

So what is it, in my opinion, real friendship. I think it should be tested over the years. When people have been friends for many years, they have experienced a lot together and passed the “test of strength.” A true friend, I think, wishes you only the best, tries in every possible way to help, to make your life better. This doesn’t mean that he always says only nice things to you, far from it! On the contrary, a true friend can tell you, one of the few, the whole truth to your face, open your eyes to something, show you where you were wrong. After all, it is very important to stop or point in the right direction in time, to help you understand your mistakes.

Of course, friendship is a two-way concept. Two people should equally value their relationship, protect it, and try to preserve it. And then, in my opinion, friendship will be truly strong and durable.

Essay What is friendship for grades 9, 10, 11 | March 2015

An essay about Real friendship 6-8 grade

If true friendship it wasn’t, then pogrom and war reigned all over the world... But true friendship is a rare occurrence nowadays. You can appear to be your best friend, but not be one. True friendship is, first of all, the confidence that the person you consider your friend will not leave or betray you in difficult times, and will keep what you told him secret. This is the most important thing in true friendship for me! A true friend will never advise anything bad and will try to do everything to make you feel better.

Yes, there will always be someone on earth who can be called true friend. Throughout your life, you will overcome difficult obstacles on your path together, you will do everything together. A true friend is forever, no matter what happens! Even if fate separates you, pleasant memories of this person will remain in your heart!

There are two people in my life so far whom I can proudly name real friends- these are ____ and _____. No matter what happened, they always helped me in difficult times and gave practical advice. I am truly grateful to them for being on earth! I will always remember that there were such girls!

Essay True friendship for grades 6, 7, 8 | March 2015

Essay about Friendship 8-11 grade

What is friendship? Each person understands its meaning in life in their own way: for some it is understanding, for others it is an opportunity to spend their free time in an exciting and unforgettable way. For me, friendship is, first of all, a feeling of support from a loved one and a firm belief that he will come to the rescue in difficult times. A true friend does not know how to envy, offend or cause pain: social status is not important to him, he is close to you in spirit and understands you perfectly.

It is not necessary that a true friend agreed with your any point of view: it is much more valuable that he supports you, even if he does not agree with your views on life. A true friend can criticize, but will never lie out of flattery or deliberately humiliate. The secrets that you share with a friend remain only between the two of you, and this is how the sincerity of the person’s true attitude towards you is valued and verified.

Friendship is not subject to time, and emotions in communication with a friend do not change: even many years later, people have common topics for conversation, reverent memories and common values ​​in life. A friend is able to forgive you not only minor mistakes, but also serious mistakes and will never reproach you for making mistakes. A true friend is the person with whom you will never get bored, and who will not let you get bored.

In both joy and sorrow, only a devoted and faithful friend should be next to us. But is it possible in the modern world, where there are a lot of temptations and enticements, to sincerely experience true friendship?

In my opinion, friendship is the only feeling that is not subject to pretense: it does not tolerate lies and masks. With a true friend, a person does not have the need to hide his character traits, possible shortcomings and pretend to be someone who he really is not.

It seems to me that our generation misunderstands the truth of true friendship. Many of my peers call friends people whom they have known for a short time, whom they still cannot trust, but already call them almost brothers and sisters. Friendship is tested not only over the years, but also through the trials that a person encounters throughout his life.

The basic principle of friendship is loyalty. Trust only strengthens friendship, and the confidence that a person will not betray you will support you - proof of true friendship.

It is important to understand that a friend is not an ideal person: he can make mistakes and ridiculous things. The main thing is that a friend knows how not only to forgive, but also not to harbor grudges.

Essay about friendship for grades 8-11 | March 2015

Mini-essay on the topic Friendship

Option 1. (grades 5-7) Is it possible to live without friendship? No, without friendship our life would not be complete. But only if we mean real friendship, and not one that is built on selfish communication. True friendship is devotion, mutual sympathy, common interests. It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb “A friend is a friend in need.” Friendship is when you are ready to help at any time, to share troubles and sorrows with your friend. A friend will never slander you behind your back. A true friend will be able to say “no” and will always be on your side. Isn't this true friendship? True friendship knows no distance and will always stand the test of time.

Option 2. (grades 6-8) What is friendship? This is joy! Great joy from communication! The joy of having someone close to you who will help you with advice, will always listen and will certainly support you in everything. Only he can be completely trusted. Only from him can you listen to criticism addressed to you without being offended. True friendship, like true love, is a rather rare phenomenon. But if it does exist, then we must take care of it like the apple of our eye. After all, when we lose a friend, we lose a part of ourselves. And you should always remember that it’s easy to lose it, but it’s incredibly difficult to find it. And the older we get, the more difficult it becomes. I have a friend! Which means I'm a happy person. So I'm not alone. And he too. And together - the sea is knee-deep, together we will solve any problems, and we will not be afraid of any difficulties and adversities. After all, we Friends !

Option 3. (grades 5-9) What is friendship? Friendship is, first of all, helping a close friend, mutual understanding. A person cannot live without friendship. After all, he needs to communicate and develop. With friends, everything goes quickly, because you can talk to them and ask for help. Some people's friends are a classmate or a classmate, some have a neighbor from the yard. And for me friends this my family. I find it very interesting to work with them, and they always help me. Friendship comes in different forms. Some have been friends since childhood, others met at school. But it doesn’t matter what kind of friendship and who you’re friends with, because we are one, we are a family, and we should be together. There is no such person on Earth. who doesn't have a best friend. And I'm sure friendship comes in second place after parents. Make friends with friends. be kind to them and you will be happy!

mini essay on friendship for grades 5-9 | March 2015

Essay about Friendship

Each of us knows how difficult it is for a person to live alone, so we seek friendship. Most often, we subconsciously try to make friends with people of a cheerful disposition, witty, kind, and sympathetic. Over time, we impart these qualities to those we consider friends. But life is not always carefree, sometimes you need help. So who should you turn to if not your friends? And that's when it turns out who's real Friend. and who is so, an acquaintance for spending leisure time together. Is it possible to understand in advance who will be your real friend? It's possible, but it's not that easy. But, in my opinion, there are several traits that are essential for friendship.

Firstly, they say friendship happens between equals, but between slave and master it does not exist.

Secondly, friendship happens between good people. After all, good people are incapable of evil deeds. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying; tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

Apparently, this topic is really relevant if there are so many thoughts about friendship. So in literature, this topic turns out to be one of the leading ones. Panas Mirny wrote about the friendship between Grigory and Chipka in his novel “Do oxen roar when the manger is full?” They knew each other since childhood, but until Chipka became rich, they were just friends. When Chipka gained weight in society and had money, Grigory became his close friend. He invited Chipka to be his godfather, hoping for rich gifts from him. But whether he was a true friend, the reader will see later. When the rebel Chipka was beaten by soldiers and he called for help, his so-called friend Grigory simply hid behind the fence so that it would not affect him. And he didn’t feel sorry for Chipka at all, or for anyone at all except himself.

It’s true what they say is that happiness makes friends. and misfortune tests them. In life, a person always finds like-minded people, people who are close in spirit and way of life. After all, there are really so many people around, but only a few friends. What do we strive for in relationships with other people? Sincerity, warmth, concern. Why would another person care about you so much? Because friendship is a mutual concept, unlike love. If you want to be taken care of, be prepared to take care of your friend in the same way. It turns out that a necessary condition for friendship is not to be selfish. To understand this in time means to deprive yourself of disappointment and self-criticism. How often do you hear from some people that they say they have no friends, are lonely... Most often this is true, but has anyone ever wondered why this is so? It seems that we forget that we must be ready to give, and not just take.

Friendship- this is a feeling of sincere desire to give warmth and hope. If only I could find the same one among many people sincere friend. who would think the same way. And check it out - it's not easy. There are many examples of sincere friendship in literature. The images of Niz and Euryalus from I. Kotlyarevsky’s poem “The Aeneid” became a symbol of friendship, because these people were ready to sacrifice their lives for a friend. No less noble were the relationships between the heroines of P. Kulish’s novel “The Black Rada,” and from it we learned how the Cossacks knew how to be friends, and how mutual assistance united them both in battle and in life. That’s why Kirill Tur called his friend Chernogor a brother. In relations with other Cossacks, Kirill Tur was guided by custom and did as his noble heart told him.

Essay on the topic of Friendship | February 2015

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