Report on summer recreational work in the preparatory group “Znayki” and the senior group “Pochemuchki. Summer leisure in the preparatory group Find summer activities for the preparatory group

Program content:develop preschoolers’ ideas about seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature during the summer; introduce to the diversity of flora and fauna of the immediate ecological environment; cultivate a culture of behavior in nature in the summer; create a desire to participate in environmental activities; consolidate the ability to measure substances with a conventional yardstick; Exercise children in orientation on a sheet of paper, in the ratio of images of numbers to the number of objects.

Material: subject pictures of meadow flowers, insects, fish, birds, animals; cards with symbols on the topic “Protect nature!”; ball; clock dial; letter, picture “Summer”; 3 envelopes with tasks.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). The riddle will help you find out the topic of our lesson:

The sun is burning,

The linden blossoms

The rye is ripening -

When does this happen? (In summer.)

IN. What signs of summer do you know? (Children's answers.)

- Why do they say: in the summer every bush will let you spend the night?

Children. Because in summer the nights are very warm.

A letter is brought to the group, which says that the image in the picture “Summer” has disappeared. It is necessary to complete all tasks and collect a picture of summer. For each correctly completed task, children will be given a gift - a piece of a picture.

Task No. 1

Aimed at developing logical thinking, attention, and the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Children need to draw lines by color and location on the sheet.

The teacher shows a card that shows either a line or a geometric figure. Children should look at the card for a minute and complete it from memory on their sheet. After completion, they receive pictures of the sun and flowers from the teacher as a gift.

IN. June is “grain growing”. How do you explain this name? (Children's answers.)

IN. Another name for June is “izok”, in Old Russian - “grasshopper”. This is because one of the signs of June is the loud chirping of grasshoppers.

In summer, many plants bloom. That’s why June is called “multi-colored” in the popular calendar. What do you think are the benefits of flowers?

Children. Insects feed on their nectar. Many are medicinal.

IN. Is it possible to collect bouquets in the meadows? Why? What medicinal plants do you know in our fields and meadows? What can be done to prevent adults and children from picking flowers? (Children's answers.)

Task No. 2.

Practice measuring bulk solids using a conventional yardstick.

IN. Measure how many teaspoons and how many tablespoons are in the plate with millet.

There are as many plates as there are children. Half of the children are given teaspoons, half - tablespoons.

After measuring under the guidance of the teacher, the children draw a conclusion: there are more teaspoons of millet, and fewer tablespoons.

IN. Guys, why are there more teaspoons of millet and fewer tablespoons?

Children. Because a teaspoon is smaller than a tablespoon, and less millet can fit into it.

IN. Right. For this you have a gift. (Children are given pictures of a tree with a hollow, bees, birds.)

Listen to how July was called in the popular calendar.

July - “Lipets” - linden blossoms and time for bees. Where do bees live?

Children. They live in hives, hollows and nests.

IN. Are these insects beneficial?

Children. Yes, they collect nectar and make honey - a very useful product for people. And some animals love to eat them.

IN. What do you need to know when communicating with bees? Is a bee sting dangerous for humans?

Children. Do not wave your hands, do not catch or kill bees.

IN. Which literary characters suffered from ignorance of the rules of conduct when meeting bees?

Children. Winnie the Pooh, a puppy from V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Who Said Meow”

Task No. 3.

Practice relating the number shown to the number of items brought.

The teacher gives the child a card with a picture of a number.

IN. Look at the number on your card and bring as many grains as you can.

The children do it. For this, they are given pictures of spikelets and clouds as a gift.

IN. August - “stubble”, “gustar”, “raznosol”, “serpen”. August raises the bird on his wing: flocks of starlings are the first to noisily make steep takeoffs and turns. In the evenings and in the mornings, gatherings of rooks scream at their nests, and during the day - at their prey. In August, summer runs towards autumn. The bounties of August are countless: people store bread for the whole year, prepare pickles, and obtain food for animals. “Winter has a big mouth, it doesn’t let August sleep.” What exactly do people prepare in August? What preparations do your parents make from berries, fruits and vegetables, mushrooms? What do you need to know and remember when picking berries and mushrooms in the forest? (Children's answers.)

IN. Guys, what gifts did you receive for completing tasks?

Children. The sun, flowers, a tree with a hollow, bees, birds, spikelets and clouds.

IN. Okay, now you need to make a picture of “Summer”.

Children are offered whatman paper with a given background, onto which they need to glue the gifts they receive - team work.

Nomination: summer project in dou according to federal state standards.

Position: teacher

Project “Red Summer is Beautiful”

Relevance: summer is a very good season for children to communicate with nature, these are various games, observation in the fresh air, these are significant opportunities for children to learn about the world around them, enrich their knowledge and concepts, reinforce the rules of safe behavior, humane and careful interaction with nature.

Problem: low level of awareness of the surrounding world, ignorance of the norms of safe behavior in nature, inability to interact correctly, humanely and carefully with living nature.

Goal: enrich and strengthen children's concepts about summer as a time of year.

1. To form preschoolers’ concepts about seasonal changes and the characteristic features of summer.

2. Strengthen preschoolers’ concepts about summer holidays, outdoor games, people’s work in nature, and the gifts of summer.

3. Expand preschoolers’ concepts about the effects of heat and sunlight on the life activity of people, animals, birds, insects and plants.

4. Develop a love for nature, a careful attitude towards it through observation, conversations, reading fiction, excursions.

Type of project: educational.

Scale: short-term (one month).

Participants: teachers and children.

Stage I: organizational.

1. Selection of information and illustration material.

2. Development of a project action plan.

3. Advisory information for the parent corner “Beware of the sun”, “Safe behavior of a child in nature”.

Stage II: practical.

1. GCD “The beautiful summer is coming” (signs, characteristics, riddles, proverbs and sayings).

2. Learning the poem “Summer” by I. Surikov. Reading poems: Stelmakh “Sunshine, Shine”, A. Usachev “Ladybug”, A. Fet “Butterfly”, N. Knushevitskaya “June”, “July”, “August”.

3. Reading fiction: K. Ushinsky “Four Desires”, S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, A. Barto “Walk”, S. Marshak “Walk”.

4. Conversations “What have you, summer, brought to us?”, “The mysterious world of insects”, about the influence of heat and light on the life of people, animals, birds, insects and plants “Everyone loves the sun”, “I take care of my own health, I will help ", "Which vitamins grow in garden beds, which on trees?"

5. Riddles, folk signs, proverbs, sayings about summer, natural phenomena, vegetables, fruits, insects, berries, mushrooms and health.

6. Compiling stories “How do we play in the summer?”, “What do I remember about summer?”, “How and where do we relax?”, “What is summer like?”

7. Workshop of experiments “Where did the water disappear?”, “What kind of sand can you sculpt from?”, “Sunny bunnies”, “Where will the water dry faster? (in the shade or in the sun).

8. Didactic games “Ripe - not ripe”, “Edible - inedible”, “Find out by description”, “Identify by taste”, “Write it down - I’ll name it”, “Collect a flower”, “Birthday of the Tsokotukha Fly”.

9. Story-based role-playing games “We are going on vacation”, “Cooking vegetable soup”, “Sea voyage”.

10. Outdoor games: “Carousel”, games with balloons and soap bubbles, “Birds in the nests”, “shaggy dog”, “Bear in the forest”, “Hit the target”, “Jump to the flag”, “Sun and rain."

11. Review of the albums “Red Summer - Beautiful”, “Beauties of the Motherland”, “Summer Sports”.

12.Acquaintance with works of fine art “Summer in the paintings of Russian artists”: I. Levitan “Birch Grove”, I. Shishkin “Rye”, “Morning in a Pine Forest”, F. Vasiliev “Wet Meadow”, V. Polenov “Overgrown” pond”, I. Repin “Summer Landscape”, A. Vasnitsov “Motherland”.

13. Listening and singing children's songs about summer.

14. Watching cartoons “Santa Claus and Summer”, “On Forest Paths”.

15. Observations in nature.

16. “How to behave in nature” - advice from a wise owl.

17. Collective drawing “Bright Summer”.

18. Application “Radiant Sun”.

19. Plasticine painting “Multi-colored currants.”

20. Drawing on the asphalt “Rainbow-arc”.

Stage III: gaming.

1. Making a laptop “Summer”.

2. Leisure “Goodbye, summer.”

Expected Result:

1. Accustoming preschoolers to environmental culture.

2. Children’s acquisition of new knowledge and opinions about the world around them; obtaining information about safe behavior in nature.

3. Improvement and development of children’s physical health.

4. Further development of independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity of children.

Nomination: summer health project in kindergarten, ready-made projects in kindergarten.

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 410"
Location: Perm, st. Captain's 21

Elena Chudaykina

Here comes the long-awaited summer. Our children in kindergarten preparatory group I really love this time of year. We walk outside a lot, not forgetting about the rules of behavior for preschoolers when walking in the summer.

During our walk we play, draw, sunbathe, and watch plants and insects. Our children love outdoor games, games with sand and molds, and speech games with a ball. Active games in the fresh air saturate the child’s body with oxygen, and this improves both muscle function and brain activity. But we should not forget that preschoolers are still too self-centered and do not always know how to find a compromise. The teacher’s task in this case is to organize a summer vacation for them. site: explaining the rules, assigning roles and watching them play.

Summer is the best time to improve children's health; at this time they learn to be closer to nature. IN our kindergarten, as in many others, an ecological trail has been organized on which education and training are combined into a single interconnected process.

Publications on the topic:

There are 22 people in our group, 15 boys and 7 girls.. This is how we do morning exercises.. We play role-playing games.. .. .

Implemented educational areas. Outdoor games, fun games. Inanimate nature. Live nature. Observation: snowfall, snowdrifts on the site, tracks.

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Project for the preparatory group of a kindergarten “Calendar as a way of orienting oneself in time” Project of the preparatory group of MBDOU No. 93. "Calendar as a way to navigate in time." Authors: Vyazovets E. N. (educator). 2017-2018

Poems for memorizing in the middle group of kindergarten for the summer In the summer, my children and I learned poetry almost every day. Favorite poems “Violet”, “I was stung by a bee”, “Scary Bird”, “Sparrow Song” children.

Tatyana Smirnova
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Ah, red summer”



Teacher Smirnova T.L.


Preliminary work: conversations on the topic" Summer", memorizing poems about summer, looking at illustrations, drawing summer landscapes

Progress of the lesson:

The meadows are turning green,

There is a rainbow in the sky - an arc

The lake is covered in sunshine,

Everyone is invited to swim (Summer)

By what signs do we determine what has happened? summer? (the sun is shining brightly, birds are singing loudly, butterflies are flying)

Didactic game "Semitsvetik"

What are the summer months called? (June July August).People call June the month of full bloom. Since plants and flowers bloom in June. July is Lipetsk because the linden tree blooms at this time. August is the last month of summer, it is called hospitable, gracious. Why do you think? The teacher shows pictures for each month.

Now guess mine puzzles:

It is sandy, waiting for us in summer.

Warm rays are shining, and on the warm shore

Children make Easter cakes (beach).

In the summer I work a lot

I'm circling over the flowers,

I'll pick up nectar and shoot

I’ll fly to my hive house (bee)

Moved by the flower

All four petals

I wanted to rip it off

He took off and flew away (butterfly)

Summer rain has passed since morning

The sun came out, the children were surprised,

Looking at the sun

The seven-colored arc obscured the clouds (rainbow)

Children, what flowers do you know that grow in our region? (chamomile, cornflower, fireweed, St. John's wort, dandelion)

Didactic game "Collect a picture"

There are many flowers growing on our land. Let's read poems about them.

1 child: I am a wild carnation

little flower

Among the white daisies

I'm burning like a fire

And I’m NOT AFRAID of the rain, and I don’t care about the wind

I burn and do not go out under the sun's ray

2 child: We are daisies, we are daisies

Like white shirts

In a meadow clearing

Let's dance our dance

3 child: Roadside dandelion

Was like the sun, golden,

But it faded and became similar

On fluffy white smoke

4 child Wonderful flower

Like a bright light

Magnificent, important, like a gentleman

Delicate velvet tulip

What else is growing? in summer except flowers? (vegetables, fruits, berries).And you love summer? Why do you love summer? (children's answers). Summer is a wonderful time, it's time for bright ones paints, flowers and sun. Children, do you love walk outside in summer? Could we encounter dangers? Which? Is it possible to touch unfamiliar insects? What can happen if you tease a dog?

Didactic game "Allowed - prohibited". The teacher hands out pictures and suggests symbols red colors are suitable for those children who have pictures of dangerous behavior, and green for those who have pictures of correct actions.

Children, for health it is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air, play outdoor games in order to be dexterous, fast, and therefore healthy.

Publications on the topic:

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Our trip to the library! We walk around the garden area. A little more and we are in the library, they are waiting for us there. The guys are in the library named after for the first time.

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Summer holiday in the senior, preparatory groups of the kindergarten “Red Summer!” The course of the holiday Characters: Clown. Fairy: Hello guys! You recognized me? What is your name? Children say their name at the same time.

Summer project on music education “Clear summer, red summer” PROJECT on musical education “Red Summer, Clear Summer” by Ramazanov. Z.T musical director of Tatarin. T.N physical instructor.


A subgroup of up to five children plays. One child is on all fours. The next one runs up and tries to jump over him, touching his back with his hands. If it's stuck on your back, it stays there. The next player runs up and jumps onto the resulting pile, and so on until the last participant.

Walking in the park

The participants in the game are divided into “sculptors” and “clay”. “Clay” is soft, pliable, obedient. The “sculptor” makes his own statue from “clay”: an animal, a flower, a toy, etc. The sculpture freezes, and all the “sculptors” give it a name. Then the “sculptors” walk around the park, looking at the creations of their friends, praising the “sculptures”, and guessing their name. Then the participants change roles. The “sculpture” that spoke, moved or laughed loses.

Living sculpture

The participants of the game stand freely together. The presenter invites one child to go out and take some position in which it is comfortable for him to stand.

The next participant is asked to join the first in some pose in a place where there is a lot of free space. Then a third one joins them.

Then the first child carefully comes out of the sculpture and looks at the overall composition, evaluating it and naming it somehow.

The fourth child takes up any empty space in the overall sculpture, etc. The one who has been standing for a long time moves away, and the next one takes his place.

The adult acts as a sculptor throughout the game, maintains a positive emotional mood, jokes, and gives humorous names to the compositions.

Auntie from Tallinn

(Estonian game)

The players sit in a circle. The teacher encourages the children to be attentive and remember all the movements.

The person starting the game turns to the neighbor on the right and says:

— Auntie came from Tallinn.

A neighbor asks:

The one who started the game answers him:

“With a fan,” waving his hand in front of his face like a fan.

All players repeat this movement. Then the next player turns to his neighbor. The same conversation takes place between them, but each time the aunt comes from another city (the names of cities familiar to the children are used) and brings either a mortar and pestle (the players stomp their feet), or a beater (they shake their hand), or a knife, or a hammer (they wave their hand) , then a violin, etc.

At the end of the game, all movements are repeated, but in a different sequence. The teacher turns to one or the other player with the question: “Where did auntie come from, what did she bring?” The players respond and repeat the appropriate movements.


Two players are called, with a screen between them.

The players simultaneously use movements and facial expressions to depict what the teacher suggests. The audience evaluates who managed to do it better. For example, you could suggest depicting:

- a person waiting outside for a bus in winter in severe frost;

- a fan at a football match;

- a person who has a toothache;

—— a person who has met his friend, etc.

Unusual orchestra

The teacher says that she is a conductor who assembles her orchestra. Some children are assigned to play musical instruments - piano, violin, drum, cymbals, accordion, double bass, cello, etc. Others are musicians: pianist, violinist, double bassist, drummer, percussionist. A soloist - a singer - is also selected.

The teacher announces the number, and the children perform it. It could be a waltz, a children's song, folk music, etc. “Musicians” must play their “instruments”, and they must make appropriate sounds. The "singer" must sing as if she has a unique voice. She can do this without sound at all.

The teacher makes sure that the melody is beautiful.


The teacher tells the children that they are in a toy store. Offers to become them. Children take turns turning into different toys and pretending to be them, taking into account what material they are made of.

Toy options: a huge doll that can close its eyes and squeal “ma-ma”; Teddy bear; a wind-up monkey that can climb a tree if you get it; tiger cub from a story; inflatable bunny closed with a cork; metal wind-up toy; wooden Pinocchio; a stork that drinks water, etc.

Children can make sounds as toys.

In this game, children can be given paired tasks: for example, dancing. Moreover, an inflatable hare can dance with a tiger cub. They have different designs, materials, different habits. The stork and Pinocchio can look for worms in the ground. A bear and a monkey can climb a tree. A frog and a monkey can jump in a race.

Another task concerns a situation where toys are damaged.

A doll that can close its eyes and say “mama” has faulty eyes. Either they will close and not open, or only one will open. The voice creaks disgustingly.

The teddy bear's right leg is held on by one string. The side is holed and sewn up. The thread is thin, unreliable, and just like that, sawdust will fall down.

In a wind-up monkey, something is going on with the mechanism, so there is no coordination of movements - the arms and legs sometimes behave not the way they want, but on their own.

The flannel tiger cub's eye buttons are falling off; they are holding on for now, but with a sudden movement they will certainly come off.

The inflatable bunny would have been fine, but they smeared him with ink, and he’s a neat guy. How to wash and dry off? Yes, and you have to keep an eye on the cork all the time, it doesn’t hold securely.

The clockwork frog's leg is broken off, so it constantly drifts to the side.

Pinocchio's nose split into two parts lengthwise: it looks like a forked trunk, sticking out in front of his eyes, preventing him from looking at the world.

A drinking stork has a crack on its glass back; if it gets bigger, the stork will burst.

In the next task, the spoiled toys are given paired tasks: a doll and a tiger cub learn the notes of a song for two voices; a monkey with a teddy bear and a frog with a stork dance a waltz; the hare and Pinocchio shoot from an air rifle (from a bow) at targets.