Toy with cherry pits doctor crumb properties. DIY heating pad with cherry pits: manufacturing technique and recommendations. Here is such a surprisingly simple, but extraordinary heating pad with cherry pits

But it turns out that cherries are not only tasty, but also surprisingly healthy. It helps with hypertension and prevents early gray hair.

But the “epicenter” of the cherry’s usefulness is in its seed.

For example, cherry seed oil cleanses the skin and tightens pores.

But we, needlewomen, are more interested in another use of cherry pits - as a filler for toys. This is what I will talk about today in more detail.

A toy heating pad with cherry pits is a great find for you and your baby!

From the outside, they look like a soft toy - a funny animal or a cheerful little person who will become a child’s friend throughout their childhood! And hidden inside it are cherry pits.

The benefits of a toy heating pad with cherry pits are many-sided. It can be useful for both children and adults in different situations.

1. Depending on the circumstances, it can easily be converted into a heating pad or a cold compress.

  • A toy heating pad with cherry pits will easily lull your baby to sleep, creating cozy warmth in the baby's crib. Thanks to its unique filling, the toy takes the shape of the child's body. Therefore, it does not interfere, but on the contrary, promotes healthy sleep for the baby.

  • For newborns, a heating pad with cherry pits will become a real salvation during colic.

  • Also the dry warmth of cherry pits helps relieve discomfort, physical and emotional stress. This heating pad relaxes muscles, relieves various pains, and helps with colds.

  • Warmed cherry pits have light almond scent. This is a wonderful soothing aromatherapy.

  • The heating pad can also be used as a cold compress for bruises, sprains, nosebleeds, migraines.

2. A charming toy heating pad will be real fun for your baby. After all, this is not just a dull heating pad, albeit with all its useful properties. It's also an adorable toy.

  • Toys with cherry pits will not only relieve pain, but also will cheer up and cheer up a sick child.

  • This heating pad with cherry pits is very pleasant to the touch. I just want to cuddle her! In addition, this toy has a secret - a bag of dried cherry pits is hidden inside it. And therefore, playing with a heating pad will help develop fine motor skills.

3. In addition, cherry pits have massage properties. If you remove the bag of bones from the toy, you can use it separately to massage your arms and legs. It has long been established that foot massage improves a person’s immune system.

In other words, a natural heating pad toy with cherry pits, on the one hand, evokes the warmest feelings in a child’s soul. On the other hand, it warms his body with its warmth.

The secret of cherry pits

The amazing healing effect of the toy heating pad is based on the unique properties of its filler - cherry pits.

The fact is that they heat up quickly and cool down very slowly, thereby having a warming effect. Due to the fact that cherry pits distribute heat evenly and release it gradually, the risk of burns or overheating is absolutely eliminated.

The same goes for cooling. Warmers with cherry pits stay cold for a long time, unlike a towel soaked in cold water or quickly melting ice.

Thanks to this property, cherry pits can be used as a kind of battery. Essentially, this is the same heating pad, only much better! It retains the temperature longer and allows air to pass through, which cannot be said about a rubber heating pad.

By the way, a heating pad with cherry pits is not a newfangled know-how, but a time-tested folk remedy. Even in Russian villages, for several centuries, cherry pits were used as fillers for special pillows.

Here is such a surprisingly simple, but extraordinary heating pad with cherry pits!

Cozy toy warmers filled with cherry
seeds and rapeseeds, keep warm for a long time

pillow with cherry pits!.

The first known mention of such pillows dates back to the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II in the 13th century BC. It is known that his father gave him a linen pillow with cherry pits on the advice of the priests to protect him from evil spirits, protect his sleep and preserve the health of the greatest pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.

Ramses took care of the pad given to him by his father all his life and often used it. Apparently thanks to this, he lived for 90 years, of which he reigned safely for 80 years.

Advantages of the pads

A pillow with cherry pits will not take up much space in your home, and its use is very simple and convenient. It can be easily pressed on any part of the body, it does not get dirty and can be used for years without losing its beneficial properties.

In addition, when heated, the pillow with cherry pits emits a pleasant aroma of fresh bread.

Preparing to use the pad

To cool the pillow, you can use the freezer of the refrigerator (in a plastic bag for 1-2 hours), and in winter you can use the balcony.

You can heat the cherry pillow in different ways - on a radiator, in the oven (8-10 minutes at 80 o C), in a microwave oven (30 seconds - 2 minutes), on the lid of a hot kettle or pan, just removed from the stove ( 10 min.). Avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures or open flames, and allow it to cool completely before reheating.

Apply the pillow only to clean skin, without using rubbing or ointments.

Ways to use cherry pad

Using a pillow with cherry filling is absolutely harmless at any age. The uniqueness of the pillow with cherry pits is that its effect can be used in three temperature conditions in different life situations:

  • At room temperature - as an orthopedic pillow. Lying on a pillow stuffed with cherry pits, you can easily stabilize the position of your head and neck, helping to improve cerebral circulation and normalize sleep. It can also be used in a sitting position to support the neck, back and lower back with a gentle massage effect.

  • Hot - for warming, relaxing tense muscles, relieving spastic pain, for chronic ailments, and also for massage. It will help you calm a restless baby and prevent you from catching a cold in a cold car in winter.

  • When chilled, it has a tonic and analgesic effect. When tired, a cold pillow with cherry pits helps relieve drowsiness; in a stuffy room, it will improve your well-being and normalize brain function, reduce headaches at high temperatures or any acute pain, for example with bruises and sprains, and reduce swelling.

You can safely give this pillow even to a small child - it is absolutely safe.

From ancient times to our times, cold and warmth have helped fight ailments. And they have always been widely used by healers, healers, doctors and, of course, modern doctors.

There are many different ways to use a pillow. If you have chronic illnesses or are experiencing this for the first time, be sure to consult your doctor. It is important to remember that cold is usually better for acute problems, and heat is usually helpful for chronic problems, and often works faster and more effectively than medications.

The most common problem of our time is physical and emotional stress. A heated pillow placed on your shoulders in the collar area will relieve excess tension in 10-15 minutes. For the best effect, you can take a comfortable position in a chair, but you can also just sit, lie down, or even stand.

Depending on its cause, a hot, cool or cold pillow applied to the forehead, temples, crown or back of the head for 5-10 minutes will help reduce headaches.

Improvement of cerebral blood supply
For problems in the cervical spine and tension in the neck muscles, a cool pillow with cherry pits will help normalize blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. To do this, lying on your back, up to several times a day, place it folded in half under the lower part of the back of your head for 15-30 minutes.

Osteocondritis of the spine
A room temperature or cool pillow placed in the upper part of the neck and back of the head in sitting and lying positions helps to stabilize the cervical spine in the correct position (especially after manual therapy), together with special exercises to strengthen the neck muscles.
For the lumbar spine, when sitting for long periods of time while working at a computer or driving a car, place a normal temperature pad on the lower back just above the waist.
And during physical therapy, you can increase the effectiveness of exercises and reduce pain with the help of a hot pad placed in the area of ​​the spine being worked on.

A cool cherry pad applied to the area of ​​a sore tooth for 5-10 minutes will reduce toothache.

PMS in women
A hot pad placed on the lower abdomen and lower back for 10-20 minutes can help ease monthly PMS pain in women.

Chronic cystitis
During an exacerbation, the dry warmth of a heated pad with cherry pits placed on the lower abdomen for 10-15 minutes will help speed up recovery.

Arthritis often causes pain, swelling, redness, and fever in the affected joints. The complex of your usual treatment procedures will help to complement the cold pad for 10-15 minutes 3-5 times a day until inflammation decreases.

Pain and dysfunction of the joint due to arthrosis, applying a hot pillow to the joint area for 5-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day will increase the effectiveness of the treatment prescribed by the doctor and the special exercises recommended by him.

Improved sleep and mood
A pillow with hot cherry pits will help improve your mood and make it easier to fall asleep every night.
Spend just 15 minutes on yourself while sitting in a comfortable chair. The hot pad moves in turn, staying for 1-2 minutes in each area, from the collar area down the back to the buttocks. Then you can knead the pillow with your fingers and warm your knees one at a time. Finally, place the ankle pad on top of the feet.
And at night, place a cool or warm pillow with cherry pits under your head on top of your regular pillow.

Calm the child
A warm pillow applied to the baby's tummy or back for 10-15 minutes will help you calm a restless baby. A heated pillow in the baby’s arms or placed on the feet while you read him a fairy tale will help a 2-5 year old child relax and fall asleep faster.

Just 30 seconds is enough, grab the pillow with both hands as hard as you can, crunch its bones to “let off steam” when someone has offended you. It will become even easier if you tell her in a loud whisper everything you think about your offender.

When I was still pregnant, I began to study all the online stores I knew for interesting toys. Quite by accident, I found a toy with a strange and even mysterious name “Doctor Myakish”. The title discouraged me, because I didn’t understand what “crumb” was, or what “doctor” had to do with it.

Then it turned out that it was a toy, but it had medicinal properties, such as a bag of cherry pits, which could relieve cramps. I succumbed to the temptation to purchase such an unusual toy and ordered it on the website of the Esky online store for 370 rubles. (at that time (April 2015) this was the lowest price I had seen).

When I picked up the order, I found that the bunny was very decent. Quite large - 40 cm in length, from the tip of the ear to the tip of the legs; 30 cm wide, from tip to tip, at its widest part. The body has the following parameters - 18 cm in length, 22 cm in width. The toy is made of linen, which is very nice (in our synthetic present). The legs and arms are ties, the reverse side of which is made of terry material. The hare's face is embroidered with bright threads, and he has a small rattle in his head.

There is a slot on the body that closes with 2 buttons (in our case, one, the second was eaten by the dog (((...) Through the slot, a bag with cherry pits, measuring 19 x 14 cm, is removed. There are enough pits in the bag, about half (probably more and No need).

Our doctor was packed in an open package and needed to be washed. It is necessary to wash the toy by first removing the bag from it. If you wash it with the bag, all the beneficial properties will disappear, as the seeds will deteriorate. I washed the toy in the washing machine at 60 degrees and 800 rpm, nothing got damaged or lost its shape.

Now about how I used our doctor: When my baby just started showing signs of dissatisfaction, I ran to heat a bag of bones in the microwave (1 minute at maximum temperature). Then she put the bag back into the hare's body and wrapped the hare in her T-shirt. It turned out that the hare was on his tummy, and I wrapped the edges of the T-shirt around his body. Please note that you need to let the hare cool down a little, otherwise you can burn the tender body of the newborn. Why did I wrap it in a T-shirt? In order to create a warm comfort, especially the smell of the mother, in my opinion, is very important for the baby, especially at first. When I used the hare for the first time, imagine my surprise when I discovered that after 4 hours!!! the hare is still warm.

We haven't used the toy in cold mode yet.

As a result, from the very first day my baby slept in his crib, warm and without tummy pain.

I can only point out one drawback. It is inconvenient to remove the bag itself, since the slot is not very long. These lengthy manipulations are especially annoying when the child is crying.

Doctor Myakish- not just a toy. This is a cute mini heating pad that will be useful for your baby not only for play, but also for medicinal purposes. The fact is that inside the toy there is a bag with cherry pits, and this unique material is known for its truly magical healing properties.

Doctor Myakish: the benefits of cherry pits

They are characterized by slow heat transfer, that is, they slowly cool when heated and, conversely, when cooled, they slowly become warm. Therefore, the toy can be used for coughs, muscle pain, against bruises and in some other cases. It will also be indispensable for a pleasant massage of the fingers (which develops fine motor skills of the hands) and body.

Doctor crumb – Little Bunny

This cute eared character will become your baby's best friend! His good-natured smile will definitely cause a child to smile in return. Soft knots on the bunny's legs will help the little one develop fine motor skills of his fingers. On the back of the heating pad, you can touch and try to unfasten two large buttons, and behind them you can find the main “trick” of the toy, a linen bag with cherry pits, which will help your baby be healthy and cheerful every day of his interesting life.

Bag of cherry pits “Doctor Myakish”: instructions

The toy exhibits its healing properties in three temperature conditions:

HOT: Place the bag of seeds for 1 minute in the microwave at 600 W or in the oven at 80 degrees for 8-15 minutes. Then place the bag back into the body of the toy.

Now our bunny “Doctor Myakish”:

1) will warm you up;
2) prepare your baby for sleep (give the toy to the child or place it on his feet while reading a fairy tale);
3) massage the fingers of small hands;
4) will relieve emotional and physical stress (place the toy in the child’s “collar zone” for 15 minutes);
5) will help with a cold cough (put the toy on your chest for 10 minutes, then on your back for 10 minutes);
6) soothe (on the tummy for 5 minutes, then on the back for 5 minutes);
7) will lift the baby’s mood (in a sitting position, place the toy in the “collar zone” for 2 minutes, also 2 minutes under the shoulder blades, to the lower back, to the buttocks, let the baby crush the toy with his fingers for 2 minutes, and then, also for 2 minutes, stand on her feet).

The creators of the toy offer this wonderful recipe for a runny nose: place the heated bunny on the baby’s nose, and the runny nose will be treated with the warm smell of ripe cherries. Pleasant treatment, isn't it?

COLD: Place the bag of cherry pits in the freezer in a plastic bag for 30-60 minutes. Then place the bag back into the body of the toy.

After cooling, the kind bunny “Doctor Myakish” will be able to:

1) tone;
2) reduce the child’s sleepiness;
3) increase brain performance during fatigue;
4) eliminate headaches from high fever;
5) reduce any acute pain, even the most severe one - toothache (to do this, you only need to apply the toy to the sore spot for 5 minutes);
6) remove swelling and heal bruises;
7) relieve muscle tension (in 10-30 minutes).


1) To ensure that your baby’s back always remains straight, place a toy pillow in the neck and back of the head area when sitting.
2) “Doctor Myakish” will give your child sweet and interesting dreams (to improve sleep, place the toy under the baby’s head right on top of his pillow).
3) At room temperature, the heating pad can also be used to massage body parts and develop fine motor skills.

The “Doctor Myakish” bunny heating pad will brighten up your baby’s intake of medicines and pills and will perfectly support his health.

The toy is made of natural linen. The material retains its color for a long time when washed, does not cause allergies and does not accumulate static electricity.

Attention! Never heat the entire Doctor Crumb! Only the body can be washed; the bag with the seeds only needs to be shaken and ventilated.

Most parents know how a newborn baby suffers from colic that occurs in his stomach. No matter what means are used to relieve him of this pain. A warm diaper, which must be placed on the baby's sore stomach, helps to alleviate the child's suffering. The only negative is that the fabric cools down very quickly, and the diaper has to be warmed over and over again. In such a situation, a heating pad with cherry pits as a filler will come in handy.

Let's figure out the advantages of such a heating pad for a baby and how to sew it yourself at home.

Warmer toy with cherry pits: description

The product is designed to retain heat and create comfort. Such products look like soft toys familiar to everyone from childhood, but instead of traditional filling, cherry pits are used here. Unlike padding polyester and holofiber, this is an environmentally friendly, natural material. It is absolutely hypoallergenic and has special energy.

To attract attention, cherry pits are sewn in the shape of animals or cartoon characters. Natural cotton and linen fabrics of bright colors are used as the upper material. The natural filler has excellent healing qualities, which significantly expands the scope of application of the heating pad.

What is a heating pad toy for?

A toy heating pad with cherry pits primarily functions as a thermostat. The thing is that this natural material heats up quickly and releases heat slowly. A heating pad with cherry pits helps in the following cases:

  • Helps your child fall asleep quickly. To do this, you need to warm it up before going to bed and give it to your baby. Warmth will help your child relax and fall asleep faster.
  • This is an excellent alternative to traditional mustard plasters for coughs. To do this, the heating pad must be placed on the chest and left in this position for ten minutes.
  • A cooled toy will help with sprains, bruises and injuries.
  • A heating pad with cherry pits for a newborn helps get rid of colic. To do this, it is heated and applied to the stomach. The spasm goes away and the baby feels better.
  • A cold heating pad will relieve headaches, lift your spirits, restore strength, and relieve swelling in your legs.

Thanks to the environmentally friendly hypoallergenic filling, the heating toy can be used as a pillow.

The healing properties of cherry pits

Due to the natural warmth, the heating pad is very relaxing, relieves muscle tension, and relieves pain. This is not a newfangled panacea for all diseases, but a time-tested remedy. And a newborn’s heating pad is filled with cherry pits for a reason. Natural materials, in addition to high thermal conductivity qualities, have special natural energy. It is enough to give a toy that is pleasant to the touch into the hands of a child, and he immediately calms down.

A heating pad with cherry pits gives you the desired warmth and coolness, and does not contain harmful components or materials. This is a natural battery that retains heat and coolness for a long time, better than any ice-based compress.

How to prepare a heating pad for use

To use the heating pad in hot mode, it must be preheated. To do this, place the toy in the microwave for 2 minutes at a power of 500-600 W. A conventional oven is also suitable for heating. It needs to be heated to 80 degrees and the toy should be placed there for 15 minutes. It should be remembered that reheating the product is possible only after it has completely cooled.

To use the toy in cold mode, wrap it in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for at least an hour. In addition, the heating pad can be used without preheating or cooling, at room temperature.

A heating pad with cherry pits for a newborn requires especially careful care. Some toys from this series can actually be washed in a washing machine. But this is only provided that the filler is in a separate bag that can be pulled out. In this case, only the cover of the toy is washed, and the cherry pits themselves remain dry.

Hot water bottles that are made at home are sewn without an additional cover. Therefore, they cannot be washed, or if desired, you need to rip the seam of the toy and pull out the filling. After this, the heating pad will need to be sewn up again.

Games with a heating pad toy

Most often, a heating pad with natural filling is made in the shape of an animal, so choosing a child’s favorite toy (which will also bring health benefits to the baby) will not be difficult. All products are sewn in such a way that they are comfortable to play with and hug.

A heating pad with cherry pits can replace an expensive educational toy. This filler develops the baby’s tactile sensations and fine motor skills.

DIY baby heating pad with cherry pits

Thermal heating pads with natural dry fillings, including cherry pits, are offered today by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. This is due to the high demand for environmentally friendly toys for children. But those who know at least a little sewing can make a heating pad with their own hands.

To sew a heating pad you will need:

  • a large piece of fabric of the same color for the main parts of the toy;
  • a small piece of fabric of a different color for the back of the ears and tail;
  • synthetic filler (stuffing) for the head, upper and lower limbs, tail and ears;
  • properly prepared cherry pits.

Cutting the fabric and preparing the filler

Making a toy in the shape of a bunny begins with constructing a pattern and preparing materials for the top of the product and filling. First of all, this concerns cherry pits. Before stuffing them into a toy, they need to be washed well, boiled in water with a small amount of vinegar and dried thoroughly.

All details of the toy must first be applied to the pattern, then cut out and transferred to the fabric. Don't forget to add seam allowances when cutting. The result should be 4 pieces of fabric for the lower and upper limbs, 2 or 4 for the body (depending on whether the seam is in the middle or only on two sides), 4 elements for the ears (2 of them are one color and 2 of another) , 3 flaps for forming the head and a round tail.

Detailed instructions for sewing a heating pad

Once all the fabric has been cut out, you can start sewing them together. First, the elements of the upper and lower limbs, ears and head are connected to each other. They need to be sewn to the bunny's body and filled with filler. Thanks to this, the heating pad with cherry pits will look like a real soft toy. The joints of the fabric between the body and the limbs must be sewn (grabbed) from the inside. If this is not done, the padding polyester with the bones will mix, and the toy will lose its presentable appearance.

Now you can sew the hare's body. This should be done from the wrong side using an overcast stitch. When there is already a small hole left, the toy needs to be turned out. Make a funnel out of a plastic bottle and pour the seeds into the resulting cover through the hole. Sew up the hare. On the reverse side, sew a tail filled with padding polyester and embroider eyes on the head.

As a result of simple steps, you got a real hot water bottle with cherry pits. Reviews from mothers confirm that it is very quick to make, no more than two hours, and it costs several times less than store-bought. By the way, the price of a heating pad in a store is about two thousand rubles, but in terms of quality it is almost no better than those made by yourself.