Rhinitis during pregnancy: symptoms, how to treat it, how to distinguish it from the usual. Remedy for the common cold during pregnancy. How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy. Folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy

Rhinitis in pregnant women is a special form of rhinitis caused by hormonal changes in the body and changes in the work of blood vessels. The syndrome has its own distinctive features and requires special treatment, since most drugs negatively affect the development of the child.

Reasons for the appearance of "Pregnant rhinitis"

Rhinitis in pregnant women in the broad sense can be caused by all the same etiological factors as any cold:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • temperature drop;
  • a sharp change in climate;
  • allergens with hypersensitivity of the body.

It is important to clarify in a timely manner what kind of rhinitis a pregnant woman has

Rhinitis during pregnancy (pregnant rhinitis), in the narrowly focused scientific sense, is a special pathology that has a completely different development mechanism. The disease is caused by an increase in the level of estrogen, progesterone and other hormones that affect the permeability of the vascular wall.

As a result, clear discharge is formed in the nasal cavity of pregnant women, leading to nasal congestion and obstructing the airway.

The time of occurrence of rhinitis cannot be said for sure, since every woman's pregnancy develops in her own way. The clinical picture of the common cold usually subsides closer to the third trimester, when the hormonal background becomes more or less stable, and the cardiovascular system has already adapted to the changes taking place.


Symptoms are no different from the clinical picture of chronic rhinitis. For a runny nose in pregnant women, there are signs such as:

Due to impaired airway patency in rhinitis, shortness of breath occurs in pregnant women, the respiratory rate increases, the oral cavity is involved in the process, which does not contribute to warming, moisturizing and disinfecting the air, therefore, angina or pharyngitis may develop when a secondary infection is attached.

Due to a lack of oxygen, a pregnant woman may complain of headaches, weakness, fatigue, and malaise.

Distinctive features of "hormonal" rhinitis

The main feature of rhinitis in pregnant women is the absolutely normal general condition of the patient. That is, if with sinusitis or an infectious rhinitis, a rise in temperature and the development of asthenic syndrome against a background of intoxication is possible, then with "hormonal" rhinitis in pregnant women, malaise and headaches are caused by a lack of oxygen, while there is no fever, and the appetite is preserved.

  • The difference between "hormonal" rhinitis from... Unlike diseases of an allergic nature, rhinitis in pregnant women is not accompanied by redness and itching of the eyes, rashes on the skin. When eliminating the irritating factor with allergic rhinitis, the symptoms pass quickly enough, with a runny nose that appears during gestation, this does not happen.
  • The difference between "pregnant" rhinitis from sinusitis... With sinusitis, pain usually increases not only in the area of ​​the nose, but also in the upper jaw, where the affected jaw is located, the discomfort usually increases with sharp turns of the head and chewing. Sinusitis is also an acute inflammatory disease, in which signs of intoxication are pronounced: fever, headaches, malaise, chills, excessive sweating.
  • Features of the difference from hormonal in pregnant women... It is more difficult to determine an accurate diagnosis with an already existing chronic rhinitis, since the clinical picture and course of both diseases are similar. In this case, the time of the onset of symptoms of rhinitis in pregnant women is specified and a mandatory rhinoscopy is performed in order to identify changes in the structure of the mucous membrane: in chronic rhinitis they are present, in case of "hormonal" they are not.

Doctors carry out differential diagnostics of rhinitis in pregnant women, focusing not only on subjective complaints, but also on the medical history.

Acute rhinitis usually resolves in five to seven days, nasal discharge is usually immediately thick, cloudy, whitish or yellow-green in color.

Rhinitis of pregnant women is characterized by a long course, a long absence of complications and transparent discharge at first.


Of the complications of rhinitis in pregnant women, the following are most likely:

Rhinitis of pregnancy consequences for the child ... A runny nose, which was treated in the early stages of pregnancy, is absolutely safe, you just need to contact your doctor in time. It should be noted that "hormonal" rhinitis for a long period also practically does not affect the health of the child.

Pregnant rhinitis persists after childbirth ... If a woman has given birth, and the runny nose has not gone away, she should contact an otorhinolaryngologist and an endocrinologist, since such a condition can be due to only two reasons: hormonal disruption, which could not pass during pregnancy and hypersecretion of the epithelial membrane of the nasal cavity against the background of structural changes ...

Treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy

Therapy for rhinitis in each trimester of pregnancy is special, it takes into account the degree of fetal resistance to the effects of certain drugs and tries to minimize the negative effects of drugs. The table shows the options for the common cold and their treatment.

Trimester periodThe type of cold and the list of drugs for treatment
First trimester of pregnancy "Hormone" Allergic Infectious (acute)
- Rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solutions
- the main substance of which is sodium chloride ("Aquamaris", "Salin")

-Sodium Chloride Spray Treatment
-Rinse the nasal cavity with saline solutions
- Washing off the mucous membrane with olive oil, using the drug "Pinosol"
Second trimester and third trimester of pregnancy - The use of saline solutions
- Carrying out inhalations
- Rinsing the nasal cavity with sodium chloride solutions
- Hypoallergenic food
- Carrying out inhalations with mineral water
- Irrigation of the mucous membrane with sodium chloride solutions
- Irrigation of the nasal mucosa with the drug "Nazaval", which prevents the deposition of allergens on the tissue
- Hormonal agents ("Tafen") for three days
- With caution use of vasoconstrictor drugs ("Vibrocil")
- Rinsing the nasal cavity with saline
- Inhalation with mineral water
- Using a product such as oxolinic ointment
- Interferon treatment
- Use with caution
- Treatment with local antiseptics and antibacterial agents

With rhinitis of pregnant women and allergic rhinitis, treatment with traditional medicine recipes is a waste of time.

Decoctions and infusions from herbal ingredients can have a beneficial effect only in the case of an infectious pathology. In this case, onions, calendula, chamomile and other herbs relieve inflammation, stimulate the immune system and improve the well-being of a pregnant woman.

The content of the article:

Rhinitis or runny nose is a fairly common occurrence that occurs in almost every person at least once a year. This ENT disease is usually associated with infections, the manifestation of allergies and other factors. At the same time, the appearance of a runny nose during pregnancy does not always indicate the presence of infections. Rhinitis of pregnant women has its own differences and requires a special approach to treatment. So, rhinitis or a runny nose of pregnant women - what can be treated so as not to harm the unborn child and prevent the development of undesirable consequences?

What is rhinitis like?

You can name the following types of rhinitis that may appear in pregnant women:

Caused by the presence of viruses or infection;


Rhinitis of pregnant women.

Acute rhinitis is caused by a viral infection, while a runny nose becomes a consequence of the disease itself, accompanied by weakness, fever, cough and sore throat.

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by the appearance of a cold in certain conditions and is not permanent.

These types of rhinitis can occur in any person: in men, women, children, the elderly. In contrast, rhinitis of pregnant women occurs only during the period of gestation and is exclusively physiological in nature.

Rhinitis causes

Typical rhinitis is usually caused by the weakened immune system of the pregnant woman. During this period, a woman is susceptible to infection with various infections, including respiratory. A runny nose can occur even after hypothermia. An infection can seriously harm the health of an unborn child, therefore, treatment cannot be delayed, treatment must be started after the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Allergic rhinitis in pregnant women occurs suddenly, characterized by profuse nasal discharge, sneezing, tearing. Such a runny nose usually occurs during the flowering period of some plant species, it can also be caused by the consumption of food allergens, the action of perfumery, chemicals, animal hair. In the event of allergic manifestations, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary studies to determine the culprit of the allergic reaction and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Hormonal rhinitis of pregnant women occurs in connection with hormonal changes in the woman's body, as a result of which there is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the mucous tissues.

The development of such a condition is facilitated by factors such as:

Heredity, anatomical pathology;

Taking hormonal or vasoconstrictor drugs before pregnancy;

Metabolic disease;

The reflex reaction of the body to environmental factors - inhalation of dirty air, tobacco smoke, spicy food, etc.

A runny nose, which occurs due to hormonal changes in the body, is called vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women, or rhinitis in pregnant women. It is very difficult to prevent its appearance, and it will most likely be possible to get rid of this phenomenon only after the birth of the child, when the hormonal background is restored.

Signs of rhinitis

The main signs of rhinitis during pregnancy:

Nasal congestion;
the appearance of transparent discharge;
lacrimation may appear;
the appearance of discomfort in the nose - for example, itching or dryness;
wheezing appears, intensifying with physical exertion and in the supine position;
snoring may appear;
sense of smell worsens;
decreased appetite;
increased fatigue.

When a pregnant woman has a runny nose, the question arises: how to distinguish rhinitis from colds and flu, because the symptoms are very similar? The answer is quite simple: a distinctive feature of vasomotor rhinitis is the absence of symptoms of the inflammatory process and intoxication of the body. The woman does not feel overwhelmed, her appetite is not reduced, her mood is normal, there is no pain in her body. A runny nose in viral diseases and colds is accompanied by chills, fever, headache, general weakness, and body aches.

Physiological rhinitis of pregnant women is also different from allergic rhinitis. Nasal discharge is rather scanty, there is no pain in the eyes, there are no rashes on the body, sneezing occurs very rarely, and other symptoms are less pronounced. In addition, allergic rhinitis can be eliminated by reducing contact with the allergen, while the runny nose of pregnant women does not have a pronounced cause.

And although vasomotor rhinitis causes many inconveniences for a woman, this condition does not have a direct negative effect on the fetus and does not lead to irreversible changes in the nasal mucosa. After childbirth, the functioning of the nose is restored, and all manifestations disappear by themselves. However, in order to alleviate the condition of a woman, it is necessary to take the necessary measures.

It should be remembered that only a doctor can clearly determine the physiological rhinitis, who, after a thorough examination, will be able to exclude or confirm possible pathologies, make the correct diagnosis and treat rhinitis in pregnant women.

Features and danger of the common cold at different periods of pregnancy

Breathing through the nose is considered a normal physiological process. Violation of the process can negatively affect the body. Breathing must provide sufficient oxygen supply to the body. In addition, when inhaled through the nose, the air is purified, humidified and warmed to a comfortable temperature. Therefore, a violation of normal breathing leads to a decrease in local immunity, which does not have the best effect on the course of pregnancy. If a pregnant woman's runny nose does not go away for a long time, it is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible for a diagnosis.

Also, a woman should know that a decrease in oxygen in the lungs due to incomplete inhalation leads to an insufficient supply of it to the fetus, as a result of which pathological hypoxia develops. For this reason, it is very important to treat a runny nose in pregnant women in the 1st trimester, when all organs and systems of the fetus are formed.

If the runny nose is of viral origin, then the virus can penetrate to the child through the mother's blood, which can become a threat to the entire pregnancy. In addition, both infectious and allergic rhinitis in pregnant women in the early stages can significantly reduce the protective properties of the pregnant woman's body, affect the intrauterine development of the child, and also become chronic.

It is also very difficult that the treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy requires a special approach. Indeed, during this period, nasal drops for rhinitis of pregnant women and many other medicines are contraindicated for a woman.

A runny nose, which appeared in the 2nd trimester, is already less dangerous, because the threat of miscarriage is reduced. There is practically no risk of birth defects. However, rhinitis caused by infection can lead to abnormalities in the placenta, nervous system disorders, the likelihood of premature birth or low birth weight.

It is the 3rd trimester that is characterized by the most frequent occurrence of a cold. According to statistics, during this period, rhinitis is noted in more than 40% of pregnant women. This condition may indicate the presence of a cold, which can lead to premature birth, aging of the placenta, and hormonal imbalances. Therefore, it is very important to identify a cold disease in time at any stage of pregnancy in order to avoid possible complications.

Even rhinitis of pregnant women in late stages in a mild form of pregnancy can indicate the presence of a latent infection in a woman's body. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo the necessary examination in order to identify the causative agent of the infection and undergo the necessary treatment.

Treatment: features

During pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated, because they can negatively affect the development and growth of the fetus. Therefore, the treatment of a common cold in pregnant women should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. The method of therapy will depend on the cause of the disease.

Rhinitis of pregnant women in the early stages with a cold requires complex therapy, because it is necessary to get rid not only of the external manifestations of the disease, but also of its cause - a viral infection that has a detrimental effect on the fetus. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs or antibiotics if the harm from the infection is more serious than from taking medications. For example, with a severe runny nose, sinusitis, during an exacerbation of a viral disease, the doctor may prescribe sinupret. This is a combined herbal preparation that has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, expectorant, secretolytic and immunomodulating effects. The drug is available in the form of drops and pills, however, during pregnancy it is prescribed only in the form of pills, because the drops contain alcohol, the use of which is contraindicated during this period. In this case, the drops help to cope not only with a runny nose, but also with the causative agent of the infection.

You should also know that drops from the common cold for pregnant women, which have a vasoconstrictor effect, are prohibited during this period. This is explained by the fact that they constrict the vessels, and hence the capillaries of the placenta, which will lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, and can also cause an increase in blood pressure in a pregnant woman. Therefore, if you cannot do without medicines, then it is better to give preference to drops and sprays on an oil or plant basis. For example, you can use drops of Eucasept or Pinosol.

Also, doctors recommend using a spray for the common cold for pregnant women for the treatment of acute rhinitis, containing glucocorticoid steroids, which are considered as safe as possible and, when used in approved dosages, do not harm the fetus. These are sprays Nasonex, Fluticasone, Budoster.

For colds, frequent rinsing of the nose is also recommended. Many pregnant women are interested in how to rinse their nose with a runny nose at home? In the pharmacy, you can buy saline solutions, the purpose of which is to moisturize the nasal mucosa, hygiene the sinuses, as well as thinning accumulated mucus. For example, you can purchase sprays Aquamaris, Aqualor, Marimer, Dolphin. These products are based on sea water.

Allergic rhinitis is treated with antihistamines Aleron, Zodak, Loratadin, which are intended for oral administration, as well as drops or spray in the nose of Cromohexal. To get rid of allergic manifestations, it is also necessary to avoid contact with allergenic substances. For example, if a woman is allergic to wool, her beloved animal can be transported to relatives or friends, if rhinitis is caused by substances contained in house dust, it is recommended to do wet cleaning in the house every day.

Vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women is the most difficult to treat. To be precise, he practically does not lend itself to therapy, so you have to take measures only to alleviate the woman's condition. In this case, oil-based nasal drops and sprays are recommended, for example, Eucasept, Pinosol, Evkazolin. Homeopathic drops Euphorbium compositum are suitable for treatment.

If it is very difficult for a woman to breathe, then, as a last resort, the doctor may allow drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. However, in this case, he will recommend using products with a children's dosage, bury the nose only at night, so that the woman can get enough sleep. The duration of these drops should be no longer than five days.

The use of the asterisk balm from the common cold to pregnant women will also help to alleviate the general condition. The product should be applied to the area of ​​the nasal wings and to the temples. The balm contains essential oils, so the product should be used with caution, applied pointwise so as not to cause skin burns. It is also recommended to inhale the aroma of the balm, this will help to pierce even a heavily stuffy nose.

At the same time, it is worth noting that a runny nose that appears in pregnant women at a later date, a week and a half before giving birth, will not affect the development of the fetus in any way.

Treatment without the use of medication

Methods that do not involve the use of medicines also help with a cold:

1. Washing the sinuses with saline prepared by yourself. To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of purified water. There are no contraindications to carrying out such procedures, so they can be done without fear to any person.

2. Inhalation with a cold, which can be done with medicinal herbs, essential oils, which effectively destroy pathogenic microbes, helps very well. Alternatively, you can do an onion-garlic inhalation; these products also contain essential oils in sufficient quantities.

3. Perform a massage of reflex points - the bridge of the nose and the area above the upper lip, massage of the area above the browbones and maxillary sinuses will also help.

4. Light the aroma lamp periodically using essential oils with antibacterial properties.

5. Raise the head of the bed at night to reduce swelling.

6. Regularly do wet cleaning and ventilate the room.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies help to cope with a runny nose perfectly:

You can instill in the nose the juice of aloe or Kalanchoe, diluted in saline in a ratio of 1: 1;

You can alleviate the condition by dripping the juice of beets, carrots, or their mixtures into the nose;

Lubricate the nasal passages with vegetable oil, to which a few drops of garlic or onions are added;

Do inhalations with herbal decoctions of chamomile, calendula;

A plentiful hot drink, which will help to replenish fluid in the body, and will also have a general strengthening effect. For these purposes, tea with lemon, rosehip decoction, fruit drinks, decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, linden, plantain are suitable.

Now you know how to relieve rhinitis in pregnant women with folk remedies. However, experts warn that not all medicinal herbs and other products are safe for women and unborn children. In any case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

Rhinitis is of different types: allergic, infectious and hormonal. Women in position are so often sick with all categories of this disease that there is a special term in medicine - rhinitis of pregnant women. Consider the causes, main symptoms and treatment of each type of rhinitis.

Depending on the type of rhinitis, the reasons that led to its formation are distinguished. There are three main types of this disease: allergic, infectious (viral), pregnancy rhinitis.

It is easy to guess that the first type occurs due to the ingress of allergens into the body. The second develops against the background of acute viral diseases. Why is the latter type so widespread? The thing is that a woman preparing to become a mother undergoes some changes in the hormonal system. As a result, there is swelling of the upper respiratory tract, including the nasal cavity. Water accumulates in the mucous membrane, and difficulty in breathing occurs.


Symptoms of rhinitis in women in the position are manifested in the form of a constantly sniffling nose, which intensifies with any physical activity. It most often occurs in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, less often in the early stages.

Rhinitis of pregnant women differs from the infectious type in the absence of inflammation and normal body temperature. As a rule, there are no symptoms of infection of the body by viruses. Such as aching joints, pain in the frontal and temporal parts of the head. Discharge from the nose is usually mild without profuse flow. If this is not the case, then rhinitis in pregnant women has turned into an allergic or infectious type of disease.

How can not be treated

This type of rhinitis resolves on its own within 7-10 days after childbirth. At this time, the process of normalizing the level of progesterone and estrogen occurs in a woman's body. But, despite this, such rhinitis during pregnancy should be treated. But not drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect. Such as Galazolin, Afrin, Naftizin, Sinupret and others. These drops can lead to disruptions in the uteroplacental blood flow, and this will adversely affect the condition of the unborn child.

A gynecologist leading a pregnancy may allow some drops of a low concentration of the active substance to be taken at night. This is done to help the pregnant mom get a good night's sleep. In this case, the obstetrician-gynecologist must realistically assess the possible harm and benefit to the child. Self-administration of such drops is strictly prohibited.

How to Safely Treat Hormonal Rhinitis

In order to safely and quickly get rid of rhinitis during pregnancy, you should use one of the tips below.

Saline rinsing

Salt-based solutions cope well with swelling of the nasal mucosa. You can use regular sea salt or table salt. For self-preparation of a wash for the nose, you need to stir half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Pharmaceuticals offers to use ready-made solutions - Merimer, AquaMaris, Aqualor and others.

You can use special containers or a teapot to rinse your nose.

Application of drops of Pinosol

Pinosol drops contain oils that are safe for a pregnant woman and her fetus. But one must also take into account the fact that women in a position have an exacerbated likelihood of allergies to unfamiliar substances. Therefore, when using this remedy, it can exacerbate the symptoms of rhinitis in pregnant women.

Rhinitis of pregnancy can be safely treated with inhalation. The easiest option is to use mineral water purchased from a pharmacy. The gas must first be released - open the lid for 3-4 hours. A nebulizer is used for the procedure. You can also prepare a solution of soda - 2-3 tablespoons and water - 1 liter.

If there is no special device for inhalation, then you can use the old method - breathe over potatoes.

It is necessary to treat rhinitis in pregnant women with honey water with caution - allergic reactions are not excluded. For such a procedure, it is necessary to dissolve honey in water in a ratio of 1: 5.

Essential oils can also give a negative reaction in the body. In limited quantities, you can use the oils of calamus, eucalyptus, rose, lavender, pine, fir.

Basic rules for inhalation:

  1. can be done no earlier than an hour after eating;
  2. if there is no nebulizer, then you can use the spout of the teapot;
  3. the optimal time for the procedure is 10 minutes; with broadcasts - 5-8 minutes;
  4. after the treatment, it is better to rest for 2-3 hours; do not eat or talk; stay at home if possible.

Nose and face massage

If you systematically carry out a special massage, then the rhinitis of pregnant women will soon recede. It is necessary to act on the frontal zone, the bridge of the nose, the wings of the nose and the area where the maxillary sinuses are located. The movement can be clockwise or counterclockwise. At the same time, the impact force is moderate.

For restful sleep during an exacerbated state of rhinitis in pregnant women, it is recommended to sleep on a high pillow.

Chronic runny nose during pregnancy

An untreated runny nose continues during pregnancy. Symptoms of chronic rhinitis:

  1. nasal congestion constantly accompanies the sick;
  2. breathing is very difficult, especially when lying down;
  3. with exercise and movement, the condition of the nose improves.

This condition may be the result of frequent acute respiratory viral infections, untreated rhinitis of various types.

Chronic rhinitis can develop as a result of an abnormal structure of the nasal septum, the presence of adenoids, polyps. Sometimes in pregnant women, nasal congestion can appear due to constant contact with household chemicals, smoke from cigarettes and other things.

How to treat such a runny nose during pregnancy? The attending physician, before prescribing therapy, finds out the cause of a chronic nasal disease. But this is not always possible to do with reliable accuracy. Therefore, drugs are prescribed to facilitate breathing, which are safe for women during pregnancy. All serious procedures are postponed until after the birth of the child.

Allergic rhinitis

This type of rhinitis can be detected both in the early stages of pregnancy and immediately 2-3 months before childbirth. During these periods, the immune and hormonal system is most weakened and is able to respond to any allergen, even a minor one. The most common causes of a cold are:

  1. dust;
  2. particles of skin and animal hair;
  3. pollen and plant aromas;
  4. own sweat;
  5. chemical and cosmetic products.

Blood tests and subcutaneous tests can help identify the specific culprit for nasal congestion.

How to treat such an unenviable condition? The first thing to do is to exclude contact with the identified allergen. If it was not possible to identify a specific cause, then the doctor prescribes an antihistamine. Moreover, in a dosage that will not harm the fetus. This can only be done by a specialist.

To help herself with severe rhinitis, a pregnant woman can perform the following procedures:

  1. frequent washing with cool water with rinsing the nose; you can use herbal decoctions;
  2. instill albucid in the eyes;
  3. eat green apples and sea buckthorn (can be rubbed with sugar);
  4. take calcium tablets regularly.

In any case, treatment of rhinitis of any form and severity of manifestation is necessary with the help of a specialist doctor, especially for women who are expecting a baby.

A few words about the prevention of hormonal rhinitis

Rhinitis caused by hormonal disruptions cannot be cured, since the cause of this disease will cease to exist only after childbirth. But it is important to take preventive measures so that nasal congestion does not develop into an infectious and allergic form of the disease. They must be observed regularly: both early and late.

The most effective preventive actions:

  1. maximum limitation of contact with sick people;
  2. rinsing the nose with salt solutions;
  3. drink enough water;
  4. during the peak of the exacerbation of the incidence of viral diseases, do not neglect the mask; use any antiviral ointment;
  5. if possible, avoid long-term stay near strong odors, smoke, exhaust gases and other harmful substances.

The main thing that every pregnant woman should remember is that she is responsible not only for her health, but also for the condition of the unborn child. Therefore, at the first symptoms of any disease, one should first of all consult a specialist for advice.

Rhinitis of pregnancy is a common phenomenon that occurs due to the weakening of female immunity during this period. In most cases, the fairer sex carrying babies does not attach much importance to such a symptom. But a runny nose needs to be treated, especially during pregnancy, so that complications do not arise that can threaten the health of the mother and the future crumbs.

Before starting to treat rhinitis during pregnancy, you need to find out what triggered a similar pathological condition in a woman. A runny nose in pregnant women can occur due to the following factors:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. For the female body during the period of bearing a baby, an increase in the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen is characteristic. This causes swelling of the mucous membranes and a decrease in their thickness.
  2. Decreased immunity. The fairer sex in an interesting position is more vulnerable to viruses and infections.
  3. Sinusitis, crooked nasal septum, enlargement of the adenoids. For similar reasons for the occurrence of rhinitis, you need to contact an otolaryngologist.
  4. Drying of the mucous membrane. Here, the provoking factor is allergies, the presence of dry air in the apartment, and increased blood volume.

The use of contraceptive pills before conception, a predisposition to frequent colds, a poor ecological environment and the psychologically unstable state of a woman in position can cause a runny nose during pregnancy.

Symptoms of the disease

It is important to understand that for the expectant mother, free breathing is an important indicator. With nasal congestion, a woman begins to breathe through her mouth, the air is not cleared and an infection enters the body. This negatively affects the health of the fetus. After all, he receives oxygen from the mother's bloodstream.

With rhinitis in pregnant women, there are no symptoms of a cold. There is only characteristic abundant discharge from the nose, nasal congestion. If these symptoms appear and there is no treatment, complications may develop. Therefore, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

The main signs of a runny nose during the period of bearing crumbs include the following manifestations:

Swelling of the airways, aggravated by active movements, lying on the back;

Congestion causes a decrease in the sense of smell, appetite, disrupts sleep, which causes a bad mood in most cases;

With a deviated septum in the nose, congestion during pregnancy may be felt more strongly.

The clinical picture largely depends on the type of rhinitis. For example, with an allergic form of a pathological condition, eyes turn red and watery, and itchy nose. Coughing, sneezing and nasal discharge speak of both viral and allergic rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women is characterized by nasal discharge of varying consistency, burning and itching in the sinuses, and patients often complain of migraines, insomnia, and shortness of breath.

Diagnosis of the disease

How long does rhinitis develop? Pathology can form in any of the nine months. In most cases, a runny nose resolves over time after childbirth. If the congestion continues for more than a week, you should see your doctor. He finds out the following:

  • the factor that provoked the development of the disease (weather or housing conditions, other external factors);
  • the presence of other symptoms (redness and sore throat, fever, cough);
  • the nasal cavity is examined by using the rhinoscopy method;
  • if an allergic rhinitis is suspected, an allergen test is taken.

Questionnaire for determining the type of rhinitis

If all of the above was not enough to accurately diagnose and understand the cause of the changes in the mucous membrane, its condition, the doctor sends him to the analysis of biological fluids (blood, urine).

Hormonal rhinitis

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body experiences a hormonal disruption. The level of progesterone increases significantly, which contributes to the normal bearing and development of the fetus. He, like estrogens, affects the vessels, mucous membranes, including the nasopharynx.

Hormonal rhinitis of pregnancy develops in the second or third trimester. But there are times when congestion accompanies all the time the baby is waiting, from conception to the birth itself. This cannot but overshadow such a joyful period in a woman's life.

Hormonal rhinitis during pregnancy is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • clear liquid discharge;
  • sudden shortness of breath, congestion;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • the appearance of crusts on the mucous membrane with a prolonged course of rhinitis.

The duration of the disease is individual. Some women suffer from a runny nose for all 9 months, others have a runny nose after one to two weeks.

In order not to endanger the health of the expectant mother and baby, it is necessary to promptly differentiate hormonal rhinitis from other infectious diseases.

Vasomotor rhinitis during pregnancy is provoked by an increase in the level of hormones in the body of a woman expecting a baby. The disease is formed for other reasons. This is the inhalation of a strong aroma, dusty air in the room, the use of certain medications, as well as stress, nervous strain, alcohol abuse and smoking. This type of rhinitis is rarely accompanied by allergies or infectious diseases.

The clinical picture is expressed by congestion, discharge of colorless fluid from the nose, snoring and shortness of breath at night, as well as sneezing, mild cough and general malaise.

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy? This should be consulted with a specialist. After all, many drugs are prohibited during the period of "bearing crumbs", as they can harm the fetus.

Allergic rhinitis

Hormonal changes in a woman's body while carrying crumbs weaken the immune system. The body often begins to be hostile to certain substances: pollen, sweat, dust, wool, and some other fruits, food additives, household chemicals. Other factors can also become irritants.

Allergic rhinitis is manifested by the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, swelling, as well as redness and peeling of the skin, the appearance of a rash on it. Before treating a runny nose during pregnancy in the 1st trimester or at another period, it is necessary to find out the true cause. A similar diagnosis is carried out in a medical institution through a blood test.

If the fairer sex has a predisposition to allergic reactions, you should try to exclude all possible irritants while carrying the baby.

How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy?

How to get rid of a cold during pregnancy? Unfortunately, rhinitis cannot be completely eliminated during the period of childbearing. It will continue until the body gets used to changes in hormonal levels. Over time, the congestion will go away on its own. But you can alleviate the condition through the use of various techniques that can relieve the symptoms of the disease.

It is important to remember that a limited number of medications can be used to treat a runny nose in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and throughout the rest of the gestation period.

After all, many medicines are prohibited, as they negatively affect the fetus. You can not treat a runny nose in a pregnant woman and with the use of most vasoconstrictor sprays, drops.

In general, rhinitis therapy is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Normalize the condition of the nasal mucosa. To do this, you need to rinse the cavity with saline, walk more, maintain room temperature in the region of 19-21 degrees, humidity - no more than 75%. Such conditions will allow the nose to breathe better, even with illness, if a runny nose is not treated in the first trimester of pregnancy and in the following months.
  • To reduce the swelling of the nose, you can raise the head of the bed 15 degrees.
  • If it is completely impossible to breathe, drops are used to relieve swelling.

In general, the treatment of a common cold during pregnancy aims to reduce the severity of symptoms with safe medications allowed when carrying a baby, or folk remedies, about the use of which it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Medicines for the common cold during pregnancy

How can rhinitis be treated for a woman expecting a baby, only a specialist can tell after an individual consultation. Basically, drops made on the basis of glucocorticoid steroids are prescribed. If you observe the dosage, then such remedies for the common cold during pregnancy are the safest, because they are not absorbed into the bloodstream, do not affect the child.

Most often, doctors prescribe Nazonex, Fluticasone, Alsedin and Budoster. What can you do with nasal congestion while carrying a baby yet? Tafen Nazal may be prescribed. Although in the instructions it is contraindicated in women in position, being an analogue of Budoster, it is taken during gestation.

Tablets and other drugs are not allowed to be used for a cold for pregnant women.


How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy with massage treatments? Therapy should be started at the first manifestations of rhinitis. The manipulation is performed with massage pressure of varying intensity on certain points. The procedures are carried out as often as possible. To enhance the effect, you can use an asterisk ointment.

Rinsing the nose

It is advisable to treat a runny nose in the 1st trimester of pregnancy with lavages. For the procedure, saline solutions are taken, which not only eliminate the pathogenic flora, but also allow you to breathe more freely. Such medicines for the common cold are prepared independently or purchased at the pharmacy.

With discharge of a purulent type, you can use Furacilin's solution. For preparation, a tablet of the drug is dissolved in water. The tool actively fights microbes. It is necessary to rinse at least 4 times in 24 hours.

Vasoconstrictor drops

This type of medicine for rhinitis quickly relieves swelling, and after 15-20 minutes, it becomes easy for a person to breathe. This happens under the influence of the contained chemical elements in the drops, which cause spasm of the vessels of the nasal cavity. But the components are able to be absorbed into the bloodstream and harm the unborn baby, causing an increase in the tone of the uterus and arousal of the child, spasm of the vessels of the heart muscle and brain. All this is very dangerous for the life of the baby. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to treat a runny nose in a pregnant woman with vasoconstrictor drugs.


The use of inhalation is a safe method of eliminating the symptoms of rhinitis if a woman is expecting a baby. Here you can use a nebulizer or just breathe over the steam. For inhalation with essential oils, you can use eucalyptus or fir liquid. Decoctions of chamomile, calendula and other medicinal herbs will be useful.

Inhalations act only on the affected respiratory tract, do not load healthy organs in any way. Therefore, they are absolutely safe when carrying crumbs. The procedure lasts on average 3-5 minutes. Up to 4 manipulations can be performed per day.

Saline solutions

Saline medicines are safe and effective medicines for rhinitis. In the pharmacy, you can buy AquaLor, AquaMaris, Humer and others. But you can prepare the product yourself. For cooking, take a glass of boiled water, dilute in it half a small spoonful of salt, you can sea.

Treating a runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy with saline is safe and effective. The tool not only eliminates puffiness, but also removes crusts, washes away dust and microbes.

Traditional methods

Treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy with folk remedies includes the use of esters, decoctions and infusions for rinsing and instilling the nose.

Drinking hot drinks is an effective cure for the common cold. You can use infusions from coltsfoot, plantain, strawberry. The ingredients are poured over with boiling water and left to brew for half an hour, after which they are ready to be taken.

Onion juice is used in the form of drops. But such a remedy is used with great care so as not to burn the mucous membrane. Within a week, drip the nose twice a day, two drops into each nostril. For allergic rhinitis, traditional medicine recommends a soda-salt solution or just a saline solution.

Folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy are effective both in the later stages and in the early stages.

Possible complications and preventive measures

It is imperative to treat a runny nose in early pregnancy, as well as in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Otherwise, complications such as the development of laryngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, and even poor oxygen supply to the fetus, its infection with viruses, infections develop, which often leads to deplorable complications.

To prevent rhinitis from appearing in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, or at any other time when carrying a baby, a number of the following conditions must be met:

  • regularly engage in exercise therapy;
  • drink vitamins;
  • avoid public places;
  • do not overcool;
  • maintain immunity;
  • at the first manifestations of the disease, go to the doctor for help.

A runny nose in a pregnant woman is a frequent occurrence, provoked by hormonal changes in the body. With timely diagnosis and the necessary medicine, rhinitis goes away quickly, without complications.

Nasal congestion during pregnancy is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, as breathing problems lead to oxygen starvation. For women in position, this is unacceptable, since the fetus does not receive oxygen from the mother's blood. Therefore, the expectant mother must treat a runny nose without fail.

What is rhinitis during pregnancy?

Rhinitis during pregnancy is a common problem among expectant mothers. Experts believe that this condition is interconnected with a violation of the functional activity of the vessels. This is due to the fact that in the process of carrying a child, the female immune system and hormonal background undergo serious changes, and this affects the permeability of the walls of blood vessels.

Also, rhinitis of pregnant women can be caused by gestosis - a condition in which changes occur in the composition of the blood, against which there is swelling, including the nasal mucosa. Undoubtedly, causes such as infection and hypothermia can also cause. That is, the mechanism for the development of rhinitis can be exactly the same as in ordinary life. But these types of rhinitis have nothing to do with rhinitis of pregnant women, since both a man and a child can get sick with viral or allergic rhinorrhea.

A runny nose in an expectant mother is a disease that is characteristic of the gestation period and is caused by hormonal and immune changes in a woman's body. Thus, not every runny nose during pregnancy is rhinitis of pregnant women in the scientific definition of this term. In addition, the clinical manifestations of rhinitis of the expectant mother differ from the symptoms of acute and.

How to distinguish rhinitis during pregnancy from other forms of the disease?

Rhinitis of pregnant women and acute rhinitis caused by infectious factors is easy to distinguish. If, in addition to nasal congestion and mucous discharge, chills appear, the body temperature rises - most likely, we are talking about a cold. A pregnant woman's runny nose does not affect the general well-being of a woman; she does not experience any unpleasant symptoms, except for nasal congestion.

It is more difficult to distinguish acute rhinitis during pregnancy from other forms of chronic rhinitis - atrophic and hypertrophic. The main sign of a pregnant woman's runny nose is its onset from the moment the fetus is carried, while other forms of the disease could torment a woman even before pregnancy, that is, she would know about them.

Thus, if before the onset of pregnancy, no chronic rhinitis existed, but with its onset it appeared, then we are talking about rhinitis of pregnant women.

Only a specialist after examining the nasopharyngeal mucosa can correctly differentiate that which has arisen in pregnant women, and distinguish it from a common rhinitis. Depending on the presence of an inflammatory process and the appearance of the mucous membrane, the doctor excludes or confirms pathologies associated with atrophic changes, proliferation or degeneration of the nasal mucosa and accurately diagnoses the disease.

It is almost impossible to independently distinguish rhinitis in a pregnant woman from chronic rhinitis. But the only fundamental difference is that a pregnant woman's runny nose does not cause irreversible changes in the nasopharyngeal mucosa, that is, after it is possible to normalize the functions of the nose, no complications and residual consequences of the pathology will arise. While atrophic rhinitis provokes subsequent degenerative changes in the mucous membrane, and with a hypertrophic rhinitis, it will never return to its normal state, and breathing through the nose will not be restored.

How long does rhinitis of pregnancy occur and how long does it last?

There is no clear pattern between gestational age and the time of onset of rhinitis in pregnant women.

The average indicators of the appearance of a runny nose in expectant mothers will be as follows:

  • from 12 to 20 weeks - for every third woman;
  • from 20 to 30 weeks - in 40% of pregnant women;
  • from 30 weeks until the very birth - in 42% of women.

Most often, the pathology continues on average 3-4 weeks, less often this figure increases to 8 weeks. The state ends on its own. Sometimes a runny nose in expectant mothers appears in the last weeks of pregnancy and continues until the baby is born, less often - 2 weeks after childbirth. If the symptoms of rhinitis last longer than these periods, it is possible that the problem lies in another form of chronic illness.

If rhinitis, which appeared for the first time in a pregnant woman, arose in the early stages of gestation - up to 20 weeks inclusive, most likely it will go away long before childbirth and will not bother the expectant mother in the later stages. If the disease manifests itself after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to ask in advance for a certificate from a specialist confirming that this is not an infectious rhinitis, so that when you enter the maternity hospital you will not be in the infectious ward.

A runny nose in expectant mothers is rare in the first days and weeks of gestation, since the changes in hormonal levels at this time are still insignificant. The first symptoms of pathology can be expected from 12 weeks. Also, there is no data on cases when a runny nose in expectant mothers appeared repeatedly during carrying a baby. If so, then, most likely, the disease is not hormonal, but allergic.


At the heart of the runny nose of pregnant women are changes that have affected the hormonal system of a woman. Sex hormones affect the quality of filling the blood vessels of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, increasing blood flow in them. Against this background, the situation resembles a case of inflammation: the nasopharyngeal mucosa begins to swell, produce more secretion, and the lumen of the nasal passages becomes narrower.

The exact factors of hormonal action have not yet been studied.

Experts suggest the following mechanisms for the development of rhinitis in pregnant women:

  • Estrogens have a depressing effect on acetylcholinesterase, which causes an increase in the amount of acetylcholine in the body and leads to swelling of the mucous membranes.
  • Progesterone relaxes the tone of the blood vessels in the nasopharynx, which causes them to expand, followed by swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Placental growth hormone affects blood flow in peripheral vessels to improve blood flow to the placenta. Swelling of the nasal mucosa is a specific side effect of this action.

Nothing is known about the exact factor of unhappiness. It is possible that all of them can work together, or the reason lies only in one.

It should be remembered that rhinitis is not at all a mandatory sign for pregnant women, many women never encounter this condition while carrying a baby. At the same time, the risk of its development increases significantly if the expectant mother smokes (a runny nose appears in 70% of cases), suffers from allergic rhinitis (including seasonal type), or, and also lives in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions.


Symptoms of rhinitis during pregnancy resemble the chronic form of the common cold. But its characteristic feature is the preservation of the general well-being of the expectant mother. That is, despite the nasal congestion and rhinorrhea, it does not suffer in any way.

So, the symptoms of rhinitis during pregnancy will be as follows:

  • abundant or, conversely, poorly expressed mucous discharge;
  • a feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity, especially against the background of excessive blowing out, with the appearance of crusts and cracks, as well as severe discomfort;
  • breathing difficulties arising in a horizontal position due to rush of blood to the nasopharynx.

The listed symptoms can be supplemented by shortness of breath, periodic attacks of headache, but it is not difficult to get rid of them while walking in the fresh air.

Is this disease dangerous?

Theoretically, a runny nose of a future mother is dangerous, since hypoxia develops in a woman's body. Lack of oxygen affects the development of the baby, and the more complex the symptoms of rhinitis, the more serious this effect.

But normally, a pregnant woman's runny nose cannot have a pathological effect on the fetus if the woman is healthy. This condition is dangerous for those who suffer from bronchial asthma - in this case, the threatening effect on the fetus increases, since chronic breathing problems can not only cause disturbances in the development of the unborn child, but also the threat of miscarriage.


Treatment of rhinitis in expectant mothers is complicated by the fact that its root cause cannot be eliminated with medication. Until the nasopharyngeal mucosa is able to adapt to the changed hormonal background, rhinitis will haunt the woman constantly, and symptomatic therapy in the form of drops and sprays will have only a temporary reversible effect. That is why this condition must be taken for granted and simply survived, relieving the state of health only in moments of exacerbation of the disease with medications prescribed by the doctor.

Many drugs intended for the treatment of rhinitis are strictly prohibited for women during pregnancy, as they can negatively affect the baby. The list of prohibited medicines includes.

So what to do with rhinitis during pregnancy? First of all, regularly and the nasopharynx or its analogs: Salin, etc. During the procedure, the nose is cleared of accumulated secretions, the mucous membrane is moistened and nasal breathing improves.

If the nose does not breathe at all, you can resort to the help of medications that are as safe as possible for the fetus. These include sprays, Fluticasone, Tafen Nazal and others. But before treating a runny nose with them, you need to consult your doctor. With the help of these drugs, you can eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis for several hours. All these drugs belong to the group of glucocorticoids.

Also, expectant mothers can be advised to raise the head of the bed by 15 °, this will help reduce swelling of the nasopharynx at night.

It is highly undesirable to carry out treatment with antihistamines and vasoconstrictor drugs for rhinitis of pregnant women.In exceptional cases, a specialist may prescribe drops based on phenylephrine: or.

Treatment of the common cold in expectant mothers with various essential oils and homeopathic remedies will not bring the desired result, since they are not able to influence the root cause of the disease, but they can cause various side effects. The same rule applies to drugs with antibiotics, with antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.

In any case, before treating a runny nose during pregnancy, you must first consult your doctor. Only a specialist knows how to distinguish rhinitis, which is characteristic of pregnant women, from a common rhinitis, and to choose the safest and most effective drugs for its treatment.

There is no specific prophylaxis that prevents the development of pathology in an expectant mother. It is impossible to predict in advance whether this problem will arise or not, since it is not known how the body will react to changes in the hormonal background while carrying a baby. Neither healthy women nor expectant mothers suffering from chronic pathologies of the upper respiratory tract or predisposed to them are insured against the common cold of pregnant women.

Despite this, it is quite possible to reduce the likelihood of developing a runny nose during pregnancy if a woman quits smoking, strengthens the immune system, maintains nasal cavity hygiene, visits the fresh air more often and treats infectious diseases of the nasopharynx in a timely manner.

Useful video about rhinitis during pregnancy