From Mikhalkov calligraphy is the main idea. Calligraphy - Sergei Mikhalkov. Mikhalkov. All works

A beautiful children's work, like many works, is rooted in the folk epic, about magical creatures that bring children dreams, and generally put them to sleep. The work "Slumber and Yawn" is often attributed to Samuel Marshak, but this is not true.

The main characters of the poem magical creatures: Doze and Yawn - the main occupation of which is to put children to sleep. For those children who go to bed on time, the heroines wish pleasant dreams. For those children who do not want to go to bed, they send yawns, which they force the baby to go to bed too.

The main idea of ​​the work: children should go to bed on time.

Doze and Yawn wandered along the road.

Doze ran through the gates and gates,

Looked through the windows

And into the slits of the doors

And she said to the children:

Go to bed soon!

A yawn said: who will go to bed sooner,

To that she, Yawn, will say good night,

And if someone does not lie down

Now on the bed

That she will command

Yawn, yawn, yawn!

"About mimosa" Mikhalkov

"About mimosa" Mikhalkov analysis and summary

The protagonist of the poems is a little boy Vitya, surrounded by excessive care (overprotection) from his parents. From such an appeal, the boy's character deteriorates and he begins to demand special attention from others, while he loses interest in everything that normal children should strive for. At the end, the author compares Vitya with a plant - mimosa.

"About mimosa" Mikhalkov read

This is who is covered in bed
Blankets on cotton wool?
Who lies on three pillows
In front of the food table
And, dressing barely,
Without making your bed
Gently washes her cheeks
Boiled water?

That's right, the decrepit grandfather
One hundred and fourteen years old?

Who, filling his mouth with cake,
He says: - And where is the compote?
Give something
Submit it,
Do the opposite!

That's right, disabled
Is talking?

Who is this?
They drag boots to him,
Fur mittens,
So that he can warm his hands,
So that he could not catch a cold
And die of the flu
If the sun shines from the sky
If there was no snow for half a year?

Maybe he's going to the pole,
Where do bears live in the ice?

Take a good look -
It's just a boy Vitya,
Mamin Vitya,
Daddy Vitya
From apartment six.

It is he who lies in bed
With blankets on cotton wool
Except buns and cakes
Doesn't want to eat anything.

That only he will open his eyes -
They put a thermometer on him,
And always, at any hour,
Whatever he asks for, they carry it.

If the dream is sweet in the morning -
He's in bed all day.
If the sky is in the clouds -
He's in galoshes all day.

That everything is forgiven to him
And he lives in a new house,
Not ready for anything.

Not to become a pilot
Be a brave sailor
To lie behind a machine gun
Drive a truck.

He grows afraid of frost
Dad and mom are in sight,
Like a mimosa plant
In the botanical garden.

Calligraphy Mikhalkov for the reader's diary (briefly)

The hero of the work is just learning to write. In poetic form, it is told how difficult it is for the little boy in this matter. He has to tear out the page more than once, first because the pen pierced the notebook, then because of an error, then because of a blot. These details allow us to understand that the poem was written a very long time ago, back in the days when children wrote with metal pens and ink. But the hero of the work does not give up, even to the seductive sounds coming from the street. After all, he understands that: "It is not easy to become a scientist!"

Calligraphy Mikhalkov read the text

Writing beautifully is not easy:
"Yes, it is ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko."
Behind the letter is a letter,
to the syllable syllable.
Well, at least someone would help!

First yes, then yes.
Already written "gives"
Already written "gives"
But then the pen tears the paper.

The notebook is ruined again -
The page must be torn out!
The page was torn out, and here it is:
"Ko-ro-va mo-lo-co-yes-it."

"The cow gives milk"
But everything is needed the other way around:
"The cow gives milk"!

Let's take a deep breath first
Take a breath, cross out the line
And let's start over.

"Yes, it is ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko."
The pen clings to the "ko"
And the blot is black like a beetle
From the end of the pen it slips suddenly.

One second has not passed
How "ko" and "mo" and "lo" disappeared ...

One more page out!

And outside the window from all sides:
And the banging of the ball, and the barking of the puppy,
And the ringing of a bell, -
And I sit, I look at the notebook -
I bring out the letter behind the letter:
"Yes, it is ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko" ...

Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

It is difficult to learn to write at the beginning. For the first time, the child takes a pen and must draw the correct lines, loops and various sizes of hooks. We write beautifully, we correctly prescribe each hook, connecting a vowel and a consonant, we get a syllable, as part of any word. And by connecting syllables, we get a neatly written word.

We tried to write the word by syllables: “gives”. But, they did not do it successfully, and it turned out that it was necessary to tear out a sheet in a notebook into an oblique ruler and rewrite everything in a new way. We removed a sheet from the notebook and again write: "A cow gives fresh milk!" And it was necessary to write: "The cow gives fresh milk!". Let's calm down, take a deep breath - exhale, take another deep breath and cross out our line. And we will try to calmly repeat and write each letter beautifully. And here we have a stain in a notebook, all the letters of the word have been smeared. And again we tear the page, because the letters under the blot are not visible.

Various sounds are heard on the street: "Loud ringing, shrill barking of a dog, banging of a ball, the guys are playing hide and seek, a friend is launching an air kite!" And you can't go for a walk now, you have to write an offer, and now for the fifth time I am writing all the same words: "A cow gives fresh milk!" I try, I bring out all the letters and sit over the textbook. Precisely, to be a famous scientist, you need to learn grammar and arithmetic.

Yes, guys, learning is work and without knowledge of Russian and mathematics you will not be taken anywhere! And it all starts with the letters of the alphabet, counting numbers from 1 to 100.

It is difficult to learn correctly, to write uppercase and uppercase letters. You have to be careful so that the notebook does not quickly "lose weight", the sheets often cannot be torn out. For corrections, blots and deletions, the score is reduced.

The more you write, the better you get. A unique artistic signature is art.

Calligraphy is a science to write beautifully, correctly and accurately in a notebook.

Picture or drawing Calligraphy

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary Lermontov Vadim

    A young beggar, who is also a hunchback, meets the nobleman Palitsyn near the church. He asks for a job and introduces himself as Vadim.

  • Summary of Kuprin Listrigones

    The book tells about the fishermen - Listrigons, who were descendants of the Greek colonists. October has arrived in Balaklava. All summer residents left the city, and the inhabitants of Balaklava concentrated on fishing.

  • Summary of Iskander Forbidden Fruit

    Every person in life has had and will have temptations of some kind. There are many different temptations. And this is not always something that is absolutely a temptation for everyone. For each - it is his own. And any person has boundaries.

  • Summary of the Life of Man Andreev

    The whole life of a Man is presented in the work to the public. The action unfolds from the moment of the birth of a Man until his death. He will walk through life like a ladder, each time climbing a new step.

  • Summary House in the garden Sasha Cherny

    A cat and a starling have gathered at the house. They sit and discuss the construction of a new house. Two girls arrived and asked the master - Danila. They ask when the house will be ready. Danila replies that it is for lunch today.

Municipal government educational institution

"Secondary school number 9"

Little tricks

for a minute of calligraphy

Compiled by: Olga N. Kork -

primary school teacher


Systematic work on the formation of students' handwriting is one of the main tasks of the school.

Calligraphically correct writing contributes to the aesthetic, emotional education of schoolchildren, the education of accuracy, concentration, and a diligent attitude to the performance of any work.

The further improvement of the students' handwriting, their spelling literacy will depend on what skills are laid down at the very beginning of training, since these aspects of written speech are closely interrelated.

Calligraphy is an obligatory part of the lesson that the teacher should not forget. Calligraphy classes are held after the end of the ABC book. Their goal is to consolidate the spelling of the correct form of letters, their connection in a word, observance of the slope, the height of the letters, etc. There is a systematic work on the gradual acceleration of the rate of writing. But the older the children, the less willing they are to spend minutes of calligraphy. And if there is no desire, then, as observations show, such work is of little use. In this regard, it is useful to include a game in a minute of calligraphy.

Students draw a picture next to the letter. It most vividly shows one or another element of a letter or the name of an object begins with this letter.

Didactic drawing removes monotony, monotony in work, introduces a certain relaxation, stimulates interest in calligraphy. These exercises not only prepare the hand for writing, but also for faster, faster writing, which is so important for the further learning of students.

The teacher should consider the characteristics of his class, and writing should be relatively slow at first. Children should not be rushed, encouraged to write and draw faster. But at the same time, training must be carried out vigorously, from the very beginning to regulate the "density of the load", alternate writing with a clear explanation of the correct drawing.

The ideas behind this work:

    learn to write beautifully, clearly, legibly

    learn to observe the slope of the letters;

    be able to measure the height and width of the letters;

    continue to prepare your hand for cursive writing .

I closely associate my work on calligraphy with the content of classes in the Russian language. Before recording the proposal, the following oral work is carried out:

sound - letter analysis of a word;

the name of words that cannot be transferred;

parsing words by composition;

analysis by members of the proposal;

analysis of parts of speech;


A special feature is the fact that to consolidate the letters, funny poetic lines are given, carrying a charge of positive emotions. Acquaintance with them relieves children of excessive tension, anxiety, which often arise in Russian language lessons.

The texts are full of spelling, sometimes even more than the generally accepted ones. For example, the topic "Paired consonants":

Slippery path - take your time, Irinka!

A narrow path, a low gatehouse, and a cat in the gatehouse.

The sun is low, the evening is close, the pussy stretched sweetly.

Sweet honey, smooth ice.

I really like the giraffe: tall and meek.

I have a find - a small boat.

Well, no more a box of multi-colored sides.


This makes it possible to actively work thoughts, work with interest, see the accuracy of the Russian word. Sentences are short, simple, and easy to remember. Making the speech of children lively, expressive.

During the lessons, monitor the seating of the children, the position of the notebook, fountain pen, teach the students to do written work beautifully and cleanly.

The work on calligraphy is based on an integrated approach to solving problems in calligraphy, namely:

    exercises aimed at processing the outline of letters, their elements, connections;

    exercises to solve the main problems of calligraphy:

    observance of the slope, determination of the height of letters, distance

    between elements of letters, letters, words;

    exercises to accelerate the pace of writing, cohesion,


    work with didactic drawing.

During the formation and improvement of calligraphic skills, a continuous connection with teaching literacy is maintained, but this is given at a new, more complex stage.

Didactic material


It's as big as a soccer ball

If ripe, everyone is happy

It tastes so good

And his name is ...


Maybe this is a miracle:

Fruit is a bigger dish,

And the wind does not go astray

And the branch doesn't break.

B b

1.It's easy to go hiking with me,

It's fun with me on the way.

And I am a screamer and I am a brawler.

I am sonorous, round ...


I crackle and rumble, I teach you to walk in step.

My grandmother had a ram, he beat the drum briskly.

2. Back with freckles

Oh, how embarrassing!

And blushed ...


Ladybug grazing on a leaf

And I accidentally lost all the points.

3. All four petals of the flower moved.

I wanted to rip it off, it fluttered and flew away.


A squadron sat down on a large colored carpet,

It will open, then close the painted wings.

Butterfly - a cabbage fly away from here!

Butterfly cabbage do not eat our harvest!

In in

What is my name, tell me!

I often hide in the rye

A modest wildflower, blue-eyed ...


The meadow is full of bright flowers, dark leaves are doused with gold.

G g

1. Stood on a strong leg, now lies in a basket.


The mushroom grows in the middle of the path - the head is on a thin stalk.

The squirrel is very cheerful: she found the porcini mushroom.

2. The pear does not like caterpillars, the caterpillar destroys the pear.

3. It wanders importantly in the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry,

Wears red shoes

Gives soft feather beds.


I swam in the water, remained dry.

Along a narrow path along the path like a goose step

The goose army marching in single file.

Gus bought himself an accordion, but a little full of holes.

The accordion sang well, hissed like a goose.

D d

1. The aunt's fur stood on the fur coat, like a leaf in the wind on ...


A young oak has grown in the meadow in spring.

2. Its spring and summer

We saw dressed

And in the fall from the poor thing

All shirts ripped off.


A tree is precious for its fruits, but a person for deeds.


You will always find her in the forest-

Let's go for a walk and meet:

It is prickly like a hedgehog

In the winter in a summer dress.


And the spruce turns green through the frost, and the river glistens under the ice.


Touchy, covered in pins and needles

I live in a hole under the tree.

Though the doors are wide open

But animals don't come to me.

Look, don't touch me-

I am a spiky ball ...

Here is a prickly clever hedgehog, it looks like a ball.

The whole family goes for a walk at night along the paths

The hedgehog is the father, the hedgehog is the mother and the child is the hedgehog.

F f

I don't buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk

If I'm spinning in the air

I’ll have enough of it.


On the lawn, on a daisy, a beetle was flying in one shirt.

The beetle fell and cannot get up, he is waiting for someone to help him.

The wolf lives in its hole, and the bugs live in the bark.

The beetle flies over the meadow, he is tired of walking.

Z z

1. Roll up - a wedge, unfold - a pancake.


Rain in the forest, rain in the forest.

I'm not bringing mushrooms home - only raindrops on my nose.

2. What is this forest beast

Got up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass-

Are the ears bigger than the head?


Zina has a lot of worries, the bunny's stomach ached.

Bunny is cold in the woods - we will knit gray socks.

The gray bunny washes, it can be seen going to visit.

A nimble forest dweller stole a cabbage leaf.

And the hare talked with the snakes, flapping its ears.

And and

Sheathes everyone in the world

He does not wear what he sews.


Needle and thread are great friends.

Look at the stitches.

K k

1. When you go to the grove for mushrooms,

You will certainly take it with you.


A fox walked along the path and carried mushrooms in a basket.

Marinka has mushrooms in a basket, Irinka and Vitya have two baskets of strawberries.

To carry food from the market, there is a wicker basket.

    If you hone it, you can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach - what is it?


    She speaks silently

It's understandable and not boring,

You talk to her more often -

You will become four times smarter.


With a book who is out of tune, with that I do not make friends!

I have a cool character: I respect work since childhood.

The book will help in work, help out in trouble.

Skvortsov Grishka lived-had books-

Dirty, shaggy, torn, hunchbacked

Without end and without beginning, bindings, like wet,

Scribbles on the sheets, books wept bitterly.

L l

    Behind the shoulders in a backpack

Asleep dreaming of the river.

On the river the sides will swell

And dances on the waves.

(A boat)

Boats sail on the sea, people row oars.

The lion caught mosquitoes, broke his forehead with his paw.

I have a find - a small boat.

Well, no more a box, multi-colored sides.

    The hero is rich, he treats all the guys:

Vanya - with strawberries, Tanya - with bones,

Masha - a nut, Petya - a russula,

Katya - with a raspberry, Vasya - with a twig!


At the edge of the forest, the alder swayed its branches slightly.

The spruce bent its branches: answered the neighbor.

The birch nodded to her friends.

    Made everyone cry

Although he is not a fighter, but ...


Doesn't hit, doesn't scold, but makes you cry.


    On a remote forest edge, where only waves grew,

Like a red traffic light, lit up ...


A mushroom in a raspberry shawl is on a bump under the aspen trees.

But someone important on a little white leg,

He is wearing a red hat, on a polka-dot hat.

    Small in stature, but smart,

He rode away from me.

Though it is always inflated

It's never boring with him.


In a quiet park on the lawn, a ball flies high.

N n

1.The bird waved its wing

And covered all the light with one feather.


The sun is low, the evening is close, the pussy stretched sweetly.

We love frosty days, the ice rink is elastic ice,

The night sky is starry and a noisy New Year!

2. Experienced tool -

Not big, not small.

He has a lot of worries:

He cuts and cuts.


Oh oh

1. What is in front of us:

Two shafts behind the ears,

In front of the wheel

And a nurse on the nose.


A stick, two even darlings next to it - here are the glasses for the frog.

2. I held your tail in my hand.

You flew, I ran.


On a green fragile leg, a ball has grown by the path.

3. They fly without wings, run without legs, sail without a sail.


Clouds, clouds - curly sides,

Curly clouds, whole, full of holes,

Light, airy, obedient to the breeze.

N n

A toothed animal gnaws an oak tree with a squeal.


Though I didn't eat, I didn't drink the sharp-toothed saw,

We sawed all the firewood and asked for more.

P p

1. She lives in water,

There is no beak, but it bites.

(A fish)

Parents and children have all clothes made of coins.

You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

2. Has grown into the ground for a minute

Multi-colored miracle bridge.

The miracle master made

The bridge is high, without railings.


The gates have risen - beauty to the whole world.


    Flies all night

Extracts mice.

And it will become light

Sleep flies into the hollow.


Owlets have smart heads:

Every sovushkin's advice is slapped in response.

    I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night.

I help cars

And I can help you.

(Traffic lights)

Let's get acquainted, friends! The traffic light is me. Years are still not enough for me.

But guys, all the same, I studied traffic signals for a long time.

    Well, which of you will answer:

Not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, it shines brightly

And not a baker, but a baker.

(The sun)

The sun is shining so beautifully, but it's dangerous to walk on ice!

It's too late to fish here, it's sad to get into the river.

Isn't the sun to blame for the cotton wool hanging in the sky?

4 . I lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids play.

But from the sun's rays

I turned into a stream.


5. There is a lot of strength in him,

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

As if the nose had been growing for a thousand years.


An old elephant sleeps quietly, he knows how to sleep while standing.

The elephant laughs in the heat: "A nice shower is always with me."

T t

    Gold head.

Great, heavy.

I lay down to rest.

The head is great

Only the neck is thin.


Here is a huge hippopotamus.

The pumpkin will fit into his mouth.

    Through the field and woods

He runs along the wires

You say here, but you can hear it there.


Turn the magic circle and my friend hears me.

U u

    He floats on the sheet

Like a boat on a wave.

He is a good friend to the hostesses

Electric ...


I am a reliable friend - an electric iron.

    Two antennas at the top of the head

And she herself sits in a hut,

She carries her on herself,

Creeps very slowly.


A snail is a snail, you walk quickly: you will crawl from the gate to me for four days.

A snail wants to get into the garden, but the gate interferes with it.

    Amazing child:

Just got out of diapers

Can swim and dive

Like his own mother.


F f

Celebration, feast at the gate.

Who will go to meet him?

Me and my faithful friend-

Red, small ...


The fleet is sailing to its native land, a flag on every ship.

X x

Easy and quick to guess:

Soft, lush and fragrant

He is black, he is white,

And sometimes it is burnt.


People cherish bread in the fields, they spare no effort for bread.

Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow.

Ts c

Smart little sisters

Guests are welcomed all day

Treat with honey.


A frosty day is crunching outside the window.

There is a flower-light on the window.

H h

    On the arm and on the wall

And on a tower above

He walks with a fight and without a fight,

We all need you and me.


The clock is not given for beauty, the clock dictates the time to us.

They say the clock is standing

They say the clock is ticking

We watched with Mishka together,

And the clock stands still.

    He's already leaving the ferry

And whistles, and glows with heat,

The lid claps, knocks -

Hey, take me off! - shouts.


The turtle is not bored and sits for an hour over a cup of tea.

Chizhik was visiting his aunt, he flew to the tap dance for tea.

W w

I'm sitting on horseback

I don’t know who.

(A cap)

A hat and a fur coat - that's all Mishutka.

Sasha sewed a hat to Sanka.

U u

Who can't name me,

I look like a hedgehog.

I'm from dust and stains

Guarding your dresses.


I often brush the pig, I tickle the belly of the pig.

I brush the puppy with a brush, tickle his sides.

The letter Щ will help us brush our teeth in the morning.

B b

It was sat down, it was eaten.

You managed to guess

Why did this happen?

Who is the culprit?

(Hard mark)

I will eat porridge as quickly as possible, because I will soon be seven.

We'll scoop up some water with a ladle, we'll eat the soup, we'll drink some tea.

With a soft sign, the word "mouse" is written by a literate kid.

Uh uh

On a splinter, in a piece of paper,

In a chocolate shirt

It asks for hands itself.

What is this?


This is a swallow coming home in the spring.

This is a button and a cord - an electric bell.

Yu yu

Spinning on one leg

Carefree, cheerful.

Dancer in a colorful skirt

Musical ...


Yulka - Yulenka - Yula, Yulia was nimble, Yulka could not sit still for a minute.

Yura just sat down on a chair, hung his legs and fell asleep. Yura was very tired - he was spinning around the whole day.

I am i

    Round, ruddy

I grow on a branch:

Adults love me

And little kids.


The sun blushes the apples with the dark green of the gardens.

The apple is ripe, red, sweet.

The apple is crunchy with a smooth skin.

I'll break the apple in half.

I will share an apple with my friend.

    Red and black

Sour and sweet

So they ask to be in the mouth,

And in jam and compote.


There are lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries.

And in the grass of old pines, strawberries are good!

There are many berries in the forest! I'll take them to mom.

We picked berries and we kept count:

A berry in a mug, two berries in a mouth.

For a minute of calligraphy, I use the heading "The ABC of Good Words." I have compiled an alphabetical list of qualities that I want to see in my students and in other people. This is what a person should have:

A- accuracy

B- cheerfulness

V- fun, good breeding

G- gallantry

D- friendship, kindness, benevolence

E- unanimity

F- cheerfulness

Z- health

AND- sincerity

TO- the beauty

L- affection, love

M- wisdom, courage

N- reliability

O- education

NS- constancy

R - work, reason

WITH- courage, resilience

T- hard work

Have- mind, skill

F- fantasy

NS- courage

C- purposefulness

H- honesty, cleanliness

NS- the breadth of the soul

SCH- generosity

NS- elegance

NS- humor

I AM- brightness, clarity.

Used Books:

    Karpenko M. T. "Collection of riddles".

    Volina V. V. "Entertaining ABC studies".

    Illarionova Yu.G. "Teach children to guess."

    Klenitskaya I. Ya. "Merry Peas".

    Ageeva I. D. "Funny dictations".

    Goloshchapova T. G. "Games with words."


Text: Vladimir Berezin

tell friends:

Pedestrian writer Vladimir Berezin on keys, feathers and unforgiving time.

... "Yes, it is ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko."
The pen clings to the "ko"
And the blot is black like a beetle
From the end of the pen it slips suddenly.
One second has not passed
How "ko" and "mo" and "lo" disappeared ...
One more page out!
And outside the window from all sides:
And the banging of the ball, and the barking of the puppy,
And the ringing of a bell, -
And I sit, I look at the notebook -
I bring out the letter behind the letter:
"Yes-it ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko" ...
Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

Sergei Mikhalkov, "Calligraphy"

In my old age, I also took part in a total dictation. True, in absentia, and with a not very good result: three extra commas, one missing, and one potential mistake (I wrote it right not because I knew how it should be, but because I guessed it).

I was lucky because my text was dictated by the writer Yuzefovich himself, and, besides, this is the best text that I have seen there over the years.

Regardless of the test function, it is good in itself - both aesthetically and ideologically, and, in general, whatever you want.

Everything is good there - the balance of the three parts and the three cities, the intonation itself, and especially the author's benevolence towards the universe in general and the reader in particular. True, I saw how the Permians were offended for the sterlet and began to say that there was a mistake in the dictation, the sterlet did not disappear at all, and with this sterlet they will overshadow any city, but this does not diminish my pathos.

But I want to say something else: at one time I went through the usual calligraphy lessons for Soviet schoolchildren - drawing sticks and letter elements, a ruled notebook, a desk with hinged lids, painted on top with green oil paint and brown below. Moreover, under the layer of green, hollows for fountain pens and a depression for ink were guessed.

Ink! It seems that ink was poured here - at least that's how they explained it to me.

I was taught to write by hand correctly and legibly, and I thought that if I were a real participant in total dictation and hand over what was written by hand, then in a couple of places I could count mistakes for handwriting.

The blots described in the poems of Barto and Mikhalkov are perplexing for a modern student

In my childhood, there was a presumption of guilt in the "illegible" zone, in other words, it was necessary to write clearly. There was a terrible word, blots - for blots, the grade was lowered. Somehow a clear and eternal world was destroyed, a new rule came into it - in the capital, that is, the capital letter "A" it was necessary to write a curl instead of a crossbar. The curl began at the right leg and moved like the Lissajous figure, which I met later, up and to the left, in order to then go to connect with the next letter or break into emptiness. Then the rules changed, and a simple line began to cross the letter. This activity was hated by many, I will not say that all - however, the teachers said that fine motor skills of calligraphy stimulate the brain.

Calligraphy is not an easy art: improving aesthetics makes utilitarian understanding difficult. Calligraphy is tied directly to the writing instrument - old-style fountain pens made it possible to make letters the way we see them in old scripts - wide on the side and thinning when turned. The ballpoint pen has equalized the thickness, and now it has been replaced by the gel pen. The blots described in the poems of Barto and Mikhalkov are perplexing for a modern student.

Chalk has become a rarity - that letter on the blackboard, in which you reached to the top edge and the white flour of unwritten letters sprinkled on your school uniform. Now they write with felt-tip pens - at least in those schools where I was studying.

The motor skills are still fine, but different.

Calligraphy, which disappeared with real grammar schools, returned to the USSR in the thirties, when “the school, like a barge with prisoners, moved further and further away from the shores of freedom and experiments of the post-revolutionary years. The posts of vacated class teachers were abolished, in the first and second grades, calligraphy (formerly calligraphy) was introduced again, as in the “old regime,”; their bold and hairy lines have become the subject of study and imitation. The pen number 86 became an obligatory tool of labor for the first grader. The frog feather was less encouraged, and the soldier feather was banned in some places for its inability to draw hair lines. In schools, in general, the requirements for literacy and for maintaining order in the Russian language have increased " * - Andreevsky G. Everyday life of Moscow in the Stalin era. 1930-1940s. - M .: Molodaya gvardiya, 2008.S. 123.

There were and are many textbooks on calligraphy - but now they have disappeared somewhere in the shadow of public consciousness, and I still found scary books from the past. One of them was printed by Uchpedgiz even when there were two bodies in the Mausoleum and the city on the Volga was called after the battle.

It spoke of the ideal writing like this:

"1. Only oblique writing is considered correct and beautiful, in which letters are written at an angle of 65 °. Oblique writing is more natural than straight writing, as it corresponds to a better, more relaxed position of the hand, body and head. If, for example, you put a sheet of paper or a notebook in front of you, not obliquely, but straight, and start writing, then when the forearm moves from left to right, while maintaining the same position of the elbow, the line will invariably rush upward. In order to write it strictly according to the ruler, you have to "shorten" the hand and forearm all the time. Prolonged writing in this position causes the appearance of a disease - the so-called writer's spasm. With oblique writing, the possibility of writing spasm is excluded. Only in oblique writing is a uniform handwriting preserved, its legibility and rhythm. Oblique writing is most suitable for the development of cursive writing (I.E. Evseev). Direct writing often turns into so-called mirror writing (tilted to the left), which has an extremely illegible and ugly appearance. In defense of direct writing, the argument was usually put forward that it requires a normal landing for children, therefore, it is more hygienic than inclined. But this consideration cannot be recognized as correct, because the writing bias is achieved not due to the landing, but due to the position of the notebook.

2. Correct and beautiful writing must necessarily have pressure, which gives it rhythm and legibility. The pressure in the letter of students is developed through the use of correct techniques and lengthy exercises. When the pen moves down, its tips move apart. It turns out to be a bold line. When the pen moves up, its tips come together. A thin hairline is formed.<...>Many writers, including children, often develop a false bias against pressure, and to avoid it, they begin to write with the side of the pen. It seems to them that writing without pressure is cleaner, tidier. But a letter consisting of densely intertwined, hair-like, identical features, of course, cannot be legible, rhythmic, and, therefore, beautiful. It is also very important that children write not just with pressure, but observe different types of pressure, for example, when writing a straight line, a straight line (sticks) with a rounded bottom, ovals and semi-ovals, flame-like lines.

3. Lowercase letters must be of the same height; uppercase letters must also have a certain height and are much larger than lowercase letters. The height of lowercase letters gradually changes during the first three years of study. In the 1st grade, children write letters 8 mm high, in the 2nd grade - 5 mm and in the 3rd grade - 3 mm.

In the past, our calligraphers, for example, P. Ye. Gradoboev, kept the view that a capital letter could be 3-4 times as tall as a lowercase letter. At present, Soviet methodologists hold the point of view that the capital letter in the 1st grade when writing along oblique rulers of large size should exceed the lowercase letter by 2 times, and starting from the 2nd grade both when writing along two rulers and when writing along one ruler - 2½ times. Thus, in normal writing (cursive writing), the height of the capital letters is 7.5 mm.<...>However, in order for the letter to be beautiful, it is necessary to observe not only the same height of the letters, but also the correct ratio between the height and width of the letter. Normal should be considered a ratio in which the length of the main element, for example, an oval or oblique bar with pressure and rounding at the bottom, relates to its width, as 2: 1. The ratio of the letter's height to width will change based on the number of letter elements.

The letter's continuity was as convincing as a red service ID.

4. To maintain the correctness and beauty of the handwriting, the connecting lines between the letters, as well as the thin hair lines of the elements, are written with the same slope. True, this slope is somewhat greater than the slope of the main elements, and the features are more sloping than the features of the main elements, nevertheless, the monotonous slope of the hairline gives the entire handwriting an even and rhythmic character.

5. Finally, in order to maintain the correctness and beauty of handwriting, it is very important to evenly place letters in a word and words on a line. All lines must start on the same vertical line. The margins are usually made 3 cm wide.Words should be written so that there are equal gaps between them, equal to the width of the handwritten letter T. This gives the entire handwriting a strict rhythm, and, consequently, beauty.<..>

Only if all five conditions are met, as well as with the correct outline of the ovals, which should retain the classic elliptical shape, and with perfect straightness of the oblique lines, the teacher can achieve a beautiful writing in students. " * - Bogolyubov N. Calligraphy technique. - M .: Uchpedgiz, 1955.S. 16-18. .

The continuity of the letter was as convincing as the red service certificate, the pressure was as sure as the rhythm of the front columns on the paving stones of Red Square. Oh, there was the spirit of real Soviet calligraphy. For example, it was advised to establish a “calligraphic mode of the school<...>in this form:

“... 2. Notebooks for all subjects are drawn up in the same way: each notebook must be inscribed, have margins two fingers wide (3 cm) and contain the number of sheets established by the standard.<...>

3. Both class and homework should be done with ink of the same color, preferably black.

4. Pupils write with standard pens: 15 cm long and 0.8 cm thick. The use of short, all-metal or thickened pens is prohibited.

5. When writing, students should observe the established fit, that is, sit without tilting their heads low, holding the pen correctly and laying the notebook obliquely.

6. The letter should be oblique, with an angle of inclination of 60–65 ° with pressure, with the correct position of the pen. When writing, you can only use a sharp nib, preferably no. 86, and in no case use a Rondo nib and, in general, nibs with a blunt end.

Now you need to write less and less by hand, the handwritten is reduced to a signature

7. The outline of all letters must comply with the patterns established by the Ministry of Education.

8. When writing, erasures, the use of an eraser are not allowed. You just need to cross out the incorrectly written and carefully write on top.

9. The use of drafts is allowed only when solving control problems and when writing essays, and drafts must be written clearly.

10. Each work should be properly formatted, that is, at the beginning of the work, indicate the date, write the title, placing it in the middle of a special line.

11. When writing, no abbreviations of words should be allowed; for example, you cannot write because instead of because, teachers instead of students, etc.

12. All lines must begin at the same distance from the edge of the page and end at the margin.

13. To correct student written works, the teacher uses only red ink.<...>

15. All kinds of announcements posted in the school, as well as notes and articles in wall newspapers must be drawn up in compliance with the basic requirements of calligraphy " * - Bogolyubov N. Calligraphy technique. - M .: Uchpedgiz, 1955.S. 138-139. .

Now you need to write less and less by hand, the handwritten is reduced to a signature. Even in legal documents, which are filled in by hand on the spot, only personal data are inserted, which will soon be entered into a document from a voice. And then the digital signature will finally end the era of writing in the truest sense of the word.

Many uninteresting public experiences are associated with the handwriting technique. Quite a few people claim that the pen in the hand (inadvertent pun) promotes better brain function, etc. It is said that handwriting is better retained in memory, calligraphy promotes a sense of grace, and many other nonsense in the style of glossy hairdressing magazines. Even those studies that are retold in detail raise doubts about the problem setting, and the emotional style resembles the debate about "warm tube sound" and the fact that "the smell of books cannot be replaced by anything." All of these "Five Reasons Why a Pen Is Better than a Keyboard" and "Twelve Reasons to Improve Your Handwriting Technique" are completely obscure, and are fought by a more or less witty opponent.

Moreover, a rather cynical debater can write his "Five Reasons Why Digital Writing Is Better Than Handwritten" and "A Dozen Ways to Improve Typing Technique."

Huge masses of texts - diaries, letters, suicide notes, drafts and notes - will never be read precisely because they were written by hand, because the illegible handwriting, the letters merged together, the ink got wet and blurred. They will not be read because yet, there is no search engine attached to this huge sea of ​​words - and the fate of millions of people who have witnessed amazing events will remain on paper. Although they were written in calligraphic letters, and the paper still retains a faint smell of perfume that is no longer produced on the planet - all this will decay in the country attics, will be eaten by archival mice, filled with fire or tap water.

Writers, with rare exceptions, are low-paid, anxious and life-scared people

Sometimes lovers of the sublime attract the authority of writers to their aid. This is a rather dubious help - firstly, in this century, writers do not at all enjoy the authority that they had in those days when the book replaced most of the knowledge about this and other worlds, but now it is not so. Writers, with rare exceptions, are low-paid, anxious and life-scared people. And the highly paid are not necessarily models of wisdom and mental health. Often glossy magazines tell us that Ivan Sinderyushkin writes only with a goose pen and only from Mikhailovsky, and John Pinkhasovich - only with a silver Harker pen, and you catch yourself on the embarrassing question: who are these people?

Second, someone’s personal habits are not always helpful to others.

Thirdly, there is no correspondence between the quality of the texts and the way of writing. There were people who created bad things and had beautiful handwriting, just as we know many excellent authors who wrote like hens with their paws.

But there were also authors who successfully recited their works to barefoot students in tunics, Petersburg stenographers and a small black voice recorder. There were also people who typed on typewriters all their lives. The words “equal force of impact” rustled, “Erica” takes four copies, the carriage bell tinkled warningly. Grease, tape, carbon paper ... Where did it all go? In the same place as cassette recorders and telephones with rotary dials.

Household culture is changing quickly and inexorably.

Knock-knock keys, creak-skip steel feather, squelch-squelch ink in the pump of the handle - some with a funny rubber-nipple, and some with a screw piston.

Of course, something remains in everyday life - I also saw a working phonograph (and many have experienced the chic of the coal samovar shown at the dacha).

However, the changes in everyday culture are inexorable - and soon it will be possible to issue a disposable device for testing.

And so - total dictation remains the most widespread phenomenon in the field of handwriting.

That's what I thought when I discovered that I could not, opening two windows on the screen at the same time, record in one and listen to the video in the other.

I wrote it down like that, for myself, simply, gel on yellow - about cognac and sterlet, hardworking tugboats and streets diverging from a distant river.

I wrote it down and returned to the keys.

There - a knock-knock, a creak-creak, and in this world - a click-click, or even a quiet rustle of fingers on durable glass.

One thing seems to be true - death poems are quite difficult to write in blood using a keyboard. But the fact that this skill disappears is not bad enough.

"Mikhalkov Sergey" - Russia is our sacred state, Russia is our beloved country. Trezor. Mikhalkov recalls: "My childhood was spent in the village of Larks near Moscow." Sergey Mikhalkov. So it was, so it is and it will always be so! Mikhalkov began writing poetry early, at the age of 10. Glory country! In 1927 the family moved to Pyatigorsk.

"Musa Jalil" - And forgive me Joking lines. I'll be back if I stay alive in the war. The wife of the poet Amin Jalil. There is eternity only in a brave heart! Only in the freedom of life is beauty! Everlasting memory! I have folded my wings, ready to fall like a Stone into the abyss of death. He entered to study at Moscow State University. I'm going to fight.

"Vasily Turkin poem" - Terkin - grated, patient. Vasily is close to Vanya, Terkin is worn out, crushed by life. Link of times. Paphos of the poem. Mortal combat is not for the sake of glory, For the sake of life on earth. Soldier-hero. Ivan Bunin about the poem: I involuntarily remember the proverb: patience and work will grind everything. The battle is in progress ... An experienced soldier. The first chapter "From the author".

"Works of Pasternak" - What means of artistic expression does the author use? Analysis of the poem "February". What is the peculiarity of color painting in a poem? What buds, what sticky swollen cinders Spit on the branches! Comment on the ending of the poem. Lesson in grade 12. April is warmed up. In early creativity, nature replaces the whole world.

"Scarlet Sails Lesson" - Lessons from A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails". fabulous cities: Zurbagan, Gel-Gyu, Liss, Kaperna. Assol. The fabulous country of Greenlandia. and noble, very red people: Longren, Assol, Gray. … Many years will pass, and one fairy tale will blossom in Kaperna. A. Green "Scarlet Sails". Shakurova Rozalia Nailevna teacher of the Russian language and literature.

"Surikov Childhood" - 1841 - 1880 Self-taught poet. To get acquainted with the work of I. Surikov "Childhood". Competition for the best reader. Ivan Zakharovich Surikov. Topic: Poems of Russian poets. And on the ground quietly, Sank down and quieted down. Snowman. We succeeded. We succeeded, but mistakes were made. We didn’t succeed. "The snow is fluttering, spinning."

There are 24 presentations in total

Teacher Nina Kozubova answers current questions about the course

Why does a child need calligraphy?

Question: Why does a child need calligraphy?

Answer: Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing. Practicing it has many-sided benefits. If you decide to enroll your child in calligraphy courses, then you should know that this can help improve handwriting, will have a beneficial effect on the development of memory and perseverance, on the overall performance at school, will help "calm down" a hyperactive child and, finally, will teach beautiful classical art.

Let's take a look at how calligraphy can improve handwriting. A number of factors are responsible for good handwriting. One of the top priorities is the developed fine motor skills of the hand and an understanding of the structure of the letters that you write. In many children and even adults, fine motor skills are not developed to the proper degree, and a conscious understanding of the structure of letters is practically absent. Hence, there are problems with handwriting - the letters are clumsy, disorganized, the slope "dances". Unfortunately, school writing lessons alone are not enough to eliminate this problem. A stronger "medicine" is needed here, which is classical calligraphy.

Our courses involve an in-depth special program, which is aimed specifically at the development of the muscles of the fingers, the hand of the child, the development of coordination and rhythm of movements, "Stirring up" the "sleeping" areas of the brain responsible for the mechanism of such a complex phenomenon as handwriting.

Our classes are based on the classic Russian statutory handwriting (traditional historical handwriting, which used to be used to write Russian manuscripts). Unfortunately, not all parents of schoolchildren imagine that teaching calligraphy based on such "non-school" handwriting also affects writing and helps to improve handwriting at school, and in some cases brings more fruitful results.

Let's figure out why.
At first, the development of the child's spatial and plastic thinking takes place. The writing part of a school ballpoint pen is the "dot". When writing, this "point" gives on paper a one-dimensional line, each moment of which can be simplified by two mathematical parameters.

For writing the Russian statutory handwriting, a broad-nib nib is used, which, when writing, gives a "ribbon" of various widths. To describe each individual moment of such a complex trail, at least four mathematical parameters are required. For simplicity of comparison, writing with a ballpoint pen can be called a simple run, and writing with a wide-nib pen can be called a complicated run sideways or backward with a changing angle of rotation around its own axis.

It seems incredibly difficult, but this is the most difficult exercise performed by the child's brain and hands when writing with a wide-nib pen in our calligraphy lessons. He has to think not in two, but at least in four directions at once, use his coordination and spatial thinking at the highest level. This does not happen when writing with a ballpoint pen.

Secondly, working with a wide-nib pen helps to understand the structure of letters and the rhythm of writing, which involuntarily has a positive effect on ordinary handwriting. Experienced calligraphers advise to start the study of the art of beautiful writing by mastering one of the classic historical calligraphic handwriting performed with a wide-nib pen: the letters in it are more constructively understandable, it is easier for a child to see what elements they consist of and how they are written. An understanding of the laws of birth of the type form comes.

One of such handwritings is the Old Russian Charter. We deliberately do not suggest that beginners start by mastering English writing, despite its closeness to the "school" handwriting. English writing is done with a pointed nib and assumes the principle of the structure of the letter, which is less clear to the child. It is not for nothing that at the National School of the Art of Beautiful Writing, work with a pointed nib is offered only for the third level of education. It is better for children to start with a more constructive and clear in form and plasticity of the Charter.

Mastering calligraphic handwriting, the child learns to focus on the regularity and rhythm of writing, controls the implementation of the same repetitive elements. Automatically, this experience of introspection is carried over to writing at school, and in most cases there is an independent, independent handwriting correction. (This is the main trend, but there are exceptions when handwriting correction requires an individual approach. This is mainly due to some specific characteristics of the student's personality or health.)

Thirdly, calligraphy is attracted by the freshness and beauty of the studied subject. At school, the child is already taught writing skills, even if the wrong ones. And in calligraphy lessons there is a double task: to "erase" the incorrect information from the child's head and "write down on a blank sheet" a new, correct one. This cannot be done at once. You have to wait for the child to learn to write at school, and then will consciously criticize his handwriting, and he will have a desire to correct it. This is usually possible at the age of nine and over. It is good when a student is dissatisfied with himself and wants to fix it.

But most children at this age do not want to do additional school writing. It is difficult for children to impose a business to which they do not have a soul. The child's negative or indifferent attitude towards writing needs to be changed. And here beautiful calligraphic handwriting comes to the rescue, and not a boring, boring "school" letter.

The demonstration in the classroom of highly artistic samples created by calligraphers of the past and present inspires children to be active and creative - after all, everyone wants to create beautiful things. The child begins to "play" with letters, admire them, study them and create their own childish, sometimes not childishly serious and conscious masterpieces of calligraphy. Immersion in the world of beautiful letters changes the child's previous idea of ​​writing, and he is already ready for new discoveries and achievements.

And the gained practical experience of working with a calligraphic instrument allows you to move up a notch. Then the time comes to introduce a pointed nib and teach English writing, which our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers wrote letters to and who so want to replace the school handwriting.

Question: Why does a calligraphy study program for children begin with the Old Russian Charter, and not with any other calligraphic handwriting?

Answer: Learning calligraphy starts with studying the structure of the letter. The Old Russian Charter is one of the most constructively understandable handwritings associated with elementary geometric shapes known to children: square, rectangle, triangle, circle. Therefore, it is well understood and mastered by children as the first handwriting. In addition, the interesting shape of the letters of the Old Russian Charter is perceived with pleasure and interest by children, and they enthusiastically work in the classroom and at home on assignments.

Question: Wouldn't it be too difficult for my child to master what is included in the curriculum of the first year? How will he deal with it? Should my child be very smart and diligent, have artistic abilities?

Answer: There are no restrictions on ability to practice calligraphy. The offered course was successfully completed by other children.
The main thing is the interest of the future calligrapher in learning. Preparatory courses, consisting of 4 lessons, will become an indicator for you whether the child is interested in it, and you will be able to make the right decision about continuing the lessons.

Question: Will the course help correct school handwriting in my child?

Answer: Practice shows that the course helps most children to adjust their school handwriting and make it more correct and smoother.
Calligraphy classes, no matter what handwriting is studied, develop a sense of rhythm and regularity, help the student understand what is exactly and what is crooked, and teach them to see this not only in calligraphy lessons, but also when writing at school in their notebook. The "average" child will definitely learn these skills and will apply them in school. The effect of classes can manifest itself at different times. For some, the influence of calligraphy is felt right away, for others it will mature later.
In special cases, an individual approach is required.


Calligraphy teacher

Having come to A.A. Ya. - did not find him at home.

He ran away somewhere, ”said his landlady, a friendly old woman with horn-rimmed glasses and a hairy wart on her left cheekbone. After inviting me to rest, she spoke up, smiling softly:

I saw: you, today's young people, are running at a run, as if they shot you like a shot from a gun. Previously, people lived more calmly and even the gait of people was different. And the boots were worn longer, not because the skin was stronger, but because people walked more carefully on the ground. Here in this room, before Yarovitsky, lived a calligraphy teacher; also called Alexei Alekseevich, surname - Kuzmin. What an amazingly quiet man he was, it's even strange to remember. Sometimes, in the morning he would wake up, clean his boots, trousers, a coat, wash, dress, and everything is quiet, as if all the people in the city are asleep, and he is afraid to wake them up. He prays, always read: "Lord, master of my belly." Then he will drink a glass of tea, eat an egg with bread and go to college, and when he comes home, he will eat, rest and sit down to write pictures or make frames. This is all his needlework.

The walls of the small room were lavishly decorated with pencil drawings in frames of black baguette; the pictures depicted willows and birches over graves, over a pond, near a collapsed water mill — willows and birches were everywhere. And only on one, larger in size, a narrow path was carefully drawn, it crawled uphill, its serpentine intertwined with the rhizome of a curved birch, with a broken top and many dry branches. Looking at the timid, gray drawings, the old woman said lovingly:

He went for a walk in the evenings, at dusk, and he especially liked to walk when it was cloudy and the rain was threatening. From this he fell ill, caught a cold. Sometimes you would say to him: "What is the wrong time for you to go for a walk?" “On such evenings, he says, there are fewer people on the streets, and I am a modest person and not a prey to meeting people. And often, he says, people make people think badly of them, but I’m running away.” Put on an overcoat, a cap with a cockade, take an umbrella and quietly walk closer to the fences; He gives the way to everyone he meets. He walked very well, easily, as if he were not on the ground. A sweet man - small, slender, fair-haired, with a crooked nose, clean-shaven face and so young, although he was already under forty. He always coughed into a handkerchief so as not to make noise. Sometimes, I look at him, admire him, I think - I wish all people were like that. You ask: "Isn't it boring for you to live like this?" “No, he says, it’s not boring at all, I live with my soul, but my soul doesn’t know boredom, boredom is a bodily attack”. And he always answered as intelligently as an old man. "Is it possible, I ask, that the female sex is not interesting to you, and you don’t think about the family?" - "No, he says, I am not inclined to this, the family requires worries, and my health does not allow it." So, with a quiet mouse, he lived with me for about three years, and then went to koumiss, to be treated, and there, in the steppes, and died. I was waiting for someone to come for his good, but it must have been that the hidden person did not have either relatives or friends - no one came; so everything remained with me: underwear, these pictures and a notebook with notes. I asked to show me the notebook, the old woman willingly took from the chest of drawers a thick book bound by a black calico; on a piece of cardboard glued to the binding, it read in Gothic script:

"Food for the spirit.

Memorial notes

A.A. Kmina

Summer A.D.

On the back there is a vignette, delicately made with a feather: in the frame of oak and maple leaves there is a stump, and on it a snake is curled up in a ball, raising its head, sticking out its sting. And on the first page I read the words, taken, obviously, like an epigraph, carefully written out in small, round handwriting:

“It soon turned out that there were many Christians — this always happens when they begin to investigate some crime.

From Pliny's letter to Emperor Trajan. "

"I am much smarter than Apollo of Corinth. Not to mention the fact that he is a drunkard."

Drawings, vignettes flashed on almost every page, often a thick woman's face with a blunt nose and Kalmyk eyes. There were few entries, they rarely occupied one or two pages, more often several lines, always written out carefully. There was not a single blot anywhere, strict completeness was felt everywhere, everything seemed lovingly and neatly copied from drafts.

Interested, I took the silent teacher's Spirit Food home, and this is what I found in this black book.

"The so-called art feeds mainly on images and descriptions of various kinds of crimes, and I notice that the meaner the crime, the more the book is read and the picture dedicated to it is famous. As a matter of fact, interest in art is interest in the criminal. Hence, the harm of art to young people is quite clear. ...

Carp should be stuffed with carrots, but no one does that.

Prince Vladimir Galitsky went to serve the Hungarian king and served him for four years; after which, returning to Galich, he was engaged in church building.

Any crime requires an innate talent, especially homicide.

Ap. Cor. wrote scruffy rhymes in a mockery of me. Just in case, I write them down indifferently:

For the soul to be like gummilastic

Those. more pliable, flexible,

It is necessary to do spiritual gymnastics,

Those. - simply - "play the fool."

Successful - i.e. unpunished - murder must be committed suddenly. "

The quiet little man wrote down his most curious thoughts in various handwritings - diamond, Gothic, English, Slavic script and in every possible way, clearly flaunting his skill. But everything related to the murder, he wrote in the same small, round handwriting, which was written in an excerpt from Pliny's letter to Trajan. And one could think that this is already his individual style. Magnificently, in a diamond, it was drawn:

"Thinking is the duty of every literate person."

Slavic, intricate ligature:

"I will never allow myself to forget the mockery of me."

And the round handwriting said:

"The suddenness does not exclude a preliminary and accurate study of the living conditions of the intended person. The time and place of walks is especially important. Hours of return from the gymnasium from lessons. At night from the club."

Two pages are occupied by a detailed and dry description of a boat trip along the Volga, then in oblique handwriting, with letters broken in the middle, inscribed:

"Paul. Peter. Has a bad habit of scratching with his finger under his left knee. She likes to sit with her legs crossed, and it itches under her knee, probably blood stagnation. He does not notice this, a fool. He is generally stupid. And it’s not good that she is often asks: "What are you?" - this comes out mockingly. Polina means Pelagia, Pelagia is a name, in fact, vulgar, village. "

And again - round handwriting:

"Leave the city and unexpectedly return. Sit on a cab, - it's very stupid they say: get on a cab, you have to: hire a cab. On the way home, jump off the cage, under the guise of having a stomach ache, run away, kill and drive on ..." "

Then - in the cunning hand of the clerk:

"He began to visit, that is, to visit the old devil, the poetess Mysovskaya. Local revolutionaries gather at her place."

And again, round handwriting:

"The suddenness of the action is a guarantee of success. Hire an old man as a cab driver, if possible, with weak eyesight. Jumping off - grabbed the stomach. Walking through the courtyard, go straight at him, but don't say hello, so that he gets confused. Pass and, suddenly turning, hit from the side at mc (the Latin name of the muscle is abbreviated to two letters.) Quickly return to the cab, straightening his suit, laughing rudely at himself. At home, send to the pharmacy for stomach drops. When everything is revealed, behave with curiosity, frivolously. Participate in the funeral. "

It is difficult to learn to write at the beginning. For the first time, the child takes a pen and must draw the correct lines, loops and various sizes of hooks. We write beautifully, we correctly prescribe each hook, connecting a vowel and a consonant, we get a syllable, as part of any word. And by connecting syllables, we get a neatly written word.

We tried to write the word by syllables: “gives”. But, they did not do it successfully, and it turned out that it was necessary to tear out a sheet in a notebook into an oblique ruler and rewrite everything in a new way. We removed a sheet from the notebook and again write: "A cow gives fresh milk!" And it was necessary to write: "The cow gives fresh milk!". Let's calm down, take a deep breath - exhale, take another deep breath and cross out our line. And we will try to calmly repeat and write each letter beautifully. And here we have a stain in a notebook, all the letters of the word have been smeared. And again we tear the page, because the letters under the blot are not visible.

Various sounds are heard on the street: "Loud ringing, shrill barking of a dog, banging of a ball, the guys are playing hide and seek, a friend is launching an air kite!" And you can't go for a walk now, you have to write an offer, and now for the fifth time I am writing all the same words: "A cow gives fresh milk!" I try, I bring out all the letters and sit over the textbook. Precisely, to be a famous scientist, you need to learn grammar and arithmetic.

Yes, guys, learning is work and without knowledge of Russian and mathematics you will not be taken anywhere! And it all starts with the letters of the alphabet, counting numbers from 1 to 100.

It is difficult to learn correctly, to write uppercase and uppercase letters. You have to be careful so that the notebook does not quickly "lose weight", the sheets often cannot be torn out. For corrections, blots and deletions, the score is reduced.

The more you write, the better you get. A unique artistic signature is art.

Calligraphy is a science to write beautifully, correctly and accurately in a notebook.

Picture or drawing Calligraphy

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary Lermontov Vadim

    A young beggar, who is also a hunchback, meets the nobleman Palitsyn near the church. He asks for a job and introduces himself as Vadim.

  • Summary of Kuprin Listrigones

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Reader's diary Mikhalkov "Doze and Yawn"

A beautiful children's work, like many works, is rooted in the folk epic, about magical creatures that bring children dreams, and generally put them to sleep. The work "Slumber and Yawn" is often attributed to Samuel Marshak, but this is not true.

The main characters of the poem magical creatures: Doze and Yawn - the main occupation of which is to put children to sleep. For those children who go to bed on time, the heroines wish pleasant dreams. For those children who do not want to go to bed, they send yawns, which they force the baby to go to bed too.

The main idea of ​​the work: children should go to bed on time.

Doze and Yawn wandered along the road.

Doze ran through the gates and gates,

Looked through the windows

And into the slits of the doors

And she said to the children:

Go to bed soon!

A yawn said: who will go to bed sooner,

To that she, Yawn, will say good night,

And if someone does not lie down

Now on the bed

That she will command

Yawn, yawn, yawn!

"About mimosa" Mikhalkov

"About mimosa" Mikhalkov analysis and summary

The protagonist of the poems is a little boy Vitya, surrounded by excessive care (overprotection) from his parents. From such an appeal, the boy's character deteriorates and he begins to demand special attention from others, while he loses interest in everything that normal children should strive for. At the end, the author compares Vitya with a plant - mimosa.

"About mimosa" Mikhalkov read

This is who is covered in bed
Blankets on cotton wool?
Who lies on three pillows
In front of the food table
And, dressing barely,
Without making your bed
Gently washes her cheeks
Boiled water?

That's right, the decrepit grandfather
One hundred and fourteen years old?

Who, filling his mouth with cake,
He says: - And where is the compote?
Give something
Submit it,
Do the opposite!

That's right, disabled
Is talking?

Who is this?
They drag boots to him,
Fur mittens,
So that he can warm his hands,
So that he could not catch a cold
And die of the flu
If the sun shines from the sky
If there was no snow for half a year?

Maybe he's going to the pole,
Where do bears live in the ice?

Take a good look -
It's just a boy Vitya,
Mamin Vitya,
Daddy Vitya
From apartment six.

It is he who lies in bed
With blankets on cotton wool
Except buns and cakes
Doesn't want to eat anything.

That only he will open his eyes -
They put a thermometer on him,
And always, at any hour,
Whatever he asks for, they carry it.

If the dream is sweet in the morning -
He's in bed all day.
If the sky is in the clouds -
He's in galoshes all day.

That everything is forgiven to him
And he lives in a new house,
Not ready for anything.

Not to become a pilot
Be a brave sailor
To lie behind a machine gun
Drive a truck.

He grows afraid of frost
Dad and mom are in sight,
Like a mimosa plant
In the botanical garden.

Calligraphy Mikhalkov for the reader's diary (briefly)

The hero of the work is just learning to write. In poetic form, it is told how difficult it is for the little boy in this matter. He has to tear out the page more than once, first because the pen pierced the notebook, then because of an error, then because of a blot. These details allow us to understand that the poem was written a very long time ago, back in the days when children wrote with metal pens and ink. But the hero of the work does not give up, even to the seductive sounds coming from the street. After all, he understands that: "It is not easy to become a scientist!"

Calligraphy Mikhalkov read the text

Writing beautifully is not easy:
"Yes, it is ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko."
Behind the letter is a letter,
to the syllable syllable.
Well, at least someone would help!

First yes, then yes.
Already written "gives"
Already written "gives"
But then the pen tears the paper.

The notebook is ruined again -
The page must be torn out!
The page was torn out, and here it is:
"Ko-ro-va mo-lo-co-yes-it."

"The cow gives milk"
But everything is needed the other way around:
"The cow gives milk"!

Let's take a deep breath first
Take a breath, cross out the line
And let's start over.

"Yes, it is ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko."
The pen clings to the "ko"
And the blot is black like a beetle
From the end of the pen it slips suddenly.

One second has not passed
How "ko" and "mo" and "lo" disappeared ...

One more page out!

And outside the window from all sides:
And the banging of the ball, and the barking of the puppy,
And the ringing of a bell, -
And I sit, I look at the notebook -
I bring out the letter behind the letter:
"Yes, it is ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko" ...

Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

Learning to do something for the first time in your life can be tough, especially when it comes to acquiring writing skills in school. For the first time, a small child holds a pen in his hand and draws uncertain lines, squiggles and squiggles. It is necessary to write accurately, correctly, prescribing each loop, combining vowels and consonants, bringing them to a single syllable. And now, as a result of the first efforts, we get a beautifully written word.

We wanted to write some word in a notebook, but it didn’t work out correctly. And here is the first failure, you have to rip out a piece of paper and start over. Having got rid of the sheet, we write again. Slowly, carefully checking everything and drawing out each letter. Repeat until we get the word correctly spelled. Only here's the trouble! In our notebook in an oblique ruler, a blot somehow settled and covered everything with itself. Well nothing! We are tearing out the page, because under this formed spot we cannot see the letters at all.

Some noise comes from the street. It's a dog barking, and someone is playing a ball, a very strong ringing is heard, the kids are playing hide and seek, and somewhere a boy is flying a kite. Well, unfortunately, you cannot join the children's fun, you still have to write and write letters and syllables! And now, for the umpteenth time, we grab the handle and scribble our squiggles. We also draw each line neatly and beautifully. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that in order to be smart and become a famous scientist, you need to know grammar perfectly and learn a lot.

That's it, children! Studying is great work and you need to know the basic subjects. For this to work, try to practice a lot by rewriting the words over and over again. At first it is difficult for everyone, but then you will gain experience from which you will understand that what you write beautifully, accurately and, above all, correctly is called calligraphy.

You can use this text for your reading diary

Mikhalkov. All works

  • Uncle Styopa
  • Calligraphy

Calligraphy. Picture to the story

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Writing beautifully is not easy:
"Yes-e-co-ro-va mo-lo-co."
Behind the letter is a letter,
to the syllable syllable.
Well, at least someone

Writing beautifully is not easy:
"Yes-e-co-ro-va mo-lo-co."
Behind the letter is a letter,
to the syllable syllable.
Well, at least someone

First yes, then yes.
Already written "gives"
Already written "gives"
But then the pen tears the paper.

The notebook is ruined again -
The page must be torn out!
The page was torn out, and here it is:
"Ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko yes-et."

"The cow gives milk",
But everything is needed the other way around:
"The cow gives milk"!

Let's take a deep breath first,
Let's take a breath, cross the line
And let's start over.

"Yes-e-co-ro-va mo-lo-co."
The pen clings to the "ko"
And the blot is black as a beetle,
From the end of the pen it slips suddenly.

One second has not passed
How "ko" and "mo" and "lo" disappeared ...

One more page out!
And outside the window from all sides:
And the banging of the ball, and the barking of the puppy,
And the ringing of a bell, -
And I sit, I look at the notebook -
I bring out the letter behind the letter:
"Yes-et ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko" ...

Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

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Writing beautifully is not easy:
"Yes-et ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko."
Behind the letter is a letter,

to the syllable syllable.
Well, at least someone would help!

First "yes", then "em".
It already says "gives"
It already says "gives"
But then the pen tears the paper.

The notebook is ruined again -
The page must be torn out!
The page was torn out, and here it is:
"Ko-ro-va mo-lo-co-da-et."

"The cow gives milk",
But everything is needed the other way around:
"The cow gives milk"!

Let's take a deep breath first,
Let's take a breath, cross the line
And let's start over.

"Yes-et ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko."
The pen clings to the "ko"
And the blot is black as a beetle,
From the end of the pen it slips suddenly.

One second has not passed
How "ko" and "mo" and "lo" disappeared ...

One more page out!
And outside the window from all sides:
And the banging of the ball, and the barking of the puppy,
And the ringing of a bell, -
And I sit, I look at the notebook -
I bring out the letter behind the letter:
"Yes-et ko-ro-va mo-lo-ko" ...
Yes! Becoming a scientist is not easy!

Analysis of the poem "Calligraphy" by Mikhalkov

Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov is a master in an entertaining way to teach children basic school knowledge.

The poem dates back to 1958. Its author turned 45 at that time, he has long been recognized as a leading figure of children's poetry, loved by children, teachers, and even by the authorities. His creativity is diverse, he tries himself in many genres. The writer is married, interested in art and history of his kind. Finally, it is directly related to the creation of the country's anthem. The genre is didactic, but not dry or official. The rhyme is contiguous, open and closed rhymes are almost equally divided. There is no such lesson in a modern school. In those years, they wrote with a pen, developing a beautiful, clear handwriting, mastered the elements of calligraphy, and taught how to use inkpots. Actually, the little hero from elementary school is engaged in precisely the difficult task called "writing beautifully." Letter by letter, word by word, the boy deduces a sacramental phrase: a cow gives milk (by the way, an inversion). The whole process is described in the most detailed way - from the first line, a curl, made with special pressure, to a paper torn with a fountain pen. Anaphora: sigh, a page (the diminutive suffix gives the word a warm shade). The refrain about the cow floats in different stanzas. There are several exclamations and dots. Expressive comparison and inversion: the blot is black as a beetle. It is impossible to get rid of such an oversight. So, again, the page is out, and the text is to be written anew. The concluding stanza describes the tempting miracles that had to be sacrificed to develop handwriting and patience. The enumeration gradation: barking of a puppy, ringing of a bell (bicycle bell, apparently), knocking of a ball. The student falls into a momentary absent-mindedness and violates the word order in the unfortunate sentence. The writer writes in the first person, seating himself at the desk: I am sitting. This technique creates a special trust between the hero of the poem and the little reader. The hero's troubles are familiar, the desire to escape into the yard is also understandable. Actually, the final lines sound with a barely concealed smile: becoming a scientist is not easy! The schoolboy puffs up the task he is doing, puffs and sighs. Repeated repetition of the material helps to consolidate it in memory. A lot of lexical repetitions, verb, a minimum of adjectives.

A connoisseur of child psychology, S. Mikhalkov in his "Calligraphy" draws a picture from a now long gone life, when they wrote with a pen and put ink blots.

It is difficult to learn to write at the beginning. For the first time, the child takes a pen and must draw the correct lines, loops and various sizes of hooks. We write beautifully, we correctly prescribe each hook, connecting a vowel and a consonant, we get a syllable, as part of any word. And by connecting syllables, we get a neatly written word.

We tried to write the word by syllables: “gives”. But, they did not do it successfully, and it turned out that it was necessary to tear out a sheet in a notebook into an oblique ruler and rewrite everything in a new way. We removed a sheet from the notebook and again write: "A cow gives fresh milk!" And it was necessary to write: "The cow gives fresh milk!". Let's calm down, take a deep breath - exhale, take another deep breath and cross out our line. And we will try to calmly repeat and write each letter beautifully. And here we have a stain in a notebook, all the letters of the word have been smeared. And again we tear the page, because the letters under the blot are not visible.

Various sounds are heard on the street: "Loud ringing, shrill barking of a dog, banging of a ball, the guys are playing hide and seek, a friend is launching an air kite!" And you can't go for a walk now, you have to write an offer, and now for the fifth time I am writing all the same words: "A cow gives fresh milk!" I try, I bring out all the letters and sit over the textbook. Precisely, to be a famous scientist, you need to learn grammar and arithmetic.

Yes, guys, learning is work and without knowledge of Russian and mathematics you will not be taken anywhere! And it all starts with the letters of the alphabet, counting numbers from 1 to 100.

It is difficult to learn correctly, to write uppercase and uppercase letters. You have to be careful so that the notebook does not quickly "lose weight", the sheets often cannot be torn out. For corrections, blots and deletions, the score is reduced.

The more you write, the better you get. A unique artistic signature is art.

Calligraphy is a science to write beautifully, correctly and accurately in a notebook.

Picture or drawing Calligraphy

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