The most effective facelift at home. What do we have to do? Therapeutic mud mask

In adulthood, women sometimes experience real panic. Beauty melts by leaps and bounds. The oval of the face sags, the features become sharper, the soft tissues sag. Of course, today, in the age of the existence of plastic surgery and hardware procedures, it is stupid to get depressed, everything is fixable. Science does not stand still and the word "lifting" will not scare anyone. Even schoolgirls know its meaning, not to mention more respectable ladies. True, sometimes there is simply not enough money for a salon or clinic. However, there are excellent recipes for lifting products at home. They are able to tighten the face no worse than salon procedures.

What is a facelift?

Any procedure that tightens the skin of the face is already a lifting. The main goal is rejuvenation. The easiest way to tighten the skin is to have surgery. But, anesthesia is unlikely to make someone younger and even healthier. Of course, outwardly you will be “wow”, self-esteem will rise, but if there is a desire to be young, and not to seem, then we refuse operations in favor of a healthy lifestyle and home anti-aging remedies.


  • wrinkles;
  • flabbiness of the skin;
  • tissue ptosis;
  • deep nasolabial folds.


  • pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergy to components;
  • wounds on the skin of the face.

Face lifting at home: recipes

A miraculous facelift at home is not a bedtime story, but a completely objective reality. Masks made from available ingredients are harmless, but very effective. The substances that make up the masks are able to penetrate through the pores first into the superficial and then into the deep layers of the skin and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin fibers. This is how the gradual strengthening of the skin and muscles of the face occurs, which means that the process of rejuvenation is underway.

So, we offer you to try these exclusive recipes for yourself.

Homemade lifting masks are really effective.

Magic recipes for mature skin

  • "Sunny morning". Take milk, honey and starch in the ratio: 1:1:1 and mix everything. Evenly, with a light pat, distribute the resulting mass over the face and wait twenty minutes in a calm, relaxed state. After the specified time, rinse off alternately with hot and cold water, and then wipe with an ice cube. We apply a cream that is friendly to your skin.
  • "Cucumber Paradise". Take a medium-sized cucumber, one egg white, a teaspoon of olive oil. We take out all the pulp from the cucumber, remove the seeds, combine with lush protein foam and oil. We mix everything very carefully. We apply on the face, lie down and think about the pleasant. Twenty minutes of such relaxation does wonders. The skin is brighter, fresher and filled with wonderful radiance. Further, we wash everything off according to the scheme described in the first recipe.
  • "Protein Happiness". Whipped into a dense foam, mix fresh protein with a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix again. For oily skin - ideal, for dry skin it is better to use another tool. Wash off using the above method.
  • "Tomato luxury". The pulp of one tomato plus a teaspoon of olive oil and you are a princess with luxurious velvet skin. Twenty minutes and wash off.
  • "Grape Afternoon". Juice from fresh grapes, in the amount of a tablespoon, mix with white clay until the consistency of sour cream, add a few drops of wheat germ oil. Mix everything and apply on the face. Wash off after twenty-five minutes.
  • "Rice bliss". Grind brown rice in a coffee grinder and mix with honey, in a ratio of 2: 1, then add one part natural yogurt. We keep half an hour.
  • "Magic Persimmon". Persimmon pulp plus a vitamin E capsule will make your skin truly amazing.

Twice a week with a course of twenty procedures and you lose five to seven years. Try all this, and then ask yourself the question: “Do we need beauty salons?”

Body lifting at home

By the way, at home you can rejuvenate not only the face, but the whole body. It will be especially effective in combination with weight loss practices and physical exercises.

The active ingredients that make up sea salt and various types of clay can work wonders and turn back time. It is useful to take baths with the addition of sea salt, or rub the whole body with the same salt with the addition of honey, achieving a peeling effect.

Coffee scrubs and wraps using oil will help to reset five to ten years:

  • cocoa,
  • coconut,
  • olives.

After the above procedures, it is necessary to nourish the skin with milk or body cream.

Fitness also has a lifting effect, oddly enough, because by strengthening the muscles, we make the body contours close to those that we were at about the age of twenty.

So, summing up the above and taking into account the recommendations of leading cosmetologists, we draw the following conclusions:

  • We apply masks only on cleansed skin.
  • We complete the procedure with a suitable nourishing cream.
  • Massages and physical exercises have a lifting effect.
  • A cold shower wonderfully tones the skin.
  • We buy ready-made cosmetics marked “lifting” in stores. By the way, the best lifting face creams.
  • Don't forget about getting enough sleep.
  • Taking vitamins and healthy food works better than salon procedures.

Towards the end, I would like to recall the truth that has set the teeth on edge. Our beauty is in our hands. This is not always a natural given, not always huge investments, it is first of all work, daily, sometimes exhausting, but grateful. After some time, your reflection in the mirror begins to please more and more, and a little later, others begin to look after you with an admiring look.

Charging for facial muscles will help tighten the skin. We offer you to look at the basic exercise that helps to correct the oval of the face and smooth out deep wrinkles on the forehead:

The advantage of such procedures over salon procedures is obvious. It lies not only in the financial plane, but also in the moral one. After all, women are beginning to respect themselves. To tell the truth, there is a reason. Having established the right diet, tightening the muscles with daily exercises, and taking care of the skin with available means, they not only improve their appearance, but also their health, and hence their life expectancy.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

There comes a time when women think about anti-aging procedures. The second chin, wrinkles, flails, fuzzy contours require correction, but many salon procedures are not available due to the high cost.

What to do? How to make the skin of the face supple and toned? Try to fix some of the shortcomings yourself. Perhaps you have thought more than once: “How to tighten the skin of the face at home?” Check out the advice of beauticians. You will learn how to restore elasticity to the skin, become even more attractive.

Who needs a facelift

Lifting procedures should not be done before the age of 30. The skin is still quite fresh, the tone is at a good level. But, there are exceptions. Sometimes young women have to resort to a facelift:

  • after a sharp weight loss;
  • with a noticeable loss of elasticity of the epidermis.

What is the purpose of a lift? The result of the impact is clearly visible:

  • getting rid of a double chin, jowls;
  • smoothing wrinkles and folds;
  • sharpening the contours of the face.

What happens at the cellular level during anti-aging procedures:

  • in the tissues, the production of elastin and collagen increases, which are responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • improves metabolism.

Indications for a facelift:

  • mimic, age wrinkles;
  • fuzzy contour of the face;
  • loose, saggy skin;
  • age-related changes;
  • flew;
  • double chin.

Effective lifting methods:

  • self-lifting with the help of special masks, self-massage, and other methods;
  • salon procedures in cosmetology clinics and beauty salons.

Nuances of the procedure at home

Why pay a lot of money, waste time visiting beauty centers and expensive salons? Of course, the effect of procedures performed on special equipment by an experienced cosmetologist will appear faster.

But sometimes:

  • lifting is performed by non-professionals;
  • the cost of procedures is too high;
  • the clinic does not guarantee the absence of side effects after deep exposure to the skin.

Why take the risk? If things are not so bad that plastic surgery is required, do a course of lifting procedures yourself. You will save a lot of money and nerves. Home methods restore skin elasticity, smoothness, excellent tone.

Before starting therapy, remember three conditions that ensure success:

  • persistence;
  • regularity of procedures;
  • exactly following the instructions for each method.

Be sure to read the contraindications. In each case, they are individual. Among them:

  • severe inflammation on the face;
  • tumors;
  • allergy to individual components.

Important! Consult with a dermatologist and therapist. Ask if you can have massages, contrast compresses, and other facial rejuvenation treatments.

The best recipes for anti-aging face masks at home, you can find articles.

Proven Home Methods for a Facelift

There are several techniques that allow you to restore elasticity to the epidermis, the oval of the face - clarity:

  • lifting masks;
  • self-massage of the face;
  • special exercises.

Familiarize yourself with each method in more detail, select the appropriate one. Cosmetologists recommend an integrated approach. The results - tightened skin - you will see after a month of regular procedures. But perhaps before?

Lifting face masks

Masks that tighten the skin of the face are an active, multifaceted effect on the skin. To achieve the effect, do anti-aging procedures 3 times a week for a month.
Then put more emphasis on nourishing or moisturizing masks. Be sure to alternate exposure to the epidermis.

The best recipes for oily skin


  • lemon mask. Beat the protein, add a dessert spoon of bran, freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon, grated zest;
  • tomato. Grind a ripe tomato, pour in 1 tsp. olive oil, 3 drops of lemon juice;
  • protein. Beat 2 egg whites, apply the first layer, let dry. After the second, also let it dry well. Remove the mask, wash with cool water;
  • honey. Combine 2 dessert spoons of oatmeal with whipped protein. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. warmed honey, stir thoroughly;
  • grape. Crush white grapes, squeeze juice. Combine a tablespoon with white clay. Powder take twice as much. Pour in 1 tsp. wheat germ oils or add crushed germinated grains yourself;
  • from algae. Buy dried seaweed at the pharmacy. Laminaria is an excellent product for anti-aging and tightening masks. Pour dried brown seaweed with cold water, let it swell. Combine in equal proportions with honey.

Compositions of masks for dry and aging skin

The composition of anti-aging products with a lifting effect necessarily includes natural oils, honey, oatmeal, vegetables. Don't use irritating ingredients. Be patient - and your face will definitely freshen up.

Proven Recipes:

  • oatmeal mask. Pour hot milk over finely ground flakes. Take products in equal quantities. Add protein, whipped into a lush foam, a teaspoon of light honey;
  • cucumber. Grate a small cucumber, pour in a dessert spoon of olive oil, combine with the pounded yolk;
    clay. Dilute white clay with milk to a mushy state. Add a dessert spoon of buckwheat honey;
  • potato. Grind medium young potatoes with a blender or grate on a fine grater. Take 2 tbsp. l. mass, combine with 1 tsp. olive or peach oil;
  • from rice flour with essential oils. Grind the rice in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Take 2 tbsp. l. rice flour, add 1 tsp. linseed oil, 3 drops of cedar or ylang-ylang oil.

Herbs for skin elasticity

Remember: some herbs have a lifting effect. Prepare decoctions for daily washing.

You will need:

  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • Linden blossom;
  • yarrow.

For 500 ml of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials. Before going to bed, wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in a healing decoction.

grass ice

One of the most effective ways to tone the epidermis, restore elasticity, and activate cellular metabolism. In the morning after water procedures, treat your face with herbal ice cubes.

It's easy to prepare:

  • for a decoction, the same components are needed as for daily washing;
  • the cooking method is the same;
  • pour the cooled, filtered liquid into ice molds;
  • freeze, use every day.

Contrasting washes

An excellent tool that restores elasticity and the necessary tone to the skin. The double chin goes away, the oval of the face improves.


  • pour water into two bowls: one is warm, the other is salted cold;
  • wet a terry towel with cold water;
  • lightly pat on the chin;
  • squeeze, dip in a bowl of warm water;
  • follow the same procedure;
  • alternate warm and cold water 5-7 times.

Facial massage on your own

An effective method in combination with tightening masks and herbal rubdowns significantly improves the condition of the epidermis. Many cosmetologists believe that a non-surgical facelift is performed in this way.

How to proceed:

  • wash your hands and face;
  • apply a nourishing cream;
  • warm up your cheeks. Swipe several times from the wings of the nose to the temples. Do not press on the skin, massage your face with your fingertips;
  • smooth the epidermis in the forehead. Direction of movements: from the eyebrows - vertically to the hairline;
  • the next stage is stroking with all fingers from the central part of the chin towards the earlobes;
  • the final stage is the treatment of the area under the jaw;
  • Gently massage the skin with the back of your hand.

original exercises

Complement other lifting methods with unusual exercises for facial muscles. The technique does not take much time. You will see the first results in 3-4 weeks.

A few tips:

  • perform the entire exercise with tension;
  • stand in front of a mirror - it's easier to understand what you succeed and what you don't;
  • don't be afraid to be funny;
  • do original gymnastics alone. So you will feel free.


  • for the lazy. Just pronounce the sounds “I”, “U”, straining the involved muscles well;
  • for cheekbones. Inhale through your nose, hold your breath. Close your lips, puff out your cheeks well. After 5 seconds, exhale forcefully through your mouth;
  • how to get a chin Try to solve this problem by reaching the tip of your tongue to your chin. During the exercise, the muscles are well tensed.

Modern lifting methods

Have you decided to go to a salon or a cosmetology clinic? You will be offered effective methods to improve the oval of the face, help get rid of fine wrinkles, and bring the skin in order.

Remember! Some procedures have contraindications. After sessions, irritation of the epidermis sometimes persists. The recovery period is different - from two to three days to a week.

Effective techniques:

  • photorejuvenation;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • mesotherapy;
  • deep peeling;
  • biorevitalization;
  • various types of facial massage;
  • procedures with ultrasound;
  • thermage.

In advanced cases, plastic surgery may be necessary. Resort to radical methods only as a last resort.

The natural desire of every woman is to remain young and beautiful as long as possible. With age, she begins to look for ways to stop skin aging, maintain attractiveness, beautiful facial contours. The intervention of a plastic surgeon is not suitable for everyone due to various reasons. Face lifting at home, proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, a positive attitude will help maintain youthfulness, firmness, and elasticity of the skin.

By the condition of the skin of the face, neck, hands, you can easily determine the age of a woman. Time inexorably takes its toll, no matter how the fair sex takes care of herself and does not strive to keep her body young, attractive.

After 30 years, the first signs of aging appear: elasticity is significantly lost, muscle tone weakens, as skin begins to produce less collagen. There is a natural aging that no woman has escaped yet. And now the clarity of the oval of the face is already lost, a hated second chin appears, “crow's feet”, bags under the eyes become noticeable near the eyes. There is a rapid fading of the skin, peeling and dryness appear.

There are several reasons that affect skin aging. Loss of firmness and elasticity is caused by:

  • hormonal imbalance, chronic diseases;
  • irregular, insufficient care;
  • bad heredity;
  • inadequate sleep, rest;
  • malnutrition (lack in the diet of a variety of high-quality foods rich in vitamins and valuable trace elements);
  • a decrease in estrogen synthesis by the age of 40;
  • sudden changes in weight;
  • overstrain of the nervous system - stress, fatigue, insomnia;
  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity.

Age changes are inevitable. Therefore, a woman should not panic about every wrinkle that appears, she needs to pay more attention to proper self-care. For those who do not want to put up with aging, lifting is suitable.

What is lifting

Lifting - procedures that help eliminate external skin imperfections, wrinkles without the intervention of a plastic surgeon.

It must be understood that one should not expect a miracle from one procedure and that an instant facelift cannot occur at home. The face will not become young, like that of a young girl. You will have to show patience and perseverance. But after 3-4 months of regular procedures, it will be nice to look in the mirror: the skin will become fresher, the contours of the face are clear, bags and wrinkles under the eyes will be invisible.

Indications and contraindications for facelift

In order for lifting at home to be as effective as possible and meet all your expectations, you need to carry it out only when the skin needs help the most. Use the procedures to resolve the following issues:

  • The first age-related changes in the skin appeared: flabbiness, dryness, peeling, age spots.
  • The contour of the face became fuzzy: a second chin appeared, nasolabial folds, cheeks sagged.
  • New wrinkles appear on different parts of the face.

  • Allergy to various substances.
  • Age up to 25 years.
  • Recent facial surgeries.
  • The presence of a rash, redness, inflammation, open wounds on the face.
  • High degree of obesity.

Cosmetics for home treatment

For independent procedures, you will need two groups of ready-made cosmetics that suit your skin type and contain few chemicals and harmful substances. A consultation with a professional cosmetologist will help you make the right choice, who will individually select the appropriate cosmetic lines.

  1. Means for superficial lifting (with an instant tightening effect). They will form a thin film on the skin of the face, which will tighten the skin, make the oval of the face more clear. The result is noticeable immediately: mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, skin turgor appears. But this effect is short-lived, noticeable for several hours. After washing with warm water or applying cleansing cosmetics, the film disappears.
  2. Deep lifting products. Promote the production of collagen and elastane, affecting the inner layers of the skin. For a long lasting effect, these funds should be used regularly for several months in a course. During this time, active beneficial substances accumulate in the skin, the cells remember their youth.

Pretreatment of the skin

Peeling is an integral procedure that prepares the skin for lifting. at home. For this cosmetic procedure, you can use ready-made scrubs or cook them yourself, taking into account your preferences and individual characteristics. As a result of peeling, impurities, dead cells are removed.

Scrubs not only cleanse the appearance, but also reduce puffiness under the eyes, even out the skin texture, and get rid of dark marks after acne. Peeling for normal and oily skin is carried out twice a week, for dry skin - once every two weeks. It is important to choose natural products that do not cause allergic reactions. suitable for certain skin types. After the procedure, you can not immediately go out into the sun.

Recipes for effective homemade lifting masks

For the preparation of anti-aging masks, use only proven recipes. In order not to be disappointed with the result, it is necessary to check for allergic reactions. It is imperative to test the prepared formulations on the wrist, and then, in the absence of allergies, follow the following rules:

  1. Pre-cleanse the face, make a warm compress or steam bath;
  2. Apply the mask with a special brush, from the bottom of the face up;
  3. During the procedure, lie down, relax, do not move the muscles of the face;
  4. Remove the mask with cool water without stretching the skin;
  5. After the procedure, treat the face with tonic and apply a suitable cream.

It is worth considering the type of facial skin when choosing a treatment cream after a cosmetic procedure.

Eye mask at home

In order to make an eyelid mask at home, you do not need any rare, special or expensive products. It can be made from ordinary products:

This mask has a cumulative effect and gives visible results after just a few treatments. It starts the process of skin rejuvenation and allows you to look 5-10 years younger with long-term regular use.

Another of the recipes will help you quickly refresh your face. It is carried out in several steps:

  1. Pour 5 tablespoons of warm milk into 3 teaspoons of gelatin and leave to swell for an hour.
  2. Then, without bringing to a boil, heat the mixture in a water bath until a jelly-like state is formed.
  3. Add 3 teaspoons of honey and stir. Last add 3 teaspoons of glycerin.

Do not get carried away with glycerin, especially when the body has a predisposition to allergic reactions. If there is such a feature, then it is desirable to reduce the amount of this ingredient.

DIY Instant Serum

This instant face mask at home is recommended for women over 35. Quickly tightens the skin, smoothes the contour of the face, smoothes wrinkles. Apply 3 times a week.

There is a little trick in this recipe: if the skin of the face is dry, it is better to wash off with warm water; with combined - cool; with oily skin - cold.

Quick Egg Treatments

In home lifting, both chicken eggs and quail eggs are used. The effectiveness of procedures with them is determined by the nutritional proteins of this product. They also contain essential amino acids, but the most unique substance in these products is protein albumin. It is he who is the forming material for new cells of the body.

Medicinal ointments, masks, serums, etc. on the basis of such eggs, it activates metabolic substances in cells, smoothes the skin. The necessary home-made nutritional preparation can be made from just 1 whipped egg white.

For dry skin, it is advised to add a coffee spoon of thin honey and the same amount of vegetable oil. The composition is applied to the treatment sites with a special cosmetic brush, carefully treating the areas on the face and neck.

After that, you need to leave them for 20-30 minutes. For thinned skin of a dry type, cosmetologists advise using the yolk as well. This part of the egg is especially rich in much-needed fatty amino acids. They also include the necessary niacin and choline.

The yolk is thickened with soaked oatmeal or mashed potatoes with a drop of lemon juice added inside the composition.

For skin care in winter, it is advisable to add 10 g of warm honey and olive oil to the composition.

Masks with yolks will provide:

  • nutrition;
  • improvement of water exchange;
  • softening;
  • recovery.

Medicinal masks based on honey products nourish and smooth the skin, make its color richer, fresher. The main component is starch or oatmeal, ground to a state of flour (can be made at home by scrolling in a coffee grinder), dairy products.

For oily skin types, honey products also need to be diluted with juice., as in the care of dry. Only for the fatty variety, it is necessary to add "drying" components, which can be obtained from fruits, herbal decoctions, cucumber juice. The latter component is especially valuable, as it not only moisturizes, nourishes and evens out the skin of the face, but is also capable of whitening age spots.

These masks are also relaxing in nature. Therefore, you can get not only benefits, but also great pleasure and a relaxing effect. One fundamental detail - honey should not be heated to high temperatures - medicinal ingredients evaporate from a hot product.

Lifting massage on your own

As a prevention of age-related skin changes, massage is used to enhance the effect of masks. With its help, a lymphatic drainage effect is quickly achieved, toxins are removed. The skin becomes firm and elastic. A woman gets rid of dryness, peeling, mimic wrinkles.

Timely initiated proper skin care, a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, physical activity will allow you to do without salon procedures and surgical intervention. Your appearance will attract the admiring glances of men, arouse the envy of women.

Attention, only TODAY!

You are over forty years old, but in your heart you are still twenty years old. Thanks to modern creams, the face looks fresh and attractive, wrinkles are almost invisible on it. The only thing that betrays age is saggy cheeks and chin. And so I want him to be as in his youth - elastic and fit! This is the dream of many women. Is it possible to have a facelift at home without plastic surgery? What is needed for this? And is this procedure dangerous for health?

What do we have to do?

Leveling houses without the help of a scalpel is quite real. But for this you need maximum perseverance and patience. After all, it is not in vain that they say that beauty requires sacrifice. But this tempting game, believe me, is worth the candle. Modern cosmetology offers many ways and techniques to make your face look young and fit. First you need to choose the right cosmetics for you: lifting cream and peeling cream, as well as a mask. They will help to deeply cleanse your skin and make it more elastic.


Lifting face contour, eye area, cheeks and chin masks will help to increase the elasticity of the skin, thereby making it younger. They are prepared using raw egg yolk, special and or paraffin. In addition, you will need gelatin, natural honey and mashed potatoes. Before using them, the face should be lubricated with a moisturizing cream. Masks are made regularly, twice a week, and they are effective only if there are initial signs of a sagging oval.


It also provides for simple exercises for the facial muscles, which must be done constantly (two or three times a week for ten to fifteen minutes). Properly selected exercises for facelift, upper eyelids, chin and cheeks will return your lost oval, improve, reduce its sagging and restore muscle tone. But they need to be done regularly.

Such exercises include stroking the skin of the forehead upwards, and the cheeks and chin towards the ears. Pressing the cheeks with your hands without releasing the air from the mouth will make them more elastic. Moving to the sides of the protruding lower jaw with the mouth ajar or pronouncing "a" with the tongue stretched down will correct the contours of the lower part of the face for you. To improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you can

apply a special device - "Darsonval", which will help smooth out existing shallow wrinkles. Cupping massage is one of the latest innovations in cosmetology. With the help of a special device that can be purchased in stores via the Internet, a facelift is carried out at home without the help of beauty salons. Cupping massage gives a quick necessary effect, improves blood circulation, eliminates wrinkles. It will also improve the nutrition of the skin and give it a healthy look. And the device is inexpensive.

Thus, a facelift at home is quite real in these times. All the described methods and methods are simple, absolutely harmless and affordable. So, before you lay out a considerable amount and risk your health by lying on the surgical table, think carefully. It is possible to restore the beauty and youthfulness of the skin at home, without the intervention of a cosmetic surgeon. Just be persistent and patient. Good luck to you!

With age, the aging process is inevitable. The skin changes its structure, elasticity, the production of natural collagen by the body slows down. The appearance of the skin is also affected by negative environmental environmental factors and the consequences of malnutrition.

But the irreversible process of losing attractiveness can be stopped with the help of regular thorough care, proper sleep, the absence of bad habits, and the use of vitamins and minerals.

The quality of skin care at home is important. There is a set of measures aimed at restoring the skin, the leading place among them is a facelift at home.

Folk recipes

The most effective products for smoothing wrinkles are:

  • eggs;
  • fruits;
  • oatmeal and other popular ingredients.

From them you can prepare a variety of masks, the effect of which will exceed all expectations and will not be inferior in efficiency to salon procedures. Recipes for a facelift at home are quite simple and easy, do not take much time. Homemade ingredients do not contain aggressive substances, the components of natural products have a gentle effect.

Before the procedure, a thorough cleansing is necessary. It is desirable to remove hair under a bandage. To achieve the maximum effect, the face should be steamed beforehand. Already after the first procedure, the oval of the face will noticeably improve, mimic wrinkles will visually decrease, and the elasticity of the skin will increase.

  1. Attention of the opposite sex;
  2. Confidence in one's own irresistibility;
  3. No visible age-related changes;
  4. Envy and admiration of girlfriends;
  5. Enjoy your own reflection in the mirror.

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