The most famous scandals associated with Alexei Panin (7 photos). Alexey Panin - an actor with a scandalous reputation: biography, films, personal life A new scandal with the actor Panin

Recently, the name of Alexei Panin has increasingly appeared in the media in connection with the scandalous adventures of the actor. Recently, Internet users were shocked by an erotic video featuring Panin.

Now Alexey gave a frank interview to Andrei Malakhov, a video of which appeared on the TV presenter’s YouTube channel. Panin said that the scandalous video was filmed a long time ago: “This video was filmed several years ago. At a certain, rather difficult period in my life. It was in Moscow, near my house. As a joke, my girlfriend wanted me to go out in my underwear.”

However, the actor does not understand how a recording from his personal archive could become public knowledge: “Watching it myself is very painful. I was in an inadequate state then, you can see it on my face.”


“I am ready to apologize to people, to those who were shocked by this. I have more questions for the scoundrels who posted this, but I won’t deny anything,” said the actor.

Panin admitted that he now leads a healthy lifestyle, but chose to remain silent about the reasons for the difficult period of his life: “I try not to even raise my voice, to restrain my emotions. I’m proud that I was able to quickly pull myself together and quit bad habits.”

Let us recall that earlier last week it became known that Alexey Panin, in connection with the latest unpleasant events, asked Andrei Malakhov for protection.

Alexey Panin gave a frank interview to NTV after another deafening scandal, when shocking footage of an actor or a person very similar to him became public knowledge. An exploding landmine would have made less noise. From the taiga to the British seas, everyone is discussing this incredible scandal. Until now, only the main character has remained silent. But finally he spoke too.

Alexey Panin: "I am not an angel. I do not deny or renounce my sins, I only ask you not to attribute others’ sins to me. Yes, yes, I’m not making excuses, but few people are interested in why this happened.”

The artist admits that he was shocked by the video and assures that.

Alexey Panin: “When I saw it, I was a little shocked, because the person who was there was like two peas in a pod like me. The viewer, naturally, did not notice this, and the viewer does not know me that well. I started taking screenshots from this video and frame by frame, just looking at this person frame by frame.”

The artist did not recognize himself in these shots.

Alexey Panin: “The first thing that surprised me, of course, was: where are the tattoos? You can, of course, say that the video was filmed a long time ago and there were no tattoos yet, then another question: the person in this video has a gray head, like I have now, in a circle on the back of his head and temples. Then another question: if this video was made now, where I am gray-haired, then there should be tattoos.

At the same time, Panin notes that friends and relatives treat the situation with humor.

Alexey Panin: “I understand that people from my circle, my friends, do not believe in this and everyone treats it with humor. Uncomfortable in front of some people. I’ll meet someone and wait for a reaction from the person - he’ll ask me about it. I feel a little uncomfortable."

And the actor’s friend, businessman Andrei Kovalev, said that Panin could not hold back his tears after the scandal.

Andrey Kovalev: “Alexey called me and he was crying. He really cried and said: Andrei, this is terrible, now no one will come to my concerts at all.”

To prove his non-involvement in the scandalous video, Panin even agreed to undergo a lie detector test at the NTV studio.

Expert polygraph examiner: “Are you in Ostankino?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Your name is Alexey Panin?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Is it true that you have not drunk alcohol for more than three years?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Do you still love your wife Lucy?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Ever wanted to film yourself having sex?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “When asked about your possible involvement in an Internet video, will you answer truthfully?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “The person who looks like you in the dog sex video, is that you?”

Alexey Panin: "No".

What show business stars are willing to do in order to attract attention. The scandalous activities of many are no longer even perceived as something unusual. In the modern arena, one of the most talked about brawlers is Alexey Panin, who continues to raise the bar and does not deny himself the pleasure of participating in the next conflict.

Alexey Panin is a famous Russian actor who often plays good characters, but in reality everything is not as it seems at first glance. The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the name Panin is scandals, because he is a regular in such actions. Even though in the movies he is a good-natured romantic, in life he is also a wit who always knows what and when to say so that people will talk about him. Alexey Panin has become a fairly well-known person precisely thanks to his scandalous behavior, but many are outraged by this so much that people insist on his imprisonment, as well as the deprivation of parental rights. However, even this does not in any way outrage the actor and he continues what he started. Today we’ll talk about his most famous scandals, which attracted extraordinary attention to him not only from the press, but also from Russians offended by Panin’s behavior.


One of the major scandals on Alexey Panin’s account is a squabble that the actor started at a rehearsal for filming the TV show “Zirka + Zirka”. The concept of the TV show involved performing the song in a duet consisting of celebrities. During the rehearsal, the director of the project, Semyon Gorovoy, made several comments to Alexei Panin, to which the actor reacted with too violent statements. He swung at the director, but only hit the scenery, because Semyon Gorovoy was the first to strike the impudent offender. As a result, the scandal ended with Alexey Panin leaving the set with a cut eyebrow.

Alexey Panin took part in a swingers party. The photo that hit the Internet shocked everyone, because in it the actor appeared completely naked. In addition to posing for the photo, after its release he commented: “Naked people on a wild beach are normal.” The photo generated a strong response on the Internet, as well as discussions among Internet users. After this scandal, many began to hate Panin for his tactlessness and indifference to public opinion. The same year saw another major scandal, which the actor started in one of the restaurants in Kirov. During his next visit to the Basta Pasta restaurant, Panin burst into the kitchen and began teaching the chef how to properly prepare Carbonara pasta. After that, he decided to show the kitchen staff how to properly cut a bird. During the “training” process, Panin used only obscene language. The video went viral and angered Internet users. By the way, the restaurant was closed after this incident.

Judging by the number of restaurant scandals, Panin has “special feelings” for cuisine. So another conflict broke out in one of the restaurants in Tuapse, where the actor caused a row. At first, polite Alexey Panin offered to treat the restaurant's visitors, but then he found out the amount that dinner for all the guests would cost him. After that, he literally destroyed half of the establishment, causing damage in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

year 2013

While staying in one of the hotels in Belogorsk, Alexey Panin decided to stage another “performance”. So, being a guest at the Versailles Hotel, he went out into the corridor and began smashing furniture, accompanying all this with obscene language. As a result, Panin ended up in the police station. That same year, in Blagoveshchensk, he ended up in the police department for another brawl in a cafe. The actor met law enforcement officers without panties, did not respond to the offer to go to the police station and began to engage in handjobs in front of law enforcement officers.


The previous year, brawler Alexey Panin published a porn film online featuring his girlfriend and dog. In the video, the actor has sex with his lover, and is also not ashamed to show his “accessories” to the camera. The video broke the patience of Internet users and fans of the actor, but he did not care about the opinions said about him.


Quite recently, another video appeared on the Internet with the participation of the most scandalous representative of Russian show business. In the video, you can see how the actor walks along the streets of Ulyanovsk in women's underwear, thereby showing off his genitals to all passers-by. The video became very popular on the Internet and caused a lot of indignation from users, but the actor himself denies his involvement in the video. In the video, Alexey Panin demonstrates his obscene behavior. After a walk, he turns to face the camera and begins to masturbate, while shouting obscene words. The actor did not give any comments regarding the video and claims that he has been leading a normal life for a long time. Let us recall that not so long ago it became known about Alexey Panin’s homosexual orientation. According to the actor, the video was filmed many years ago “for banter,” so there is no point in taking it seriously. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but Panin has already managed to apologize to everyone who saw the video with even one eye.

As you can see, this actor managed to gain the status of the most outrageous representative of Russian show business. He has numerous conflicts to his name, including fights with fans and law enforcement officers, obscene videos showing parts of Panin’s body. In addition, he is a “gastronomic rowdy”, because the number of scandals associated with catering establishments exceeds all limits. He breaks dishes, breaks furniture, bursts into the chef's kitchen, puts out cigarette butts on expensive tablecloths and all for what? In order to attract additional attention. One way or another, black PR is also PR, because Alexey Panin takes advantage of the situation, because he is better at causing scandals than others.

Actor Alexey Panin is the hero of today's episode. Let them say - Panic horror. We are already accustomed to his constant drunken brawls, fights and scandalous behavior. It would seem that the artist has nothing else to surprise the viewer with, but recently two videos about Panin appeared on the Internet: we cannot show them, nor can we explain the content of these videos. Moreover, Alexey himself is now in shock. How could this get on the Internet? Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Panic Horror 06/14/2017

The host of the program and the film crew spent several hours with Alexei Panin’s daughter Nyusya, after which it became clear that the girl should not be near such a father. Today on the show, the notorious actor will meet with his daughter’s mother, Yulia Yudintseva, who watched the terrifying videos with Panin and now wants to completely protect her daughter from communicating with him. “Panic horror” is the theme of this broadcast “Let Them Talk.” Alexey came to the program to tell who was captured in those scandalous videos.

Alexey Panin and his daughter Anna

Let them talk - Panic horror

Alexey Panin in the studio Let Them Talk (“Panic Horror”). The artist apologizes to the audience for the shocking videos:

“I want to apologize to everyone for the fact that I became an unwitting culprit, an accomplice in the fact that you and your children could see this horror on the Internet. I did not have a hand in this and have nothing to do with it. But since we are unlikely to find the real culprit, I take his sins and all responsibility upon myself and apologize.

— Personally, watching those videos was also very unpleasant for me! Now I’ll tell you how it all happened: these videos were recorded several years ago. No one then was going to make a show out of this or make a challenge to the public. It’s trivial, it was just a drinking session, me and my girlfriend. There is no deep meaning in that video. I don't wear lingerie, I don't wear makeup. It was just a drunken joke. At that moment my wife left me and took my daughter. I was in a terrible state then. Now it’s completely unpleasant and disgusting for me to remember all this. And before you judge me, look at yourself in the mirror! Is everything going smoothly for you? Maybe you shouldn't judge a person?

Alexey Panin: scandalous videos. Let them talk

- What I did in the second video is none of your business! I’m not asking you about your personal life and I’ll ask you not to pry into mine. As for my daughter Nyusia, she is very happy with me!

Before the broadcast of the program, Alexei Panin’s ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva spoke about her worries about the child:

“I’m very afraid that my daughter will fall into bad company and be used!” At this age, children who find themselves in such hell can do terrible things to themselves. This bastard takes her to swinger nude beaches! This is how you should disrespect your child!

Yulia also came to the “Let Them Talk” program:

“My daughter is now in the hands of a pervert and a sociopath!” Please hear me! My daughter is now isolated from me and she is under the influence of the actor Alexei Panin and his mother, who hates me. They put their opinions into her head as if they were her own. They tell her that I am sick and turn her against me.

At the end of the broadcast you will see the daughter of Alexei Panin. Who does the girl want to stay with: her mother or her father? Guests of the program: TV presenter Oksana Pushkina, showman Nikita Dzhigurda, etc. Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - Panic Horror, broadcast on June 14, 2017 (06/14/2017).

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