Perfume serial number. How to distinguish real French perfume from a fake

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Perfume is an integral part of both the female and male image. They create a special mood, give pleasant sensations. Among the variety of enchanting aromas, anyone can easily choose the one that will best suit the state of mind. More difficult is the search for a high-quality perfume that will accompany its owner for several hours and delight the sense of smell with a pleasant smell. How to distinguish a fake perfume from the original, how not to fall for the tricks of scammers - read the answers to these questions in this article.

Types of fake perfume

Original perfume is a product of the perfume industry, created using a multi-stage technology that begins with the birth of an idea. It develops thanks to the painstaking creative work of a perfumer, who selects and combines aromatic ingredients (essential oils and various aromatic substances), creating a perfume composition, which is subsequently infused with alcohol, goes through several stages of heat treatment and filtration. And the result is a unique flavor.

An important stage is the creation of a unique image of the perfume, the style of the bottle and packaging, which makes the product recognizable not only by its aroma, but also by its appearance. All this requires significant financial investments and labor costs.

That is why unscrupulous people, omitting the expensive stage of product development, very often try to make money on an already advertised brand. Thus, a large number of non-original goods, but counterfeit ones, appear on the world market. Sometimes the number of produced units of branded perfumes is significantly inferior to the total volume of fakes.

Currently, there are several types of non-original perfumes. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • License. When a buyer chooses perfumes, the seller argues for lower prices of perfumes by the fact that this product is produced by third-party companies under the developer's license. Most often, the so-called licensees are companies in Poland or the UAE, i.e. where production is cheaper than in France or Italy. Such a product is positioned as completely identical to the original - both in composition and in external design. But this is not true.
  • Imitation. Imitation is another way to mislead buyers. Its essence lies in changing at least one of the letters in the name of the perfume or mixing the names of two brands. An example of imitation is a "typo" in the name: Chanel - Chenel. This technique is quite effective, because. it is easier for people to remember not the name itself and its correct spelling, but the image of a perfume, say, a logo or the shape of a bottle.
  • "One step ahead". Particularly enterprising scammers fill the market with so-called "novelties". Those. under a well-known brand, they release a completely new product that no one has heard of before. One has only to guess what quality such perfumes can be. However, the presence on the packaging of the brand logo of popular luxury perfumes makes many people still buy such a product.
  • Version. There are products that are labeled by the manufacturer as an interpretation of expensive fragrances. This type of fake is legal in some countries, and the packaging will always indicate that the perfume is not original, but only imitates an expensive fragrance. Although the production uses the cheapest components that do not allow you to save all the colors of the original. The manufacturer does not repeat the image, packaging, logo of real perfumes, but only the smell. Such perfumes are often sold on tap in different containers.
  • Copy. This type of perfume counterfeiting is the most serious. scammers use the full image of branded goods (packaging, bottle, color). Sometimes the reproduction is so accurate that only a professional can recognize a fake.
  • confiscated. This concept is used as one of the forms of manipulating the mind of an inexperienced buyer, which is considered a very common occurrence in modern trade. Under this concept, not only clothes, shoes and other consumer goods, but also perfumes go on sale. The seller creates a legend about the illegal import of perfumes into the country, which was stopped by the relevant authorities with subsequent confiscation of the product. Further, the allegedly confiscated goods are offered to the buyer at a reduced price or at cost. In fact, there is a complete fake of the original branded fragrances.
  • Probes. Most luxury perfume manufacturers do not produce samplers, except for the Salvador Dali brand. Therefore, expensive fragrances are almost impossible to find in miniature bottles, "pens", "pencils". Although there is a production of testers. This type of product fully meets all the quality standards of the manufacturer, only on the bottle there is a mark “Tester. Not intended for sale." Similar perfumes can be found in the windows of large boutiques specializing in the sale of perfumes.

The main differences between real perfumes and fakes

The difficulty of distinguishing high-quality perfumes from copies is associated with the high demand on the market for this type of product and the desire of unscrupulous people to make money on someone else's name. This is how mass fakes of expensive perfumes are born.

Original perfume quality certificate

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for mandatory certification of all products of the Perfume and Cosmetics category, which is why the presence of all the necessary documents with the seller is an additional guarantee of the originality of perfumes.

The certificate of conformity is a document that is issued for the import of perfumes into the country. Without it, customs does not let the shipment through. This document indicates that the product has passed all the necessary studies of medical, biological and physico-chemical properties. Its presence is mandatory in all outlets. Each buyer has the legal right to familiarize himself with it.

Doubts about the authenticity of the product or the legality of its sale on the territory of the Russian Federation may be caused by the seller's refusal to provide the buyer with a certificate for review. But the certificate itself is not enough to buy expensive perfumes without fear. It is necessary to check all the data indicated in it.

The certificate contains the following information:

  1. The exact name of the product;
  2. Requisites;
  3. Validity;
  4. The code of the organization that carried out the certification (it must correspond to the code printed on the package);
  5. Detailed description of the goods;
  6. Live print.

How to distinguish perfume from a fake by packaging

When buying perfumes, the first impression is most often made on us by the packaging. Needless to say, the manufacturer for each fragrance selects the most harmonious design not only of the bottle, but also of the packaging, which serves as a distinctive feature. However, fake a box is much easier than anything else. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to her.

How to distinguish perfume from a fake by examining the packaging:

  • Integrity - this characteristic is important in any situation. A self-respecting manufacturer will not allow damage to the packaging during transportation, taking all safety measures.
  • Cellophane wrapper can immediately cut off a fake. The original boxes are tightly covered with cellophane, the edges of which are carefully sealed with a high-quality seam. On fake goods, the edges are most often glued together, the seam is uneven. Although some companies do not use cellophane at all.
  • The name of the perfume must exactly match both on the packaging, on the bottle, and in the certificate. Misprints are not allowed in original perfumes.
  • The font can also tell about the quality. If the inscriptions are fuzzy, blurry, then this is a fake product. Sometimes development companies use separate effects - bold, italic, uppercase and lowercase letters. Fraudsters most often do not spend time and money creating an exact copy, especially if they do not seek to sell their fakes at the prices of the original.
  • With slight shaking, the vial should not dangle around the box. The original packaging securely fixes it thanks to the inner cardboard construction.
  • At the bottom of the package, the individual product code is embossed; it must correspond to the code printed on the bottle.
  • The cardboard should be of high quality, snow-white inside. Thin material, gray color on the inside of the package - a sign of a fake.
  • Also evidence of poor quality is the presence of stickers.
  • Each package must contain information about the country of manufacture (the phrase “Made in” must be written, and not just the name of the country), a barcode (pay attention to the correspondence of the first digits to the code assigned to the country of production), the strength of the alcohol base, ingredients.
Executed in 100% accuracy with the original packaging is not a guarantee of the authenticity of the perfume. Therefore, it is worth continuing your product research even after opening the original box.

How to distinguish a fake perfume from the original by the bottle

The second degree of brand protection is the design and quality of the bottle, cap, spray bottle.

In addition to the general design, the original bottle must have the following characteristics:

  1. Perfectly poured bottle flask, clean transparent glass without streaks, without air droplets. This result can only be achieved using high-tech production facilities or the manual labor of professional glaziers.
  2. Clearly marked lettering. The vagueness of the font, partial erasure is not allowed.
  3. Solid cover. Manufacturers of original perfumes use high-quality plastic to decorate the bottle, from which caps of an ideal shape are cast according to a special design.
  4. Neat, tightly fixed on the bottle atomizer. Must be executed in the general style of the bottle and protected by a metal ring. A small percentage of factory defects are allowed when the spray gun is faulty.
  5. Engraved code on the bottom of the bottle. Fraudsters use stickers instead of engraving.
Counterfeit goods have bottles with light, often crooked caps, the surface of which may be excessively rough with bumps and burrs.

How to distinguish real perfume from a fake by aroma

Fragrance is the most important thing in perfume. Determining its authenticity is the most difficult task. Many people for themselves can only mark their own preferences, expressing them with the words “like” or “dislike”. However, it should be borne in mind that expensive luxury perfumes carry something more than the first impression.

So, what are the characteristics of the original spirits - we will write them in detail:

  • The structure of the fragrance must be complex. Quality perfumes are created in such a way that the fragrance has several phases. When sprayed, the initial smell appears, i.e. the first notes that are held for 15-20 minutes and gradually disappear. They are replaced by heart notes that determine the type of perfume smell. They keep for several hours. The aroma subsides with a base note, which is provided by the fixing substances included in the composition. It is noteworthy that the smell of high-quality perfume is transformed gradually, without breaking off, without changing the type of aroma dramatically. Even the final notes of luxury perfumes give a pleasant sensation, which cannot be said about fake ones. Their even most pleasant aroma, fluttering after spraying, ceases to please quickly enough, and only unpleasant odors of artificial components remain. The aroma is most often sharp, obsessive, monophonic.
  • The durability of natural perfumes is at least 6-9 hours when applied with just a couple of drops. This result is achieved by introducing a high content of aromatic oils into the composition, as well as high-quality and safe auxiliary components. Manufacturers of fakes use cheap low-quality substances for production. Counterfeit resistance can be limited to 1-2 hours.
  • Original perfumes have an unobtrusive color. Also, a multicomponent mixture of perfumes is characterized by transparency and the absence of sediment. For the manufacture of fakes, dyes of “chemical” shades are often used - bright blue, bright green, etc.

Manufacturer and cost of perfumery products

In addition to visual and information criteria, as well as the individual perception of the quality of the fragrance, you should also pay attention to some related parameters.

Additional criteria for distinguishing a fake from an original perfume are as follows:

  1. Price. High-quality branded perfumes cannot be cheap, because. the cost of this type of product is quite high. Therefore, a low price is the first sign of a fake. The proportionality of prices also plays an important role, i.e. perfumes of the same name with a volume of 30 ml cannot cost more than those with a volume of 50 ml. There must be a difference between the perfumes of different brands. The presence of goods at the same price indicates that, most likely, the product is not only not certified, but also fake.
  2. Range. The assortment should be diverse even within the goods of one manufacturer. So, on the shelves of a store that has all the necessary certificates and sells an original product, there should be bottles of different volumes, for example, 25, 30, 50, 100, etc. If perfumes are mainly represented only by the most popular volumes, say, 100 ml, then you should think about their authenticity.
  3. Shop. Original perfumes will never be sold on the market, in the transition, in small supermarkets and, moreover, at sales points. Look for quality perfumes in large specialized stores that have earned a good reputation. The most correct, but not every available option is to buy in the manufacturer's stores.
  4. Manufacturer. Information about the manufacturer, as already mentioned, must be present both on the package and on the bottle. The company logo should not be distorted, all its proportions should be clearly maintained. The best quality in French and Italian perfumes. If another country is indicated on the package, then there is a danger of acquiring low-quality perfume.

In addition to applying knowledge about the main differences between the original perfume and its cheap fake, you can use some additional tips.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Before you decide to buy expensive perfumes, be sure to check out the manufacturer's website with the features of the product you are interested in. This will help to understand what distinguishing features specific perfumes have.
  • Take an interest in the supplier company, although often the seller may refuse to provide such information. On the websites of some manufacturers of original perfumes there is information about distributors and those stores that have the right to sell their products.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to use the tester.
  • Ask the seller to show a demo copy, where you can see the inside of the package, try out the spray gun.
  • Try to avoid shopping in online stores, because. often in this case it is difficult to return the goods.
Do not buy perfume if there is any doubt about its authenticity. The use of such products may be fraught with health problems, because. some attackers replace ethyl alcohol with more dangerous methyl alcohol. Similarly, cheap excipients can cause allergies.

How to distinguish high-quality perfumes from fakes - look at the video:

The most correct answer to the question of how to distinguish real perfume from a fake is by aroma, its structure and durability. After all, the smell is the most important thing in the whole purchase, it is he who is able to emphasize the individuality of the image, make passers-by turn around and create a special aura.

When purchasing a perfume composition, many people ask the question - how to distinguish original perfume from fake? It is especially unpleasant when perfumes are bought as a gift, and after the first minutes of delight, the woman who received the treasured box is bitterly disappointed. However, the tips for determining authenticity are equally applicable to men's toilet water. Let's consider simple, "home" ways of differentiating perfumery products without resorting to its chemical analysis.

How to distinguish an original perfume from a fake without opening the package?

Sometimes it’s enough just to carefully, spell the name of the perfume. The fact is that some manufacturers, in order not to break the law, deliberately change the name of the product, making it look like a well-known brand, but avoiding obvious plagiarism. For example, it is easy for a Russian-speaking person to confuse the inscriptions "jadore" and "japador". This external similarity is used by unscrupulous dealers who know that they are selling an analogue, but pass it off as the original.

Having taken the goods in hand, you need to carefully examine the transparent protective film. If the perfume is made in a company production, then the seam on the film will be even, without wrinkles and other defects. In the case of handicraft production in the basement of guest workers, the condition of the seam and the entire film will clearly indicate the absence of modern equipment. Some companies produce products without cellophane. These include Hugo Boss. Other brands may produce packaging without film for only a part of the items. Therefore, before buying specific perfumes, you need to find information on the Internet about whether their box is covered with a protective layer.

If you shake the packaging with a perfume composition, you can sometimes hear how the bottle dangles freely. This indicates the absence of an internal cardboard lining, which means that it is a 100% fake.

In the 21st century, with the help of a special computer program you can check the barcode of any product. This simple procedure is recommended before buying perfume. So, if the box says "Made in France", and the program gives out information about China, then it is better to refuse such an acquisition.

How to distinguish original perfume from a fake if the package is opened

It happens that underground manufacturers pack their products so carefully that a person, being sure of their authenticity, opens the cellophane and cardboard. After that, unpleasant surprises can also await him. So, any reputable company puts down on the box and on the bottle serial number, whose digits must match. In case of falsification, the number on the glass either absent at all, or does not match the number on the cardboard.

The inscription on the bottle can also tell a lot. Even a brand name written without errors and replacement of letters does not guarantee the authenticity of the product. You need to pay attention to the quality of the inscription. If the letters are erased, it means that cheap paint and a makeshift printer were used to print them.

If you examine the glass of the bottle, then in case of a fake you can find in it air bubbles and other inclusions, indicating that it was not made at a glass factory, but in a small workshop. The fact is that reputable perfume manufacturers conclude long-term contracts with glass container manufacturers, and the quality of the bottles is impeccable.

This also applies to the quality of the cap and atomizer. The atomizer must hold firmly on the bottle, not scroll, and, of course, work properly.

Perfume color may vary. But still, when you see a liquid that is too bright, you need to carefully study all the other characteristics of your purchase, because expensive perfumes most often do not have an “acid” color.

There are many ways to distinguish an original perfume from a fake. Attentiveness and a few minutes of time will prevent a rash purchase for yourself or an unsuccessful gift for a loved one.

What to do if the perfume turned out to be a fake

If you find signs of falsification after opening the box, do not be alarmed. According to the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", any product can be returned within 2 weeks from the date of purchase. This applies even to high-quality products that for some reason did not suit you. If you ran into a clear fake, then the seller is all the more obliged to return the money, otherwise it will be possible to initiate a criminal case. But, it is better not to reach this point in order to save your time and nervous energy. Therefore, the question arises, where is it better to buy real perfume?

Where can I buy guaranteed real perfume?

The LosslessLife .ru team buys perfume from Natalia Suprun in the store

Even the famous Coco Chanel spoke about the significant role perfume plays for a person. She felt naked, leaving the house without a drop of her favorite perfume on her wrist. French fashion designer Pierre Cardin emphasized that perfume is clothes that are not removed. One way or another, but in the modern world, the demand for perfumes is increasing. People are used to attracting attention not only with stylish clothes, shoes or accessories, but also with the help of perfumes.

Today, the perfume industry offers a wide range of products: perfumes or toilet waters, perfumes and colognes. But, coming to a perfume store, the buyer is often disappointed, since the cost of the desired perfume, to put it mildly, is exorbitant. With a salary of 10 thousand rubles or as a student with a small scholarship, he simply cannot afford to buy Chanel or Dior perfumes, which will have to spend half or more of his income. But how do you want to please yourself with a delicious aroma, collect a sea of ​​​​compliments about the train of your perfume and interested questions “What kind of wonderful aroma is this?”. Moreover, the surrounding society dictates its own rules: perfume is an integral part of the image of a modern man or woman.

Reason #1

But what to do if the budget does not allow you to buy expensive perfume? This is where the main the reason why a person decides to buy a fake perfume. After all, not everyone can make such a gift for themselves when there are many other necessary things, but everyone wants to look and smell good. In this case, the person decides to purchase fake perfume consciously. And yet, there is hope that even non-original perfume will live up to expectations.

It is worth noting that the market for counterfeit perfumes is not inferior in scale to the original market. Why is that? The fact is that it is demand that creates supply. And, this trend is, first of all, the result of the great demand of low-income segments of the population for affordable perfumery products. In addition, perfumes of well-known mass-oriented brands are faked. A fake using the name of a prestigious brand is a strong incentive to buy. Counterfeits of selective perfumery are less common, although they also occur.

Reason #2

Another reason why a person buys a fake is his ignorance of the differences or the opinion that few people understand perfumery. Some people really do not feel the difference between the original and the fake, others use copies throughout their lives and are quite satisfied with them. Many people think that others will not notice the difference, because the main thing is that it smells good. There is some truth in this, because not everyone really understands perfumery, and not every nose is able to distinguish a good copy from the original.

For some, buying a fake perfume is a way to try something new. The search for "your" perfume can last a lifetime. And not everyone can afford to buy the original, then to understand that this fragrance does not suit him. Some perfumes get bored very quickly, but the money spent on them can no longer be returned. Then it makes sense to buy copies, because you can try new flavors without “hitting your wallet”. Fake perfumery gives you the opportunity to discover different perfumes without having a lot of income. Copies of perfumes allow you to experiment, try on a new image and change it without any special material costs. In addition, using a persistent perfume is difficult to change the fragrance during the day, but with a copy it is possible.

Accidentally or knowingly

Another thing is when a person buys a fake unconsciously. Today, a high price, unfortunately, is not a guarantee of quality. And even in large perfume shops you can buy a high-quality copy of perfumes made in the UAE, but at a "French price". Especially often such cases occur on the eve of holidays, for example, before March 8. In most cases, perfumes for Women's Day are purchased by men, who are usually less versed in fragrances than the fair sex. It is more difficult for them to distinguish a fake women's perfume from the original. Even if a pedantic buyer asks for a document confirming the authenticity of products, then there is a possibility that he will be provided with a certificate issued for one batch of perfumes, and the rest of the copies are not certified.

There is also a category of people who, realizing that they can spend a lot of money on a fake under the guise of the original, decide to buy copies of perfumes. They believe that it is better to purchase a fake consciously and at a price that matches the quality.

Where are fake perfumes made?

The basis of fake perfumery is made up of copies of perfumes. Outwardly, these products repeat the original, that is, the bottle and packaging design. But as for the quality of the content, it can be different. Today, copies of perfumes are produced in China, Poland, Egypt, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. Turkish and Arabic products have the best quality. The similarity of these copies with the original is 85-100%, and the sound duration is about 5 hours. In a high-quality copy of the perfume, the bouquet and main notes of the fragrance are preserved. Offering a copy, the manufacturer does not aim to create something new, he offers an affordable analogue of an expensive perfume. Thanks to this, a wide audience of the low-income population has the opportunity to use perfumes, especially since the choice among copies is quite extensive.


Of course, it cannot be said that copies of perfumes are preferable to the original. Naturally, the original is better, otherwise such a thing as a "fake" would not exist. If you have the means to purchase original perfumes, then you probably would not have read the article to the end. Others, after reading the article, will draw conclusions for themselves: to buy or not to buy fake perfumes. For some, this is the only way out related to the financial situation, because everyone lives to the best of their ability. So, the choice is yours!

We learn to distinguish an original fragrance from a fake on our own without any expertise.

Today, many are wondering how to choose good perfumes and not run into a fake. Among all cosmetic products, perfumes are probably the most counterfeited. This is not surprising. Fashionistas and beauties are ready to spend solid money on their favorite fragrances. Yes, and in all sorts of ratings of popular gifts, perfume has always occupied a leading position. Such demand attracts scammers. Let's figure out how to distinguish a real product from a fake.

What to look for when choosing

There is always a risk of coming across a fake, even if you buy perfume in a specialized store, and not in a trade tent in the underpass. Today, unscrupulous manufacturers have learned to copy the look of the original well, and at first glance you may not even suspect a fake. Meanwhile, a fake product can be hazardous to health, because, in fact, no one is responsible for its quality.

Handing over a purchase for examination is expensive and time consuming. However, there is a set of tricks that will help you independently distinguish copies of artisanal perfumers from the originals of established brands. You will have to study everything: from the packaging of the goods to the inscriptions on the bottles and the serial number. Let's talk in more detail about each point.


We start checking the product from the packaging. It is better to watch the one that you end up taking to the checkout.

What to look for:

  • cellophane. It should be thin enough, but at the same time tightly fit the box, do not wrinkle, do not bulge, there should be no folds or deformations. However, not all manufacturers put the perfume box in cellophane. For example, it is not found on some Davidoff, Shiseido and Hugo Boss perfumes;
  • seam on cellophane packaging. It must be heat sealed, not glued, and perfectly even. From below (sometimes from above) a stamp-sticker is placed on the seam;
  • cardboard from which the box is made. It should be pure white, without a gray tint, dense to the touch. The logo must be applied directly to it, not pasted;
  • frame. Inside the original perfume box, there is always a cardboard frame that holds the bottle inside. If you do not want to open the cellophane in the store, just shake the box: the bottle dangles - most likely, you have a fake in front of you.


Carefully study all the inscriptions on the box and bottle. Moreover, you need to compare thoroughly, to the letter. Often, underground perfumers, in order to avoid responsibility, change one or two characters in the name of the fragrance, so the packaging will look similar, but the “name” of the perfume will be different.

What else to pay attention to:

  • legibility of the inscriptions. All letters, numbers and symbols on the package, even those in small print, should be legible, the colors should not look smudged;
  • manufacturer information. Real perfumes will say Made in and the country of manufacture. For example, Made in France if your fragrance is made in France. If it is written simply France, most likely you have a copy in front of you.


Manufacturers order high-quality bottles from large factories, and some brands make perfume containers by hand. All this is unprofitable for manufacturers of copies. Therefore, the appearance of the bottle they will be very simple.

What we are considering:

  • glass. It should be smooth, without smudges, bubbles and color deformations;
  • bottle shape. If the original product has an unusual bottle shape, it will be more difficult to counterfeit. In this case, the copy will most likely be bottled in standard shaped bottles;
  • lid. On the original perfume, it will be made of high-quality plastic (it can be recognized by its appearance and touch), without bumps, well dyed.
  • spray. Must be neat, tightly fastened. Trade rules allow customers to test the spray in the store. It is better to do this, since even conscientious manufacturers have factory defects.

perfume color

As a rule, perfumes are made in neutral colors ranging from pale yellow with a pinkish tinge to deep yellow. Some brands make perfume with a pink, green or lilac tint. It is obtained with the help of dyes. A fake can be distinguished by color: they will have an unnatural "chemical" or too bright color.

Serial number

The serial number usually consists of several numbers or a combination of numbers and letters. It is indicated on the carton and at the bottom of the bottle. Pay attention to both serial numbers - they must match.

Quality certificate

The law allows buyers, in case of doubt, to demand a certificate of quality from the seller. Such papers are issued for perfumery products. The seller must give it to you. The certificate must be stamped. It is easy to recognize if you look at the document a little at an angle - it will stand out above the sheet.

How to determine authenticity by barcode and batch code

The barcode is the number of the product under which it is officially registered. It looks like a row of black and white stripes of different thicknesses, under which there is a row of numbers. And it's not just a random collection of numbers. If you decrypt it, you can get information about the product. And in particular, about the country of manufacture - these are the first digits of the barcode.

For example, on real French perfumes, the first numbers will be in the range from 30 to 37, Italian perfumes are labeled with numbers from 80 to 83, German perfumes from 400 to 440. On perfumes made in America or Canada, numbers from 00 to 09 will be indicated, on British fragrances - 50, Spanish - 84. Information about other countries can be easily found on the Internet.

Batch code- this is a combination of letters and numbers, in which the date of production is encrypted, as well as the batch number and expiration date of the goods. It is also listed on the packaging. So, for example, in Kenzo, the first digit of the code indicates the year of manufacture. There is no official database of batch codes for all brands. Manufacturers are required to provide this data to sellers, and they do not publish it in the public domain. However, on the Internet you can find dozens of services that allow you to check the batch codes of cosmetic and perfumery products. For example, , CosmeticsWizard , CosmeticCalculator , CheckFresh and others. Data for them is collected by enthusiasts, and information is obtained, as a rule, from retail chains. True, no one can confirm the reliability of these data to you.

Finally, some useful tips on how to choose real perfumes.

  1. Preliminary preparation. Before heading to the store, do not be too lazy to go to the website of the manufacturer of the perfume you want to buy. There will definitely be a photo of the bottle, information about the manufacturer and other details.
  2. Volume matters. If you are going to buy a major brand perfume, keep in mind that they almost never sample their products, i.e. small bottles. If you come across packages of 15 milliliters or less, most likely it is a fake.
  3. Full information. A conscientious manufacturer on the packaging will indicate full information about the product: the date of manufacture, the expiration date and the composition of the product. Perfumes that foreign manufacturers bring to Russia are subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, they must have a label in Russian, where, among other things, the regulatory GOST and a barcode will be indicated. Manufacturers of fakes neglect such information.
  4. Perfume is an unlicensed product. Major perfume brands do not issue licenses for the production of their products. If your favorite fragrance is made in France, then another country cannot be indicated by the manufacturer. And even more strange are inscriptions like Paris-London-New-York.
  5. Keep the packaging. If you use the same fragrance all the time and have ever bought it from duty free shops, do not throw away this packaging. It is known that fakes do not get into duty-free shops, so you will always have an example of the original packaging of goods at hand.

Some sellers and manufacturers may present their low-quality product or goods as a “replica”, “copy”, “confiscation”. All these terms have nothing to do with branded perfumes and should alert you at the time of purchase. You should pay attention to several important points.

Perfume Information

You need to prepare for a trip to a store or a perfume boutique in advance. If the brand and the name of the perfume have already been chosen, just go to the official website of the brand, read the description of the perfume there, take a closer look at the packaging, design and configuration of the bottle.

Many manufacturers supply their fragrances with holograms, embossing, ribbons, brand names and other security features. This can also be found on the website. Online reviews posted by other buyers who have fallen victim to low-quality perfumes will also help.


Each copy of the perfume (with the exception of samplers) is placed in a cardboard box wrapped in cellophane. The cellophane wrapper should be thin and transparent, fit snugly against the cardboard, not bulge, move out or fold. All seams must be fastened not with glue, but by thermal soldering.

A seam 5 mm wide and thicker, with uneven edges, traces of glue indicates a fake.

Cardboard packaging for branded perfumes is made from expensive snow-white thick cardboard on the wrong side. All drawings, text inscriptions, icons and logos are printed directly on cardboard. Labels on branded packaging are not allowed. The inner packaging of branded perfumes is equipped with a lodgment insert. It does not allow the bottle to hang out inside and protects it from damage.

Lettering, design and barcode

All information printed on the packaging must match the data indicated on the official website:

  • place of manufacture;
  • vial volume;
  • composition;
  • concentration of essential oils;
  • date of manufacture;
  • best before date.

Imported products must be marked with certification marks, regulatory GOST and have a label in the language of the country in which it is sold.

All letters and inscriptions must be printed with a high degree of clarity, without smeared letters, with the correct color reproduction.

By the barcode (by the first digits) you can identify the country in which the perfume was made:

  • France - 30-37;
  • Italy - 80-83;
  • Spain - 84;
  • Great Britain - 50;
  • Latvia - 475;
  • Germany - 400-440;
  • Bulgaria - 380;
  • USA - 00-09;
  • UAE - 629.

The carton contains a serial number of numbers and letters. In the original, it matches the same number on the bottle. Information about the country of origin is applied in full (“Made in France”, not just “France”).

The quality of the bottle and the inscription on it

What does the signature bottle look like?

  • regular shape with symmetrical sides;
  • no bubbles, scratches, damage;
  • with a stable bottom;
  • with clear inscriptions;
  • with well-lapped parts of the lid and atomizer, which does not allow the liquid to spill.

At the bottom of the bottle, in the form of an engraving or a sticker, the contact details of the trademark, volume, serial number, brand name are indicated.

The uneven surface of the vessel, poorly painted inscriptions, the flimsy design of the lid and spray gun are all signs of a fake.

The same rule applies to the lid - it must be solid, regular in shape, even, symmetrical and without burrs.

A visual comparison of the bottle design with the original version will also help. Usually a complex design is difficult to fake, so a fake is easy to distinguish.

Liquid color

If earlier the color of perfume was predominantly golden - from fawn to dark yellow, now perfumes are produced in a variety of shades. However, brands prefer not to use too bright acid colors in the composition. Therefore, gentle shades of pink, blue, turquoise, lilac are allowed.

But the very rich “chemical” color of the liquid should arouse suspicion.


It is not always possible to test women's perfumes before buying. But if there is such an opportunity, it is worth using it. Before assessing the smell, it is necessary to stop drinking coffee, alcohol and smoking on the day of testing, which can affect the susceptibility of receptors.

In one day, you should not test more than 3 flavors. It is better to apply them on the back of the hand and try to feel the entire three-layer structure of the perfume. The first breath is taken immediately - the smell at first can be sharp and give off alcohol - this is normal. After 10 minutes, the smell is inhaled again - it should change, become more complex and expressive. After 5-6 hours, the aroma is finally evaluated. A good perfume will not fade during this time, but will demonstrate plume notes - woody, musky or vanilla.


The sale of all types of goods in all countries is regulated by law. Any outlet must have a certificate for the right to sell perfumes. The seller is obliged to provide the document at the first request of the buyer.

What should be included in the certificate:

  • Product Name;
  • product group;
  • country of production and manufacturer;
  • vial volume;
  • confirmation of the quality and safety of the composition;
  • signatures and seals of control bodies.

The price of branded perfumes and elite class perfumes cannot be low. The cost of real flavors with a volume of 50 ml starts at an average of $ 50. The least likely to buy a fake is at duty-free points and in chain cosmetic stores.

How to distinguish an original perfume from a fake: distinctive features of brands

For all perfume brands, the general recommendations listed above will be relevant. But you should pay attention to some distinctive features that are characteristic of each brand of perfume.


Perfume "Chanel" is the champion in the number of fakes in the world. When buying, you should pay attention to such points:

  • The price on the official website and at the point of sale should not differ much.
  • The liquid in the bottle of the original is homogeneous, without layering and impurities, a noble muted shade.
  • The glass has a smooth texture, the wall thickness is small, the cap is frosted with a tight thread.
  • The cap should close with a tight click and fit snugly against the dispenser.
  • All inscriptions on the vessel and packaging must be clear and not lubricated, only in French.
  • Chanel branded perfumes have a barcode and a batch code. The batch code is applied to the bottom of the box and has a convex texture.
  • Perfume must be produced and bottled exclusively in France.


  • The Lacoste company produces perfumes with a volume of at least 30 ml. Anything less than this volume is fake.
  • The lid of the bottle does not dangle, it closes with a characteristic click.
  • The spray tube is even, does not bend, but slightly touches the bottom.
  • The crocodile logo on all Lacoste perfumes points to the right. The logo is detailed, with a clear drawing of the teeth and eyes. On the bottle, the crocodile has a white border and a red mouth.
  • On large bottles, the logo is made of textile, and on small bottles it is drawn.

Escentric Molecules

  • The packaging cardboard on the inside must be the same color as on the outside.
  • The bottle is absolutely transparent, all the inscriptions are laser printed, clear and even, not scraped off with a sharp object.
  • The dispenser tube is transparent, barely noticeable, rests clearly on one of the corners.
  • The original Molecule perfume is available in 30 and 100 ml volumes, as well as in the form of 5 ml testers.
  • The cost of "molecular" flavors cannot be less than $60 per 100 ml.
  • In fakes, the height of the bottle is 3-5 mm larger, the bottom is very thick and convex.


Signs of the original Dior perfume:

  • The cardboard packaging has a matte finish, the lines printed on it are stamped at an angle of 30 degrees.
  • The inscriptions on the label are made in white, but not gold.
  • The CD sticker is visible on the side of the mica, not in the center.
  • The security code is located at the bottom of the package at the bottom of the package.

Dolce & Gabbana

You can distinguish the real aroma of "Dolce Gabbana" by several signs:

  • The presence of a special insert in the box, which firmly holds the bottle. If the vessel dangles inside, we have a fake.
  • The perfume lid should not be easily removed, it is made of perfectly transparent glass, not metal.
  • The durability of all original Gucci fragrances is at least 8 hours.
  • Montale

    Products of the Montal trademark have a specific design, a special metal bottle and are rarely faked. But you need to know about the signs of the original:

    • The inscriptions are embossed on the cardboard packaging - the letters are three-dimensional, slightly embossed to the touch.
    • A barcode is required. On sale, the so-called Montale decorated perfumes are sometimes found - this is a fake on which a barcode is not applied.
    • The neck of the bottle should be carefully painted, with a black nozzle.
    • The spray head should be held by a clothespin with a logo printed on it.
    • At the bottom of the vessel there should be no adhesions and irregularities, the bottom is slightly recessed inward.
    • All bottles of "Montal" are placed in a special bag with a trademark logo. It should be sewn with high quality, the threads should not stick out, and the seams should not move out.
    • All inscriptions on the back of the branded packaging are exclusively in English.

    It is quite possible to distinguish a fake perfume from the original, only with a competent approach to buying. Buying expensive perfumes impulsively is not worth it, and you can’t rely solely on the seller’s advice either. It is best to prepare for a trip to the store in advance, get acquainted with the experience of other buyers and study the official website of the manufacturer.