Wide swaddling for dysplasia. Wide swaddling for hip dysplasia video

It is important to decide what the baby needs a wide swaddle for. At an early age, it is used for prophylactic purposes, as well as for the treatment of hip dysplasia. For healthy babies, this type of swaddling serves as an adaptation in the new world.

Wide Swaddling Newborn

Wide swaddling and loose swaddling are not the same. These techniques are often not differentiated. What are the features of wide swaddling?

  • Using the technique of wide swaddling, the body is not wrapped completely, but exclusively below the waist.
  • The legs must be fixed in a position that is comfortable for the baby - bend, then spread a little to the sides. This position is observed in children when they are naked.
  • The use of improvised means (roller, pad), fixing the legs.

With free swaddling, these products are not used.

Wide swaddling newborn video:

Wide swaddling of children is reduced to wrapping the baby's legs in a natural position. This type of swaddling has been practiced since the birth of a child.

The advantages of the wide swaddling technique cover aspects:

  • Ease of use. With this diagnosis, only a specialized health worker has the right to carry out massage treatment (not fortifying) and all kinds of techniques.
  • In early infancy, a wide swaddle is used or a sling is used. In late infancy, rigid structures (Pavlik's stirrups or Freik's pillow).
  • The likelihood of not resorting to the operational method. It is used in the absence of a positive effect. The consequences of surgery and rehabilitation can be dangerous.

In case of problems in orthopedics, changes in tone and for physioprophylaxis, it is recommended to use wide swaddling.

How to do wide swaddling?

Consider 3 wide swaddling techniques: with one, two, three diapers, as well as diaper swaddling. Each method can be used for the prevention, treatment of diaper rash, dysplasia and other ailments.

Execution technique with one diaper

This method is for calm children, or it can be used while sleeping.

We will prepare a diaper for a wide swaddling:

  • Spread a rectangular diaper on a hard surface and fold it in 2 times.
  • One pocket of the diaper must be opened, we get a triangle.
  • We prepare the middle part for the fold and fold it into a rectangle.

The incomprehensible-sounding diagnosis of "hip dysplasia", unfortunately, is not by hearsay familiar to many young parents. Of every thousand newborn babies, 25 have similar deviations. There are many reasons for this: heredity, acquired genetic abnormalities, weakness of the capsule of the hip joints, improper tone of the muscles of the thigh ... In each case, rather, there is a whole complex of factors that determine the presence of this problem.

The strange word "dysplasia"

"Dysplasia" translated from Latin means "malformation". That is, hip dysplasia in humans is any deviation in their development. In this joint, the spherical head of the femur connects to the acetabulum. The shape of this depression resembles a hemisphere. In adults, it covers two thirds of the surface of the femoral head.

By the time the baby is born, the formation of the bones of the pelvis and hip is not complete. The bones that form the acetabulum are not yet completely ossified; cartilaginous sutures remain between them. The acetabulum in a newly born baby is flat, it covers only a third of the head of the femur. This head itself is still completely cartilaginous. The acetabular angles in a newborn are 60 degrees. The norm for this angle in adults is 40 degrees. If, after the birth of a child, problems arise with the further formation of the hip joints, doctors begin to talk about dysplasia.

There are three main types of hip dysplasia:

  • change in the shape of the acetabulum;
  • change in the shape of the femoral head;
  • incorrect position of the femoral head in relation to the acetabulum - the so-called rotational (rotary) dysplasia.

In all cases, pathological changes in the joint are formed gradually, as the child grows.

The first signs of the disease

Dysplasia of the hip joint is dangerous precisely because the first symptoms of the disease are almost invisible. When the signs of illness become apparent, time is often lost. The consequences of this are poor joint mobility in an adult, shortening of the leg, lameness. Therefore, it is helpful to know what the early symptoms of dysplasia are and how to detect them.

There are simple methods that allow you to identify the first signs of the disease.

  1. Lay the baby on the back, fully straighten his legs. Count the number of skin folds from groin to knee. The norm is three folds on each leg. See if the skin folds on both legs are symmetrical. If there are more than three folds on one leg or they are deeper, this may be symptoms of dysplasia.
  2. Inspect the baby's legs in the same way, laying him on his tummy.
  3. Turn the crumb over on the back again. Bend your knees. Let your feet rest on the table surface. Now check if the kneecaps are at the same level. Yes? This is the norm. Dysplasia of the hip joints causes one leg to shorten, resulting in a lower knee in a child.
  4. Leaving the crumb to lie on its back, bend its knees and gently spread them apart. The norm is when the hips can be brought to the surface on which the child lies. Do you feel resistance from one side? So signs of dysplasia may appear.
  5. Now, in the same way, spread the legs of the child and place your fingers on the area of ​​the hip joints. The femoral head in this position is adjusted into the joint. If there is a “click” sensation, the baby may have hip dysplasia.

Remember to examine your baby in a warm room. All movements during examination must be done carefully.

Do not waste time

The earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment of hip dysplasia is started, the better the chances of success. When you go to the doctor before the age of three months, in 97% of cases, it is possible to completely cure the child. The baby will have to be actively treated for only 2-3 months.

The crumbs in whom the disease is detected at the age of 3 months to six months have about 80% of 100 percent for a full recovery. At this age, hip dysplasia is treated for about 10 months. If the disease is detected in a child older than 6 months, then it will have to be treated for 20 years! And only a third of young patients have a chance of good results.

The most important period for the hip joint to form correctly is the first week of a baby's life. A mild degree of dysplasia is not noticeable to the eye, not only for parents, but sometimes for doctors. But if you resort to preventive measures in time, then the head of the femur can be fixed in the correct position. Remember two simple methods that will help keep your newborn baby healthy.

Wide swaddling. Fold the diaper to form a 20 centimeter wide rectangle and place it between the baby's legs. The knees of the crumbs turned out to be separated to the sides by about 80 degrees. This is the norm for babies. Fold the second diaper in a triangle and place the baby on it so that the bottom is in the center of the diaper. Fold the side corners forward, and lift the lower one up, in the same way as when using gauze diapers. Now secure the resulting "construction" with special clips or just a third diaper, loosely wrapping it around the baby's tummy. The result is a kind of "panties" in which the baby lies with his legs outstretched. This swaddling contributes to the correct development of the hip joints and muscles of the pelvic girdle.

Gymnastics. To remember, combine gymnastics with changing your diaper or diaper. Each time, do 10-15 movements of the baby's legs.

Take the crumbs' feet in your hands and pat each other, as if you are playing "okay". Bend the baby's legs at the knees and twist them in the hip joints left and right. This basic preventive treatment can produce tremendous results.

What medicine offers

In order for dysplasia of the hip joints to be detected as early as possible, all babies are referred to an orthopedic doctor during the first month of life. If dysplasia is suspected, the child will be referred for an ultrasound scan of the hip joints. Ultrasound examination allows you to see the soft tissues of the joint: cartilage, capsule, ligaments, cartilaginous head of the femur. It is possible to trace the formation of ossification nuclei in it.

Children older than three months are prescribed x-rays of the hip joints. Bony structures are visible on the x-ray. If the question of surgical treatment is being decided, such high-precision research methods as CT, MRI or arthroscopy - the introduction of an optical device directly into the joint cavity, will come to the rescue.

Fortunately, in the first year of life, conservative treatment helps in most cases. At the age of 6 months, it is usually prescribed to wear special devices that hold the baby's legs in the breeding position. Preference is given to those orthopedic structures in which the child can move his legs, this allows the joint to form correctly. Due to the movements, the muscles of the legs are strengthened, the blood supply to the bones and the joint is improved.

The most popular orthopedic devices for babies under 6 months old are Pavlik's stirrups and Freik's pillow. Freyk's pillow is a soft splint that fixes the baby's legs in the extended state. The degree of spreading of the legs can be adjusted.

Pavlik's stirrups are made of soft straps. She not only spreads her legs, but also bends them at the knees. You can take care of your baby's crotch without removing the stirrups. This sets them apart from all other designs. Children over 6 months old have to wear a functional plaster cast. The child will have to undergo treatment and be in a cast for 4-6 months, and then wear a special Vilensky splint for another 3-6 months.

If the child has worn a plaster cast for 2 months, but the dislocation has not been repositioned, then the question of surgical treatment arises. The operation can be aimed at reducing the dislocation, correcting the shape of the acetabulum or the femoral head. Before and after the operation, there are long courses of massage, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy.

Who will help the baby

What can you do to prevent serious consequences that can lead to hip dysplasia? Here are some simple rules:

  1. Use wide swaddling from the first days.
  2. Passively move your child's legs as often as possible. Especially rotational - in other words, twist the baby's legs in the hip joints.
  3. In the first year of the baby's life, prophylactically conduct courses of general massage. Once every 6 months is enough.
  4. Do not put your baby on its feet ahead of time. When the legs get stronger, the baby will stand up by itself. Until then - bear with me!
  5. For some peoples, the norm is carrying a child on an adult's hip. With the advent of slings, this fashion has come down to us. But for the hip joints of the crumbs, this position is disadvantageous. It is better to place the child facing you, let the legs cover your waist.

Treatment of dysplasia of the hip joints in a child is not an easy test for the adults around the baby. A baby cries because of a tire or stirrups, is capricious, loses sleep ... Months in a cast, the need to constantly go with the child to doctors, to do massage, to exercise ... Not everyone can do that.

Let adults be encouraged by the thought that their efforts will be more than worthwhile when all symptoms indicate that hip dysplasia is a thing of the past. The disease can be defeated! The main thing is to recognize it in time.

Dysplasia of the hip joints in children: symptoms and treatment

Dysplasia of the hip joints is a disease in which the underdevelopment of the joint itself or its ligaments is found. Without treatment, the disease progresses rapidly, causing curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis, disruption of the development of the pelvic bones and subluxation of the opposite joint.

The hip joint performs a very important function in the human body. With the help of it, the head of the femur moves in different planes. The joint connects the largest bones in the human body and a huge load falls on it.

That is why the joint is supported by a capsule and four ligaments. In addition, in the joint itself there is another ligament that connects the femur and the acetabulum. In this bundle are the vessels and nerves. If this ligament is pinched, necrosis of the femoral head can occur.

The hip joint begins to form already at the 6th week of pregnancy. At 2 months, on ultrasound, you can notice his mobility. Although the hip joint changes throughout life, the most important foundation is intrauterine development and the first year of a child's life.

At the birth of a baby, you can immediately notice the difference between the joint and adults. The margins of the pelvic bones, which form the acetabulum, have a cartilaginous structure. Part of the femoral neck and the entire head also have a cartilaginous structure. The acetabulum in a newborn child covers the head of the bone only by 1, and in adults by 2. In addition, the slope of the acetabulum is 60 degrees, and in adults only 40 degrees.

Already in the first year of life, all these indicators begin to return to normal. The angle of inclination of the acetabulum decreases, ossification of the femoral head occurs.

What happens with dysplasia?

With dysplasia of the hip joints in children, all elements are disturbed. The acetabulum becomes flat, ossification of the femoral head does not occur, over time the bone shortens and begins to grow in the wrong direction. There is also a stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, dystrophy of the head of the bone itself and the muscles surrounding it.

There are several types of dysplasias:

  • Preluxation is characterized by a distended capsule of the hip joint and a dislocation that can be easily adjusted. This view can progress to dislocation or subluxation.
  • Subluxation is characterized by displacement of the femoral head upward, sometimes to the side, but it does not protrude into the acetabulum.
  • A dislocation is characterized by a stretched acetabulum, the head of the bone is outside the cavity, the bony part of the acetabulum is flat, and the cartilaginous plate will move into the joint.


There are many reasons for the formation of hip dysplasia. These include:

Provoking factors:

  1. uterine tone;
  2. lack of water;
  3. breech presentation of the fetus;
  4. toxicosis;
  5. large fruit;
  6. female;
  7. lack of vitamins B and E, phosphorus, iron, iodine and calcium. More often vitamin deficiencies occur in winter, therefore, dysplasias are more common in winter.

Symptoms of the disease

Doctors check 5 symptoms in infants to diagnose hip dysplasia.

Asymmetry of skin folds. In the position of the child lying on his back, you need to straighten and bring the legs as much as possible. At this time, 3 folds should appear on the inner side of the thigh. If there are more folds, a dislocation should be suspected. When the child is on his stomach, the buttock on the side of the dislocation will be higher than the opposite one.

Limited hip abduction. To check the symptom, you need to put the child on his back and spread the legs bent at the knee and hip joints. Normally, the legs are bred to a horizontal plane (80-90 degrees).

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Click symptom. To check the symptom, you need to put the child on his back and bend his legs at the knee and hip joints. The doctor grabs the baby's legs so that the thumb is on the inner side of the thigh, and the rest on the outer surface. The index and middle finger should be on the large skewer. After that, you need to carefully take your legs to the sides and slightly stretch them along the axis of the thigh and press on the large trochanter. At this time, in case of illness, you will hear a click. A click means the head of the bone is being pushed into the acetabulum. You will hear the same sound when converging the legs back. This symptom is considered the most reliable. But in some children, it disappears already on the 7th day, and in others only at 3 months of age.

With unilateral dislocation, a shortening of the limb is noted. To check the symptom, you need to put the child on a table, bend and straighten his legs at the knee and hip joints, and compare the line of the knees. With dysplasia, one knee will be higher than the other. It is better to check this symptom in children over a year old, because in newborns it can be positive only with a high dislocation with a displacement of the femoral head.

External rotation of the thigh. This symptom has the least diagnostic value. It is rarely checked by doctors. Most often, the rotation is noticed by mothers while the child is sleeping. Rotation sometimes occurs in healthy people as well.

If the child is older than a year, dysplasia can be suspected by other symptoms:

  • the child starts to walk late and does it reluctantly;
  • the baby may limp on a sore leg;
  • symptoms that were positive for up to a year intensify;
  • the lumbar bend is strongly pronounced.

How the doctor makes this diagnosis

Dysplasia of the hip joints can be suspected already in the hospital. If this happens, then within 3 weeks you need to see an orthopedist. He will prescribe additional research methods and, upon confirmation of the diagnosis, will prescribe treatment.

Doctors pay special attention to children at risk. They must be examined every 3 months. The examination should be done after feeding, in a warm and quiet room. In the presence of positive symptoms, other research methods are prescribed. A doctor is not allowed to diagnose only certain symptoms. He must prescribe a complete examination of the baby and, on the basis of all studies, diagnose and prescribe treatment.

If you suspect hip dysplasia in children, an ultrasound scan is mandatory. This method is completely safe and painless. During an ultrasound scan, the doctor looks at the state of the femoral head, how much it is covered by the joint, and measures the angle of inclination of the acetabulum.

To decipher the research data, there are special tables on the basis of which you can put the degree of dislocation. Ultrasound is the main reliable study that can be used to make a diagnosis, especially for children under 6 months of age. Up to 6 months, almost the entire joint of a child consists of cartilage tissue, and it is not displayed on an x-ray.

X-rays are more commonly used in children over 7 months of age. Although at this age the femoral bone and the acetabulum have a lot of cartilaginous tissue. Therefore, for the study, a special marking is used, which makes it possible to determine the angle of inclination of the acetabulum and the distance by which the head of the femur is displaced.


Conservative treatment

Therapy for hip dysplasia is a very lengthy process. Parents should remember that all prescriptions and recommendations of doctors should be followed, otherwise the disease can lead to the disability of the child.

Previously, children with this disease were prescribed orthopedic structures that limited the movement of the legs in the joint, but then scientists proved the opposite.

It turned out that free swaddling of the child provokes self-alignment of the joint. Therefore, if a baby is diagnosed with such a diagnosis, it is impossible to swaddle him tightly - this can only aggravate the course of the disease. In addition to wide swaddling, Pavlik's stirrups and Freik's pillow are used.

All treatment is carried out under the control of ultrasound and X-ray examination.

If the disease was suspected in the hospital, then you should not wait for an orthopedic consultation and other research methods. It is necessary to start treatment immediately, i.e. abandon tight swaddling and use only wide ones.

After the diagnosis of joint dysplasia is made, various physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. For example, massage, exercise therapy, warm baths, paraffin applications. Only a specially trained medical professional should perform the massage. Unknowing people can only aggravate the disease.

The massage is carried out in a warm and bright room. It is important that it is quiet and calm there, for this you can turn on classical music. The baby must be fed. Creams and massage oils are not used for massage - they can provoke allergies. It's best to bring some baby powder or baby oil with you. The masseur's hands should be washed and nails cut short. Various rings, bracelets, watches that can damage the baby's skin must be removed.

The massage starts from the thigh, gradually going up to the genitals. At first, only light strokes are performed. After that, you can perform spiral movements. During the entire procedure, you need to monitor the baby's reaction, if he cries, then it is necessary to suspend the actions, it may have hurt him. After massaging the thighs, the masseur moves to the feet. During the massage, it is necessary to simultaneously move the legs to the sides and bring them back. This will improve the healing effect.

Exercise therapy and other physical procedures can also be carried out from birth, but only under the supervision of medical personnel.

Operative treatment

The operation is prescribed when dysplasia of the joints causes a gross change in the structure of the joint or conservative treatment does not work. The most common reasons for this are late initiation or inappropriate treatment.

The complexity of the operation depends on the severity of the disease - it can be a simple muscle incision or joint plastic surgery.

Before and after the operation, the child is prescribed massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy procedures and medications that will improve the nutrition of the joint.


With a timely visit to a doctor and timely prescribed treatment, the disease can be treated and it will not bother the child.

If the treatment was prescribed too late or the parents did not follow all the doctor's recommendations, the child will develop complications. Already in childhood, he will have a curvature of the spine, and by the age of 30 he will have problems with the pelvic organs. Eventually, hip dysplasia will develop into a serious disease - coxarthrosis or arthrosis of the hip joint.

Most often, the first signs of the disease appear during pregnancy or during a period of limited mobility. The disease begins acutely and develops rapidly. Severe pain and limited mobility in the joint appear.

After a while, a vicious setting of the hip appears - the leg is bent, brought and turned outward. In case of severe pain and faulty positioning of the hip, an operation is performed - endoprosthetics.


One of the most important prevention of this disease is the correct management of pregnancy. After all, it is in the womb that the right foundation is laid for the development of joints.

It is best to plan your pregnancy, exclude the presence of gynecological diseases, drink a course of multivitamins and then become pregnant. Unfortunately, in our time, not everyone succeeds.

If pregnancy is discovered, you need to immediately start a correct lifestyle. Give up smoking and alcohol, eat right, take all tests and take medications that the obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe. In no case should you take medications on your own. Many medicines can seriously harm your baby's body.

After the birth of a child, he is immediately examined by a doctor for dysplasia. This is also one of the methods of prevention. Indeed, with timely treatment started, the disease can be completely cured.

Children who have a predisposition to the disease should undergo preventive examinations. Before a year - once every 3 months, after a year, once every six months. After 3 years - once a year. Pregnant girls with a predisposition with dysplasia should strictly follow all the recommendations of the orthopedist.

Also, people with a hereditary predisposition are prohibited from heavy loads on the joint. Weightlifting or lifting weights. Swimming and skiing will be helpful - they strengthen and stabilize the muscles.

Dysplasia of the hip joint is a fairly common disease of newborns. It must be remembered that the treatment started on time will help to get rid of it completely. It is also important to follow all the recommendations of the doctors. Parents, remember, the health of your children is in your hands.

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Dysplasia of the hip joint is a congenital disease manifested by abnormal development of the femoral head and acetabulum. The physiology of deviations in the formation of a child can be hereditary or occur with an incorrect presentation of the fetus in the womb (gluteal). Another reason is hormonal disruption during pregnancy. The earlier treatment is started, the faster the musculoskeletal system will recover and the baby's full development will continue.

Pathology treatment

Dysplasia of the hip joints is manifested in infants. It is possible to recognize the pathology with an independent examination of the child, or it will be revealed by the pediatrician at the first appointment.

It is important to detect the problem in time and take the necessary measures as soon as possible. It is advisable to do this before the child begins to make the first attempts to walk. Correcting the situation while he is still lying and there is no stress on the joints is much easier for the doctor and not so painful for the baby.

A qualified pediatric orthopedic surgeon can prescribe treatment for DTBS and only after a complete examination. Ultrasound diagnostics are performed in infants up to three months of age. Older children are prescribed fluoroscopy.

Depending on the severity of the violations, drug treatment or a set of measures is selected, which includes:

  • Massage for hip dysplasia.
  • Splint or wide swaddling.
  • Physiotherapy.

Any manipulation during treatment should be performed by an experienced orthopedist. The infancy of a child requires special knowledge and increased care. It is not worth doing massage on your own for dysplasia, since every wrong movement can aggravate the situation and cause suffering to the baby.


When eliminating pathology in infancy, splint is an extreme measure. A rigidly fixed corset slows down the child's development process and causes discomfort due to lack of movement. Massage for dysplasia of the hip joints in newborns is considered the most effective, safe and necessary treatment.

Treatment principle

You need to perform the procedure once a day in a ten-day course. A good result can be obtained by repeating it three times at intervals of 1.5 months. The child should be cheerful, calm and have no contraindications for massage.

The action of such treatment allows:

  1. Stabilize the joint.
  2. Strengthen the muscles surrounding him.
  3. Correct the dislocation.
  4. Restore full joint movement.
  5. Ensure the further correct development of the child.

The number of sessions and courses can be increased if the therapeutic massage is alternated with the fortifying one. An integrated approach is possible together with gymnastics, which will allow achieving a faster and more sustainable result.

Actions of the masseur

The surface on which the procedures are performed must be flat and firm. It is necessary to spread a dry, clean diaper. You can use the changing table. The room is pre-ventilated. To predispose the child to communicate with a stranger to him, you can turn on light soothing music.

The masseur should be in a good mood, calm, with soft and warm hands, so as not to damage the delicate skin of the baby.

Basic movements:

  • The child lies on his back. Relaxing movements are performed in the abdomen, legs and feet.
  • Grasping the entire hip joint with your hand, stroking it with your entire palm without displacing the skin.
  • The index and thumb rotate in a spiral around the joint without affecting the inner thigh. Now the masseur's hand slightly displaces the skin and, with a little pressure, penetrates deep into it. Duration no more than five minutes.
  • Next, rubbing along the entire joint with the pads of the fingers is done with a slight displacement. Lasts about ten minutes.
  • The above actions can be performed alternately, changing the position of the child from the back to the stomach. In this case, manipulations are performed first with the capture of the front and side of the thigh, then the side and back.
  • Having laid the child on his stomach, special attention should be paid to the lumbar region. Grasping the thighs with palms turned to the sides, the index fingers are placed just above the sacrum. Rotating movements gently knead the top of the gluteal muscles.
  • Continue to lightly rub the area.
  • The gluteal muscles themselves are kneaded with slightly more pressure with the bent phalanges of the fingers. Movements are made from the center to the edges.
  • In addition, rubbing and circular kneading along the spine with light pressure with your thumbs will be useful. This will improve blood flow.
  • Taking the foot with both hands with the back side of you, with the help of both thumbs, cover its entire surface in a circular motion.
  • Finish with relaxing strokes.


Special exercises for hip dysplasia are alternated or combined with massage. You can perform gymnastics up to three times a day, including after the above procedures. If the baby reacts violently to the doctor's actions due to joint pain, then it is better to conduct classes in a playful way or wait until the baby calms down.

Lying on your back exercises:

  • Grasp the ankle joints with both hands and bend the knees, slightly pressing them to the stomach. Make movements like riding a bicycle.
  • Continuing to hold the lower joints, flex and extend the legs together, then alternately. Release your legs to a free position.
  • Holding the hip joint with one hand, grab the bent knee with the other. Slightly applying pressure, make rotational movements with an incline inward. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Grasp bent knees and spread your legs to the sides with light movements.

Performing gymnastic exercises, you should not make sudden movements and strong pressure.

During the procedure, you should focus on the well-being and mood of the baby. At the slightest change for the worse, it is better to stop exercising in order to avoid his further negative attitude towards treatment.


  1. Colds or infectious diseases.
  2. High body temperature.
  3. Colic.
  4. Hernia.
  5. Heart disease.

In some cases, if the infant has successfully defeated hip dysplasia, massage and gymnastics as a preventive measure can be continued independently. A consultation with a doctor and a few lessons of regular massage will help parents to consolidate the results obtained.

Dysplasia of the hip joints is a malformation of all or part of the elements of the hip joint: the acetabulum, the head of the femur with the surrounding muscles, ligaments, capsule, consisting in the underdevelopment of their tissues. This congenital pathology of the musculoskeletal system is detected in newborns and infants (according to various sources, it is present in 5-40 cases out of 1000). In girls, it occurs 5 times more often than in boys, and 10 times more often observed in children born in a breech presentation. Unilateral underdevelopment of the hip joint is noted 7 times more often than bilateral. According to the severity, they distinguish between pre-dislocation, subluxation, dislocation of the hip (the most severe degree of dysplasia).

What is hip dysplasia?

So what is the normal hip joint? Its main elements are a spherical femoral head and a semicircular acetabulum covering the head from all sides. They are united by an elastic, strong joint capsule, which, when moving in the joint, does not allow the head of the femur to go beyond the cavity. The joint capsule is helped in this by the powerful ligament of the femoral head, which connects the centers of the main elements of the joint.

In an underdeveloped joint, the process of ossification of the femoral head can be slowed down. The capsule of the joint, especially in the posterior and upper part of it, may still be too thin, and the acetabulum may not reach the desired size. Sometimes the shape of the acetabulum is flat, figuratively resembling a saucer rather than a cup. Often, the ligaments of the hip joint, including the ligaments of the femoral head, are overly relaxed. When moving, the head of the femur begins to move towards the underdeveloped area of ​​the depression and, not encountering sufficient resistance, eventually jumps out of it. This forces the adjacent muscles to stretch, increases the mutual pressure of the cartilaginous articular surfaces against each other, which worsens the circulation of blood and lymph, slows down metabolic processes, and therefore the growth of the joint.

Over time, the destruction of cartilage occurs, inflammation of the hip joint (or both joints) appears - dysplastic coxarthrosis. Movement in this disease is limited, they are accompanied by pain, lameness appears, fatigue when walking, gait changes, etc.

Why does this pathology arise? The formation of dysplasia of the hip joints occurs in the last months of intrauterine life under the influence of adverse factors. From external factors, one should point out the tight position of the fetus in the uterus, which happens with low water, a large fetus (more often in primiparous) and with breech presentation. Hereditary predisposition is also of some importance: the presence in the family of patients with congenital dislocation of the hip, coxarthrosis. When examining families in which children with congenital dislocation of the hip are born, orthopedic pathology is revealed in the parents and siblings of the baby: excessive mobility in the joints of the upper and lower extremities, curvature of the spine, frequent sprains of the ankle ligaments, flattening of the arches of the feet. All this speaks of the inheritance of the weakness of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus.

It is possible to fix the baby's legs not only with the help of swaddling. You can make simple devices yourself that will help you save time and effort in dressing your child every day. They will be based on fixing the diaper between the legs, not on the hips, (as when applying it), but on the shoulders. Such fixation will not allow the diaper to slide down, and the baby, accordingly, will not allow the legs to be brought together and change the angle of their breeding.

Both of these devices are worn on a romper or jumpsuit.


Diagnosis of hip dysplasia helps the examination of a newborn by a doctor while still in the hospital. The doctor determines how well the baby's legs are bred in the supine position on a flat surface while bending them at the knee and hip joints. Normally, the legs are bred 180 °, i.e. actually lie on the surface.

At the slightest suspicion of a congenital pathology of the joints, the child is referred to an orthopedist, where a more accurate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is carried out. Currently, ultrasound of the hip joints is the most reliable and safe method for diagnosing pathology of the hip joint in newborns and children under 1 year of age and allows one to assess the structure of not only the bone structures of the hip joint, but also the cartilaginous and soft tissue components of the joint. Ultrasound has a minimum radiation exposure and, unlike the X-ray method, it can be used for newborns and infants twice a month.

Routine orthopedic examinations of infants should be carried out at the age of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months. and 1 year, with the obligatory ultrasound of the hip joints for all healthy children once, and for dysplasia - ultrasound and X-ray control in the dynamics of treatment.

Mom herself may suspect that her baby has a pathology of the hip joints:

  • limiting the abduction of the hip on the side of the lesion, which grows over time;
  • by the asymmetry of the gluteal folds (in the prone position, the gluteofemoral and popliteal folds with dislocation and subluxation are located higher than on a healthy leg, sometimes an additional fold appears on the thigh);
  • on the shortening of the lower limb on the side of the lesion (although it is uncharacteristic for the first 2 months of a child's life and may be absent in case of two-sided dislocation) and external rotation (rotation) of the lower limb, especially during sleep.

In addition, when the legs are bent in the knee and hip joints, an extraneous sound (click) can be heard, which should not normally be heard. All this should force the mother to show the baby to the orthopedist.

But there are cases of asymptomatic ("silent") course of dysplasia, when even an experienced doctor cannot suspect the disease, based solely on external manifestations. It should also be noted that the symptoms of dysplasia are often vague, since at the initial stages the child hardly reacts to the presence of a dislocation.

What is a wide swaddle for?

Regardless of whether there is a suspicion of this pathology or you have already examined the child for the presence of a disease (and if it was confirmed, then even more so), it is necessary to get acquainted with wide swaddling, in which the child maintains a natural posture for him with slightly bent and abducted hips. The newborn usually assumes this position on its own when it is deployed. Wide swaddling contributes to the normal formation of the hip joint and prevents the development of subluxation or dislocation of the hip. It is used as a treatment procedure for early detection of mild dysplasia from the first days and sometimes up to 5-6 months of age. Its main therapeutic task is to establish the correct ratio of the femoral head and acetabulum as early as possible in order to prevent irreparable changes in the joint. For wide swaddling, special panties have been invented, but it is quite possible to do with ordinary diapers. On the changing table, spread a light diaper in length, put another large diaper on top, folding it diagonally in the form of a triangle (sharp corners are directed to the sides, and straight - downward). Put the baby in a disposable diaper on the diaper, bend his legs at the knee and hip joints and take them to 80-90 ° (it is possible that the child will take a similar position himself). With the lateral ends of the diaper, alternately wrap one and then the other thigh (side, front, inside, back), and throw the bottom corner of it up to the level of the navel. Place another duffel diaper between the legs, folded several times along its length, 20 cm wide. Next, wrap one edge of the light diaper around the abdomen, then the other so that the laid wide diaper is well fixed. The lower, free edge is straightened, freely folded up, up to the armpits, and fixed, fixing the free ends of the diaper at the upper edge. The child's legs should be fixed in relation to the body at an angle of 90 °. There are other methods of wide swaddling, but in any case, the principle is important: the legs should be spread out and bent at the knees, that is, a child in diapers should lie as he usually lies naked. This position creates the most favorable conditions for the development of the hip joint. The child quickly gets used to wide swaddling, tolerates it well and, when swaddling, independently holds the legs in the desired position.

Often, one wide swaddle is sufficient to treat hip dislocation and subluxation. in the first hours and days of a child's life, the femoral head is easily adjusted into the cavity. Of course, such a procedure imposes some restrictions on the lifestyle of the mother and baby, but all the difficulties are easy to overcome. In this simple way, you can avoid the serious injury that occurs when the diagnosis is made too late, especially if the child has already begun to walk and the head of the femur is truly dislocated. At this stage, serious therapeutic measures and surgery are already needed for a cure, with the percentage of favorable outcomes decreasing.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if the baby has a risk of developing pathology or if for some reason you cannot consult the child with an orthopedist and conduct an ultrasound of the hip joints in the first month of life, then it is better to start swaddling the baby widely from the first days of life. The success of treatment for hip dysplasia depends on the timing of the initiation of treatment: the earlier the disease is diagnosed and treatment is started, the more chances of a successful outcome are.

Dysplasia of the hip joint is a congenital pathology of the location of the elements that make up the hip joint. Dysplasia can be described as a malformation of all parts of the joint.

Unfortunately, this disease is quite common. Depending on the type of displacement of the femoral head, dysplasia is divided into:

  • dislocation;
  • subluxation;
  • pre-dislocation.

How to recognize dysplasia

For successful treatment, it is extremely important to diagnose the pathology as early as possible. If dysplasia is left unattended, the formation of the baby's joint will go the wrong way, which is fraught with irreparable defects, up to disability, in the future.

Parents should have an idea of ​​the symptoms of this pathological condition, since at the first signs of dysplasia, it is urgent to show the child to the doctor. The most common manifestation of dysplasia in children is the limitation of movement in the hip joint during passive abduction of the hip.

The presence of this feature is checked as follows:

  1. the baby is placed on the back;
  2. the legs are bent at the knee and hip joints;
  3. with soft movements, the hips are taken in different directions.

With dysplasia, passive leg breeding will be limited.

There is another way to define pathology:

  • the child is placed on his stomach;
  • his legs are bent like a crawl.

If the hip joint is damaged, the violation will be noticeable in this position.

The presence of dysplasia may be indicated by the asymmetric arrangement of folds located under the buttocks and on the thigh. In severe pathology, limb shortening is possible.

What does gymnastics give for hip dysplasia

Usually, a complex of therapeutic procedures for dysplasia consists in treatment with a position, for which the method of wide swaddling is used or in the application of a splint. In addition, dysplasia in children is treated with exercise therapy and massage.

With mild pathology, you can limit yourself to these actions, especially since gymnastics with dysplasia of the hip joints is a very effective measure. Exercise is especially helpful at an early stage of the disease. For a complete recovery, the baby sometimes needs several sessions of exercise therapy.

Important! Until the child has learned to walk, parents should not apply any exercises to him in a squatting position, standing or in an upright position. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to even greater deformation of the joint.

Any exercises from exercise therapy must be performed on a firm, flat surface. This could be a changing or dining table. A waterproof diaper should be placed under the baby. The massage is performed once a day. For the procedure, you should choose the time that is favorable for the child, that is, when the baby is not hungry, he is in a good mood and nothing bothers him.

The number of sessions per course ranges from 10 to 15. To consolidate the effect, it is necessary to complete 2-3 courses, between which there must be a break of 1.5-2 months.

This is due to the fact that massage is a great burden for young children.

A set of exercises for dysplasia

Joint girth. The child is on his back, the masseur grasps the entire joint and massages it. Another option: in the same position, only the front surface of the thighs is massaged, after which the child is turned over onto the stomach and the same movements are performed on the back of the thigh, with extreme caution if there is a congenital dislocation of the thigh.

  1. The massage begins with stroking. Hands should fit snugly to the body in the hip joint. It is necessary to control the pressure of the hands, it should not be strong. Hands should easily slide over the surface of the skin and not displace it.
  2. Spiral massaging movements are performed either with the entire palm, or with the index and thumb. Do not massage the thighs near the genitals. Stroking should be performed within 3-5 minutes, after which rubbing is done.
  3. When rubbing, the pressure of the hands should be stronger, the hands do not just slide over the body, but displace the skin. It is better to rub the skin with the fingertips, deeply penetrating them into the muscles. When rubbing, you can use the same technique as when stroking. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

It is very useful for dysplasia in children to include foot massage in exercise therapy, rub the buttocks and lumbar region. These treatments improve blood circulation. Exercises are done 2-3 times a day, each of them is performed 10-15 times:

  • "Bicycle" - the baby lies on his back. The child's legs need to be bent at the knee and hip joints. In this position, movements are performed that simulate cycling.
  • Alternate flexion and extension of the legs. When one leg is bent at the knee, the other is straightened at that moment. Then there is an alternation.
  • One of the baby's legs is bent at the hip and knee joint. With one hand, the masseur fixes the hip joint, and with the other, clasping the knee, slightly presses on it and rotates the hip inward.

When performing the "hip extension" exercise, you must not make sudden movements, the child should not feel pain. Otherwise, this will cause a negative reaction on the part of the baby, and in the future, when performing exercise therapy, he will behave restlessly all the time.

If a splint is applied to the child's joint, gymnastics should be carried out in the volume that is acceptable for this styling.

Taking the bent legs of the baby to the sides, you must try to put them on the table with the utmost care. At the same time, it is necessary to observe all the time whether there is a positive dynamic. After the conducted health-improving exercise therapy courses, parents must show the child to an orthopedist.

X-rays of the joint may be required to determine the result of therapy. The doctor, having studied the picture, will determine the condition in which the baby's joint is located. If exercise therapy does not work, a splint may be needed. But most often this measure can be avoided if dysplasia is suspected in time and courses of medical gymnastics are carried out.

Dysplasia of the hip joint in a newborn is a serious pathology that can make itself felt even after years. Although the pathology is serious, the earlier treatment is started, the more chances that the child will not feel the manifestations of dysplasia later. The choice of treatment method is determined by the doctor together with the child's parents. And the essence of the pathology is that the femoral head, for many reasons, is dislocated from the place where it should normally be located. Later, this can affect not only the gait, but also the structure of the joint. How is hip dysplasia treated in children?

Only a pediatric surgeon or orthopedic traumatologist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The diagnosis is made simply by clinical examination and X-ray of the joint, which will show the characteristic symptoms of dysplasia. When everything is established reliably, it is recommended to start treatment. But any parent will immediately ask whether it is worth the operation or the child can only be treated with pills? Only the attending physician can answer, since each case is individual, there is a direct dependence on the degree of violation.

Dysplasia treatment should be started with fixation of the heads. This method of treatment will not affect the general condition of the child in any way, but it will help the development of the joints, while the movements will contribute to the aggravation of the child's condition. Stirrups developed by the Czech physician Pavlik, plaster casts, compression pants or diapers help fix the heads. In such cases, wide swaddling or carrying the child in a stretcher is indicated.

Many have seen how the child is carried by parents in Eastern and African countries. According to statistics, dysplasia practically does not occur in these countries. The industry produces similar devices, which are called "kangaroo". If you are at risk of developing dysplasia, your doctor may use them to transport your baby.

In the event that a child has clear signs of dysplasia, it is necessary to use complex measures that will strengthen the ligaments and joints of the lower extremities. The doctor may prescribe:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • gymnastics;
  • exercise in the pool;
  • thermal procedures;
  • physiotherapy techniques.

The use of the methods of physical therapy will make the muscles stronger and distribute the load correctly. Physiotherapy and thermal procedures in the form of applications of paraffin or ozokerite will help improve blood flow. Any technique is not without its drawbacks, so it makes sense to talk about them in more detail.

Massage as a way to make muscles stronger

Cure Hip Dysplasia impossible without using massage techniques. You can do it at home, first the child is placed on his back, and then he should be turned over onto his stomach.

It is necessary to start a therapeutic massage with the fact that you need to gently stroke, while the movements are light. Then it is recommended to stretch the limbs, a slight redness will speak of the correctness of the execution, which indicates an improvement in blood flow. During kneading, the child is prohibited from doing techniques with the use of force or pressure. Then they deal with the area of ​​the abdomen, and only after that you need to move on to the area of ​​the sore joint, here the methods can be very different.

If it is not possible to perform massage or there are no skills to perform it, it is better to contact a specialist. The massage therapist can do the procedure at home or at the clinic, where the parent can come with the child.


Another important stage is physiotherapy exercises, it allows you to strengthen the ligaments, muscles and reduce the manifestations of the disease. Exercise helps relieve tension and strengthen the muscles in the hip area. After exercise, the motor activity of the previously damaged joint is restored.

You can use gymnastics from the moment the child is born, it allows you to influence the reflex zone of the legs. Parents can gently and smoothly stroke the area of ​​the foot and heel, while the child contracts toes on the foot.

For a newborn, this is the norm; in an adult, this is pathological and is called the "Babinsky reflex". It is also important to encourage the child to crawl as early as possible, for this he can be placed on the surface of the crib, sofa or his own palms. The kid at this time pushes off the surface and tries to move.

Also underway gymnastics for hip dysplasia should strengthen the muscles in the arms and trunk. An instructor or parents can do gymnastics with a child. It is useful to turn the child from back to stomach and vice versa, during this the baby tries to move his arms and legs.


Gymnastics is performed in a supine position, the child's legs are bent as much as possible at the knees and hip joints, and then gently straightened. Then the legs are bent at the knees and hip joints and spread at an angle of 90 degrees, they do this gently, slightly rotating them. Also, the legs, bent at the joints, are bent to the surface of the table, each exercise should be performed 8 to 10 times.


The most commonly used electrophoresis for dysplasia of the hip joints in children, but only after a year of life. The procedure is carried out with the addition of calcium and chlorine to the solution, with which the contact pads are moistened. The use of ozokerite or paraffin wax applications has been shown to help treat dysplasia. The techniques that have been described allow you to make the hip joint, in which the problem has arisen, stronger.

It is also worth constantly remembering that any procedure depends on the degree hip dysplasia joints and is performed only under the supervision of the attending physician and an instructor in therapeutic gymnastics and massage. At home, electrophoresis is contraindicated, paraffin applications are contraindicated. As a result of the inept actions of the parents, the child risks getting a burn, and there is a risk of life, because electrophoresis is carried out using a special apparatus and under the supervision of a specialist.

Leg extenders

When there is a risk of dysplasia or it is insignificant, it is indicated to use special devices. The doctor may prescribe the use of a Frame pillow, wearing tight pants or fixing the legs in Pavlik's stirrups, as well as staged plaster casts aimed at gradually expanding the legs.

The use of the Frame cushion allows you to fix your legs in the required position. The pain does not bother the child, and the device itself does not cause discomfort. It is used in a child who is under a month old. The parameters are different, and the choice of the device is carried out according to the recommendations of the attending physician. The sizes are selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the baby.

Another device that may be recommended by your doctor is tight pants. Their action is the same as that of the Frame's pillow, but the difference is that the child's legs are fixed in a special position, which resembles the "frog" position. They are slightly bent and pulled apart; parents often prefer this method of treatment. The pants are convenient to use in everyday life, while wearing the child does not feel discomfort.

The most common treatment for dysplasia is Pavlik's stirrups. They consist of spacers with straps for fixing the legs, as well as a corset on the chest with straps. All these details allow you to maintain an even body position, without causing pain and discomfort. All parts are perfectly fixed and do not injure the skin.

Wide swaddling technique

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor recommends that the parents apply wide swaddling. With the help of a folded diaper placed between the legs of the child, which are pulled apart, after which the child is swaddled. The method is gentle and humane in relation to the child.

To carry out the technique, three diapers are required, one of them is folded into several layers, the width of which is about 20 centimeters. Then a similar roller is laid between the child's legs so that they are spread apart. The second diaper folds into a triangle, one corner should be laid between the legs, and the other two wrap the baby's legs, after which they are divorced 90 degrees. The third diaper will be required to swaddle the baby up to the waist area, the legs should be pulled up, but so that the feet are not connected. It is in this position that the child will feel good and comfortable.


When the entire diagnostic complex of measures and treatment with conservative methods have been carried out, and the effect has not been obtained, radical methods are shown in the form of surgical intervention. Also, the operation is indicated in the case when there is a significant change in the function of the legs, permanent dislocations, fractures. Held surgery for hip dysplasia after a year or older.

Surgical options

There are several technologies that can radically cure pathology. You can apply an osteotomy of the damaged area, its essence is to change the shape of the bones in the joint. The bone grows together quickly, there are no changes after the surgery, the child is undergoing rehabilitation.

Some surgical techniques have the goal of aligning the limbs. In this case, palliative techniques are used, they are necessary in the case when there are indications for surgical intervention, but it is not possible to carry it out. There are several circumstances associated with age, severe concomitant pathologies, blood diseases, allergic reactions.

In adulthood or in a severe case of the disease, it is shown to replace the joint with an implant and perform an operation for endoprosthetics.

After surgery, the child's legs must be fixed; this can be done with a plaster cast. Older children are taught the need for such measures. The splint will promote proper bone fusion, the joint is formed correctly.

Recovery period

After surgery, during the recovery period, it is indicated to wear, in addition to splints, stirrups or pillows. This stage is considered important for the further outcome of surgery. There are some rules that should be strictly adhered to in order to obtain maximum results.

When the child is in the supine position, the legs should hang freely. This will allow you to relieve the load on the operated area of ​​the lower extremities. While the child is in his arms, his face should be turned towards the parent, and his legs should be wrapped around the torso. Loads in an upright position on the legs are completely excluded until the bone is completely healed. If you neglect this rule, even the smallest load can lead to deformation and a change in the correct position of the limb.

If you are going to travel a long distance, you should not put the child on the seat or hold it in your arms. In this case, there is a special transport chair, in which the child is not only comfortable, but also useful to sit. When the baby is sitting on the highchair while feeding, a roller should be placed between the legs. It can be done with a pillow or soft towel, it is not difficult for parents, and the child's legs are in a divorced position.

Consequences of the disease

In the absence dysplasia in the hip joints in a child under one year old, the likelihood of its occurrence later decreases. Timely examination, treatment and proper care after surgery will help you get a positive result with minimal consequences.

The very first thing a baby gets to know while still in the hospital is a regular diaper. Wrapping into it for many years was considered practically the only possible option for existence available to the little one at the very beginning of his life. Not everyone believes that the movements of the crumbs should be fettered with diapers. They are convinced that the position occupied by their child of their own free will is the most convenient for him. But there are cases when wide swaddling is simply necessary as a medical procedure that facilitates or refracts the course of the disease in infants.

Let's talk about the procedure itself

From the first days of a toddler's life, swaddling is considered to be an important component of caring for him. There are many types of this procedure. As a prophylaxis of hip dysplasia, the method of wide swaddling of a newborn is used, in which the little one can take a physiologically comfortable position. It happens that, not knowing about this method of swaddling and how to do it correctly, modern mothers are afraid to apply it to their babies.

Quite often, wide swaddling is confused with free swaddling, when the crumbs are left a little room for movement, and the diaper is not tightened. But there are very important differences between the first method and the last one:

  • when applying wide swaddling, only the lower part of the body is wrapped around the baby;
  • the legs of the crumbs should be fixed in a wide apart position - the legs are bent at the knees and divorced at an angle of 60-80 degrees (this is called a "frog"), which fully corresponds to their natural position; the head of the hip bone rests against the cavity all the time, thereby helping it to form in the form of a sphere;
  • to fix the limbs in this position, a special pad or roller must be placed between them (if free swaddling is used, no attributes are needed).

To help mothers in modern stores there is a significant variety of special devices and holders: a cover, panties for wide swaddling, Freyk's splint (a bandage that is put on the baby and fastened with straps on the shoulders). Such swaddling can be applied from the first days of a baby's life until it reaches six months. In some cases, the doctor may recommend using swaddling for up to a year.

What is dysplasia?

Dysplasia of the hip joints is a fairly common disease observed among newborn babies and infants. With dysplasia, there is an abnormal formation of parts of the hip joint and its elements. The acetabulum becomes flatter; ossification of the femoral head takes longer, it is delayed in time; the joint capsule loses strength, and the articular ligaments lose elasticity.

These changes do not make it possible to hold the femoral head well during movements. When moving, it, as a rule, slides off the flat surface of the cavity and rests directly on the articular capsule, which is not able to withstand such a load.

Swaddling technique

The technique of performing such swaddling consists in the use of a different number of diapers (one, two or three) and depends on the level of "skill" of the mother, the activity of the baby's movements, and the time of day. Important information! If you use one diaper during the summer months, it will be easier for the baby to endure the heat, and diaper rash will not occur.

Benefits of this swaddling (and for dysplasia)

We can say that the main diagnosis, in which it is shown a wide swaddling of a newborn, is hip dysplasia (abbreviated as TTP). Among babies, this problem is quite common - out of a thousand toddlers who were born, about 3% have this diagnosis.

It should be understood that TPA is the general name for a number of diseases. Usually, the following ailments are subjected to treatment in which wide swaddling is used:

  • immature hip joint;
  • congenital preluxation;
  • congenital subluxation;
  • congenital dislocation (the most severe degree of dysplasia, in which all elements of the joint are affected; the head of the joint may fall out of the glenoid cavity).

The revealed pathology, in which the necessary measures are not taken to eliminate it, is able to ensure the hindered development of the musculoskeletal system (the baby will walk much later), the gait will be disturbed (it is also called "duck"), there may be pain when walking, the spine will be bent ...

There are several ways to treat TPA: surgical, orthopedic, massage and physiotherapy. The swaddling in question belongs to the orthopedic method and has many advantages:

  • easy to perform;
  • the use of rigid structures is possible only in the period of late infancy, and at first a wide swaddling or sling is permissible;
  • in this way, surgical intervention can be avoided, since it is applicable when other methods do not work or the desired result is not achieved; after the operation, there can be a difficult postoperative period, and the procedure itself is not always easy.

Exploring step-by-step instructions

There are several general rules that must be followed:

  • Before you start swaddling, you should make sure that the baby is laid on a flat surface and that nothing under the back does not cause discomfort to him. Most often they use a changing table or mattress. If they are not there, the procedure can be carried out on a regular bed.
  • Choose diapers made from natural fabrics. So the skin of the little one will breathe. Iron the diaper with an iron before changing it.

  • It is important to observe the temperature regime while changing. So that the baby does not overheat, you can put on socks and sliders under the diaper - what will be right in this situation: if the baby is put to sleep, then the lungs, if taken out for a walk, then warm. You should also pay attention to whether the mother will wear the little one in her arms. Her warmth will surely be transferred to the baby, he may get hot, he will start to worry.

Having checked all this, you can proceed to one of the methods of swaddling.

Wrap with one diaper

How to make a wide swaddling if mommy is still inexperienced? It is best to use only one diaper for now. Usually this method is used at night, when the baby's movements are minimal, or for calm little ones.

The technique is as follows:

  • the diaper is folded into four layers;
  • the top layer must be unbent to form a pocket (triangle);
  • the resulting shape is turned over to the other side;
  • the inner side with a right angle should be wrapped twice so that a dense strip can be placed in the center;
  • put the toddler in the center of the resulting product;
  • wrap its legs with the corresponding corners of the diaper;
  • gently push the baby's legs apart, thread the third (dense) corner of the diaper, and putting sliders on the crumbs, fix its location.

Wide swaddling of a newborn with dysplasia using just one diaper will be not only simple, but also effective. And it is convenient for both the baby and the mother.

Wrap with two diapers

How to swaddle with two diapers? It is this number that is optimal for this procedure. Mom will need diapers with dimensions 80 x 20 cm and 80 x 90 cm.

  • Fold a large diaper in half in a triangle, unfold, directing a right angle downward;
  • put a smaller diaper on top, which was folded into two or three layers in a rectangle - it must be placed in the center (like a roller);
  • put the baby on the diapers, skip this roller between his legs bent and divorced to the sides and place it on the tummy;
  • the legs of the toddler must be wrapped with the corresponding corners of the diaper;
  • then the right angle of the diaper is passed through and its position is fixed by pulling the sliders.

Thanks to this method, you can save on diapers by changing the roller from time to time.

Wrap with three diapers

So, another wide swaddle. How to do it correctly? You will need three diapers with the following sizes: 80 x 120 cm, 80 x 0 cm and 80 x 90 cm (you can choose any size).

  • Put the largest diaper on the changing table, bend its upper edge by 10 cm;
  • on top of it, put one that has dimensions of 80 x 90 cm, folded in half with a triangle - the right angle is directed downward;
  • put a roller folded from the third diaper in the center of the second diaper;
  • put the toddler on the roller, and thread this roller between its legs;
  • the legs of the crumbs must be wrapped with the lateral corners of the middle diaper, and its lower corner must be raised between the legs;
  • wrap the sides of the first diaper around the chest and tummy of the toddler;
  • direct the lower part upward, wrapping the remaining corners around the baby's body.

Zipper swaddling and panties

Wide swaddling with a fastener is a more modern technology. Now, to help moms, there are wear-resistant fabric fasteners with clips or Velcro, which significantly reduces the number of diapers used.

  • Put a diamond-shaped diaper on the changing table;
  • bring the side corners towards each other with their location in the center;
  • turn the upper and lower corners slightly towards the center to seal the product;
  • put the baby here, between whose legs pass the lower corner, which is closed by the lateral corners;
  • a fastener can be put on the sides and lower part to finally fix everything.

Panties for wide swaddling are similar in shape to a regular diaper, and the price is about the same. They help treat dysplasia in a toddler. During the use of such panties, the baby will be comfortable in the position that they provide.

Swaddling in a diaper and using a pillow

It is quite convenient to swaddle a baby with a diaper. So it will be much easier for a young mother to take care of the baby, since there is no need to constantly wash the diapers.

Consider wide swaddling for hip dysplasia using a Frejk pillow. In shape, it is similar to the panties for the described procedure. It differs in that it has a dense frame inside it, capable of fixing well the legs of the toddler in a divorced position. The pillow is available in several sizes, so you can choose the right one - depending on how the baby is growing. This pillow should be worn over cotton fabric. This device allows the skin of the crumbs to breathe. It is used around the clock, except for moments when the baby needs to be bathed.

Weigh the pros and cons

What is wide swaddling (the photo usually displays all the subtleties of this procedure) and why does the baby need it? In recent years, there has been a radical revision of the approach to caring for babies in the first months of life. This also applies to swaddling.

If you put the baby on the back, he will always bend his legs under him, bending them a little at the knee joints. It has long been established that just such a pose is the most beneficial for the hip joint to be finally formed. As soon as the mother's hormones are removed from the toddler's body, ossification of the femoral head and strengthening of the articular ligaments immediately begins.

Wide swaddling for dysplasia is not only a good alternative to stirrups for this disease, but also serves as a prophylaxis for healthy babies. It will be more correct to perform such procedures before the baby has reached six months.

It must be remembered that it is permissible to prescribe such swaddling only to an orthopedic surgeon, since there are not always indications for just such a method. Do not use it in such cases:

  • if forms of dysplasia are expressed;
  • if the parents arbitrarily interrupted the swaddling, and began;
  • if the diagnosis was not made immediately, but only a few months after the birth of the baby;
  • if a similar method of treatment has not brought positive changes.

In this course of events, the question of the operation is raised.

Duration of treatment with such a swaddling

Mom should swaddle her baby like this every day. The toddler needs to be with the legs apart for almost the whole day. Unwrap is allowed for a very short period of time - to bathe, do gymnastics and massage.

The quick effect that most parents usually expect will not be with this swaddling. Moms and dads need to stock up on a fair amount of patience and come to terms with the fact that they will be in this mode for many months. In addition, do not forget that the baby must be shown to a pediatric orthopedist from time to time. After all, it is this specialist who has the right to decide on the extension of such treatment or on its cancellation. You cannot do this on your own due to the fact that in the future a grown child may have serious health problems.