The power of human thought is the law of attraction. The power of thought - what can be changed by the power of thought in your life and how to do it

There are many unsolved mysteries and unexplored phenomena in the Universe, one of which is power of thought... It has been scientifically proven that every human thought can be material. Moreover, thoughts are capable of spreading vibrational waves that have a certain effect on the entire surrounding world.

On distance

People with paranormal abilities can move objects in space with the power of thought. But not only psychics, but also quite ordinary people can control their thoughts.

Human thoughts have absolutely no boundaries, so a person can see the most unreal events in his imagination.

One of the important manifestations of thought is its attractive power. In other words, if a person constantly thinks about something, then sooner or later it will happen to him.

For example, people can attract money, luck, illness and, of course, other people to themselves by the power of thought. Moreover, you can attract the right person to you not only from your close circle, but also from someone who lives in another city, country, continent, that is, this can be done at a distance.

Pull to yourself can be any person, regardless of gender, age and location. The object of attraction can be both a familiar person and a stranger. In order to attract a person who is at a distance to you, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • To formulate a specific goal - in your imagination you need to really imagine how this person (object of attraction) will appear before you in real life.
  • All thoughts aimed at attraction must be positive - this will open the flow of positive energy, which will certainly lead to a good result.
  • It is necessary to regularly (several times a day) look at a photograph of the person being attracted, since it is simply impossible to contemplate someone who is at a distance.
  • Before you start to control thought, you need to clear your mind of all extraneous things, that is, it is impossible to simultaneously attract a person and something else.
  • It is necessary to regularly say words of gratitude for what is happening in life.
  • Needed regularly use affirmations- short statements that are somehow connected with the attracted person. This is a very important point, as words have played a big role at all times. People exchange information using words, designate their thoughts and dreams with certain words. That is why it is extremely important to clearly pronounce every word that (albeit in absentia) is pronounced to the desired person.

Each person can control the force of attraction of their own thoughts. Daily thoughts about a person at a distance will be transmitted to him by means of oscillatory waves. As a result, he will also want to meet the person who attracts him.


In practice, it is quite possible to attract any person to yourself. This can be a former lover (beloved), a stranger you liked, or an old friend with whom communication was stopped.

Rite of attraction of a person the power of thought must be carried out regularly. You need to sit in a comfortable position. It is best that at this time the person is not distracted by any extraneous actions. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine a person, his face, clothes, facial expressions, behavior.

It is necessary to remain in this state until the moment when there is a feeling that thoughts have begun to move to the object of desire. After that, you need to relax and say good words to this person. It can be just a phrase or beautiful poetry.

There is another practice of controlling the power of thought, which called freiling... Its essence lies in completely abandoning thoughts about the desired person. Then the vibrational waves will work in the opposite direction. That is, if thoughts about the desired person are suppressed in the subconscious, then this information will also reach him and will have a kind of influence. As a result, a person will begin to be "attracted" to someone who ignores thoughts about him.

Real life examples

Marina and Alexey met for more than two years, made joint plans, prepared for the wedding. Everything changed in one evening when

Quite by accident, Marina came across an article in some magazine that The thought is material, and with its help you can attract any person to you. Since then, all Marina's thoughts and deeds were aimed only at returning the young man to herself. The girl thought about him, wrote letters and folded them in her room, wrote poetry about him.

At the end of December, just before the new year, a bell rang in the girl's apartment. When she opened the door, her beloved was on the doorstep. On the same evening, the young people reconciled, and since then they have not parted. Maxim, being a materialist, apologized for his act in the past, confessed his love to Marina, and the girl knew that she took the most active part in reconciliation with her beloved - she “pulled” him to her.

Love accompanies humanity throughout its life - the history of mankind is based on love, because of it wars began and the death of civilization, it moved not only progress, but also the moral development of people. Something like this I thought last year, when I realized that the last romance was over, and the new one was in no hurry to begin.

Of course, there was some sympathy, I went on dates, struck up a relationship, but that was not it. But where it is, this "that", I still could not understand. There are people around. Men, beautiful and amazing - are. And love is not. Such, you know, to take your breath away, so that you don't want to eat or sleep - just swim in this sensation and enjoy ... And I thought, but how to attract love into my life? Well, I can’t sit and wait for it to fall on my head, I’m an active girl.

As it turned out, it is actually possible to attract mutual love to oneself - by the power of thought and a few tricks. I'll tell you about them today.

What it takes to find love

  • The object with which this mutual love will arise.
  • Desire on both sides, energy and thoughts of love.
  • The positive energy around is love for oneself and for the world.
  • A little push for yourself and your partner.
  • A mood for positive change.

Step one

The objects around me were mediocre - they are, and at the same time they are not of particular interest to me. I decided that the experiment should take place in the field and that we should work with what we have. I've been on a few dates lately, and basically they all went well. So there were enough candidates.

At the same time, I assessed myself as a candidate for great and great love. You can pull her to yourself, I had no doubt, but am I worthy of her? Psychology books convinced me that everyone is worthy of love, but just in case, I believed in my thoughts that if I became better, mutual love would come sooner, quit smoking and went to the gym - it seemed natural to me to become a little better at waiting for great feelings.

And I also wrote to myself almost immediately - it seems to me that this method will help to attract anything with the help of thought. With willpower, I forced myself to repeat and repeat my miraculous mantras every day (I believed in their effect), and noticed that everything around me started to change somehow. People around became kinder, one colleague had a passionate affair, her best friend got married ...

After another friend went down the aisle, I decided that I was doing everything right - here it is, the atmosphere of happy love, and that means my happiness is just around the corner.

Step two

Where to get the energy and desire for love is a more than complex and ambiguous question, and it is difficult to give an answer even to yourself. My opponents, among whom the chosen one was hiding, were active - we met from time to time, maintained friendly relations and they were not opposed to continuing them. And I just burned with energy, but did not know where to apply it.

I was helped by a two-day free training on finding my own femininity - now I knew what love meant to me and was ready for it. In fact, before the training, it seemed to me that love and happiness are something like a terminal station, where every locomotive person comes sooner or later.

And during the training, I realized that my true understanding of love lies in the feeling of flight and omnipotence. Love is not only warmth, but also energy, tremendous strength. I understood why I needed a man, and what he should be, the only thing left to do was how to attract a loved one and, most importantly, a loving person.

Step three

The attitude towards positive change is very important. VERY. At the very beginning of my journey, I thought - here, I will fall in love, and ... So what? My life was planned in detail, I devoted a lot of time to myself, my work and study, my development.

In my life there was no time for true love and serious relationships - I was quite satisfied with Saturday dates, cultural outings to some exhibitions and bouquets of flowers that dried up by Monday. A man who should have adored me passionately would fit into this life either as an interlocutor or as a driver.

This definitely did not suit me, and I began to slowly change everything. From a couple of articles on the Internet, I realized that love is a diverse thing, and if a person creates it around him and in the world, then sooner or later it will descend on him in his personal life. Therefore, instead of regular courses, I unexpectedly enrolled as a volunteer.

The logic was simple - by caring for old men and abandoned pussies, I create care and love in the world. The same people surround me. And good deeds and thoughts are clearly taken into account somewhere by higher powers.

Step four

Any event that allows people to open up to each other and to themselves can be a small push from the point of view of psychology and Internet experts. We are all closed, closed, and what kind of love is there, it’s hard to be friends here. I thought, thought, and found a curious experiment on how to attract love.

Dr. Aron's Experiment

About twenty years ago, a psychologist from an institute in New York wanted to do the impossible - to create love out of the blue just with the help of thought. Dr. Aaron invited different men and women to participate in an experiment, the essence of which was that men and women would be seated at random opposite each other.

Then they will receive a list of questions, and they will have to answer them - each to his partner, and after that for about four minutes they need to look each other in the eyes. After the completion of the experiment, Dr. Aron noted that the couples who participated in the experiment showed a strong emotional attachment to each other and increased sympathy, and several even had a state of love.

At this, Dr. Aron considered the experiment over, and it would have been so if in six months several couples who met during the experiment had not got married. Dr. Aaron managed to evoke love between completely strangers - they were just sincere with each other and talked about really important things, told each other the most intimate thoughts. How to attract love, if not sincerity?

Happy end

I decided to use a strong emotional push. Dr. Aaron's questions are, of course, a good thing, but I had another idea. I consistently called each of my fans and offered to accompany me during the volunteer campaign - there are never too many extra hands, and the situation is quite strong in terms of emotions.

Two of them considered this venture not very successful, and one young man responded with joy, and at the end of the conversation added that he was ready to go with me not only to a nursing home, but anywhere. I took it as a good sign. Our trip went exactly as I thought - the emotional intensity of all such events is simply at the highest level, during the trip we were not too busy, and we managed to talk - about childhood, about our grandmothers, about how we are afraid of death and loneliness ...

During this day, I learned much more about a person than in a few months, and I felt that I really care about him and I am truly in love with him. It all ended, as in a good fairy tale - with a wedding and great love, we are happy together, and this means that I was able to attract love into my life, putting my thoughts and feelings in order - and if I could, so can you!

Of course, if you fell in love without memory, thoughts are occupied only by him, one, the only, everything becomes important: how did he look, what he said, did not call? Do you worry, does he think about you, does he remember when you are not around? And it's even scary to think that he might be carried away by another girl. Therefore, when your loved one is not around, you are most likely wondering how to force a man to think about you from a distance with the power of thought?

I must say that such techniques exist. And, if you have a strong enough energy and will, you can study and use them in practice. These techniques will help maintain, strengthen his feelings and strengthen the bond between you. After all, anyone who understands at least a little in this matter knows that thoughts are material and their energy is very strong. This, already proven by science, is a fact.

The magical power of thought

Our thoughts are streams of energy, with the help of which we can influence the existing reality and materialize our desires in reality. The method of realizing desires through thought forms belongs to the field of parapsychology and it is successfully practiced by specialists in mental magic.

Preliminary preparation for the ritual

There are important rules that will help to implement the intentions to make a man think about you at a distance. Be sure to study them before starting to practice:

Left completely alone, sit down and calmly think how great your desire is and whether your chosen one is worth spending serious energy resources on him.

Think whether the fulfillment of your desire will harm other people?

If you have definitely decided to start realizing your desire with the help of thought forms, start the practice in a completely relaxed state. The most suitable time is night, when you are already practically falling asleep.

The image that you evoke in your mind must be clear. Start thinking about your loved one in a good mood, sending him mentally positive emotions.

To achieve maximum effect, it is best to perform the ritual during the second and third stages of the moon. These are the most favorable periods for energetic contacts and transmission of thoughts at a distance. By the third phase, the body has accumulated enough energy to direct its flow in the right direction.

Well, now let's consider a not very complicated technique from similar practices that can be used in our case:

Ritual of mental practice

Determine the approximate time when your beloved man sleeps and go to bed yourself. But first, remove everything that may distract you. Turn off your phone, put your watch away and start tuning in the right way. To do this, you can turn on quiet meditation music, light light incense. So that your clothes don't get in the way, take off everything. Be sure to take off your jewelry, get the hairpins out of your hair.

Lying in bed, relax all your muscles, put unnecessary thoughts out of your head, breathe deeply and calmly. Think only of him, concentrate only on this. Imagine your man in as much detail as possible: his moles, scars, hair smell, facial expressions, etc. A holistic image should be built in the head. Now imagine how you are transported inside him, into his consciousness.

Get the full feeling that he is you. That is, you together are a single whole. Imagine his thoughts, sensations and feelings. When you get this feeling, start sending commands to his mind.

They should be worded very clearly and clearly and should not be long. For example: “Remember (your name),“ Miss (your name) ”,“ Call (your name) ”, etc. If everything is done correctly, he will actually execute these commands and will think about you from a distance all the time.

You need to know that this and, in general, any other magical practices should be performed when you are healthy and full of energy. If you feel unwell or if you get sick, nothing will work. The energy, which is so necessary for the fulfillment of your desire, the body will spend on recovery. It just won't be enough for the ritual. Therefore, wait until you get well.

There is another way to make a man think of you from a distance. With its help, you can penetrate his dreams, making him remember you during the day. This is a practical ritual of witchcraft magic. Experts recommend taking it to the waning moon:

Magic ritual

Make preliminary preparations for the ritual as described in the first method. Wait until midnight. Calm your thoughts, think only about your man. Light a candle, always red. Put on light, loose clothes so as not to hinder your movements, loose your hair, wash off your makeup.

Go out to your yard or balcony. Put down a lighted candle, gaze at the flame, concentrate your thoughts on your beloved, sending him mentally the command "Think about (your name)", "Love (your name)", etc.

When you feel that the connection with the subconscious of your man has been achieved, circle clockwise three times and repeat the spell: Smoke, fire to (man's name), put it down. I spun around and you dreamed. " Then sit down, calm your emotions, put out the candle and go to bed.

In conclusion of our conversation, I want to tell you that it is very difficult to take possession of the thoughts and, moreover, the feelings of another person at a distance. It will take a great desire, will and complete self-confidence.

If you really want to ensure that he constantly thinks about you, watch your appearance, behave correctly, make him stand out from many other girls.

However, in pursuit of his attention, do not lose the most important thing - your individuality. First, love yourself, forgive yourself mistakes and miscalculations, indulge yourself and remember that for you the most important thing in life is yourself. One has only to believe in this, as a man begins to admire you, think about you constantly and without the help of magic.

Do you know, dear readers of SIZO, the desire to please someone, to make friends with someone, to attract someone into your life?

These are simple human desires that visit, probably, each of us.

So let's find out how to do it right - to attract the people we need into our lives.

How to attract the right / loved one?

The article consists of two parts:

  1. First, we will decide on who exactly we need to attract such a person into our life.
  2. And then we will work on keeping this person close (without any violence?), We will figure out how to attract and interest him.

The first point is done with. The second point is implemented using the rule “ Do you want to receive - first give". Okay, now let's talk about everything in order.

To attract the right person into your life, you first need to formulate an image in your head. Think over everything that you would like to see in this person. Character traits, appearance, life principles. In short, think over whatever you want. However, take into account the fact that your invented image is only a mock-up, a real person may be somewhat different.

Is the image ready? Fine! Now let's proceed directly to the attraction of this person. To do this, use the power of thought, regularly doing visualization.

Let's say you want to meet your love. Then in colors imagine how this person appears in your life, and how your life changes with him.? Visualize in great detail how you meet, spend time together, love each other.

A sign that you are doing everything right will be a feeling of joy and happiness during and after the visualization.

Remember, friends: So think about the good, about what you want to get! Do you want love? Wonderful! Live it, let it become your second reality. Throw out of your head all useless thoughts that are not useful for your present and future. Constantly play a movie in your head in which your loved one makes you happy !? You will definitely get it, the main thing is patience and faith in the result.

Attention! Visualization shouldn't be a burden for you. That is, regularity, of course, is necessary, but if there is no mood at the moment, then you do not need to force yourself.

It is also worth noting that it will not work to visualize the attraction of a concrete person existing in reality to your life. It is important! Using visualization to make a real person your soul mate is not recommended. If you visualize a real person, then this person will most likely feel inexplicable disgust for you or simply indifference. After all, you did not ask him, but you are trying to subjugate against his will, and this cannot be done. It feels intuitive, believe me. But it doesn't matter - read below about how you can interest a real person.

If you want to receive - first give!

In order to interest the person you need, you should apply the rule ““. It always works!

Each person thinks first of all about himself / herself. People do not care about other people's shortcomings and weaknesses. There is no point in trying to interest someone by flaunting your own coolness or some kind of achievement. Our interlocutors are attracted primarily by something completely different.

And this is different - interest in their person... Sincere interest. How to attract the interest of a girl or a guy? How to attract attention to yourself? Very simple. Talk not about what is interesting to you, but about what is interesting to someone you want to like. Talk not about yourself, but about the interlocutor, his inner world, his hobbies. Show genuine interest and don't ask for anything in return.

Surprising but true! Even if you say almost nothing about yourself, after such a conversation you will be considered an extremely interesting and disposing person. And even more surprising is that your interlocutor will gradually begin to show the same sincere interest in you.

And not to interrupt and insert your opinion. Let go of the demands of reciprocal interest or mutual love, and instead let the other person feel their value. Be interested in him sincerely, and gradually this interest will become mutual! That is, in the end you will get what you gave up.

Why does it work? We are only fixated on ourselves. When someone makes us feel our own worth, then we automatically begin to treat such a person well.? We notice such people with sincere interest, distinguish them from others. We pay more attention to them, and we can see what we have not seen before. Analyze your life, and you will understand the truth of these statements.

Attention! Only sincere interest can cause reciprocity. If a person is not really interesting to you, and you are trying to deceive him by pretending to be interested, then most likely nothing will come of it with this person.

If you have a sincere interest in someone, then there is a very high probability that this interest will return to you in multiples. It's that simple! In order to receive something, we first give it. And it works, friends! If this is really your person, then he will not go anywhere from you. You give him, he gives you - what else is needed for happiness?


The power of thought and the rejection of the desire to receive work wonders. Through the power of thought, we attract the right people to us. And by giving up the desire to receive reciprocity and simply giving a sincere interest, we get what we refused.

Love and be loved! And please subscribe to jail page on VKontakte... See you!

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The power of human thought knows no boundaries and extends to everything around us. Do you realize the degree of significance of this phenomenon? Do you use the power of the creative Power of thought in your daily life? If not, then you just need to familiarize yourself with the content of the article.

You've probably heard from other people "We are what we think." Is there a great truth in this statement? Could our thoughts really have such a huge impact on our lives?

Over the past ten years, the world of science has undergone tremendous changes. Signs of a new era - the era of subconscious thinking - are more and more traced in the press and scientific literature. This way of thinking will give you everything you want. You have a priceless treasure and you must use it. Even the fulfillment of desires by the power of thought is possible.

Each person is able to make his life happy with the help of the power of thought. Each person is the creator of his world, and with the correct use of his subconscious, he can fulfill any of his desires and achieve success in all his endeavors. And you, too, are able to control the power of thought and perform big and small miracles.

By directing the thought process to something that is positive, a person can evolve to incredible heights. And, conversely, if a person's mind is directed towards the negative, then such a person can degrade to the most miserable state.

We create reality ourselves: what we imagine about ourselves, what we dream about, often becomes reality thanks to the psychic energy that we put into these thoughts.

Photo labs, in the West and in Russia, have already learned how to take pictures of thoughts, in color mode. They determined that every thought has its own shape and color. Negative thoughts have ugly forms and dark colors, and positively charged thoughts are endowed with an attractive and harmonious form, light, bright colors. This proves the existence of a finer matter than that which we can see with our own eyes.

By the way, modern scientific theories that thoughts materialize are reflected in ancient myths and folk tales. In the East, this is "Aladdin's Lamp" with its genie from a bottle, fulfilling any desires: it is enough just to clearly formulate and voice what you want.

In Russian folklore, this is a fairy tale about Emelya and Pike, who promised: "Just say:" By the pike's command, according to my will, "and everything will come true." That's right - "according to my desire"! You just need to think about what you want, and not about what you DO NOT want, and you will see: gradually what you want will become possible, the law of attraction and the power of thought will do their job.

Thought power and visualization

One of the techniques for using the power of human thought is visualization. This is when you mentally create a movie of your dreams - you imagine your innermost dreams and fantasies. When you see this with your mind's eye, your desires already partly materialize - after all, according to scientists who have studied brain cells, the human mind does not at all distinguish between an invented picture and a real one. This is the power of thought.

As Albert Einstein said: "Imagination is the display of the upcoming events of life."

Visualization fosters positive thoughts (using your imagination) aimed at the changes you want to bring about.

Scientists have found that about 80 percent of information comes to us through sight, about 15 - through hearing, the rest - through smell, taste, touch. No wonder they say: it's better to see once than hear 100 times. Thus, presenting pictures of your happy life, you can significantly speed up the process of reprogramming your subconscious mind for a new, successful scenario.

You can read more about what visualization is and how it works, about the rules for rendering, what should be avoided when rendering and much more on this topic on the pages of this site.
The power of thought and affirmation

Also, one of the methods of using the power of human thought by influencing the consciousness and subconsciousness are affirmations. Affirmation is a verbal formula that helps us to believe in ourselves and get rid of problems.

The word is an important element of human culture. In all religions of the world, the word is given a special place of honor. The Gospel says that initially "the word was with God, the word was God." The ancients believed that a special sequence of syllables could in itself possess miraculous powers.

There is no doubt about the exceptional influence of words on the human psyche. A person communicates in words, a person often thinks in words. Thought generates emotions and images that directly interfere with our behavior. A significant part of research in psychology is devoted to the influence of words on a person. Some psychotechnologies, for example, auto-training, are completely based on working with the word.

What is the verbal programming mechanism? Frequent repetition of any verbal formula over time leads to its firm consolidation not only in the mind, but also in the subconscious. Gradually, she takes a dominant position.

We will talk in more detail about the rules and methods of affirmations.

Our mind has unlimited ability to learn new things. We use only 10% of our abilities, the other 90% are simply not researched. The most important step in discovering your hidden abilities is to establish contact with those abilities. We have the strength to step out of this mass consciousness and choose our life beliefs.

We must program our subconscious mind to be positive. Remember that what we sow in our subconscious, we will reap in the material world. Our mind can be our enemy or our ally. If you tell yourself that we can do something, we will certainly succeed. Our subconscious mind will immediately find reasons to duplicate this statement. The main thing is to believe that the power of attraction of thought is reality!