Composing ... “What does it mean to be a kindergarten teacher? The meaning of the word educator Pedagogical terminological dictionary

A kindergarten teacher is the first stranger that a child encounters in early childhood and on whom the development of a child's character and the formation of positive qualities largely depend. It is the kindergarten teachers who shape the self-awareness of the country's future civil society. The value of the specialists of this profession cannot be overestimated, because they donate sincere love and maternal care to their pupils during their stay in the nursery.

Views of the caregiver

● When organizing activities, special attention is paid to creating a safe environment that should not harm the health of children, both physical and psychological.

● Organization of children's cognitive activity is also given an important place in the work of an educator. This includes not only specially organized activities, but also the free activity of kids.

● An educator is a person who knows how to develop an individual development path for each child based on the assessment of his current knowledge and skills.

● To work as a child educator, you must be able to develop correctional development plans for children with developmental disabilities.

The listed requirements are the most important, but this is not the whole list of rules that a child teacher must adhere to in his work.

Obtaining the profession of a preschool teacher

To become an educator, you need to undergo special training. People of this specialty are trained in universities, where there is a faculty. In this direction, you can also get a bachelor's degree.

After graduation, in the event that you go to work in your specialty, you will have a small salary. Over time, it will slightly increase depending on the length of service and work experience, as well as your category. Experts with work experience are often invited to private preschool institutions, where the salary is significantly higher compared to public kindergartens.

Educator's workplace

Places are an important form of labor protection for a kindergarten teacher. It is carried out with the aim of identifying adverse factors and their elimination. These issues can only be resolved with a careful analysis of the work environment. During such events, attention is drawn to the compliance of the workplace with hygienic standards. The degree of injury risk at the workplace and the availability of collective protective equipment are especially carefully analyzed.

Harmful factors in the workplace of the educator

The harmful factors in kindergarten can be biological and physical. Bacteria and microorganisms are distinguished among biological ones. The physical includes the microclimate, illumination, humidity, and so on.

If several harmful factors are found at the teacher's workplace, the group is quarantined. This is necessary to eliminate all problems and create an optimal environment for the development and learning of preschoolers, as well as to create optimal conditions for the work of a child educator. In addition to those presented above, there is also a chemical factor. It includes various mixtures and chemicals. Due to the fact that preschool institutions carefully monitor the order in each group, this factor is extremely rare.

Lomteva Elena Evgenievna
Position: senior educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 252" Rostochek "
Locality: Nizhny Novgorod
Material name: article
Theme:"What does it mean to be a kindergarten teacher"
Date of publication: 27.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education

"What does it mean to be a kindergarten teacher"

A person's life in society begins with kindergarten, and that is why

the foundations of social relations laid down by kindergarten teachers,

are decisive in the further development of the child.

The teacher does not work for money, not for awards, but by vocation.

Preschool education is the foundation of human development.

It can be said without exaggeration that an educator, like a teacher, in

more not a profession, but a vocation. To become a teacher you can

get specialized education or for a long time

raise several children.

People of this profession are attentive, responsible, responsive, tactful,

sociable, patient, love

work with children. They

have a good

memory, attention, high communication skills. Own a common

culture and erudition.

An educator is a teacher, that is, a person who teaches, helps to learn

the world. And how effective this process will be depends on

interest of children. And so day after day they walk the path of knowledge together, along

which kids learn to distinguish between good and evil, get to know themselves and the environment

the world, and the teacher constantly learns from them devotion, openness and love.

Children are our future!

Each child is unique, like a star in the Universe, but also from a teacher

depends on whether it is cold and dull, like ice, or bright and hot, like

It is wonderful to plant the seeds of future characters, to support them.

give away



So who is a kindergarten teacher? Of course, man! Human,

raising children, loving them, therefore both he and they are happy. Kindness and

mercy should be inherent in any person, and even more so in an educator,

generally. The teacher is like a potter, in whose hands soft pliable clay


filled. And the task of the educator is to fill this vessel with good, mercy,

creativity, knowledge, skills and abilities, so that this vessel carries not only

beauty, but also was useful and in demand for our society.

People have entrusted them with the most precious thing they have - their children who

will grow up and will certainly contribute to the good of our Motherland, and some of

them, perhaps, will become famous and even accomplish a feat. And they know that

this is also their merit, because they give each of them their work,

love, a piece of soul and heart

To say that work is an everyday holiday is difficult, yet they are all

day deal with different characters. It can be very difficult. Sometimes

just give up, but as soon as the child smiles at you and that's it, you know,

toddlers junior

forgetting themselves, they call them mom. Isn't that the highest trust score?

Being an educator in modern conditions is difficult and responsible, since




constantly be in a creative search, bring something new to work.





later life, self-confident, willing to study further.

Child, this is the most important value in their activities and they, as teachers

are responsible for ensuring that this child takes place as a person, then

has not been broken, humiliated, so that he knows who he is, understand what his

opportunities, what he knows how, what he wants and what he does not want.



professionalism, here human qualities also play a huge role.

If the teacher has only love for the work, he

good educator.

For some reason, young teachers are constantly waiting for gratitude for their work,

but is it right? If you expect gratitude for your work, then work in

profession is not worth it. No one owes anything to anyone, especially children.

“Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world” - wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Children







If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, mother, he will

better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for business,

nor to the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he -

perfect teacher. " (Leo Tolstoy)

“Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has

there is an inner confidence that he is, should be and cannot be




the sacrifices that a person brings to his calling. " (Leo Tolstoy).

Someone becomes a teacher purposefully, even from school



achieves it.

For some, this path is not easy and thorny. This confirms once again that

the profession of an educator is life, but in life everything happens in different ways. But

people bearing this proud title are united by one thing - they gladly give

their hearts to children and cannot imagine their life without it!




does he greet you with a smile, even if he is already in school, does he play

role-playing game "Kindergarten" at home, by all means becoming exactly on

the place of your teacher is the highest mark for any teacher,

even if he has no awards and medals.

Essay on the topic "What it means to be a kindergarten teacher"

You cannot teach a person to be happy,

but educate him so

to make him happy, you can.

A. S. Makarenko

Who could argue with this statement! Indeed, in fact, a child can be taught to count and write, learn to solve equations with two unknowns and understand the structure of a complex mechanism, but will this be a guarantee that he will be happy in the future!

For a long time, any teacher has known the dictum that has become an aphorism: “It's already too late after five! “The wise Russian people say that the child must be brought up while it lies across the shop. And this means that while the child is at preschool age, you need to have time to bring him up to be kind, inquisitive, and, most importantly, happy! Yes, many mothers will say, we agree with this, but HOW to bring up a happy child! And most importantly - where to find the time? In an era when scientific progress does not stand still, and many women have to work to ensure a decent life for their child? The answer is obvious! The child will go to a preschool institution, where he will be warmly welcomed by the children's team and, of course, the teacher.

So what qualities should a real preschooler have to raise a happy child? You will immediately answer: “First - he must love children! »What does it mean to love ALL children? I will tell about myself.

Once upon a time, passing by the kindergarten, from afar, standing on a small hill, I saw the children walking with the teacher on the site. They, in their overalls and jackets, looked so funny and awkward that I stopped and stared at this picture for a moment. And then I imagined that I see all this through the eyes of an alien from outer space: “Ah, human cubs! - I thought, and, suddenly, a wave of inexplicable, beautiful to tears, feelings rose in me. Then I thought: “Probably, this is love for children! "Since then, when I look at the children, I think:" Ah, human babies! "Yes, I love them!

Have you ever wondered why for one "aunty" some little boy is an unbearable bully, and for another - a cute naughty? In my opinion, the second quality that any educator should have is a good memory. Yes Yes! The memory of what happened to you as a child. All children's situations and all children's adventures have already happened. Were with you or your "kindergarten" friends. Remembering your childhood and your childhood experiences, you can imagine what a child feels in a given situation, understand his reaction to certain actions; you can help your child when it is difficult for him. And now, when something extraordinary happens in the group, I say to myself: “Oh, come on, remember your golden childhood! "And the solution to the problem comes naturally. The main thing is for the kid to see your eyes in front of him and understand - you understand him!

I remember well my childhood, my kindergarten and my beloved teacher Alfiya Fatikhovna. We all loved her, the whole group. Why, you ask? We were interested in her. Each subsequent day was not like the previous one. It seems to be the same activities, but each time something new. She didn't study with us, she played with us! And she played not because she knew: “The leading activity of a preschooler is a game,” but because she was a creative person. Here is the third quality of an educator for you - to be a creative person, to be able to think in an original way and see the same object in different ways. If a teacher has this quality, children will definitely show it! I'm not talking about developing any kind of musical or artistic ability right now. The ability to think creatively, to be creative in solving any issue, to see a way out of the current situation where it seems to be nonexistent - these are the qualities that will help the child in the future, no matter what profession he chooses. Children should look at their caregiver and want to be like him, want to communicate with him. How to do it?

Surely, you have noticed more than once that it is much more pleasant for us to communicate with people who are positive, easy-going, who do not burden us with their problems? It is more pleasant for us, adults, but what can we say about children with their emotional-figurative perception of the world? The teacher must constantly give the child a feeling of joy, confidence, security. It is clear that we are all human and nothing human is alien to us. But, having crossed the threshold of a preschool institution, the teacher must leave all his personal experiences, sorrows, adversities outside the door. The child wants to see the smile on the face of his beloved educator and understand - they are waiting for him here, he is welcome here! And this is the fourth necessary quality for a teacher - to be able to be happy yourself! Just get up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror, smile and say to yourself: “I'm happy! "That's the whole secret. Thought something tricky? And "the casket just opened"!

I have been working in kindergarten quite recently, but already with all my heart I fell in love with this bright, sweet home. I can say with confidence that I am happy. After all, every day I rush to work with pleasure, with a smile on my face and joy in my soul I enter a group where our most important people are waiting for me - Children!

I love my profession and come to work with pleasure, where every day I give children love, attention and care. And I feel that the children respond to me in the same way, I think I have become their second mother one hundred percent.

I would also like to say about my parents, they are wonderful too. Bit by bit, I managed to win their trust, understanding and affection. Seeing the result of my work in their children, they became full participants in the educational process. They always respond to any request, are not indifferent to the development of their children, listen to my advice, try to help their children overcome various difficulties in development and learning at this stage, are my helpers in any endeavor, support in everything. We are like one big friendly family. I hope that my pupils will grow up as literate, educated and worthy people. After all, the parents give their children a beginning in life, but I, the educator, help them to take the second step. Child and family are inseparable. And parents and educator should work in close contact, unity. We have one main goal - the upbringing of the Man of the future.

“To educate a person,

you need to feel yourself

human in the best sense

This word. "

V.P. Vakhterov

Why are we born? What is our mission? Probably each of us asks ourselves this question. And sometimes we are looking for an answer to it all our lives. How to understand whether you have found your place in life, whether you have chosen the right path along which you are ready to go all your life. Go without turning off it under any circumstances. What influenced this choice - a natural inclination to some kind of activity or, as fate often says.

It happens differently for everyone. So you find yourself in this or that place yourself, not knowing whether you need it, you only understand with your heart that it beats in your chest. The world of your prosperity depends on what profession you have chosen, it lies in your soul.

So what is a kindergarten teacher? Of course, man! A person who brings up children, loves them, and therefore he and they are happy. Kindness and mercy should be inherent in any person, and even more so in an educator, since his authority is formed from his attitude to business and profession in general. The educator is like a potter, in whose hands soft, pliable clay turns into an elegant vessel. But the most important thing is what this vessel will be filled with. And the task of the educator is to fill this vessel with goodness, mercy, creativity, knowledge, skills and abilities, so that this vessel would carry not only beauty, but also be useful and in demand for our society. KD Ushinsky wrote: “If you choose work successfully and put your soul into it, then happiness itself will find you”. And a happy educator is immediately visible - he lives among children, understands their needs, establishes contacts with their parents, treats everything that surrounds him thoughtfully, and endures the hardships of a hectic pedagogical life. The work of an educator can be difficult, difficult, sometimes taking away everything, both physical and moral strength, but you cannot call it routine, uninteresting.

If you think about the word educator, what does it mean? The word without the prefix "vos" sounds like - "food". The prefix "vos" changes its meaning. Just as a child cannot survive without food, he cannot survive without good upbringing, without the ability to communicate with peers and adults. An educator is a person who feeds the soul, heart of a child, his consciousness, contributes to the growth of the best human qualities and forms his inner world. As VA Sukhomlinsky said, “Our most important pedagogical tool is the ability to deeply respect the human personality in our pupil. With this instrument we are called to create a very delicate, subtle thing: the desire to be good, to become better today than yesterday. This desire does not arise by itself, it can only be brought up. " This means that the educator needs to teach children to love themselves and everyone around them, to help overcome all fears and anxieties. Of course, all of the above is impossible without communication. Without communication, a person is lonely. The ability to communicate is the main condition for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of personality, one of the main types of human activity, aimed at knowing and evaluating oneself through the mediation of other people. Ability to share toys, give in, forgive; sow good, mercy, love for all living things.

An educator for children is a teacher who knows everything, teaches everything, and a playmate, and a close person who will understand everything and help in difficult times. For this, the educator needs a cheerful and cheerful character, if you get angry, then not for long, avoid monotony, boredom, so the educator should reasonably alternate between learning, rest, games so that children do not get bored. Should always remain interesting for your children. It is important not to become a boring adult, to always be a "little" child, to be able to learn from children their vision of the world, their naivety. And how important it is to be able to laugh, think, feel together!

I am more and more convinced that I have chosen the right professional path.

Perhaps I am not destined to accomplish a feat, to make a great discovery - it doesn't matter to me. It is important for me that people have entrusted me with the most precious thing they have - their children, who will grow up and will certainly make their contribution to the good of our Motherland, and some of them may become famous and even accomplish a feat. And I will know that this is also my merit, since I have filled the vessel of each of my pupils with my work, love, a piece of soul and heart.