Social rehabilitation centers for minors, social shelters. Guvu social shelter for children and adolescents

ALTUFIEVO SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF Moscow FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 127106, Moscow, Altufevskoe shosse, 13, building 4, building 4
(district) North-East Administrative District: Pleasing; st.m. Vladykino (1000m SE)
tel .: 401-0079 - Secretary
fax: 401-0079
e-mail: [email protected]

THE ROAD TO THE HOUSE SHELTER Moscow; 117418, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya st., 27, building 4
(district) South-West Administrative District: Cheryomushki; st.m. Profsoyuznaya (450m to the C), Novye Cheryomushki (450m to the SW)
tel .: 128-4769 - Information
fax: 128-6620

ZYUZINO SOCIAL SHELTER (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 117452, Moscow, Azovskaya st., 33, building 3
(district) South-West Administrative District: Zyuzino; st.m. Sevastopolskaya (350m NW), Chertanovskaya (800m S)
tel .: 310-3400
fax: 310-3400

SPIKE SOCIAL SHELTER (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 141014, Moscow region, Mytishchi, Semashko st., 50/10, building 2
tel .: 582-9994

COMMITTEE ON FAMILY AND YOUTH AFFAIRS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF MOSCOW SOCIAL HELP FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 142853, Moscow region, Stupinsky district, Alekseevskoe B. p / o, Raduzhnaya der., Sadovaya st., 3
tel .: 739-9809
fax: 996-1821
e-mail: [email protected]

KRYUKOVO SOCIAL SHELTER FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 124681, Moscow, Zelenograd, Zavodskaya st. (Kryukovo), 14B
(district) ZelAO: Kryukovo
tel .: 533-0033 - Secretary
fax: 533-0033

LOBNYA SOCIAL SHELTER FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 141730, Moscow region, Lobnya, Aviation st., 6
tel .: 579-0179

LYUBERETSKY SOCIAL SHELTER FOR CHILDREN; 140070, Moscow region, Lyuberetskiy district, Tomilino settlement, Karamzina st., 20
tel .: 557-4533
fax: 557-4533

MARINO SOCIAL SHELTER FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 109341, Moscow, Novomaryinskaya st., 3, building 4
(district) SEAD: Maryino; st.m. Maryino (near)
tel .: 345-3500 - Information
fax: 345-3500
e-mail: [email protected]
web page:

ISLAND OF HOPE CHRISTIAN GIRL SHELTER; 109451, Moscow, Belorechenskaya st., 22/66, office 149
(district) SEAD: Lyublino; st.m. Bratislavskaya (800m SW), Lyublino (1150m C)
tel .: 654-7629
fax: 654-7629
e-mail: [email protected]
web page:

(district) North-West Administrative District: Tushino Yuzhnoye; st.m. Skhodnenskaya (1150m N), Tushinskaya (1200m S)
tel .: 492-2681 - Switchboard
fax: 492-2681

SOLNTSEVO SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS CJSC MOSCOW; 119620, Moscow, Solntsevsky prospect, 8A
(district) JSC: Solntsevo; st.m. South-West (5300m NE)
tel .: 934-6344
fax: 934-9636

TEXTILE SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS; 109390, Moscow, Tekstilshchikov 1st st., 6A
(district) SEAD: Textile workers; st.m. Printers (900m to the southwest), textile workers (950m to the N), Volzhskaya (1400m to the southeast)
tel .: 179-1191
fax: 179-2072

KHIMKINSKY SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS; 141400, Moscow region, Khimki, Leninsky prospect, 11A
tel .: 575-9616 - Secretary, Director
fax: 575-9616

KHOROSHEVO-MNEVNIKI SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS; 123423, Moscow, Narodnogo militia st., 3, building 2
(district) SZAO: Horoshevo-Mnevniki; st.m. Polezhaevskaya (2850m NE), Oktyabrskoe Pole (2850m NE), Bagrationovskaya (3300m SE)
tel .: 199-5520 - Social service
fax: 199-5520

SHCHELKOVSKY DISTRICT MOSCOW. REGION SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS; 141108, Moscow region, Schelkovo, Kooperativnaya st., 15
tel .: 526-4236 - Director
fax: 526-4236

SOUTH ADM. DISTRICT SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS OF MOSCOW; 115563, Moscow, Borisovskiy proezd, 15, building 3
(district) Southern Administrative District: Orekhovo-Borisovo North; st.m. Domodedovskaya (1750m S), Krasnogvardeyskaya (1800m Southeast)
tel .: 390-5354

State educational institution "Social shelter for children and adolescents"- an educational institution for children who have lost their parents or left without their care, as well as children in need of help and protection of the state. At the time of opening, the shelter was located on land leased by the Moscow government at the address Moscow Region, Istrinsky District, Snegiri village, boarding house of the second watch factory "Slava". In 2000, he moved to the site of the former Orphanage No. 3.

About the shelter

The orphanage was opened by the Decree of the Moscow Government No. 8 dated 01/09/1996. Has a Regulation approved by the Committee for Family and Youth Affairs of the Government of Moscow, now the Department of Family and Youth Policy of the city of Moscow.

On the land where the orphanage is located, many years ago there was an orphanage No. 3, the founder of which was one of the followers of A. S. Makarenko - S. A. Kalabalin.

The system of placing children in the orphanage is a family one, 6 children of different ages and an educator. Each family lives in a separate three-room apartment with an entrance hall, living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom with shower. All apartments are equipped with modern furniture, TV, telephone, games, toys, dishes. On the floors there are - laundry room with modern washing machines, ironing and drying rooms. There is a modern hairdressing salon, bar, gym, dance hall, billiard room, sports and assembly halls, etc.

The main building of the shelter

The shelter system has a kindergarten, primary, secondary and high school, the age of pupils is from 3 to 18 years. On the ground floor there is a medical center, which includes an admission department, a sanitary inspection room, an isolation ward, doctors' offices, a treatment room and a dining room. On the ground floor there are also classrooms, a teacher's room, and a head teacher's office.

The entire system of providing employment for pupils is designed for the internal needs of the shelter; the administration does not pursue commercial goals in this area.

Livelihoods are arranged in such a way that the child is comfortable in the shelter. Full-fledged correctional work is carried out with all children. Children prepare for independent life as much as possible, receive education. An important aspect in the work of the shelter is the creation of a favorable pedagogical environment and a comfortable psychological climate in the collectives of pupils and employees. The shelter has created conditions in which each pupil can re-evaluate his capabilities and prospects in life, everyone is given a chance to acquire a positive environment, everyone can engage in socially useful activities. Psychologists conduct consultations with children, talk, study interpersonal relationships in social families.

Medical and Wellness Complex

The pedagogical staff of the shelter tries to ensure the safety of its pupils, protecting them from the effects that are dangerous to life and health. This is facilitated to a greater extent by the remoteness of the shelter from the city, the lack of retail outlets and the ongoing work to prevent adolescent drug addiction and substance abuse, aimed at enriching spiritual interests and needs, developing the creative abilities of pupils, and organizing leisure activities.

Of course, the shelter cannot fully compensate for the loss of the family, but it is possible to partially solve this problem, it is possible to most successfully prepare children for an independent life in society in our family-type shelter. Principles of organizing a family-type shelter:

  • creation of family groups taking into account family ties
  • organization of family life
  • transition of work of adult and children's teams to the level of cooperation
  • labor adaptation through self-service
  • post-shelter adaptation according to the principle: a graduate is a full member of his social family.

The conditions that are closest to home have been created. Each child is included in the family in the system of play, educational and work activities. A personal child development program is developed and implemented.

The shelter managed to achieve a sufficiently high level of interaction with the executive authorities and public institutions, which make a significant contribution to the development of our shelter.

So, for example, the Department of Family and Youth Policy of Moscow provides all-round and all-round assistance to the shelter in strengthening and updating the material base, material and technical support of education, social support for the shelter workers, protecting the rights, and meeting the needs of the inmates.

This, of course, ensures the sustainable development of our shelter.

System of work of educators

The work of educators at the Social Shelter is based on the watch method of work. Educators work in family educational groups for one week, the next week is a day off for their change. The delivery and acceptance of shifts takes place on Monday, on the same day, at a pedagogical meeting, educators get acquainted with the tasks set for the whole week. During the shift, the work of the teaching staff is supervised by a senior educator. Such a scheme of work allows you to avoid the frequent change of caregivers in the child's life, to prevent various psychological trauma associated with this cause; the whole week gives the educators the opportunity to establish a long-term psychological connection with the ward. Educators fulfill the social role of the mother in the family-educational group, therefore, taking into account the watch system of work, it is safe to say that they spend half their lives with the pupils.

Post-orphanage adaptation of graduates

In the system of educational work of the Social Shelter, much attention is paid to the problem of adaptation of the graduate of the Shelter. As a rule, children enter adulthood with a rather modest stock of social and domestic skills: it is difficult for them to decide on a new place, difficulties arise with employment, study, and sometimes even with health. To help in solving these and similar issues, the administration of the shelter has developed a whole range of organizational, socio-pedagogical, legal, medical and other measures for the adaptation of graduates of the Social shelter. Responsibilities for the implementation of these tasks are assigned to the institution's staff: social, legal departments, family-educational groups, a polyclinic, a health-improving complex, even a library. Among the main tasks for achieving the most favorable result, the following are identified:

  1. Control over the studies and discipline of graduates in educational institutions.
  2. Assistance in solving social and legal issues.
  3. Providing graduates with the opportunity to stay at the Social Shelter during weekends, vacations, holidays.
  4. Invitation of graduates to participate in sports competitions, competitions, game programs.
  5. Providing graduates with jobs.
  6. Providing graduates with the opportunity to participate in student camps, excursions, trains conducted on the basis of the Social Shelter.
  7. Inviting graduates to big holidays (Birthday of the Social Shelter, graduation party).
  8. Providing graduates with the opportunity to use the services of a health-improving complex, polyclinics.

The administration and the teaching staff of the shelter are trying to do everything possible so that the connection between the children and the shelter is not lost, here they are always welcome and ready to help. It should be noted that there are fruits of this work - the guys turn to the shelter for help, there are cases when the teachers were invited to their weddings by the graduates of the past. Undoubtedly, this direction in the work is one of the key, organically completing the entire system of social rehabilitation and adaptation of young people in Moscow.

History of the Orphanage No. 3

In 1922, a colony for prisoners of the Lefortovo isolation ward in Moscow was created here. A weaving workshop began to work, in which the colonists weaved tablecloths; a small brick factory was also established. Then the land with all the buildings was transferred to the Bolshealekseevsky pedigree farm, and in the year - to the agricultural technical school, where livestock breeders and agronomists for grain farming were trained. Each student had 0.02 hectares of land for work and observation of seedlings and crops. All work was done by students. An orphanage was established that year. The agricultural technical school gave the orphanage a well-established economy, cows, pigs, horses. In November 1934, the first pupils from the Danilovsky reception center in Moscow arrived. There was no bridge across the Severka River, they crossed over the poles thrown from one bank to the other. The first director was Alexey Chervontsev. He himself comes from a poor peasant family, who experienced sorrow and hardship. Left without parents, from the age of eight he went to earn his own bread. Having become a director, he showed his organizational talent, love and devotion to disadvantaged children and orphans in working with children. Chervontsev spoke at solemn meetings in the neighboring village of Milino, asked the collective farmers to help in improving life in the labor commune. Some residents went to work there. The Malinsky District Committee provided great assistance in the work. There were over 600 children aged from 9 to 16. The entire area of ​​the commune was surrounded by a high fence, three meters high. The guard team consisted of twenty-seven people, there were six posts, there were three armed patrols. The teachers managed to ignite a spark of hope for a better future in their pets. There was no furniture, they slept on mattresses on the floor. Workshops were opened: girls learned to sew, boys mended shoes, made tables, benches. We worked in the field, in the garden, prepared firewood, heating was stove. They carried the fire-guard guard at a distance of twelve kilometers. It was necessary to think about children's leisure too. Gathered in the club, sang. The inhabitants of the surrounding villages came to the performances in the labor commune.

In the city of Moscow, a new director, Semyon Afanasyevich Kalabalin, a former pupil of A. S. Makarenko, a hero of the "Pedagogical Poem", a strong-willed, energetic, tireless teacher, a master of his craft, was sent through Mosgorono to establish work in the orphanage. First of all, the fence was demolished, he did not need the police either. And Semyon Afanasyevich began to build a new life with his children, with the Council of Commanders. An orchard was laid. A sports ground appeared. We started to build a water pumping station. The pupils worked in the field, in the garden, in the workshops. The shoemaker even tried to sew new boots. The carpentry workshop satisfied the needs of the orphanage: tables, stools, chairs, lockers. Under the leadership of F.A. Shumilin a writing desk with an ink set "Kremlin" was made. This table was featured in an exhibition of children's works in the Column Hall of the House of Unions. In the sewing workshop, the girls sewed linen, simple modest aprons. The best works were sent to the exhibition in the Hall of Columns. More work has been added. It was necessary to break the stones into small pieces and use them to pave the road from the school to the subsidiary farm.

Together with Semyon Afanasyevich worked Galina Konstantinovna ("Chernigovka" in the "Pedagogical Poem"), his wife, faithful friend, assistant. This is a teacher with a large creative reserve. She generously gave maternal warmth and love to her pets. And they paid her with ardent affection. Her own children were right there, she didn't pick them out. It was a united, friendly family. But then S. A. Kalabalin was transferred to Moscow. He headed the orphanage No. 60. The new director, Aleksandr Arkadyevich Belogrudov, also had a hard lot. War broke out. The men went to the front. Their places were taken by women, senior pupils. A detachment of older children, together with a history teacher, went to build defensive lines near Moscow. Dug trenches to shelter children during air raid raids. An order came to evacuate the children (they bombed the Barybino station). It was necessary to put shoes, dress children, prepare food for the road and for life in new conditions. The government showed great concern for children even as the enemy approached Moscow. In small groups in buses sent from Moscow, children were sent to the capital, to orphanage No. 60. In the new conditions in the village. Makushino of the Chelyabinsk region, Alexander Arkadievich managed to arrange the life and study of his pupils. Local party bodies helped. The older children went to study at FZU, and then began to work in factories and plants. And Belogrudov himself went to the front and soon died.

After the end of the war, the orphanage became a cultural center in the village, and the brass band served all cultural events. A drama club was created from the staff and children of the orphanage. In the spring, a land plot was allocated for the needs of an orphanage. We planted potatoes, began to grow vegetables. This was of great help in feeding the children. We prepared firewood for the winter. We have successfully completed the academic year. Several of our students entered the Alapaevsk Geological College. Children grew up, they were sent to vocational schools. They began to work in factories and factories. And in the year in the orphanage number 3 near Moscow, a preschool orphanage was created for the children of the fallen soldiers. Some of the employees returned from the evacuation and began to work in the same place.

Life in the orphanage has gradually improved. The paths connecting the buildings were paved. There was electricity. A new pumping station was put into operation. Gas appeared in the kitchen and in the apartments of employees. This is the great merit of the Deputy Director for Economic Affairs N.S. Bakhmetyev.

As time went

And now the orphanage takes first place in the review of the work of orphanages. The director at that time was Nikolai Petrovich Antonov, an experienced organizer, a wonderful teacher. The Ministry of Education of the Hungarian Republic became interested in the system of labor education. The orphanage was visited by two delegations of foreign countries. Great help was always rendered by the party and Soviet organizations of the region and the city of Moscow, the chiefs.
The quantitative composition of its party organization has also grown. The trade union organization grew stronger. The help of the Komsomol members has become more real. The pioneers did not lag behind. They helped in harvesting, took part in preparations for the opening of the camp. The subsidiary farming at the orphanage made it possible to improve the nutrition of the pupils. Children worked in the garden, in the garden, in the field from the moment of planting to the harvest. This is one of the links in labor education. The tradition of labor education has not been forgotten to this day - in the Social Shelter, located on the site of an orphanage, a careful and respectful attitude towards work is formed among children.

Notes (edit)

see also


Department of Family and Youth Policy of the City of Moscow
Evening Moscow - Article on the site of the city news "Evening Moscow"
School number 227 Secondary school number 227


In orphanages and boarding schools there are children whose serious illnesses and pathologies are compatible with life. These children do not die of their diseases, they can live with it. But their life is significantly different from the life of healthy peers and ours. Their special needs require a special habitat or special opportunities forevery child: operations, prosthetics, rehabilitation equipment, special educational programs.

These children face obstacles every day. Every day they become little heroes, performing an everyday feat - overcoming all the difficulties of the world around them, forced isolation from society.

Many children who received the status of a disabled person in the institution and many terrible diagnoses still dream of independence and mobility, independence from the help of other people, dream of learning the world outside the walls of institutions. Many of them really have every chance not only to become healthy and independent, but also to find a family.

Our goal is to help these children, to make their lives happier, to give them the opportunity to see the world as we know it: huge, comfortable, interesting, diverse.

In the program of targeted assistance to children "Healthy Child", we collect funds for both children from child care facilities and for children from needy families, whose parents cannot afford to pay for the expensive treatment of a child..

We update information on children and fees for their needs as donations come in, but not more often than once a week. If you did not find your name in the list of those who helped the child - be patient, we will update the information soon.



the collection for the code 293 is closed. The Foundation has already paid for the rehabilitation course for the girl for Milana, but it is scheduled for February. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report will be posted on the child's page.

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Samir Sh. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, delayed psychomotor and speech development... Collection amount: 159 600 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Guzel Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, delayed psychomotor development Amount of collection: 150,000 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Alexandra L. Diagnosis: acute lymphoblastic leukemia, accommodation spasm, amblyopia. Amount of collection: 231 250 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Egor A. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, motor alalia. Amount of collection: 500,000 rubles


the collection for code 298 is closed. For Natasha, the Foundation paid for a rehabilitation course. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report is posted on the child's page.

a new beneficiary of the Kutuzovskaya boarding school of the Moscow region was admitted to the program "Healthy Child" (project of the medical room) -. Diagnosis: epilepsy, accompanied by impaired psycho-motor and speech activity. Collection amount: 95,000 rubles

the collection for code 294 is closed. For Zhenya, the Fund paid for 2 rehabilitation courses for the boy. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report is posted on the child's page.

the collection for code 296 is closed. For Bulat, the Fund purchased a hippo-trainer, and now the boy is regularly engaged at home. Thank you very much to all the participants of the gathering. Delivery report on the child's page.


collection for code 295 is closed. For Ruslan. C. The Foundation has already paid for the rehabilitation course for the boy. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report will be posted on the child's page.


a new beneficiary was admitted to the "Healthy Child" program - Zhenya V. Diagnosis: epilepsy, accompanied by impaired psycho-motor and speech activity. Amount of collection: 234,000 rubles.font-family: "arial =" ">
AR-SA ">


the collection for the code 287 is closed. For George. D. The fund has already paid for tickets for him and the boy's mother. Many thanks to all Volgograd residents who responded to the request for help and transferred funds to pay for travel and examinations before the operation! The treatment report is posted on the child's page.font-family: "arial =" "> minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language:
AR-SA ">


a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Yaroslav P. Diagnosis: atypical autism with mental retardation and systemic speech underdevelopment. Amount of collection: 89,000.00 rubles.font-family: "arial =" "> minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language:
AR-SA ">


a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Georgy G. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, neurogenic scoliosis of the 3rd degree Amount of collection: 22,500 rubles.

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Ruslan S. - Diagnosis: bilateral sensorineural hearing loss IV degree, cochlear implantation. Amount of collection: 85350 rubles.
a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Bulat. C. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, epilepsy Amount of collection: 69,900 rubles.
a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Togliatti boarding school. Diagnosis: multiple pathologies of mental development, intelligence and hearing impairment. Amount of collection: 240,000 rubles.


a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Bulat N. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. Amount of collection: 149,600.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Anna G. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia, pronounced central tetraporesis... Amount of collection: 180,000.00 rubles

adopted new beneficiary in the "Healthy Child" program - Anastasia R. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, symptomatic epilepsy... Amount of collection: 171,000.00 rubles

adopted a new beneficiary in the "Healthy Child" program - Milana S. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Amount of collection: 128 600,00 rubles

closed collection for code 271. For Karina R., the Foundation has already paid for a rehabilitation course for her. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report will be posted on the child's page.

closed collection for M1 code for guys Petrovvalsky boarding school, Volgograd region... The Foundation paid for the equipment already necessary for the Medical Office. Thank you very much to all the participants of the Gathering. A report on the assistance provided will be published soon.


the collection for the code 267 is closed. In the near future, Daniel P. will undergo a very necessary rehabilitation course for him. Thank you Huge to all participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising

collection for code 275 is closed. In the near future the Fund will pay for the necessary wheelchair for Yura L. and give it to the family.

collection for code 276 is closed. In the near future the Fund will pay for the necessary wheelchair for Pavel D. and give it to the family.


Closed collection for code 270. For Alexandra G. The Fund pays for and delivers a hippo-trainer. Thank you Huge to all participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising

collection for code 272 is closed. The Foundation will pay for the rehabilitation course for Daniel T.


a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Yura L. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. Amount of collection: 86,000.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Olga D. Diagnosis: Consequences of perinatal pathology of the central nervous system with diffuse microsymptomatics, emotional and volitional disorders. Amount collected: 91 630.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Maxim E. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis. Amount of collection: 97 600,00 rubles

04/20/2017, Tatarstan

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Daniel T. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, developmental delay... Collection amount: 91,200.00 rubles

13.04.2017, Novosibirsk:

a new beneficiary was admitted to the "Healthy Child" program - Alexandra G. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Amount of collection: 68,750.00 rubles.

13.04.2017 the camp for the code 258 is closed. In the near future Andrey V. will undergo a rehabilitation course that is essential for him in St. Petersburg. Thank you Huge to all participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising

the collection for code 259 is closed. The Foundation will pay for the rehabilitation course for Fedor in the coming days.

04/11/2017, Samara region

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Slava K. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis... Amount of collection: 91,000.00 rubles

04/11/2017, Tatarstan

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Daniel P. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, dysarthria ... Amount of collection: 238,000.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Karina R. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, double athetosis... Amount of collection: 160,500.00 rubles

16.01.2017 collection for code 257 is closed. In the near future Gleb P. will go to St. Petersburg for treatment. Thank you Huge to all the participants who did not pass by and helped

the collection for code 260 is closed. The Fund will pay and deliver the necessary simulators to Azat within a month.

13.01.2017, Moscow region:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Masha N.

Diagnosis: Residual organic lesion of the central nervous system. Delayed psychoverbal development.Amount of collection: 104,800.00 rubles.

01/09/2017, Ryazan:the collection for the code 251 is closed - a soft room will be organized to help the children of the Ryazan orphanage. Thanks to everyone who participated in helping!

12/31/2016, Tatarstan:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Azat Z. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, bone deformation due to spastic tetraparesis... Amount collected: 66 300,00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Darina K. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraporesis. Amount of collection: 63,200.00 rubles

12/31/2016, Novosibirsk:

a new beneficiary was admitted to the "Healthy Child" program - Anastasia A. Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus. Amount of collection: 150,000.00 rubles.

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Matvey U. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Amount of collection: 73,100.00 rubles.

12/30/2016, Belgorod region: a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Andrey V. Diagnosis: cerebellar insufficiency syndrome, right-sided central hemiparesis, neurogenic planovalgus deformity of the right foot. Amount of collection: 70,000.00 rubles. More details >>> Join now!

20.12.2016, Ryazan:a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Zhanna K. Diagnosis: Chronic sensorineural hearing loss, grade IV. on the right, III Art. on the left, systemic speech underdevelopment. Amount of collection: 48,000.00 rubles. Join us!

11/25/2016, Novosibirsk:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Sophia S. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. We are raising funds to pay for specialized walkers for children with cerebral palsy. Amount of collection: 105,000.00 rubles.

More details: Join us!

11/25/2016, Ryazan:

10/27/2016, Ryazan:

10/26/2016, Volgograd:

code 247 is closed - children with cerebral palsy will now be able to undergo rehabilitation courses in the rehabilitation department of the Sredneakhtubinsk Central Social Society.Thanks to everyone who participated in the fundraising for the rehabilitation equipment. More details

10/26/2016, Ryazan:

10/18/2016, Kazan:

10/18/2016, Ryazan:

10/13/2016 Ryazan:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Matvey K. Diagnosis: shunt-dependent hydrocephalus without progression. We collect for payment of a 24-hour nanny-sitter for the postoperative period. Amount of collection: 75,000.00 rubles. Details:. Join us!

"arial =" ">

10/12/2016 Ryazan region:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Alexey L. Diagnosis: congenital heart disease, Oik oval window. We collect for payment of a 24-hour nanny-sitter for the postoperative period. Amount of collection: 21,000.00 rubles. Details:. Join us!

"arial =" "> 10/12/2016, Novosibirsk:
font-family: "tahoma =" "> and its maintainer

font-family: "tahoma =" "> paid travel from Ryazan to the place of treatment and back. Thanks to everyone who participated in helping the child! Details:

06/15/2016, Ryazan:

closed code 249 - to helpNecessary rehabilitation equipment was handed over to the Elatomsk orphanage... Thanks to everyone who participated in helping the institution! Details:

05/18/2016, Ryazan:

closed code 158 - to help Artem S. cryus
color: gray "> babysitting services, as well as transportation costs to the place of treatment
... Thanks to everyone who participated in helping the child! Details: