Pine needles, why not craft material? Weaving from pine needles

Very soon, green beauties will appear in our homes, and under them children and adults will find wonderful gifts. But after the holidays, weekdays will come and the pine-trees will move to the landfill. But our familiar inventor Nastya Kondratovets suggests not to rush and master weaving from pine needles .

Weaving from pine needles

Since childhood, I was sorry to part with the lazy beauty, who all New Year's days delighted us with green needles and a resinous aroma. Take out the tree and as if there weren't those happy days. Anderson's fairy tale of the same name comes to mind ...

And recently I learned about weaving from pine needles and the opportunity arose to give the tree a second life. But you don't have to wait for the new year to be creative. Usually there are a lot of pine trees in the city. And if you manage to get out into the forest for the needles, it's even better.

What crafts can be made from pine needles?

Needles can be used to make:

  • hot coasters,
  • various vases / baskets,
  • trays,
  • interior items,
  • and even decorations.

When working with needles, bactericidal substances are released into the air, which is the prevention of colds.

I put several coasters for the hot to the cereals to prevent the appearance of moths.

Types of weaving from pine needles

There are 2 weaving methods.

In the first case, only pine needles.

In the second, you will additionally need sewing needle thread .

Weaving pine needles - hot stand

The stand is woven in the first way, when only pine needles are needed.

Crafts are made in 2 stages:

  1. Preparing pine needles for weaving
  2. Weaving itself

I. Preparing pine needles for weaving

1. Pour a bunch of needles with boiling water for 10-20 minutes, until the needles become soft.

2. Remove them and let the water drain.

II. Weaving from pine needles

1. Select 7 pairs. the longest pine needles for starting and finishing work.

2. Take 2 pairs of needles. Roll them up into a ring.

3. Wrap the needles around the ring so that it becomes tight, and the tail of the needles is 2-4 cm long.

4. Take a couple of needles and stick them into the workpiece. Attach the outer one to the tail, wrap the inner (working) around the bundle 5 times.

5. Roll the wrapped ends with a snail around the base. With a working needle (marked with a green line in the photo), go through the base again, and attach it to the tail.

This process reminded me very much of weaving a wreath of dandelions.

6. Repeat steps 4-5 until the stand is slightly smaller than planned.

7. Set aside long needles will be needed to complete the weaving. Perform 4-6 turns with a working needle, then pierce, attach the tail.

8. Once again make a few turns around the bundle and secure.

That is, you need to make 2 passes with 1 needle. Thus, the bundle of needles will gradually become thinner. And the edge will be denser.

9. When the support is ready, thread the needle into the middle of the product.

This is what the wrong side looks like

And here is the face

- Fold the needles in one direction before starting work.

- You can use fresh or dry needles. Just keep in mind that green needles are flexible, but fumes break up easily. Dry - they break more often, but they are connected more tightly.

- Prepare about as many needles to use in one day.

- Essential oils contained in pine needles are not only released into the air, but also absorbed through the skin. The first time I got carried away and sat for 3 hours. And then I felt dizzy, like after a long walk in the woods. Experimentally I found out: it takes an hour to weave, an hour to do something else.

- Immediately decide on which side you will have the front side, so that the “caps” of the needles are from the inside out, and the needle comes out.

- It is advisable not to take breaks from work, and to perform at least 1 turn every day. Otherwise, the edge dries up and the needles may break when piercing and tightening.

- If the needles are difficult to push through the base, use a toothpick to mark the hole.

- For needlework crafts, long needles (more than 10 cm) are required. When weaving with threads, the size of the needles is not so important.

If you have read this article, then you are also interested in weaving from pine needles - and not complicated, and beautiful, and useful for health 🙂

Ecological materials, with their diversity, are so much available that there is always an idea to create something useful and beautiful out of them at the same time. Practical home decor items can be made from just about anything. Items created from eco-friendly materials will always be relevant and will be able to decorate any interior.

Without exception, everyone knows about the various properties of pine. She feeds and dresses, and what to say about her healing properties. Everything is used: roots, cones, branches, needles, buds. It would seem that a person uses everything that was possible to his advantage. But no. This article will discuss the use of coniferous needles in weaving all kinds of decorative elements. And let's take a closer look at such wonderful baskets.

It may be difficult to imagine, but they are made from the needles of coniferous trees.

This technique of weaving objects is quite ancient, because used it more than 9 thousand years ago. Since ancient times, people have woven vessels, combining pine needles and roots of various plants. Such weaves were so strong that they even carried water in them.

Now the manufacture of various items from coniferous needles, like everything related to eco-design, is again becoming fashionable.

And to work on weaving such a basket, you need to prepare dry and fresh needles, a strong thread, a needle and scissors. Instead of coniferous needles, you can also prepare any other flexible, eco-friendly material. Everything here will depend on your imagination. The main thing is to grasp the very essence of this weaving technique.

We start manufacturing

It is better to choose longer needles for work. They can be found on cedar and pine trees.

When the needles are collected, start preparing them. if we talk about fresh needles, then she does not need special preparations. Such needles are quite elastic and come off without scales - "caps". You just need to place them in one direction.

But with dry needles you need to work. Go through them, leaving only complete ones. Then place the dry needles in a bowl of hot water for 10 minutes. This procedure will make her softer and more elastic. In addition to everything, it will wash off dust and dirt. So that the needles do not lose their softness throughout the entire work, they can be soaked in separate portions. Next, you need to lay out the needles on a paper towel or something similar and separate the “caps” - flakes so that they do not spoil the final look of the product. The use of tweezers or forceps will help make this procedure more convenient.

Now start making the basket itself from its foundation. It will be in the center of the bottom. Select a bunch of needles up to 1 cm in diameter and fix it by tying a knot of threads. Wrap the thread in a spiral. Having reached one third of the length of our bundle, bend it and roll the needles into a kind of "snail". It needs to be made tight enough.

Then gradually add new needles. Make sure that the tourniquet is always of the same diameter. Tie it to the snail as well. Go one full circle. Sew the “snail” by tightly wrapping the needles of the last circle as shown in the diagram. Do the same with the rest of the circles.

The general view of the bottom of the future basket will completely depend on the shape of the bundle. It can take on both round and oval shapes. When making the base of the basket for the first time, use dry needles, since fresh ones are more elastic and it will take more force to fold the “snail”.

Continue doing these circles. Attach only the made rows of needles to the previous ones, wrapping them as it was with the first. To make the bottom look more aesthetically pleasing, you need to grab about a third of the already finished row with a needle.

Take the thread as long as possible, but so that it is convenient for you to work. At the end, take a new thread and attach it to the end of the remaining one. You need to make a couple of knots, cut off the tips and hide them among the needles.

When the base of the basket is already large enough, you can correct the shape of the "snail" and cover it with more beautiful stitches.

Choose the diameter of the base yourself. It will depend, of course, on how big the basket you want to make. After you have reached the desired size, proceed to work with the wall. Everything is very simple here. The next row of needles needs to be lifted up a little. Thus, the work will simultaneously take place in a circle and with each subsequent one will gradually rise.

After you have done 3-4 circles up, you can add fresh needles. Until the needles dry out, its green color will give your product not only elegance and special originality, but also a pleasant aroma.

Alternate dry needles with fresh needles, replacing them every equal number of circles.

In order for the finished basket to have the shape of a bowl, you need to make each subsequent circle a little further from the center. Thus, the diameter will constantly increase.

When you reach the height you want, stop adding needles and close the ends of the needles with regular stitches. The thread must be taken out into the product, cut and hidden.

Also, you can easily modify the finished basket a little by applying all kinds of decorative stitches. For its decor, you can use various beads, nuts. In the end, the needles can be painted in any color.

A cute hedgehog will become a real friend for your child, and an excellent souvenir for you! How to make a hedgehog from cones?

By following our instructions step by step, you can easily make this thorny forest dweller.

Pine cone and salt dough hedgehog

Before making a hedgehog, remove the scales from the cones - just carefully separate them from the core and put them in one pile. You can use tweezers or nail scissors.

This completes the preparation, now we start to create. First of all, we roll an even ball from the dough.

We mold the body and the head of the hedgehog from it, sharpening its nose a little.

We should have a completely recognizable silhouette.

Carefully, in even rows, we insert individual scales into the body. First, we make a row around the circumference of the hedgehog's body.

And already from it we go inward, trying to select scales of a similar size, so that the hedgehog's “hair” is smooth and neat.

We roll another one out of the dough, this time, a small lump - a nose, attach it. Can be slightly moistened to provide a stronger hold.

Our hedgehog is almost ready, all that remains is to bake it in the oven at minimum power. You can dry the craft under normal conditions, but it will take more time.

When the hedgehog dries well, all that remains is to draw his eyes and paint the nose with oil paint or acrylic.

We've got a charming bump!

The craft can be based on a foam ball and a cone. More on video:

Pine cone and felt hedgehog

The second version of how to make a hedgehog from a cone is done using felt and beads.

For crafts we need:

  • paper templates for cutting
  • cone
  • regular and curly scissors
  • glue gun

Cut out craft blanks from felt using paper templates. One piece looks a bit like a horseshoe, while the other is a semicircle with a wavy edge.

Glue the semicircle with a glue gun.

Sew a beaded nose to the end of the cone.

Sew on the eyes.

Sew on felt ears.

We glue together a bump, a muzzle and a part in the form of a horseshoe, which turns out to be the small paws of a hedgehog.

The hedgehog is ready! Kids hedgehogs made of pine cones and felt.

Pine cone hedgehogs can decorate a Christmas tree.

A very cute hedgehog can be made from a plastic bottle and cones. A plastic bottle with a rounded cap is best for making crafts. We paint the end of the bottle with a black marker.

We wrap the rest of the fabric.

We glue the cones to the rag, forming a hedgehog fur coat.

When the cones are glued throughout the bottle, we supplement the composition with apples, spruce twigs and rowan berries.

Hedgehog made of cones and a plastic bottle (large)

To make a hedgehog, we need natural materials: cones, rowan twigs, leaves, birch sticks. At the heart of the craft is a plastic bottle that we cut off.

For a detailed master class, see the video:

A sad time, the charm of the eyes - finally came into its own. It's already mid-autumn outside the window, and for most parents this is the time when they help their children with their autumn crafts.

With a high degree of probability, we can say that in all primary grades and in kindergartens, tasks were given to make crafts with the theme of autumn. Like most parents, we found the idea for the craft on the Internet.

Our choice fell on the hedgehog from the cones. In most of the instructions for creating a hedgehog, it was necessary to have: cones, plasticine, a plastic bottle, a cup and glue. We bought glue, we collected cones in the forest, there was an abundance of plasticine in the nursery, but we did not like the idea with a plastic bottle. We didn't want to cut, cut and glue the hedgehog's bodies, and we found another bottle that was 100% shaped like a bald hedgehog.

It was a vinegar bottle. Surely every family has such a bottle, especially in the fall during the home canning season.

Following the instructions, we pasted over the bottle with plasticine in order to then attach the cones to it, but we did not even guess how much energy and nerves we were destined to spend in order to secure at least the first row of cones. The cones, smeared with glue, did not want to stick to the clay. The idea of ​​creating a hedgehog hung in the balance.

Our second idea, how to strengthen the cones on the bottle, came down to the fact that we increased the layer of plasticine so that the cones plunged into the plasticine as deeply as possible, however, this method did not lead to a positive result either.

We went through several instructions again and complained that our Atlant glue, perhaps, could not cope with the gluing of these materials. We decided to buy Moment Kristall glue exactly the same as that used in other instructions.

The glue money was wasted. The glue did not glue the buds to the clay or directly to the bottle. Thinking about how to glue cones to a bottle led us to a wonderful idea that, we hope, will help you quickly and without nerves make a hedgehog out of cones.

Are mothers ready to sacrifice their tights for a craft for their child? I think yes. So it happened in our case. We cut off the warm tights and pulled them over the bottle. The cut end was easily hidden in the neck and closed with a lid.

Then the torment with the gluing of the cones began again. At first glance, the glue penetrated the fabric, and the bump immediately stuck, but they were unstable, and if you pulled the bump slightly, it could be torn off.

"Why pull?" - you ask, the answer is simple: we do crafts in kindergarten, and in it every child wants to touch the hedgehog, and in this performance there are no guarantees that after meeting the hedgehog he will not remain bald.

Needle and thread - this is our salvation! Easily and quickly, we sewed the bumps to the tights stretched over the bottle, and the hedgehog acquired a recognizable look.

Then we began to wonder what kind of eyes to give our hedgehog. The choice was not great, but his mood depended on it. The eyes are sold in sewing departments, and they cost 5 rubles per pair. You can see the result of our choice below.

The craft in the shape of a hedgehog seemed to us undeformed, and we decorated it in autumn colors. A rowan twig, fir-tree twigs, an apple, flowers and the hedgehog himself found their shelter in a plate of frisbee. Bought for the mood and never used for its intended purpose, the frisbee found a second life as the basis for our craft.

Do not be upset if you do not have such a plate, the lid from the shoe box or other items from your everyday life can easily act as a stand for the craft.

This is how our hedgehog looks now, and tomorrow he will move to a kindergarten for permanent residence.

We hope that the children will like the craft, and you have found the answer to the question of how to make a hedgehog out of cones.

Doing your homework with the whole family, it brings together, and check out my blog, where you will find a lot of interesting things, for example, from plastic cups. The New Year is ahead, and it's time to think about what your craft will be like.

And finally, a small gallery of photos of our autumn hedgehog.

DIY hot stand

The master class is intended for schoolchildren and parents.

Purpose: interior decoration, gift making.

Target: learning the simplest elements of weaving from pine needles.


To acquaint with the simplest weaving elements.

Teach basic weaving techniques.

Foster interest in work.


Pine needles.

Deep storage capacity.


Nature is our storeroom. And crafts made of pine needles also have medicinal properties. When the tired children come after classes, we do weaving from pine needles with them. The smell of pine needles creates an excellent aromatherapy. Children are all the lesson in a "pine forest". We suggest you make a hot stand. ... When you use it, you will clear the air in your room. Pine grows in all regions of the country, and this material is completely free.

Fill the pine needles with water and leave overnight so that our needles are soft.

Take 2 pairs of pine needles.

We twist them into a ring.

We wrap the needles around the resulting ring.

We wrap it around to make a tight ring.

We wrap it several times.

Leave the end of the needles 2 cm.

Take a new double needle and stick it into the resulting holes.

Press one end to the end (where 2 cm), and wrap the other 5 times around the ends.