Compilation of the family tree family tree. Correct compilation of the pedigree tree. Now it's the turn of conversations

Anastasia Slobodina

In order to compile the pedigree of their family, some people do more than search for information in home archives and stories of grandparents. Many enthusiasts go to the graves of their ancestors, since even the tombstone contains valuable data that helps to recreate the family tree. Where to start looking for roots?

Interviewing relatives

The collection of the necessary information always begins with a survey of relatives, as well as acquaintances who may know some important details from the history of your family:

  • surnames and first names;
  • places of birth and work;
  • years of life and marriage;
  • periods of military service and study;
  • social status.

It is quite difficult to draw up a pedigree, since this lesson is not two or three days. To collect all the necessary data at least within two or three generations, you will have to be patient and persistent.

The family tree is built mainly on the memories of relatives. After all, it is they who provide information that was not recorded in official acts and documents (external data, facts from life, attitude to work, habits and characteristics). When interviewing the older generation, you can find out information about social origin, dates of birth and death, military service, marriage, etc.

Family archive

To give an objective assessment of the events taking place several generations ago, you should carefully study all the available archival documents of the family. You can start with the surviving letters from the front, personal diaries, diplomas, baptism and birth certificates, medical records, labor books, and photographs.

It will be easier to create a family tree if all documents found are correctly sorted. It is advisable to make copies of securities in case of loss of any of them. A thorough analysis of the data will allow us to establish who signed the documents and in what years.

How to capture data?

How to make a family tree of a family with your own hands? The first step is to get a diary to record all the information found. It will reflect the results of information found in the archives, as well as a survey of their relatives and friends.

It is desirable to keep a diary for several reasons:

  • Since genealogical research can take several years, some important questions may not be answered immediately. Therefore, you will have to write your story for a long time, and a diary will help you with this. It will allow you not to lose logical chains with family ties;
  • Sometimes there is too much information, so in order not to confuse some facts and not to miss important points, you will have to record not only data, but also sources of information.

How to present the results?

How can you make a family tree correctly? It is very important to learn how to correctly form all the materials and facts found. Therefore, in order to create a family tree with your own hands, you will have to think about a storage system. In this matter, a personal dossier will help you, with the help of which it will be possible to organize information.

All information provided should contain only important information:

  • Dates and places of birth and death;
  • Military rank (position, rank, years of service, place of work);
  • Specialty (patented inventions, achievements in the profession);
  • Availability of property (estates, summer cottages, apartments);
  • Years of married life;
  • The origin of the spouses;
  • The number of children and their place of birth;
  • Class affiliation;
  • Premarital surname;
  • Available information about a person (character, habits, life principles).

Be prepared for the fact that at first many of the above columns will be empty. But as soon as you start to pick up archives and find out information from relatives, many of them will begin to be filled with the necessary data.

In conditions of strong " information deficiency»Try to pay attention to the little things, they can be the key to unraveling many family secrets.

How to analyze archives?

Where should you start to make a family pedigree? To begin with, pick up all the archival documents available in the house. They can contain very valuable and reliable information about your relatives, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about oral stories. In many acts (for example, work books) there is interesting information about the activities of your ancestors, the awards received, as well as the local authorities that issued this or that document.

Knowing the year and place of residence, it is possible to clarify general information about the history of the city itself, about the size and composition of the population, as well as the average financial situation of citizens of that time. But here the question arises: where can you make a request to get such information? Public archival funds and local museums can contain valuable photographs, television chronicles and historical films that will help to recreate the picture of that time.

The principle of drawing up a pedigree

How to make your family's pedigree? When collecting the necessary data, be sure to start drawing up a draft version of the diagram, which can be radial or vertical-horizontal (tree-like). The radial version is convenient to use with a very large number of relatives. In any case, the pedigree should be easy to read.

Therefore, it is worth adhering to the following principles:

  • Each generation should be located either in its own radius or in its own vertical;
  • Use conventional signs. To indicate the female sex, a circle is depicted, and for the male, a square;
  • Married couples are united by a marriage line, i.e. line;
  • Blood brothers and sisters are linked using square brackets;
  • In order not to get confused in generations, try to assign individual numbers to family members (Roman numerals represent a generation, and Arabic numerals represent an identifier within the generation itself).

Help from specialists

Where can I make a written request to find out my pedigree? If you are unable to collect all the necessary data to design a family tree, seek professional help. Then specialists will be engaged in collecting facts, but for a certain fee.

Now it has become very popular to study your ancestry. We want to know where our roots are, who we came from, who are our relatives along the lines of mom and dad. Going through old letters, photographs, guided by the memories of our parents, grandparents and relatives of different levels, we can compose our genealogical tree (family tree), from which everything becomes clear and which reflects the history of the development of our family. Look, this is what the family tree looks like at the final stage of drawing. He has a crown, on the branches of which your photo and photos of all your maternal and paternal relatives are located within the frames. From such a family tree, you can clearly see the entire pedigree of your family.

Now in our lesson we will teach you how to correctly draw a family tree in stages with a pencil.

Stage 1. At the first stage, you need to draw the trunk of the future tree and its branches. We draw a thick trunk with roots, two thinner trunks extend from it, each of which, in turn, branches into two branches. Make the lines of the trunk and branches thicker and clearer.

Stage 2. At the next stage, we form the crown of our family tree. We draw a crown in the form of clouds of foliage, located along the branches.

Stage 3. Now you need to draw frames for portraits of you and your relatives across the entire crown of the tree. Your portrait will be on the tree trunk at the very bottom. Above it, on the sides, are two portraits of your dad and mom, next to them are usually their siblings, your aunts-uncles, if any. From the portraits of dad and mom, portraits of their parents, your grandparents, and even higher - your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers usually go up. And so on, up to the related level for which you have information.

Stage 5. Now you can add the initial strokes of the frames with additional patterns. Add curls, waves, lines, dots. How you like it, it all depends on your imagination and desire.

Stage 6. As a result, we get such nice frames for portraits. I would like to note that it is customary to draw the same frames for all photographs on the family tree, that is, frames of the same type. It will look neater and more serious than decorating the tree with frames of different sizes and shapes.

Stage 7. We will erase all unnecessary lines-helpers now, leaving only the main outlines of our drawing. Let's paint the tree. The trunk is usually brown, the crown is naturally green. We designed our frames in a pale yellow color. Then, after you have drawn a family tree, you paste photos of your relatives and your photo into these frames and sign the last name, first name, patronymic and years of life under each photo. Here is your family history now !!!


One of the most fun activities for the whole family is creating a family tree. This activity will not only be able to introduce some family members to relatives, but also rally in the process of searching for information. The resulting option can become an unforgettable gift for relatives or loved ones, but it will also simply decorate your interior.

How to make a family tree with your own hands and which option is better to choose for creation?

Preparatory stage

This stage involves collecting the necessary information about your relatives. In this case, you can use several of the most suitable options at once:

  • survey - collecting information from relatives or close people so that you can understand what kind of information you are missing;
  • in the process of discussion, it is important to know not only the personal data of a person, but also the place of education, features of appearance or character;
  • it is important to study family archives, if any, this is very important, since they can get information about which your relatives might have forgotten;
  • Draft your family tree in a chart or table so you know which family member you are missing.

After receiving all the necessary information, you can safely start creating a family tree, having previously decided on the most suitable or favorite option presented in the photo of the family tree.

Varieties of the family tree

At first glance, it may seem that drawing up a pedigree is quite simple, and creating a family tree is nothing to say. However, this judgment is fundamentally wrong.

There are a lot of variants of family trees, here are several variants of the original family trees:

Ascending. Created from a person directly to their ancestors. The creator himself will be the trunk, and the branches will be his ancestors. This type helps to establish family reunification, in which the person himself was subsequently born.

Downward. It is built on the principle from ancestors to descendants (tree branches).

Table in the form of a circle. The center can be the descendant, and the circles represent the ancestors. Such a table can be reversed.

Very often the family tree is made in the form of a butterfly. In the center is a couple, and from her all the available relatives on one side and on the other. An equally beautiful and attractive option in the shape of an hourglass. This option is more suitable for recording information about the relatives of an elderly couple.

The easiest option is considered to be in the form of a fan. It saves lead time and saves a lot of space. Variants of trees can be performed in any material, depending on what you would like to teach in the end result.

If you do not have time to create a family tree manually, you can use special programs that provide templates and templates for the family tree.

If you have drawing skills, you can create a tree yourself and without any tools or ideas at hand. However, in this case, a little more imagination is required from you. How to make a family tree with your own hands?

Family tree step-by-step instructions for beginners

Take a material such as felt as a basis. It is necessary to draw on it the contours of the future tree with all its elements. After that, you need to cut the workpiece.

The next stage involves the creation of a similar blank, only from wallpaper and thick cardboard, after which the parts should be connected together.

On the branches of your tree, you can make frames for each small family member. You just have to fill the frames with photos and the necessary information.

Quite often people wonder how exactly to fill in the information of the family tree. The answer is simple enough. It is desirable to take at least three generations.

The creation of such a model of your family does not require a lot of effort, but it can take a lot of time to collect it. However, it's worth it. Only in this way can you find out everything about your family and relatives.

Or maybe your surname belongs to some noble family? If you wish, you can refer to the video, which presents a master class for a family tree.

Family tree photo

According to the popular scientific definition, a pedigree is a list of generations of the same genus, establishing the origin and degree of kinship. But in human life, the meaning of genealogy is much broader, because the family tree connects us with the historical process, allowing us to feel like an integral part of a single stream of successive generations.

Therefore, speaking about the genealogy, we often mean the entire complex of knowledge, united by the concept of "family memory", which includes both the biography of the clan and fragments of the history of the ethnos and the country as a whole.

What is the family lineage for?

Today, the study of the history of the clan, the compilation of a pedigree has gained extraordinary popularity - as if we want to fill the gap of the previous decades, when knowledge about ancestors was not encouraged, and sometimes fraught with danger. Today, there are all the possibilities for studying family history, however, it is important to define the purpose more precisely.

Family lineages are studied to:

  • find out the history of your family, the origin of the surname;
  • find out the characteristic features of a kind, its geography, main occupations and interests, how the ancestors lived and what they owned;
  • find distant relatives with whom the connection has long been lost;
  • find out everything about your ancestors and pass this information on to descendants;
  • learn about hereditary predisposition to diseases and the possibility of their prevention;
  • restore family traditions and traditions;
  • confirm the facts of relationship;
  • and other purposes.

Stages of drawing up a pedigree family

1. Genealogical examination

Before starting searches in the archives, it is necessary to clarify the data and determine the prospects for research. Therefore, we suggest starting the study of pedigree with genealogical examination.

Genealogical examination is carried out in order to:

  • collect and systematize information that all relatives have about their ancestors;
  • restore, as far as possible, missing data from open sources;
  • make a sketch of the family tree;
  • determine the prospects and the search algorithm.

Genealogical examination is usually carried out according to the family branches of one of the parents, according to the branches of both parents, as well as according to the family branches of the spouse's parents.

  • collecting data, interviewing all relatives, checking and replenishing information (on average, it takes 4-8 weeks);
  • entering data into a specialized program for the purpose of systematization, building a family tree - occurs simultaneously with the first stage;
  • examination of data - the sufficiency of information for in-depth research, archival institutions for work, primary clarification of the safety of information is determined; on average it takes 4 - 8 weeks and occurs after all the necessary data has been received;
  • in parallel with the examination, requests are sent to the archives in all family areas (clans);
  • an algorithm and an estimate of in-depth research are drawn up - analysis of the information received, clarification of the cost, timing and prospects for further archival research for each genus;
  • registration of work results, drawing up a pedigree tree, providing a report.

Average terms of this stage- 3 - 6 months.

As a result of the work on genealogical examination, you get:

  • family tree printed on photographic paper in the form of a diagram, complete with a tube for storage;
  • a brochure printed on design paper with a generational painting - it contains all the information about ancestors and descendants, including photographs, copies of documents and local history information;
  • deep research algorithm and plan;
  • estimate of follow-up studies;
  • a flash card with copies of all documents, a database in GEDCOM format and a tree in a special program "Tree of Life".

Only in our country the genealogical examination is separated into a separate stage in the general budget in order to optimize costs.

2. Genealogical research, searches in the archives

Often we do not even suspect how much interesting information about our ancestors, regardless of their class, is stored in modern archives. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the preservation of genealogical knowledge and their systematization was of great importance - all information was on the guard of property and estate law.

House of family traditions "Christian" carries out professional searches in federal, regional, departmental archives, as well as in the territorial archives of pre-revolutionary Russia. The exact "road map" of research is drawn up at the previous stage genealogical examination.

An archive search is carried out in order to:

to identify the most ancient ancestor according to the documents preserved in the archives (the so-called "documentary bottom" - it will be different for each genus);

  • restore information about the years and places of birth of blood ancestors, find out their class and
  • religion, dates of baptism, names of godparents, dates of weddings, etc.;
  • restore biographical information, information about the service, labor activity, etc.;
  • using a number of documents to restore the cultural and historical context of their lives;
  • get copies of real documents about your ancestors (birth registers, marriage, death; revision tales, marriage searches, family records, track records, etc.)

The process consists of several stages:

  • the work of a specialist in the archive with primary sources (metrics, revisions, confession lists, settlement lists, etc.);
  • work in the archive with other documentary sources (for obtaining additional historical, local history information, immersion in the historical context);
  • ordering photocopies of found documents;
  • analysis of the information received, the formation of a research report.

As a result of an archive search, you get:

  • research report in printed and bound form, which contains a description of the search, copies of the documents found, a complete generational list of the research conducted, the conclusions of historians about significant facts of family life (birth, baptism, education, marriage, property ownership, etc.), essays on local lore about the localities from which this or that clan originates, hypotheses about individual facts based on the analysis of documents;
  • complete genealogical tree of the family in the form of a diagram;
  • a flash card with records of all the above-named materials.

In past centuries, the study of family genealogy was not done out of idle curiosity - it was dictated by necessity, most often as proof of belonging to an ancient and noble family.

Genealogy, being an applied historical discipline, has its origins in antiquity, when a person was required to certify his origin and social status.L. M. Savelov - the Russian scientist-genealogist of the early twentieth century defined genealogy as “evidence of kinship that exists between persons who have a common ancestor or descendant, built on reliable documents and other sources,” as well as “the history of one kind or another in all manifestations of the life of its representatives, as public and family. "

In ancient Rome, patricians in wealthy houses had portrait galleries of sculptural images of all ancestors in the male line. In the feudal era, confirmation was required not only of the origin and antiquity of the clan, but also of its purebredity.

During the Renaissance, pedigrees are officially documented, and the first genealogical collections are formed. Later, genealogy becomes a full-fledged scientific discipline closely related to heraldry and diplomacy.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, estate and property law in many applied cases presupposed proof of origin and kinship. And the traditions of education in noble and merchant families demanded knowledge of their ancestors, their deeds and services to the family and the Fatherland.

Today, more than 95% of the population of Russia are descendants of peasant families, but this does not mean at all that there were no outstanding representatives and interesting events in the family. Almost every family will find participants in the Great Patriotic War, in many - participants in the 1st World War and the Civil War. Many descendants of the glorious Cossack families live in the Kuban, the North Caucasus, the Urals and Siberia.

If you have a great desire to know your history, but not enough time or experience, you can order a family pedigree in a specialized company, where professional genealogy historians, local historians and anthropologists will help you restore your roots.

3. Recording the memories of relatives

Time is relentless - data in archives is lost, older generations leave, documents deteriorate, old photographs fade.

Recording the memories of relatives, stories of older generations about traditions and significant events in family history helps to preserve family memory for posterity.

The interview is conducted by an experienced journalist, and the recorded texts undergo literary processing and systematization. Memories can be arranged in a separate brochure, or can be included in a large book about family history.

4. Compilation of the family tree and its design

The family genealogical tree can be arranged in the form of: panels, paintings, diagrams, shezhere.

Once you've got all the data, you can start thinking about the design of your family tree. It can be the most democratic scheme on paper, a painting on canvas, or a carved panel - it all depends on your wishes. In addition, coats of arms, images of sights of those areas where family families originate, fragments of maps, photographs, decorations, etc. can be used.

Design tree diagram

The basic version includes:

  • systematization of all information by a specialist historian;
  • development of an individual tree layout;
  • design and printing on photographic paper (dimensions 61 x 300 cm);
  • or design and printing on foam board (sizes from 56 x 84 cm to 1200 x 1200 cm).


The family tree is executed by a professional illustrator in watercolor and / or engraving technique, after which it is reproduced on canvas by scanning and high-quality plotter printing.

Folding tree

The folding tree is a compact, convenient for storage and transportation option for decorating a pedigree. This design of the family tree of specialists was inspired by the tradition of the design of maps of the railways of the Russian Empire in the middle of the 19th century.

Crafted from handmade paper and framed in a leather cover, the tree map is not only aesthetically pleasing, but can also be safely stored in the family library.

Carved panel from the massif

It is a design option, unique in its beauty and showiness, using the technique of 3D wood carving. An array of teak is used for the panel. Information icons are made of aged brass. Pre-treatment of wood with oil guarantees eternal safety from drying out and from damage by pests. If desired, an LED strip is held inside the frame.

5. Writing a book about the history of the family

The entire completeness of the data obtained can be formalized in the form of a genealogy book containing a literary story about the history of the family, from the most ancient known ancestor to the present day, photographs, copies of documents, memories of relatives, family legends, a description of family traditions, branded culinary recipes and all that what you wish to leave as a souvenir to posterity about your family history.

Such a book, which has absorbed all the most precious, will become an invaluable Encyclopedia that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Format- 350 x 350 mm.

Types of registration:

  • leather binding;
  • calico binding;
  • individual photo cover;
  • reconstruction of an antique edition of the 19th century;
  • individual sketches.

How much does it cost to find out your family's pedigree?

Only in the House of Family Traditions "Christian" the genealogical examination is separated into a separate stage in the general budget - so that the customer does not pay for the expensive research before it becomes known that:

  • research and searches are in principle possible;
  • how much the final cost of services will be.

The need to know one's roots, relatives, ancestors, to take care and attention about them, live in the subconscious of every person. Responsibility for the fate of the family and relatives is a huge force. The feeling of pride in one's family strengthens family ties, gives confidence in one's own strength and a worthy future, and serves as an impetus for new achievements.

The generally accepted definition is as follows - the process of succession of generations or a system of generations of the same kind, which establishes the origin of individuals and compares them with information about other individuals to establish the degree of kinship. Often the term “genealogy” is used as a synonym for this concept because of the similarity of the essence of these processes. In a narrower sense, genealogy is the process of systematizing knowledge about generations within a single genus. In the broadest sense, genealogy is the science that establishes and studies the relationship between specific individuals.

In Europe, many people became interested in the process of recording family history during feudal times. Maintaining a pedigree at that time was the only confirmation of the right to inheritance. Due to the fact that power and property were transferred through the male line from father to son, it became necessary to confirm kinship in controversial situations.

Families of noble families and high estates strove to give their children into marriage with people not inferior to their status. The genealogy of the clan also served as a proof of status for obtaining a profitable party. During the period of feudalism, the process of recording family history was transformed into a tradition and became stronger.

In addition to the conclusion of profitable marriages, confirmation of noble origin for several previous generations was required to enter the knightly order. To exclude the possibility of deception and false testimony, officials appeared in England in the sixteenth century who checked the veracity and correctness of the genealogy.

The tradition of recording family history in Russia dates back to the fifteenth century. The first documents testifying to the family generation were genealogical books. From the time of princely Russia to tsarist Russia, the history of the tradition of compiling the book of the clan stretched. Papers testifying to class and family began to act as official documents. In the course of history, they were used as proof of status for the distribution of service people and the establishment of the amount of their salary, registration of nobles in the public service, confirmation of the privileges of a certain class and other situations.

It so happened historically that the compilation of a genealogy was a necessity for people, a kind of applied science and confirmation of certain conditions and the right of privileges. Despite the fact that people formed the course of their family history based on vital needs, the process of recording itself connected the living generations with their ancestors, talked about not only the origin, but also the type of family activity, marriages and the formation of new family ties. The tradition of recording history gradually formed the significance of the concept of family, the authority of the previous and older generations, and brought up the need to know one's ancestors.

The importance of knowing your family's pedigree

A series of events that took place in our country led to the fact that many people do not know their ancestors. Revolutions, wars and other historical events have negatively affected family ties. Many relatives have lost their loved ones, certain circumstances forced them to change their place of residence or cut off all contacts with the family. There are many reasons for the loss of connection between generations, but thanks to the desire to find out the genealogy of his family by surname, both in the archives and on his own, a person can gain invaluable knowledge of his genealogy.

Knowing your family history is essential. The tradition of compiling a book of the genus makes it possible to obtain information about previous generations, their occupation, participation in crucial historical events. Knowledge of family history is an integral part of the spiritual and cultural development of an individual.

Instilling in children the tradition of drawing up a pedigree has a positive effect on the developing character and psyche. The child develops a clear understanding of the importance of the history of his family in the course of the development of the state. This understanding fosters a sense of self-worth, and also provides invisible support for previous generations. The child begins to understand the need to honor his ancestors, as well as the current generation, that is, a sense of respect for elders is brought up in the character.

The very process of compiling a family tree, that is, searching and collecting information, highlighting individual facts for organizing the system and regularly replenishing the tree with new information, also has a positive effect on children. The child becomes more diligent, learns to highlight important factors for systematization, and also understands the sense of responsibility necessary for regular replenishment of the pedigree.

Knowing family history is also important for an adult. The genealogy of generations acts as a kind of pillow that makes a person understand about his significance and the significance of his family. For an already formed personality, such knowledge gives support and support, allows you to feel not alone, but confident.

In addition to positively influencing the organization of character traits, the process of obtaining and systematizing knowledge stimulates the cohesion and development of family traditions and values. Gathering activities carried out with the family bring together individual members, gain new points of contact, make important discoveries together, and foster a sense of the need to know the ancestors.

Knowing the pedigree can help you find relatives with whom you have lost contact or, on the contrary, acquire new family members, previously unknown.

Remember that it is never too late to start recording the history of a kind and to get information about previous generations. Don't wait for a specific date or event, start collecting information now. Start a tradition that future generations of lineage will carry on.

How can you find out your pedigree by last name

In the era of computer technology and the Internet, each person can independently obtain information about their ancestors. There are several methods of collecting information - from communicating with relatives to contacting specialized genealogical organizations.

Interviewing loved ones

Chatting with relatives is a great way to find out your family's pedigree for free. Interviewing parents and grandparents will allow you to get information straight from the mouth. In addition, this is a good opportunity to please the older generation with an unplanned visit and give rise to pleasant nostalgia. You can contact relatives who live in other cities and countries via the Internet - write an e-mail, start communication on social networks or via video chat.

For a competent systematization of the information received, it is necessary to separate the data immediately during the survey. This approach allows you to concretize information and not miss important points. To simplify the interviewing process, you can prepare cards with questions in advance:

  • Surname, name, patronymic (+ maiden name for women).
  • Place and date of birth (+ date of death if the person is not alive).
  • Surname, name, patronymic of parents (mother and father).
  • Estate (if the person was born before 1917).
  • Change of residence over the years.
  • Confessed religion.
  • Education (school, secondary, higher).
  • Places of work, service.
  • Positions, titles.
  • Availability of awards and prizes (military, scientific and others).
  • Surname, name, patronymic of the spouse.
  • Names and dates of birth of children.

Thanks to the use of such prepared questions, it is possible to systematize information immediately upon receipt, and not to miss important points in the biography of a person. Attach a photo to each identity card, if possible, attach several photos of different ages.

Systematization of information will also allow you to understand the general picture of the family tree, see the gaps in the data table, and also tell you in which direction to move further. Start with generations now living. Children, parents, grandparents, move back in time in this order.

Contacting the archives

Data received from relatives require documentary confirmation. For example, older grandparents may confuse names or incorrect dates. For complete confidence in the correctness of the information received, you must apply for an official confirmation.

  • Information about the change in the civil status of a person can be obtained from the registry office, as well as from church archives.
  • Information about military personnel is stored in the databases of the corresponding military services.
  • Information about the participants in the war can be obtained on Internet portals that provide data on the path of the fighter.

By contacting these authorities, you can obtain evidence confirming family ties with the person on whom the information was collected. And also to make sure of the authenticity of the information received from the relative during the interview. It should be remembered that you can find out your pedigree in the archive both for free and for a fee. Many organizations are closing free access because they cannot get the necessary financial support in other ways.

Contacting specialized organizations

The most reliable method of collecting information is to contact a company that specializes in compiling a family tree. These organizations have professional access to archival data stored at the regional and federal levels, as well as in departmental databases and pre-revolutionary archives.

The Russian House of Pedigree provides assistance at all stages of drawing up a pedigree:

  • Drawing up a search strategy.
  • Contacting archives in various fields of activity.
  • Data authentication.
  • Systematization of information into a family tree.
  • Organization of the pedigree book.
  • Helping authors in maintaining books of the genus.

Thanks to cooperation with such organizations, it is possible to gain access to information that cannot be obtained independently. Also, the genealogical examination will be deeper, which will make it possible to recognize relatives for ten to fifteen previous generations.

Where can you find out your family tree by last name

To simplify the process of independent search and drawing up a strategy of action, you should familiarize yourself with some units of the historical state archives:

  • In the archive of socio-political history, you can get information about the participants in youth movements and organizations.
  • The archives of the Navy should be contacted for the data of the Ministry of the Navy dated 1827.
  • In the archive of recent history, you can find out information about the members of the Communist Party.
  • The military archive contains information about military personnel from 1920.
  • The military-historical archive contains information about the military of the pre-revolutionary period from 1797.
  • Archive of Ancient Acts - contains information about the life of people in tsarist Russia.
  • The departmental archive contains information on the merits and awards of the Soviet people.

Do not forget about regional libraries and city museums. In these instances, you can also find out information about the ancestors, which will help to compose the family's pedigree.