Methods for adding napkins. How to fold paper napkins beautifully. Envelope for cutlery "Strips"

Royal Lilia

1. The original shape of the napkin lies face down.
2. Bend in turn all its corners to the center.
3. Turn the napkin.
4. Bend the corners to the center again.
5. Holding the corners in the center, pull the corner from the bottom to form "petals".

Royal Mantle

1. Source form The napkin is composed diagonally downward.
2. Align the left and right corners from the vertex of the triangle.
3. Beat them up.
4. The top of the top of two lower triangles, bend up to the middle.
5. ... still in half and once again, going on the upper half of the napkin. Low part (remaining triangle) Beg the backwards. Side angles are built with each other and pull out the tip.
6. Island "Royal Mantle" Bend down and secure at the right.


1. The original form of the napkin is composed in half on the vertical axis (fold on the left)
2. Left and right upper angles. Drink down.
3. Left and right bottom corners. Bend.
4. The upper triangle is lowered down, and the bottom up.


2. The resulting triangle fold the "accordion", leaving a small triangle from above.
3. The vertex fasten the "harmonic".
4. ... and fold the figure in half.
5. The resulting figure can be fixed with a ring or decorative elements.


1. Source form The napkin is composed diagonally.
2. Beat up a small tissue strip at the bottom of the triangle and turn the napkin to the front side of yourself.
3. Right angle. Bend left down the left corner to the right.
4. Retract the corners strictly symmetrically and remove the bottom edge back. "Shirt" can be decorated
Band or candy.


1. The original form of the napkin is composed diagonally (fold at the top).
2. Lower angle. Bend up.
3. Left speaker corner.
4. Also start and right angle.
5. In the left side, bend to the middle vertical line of the figure. Also start and right.
6. Turn the shape and decorate it with a small shell.

Sasha corner

1. The original shape of the napkin is composed four-way front side (open corners in the right upper part)
2. Beginn the first layer of tissue cloth diagonally so that the angle is at the left lower point.
3. Bend the second layer of the tissue so that its angle is touched to the central collar. The first corner is lowered below so that it concerns the corner from the central fold.
4. Generate the right lower and left top corners back.
5. Put the napkin on the table in the vertical orientation.

Sleeping with loop

1. The original shape of the napkin is composed by half the invalid side inside. Both top corners of the napkins fold to the middle.
2. The resulting vertex bend down.
3. Turn the napkin to the front side of myself and re-fold the upper corners to the middle.
4. Napkin Once again from myself and from the bottom edge to lay the folds.
5. Stands to put under the square, holding it with your fingers in the center, and decompose on both sides

Tiara and Lily

1. The original shape of the napkin is composed on a diagonal (fold at the bottom)
2. Align two side angle with the top.
3. Fold the napkin so that the lower angle remains 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the upper one.
4. Top angle Bend down to bend.
5a. Side sides, bend back and paste one to another so that the circle formed at the base.
5 B. Put the napkin directly.
6. Lilia style
Perform operations 1-5 (see above). For folding napkins in the style of "Liliya", bend down two top corners.

Yarny angles

1. The source form of the napkin is folded fourly.
2. Remove the first layer of tissue napkins diagonally so that the angle is in the left point. The second layer is so that the second angle is 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the first.
3. Repeat the tissue described above with the third and fourth layers so that all the angles have defended from each other by 1 inch (2.5 cm).
4. Bend the parties down and put the napkin on the table.

Princess Frog

The source shape of the napkin lies face down.
1. The top quarter of the napkins are lowered down, and the bottom up.
2. Turn the napkin from myself and fold it in half along the horizontal axis to yourself.
3. Right top corner Beat down.
4. The next angle lays inside.
5. Last right corner Bend back under the figure.
6. Just do with the left corners.
7. Figure Figure in the middle.
8. Put it on bent corners. Instead of eyes, make a confetti circle.

Tsarskaya Bun

1. The source form of the napkin lies with the involving side up.
2. Generate all other corners to the center.
3. Turn the napkin and start all the corners again to the center.
4. Turn the napkin. Bend to the center again all the angles.
5. Four corners Inside towards the center.
6. Generate all the corners to the center again and turn the napkin.
7. Reflect the bent angles.

Cap with tit

1. The initial form of the napkin is composed of the inside the inside (folding on the left).
2. Fold the napkin in half again to get a square (fold below).
3. Left bottom Correct, leaving 2-3 cm to the top.
4. Side corners bend internally and secure each other.
5. Put the napkin vertically to get a "cap" with a folding gate, one of the top peaks.

Hat bishop

1. The initial form of the napkin is composed in half (fold below).
2. Upper left and lower right angles fold diagonally to the middle. Turn the napkin so that the upper right angle is at the bottom left.
3. Fold the figure along the horizontal axis in half, freeing the left triangles.
4. Right side of the shape, bend the left and put under the left triangle.
5. And finally, turn the napkin and put the left side under the right triangle. Secure the corners.


1. The original form of the napkin is composed horizontally in half (fold at the top).
2. Fold the napkin with a triangle (left lower angle align at the downstream).
3. The right angle of the resulting triangle will put the left.
4. Repeat the steps 2, after which the lower right angle will put the left.
5. Right half of the triangle, bend to the left and put the napkin so that the edges do not frow it.

Tent steady

1. Source form The napkin is composed in half (fold at the top).
2. The lower left corner of the napkin align with the right lower part of it so that an equifiable triangle is chained from above.
3. Right angle to put on to the right.
4. Repeat the action of P.2 lower right angle to put the left.
5. Right half triangles. Generate left.
6. Slip the napkin from left to right.
7. Remove the vertical position to the napkin, without turning it completely.

Every woman before receiving guests, carefully prepares for this event. Huge amount of free time it spends on the preparation of the table. It is necessary to cook delicious dishes, pick up the tablecloth on the table, as well as select the napkins and can be able to serve them. After all, they are considered an important attribute in both everyday life and during a solemn event. Next, consider various ways of serving napkins.

Covering the table to the morning meal, to the evening dinner either for the festive event, it is necessary to seriously approach this issue. Try to carefully read all those rules that we describe:

  • On the table for the holiday should be both fabric and paper options. Just think, because the second, as a rule, is served fish or meat dish. The fabric napkin will quickly cover with bold stains, therefore, it will lose its own appearance and aesthetics. Your guests will actively try to find the washbasin to wash his hands. The table setting for the holiday implies several napkeepers to be available to each guest.
  • Cloth napkins can be manufactured from flax or cotton. You can also use those options that have some synthetic additives in their composition. This will allow the napkin after the bending does not look like. Never use silk, viscose and other similar materials for napkins. Since they absolutely do not absorb moisture.
  • If a portion plate will be standing on the table surface, then put it on it or place the product between the fork and the knife. If there is no such plate, then the napkin is stacked instead of it. A separate glass is allowed either a fuamer where you can put a napkin folded in the form of a figurine.
  • Folded festive napkins should easily unfold without any problems and does not look very crumpled from the side. Consequently, the formation of iron is usually used for napkins that decorate the table.
  • It is forbidden to add the canvas with dirty hands or wet. So you can spoil the entire appearance of the napkin itself, and therefore the mood to guests.
  • After washing, tissue napkins need to stumble with ordinary starch. The aerosol type of starch does not give products due density. To iron the canvas is better wet. A well-dried napkins need to moisturize.
  • And most importantly, before folding the napkin, you need to practice. Otherwise, it will have to enhance or look for other options.

Napkin varieties:

  • Fabric. There are silk, cotton, satin.
  • Napkins Patchwork. These products are manufactured independently at home. They are made from different color material. Professional seamstress cut out of the tissues from all sorts of figures, and then stitched.
  • Bamboo. Often are used to not blur the tablecloth.
  • Paper. The most popular view. There are products of various shades, sizes, and may differ in the thickness of the paper itself.

Now we will list the most common types of serving napkins. Some of them you can do yourself.

  • Yarny angles
  • Princess Frog
  • Tsarskaya Bun
  • Cap with tit
  • Hat bishop
  • Tent
  • Tent twisted
  • Bunny

Paper Wipes for Table Serving

Paper napkins, like fabric, are considered an integral element in the table serving. Do you know that they are not so simple? Today you decided to buy hot dogs, you were given napkins from paper, dinner in the restaurant - and here you will see such napkins in front of you.

A huge selection sometimes does not allow to concentrate on the basic qualities that you need to know. And not any implementator will tell you what the difference between one or another type. To not be mistaken during the choice, use our prompts:

  • Purpose of application. If you need paper napkins for home use, then buy color versions either those that are interested in decorated. If you need them for a restaurant or cafe, then give preference to the products in monophonic, without ornaments and drawings.
  • Requirements. If paper napkins are needed to you only for your own primary target, then you will suit more economical options: a small price and efficiency during use you are provided.
  • Personal preferences. Here you should rely on the selection of your favorite company, shade, quality of products and the density of the napkins.

Fabric wipes for serving a table

People began to use napkins for a long time. Our ancestors during the meal used fabric products to wipe hands and face. They observed some of the etiquette rules at the table:

  • from the very beginning, the meal was allowed to take the napkin to the owner, the rest of the guests began to take
  • it was not allowed while eating to do strongly sharp movements, for example, shake napkins or swing a napkin
  • it was possible to use the product only after the food serves.
  • upon completion of the meal, the napkin was left on the left side of the plate. Leave it on a plate was considered a bad tone

Fissure napkins are considered an important attribute of the table and today. On etiquette, they are straightened and swallowed on their knees so that clothes do not blocked. Consequently, if you want to please your guests, choose high-quality fabrics for the festive table.

The advantage of tissue products is that they are durable. You can post them after use, try, and then apply again.

When choosing products from fabric, consider the strength of the napkins and their absorption. Inexpensive options are usually thin, they lose their own appearance and more often the rest.

Another advantage is the naturalness of this raw material. Fabric models on the touch are quite pleasant. They do not electrify and do not cause allergies.

When selecting one or another product, pay attention to the shade and design. Napkins must fit the entire composition. But this is today not considered a problem. You can buy almost any canvas: classic - white, monophonic - a variety of shades, with printed patterns, with embroidery or openwork inserts.

The only drawback of such napkins is goodwill during care. If you put such napkins in the wrong water temperature, they will sit, stretch either lose the form. After that, you can no longer return a rectangular or square form.

So, we conclude: when selecting tissue napkins, pay attention not to their price, but on quality. The products of the highest quality will serve you longer. They will be an excellent option during table setting.

Methods for folding napkins when serving

First, let's find out how to fold the paper napkins for serving. Many connoisseurs argue that serving of such products and cloth napkins has its own subtleties and defined rules. Thus, the products of a square form are most suitable for a solemn event.

If you have a napkin only a rectangular shape, then you can easily form folds on them. Ordinary tea drinking either dinner does not need festive and bizarre napkins. In this case, prefer the easiest options. Before folding paper napkins, be sure to wash your hands and try to touch them smaller.

Many hostesses come up with real masterpieces from paper products, for example, can quickly twist the flower, and various methods.

Quite often, during twisting, the Origami technique uses, allowing you to put a variety of figures on the table: Flowers, boats, and so on.

Paper versions of napkins can twice or in the form of a tube. If you want to give the serving a more solemn appearance, come up with a complex combination: cylinder, cone, candle. Put the napkin on the snack bars, folding it twice.

Methods of serving napkins

The setting of napkins today is quite diverse. Everything will depend on how good you are and hardworking the hostess. There are several options that are performed very simple and, at the same time, they look festively.

  • "Plume". Fold the napkin diagonally. Connect with the top of the triangle first the right angle, then the left. Spend a mentally horizontal line, fold into two equal parts of the figure relative to this line. Fold the corners of the product to the rear. Corners that are at the top, pull out in the opposite direction.

  • You can make a beautiful lily flower. Make a napkin diagonally. With the top of the triangle, connect the corners: right, then the left, as in the previous version. Figure the resulting figure to two equal parts relative to the horizontal. Remove the angle located at the top.

  • The third simple method is such. Make a napkin in half 2 times. Wrap the book symmetrically both sides of the obtained rectangle. Figure Expand so that the exhaust is noticeable. At its tips, make 2 rings. Connect them.

If you want to get an original and beautiful product, try to delve into the process. It was then that this lesson will be not ordinary work for you, but interesting hobby.

Creating napkins yourself

If you decide to make napkins with your own hands, then you must first choose for them the material. But the one that will be dense, to wear well and after use to maintain its own initial form.

As a rule, it makes such products from flax, cotton and satin. If you want to make napkins for daily use, then you should preferably get cotton. This material is not such a brand and it preserves the form. Linen and satin napkins have a more festive look, however, they are very whimsally during washing.


Conditionally color palette for napkins is divided into the following categories:

  • pastel shades
  • gold and silver
  • noble tones
  • classic tones, for example, white

Color selection will depend only on your preference. At the same time, you must know that the napkins are obliged to be combined not only with the tablecloth, but also with the other elements of the room.

Pick up the color of the napkins precisely under the tablecloth is easy. At the same time, consider the tissue density. If the napkins are to give up a tack of density, select options for 2 tones darker. If the fabric of products and tablecloths are the same by structure, then select the napkins of one tone with a tint of the tablecloth.

Tools and fabric

These elements you do without any problems in the sewing shop. For this process, you must have enough:

  • fabrics
  • dense thread
  • needles

Plus you will need to take scissors, sewing machine, iron and handle.

Sewing napkins for serving

  • Before proceed to work, decide on the size of the products. The most optimal size is 50 * 50 cm.
  • After that, on the material, mark the desired dimensions and can cut. Make each cut as much as possible. Thus, the wipes obtained you can add different methods.
  • Take the pattern, put it with the involving side up. Generate each edge to 1 cm, shiver. Again, overcome each edge by 2 cm, shifted.
  • Expand the resulting bends. From the point where the bends intersect, spend a thin strip diagonally.
  • Cut out the napkins from the wedge. From the place where you are cut off, step up approximately 1.5 cm, then step on the typewriter
  • Before replete the corners on the face of the product, turn the material for each seam on both sides. Remove the corners on the face, step every edge.
  • The resulting product is shifted and starch.

Methods for serving a table with napkins

Beautiful table setting using napkins is the key to the attractiveness of your table and all design. The color of the napkins play an important role here, therefore, if you want to ask the celebration of the necessary mood, try well and choose the right tones.

For example, the green tone always causes associations with freshness, vegetation, flower, leaflets. In addition, the green tone is able to perfectly emphasize the juiciness of the remaining tones and their beauty. Take advantage of this quality when you compose such compositions:

  • Put small multicolored flowers on the festive table. Instead of leaflets, use green napkins.
  • Gray tone During serving and design, the table is considered practical and universal. You can combine it with any colors: bright, dim, warm, cold.
  • If you take a gray tone tablecloth as the basis, then create unusual compositions. Complete them with napkins of identical color.
  • Serving using white napkins, combined with any completely tones. You will get an unusual and bright effect.
  • Red tone - The most distinguished. It simultaneously transfers heat and annoying, stand out, it happens in some cases unobtrusive. Consequently, do not overdo it with red. Combine red tone with dull shades and more neutral. Think in advance how it is more correct to combine it with the rest of the shades that there is on the table.

Remember, when selecting napkins, consider the tone of the tablecloth and the common service. If you do everything right, the table service will have a beautiful, and you are in return to get a joyful mood at the people present at the table.

Schemes serving napkins

Now we offer you several options for serving napkins with schemes.

The first method "Fan":

  • Fold on 2 equal parts napkin. You will have a rectangle. 3 \\ 4 product lengths assemble in the form of harmonica. One fold down down. Watch out the distance between the folds: it should be about 2.5 cm.
  • Figure fold in half so that the folds are outside the left. The part that you did not fold should be on the right side.
  • Take a napkin. Free her tips should look up.
  • Pick the part of the product that did not fold between the folds. Put the resulting product on the table.

The second method is "Lily":

  • fold the product diagonally
  • corners located on the right and left side, attach to the top of the triangle
  • fold the cloth along the horizontal line in half
  • be the top of the triangle, located at the top

Third option - "Royal Lilia":

  • put the canvas face down
  • bend in turn corners to the central part
  • transfer
  • repeat corners again to the central part.
  • holding the corners in the center, pull out the corners from the bottom, you must have pets.

Setting wipes step by step


  • fold the diagonal line napkin
  • collect in the form of a harmonica product, start from the top of the triangle, take turns to make the folds: first up, then down
  • fold the resulting "harmonic" into 2 parts
  • corners Connect, twist a little to preserve the shape of the figure, folds, put the napkin look like a leaf

"Tulleka with a glass":

  • material fold into 2 parts
  • wrap the rectangle corners to the center so that you have a triangle
  • sharp corner of the base Fold in half
  • twist a little side, carefully put the figure in the glass to the side that bent; Flower petals scatter

  • starch well material, spread the product on the table to look up the facial side of the napkin
  • put the fork to the teeth in the central part of the product, twist the material, move each fold between the progls
  • rotate the material one way to have a spiral formed
  • remove the plug, squeeze the product with your hand, so that the spiral does not spin
  • put the figure in the dishes, where you planned to put in advance, straighten the cloth - you will have a beautiful rose

Size Napkins for serving

If you are no idea which you choose napkins, do not know which size should be with them, use such rules:

  • If you decide to spend your free time in a small company's circle, drink delicious tea, coffee with cakes and buns, then small napkins will be suitable, the size of which should be 35 * 35 cm.
  • If you choose napkins for everyday use, then select the napkins with a size of 40 * 40 cm.
  • If you have a solemn event, then give preference to large napkins with a size of 50 * 50 cm.

Maintenance napkins in the napkin

Fold the napkins in the napkin is very easy. It all depends on the figure of the napanese itself.

  • "Candle". This method is ideal if the clock has a round shape. Expand the product of one color so that you have a big square. Fold the product diagonally to obtain a triangle. Bend the tube twice. Insert all the napkins that you fold a similar method into the napkin.

  • "Corners". Put every napkin into a flat cloth. You can fold the products in the form of "corners", alternating on shades. The canvas of contrast tones look unusually.

Creating a beautifully served table is a whole art. After all, it is right and a festively covered table creates the basis of the atmosphere at the festival. Make your evenings and festive gatherings bright. And you will help you in this beautifully made figures from the napkins on our advice.

Video: Beautiful folding napkins for serving a table

An important part of any solemn event is the design of the festive table. There are many rules that are collected in one Bible of the packaging etiquette. It includes the rules for the arrangement of dishes for different types of meals. For large-scale festive events, the presence of linen and paper napkins is the presence of linen and paper napkins. The design of the table includes the art of folding napkins in various ways to give an exquisite appearance.

Learning the ability

Today, when serving the table, at home is given preference to paper napkins. Napkins must be on the table in the available use in large quantities, the easiest way to feed the napkins on the table are comfortable siters from which they can be easily delivered.

The most common way to fold the napkins is a fan, so they do in cafes and dining rooms, or specially acquired in the stores of the box. The design of some clips, however, will be associated with cutlery, but you can find quite stylish solutions.

On children's holidays, you can wrap the napkins in the tube and fill a bright paper glass.

To fold the individual napkin, each guest can be in a glass of beautifully embarrassing the napkin. Agree, it is better than a casually lying napkin, folded in four.

Figures from napkins

For special holidays, such as birthdays, weddings, the new year, it is appropriate to prepare interesting thematic figures for each of the guest, adding gifts or card cards with wishes or names, if the guest clearing plan is required. Options for folding napkins for such cases. This will configure the holiday invited to the mood. For example, Christmas trees from napkins for the new year, decorated with toys.

The napkin in the form of a heart is suitable for a romantic dinner. Find red or pink napkins in the store and follow the scheme.

The napkin needs to be folded diagonally and turn the fold to yourself. Lower side angles fold to the top, then flip the napkin and bend the top corner down. And the upper parts fold on the bisector of the direct corner of the triangles. In the photo, the whole process is considered in more detail. The napkin is almost the shape of the heart, complete it, bending all the top corners, make your heart more rounded shape.

Examples for serving

At important solemn events, try to approach the taste of taste, according to all the rules of etiquette. Use all kinds of napkins: and paper, and fabric to cover your knees. On official receptions everything should be flawless.

Wipes for serving the table can be arranged stylish on a plate or wrapped cutlery, or using special retaining rings for wipes folding. They are purchased in stores or make themselves. Instead of the rings, you can also simply tie with ribbons.

Original fan. A very popular and fast folding of napkins. For this, the napkin is twice. The fold unfold from ourselves. From one end they collect harmonic and leave some part not folded. In this form, together with all the harmonica, fold the whole design in half. Bend the remaining piece with a triangle. Now, holding him for him, you can let go of the fan.

Junk - Sailing ship from a napkin. It is necessary to use large multilayer napkins or fabric. Paper, already folded fourly, turn the square bend on the right. Next, we need to once again be folded in half the square, but only diagonally. Figure, expand to yourself and now the side corners of the triangle lower down, as if you do the airplane. Bottom corners are wrapped under the bottom and fold in half along the longitudinal line inside. Holding free corners with your hand, pull out in the "sails".

Each hostess wants to create a real holiday when feast. At the same time, it should not be a solemn event. You can lift your family mood on the most ordinary weekday, laying out attractive paper napkins on the table. How to do this, you will learn from this article.


Beautifully fold paper napkins for serving - the task is not from the lungs. However, a little learned, you can skillfully create real works of art. Such a table serving item will help make an additional highlight to your usual meal. What advantages gives such a reception:

  • Aesthetic appeal.The beautiful view of your table is capable of giving paper napkins, elegantly folded into a variety of figures.
  • The opportunity to surprise guests, relatives and beloved people. You can also show all your fantasy, implementing new and stylish ideas every time. No need to fear experiments.
  • Availability. You can buy napkins from paper in almost any store. The availability of goods is an additional advantage.

  • Budget version for creating a creative table.You will not need to buy expensive decorations. You can create beauty with your own hands. It is worth practicing, starting with simple designs.
  • It is important to pick up napkins on tonality and texture.They must be combined with the overall style of the table or the items you have chosen. Making such paper decorations can be quickly, without applying additional efforts. Therefore, in any situation you can seem your skills.
  • Excellent mood.When guests will see a beautiful table serving, and even the napkins made in the form of a variety of figures, each will receive a charge of positive emotions. A good mood will be secured for a whole day.

How to Collapse: Step-by-step instructions

Before proceeding to work, it is worth choosing the desired color range of napkins, as well as explore the scheme you need.

A napkin Christmas tree will be the relevant option on the eve of the New Year holidays. Consider the stages of its manufacture:

  • Take 1 paper napkin of a specific shade. You can use not only green, but also scarlet, solar tint. Place the product so that the open corners of the product go down.
  • The next stage is the alternate folding of the parts of the napkin. It is worth getting up the corners upstairs that at the bottom, without bringing to the previous layer.
  • Then there is a similar procedure with the rest of the layers. Folding is not in a hurry and extremely neat.
  • After you folded all the layers, turn the napkin to the other side. We begin to the left right part of the workpiece, and then right.
  • Now we turn our future Christmas tree again. It is worth carefully wrapping the upper corners upstairs and refuel them under the previous ones.
  • That created a stylish Christmas tree. Such a handicraft will be originally decorating serving tables.

Popular feast decorations are flowers. Optional to buy them. You can independently create a napkin, for example, an attractive rose. Scheme is simple:

  • Initially, prepare two napkins - Aluu and Salad.
  • Take the paper of the salad shade and start turning it on the diagonal.
  • Then once again bending also diagonally. As a result, we get a triangular form workpiece. In the future, it will be the leaves of our flower.
  • Now you should decompose Aluu. By flexing it diagonally, forming a triangle, the lower angle of which bend up, we combine from the middle of the upper area.
  • Turn the product and begin to twist it into the roll, thereby creating a rose flower.
  • Now it is worth take two billets that we have turned out. Aluu napkin twisted into a roll should be put on a salad blank. Carefully roll up, forming an attractive flower, and put a rose into a glass.

By analogy with such a scheme, you can add mimosu, lotus and other flowers. Simple, but no less effective folding method will be a bow. It will take some seconds for its creation. It is worth taking your favorite napkin, make a triangle from it. Then you should wrap the bottom edge of the triangle to its base and roll the strip. Now take the ribbon and form a bow, tapping a strip in the middle.

For the wedding or on Valentine's Day, the napkins are relevant. Make them quite easily:

  • Initially, it is worth choosing a specific napkin of a suitable shade.
  • It is worth the square diagonally and fold it.
  • Now it follows the angle that on the right of the triangle, bend upstairs along the transverse axis. Similar manipulations and with the second part.
  • Then the right edge from above, get inside, like the left.
  • Turn the blank to the other side.
  • Then part that from above, flexing upstairs and turn the shape.

That's so simple you will get a symbol of love and passion - heart.

Easy, but no less spectacular option will be Fan from paper napkins.It will help to diversify the festive table.

It is worth playing with tonalities and make a product of two colors. You will need two napkins - more in size and smaller. Connect them together. Each napkin pre-fold twice. For example, Salad will be from below, and orange - from above. Now it is slow and gently form the edges of the napkins of the harmonica. We carry out the procedure to the middle line of the product. Then simult time turn over the workpiece.

It is worth the product so that the right is visible to the harmonica, and the left will remain free edge. Up the corner, that on the left at the top. Particle of the tip, which remained, is converted back and bend. The reference point is obtained for fuel. Spread the product and send a model on a serving saucer.

Creative will look like products in the form of fish. You need to take a simple napkin-square. It develops in two diagonals, and then unfolds. Then the edges of two regions are taken in the middle, following the outlined lines, routged together. We got a triangle. After, you should combine two areas on the transverse axis and turn them out. The edge of the right should be brought to this line and return back.

Such movements are done with the following area. The right angle is brought to the left diagonal, overlaps with the left edge of the triangle. Now you can deploy a triangle. You can make any number of similar fish.

Another attractive option is the turntable. All four corners of the napkins are connected together in the center. Then both areas of the square are similarly connected via the transverse axis. The next stage is the rotation of the rectangle to itself and flexing the part that below, in half. Then it is necessary to bend them twice and top. Swipe the top edge on the right and the left triangle up. Get the bottom right angle to the right. The angle that remained, let it be free.

It is noteworthy that such a turntable can be placed on a plate as a facial and invalid side. The figure will look unusual and attractive. The turntable will help to decorate any plate.

Be sure to take into account the tones of the paper napkin or the drawings that are depicted on it. All colors must reset a single concept, make a common style composition. Only so you can create the perfect holiday atmosphere.

Similar curious napkins are used as a stylish decor. You can simply lay out the product is not a plate or serve in a glass. In any case, it will look spectacular.

Also beautifully looks like a napkin pocket, where you can put the cutlery. So the product will be not only a decor, but also acquires a functional value. Start folding down the tips to the upper left edge, leaving more areas for the next fold. Now it is worth turning the napkin so that the layers are located face to the table. Both edges bend at right angles so that the pockets are formed. Turn over the product. There you can put spoons, forks. It looks stylish and fashionable.

It is worth noting that the napkins for devices are also in different variations. You can choose the scheme that will become more convenient for you and more attractive. For example, there is still a napkin tie. She will come by the way on the anniversary of her husband, son or on February 23. Napkin is located an angle down. Then the right and left parts are wrapped, and the upper corner is rejected to the side. Turn over the product. Using the top corner, we bind the plug or spoon. That's so easy to decorate a festive table.

You can serve the table with paper napkins if you are pre-trained in advance. You can create an attractive lily of burgundy napkins. To do this, form a square diagonally. Corners on the side should be turned to the middle as if the airplane. Corner below should be upstairs to remain a bit of place. Then the corners of some area of \u200b\u200bthe napkins fold down the book.

We fold the tube inside and lay the corners of each other. So you created a napkin candle. If you reap the corner of the upper area and lower them down, then the lily will appear before us.

You can also spin attractive roses or create an envelope where it is convenient to put any items. Need a 50 * 50 centimeters napkin. The napkin folds twice from the left region to the right, and then again also, only from top to bottom. Rhombick, which turned out, fold twice from left to right. Now we return the left side into place, take the right corner, which is from above, and summarize it to the middle.

We fold it again half. The same is done with the left side. Then the rhombus should be turned over, bend both squares of the square so that they come together in the center. Now turn the rectangle again. The resulting envelope is conveniently located on the dish. It will be possible to insert a knife, the plug, the spoon will look good.

It is worth noting that Place a stylish napkin conveniently anywhere on the table. You can neatly put it on a saucer or accommodate it near it. An excellent way will be the rope of jewelry in the glass. Of course, everything will depend on the folding option and from the composition. It is important not to forget to pick up harmonious shades so that the decor is successfully combined with other products on the table.

Do not start with some complex figures. To begin with, it will be possible to simply learn to put paper napkins beautifully. You can do it on each other or apply a napanese for this.

Every caring hostess, who seeks to surprise and please their guests, thinks about how it is better to fold the napkins. Here are some recommendations of specialists:

  • Pick the shape of paper napkins based on the festive reason, as well as the age of the guests.
  • It is worth noting that you should not make intricate and too complex figures. Everything should be as easy as possible so that the guests do not spend extra effort, trying to deploy another napkin.
  • Caution Take a shade. Select paper napkins follows from the color of the tablecloth, as well as items that are served your table. You can create a single holistic stylish composition.
  • As for the placement of such a decor, it can be completely diverse places. You can position the napkin on a plate or put in a glass, a napkin. From here and will flow out the option of addition.
  • Before folding products, they must be prepared. It is necessary to practice in advance to fill your hand and that this occupation does not take you all your free time.
  • Starting training costs from the most simplest additions. For example, you can simply roll the napkins into the tube, make a harmonic or add color accents.

There is such an anecdote: the client in the restaurant issues, why fatty napkins, and the waiter says, they say, I apologize, but you don't need pancakes.

Laughing with laughter, but once thin low-fat pancakes type Lavash were actually used as napkins. For the same purpose at different times, fig leaves were used, rice paper, sleeves of clothing and even hair of court boys.

The first fabric napkins appeared in the ancient Romans. Large rectangular panels protected from dirty beds (patricia trapes lying), they were wing lips and hands.

In Russia, to the use of these hygiene products stimulated by the Decree of Peter the first, since then it was impossible to wipe the sleeve or tablecloth. Paper napkins familiar to us were patented in the XIX century, and their streams began only in the 70s of the last century.

To date, when serving a banquet table, mothers and paper napkins are used. The first are called upon to protect clothes from pollution, wipe them fat hands or lips now is not accepted. Although it will properly flush the lip cloth after drinking or touch it slightly polluted fingers.

In order to create a festive mood and surprise guests, from square napkins, you can wrap and tighten the most incredible figures. Fabric after washing needed to starch - it is better to hold the form.

Impressive compositions are constructed in parcels and from ordinary paper products, cutlery wrapped in them, and in a cafe or restaurant, many young people strive to twist a napkin ross for their ladies.

The art of folding the original figures from paper - origami - was born in Japan. This skill was a sign of good tone and was mandatory for higher estates. According to one of the versions, origami dates back to the Asian art of tissue drapery for religious rituals.

We are not Japanese aristocrats, but decorate the table and raise the mood close in the state. We present you a variety of ways to fold the napkins with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions are attached. A little training - and you can give lessons to others.

Start with a simple scheme that does not require time and skill. Wrap the napkin tube (for convenience you can wrap on a pencil, then remove it) and put it in a glass or glass. Relevant registration of the home evening, New Year's holiday, dinner with a loved one. Quickly, easily and sophisticated, and guests do not have to guess how to deploy. By the way, if you arrange a master class to children - then they will be happy to take this feature on themselves.


Coniferous tree - new year and christmas satellite. On the table will be beautifully looking out the Christmas tree from the napkins, make them easy. This option is suitable for the child's birthday celebrated in winter. Spread the Christmas tree in plates, and on top for decoration you can put a bow, or a cookie in the form of an asterisk.

4 Color Addition Schemes: Lotus, Tulip, Rose, Lily

In any decor traditionally leads a floral topic, table setting is no exception. Try to "grow" in gradually for our recipes lotus, tulip, roset or lily. The table will be very elegant.


The flower, sacred in many religions, always retains flowers and leaves clean. The symbol of the Divine power (the Egyptian God of RA) was born from the lotus), purity, heartiness and fertility.

The serving napkin thus folded will decorate any holiday. If the culprie is a man, select blue shades, if a woman is pink or lilac. For the wedding table, white or red lotuses are suitable. White color is generally universal, such "flowers" are good for business lunch.


Symbol of spring, beauty, perfect love. According to the well-established custom, these flowers give women on March 8. Napkins in the form of tulips can be decorated and the table.

White colorsymbolizes purity of thoughts and trust - for business negotiations, decorate the table with the corresponding napkins as a sign of openness of their intentions.

Tulips of red color Mean love, passion and loyalty - use this symbolism in the table serving to the next anniversary of family life.

If you have decided to part with a partner and want to arrange a farewell dinner - please, here you are yellow tulips. Although in the east of yellow tulips attributed to another value - this is a compliment: "Your smile like the sun!"

Dark purple- Royal Blood, Veliability, nobility. Such tulips-napkins can accommodate a status table: on the occasion of a solid anniversary, receiving significant guests, markers of large projects with serious partners ...

rose flower

Queen colors. In Ayurveda is considered a benevolent along with the lotus. Symbolizes divine ideals and earthly passion, innocence and fertility, the celebration of the life and the riddle of death.

Napkins folded in the form of roses will be a wonderful decoration of the wedding banquet, Valentine's Day, of any female holiday. The daughter will delight pink roses, the spouse will appreciate the red flowers, talking about the strength of your feelings. But the man does not stand at his celebration of roses, even from napkins.


In lily conflicting values. The Slavic Women's Charm, the European Royal Flower ... But in the era of the revival, the rulers knocked their emblem of criminals - probably, everyone remembers "Three Musketeers".

White lilies symbolize purity and innocence, so they are often given to the wedding. But - and on mourning days, as these flowers also mean the life "on the other side" and the atonement of sins.

Accordingly, lilies napkins will be appropriate on the festive, and on the memorial table. If, among your relatives and loved ones, there are lily - decorate the table in her holiday with flowers-theses.


The folding method is close to lily. Suitable for any event, just pick up the color in the appropriate style. By the way, if you have a napkin tone to the tone to the tablecloth, try to be from a thinner material - it will look more advantageous.

A heart

Everything is clear here: love, Valentine's Day and just a way to say about your feelings to a partner, mom or child. See the sample how can you serve the table using this scheme.


Universal option. Bright napkins are suitable for warm dinner in a friendly or related circle, a cheerful drawing can be put on the children's table, the whiteness will give solemnity. And these step-by-step photos - to help you!


Accessory gentleman. Place a bowl on a plate by February 23 or a boy or man's birthday. If a representative of the strong half of humanity is severe and serious, choose a strict color.


Rhine rag bunnies will delight children and adults, suitable for Easter, Valentine's Day (long ears are also in rabbits, and they are a symbol of breeding), and indeed for any holiday in the close circle. For official techniques and sad reasons, hares are of course inappropriate.

If complicated, look at the video instructions on which even a child will learn:

With a place under a guest card: 2 schemes

In napkins, rolled through the two following schemes, a place for a business card is provided. First of all, these options are good for business lunches and dinners: on some conferences, events, where many people unfamiliar with each other.

You can arrange with such napkins a large family celebration - an anniversary or a wedding if you are planning in advance who to plant with whom. You will be delighted and small guests at the kindergarten - only choose a bright color, and instead of a business card, you can put a photo of a child and a candy.

With a nice ring

If you figure out how beautifully folded the napkins on the festive table along the very solemn occasion, - stop at this elegant version. Such a stylish decor is worthy and wedding, and anniversary, and prom, and even summit.

Previously, the napkins hung over the collar, now put on his knees. Moreover, it must be the first to make the owners, so they give a signal to the beginning of the meal.

"Under the appliances": kulok and envelope

In the last two schemes, paper napkins are used, from which the coacons and an envelope for a spoon, forks and a knife are folded.