Scary halloween riddles for adults. Halloween quest for adults and teenagers indoors. Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

- a ready-made exclusive set of colorfully designed tasks with which you can arrange a terribly interesting adventure for adults and teenagers indoors - an unforgettable sinister quest))) Players can be divided into 2-3 teams.

All the tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones by keywords, print them out and arrange them right before the start of the game in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

About the kit

  • "Halloween Quest for Adults and Teens Indoors" includes a set of tasks, each hiding in a specific location. The solution to each riddle points to the location where the next clue is hidden. Thus, a chain of tasks is obtained, which must be completed step by step in order to find the hidden surprise.
  • A wide variety of versatile places in the room where you can hide the puzzles and the surprise itself.
  • There is no imposed search chain, you can lay out tasks in any order .
  • Interesting and varied tasks based on word games and various types of ciphers.
  • The box templates and wrapping paper that are offered as a gift for this set can be useful for packing souvenirs or sweets for completing the quest. The easiest option: buy any chocolates, remove the store wrapper from them, leaving only the foil, and then pack the chocolate with wrapping paper with a different background - sweet gifts are ready!
  • The kit is designed for adults and teenagers.

Team quest game

The Halloween Quest for Adults and Teenagers Indoors set provides for a game for two or three teams: each type of task is made in several versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and ingenuity of the players. And those who are planning a quest for one person or for one team will have a wide choice of the most convenient places in the room for compiling a search chain.

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way with the help of a special postcards. It is stable and cooks in just a few minutes (details included), in the middle is the first hint; postcard format - A4. When finished, it looks like this:

assignment assignments

Description of tasks

(in brackets are key places where you can hide clues and a surprise)

  1. Jack's clue ( table, drawer, cabinet). Entertaining task, funny colorful cipher .
  2. Creepy cipher ( microwave,vase,newspaper). An unusual interesting task, you need to unravel the encrypted anagram phrase.
  3. Happy Halloween( mirror,painting,a printer). The task of ingenuity.
  4. Dark associations ( kettle,Cup,armchair,loggia). Great task for quick thinking. You need to find in the fillword the words associated with Halloween Day.
  5. Full Moon Mystery ( coffee or tea,Journal,Xerox). You need to find the key to the cunning cipher.
  6. Sinister puzzle ( calculator,windowsill,fridge). A simple but exciting task: you need to assemble a puzzle and find out from the restored picture the place where the next clue is located.
  7. Horror Night (scarf or tie, neckerchief;flash drive,battery). The original task of mindfulness. To read the hint phrase, you need to restore the sequence of drawings in which the artist drew them.

As a gift, a super-set of Halloween printable templates!

Super Halloween Printable Template Set contains: invitations, 3 types of candy boxes, round toppers, round and square stickers, straw flags, two size bottle labels, cake (cupcake) decorations, 4 types of wrapping paper (for making wrappers for chocolate, cards, etc.), stretching.

As well as a set of colorful Halloween masks!

  • postcard to start the quest
  • recommendations for the preparation and conduct of the quest
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)
  • gift: halloween printable template set and halloween mask set

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(postcard and assignments look great on regular office paper).

Kit format: tasks and answers - 42 pages, instructions - 4 pages (pdf files), postcard to start the quest (jpg file)

After clicking on the button, you will be transferred to the basket

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Within an hour after successful payment, 2 letters from will be sent to the mail you specified: one of them with a receipt confirming the payment made, the other letter with theme“Order on #N for the amount of N rubles. paid. Congratulations on a successful purchase!" — It contains a link to download the content.

Halloween quiz at school

Event form: extracurricular activity with a quiz.

The target audience: 5-8 grade.

Event goals:

Conduct a quiz, getting children interested in the culture of another country;

Develop speed of thinking, attention, communication skills.

A few days before the holiday, a class hour should be held, dedicated to the tradition of celebrating Halloween. Tell the children that the holiday is over a thousand years old. It used to be called the Saiman holiday, during which sacrifices were made to please evil spirits. Now it's just a fun tradition (it won't hurt to know how Halloween is celebrated), which is gradually moving to Russia, delighting many children and adults. Surely, children will be interested to hear the story of an Irishman named Jack, who was addicted to gambling and alcohol. However, this did not stop him from deceiving the Devil himself, for which, after death, he was expelled from hell into darkness. The farmer asked the devil for something to light his way. The devil threw him a smoldering ember, and Jack put it in the turnips, which he had not finished eating. From here came the tradition of carving a pumpkin and inserting a candle into it.

The quiz is held at the school's Halloween party, it is advisable to ask the children to dress up in themed costumes or masks that they will make themselves.

The first person to answer correctly gets a card. As a result of the quiz, three winners are selected, with the largest number of cards. Also, a quiz can be held by dividing the children into teams. Prizes are awarded at the discretion of the school administration or parent council.

Halloween quiz questions at school

1. What people were the "discoverers" of Halloween?

a) Americans


c) French

2. What date is the holiday celebrated?

c)On the night of October 31 to November 1

3. What is another name for Halloween?

a) November holidays

b)floating apple festival

c) Carols

4. What is this holiday associated with?

a) With Santa Claus

b) With the end of the harvest

c)With evil spirit

5. What is the symbol of this day?

a) Black cat


6. What color is not the symbolic color of All Saints' Day?


c) Orange

7. How can you protect yourself from evil spirits on Halloween eve?

a)put on a mask

b) Eat all the candies

c) Pet a black cat

8. Which Russian tradition is similar to Halloween traditions?


b) Sculpting a snowman

c) Burning of Shrovetide

9. What phrase is often heard during the holiday?

a) To be or not to be

b)Trick or Treat

c) Life or death

10. What is superfluous? (Which does not apply to the holiday)


c) Unclean power

11. What is customary to do on Halloween?

a) Ask for forgiveness


12. What do people do so that the dead do not take possession of their souls?

a) Leave milk and cookies under the tree

b)Making pumpkin lanterns

c) Draw crosses on the doors

13. What is a pumpkin with a lit candle inside?

a) Jack O'Lantern Heads

b)Souls of dead people

c) Invitations to visit

14. According to legend, the drunkard Jack deceived the Devil himself twice during his lifetime. After death, for this he was expelled from hell, and he did not go to heaven for the sins that he committed. As a result, Jack was doomed to eternal wandering. What did he have to light his way in the darkness?


c) Torch

15. On Halloween, it is customary to go door to door and knock on doors. What should the owners give the child in response to the wound phrase?


c) What is asked

16. What attribute is used to communicate with the other world?

a) Telephone

b)crystal ball

c) Satellite dish

17. Who wrote Frankenstein?

a) Elizabeth Lunt

b)Mary Shelley

c) Samuel Butler

18. In which country on this day, instead of pumpkins, “boats of fate” are made of paper?


19. What is not customary to do on Halloween?

a) Laugh

b)Take offense

c) Cursing

20. It is proposed to solve the puzzle: you need to find 8 words, the words are connected vertically and horizontally. (The puzzle can be distributed both on separate cards and drawn on the board)

In order for the children not to get bored, it is proposed to hold several competitions in the middle of the quiz. Thus, play several symbolic prizes (sweets, lollipops, chocolates, etc.). These should be special Halloween themed games, such as the following.

1. "Roll pumpkin!"

3 children are selected for the competition. The point is to roll the pumpkin across the narrow plank without dropping it.

2. "Vampire"

For the competition you need: white powder, black eyeliner, red lipstick (pencil and lipstick can be replaced with watercolors)

There are 2 teams of 2-3 people. In 2 minutes, the team must paint one participant so that he looks like a vampire. Children not participating in the competition must choose the winning team.

3. "Soaked Apple"

Since Halloween is called the holiday of floating apples, this contest is simply indispensable. You will need 2 basins of water and about 10 apples (for two players). The participants are tied behind their hands, and they must catch as many apples as possible with their mouths in 2 minutes.

Halloween is perhaps one of the most mysterious and mysterious holidays. This holiday is increasingly celebrated in Russia. On this day, you can meet ghosts and witches, hear many scary stories, look into the future with the help of divination. There are many legends, customs and traditions associated with Halloween. Does everyone celebrate it the same way?




Halloween is perhaps one of the most mysterious and mysterious holidays. This holiday is increasingly celebrated in Russia! The history of the holiday has more than one millennium. It is on this day that you can meet ghosts and witches, hear many scary stories, look into the future with the help of divination. There are many legends, customs and traditions associated with Halloween! They fascinate and sometimes scare. This unusual holiday is celebrated in many countries, but is it celebrated the same way everywhere? We invite you to test your knowledge about Halloween, as well as learn a lot of new and interesting things by answering quiz questions and completing a creative task.


1. What people were the "discoverers" of Halloween?

a) Americans

b) Celts

c) French

2. What date is the holiday celebrated?

3. What is another name for Halloween?

a) November holidays

b) Floating Apple Festival

c) Carols

4. What is this holiday associated with?

a) With Santa Claus

b) With the end of the harvest

c) With evil spirits

5. What is the symbol of this day?

a) Black cat

b) Broom

c) Pumpkin

6. What color is not the symbolic color of All Saints' Day?

a) Green

b) Black

c) Orange

7. How can you protect yourself from evil spirits on Halloween eve?

a) Wear a mask

b) Eat all the candies

c) Pet a black cat

8. Which Russian tradition is similar to Halloween traditions?

a) Conjuration

b) Sculpting a snowman

c) Burning of Shrovetide

9. What phrase is often heard during the holiday?

a) To be or not to be

b) Trick or Treat

c) Life or death

10. What is superfluous? (Which does not apply to the holiday)

a) Brownie

b) Spirits

c) Unclean power

11. What is customary to do on Halloween?

a) Ask for forgiveness

b) to joke

c) scare

12. What do people do so that the dead do not take possession of their souls?

a) Leave milk and cookies under the tree

b) They make pumpkin lanterns

c) Draw crosses on the doors

13. What is a pumpkin with a lit candle inside?

a) Jack O'Lantern Heads

b) Souls of dead people

c) Invitations to visit

14. According to legend, the drunkard Jack deceived the Devil himself twice during his lifetime. After death, for this he was expelled from hell, and he did not go to heaven for the sins that he committed. As a result, Jack was doomed to eternal wandering. What did he have to light his way in the darkness?

a) Coal

b) Lamp

c) Torch

15. On Halloween, it is customary to go door to door and knock on doors. What should the owners give the child in response to the wound phrase?

a) Money

b) Sweets

c) What is asked

16. What attribute is used to communicate with the other world?

a) Telephone

b) Crystal ball

c) Satellite dish

17. Who wrote Frankenstein?

a) Elizabeth Lunt

b) Mary Shelley

c) Samuel Butler

18. In which country on this day, instead of pumpkins, “boats of fate” are made of paper?

a) China

b) India

c) Russia

19. What is not customary to do on Halloween?

a) Laugh

b) Take offense

c) Cursing

20. It is proposed to solve the puzzle: you need to find 8 words, the words are connected vertically and horizontally.

(The puzzle can be distributed both on separate cards and drawn on the board)

The script of the lesson "Halloween"

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    To acquaint students with the past and present of the holiday in more detail.

    Activate and expand the vocabulary of students on the topic of the lesson.

    Develop oral speech skills (dialogical and monologue) on this topic).

    To acquaint students with the texts of folk and author's poems and songs, legends and stories, with analogues of the holiday in Russia.

Expected results

After the lesson, students will be able to:

    give a historical justification for the existing traditions of celebrating Halloween;

    ask and answer questions on the topic;

    understand the meaning of what they heard, show interest and request information, establish communication;

    dramatize the plot according to the supporting text;

    understand and follow the instructions for performing game tasks.


1. Announcement of the topic of the lesson

Two presenters in suits come out, they say in a mysterious voice

Presenter 1: -Hello bastard! Today, on the eve of All Saints Day, the gates between two worlds open for a short time: the World of the Living and the World of the Dead! And we, the Gate Keepers, will be your guides!

Host 2: Do you know what this holiday, which sounds unfamiliar to the Russian ear, carries in itself? Are there pagan rituals, or harmless jokes of children and adults who are ready to have fun on the night of November 1 until they drop, dressing up in funny costumes and scaring each other? Meanwhile, the history of Halloween is interesting, and you should know it, even if you think that such celebrations are just a tribute to a fleeting fashion.

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31st. In the United States, children dress up in fancy dress and masks and go from house to house begging for sweets. Many of them carve pumpkin lanterns. Divination and stories about witches and ghosts are popular pastimes.

Halloween evolved from New Year's Eve and festivities in honor of the dead. The Christian Church established a holiday on November 1, called All Saints' Day, so that people could continue to celebrate their holidays.

The mass celebrated on All Saints' Day was called the AllHallowas. The day before All Saints' Day was called All Saints' Eve or "All Halloween".

The main entertainment for children on Halloween is begging for sweets. Children dress up in masquerade costumes and masks, go from house to house and say: "Treat me, otherwise we'll play a joke." Neighbors give the children treats such as candy, fruit, and change so that the children don't play tricks on them.

Halloween lanterns are hollow inside pumpkins with a face carved on one side. Most lanterns have a candle inside. Irish legend says that Halloween lanterns (in English jack-o'-lanterns) are named after a man named Jack.

He couldn't go to heaven because he was a miser, and he couldn't go to hell because he played mean tricks on the devil. As a result, Jack is forced to roam the land with his lantern until Doomsday.

Divination is an important part of Halloween. For example, a coin, a ring and a thimble are baked into a pie. It was believed that whoever finds the ring will soon get married or get married. Whoever finds the coin will get rich. And the one who finds the thimble will never get married or get married. Today, people use fortune-telling on cards and divination by hand.

People once believed that the earth was full of witches and that they met on October 31st to worship the devil. Today, people do not believe in ghosts and witches, but they love to tell stories about them on Halloween.

Quiz "Halloween Mysteries"

Competition - The most attentive.

Quiz questions:

1. What people were the "discoverers" of Halloween?

a) Americans

b) Celts

c) French

2. What date is the holiday celebrated?

c) On the night of October 31 to November 1

3. What is another name for Halloween?

a) November holidays

b) floating apple festival

c) Carols

4. What is this holiday associated with?

a) With Santa Claus

b) With the end of the harvest

c) With evil spirit

5. What is the symbol of this day?

a) Black cat

b) Broom

c) Pumpkin

6. What color is not the symbolic color of All Saints' Day?

a) Green

b) Black

c) Orange

7. How can you protect yourself from evil spirits on Halloween eve?

a) put on a mask

b) Eat all the candies

c) Pet a black cat

8. Which Russian tradition is similar to Halloween traditions?

a) conjuration

b) Sculpting a snowman

c) Burning of Shrovetide

9. What phrase is often heard during the holiday?

a) To be or not to be

b) Trick or Treat

c) Life or death

10. What is superfluous? (Which does not apply to the holiday)

a) Brownie

b) Spirits

c) Unclean power

11. What is customary to do on Halloween?

a) Ask for forgiveness

b) to joke

c) scare

12. What do people do so that the dead do not take possession of their souls?

a) Leave milk and cookies under the tree

b) Making pumpkin lanterns

c) Draw crosses on the doors

13. What is a pumpkin with a lit candle inside?

a) Jack O'Lantern Heads

b) Souls of dead people

c) Invitations to visit

14. According to legend, the drunkard Jack deceived the Devil himself twice during his lifetime. After death, for this he was expelled from hell, and he did not go to heaven for the sins that he committed. As a result, Jack was doomed to eternal wandering. What did he have to light his way in the darkness?

a) Ugolkom

b) Lamp

c) Torch

15. On Halloween, it is customary to go door to door and knock on doors. What should the owners give the child in response to the wound phrase?

a) Money

b) Sweets

c) What is asked

16. What attribute is used to communicate with the other world?

a) Telephone

b) crystal ball

c) Satellite dish

a) end of summer and year;

b) end of autumn;

c) early winter.

18. As the Slavs called goddess of marriage, patroness of women and girls?

a) Mary

b) Makosh

c) Venus

19. What is not customary to do on Halloween?

a) Laugh

b) Take offense

c) Cursing

20. When is celebratedIs Leshy Day celebrated?

b) on the night of 17 to 18 October

21. From what did our ancestors prepare sochivo - the main dish of Christmas?

a) fried potatoes with mushrooms

b) rolls and sushi

c) lean grain porridge, to which dried mushrooms, berries or honey were added.

Competition "Scary spell"

You have to come up with and pronounce the most terrible and chilling spell. Moreover, this spell does not have to contain meaningful words or phrases, it can be any set of letters, the main thing is that it sounds rather unpleasant. And, of course, you will need to explain to others what this spell does.

4 contest - Puzzle

It is proposed to solve the puzzle: you need to find 8 words, the words are connected vertically and horizontally. (The puzzle can be distributed both on separate cards and drawn on the board)















































For the competition you need: white powder, black eyeliner, red lipstick (pencil and lipstick can be replaced with watercolors)

In 2 minutes, the team must paint one participant so that he looks like a vampire. Children not participating in the competition must choose the winning team.

contest - "Soaked Apple"

Since Halloween is called the holiday of floating apples, this contest is simply indispensable. You will need 3 bowls of water and about 9 apples (Participants have their hands tied behind their backs and must fish out the apples with their mouths as quickly as possible).

contest- "Web".

Each team lines up in a chain, the participants are given a long rope. The task is to pass the rope between everyone, i.e. the first participant begins to thread the rope through the clothes from top to bottom, the next one from bottom to top, and so on by analogy. The winner is the team where each participant passed the rope through himself.

contest"Pour the blood" (competition of captains)

For this competition, you will need to prepare a red drink (tomato or cherry juice), pipettes and glasses. The task is to pour the drink from one glass to another using a pipette. The captain who completes the task faster will be the winner.

blow the ghost

This time, the players of the two teams will deal with ghosts, though not real ones, but cut out of thin papyrus paper. The leaders of the two teams start the competition, while the ghosts lie on the table in front of each of them. You need to move the ghosts by blowing on them. Ghosts seem to fly, driven by the breeze. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Skeleton Fun

Players of two teams are given the task to assemble a skeleton from "bones", which were previously cut out of thick cardboard. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Municipal budget institution

additional education in the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Rostov-on-Don

"Center for additional education of children"

creative quiz


Fine art studio "Magic Brush"

Circle "Creative fantasies"

Association "Talantium"

creative quiz"Halloween"

The date of the: 31.10.16

Location: Malyugina 163/72, office No. 7

Leaders: Roskoshina T.A.

Poddubnaya A. A.

Zadoenko D.V.

Took part: educational circles

Target: disclosure and development of the potential abilities of children, to arouse children's interest in working in a team.

Tasks:- to consolidate children's knowledge about autumn and the celebration of Halloween abroad, to consolidate skills in collective artistic activities, the ability to work in a team;

- to acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating in different countries, with a variety of artistic materials and methods of working with them;

- foster a spirit of competition, a sense of friendship and responsibility.

Materials and equipment: cards and tasks, musical accompaniment from cartoons and energetic melodies, attributes for games: 3 sheets of whatman paper, felt-tip pens, landscape sheets, wax crayons, pencils, scissors, forfeits, a basket, shreds of white fabric, a box, small objects of various functionalities, skewers , ribbons, prizes.

Quiz structure:

I . Preparatory stage

1. Organizational moment 2 min.

2. Introductory conversation 7 min.

II main stage

3. Competitive game with children 29 min.

4.Practical work 20 min.

III . The final stage

5. Summing up 1 min.

6. Reflection 1 min.

Quiz progress

I . Preparatory stage

1. Organizational moment

- Hello guys! Today we have gathered for an autumn quiz dedicated to such a holiday as Halloween. You will be divided into teams, and all tasks will be solved jointly in your team. And so the first task: come up with a name for your team (a little time is given). For correct tasks or correctly completed tasks, you will receive tokens. Which team has more tokens at the end of our quiz will win.

2. Introductory conversation

But first, let's talk about this holiday. We would like to introduce you to this unusual holiday-triumph.

Can anyone tell something about him?

The meaning of the holiday: the eve of All Saints' Day, is traditionally considered the only day of the year when the spirits of the dead can return to earth. It is noted in the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, and also not systematically in other countries. It is held on October 31st. Celebrated with fireworks, family feasts, parties. Holiday traditions: children begging for treats, scary rides, costume parties.

And now let's move on to the tasks themselves.

II main stage

3. Competitive game with children

-Puzzles in poems about autumn

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say random! -
Well, of course ... (Leaf fall)

The cold scares them so much
Fly south in a flock,
They can't sing, they can't have fun.
Who is afraid of winter? (Birds)

There are no wings, but he flies,
Clouds, clouds are chasing,
He is responsible for the weather!
Who is this? - This is ... (wind)

The sun began to warm less
The cold does not sleep.
Bear is going
Fall into hibernation.
The day is shorter, the sky is blue,
What time of year? (Autumn)

Here on the leg is a dome-mushroom,
It will protect you from the rain.
Pedestrian won't get wet
If you hide under ... (Umbrella)

August comes after
Dances with leaf fall,
Gives a bountiful harvest
What month? Guess! (September)

Our Queen Autumn,
We will ask you together:
Tell us your secret
Who is your second servant? (October)

Who does not let us warmly,
The first snow scares us
Calling the cold?
Can you guess easily? (November)
-Halloween puzzles

She has golden skin, And also a very scary mug,
It is round like a ball, And it glows like a lantern.

Lives in a long-legged hut
Dangerous old lady.
She has a bone leg
And her name is...
(Baba Yaga)

Without wings, but flying
And sweeps the ground.

He lives in a witch's house,
He is black, but not a cat.
He is not a scientist, but he is smart,
Not a stupa, but he flies.
And he even says!
Who is it, who can tell?

It is dressed in white and translucent.
In general, the creation is quite nondescript.
But when he appears in the cold castle at night,
That for seeing the doctor is urgently needed!

She prepares potions
He conjures and harms.
To friends for housewarming
Flying on a broom.

No one can see them
They don't have a body.
And probably because
Everyone is scared boldly.
There are different
They say they fly.
As annoying as flies
These are evil .... (spirits)

His eyes are burning like headlights
And the coat is black as night,
He is an assistant to the old witch.
When you see him, run away!
(black cat)

Maybe this is a lie:
In the lake of the forest maidens,
They come out of the water
They lead round dances with a song,
And then they play tag.
Who lives in the water?

On the black-black-black mountain
And in the black-black-black palace
The bony old man lives.
Even in a very long time ago
He hid his immortality in a chest.
But about this secret - keep quiet! (Kashchei)

- Game "Think of words"

(who will come up with more words for a certain letter and write them down on a piece of paper for a while)

-The game "The postman brought the package" (one participant goes out and looks into the box with the items and tries to explain to everyone what the item is there, without saying the direct name of the item)

-The game "Draw spiders"

(a cobweb is drawn on whatman paper, the task of each team is to depict as many spiders on it as possible for a while)

- Game "Remember the subject" (various objects are laid out, for 10 seconds the children memorize them, then the objects are closed, and the children must remember them in turn by calling them by command)

4.Practical work

And now, we suggest you make a small fake symbol of this holiday. We'll make a cast. It will be made from a piece of fabric, a ribbon and a skewer (a visual demonstration of work with children). We will also need a marker to draw the face of our ghost.

III . The final stage

5. Summing up

So, here we come to the end of our work. Let's summarize and for this you can demonstrate your work to each other and analyze them.

See how different the ghosts turned out for everyone. And not scary at all, but very cute.

6. Reflection

Did you like our quiz?

What did you learn about this holiday?

Let's count the points that each team scored.

Identification of the winning team, awarding prizes to all students. Workplace cleaning.

Everyone, of course, tried, and it seems to us that very good fakes turned out. All well done! Goodbye!