How to make a snail out of hair (39 photos): a solution for both adults and children. Snail hairstyle, mastering spiral weaving Snail hairstyle for medium hair

The shell hairstyle has been known since Soviet times, but even her advanced age does not prevent her from occupying one of the first positions in the hairdressing hit parade. Follow the detailed step-by-step instructions and try to display this luxurious styling on your own hair.

Who is the French bun suitable for?

One of the main advantages of this classic hairstyle is its versatility. A shell or snail fits any length - both medium and below the shoulders. Texture is also not important - the hairstyle looks great on perfectly straight strands and wavy curls.

We also note the fact that the French shell makes the silhouette slimmer, and the neck thinner and longer. A woman with such a hairstyle looks feminine, elegant and incredibly stylish.

What is needed to create a snail?

Snail hairstyle involves a whole set of all kinds of tools:

  1. Massage Brush - Choose a medium-hard, flat or square brush. She will unravel the knots and give your hair the necessary shape.
  2. A comb with a pointed end and fine teeth. With its help, you can easily separate partings or make a pile.
  3. Mousse and varnish. These strong hold styling products will keep your style in place all day long.
  4. Flat iron with wide plates. It will be necessary for those who want to align curly strands and give a stylish styling a more rigorous shape.
  5. Hairpins and hairpins - necessary for fixing.
  6. Accessories - decorate the evening version.

It is better to perform a hairstyle on perfectly dry strands - wet ones can affect its final appearance.

Variations on the theme of the French snail shell

Hairstyle shell for medium hair exists in several versions. It is very easy to make them - our step-by-step photos will definitely help you with this.

classic snail

The classic French beam is based on an ordinary spiral. Having mastered this element, you will be able to make a traditional snail yourself.

  1. Apply a little mousse or foam to your hair to make it obedient. If your hair is thick, dry it well.
  2. Comb the prepared hair and collect with your hand at the back of the head.
  3. Do not tie the resulting tail with an elastic band, but twist it into a tight tourniquet. True, if there is a desire, it can be made free.
  4. Make a loop from the tourniquet and hide the remaining tip inside the shell.
  5. Fix the hairstyle with hairpins (their number depends on the density of the hair).
  6. Gently comb the protruding hairs with a thin comb. They can be smoothed with gel, and sprinkled with varnish on top.

Snail for curly strands

How to make a shell hairstyle for curly hair? Everything is easy enough! You don't have to straighten them out with a flat iron, because the French snail can be very sloppy, disheveled and loose. The hairstyle will turn out lush, with protruding curls that will make the image playful, light and perky.

  1. On washed and dried hair, apply any styling product (foam, gel or mousse).
  2. Carefully comb the strands, distributing the styling along their entire length.
  3. Gather the tail with your hands. The lower it is located, the lower the shell will “sit down”.
  4. Form a light tourniquet and twist it inward, fixing it with a pair of pins from the bottom up.
  5. Leave the ends of the tail - they can be wound on a curling iron and laid beautifully.

French braided bun

It looks very unusual and is suitable for parties. And the most interesting thing is that such a snail can be made in 5-10 minutes.

Shell in a couple of seconds

Shell "Second" for long hair is suitable for every day. No time for styling? This quick option is exactly what you were looking for.

  1. Comb and comb the strands a little with a comb.
  2. Gather your hair into a ponytail, fixing the elastic at the very end.
  3. Insert two hair sticks into it and wind the strands around them.
  4. Secure your hair with pins.
  5. Pull the sticks out of it.

Looped shell hairstyle

This styling for every day can be easily done by yourself. It can be worn to the office or to meet friends.

1. Gather the tail with your hand.

2. Wrap it around two fingers.

3. You have a loop - you need to wrap it around, making movements counterclockwise.

4. Continue to twist the tail.

6. Decorate with a beautiful hair clip.

French Bun for Beginners

If you are just about to try your hand at hairdressing, try this very easy styling.

Making a French Bun with a Twister

With a twister, you can make almost any styling, including a shell.

Snail with fleece on bangs

  1. We comb the strands. We leave the bangs free.
  2. We throw the hair on the left side to the right and fix it in the middle with the help of invisibility.
  3. We comb the bangs with a comb and stab back.
  4. We twist the hair on the right side with a roller on the finger and lay it on top. We hide the ends inside.
  5. We fix everything with studs.

How else to lay the snail?

As a rule, all shells are made according to the same scheme as indicated above. And then everything is in your hands! A French bun can be made for special occasions. It will not seem ordinary, because it is easy to complement it with a hairpin or a flower - a chic styling will come out.

The youth-style snail looks incredible! Decorate it with a scarf - you will be irresistible.

In the evening shell hairstyle, you can use sequins, corrugated strands, rhinestones and other decor. Such an image will definitely not go unnoticed.

How to make a hairstyle "Snail" at home? At first glance, this styling seems too complicated and intricate, but, as you know, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. A little practice, our step-by-step instruction and video - and you will definitely succeed!

Preparing for "work"

We’ll warn you right away that it’s unrealistic to braid the “Snail” braid for yourself - you will need an assistant. So learn the art of braiding with a friend.

  • Start by preparing your hair. It is easiest to work with straight hair, but curly hair can also be dealt with by using a special serum or leave-in balm, which are applied to damp hair after washing.
  • So, the hair is washed, dried and combed. To weave the Snail braid, we need two hair ties - a thin silicone and thick terry, hair clips and a comb with a sharp tip to divide the total mass of hair into thin strands.

Step-by-step scheme of weaving “Snails” on the head

A good start is half the battle. You need to start weaving from the top of your head, there will be the center of your snail.

  1. Separate a strand of small thickness and fix it with a terry rubber band, and grab the hair around with clips.
  2. Then release the central strand and divide it into two parts - one thinner, the other thicker. Start braiding a simple braid from a thin strand, adding a little hair from the rest. The weaving pattern is shown in the photo - note that the Snail braid is replenished with new strands all the time on one side, namely, on the outside.
  3. Make a circle, then another ... The “Snail” pigtail in the first circle should be, as it were, pulled to the top of the head so that an ugly bald patch does not form in the center of the hairstyle. After the full circle is completed, remove one of the clips holding the hair on the sides, and begin to form the second coil of the pigtail. The thinner the added strands, the more turns your snail hairstyle will receive in the end. If the hair is very thick, and even more so, curly, then the braid will come out quite voluminous and it is not necessary to make more than three turns in the hair. But for thin hair, you can create a denser weave so that the snail is not “transparent”, without wide partings.
  4. Hair to hair. So, step by step, you are coming to the end of the hairstyle. After the third turn, it is important to independently control the symmetry relative to the center - the cochlea braid should be located at the same distance from the ears, both on the left and on the right. To evenly include new strands in your hair, use this technique: first put the main strand on the braid, and then pick up the additional strand and attach it to the main one. Do not forget that the strands should be neat, not too wide!
  5. Final touches. The last circle of hairstyle can absorb the bangs, if you need to remove the hair from the face. Although the Snail braid looks good accompanied by bangs, especially if it is fashionable this season with milled edges or asymmetric.
  6. It is most convenient to complete the weaving of the pigtail on the side behind the ear, on the right or on the left, depending on which direction the spiral of the cochlea is twisted. The tail is braided into a regular braid, fixed at the end with a thin silicone rubber band. Then this pigtail must be carefully tucked under the styling, stretching it under the extreme turn of the hairstyle you created.

We enjoy the result!

Now you know how to weave a snail braid with your own hands. For the first time, weaving may take more than half an hour, but gradually, with experience, you will be able to braid this beautiful braid much faster and more skillfully. If the photos accompanying our instructions were not enough for training, watch the video and simply repeat the movements shown there. We wish you success!

Looking for new options

On the basis of the Snail braid, you can create a wide variety of hairstyles.

  • For example, try to braid a snail not from the entire array of hair, but by separating the part above the ear - you get an elegant little “snail”, in the center of which you can add a decorative element in the form of a live or artificial flower, a pearl or an elegant butterfly hairpin.
  • Another option is to start from the temple through the crown diagonally and then braid the snail closer to the neck. You will get a delicately intertwined bun, which can also be decorated with ribbons or beads for a festive exit.
  • The Snail braid is indispensable in the summer, when you really want to put your hair in a hairstyle that always looks beautiful and spectacular both on the beach and in a nightclub. If the weave is tight enough, then the pigtail can stay on the hair for a whole week!
  • And finally, if you sprinkle the Snail hairstyle with water and then dry it without unraveling, you will get amazing waves on your loose hair.

Experiment, try, be charming, spectacular and irresistible with the Snail hairstyle!

Video: How to braid a "snail"

Weaving a snail braid is possible on hair long from the shoulder blades and below, or on shorter hair using additional strands on hairpins. This braid is suitable for long hair. To prevent short hair from fluffing and not getting out of weave, use a special wax.

You can lay the braid in the cochlea closer to the top of the head, or form it on the back of the head, slightly to the side. In the first arrangement, the remaining hair is braided either in a vertical braid down, or this braid can go down the head in a snake. For the second option, a vertical braid is woven from the crown (French or reverse, or a fishtail with hooks), and closer to the back of the head a snail is already formed on one side of the main vertical braid. Examples of the second location of the cochlea can be seen in the photographs at the end of the article.

As an example, we show the weaving of the "snail" on both sides of the head.

We comb the hair, and to make it more convenient to take strands for pickup and they do not fluff, sprinkle them with water.

We make a parting on one side, determine the place that will become the center of the first snail (around which the braid will form in a spiral) and take a strand at this place.

We divide it into three parts and start weaving a regular three-part braid, making thin tie-backs from the outside. We lay out the braid in a spiral, lay the first two rings of the spiral tightly to each other. So we are slowly starting to get the shape of a snail.

Weave several turns of the spiral, in our example, all the hair from the parting to the temporal zone of one half of the head was woven. When all the strands on the left side are picked up, then our snail is finished and weave the remaining hair with an ordinary pigtail to the end and fix it with an elastic band. The pigtail should be behind the ear. We are done with this part of the head.

We proceed to the right side, we have more hair on it, since we have bangs on this side, so the snail will turn out to be larger than on the left. In the same way as on the left, we separate a small strand in the center of the right side and begin to weave a pigtail in a circle, but already behind the hour hand. Do not forget that it is necessary to add strands only from the outside, on the other hand weave without adding, and so on until we pick up all the strands on the right side, including the bangs. Then we tie an elastic band and we get a tail. This completes the snail on the right side.

Next, we proceed to the design of the back of the head. Now we need to weave a braid in the form of a zigzag or. to do this, we take the tail that remained after weaving the snail on the right side, divide it into three strands and begin to weave the braid towards the left ear, picking up the strands from only one free side. When we have braided to the left ear, we turn the braid to the right side and weave further to the right ear, also picking up strands from only one free side. In the first selected strand, we also take the pigtail, which remained behind the left ear after weaving the first snail. So we weave until we pick up all the strands.

When all the strands are selected, we begin to weave an ordinary braid to the very end, then we fix it with an elastic band and slightly pull out the strands for more volume. We spray the hair with varnish and on this our everything is ready. If desired, the hairstyle can be decorated with small flowers or other decorations for a more romantic look. I hope that the weaving technique described by me will become your good assistant in creating this unusual and bewitching image.

Spit snail - photo:

The following photos show different variations of the snail braid, using French braid and a braid known as fishtail.

Do you remember this hairstyle? I am sure that she has been familiar to many since childhood: our mothers wove it for us both in kindergarten and in school. Considered retro now, it was once very popular with girls of all ages.

In order to braid this hairstyle, your child will have to show perseverance, but you need to be patient, especially if you are weaving it for the first time. Therefore, prepare in advance and lure the child with some toy or video game so that you can finish your hair calmly, without tears and sorrows.

Children's hairstyle "Snail", which is also called: "Basket", "Spiral" or a circular braid, holds hair very well, you can go through it for several days. The weaving itself is simple, it is also called differently: Greek or Dutch. But in fact, this pigtail with woven strands on only one side, in contrast to the French spikelet, in which tiebacks are taken from both sides. Due to the fact that the pigtail is attached only from one side, it is perfectly visible and the pattern resembling a snail shell is clearly visible. You can see this in the photo, and in the video tutorial, consider the entire process in detail.

For weaving this hairstyle "Snail" medium length hair is enough.

Weaving technique

  1. Snail weaving starts from the middle of the head. Comb your hair well and, tilting your head, distribute it evenly
  2. In the middle, take 3 thin strands and start weaving a pigtail, intertwining the side strands with the middle one.
  3. Hairstyle "Snail" based on the Dutch braid, which is woven only from the outside, so the tiebacks for it are taken from one side only.

    For example, as in the photo: interlace the left strand with the middle one, and add a pickup from the outside of the main part of the hair to the right.

  4. With the next weave, do the same, make a few links of the braid and start twisting it in a circle, weaving the tiebacks into the same part of the braid. Separate the strands for pickups carefully, trying to take the same ones, doing it in one line so that the hairstyle is even.
  5. After making the first turn, push the braid a little and start a new circle by continuing to add strands from the outside.
  6. Continue the "Snail" hairstyle in the same technique, twisting the braid in a spiral.
  7. When the tiebacks run out, braid the pigtail to the end and tie with an elastic band.
  8. The resulting pigtail can be laid around, and its tip hidden under the previous level.
  9. Children's hairstyle "Snail" is ready!

Video lesson

Snail hairstyle means hair shaped like a snail shell. It can be weaving from braids or just neatly laid out and fixed hair.

A photo

Who suits the snail hairstyle?

Snail hairstyle is great for medium and long hair of any structure. This styling is especially well suited to an evening dress, allowing you to show off an open back and décolleté.

A snail hairstyle is often done for little girls, because weaving keeps well and looks very elegant at any children's party.

Fish tail snail

The snail looks very romantic and elegant, and weaving is very easy, especially using step-by-step photos and video instructions.

How to make a fishtail snail hairstyle?

  1. Comb the hair and select a part of the hair above one of the temples.
  2. Divide this part into three and start a regular braid.
  3. Then divide the middle strand in half and add one half to each of the side strands.
  4. Start weaving down the fishtail braid, grabbing the strands on the sides to make a spikelet.
  5. Weave diagonally, approaching the back of the head from the opposite side, as in the photo.
  6. When the side strands run out, braid the fishtail to the end and secure with an inconspicuous elastic band.
  7. Twist the tip of the braid in a spiral, creating a snail shell pattern.
  8. Fasten the weave with invisibility.
  9. Let the strands out of the braid a little so that it is more voluminous.

Fishtail snail hairstyle video

In this video, you can analyze in detail the process of weaving a spikelet from a fish tail and creating a snail hairstyle.

Hairstyle classic snail spikelet

The snail is made in a spiral, taking up the entire head and creating a beautiful pattern. It is this hairstyle that looks great with an evening dress, and is also great for little girls for any children's celebration.

How to braid a classic snail?

  1. Comb your hair and select one strand at the crown with a round parting.
  2. Divide this strand into three parts and start a regular braid.
  3. Weave a thin pigtail in a circle, picking up the lower free strands, as when weaving a spikelet.
  4. Move in a circle in a spiral and make sure that the capture lines of the strands are even, as in the photo.
  5. Weave to the end until the hair runs out.
  6. Braid the rest of the braid and secure with an elastic band.
  7. Hide this ponytail in your hair, as in the video.

Hairstyle snail video

This video explains in detail the technique of weaving a snail hairstyle, which you can easily do with your own hands, following the instructions.

There is also another version of the video instruction on how to braid a snail hairstyle, which is slightly different in technique.

In the form of a snail, it is performed without the help of weaving braids. This is a very quick and easy hairstyle for every day and for an important event.

How to make a snail bundle?

  1. Comb your hair and divide into top and bottom sections.
  2. Pin the upper part, as in the photo, and wind the lower part on large curlers or with a curling iron.
  3. The upper part needs to be combed to create volume.
  4. To do this, gradually separate the levels and comb.
  5. Collect the curled lower part into a bundle, first twisting the tourniquet, and then laying it all out in the shape of a snail shell.
  6. Comb the upper part slightly to one side, wrapping the tips around the bundle.
  7. Fasten the ends. Fix with varnish.

Snail bundle - video instruction

Another version of the elegant evening hairstyle snail bun can be seen in this video: