Types of women and different approaches to their seduction. How to approach the girl you like and get to know her

Think less about her, do not draw pictures of your intimacy in your imagination. Don't give woman take over your thoughts! If you still fell in love, make sure that she does not feel that you are not breathing evenly towards her. It will be difficult: women's intuition is a serious thing. As soon as a woman noticed your love, you began to score penalty points. Relations with a woman are always a game, moreover, a duel. It is important to remain calm. React without emotion to the refusal of the next meeting. Don't call her more than she calls you. At the same time, one should not obviously play indifference as a bad actor. You have to convince yourself that you don't love her. Otherwise, a woman will immediately notice the falsity in the game:
Remember: if you fail to comply with the first rule, all others will lose their power.

Look for your own, special approach to each. Scan a woman, shine through like an x-ray. We must find a loophole through which it will be possible to penetrate into her soul. Study her habits, interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. If she is married - carefully ask what she does not like about her husband, and try not to get caught on the same. Do not criticize your husband - this will alert the woman. On the contrary, try to say a few words in his defense. Your imaginary disinterestedness will disarm her.

In fact, appearance plays a very important role in relationships with the opposite sex. If a woman says that a man should be just a little more beautiful than a devil or a monkey - do not believe it! Of course, beauty is a relative concept. The most important thing is neatness. If you smell bad and have dirt under your nails, the chance that some woman will want to go to bed with you is one in a thousand.
Clothing is also an important thing. One of my mistresses once admitted that at first she liked my watch, then my shoes, and only then I myself. But don't dress too flashy. Women are often annoyed by men who pay increased attention to `beloved`. Not to mention the fact that in this case she may suspect you of the wrong orientation.

Emphasize the masculine side of your character - restraint in the manifestation of emotions, determination and courage in difficult situations. Keep serious. Watch your facial expressions, do not build grimaces. Women don't like jesters. Do not lisp, do not come up with affectionate names - `pusik`, `kisik`, etc. (even before bed). Don't be childish. If the object of desire affectionately says: `You are just a big child:` - your business is bad.
In dealing with some women to create the image of a 100% man, harshness and rudeness will not hurt. Remember the revelations of Marina Vladi: she says that she began to respect Vysotsky after he slapped her in the face.
Always keep in mind that women love smart men. But don't overuse it. Do not try to convince her of something, to defeat her with your iron logic. Is it dangerous. The irony of your logic can be translated by a woman not only into hardness of character and erection, but also into callousness of the heart.

Women hate greedy men. If you are bad with money, forget about beautiful ladies spoiled by attention and gifts. If, nevertheless, something appeared in your pocket, take the object of your desire to a restaurant. In a restaurant, offer the lady the most expensive dishes. Practice shows that a woman captivated by generosity usually makes concessions herself and chooses something cheaper. Do not give cheap trinkets, it is better to make one, but an expensive gift. And one more thing: give woman not what you like, but what she likes.
However, excessive wastefulness can disappoint a potential girlfriend. If you casually throw out "Three hundred, boss" as you get into a taxi, chances are she'll think:
a) `Idiot, for this money you can ride half a day!`
b) `He rarely takes a taxi`,
c) `He has merchant habits, he is a narrow-minded person`,
d) `He wants to pick me up and splurge, and he does it stupidly. It means he has a bad imagination.

The proverb is not far from the truth. The point is that these frivolous creatures are too fond of flirting and therefore more often say the opposite of what they really think. If a woman tells you that she will never be your mistress, this may be true, but it is even more likely that you will soon find yourself in bed with her. And if he starts to assure you with fervor that he loves his husband - rejoice! She is ready to give up and tries to convince herself of her love for her husband. This has been verified by me many times in my own experience.

Do not ask if a woman loves you. Do not ask why she is so cold today, why she does not speak gentle words to you. Once having started such a conversation, you lost forever!

Do not under any circumstances give woman advice. How to dress, make up. She will take it as an insult. Even if she herself says that today she looks bad, it’s better to say that in your opinion everything is just just wonderful! And add that in general she is always gorgeous! Save all comments for later, when you already know each other very closely. And then it is better not to abuse this business.
As for business advice, they should also be given carefully, emphasizing that with her mind, she would easily have thought of something better than the option you proposed. It will be appreciated.

A woman needs to be 'endured' like good old wine. If you manage to bring the matter to bed very quickly, then such a relationship will not last long. Get ready. Wait - the woman herself will let you feel: `It's time!`. And do not forget that the moment of first intimacy is very important for any of them.
Try to make everything nice. And it's even better if you make the bed appear randomly. Like a piano from the bushes.

Know that the woman you only looked at with greedily yesterday can become yours tomorrow. There are no unavailable women. They want the same thing that we do. And you are definitely the man that women can like: Be confident in yourself. But only - not self-confident. Women can't stand narcissistic fools. Dare - and you will surely succeed.

Very often you can meet the question from the guys: " How to approach a girl on the street to get acquainted?". To approach without fear, you can first do this several times with fear (whoever has it), and many have it - you just need to forget about it, because a dude who is afraid to do even this - nature will force out as weak, not fertile male.

The right approach to a girl implies your ability to approach a girl and get to know her in such a way that she:
1) not scared (with the usual approach) or vice versa to scare (if you can then expose this situation with humor) - artistry and charisma are welcome;
2) after your introductory part - a good sign is the girl's positive reaction to you (K +), even with admiration is better (but you shouldn't pay much attention to this, this can only be a female test). This happens after you have shown yourself to her, acted relaxed, you had your right frame, and you were "to p ...", what she will say.
3) took you for her after a few minutes of communication (not knowing that you used the seduction technique).

The best way to approach a girl to meet on the street is of course approach in the most natural conditions: for example - two girls are lying in the park on pillows (which are in the Park of Culture in Moscow), you can lie down on the next one with a friend, then start natural communication without clips on jokes or whatever you like. And also, in order for the approach to be more natural, one must be able to "stick" oneself into a wide variety of places and situations.

Rules for the right approach to a girl

1) The approach to the girl should be without harshness, all movements are smooth, you approach like your girlfriend.

Important - You FSUs ... what she will say or even think! It is also important - But this axiom does not give you the opportunity to be stupid !!!

2) your state of mind when approaching - calmness and confidence that you are doing the right thing! This is your life and you obviously like this nipple, so you will come up and hint to her about it without thinking about the consequences.

setting: you know her for a long time, you communicate like with an old acquaintance, you can even start with a joke ("why haven't you appeared for a long time, didn't call, left me? etc"). Just start somewhere. Warning: you have known her for a long time - does not mean that you need to communicate with her as with a friend!

3) when you have already approached- it is desirable to speak in a trance state after a few minutes of communication. In this state, even if you talk nonsense, a special connection arises between you, it’s better to talk jokes in a trance (a special state in which everything is done much better, professionals “dive” into it almost immediately, because many further steps are already either known or for some other reason that causes inner confidence).

4) What to ask a girl when talking? It is advisable not to talk about smart things (talks about computers, games, horrors are not suitable), but something vital or about her interests.

5) you speak with a smile (preferably, the effect is better). When communicating, it is better to have a good mood. Jokes are better perceived by people, they can not be offended!

6) no need to stop it abruptly, you can overtake, then turn around and ask something.

7) and most importantly - arrogance and confidence! That doesn't mean you have to be rude! Do not confuse)

Many guys don't know how to behave with girls, can't find the right one an approach. In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. So how to find an approach To girl?


First of all, a man must be confident in himself. It is next to such a satellite that a woman will feel comfortable. However, it is very important not to confuse such character traits as self-confidence and arrogance. These are two completely different things. You just need to drop shyness and be decisive. In addition, you do not need to take your eyes off the girl.

Good manners play a very important role. Girls are pleased if their young man does not swear in their presence, gives a hand when leaving the transport, does not raise his voice. Banal rules of etiquette have never harmed anyone. In addition, girls appreciate such qualities as responsibility and punctuality. A man should be responsible not only for his actions, but also for his family. An irresponsible person cannot be trusted, cannot be relied upon. And without trust, a serious relationship cannot be built.

It will not be superfluous to recall that girls appreciate grooming and accuracy. Therefore, before the next meeting with a friend, you need to carefully examine your reflection in the mirror. Shoes should be clean, things ironed, hair well-groomed. Sloppy men repel real ladies.

Girls like guys who are in demand among the weaker sex. It is important to show your chosen one that many people are interested in you, but she is the only one, really necessary and interesting. It is equally important to please her friends. But in no case should you flirt with them, just try to evoke positive emotions in them.

But most of all, girls appreciate originality. There must be something in you that others don't have. This is how you should "hook" the girl. Everyone can be extraordinary. Your distinctive quality may well be romanticism, erudition, or even the ability to "demolish the roof."

Men often ask themselves: how to find an approach to girls, with their unique character, temperament, habits, peculiarities of upbringing? What will delight one representative of the weaker sex will not inspire the second at all, and the third may be angry, and even shocking. Therefore, the answer to this question cannot be simple.


Yes, every woman is unique and inimitable. Nevertheless, in dealing with the fair sex, follow the general rules. First of all, forget, like a nightmare, both the "instructions" of Lieutenant Rzhevsky, and the phrase of officer Baikov from V. Bogomolov's story "Zosya": "Cities are taken by courage, and women - by impudence." Believe me, this is not always the case. It is not uncommon that a woman is very cool in meeting both outright arrogance and demonstrative male self-confidence. Excessive timidity and shyness, however, are not too favored either. Therefore, if you like a woman, and you want to achieve reciprocity, try to immediately impress her.

Think about how you can stand out from the general male background so that she pays attention to you. The most ideal option is to perform some heroic or simply brave deed before her eyes. But in reality, the reason for this can wait too long, so you have to act differently. Spur on fantasy, do something extraordinary, make her heart beat excitedly. You will not regret.

Remember that women attach great importance to cleanliness, hygiene, and neatness. Therefore, a man dressed even modestly, but tidy in impeccably clean shoes, clean-shaven and with a neat haircut, will surely evoke positive emotions in a lady.

Do not forget that any man who at least somehow attracted her, a woman instinctively considers as a husband and father of the family. Well, that's how it used to be. It is clear that “you can’t command the heart” and “love is evil”. But still, try to behave in such a way that the lady does not have even a shadow of a doubt: this man is reliable, responsible, hard-working, you can rely on him. Such, if he creates a family, he will remember and take care of her.

Well, so much has already been said about the magical power of signs of attention, compliments and gifts that only an extremely slow-witted man will not resort to this. Believe me, a woman has not yet been born who does not experience pleasure from words of admiration, from the fact that a door is opened in front of her, presented with bouquets of flowers. However, if your chosen one is a zealous feminist, such elements of courtship can be omitted.

The male half is often tormented by questions about what girls and women in particular want. Some of them try to please them, and someone is looking for ways to get through to her heart. The approach to each girl will be completely different. If we take the desires of a girl and a man, then the desires of girls are much more extensive, and some of them, in the eyes of a man, are simply not feasible at first glance. It is sometimes difficult to say exactly what girls want, it is sometimes difficult to answer this question, and most often they do not know what they themselves want.

Whatever it was, stay a man, have your own opinion in any matter. This does not mean that you must defend him always and in everything, this means that you should not follow the girl's lead in order to please her. The approach must be different. You can make an impression by giving her at least a good mood. Be self-confident, girls love it, some love it and a little arrogance on the part of a man, but without knowing the girl’s preferences, you should not be impudent. Insolence is the second happiness, but because of your unsuccessful arrogance, you can be refused by a girl in any relationship with you.

In addition to your attitude towards her, pay attention to your appearance. Girls respond well to little things. When meeting with a girl, you need to look neat, always keep your clothes clean, especially shoes. If you look neat, then the girl will have good emotions.

Be a gentleman. Open doors for her when you leave the store, the subway, from the entrance. If you have had dinner and are going to leave, help her put on: a jacket, a fur coat, a coat. Be the first to leave the bus, minibus, trolleybus, tram while giving her a hand. It is very easy for a guy to do this, but a girl will take this into account, and even when she tells her friends how she spent the day with you, she will remember your concern for her.

Give the girl flowers and gifts not only for the holidays. Girls are much more pleasant to receive gifts for no reason. Say nice words to her, beautiful compliments. If you meet, say more often how you love her, a girl at any stage of your relationship always wants to know and wants to be sure that you love her.

Girls consider the future father in the guy. Therefore, try to be a support and support for her. If a girl is dear to you, do not show indifference towards her, especially when your help is needed.

Try to be in a good mood. Remember that with your good mood you can change her mood for the better, even if it was bad before. And she will appreciate in turn that you are the person who can cheer her up.

Isn't it wonderful when a girl smiles? She will appreciate a couple of good good jokes, just don’t overdo it by accident with black humor, it can scare or alert her.

When you walk in a circle of people, pay as much attention to her as possible, imagine the situation as if among all of you there is only you and she. Of course, this does not mean not paying attention to everyone else, but at the same time, try to pay more attention to her.

Show your concern with pleasure and confidence.

I have been coaching guys with Roman for many years, I was at a live training, I think that the training "Date: from meeting to sex" is the only most informative information product on this topic in Runet. Roman is an experienced trainer and has been in the topic of seduction for many years, he himself learned a lot from him. I came to Novosibirsk to Roman for personal coaching. I was very pleased, as Roman changed my life for the better and taught me how to get the most out of everything, no matter what I do. I also found myself and my way, now there is a business, there is a beloved girl nearby. Everything is fine!

Eduard, Ulan-Ude, 39 years old

From the video courses, Roman learned that it is easy and simple to seduce girls and it is not necessary to have a lot of money or be a raving pet! I pumped, although before the training I was a complete zero, so to speak. Roman changed me, he is really a practical trainer, publishes excellent courses...

Ivan, Saratov, 33 years old

Good video courses, in which there is no water, no empty words - only specifics and valuable information on all aspects of the course topics. The dates are very detailed. Relationships are shown in detail and clearly. After studying both courses, I can safely say that there are no more questions. There is only a desire to develop and gain success. Thank you, Roman, for your invaluable work on the courses!

Peter, Omsk, 22 years old

Passed individual training with Roman Vinilov on the topic of dating girls and getting to know them. All sessions were very productive. There were many exercises that gave results instantly. Roman showed his skill, gave advice, motivated. I learned a lot, understood a lot and I am very glad that I studied with Roman. For the sake of this, he even came to Novosibirsk from distant Tyumen)

Sergey, Tyumen, 26 years old

Roman, I want to thank you for the fact that your course has changed my life dramatically and for the better! I could not believe that after a few weeks of studying in your course I would already have the first significant results!

Ilya, Riga, 23 years old

I received the book by e-mail and began to study .. so much useful information and no water! Thank you Roman for your hard work...

Ivan, Serpukhov, 21 years old

Rum, well, I seduced that girl that I told you about ... for 2 whole years I sought her, but to no avail. Your course pumped me and now I'm just happy!!! And it's only ONE WEEK!!!

Mikhail, Omsk, 25 years old

Your relationship course, Roman, opened my eyes to reality. Before, I had a completely different idea of ​​​​everything and was very wrong. Now everything has changed and I am building a full-fledged high-quality relationship with the girl of my dreams!

Vladimir, Khabarovsk, 23 years old

I had the first date according to your course and according to your advice - damn it, the girl herself began to seduce me !!! It works amazingly, I did not expect such an effect. Now I spend dates all the time, several times a day - out of 10 8 end in sex, and 5 of them on the first date!!!

Eugene, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

Thank you for your mailing list lessons and books. Although they are free, but the information in them is very valuable! For a whole year I scoured the Internet for information on how to seduce girls on a date, there was nothing worthwhile ... only a pickup truck, RMS, some western stuff ... and then I got acquainted with your work. That's what our Russian guys are missing! Everything is ours, for real, without falsehood. I really liked your approach to seduction. Not stupid sex, but something more ... although for those who want only sex - that's it too))) I wanted a relationship with a beautiful girl and got it thanks to your lessons. Thanks, Rom!

Alexander, Moscow, 26 years old

Your advice helped me a lot. Just 4 Skype conferences and I learned how to date and get sex on them without spending a lot of extra time, nerves, money and everything else) Success is not difficult! The main thing is to learn from a good coach. It's a novel :)

Vsevolod, Minsk, 22 years old

How could I seduce beautiful girls before? No way. No car, no apartment. But after training with Roman Vinilov, I did the impossible. Changed myself so that the girls now just dry for me !!! Learning from Roman is very cool, the motivation is active, the kicks are magical, the experience is unlimited. I am very glad that I was once acquainted with such a person as Roman.

Artyom, Samara, 24 years old

Thank you Roman for your courses and advice! They always help, I am very glad that I am familiar with you and your materials.

Ilya, Novosibirsk, 22 years old