Serious toasts for the 50th anniversary of the man. Anniversary toasts for a man

One great sage truly good words were spoken: "Only by the age of fifty can a person perfectly learn to understand life, and only then he will be able to feel the taste of real life." Judging by today's table, you are endowed with amazing taste! So I suggest a drink to keep the table as full in your home as it was on your fiftieth birthday!

You are today, as before, majestic and slender, and you will not say that today you are fifty years old. I wish you to live twice more, and with the same greatness and pride to go through life, not looking back, but with faith and hope to look only forward! For you!

There is an opinion that people quite rarely manage to stray so far from the truth as ... before the elections and after ... the hunt! However, I believe that every decade there is another rather interesting event, during which we tend to seriously distance ourselves from the truth. This happens during anniversaries... And my fiftieth birthday is no exception. Wonderful words and high marks! .. The only consolation is my age! I still have time to do something to at least a little closer to the image of the person you have drawn here today!
I want to thank you for the nice words and incredibly generous gifts! And I raise my glass to your happiness and health!

Our dear hero of the day! One very intelligent and famous person once said: “At fifty, real life begins for a person. He is already able to master the values ​​on which real life achievements are based, he has what he can share with others, knows what he can teach, creates the basis for what he can build on. "
I raise my glass to the real life that our dear hero of the day !

I congratulate you on your first 50th birthday! And I want to wish you to celebrate the second just as cheerfully, well, as a last resort, no worse than the first, but most importantly - not faster!

It often happens to me that I fall asleep and feel my inner energy, I want to do so much, but ... everything goes away by breakfast ... Therefore, I want to drink to our hero of the day, who is always incredibly active, full of excellent mood and energy. Lazy people like me, when looking at him, feel ashamed, and therefore have to break away from their favorite sofas and hit the road to accomplish their little feats. For the driving force and inspirer!
As one great sage remarked: "You can only learn from the person you love." I am madly in love with my wife. I lived the best years of my life next to her, learning kindness, calmness and sincerity.
And on this wonderful day of your fiftieth birthday, I really want to wish you, dear and beloved wife, amazing sunrises, the same as your beauty, and that only roses that do not have thorns covered your life path. For you!

Dear hero of the day , today I am glad to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - your fiftieth anniversary! And I propose to raise your glasses so that you, without stopping at what has been achieved, confidently moving forward, to new and new heights, continue your life path! You live surrounded by loving people, colleagues highly value your authority and experience! I can only wish you good health, success and a huge number of reasons for joy!

I am very grateful to you, dear guests, for coming today to congratulate me on my anniversary. I am incredibly happy to meet friends whom I have not seen for a long time. Thank you all for your kind and pleasant words addressed to me. I really hope that I deserve them at least a little. Today they wished me a lot of health, so now I simply have no right to get sick. And I propose to raise our glasses to the fact that we are all gathered here today. Thank you. See you at my next anniversary!

Anniversary is one of the most solemn dates of a person's life; it is more than just a name day. Accordingly, each guest should congratulate the hero of the day with a beautiful toast in verse or prose. The best congratulations are in this collection. For convenience, subheadings have been created.

Anniversary toasts for a man:

Anniversary toasts for a woman:

Anniversary toasts for a man

No, you don't need to count the years -
You are young and full of strength
You can overcome adversity
And you will always be nice to us.
Wait for your cherished dreams
Fulfillment, do not get old,
So that your smile is bright
Celebrate every anniversary!
Be healthy and be happy
There is a wonderful path ahead!

Let's raise our glasses and drink to the bottom
After all, life is given to everyone as a reward!
On the day of the anniversary we are glad to tell you
That life has given you to us as a reward!

This is a round date in life -
Your solemn anniversary.
It means that a lot has been taken from life,
More is given to her.
Happiness to you earthly
Joy - so as not to count
And we wish you a lot of health,
Let what is multiply!

You courageously endured congratulations
But I want to say it again
I wish you only happiness and fun
So that you could live life without loss.
For an anniversary, for a holiday only for adults,
For your boundless courage,
I want to support other toasts,
Drink to the bottom, today everything is possible!

The years flew by in a white flock,
But the soul, as before, is young.
The nightingales have not all sung yet,
Not all of the water has flowed away.
Your anniversary is festive and bright,
And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time.
Long years to you, apple trees in white,
Joy and happiness and goodness.

There are events among many events -
There is no way to separate them from their hearts.
I came here with a great desire for a drink
Not to wet your throat!
And so that, without breaking the thread for days,
Celebrate a wonderful anniversary.
And, therefore, I have to drink today -
Not to make it warmer!
And in order to personally bring you congratulations,
Remember together about the time of the past
And wish you happiness and luck:
It's not a sin to drink a second for this!

Let this anniversary be a holiday not only of memories and experiences, but also of new ideas, dreams, hopes! After all, while a person dreams and hopes - he is alive, he is always young! Let's raise our glasses to youth!

How many trials
Life prepares at times!
But you can be proud
Today you are yourself.
After all, not being afraid of adversity,
You have always gone ahead
And the grief receded,
And the trouble moved back!
You are young at heart
And you are strong in spirit,
So, to be happy
Of course they should!
So it will be long
Dawn pleases you
Live for our joy
Up to a hundred (and more) years!

Friends and employees, sparing no words,
They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!
You are light and joy, you are full of happiness,
Your advice is important and necessary to us.
Your family loves and appreciates you,
Reliable, faithful friends of yours.
We all wish you health and strength,
So that you always have everything you want!
So that youth, happiness, luck, success
Fate has always given you without hindrances!

Toasts for an anniversary to a woman

Happy anniversary, dear!
Tell us your secret
I have known you for many years -
Only there are no changes.
You are still beautiful
Find no trace of wrinkles
And the figure is just a miracle
Sweeter than vodka for men.
The head is the mind's chamber.
There is a kind soul in my heart,
There is a decent salary -
In general, you are good to everyone.
So that after the anniversary
Life turned out without problems
So that you do not regret the past,
I invite everyone to drink!

The year has added to the top ten -
This is not a problem at all.
Days go by without looking back
And merge into years.
It is important to be always healthy
Nothing is more important!
Be gentle and loved
And live up to a hundred years!

You are celebrating an anniversary
And you look eighteen!
I can't help but admire
Your blooming beauty.
Fate brings you towards
The most beautiful nectar of the gods -
Drink of eternal youth,
Immortality is a precious gift.
And I am warmed with hope:
Adversity will rush by side
And again I'm over eighteen
I'll drink in twenty years!

You are a talisman in our destiny
For the heart - a wonderful balm.
Your kindness has no boundaries
We bow down to her.
Today is your anniversary
All relatives and friends came.
Hurry, dear, pour,
We will drink to you now!
May you be full of health
Like a full cup of wine
And the light of discerning eyes
May it shine for us for a long time!

Happy anniversary, dear,
We wish you all congratulations!
For mother, wife and mother-in-law,
Let's drink some wine for a friend
Let us drain the entire glass to the bottom
For our tender love!

A wonderful age - forty years,
It contains wisdom, beauty and strength.
And the desired light lies ahead
And good deeds and happy deeds.
We wish to be always like this:
Beautiful, strong young,
With a cheerful sparkle in my eyes
With a kind smile on your lips!

Anniversaries cannot be avoided.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry through the years
Warmth of the soul, a particle of cordiality.
Today is your anniversary.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
And we wish the main thing in life:
Health, happiness, joy,
To live up to a hundred years without old age!

Today you are slimmer and younger
Today you are beautiful, cheerful,
And to tell the truth it doesn't seem like
That this date has come to you.
May the happy road lead
And luck awaits you on the way
Forty-five, believe me, not much
That's twenty after twenty-five!

Today is your anniversary,
Nice, round date.
How endless once
The road seemed to you to her.
Time flies fast
But no matter how much has passed,
And how old you look today
Still surprisingly few.
Always stay this way:
Beautiful feminine, sweet,
Not knowing the dull boredom,
Inspiring the joy of labor.
So that in ten years again
We were able to say, as before:
By sight - you are only 25,
Maybe a little and a half.

Toast on your anniversary
I wanted to say
Don't you dare be sad, don't you dare hurt
And sigh from longing!
Be bright, feminine always
Let the soul sing!
Don't give a damn about age, years -
You are always good!

Happy important, solemn day, we congratulate!
Excellent health, we wish you happiness,
Sufficiency to give life and success,
The mood was always excellent!
We managed to achieve a lot by this date,
But the jubilee itself is a great start!
Let him give many brilliant victories!
Good luck, great and joyful years!

Toasts for 50 years old man

Stop, happy moment!
On the day when, of course, they are not sad,
We celebrate the birth with pleasure
Someone who is fifty today!
And not for fear, but only out of respect
We sing his praises to him ...
Can't the Chief see our zeal?
So God grant you insight, Chief!

At 20 years old, desire rules, at 30 years old - reason, at 40 years old - reason, at 50 years old - wisdom. I propose a toast to the wise, judicious and reasonable culprit of our today's celebration!

Congratulating on the anniversary,
We wish you vitality!
We love and cherish you,
And we want to bring
You health every year,
Which leads to the 100th anniversary.

The years gone by will not return
And for a reason they sometimes feel sad:
Here, they did not have time to look back,
And behind shoulders - 50.
Your life experience is rich
Did not faint and did not fade away,
And we are today with this date
We sincerely congratulate you.
Years fly by, but it doesn't matter
Don't worry about that
No wonder Vakhtang sings the words:
"My years are my wealth."

Anyone who has not been sick with a hangover does not know the taste of water. I wish the hero of the day to see the water tasteless tomorrow morning and life beautiful!

They say that our hero of the day gives the impression of a gentle person. So let's drink to the fact that no one tries to bend him!

Every guy is ten years old
I wanted to have a bike.
On the twentieth anniversary
They want a home, family, children.
Thirty years is a serious time .:
The wallet is already full.
By forty you understand
That you are just beginning to live.
What does a guy need at fifty?
In fact - everything!
Not just a vegetable garden
And the bucks, the villas and the resort!

Another step in life
Behind her is a vague silhouette.
And thoughts flash in my head:
"Will there be happiness or not?"
I drink to make happiness
Both here and there - in an obscure darkness.
We'll raise the glasses together
And let's drink for the anniversary!

These are 50 years that shook the world ... I wish you to shake it for at least another 50 years, or even more! And for this you only need health, good spirits and excellent mood, which I wish you!

At fifty years old, she-she,
How not to notice here:
This glorious anniversary
It should be noted!
To taste cognac
Yes, to turn up the heat.
And say something like this:
Glory to the hero of the day!

Toasts for 50 years old woman

Once the great Eastern sage Khoja Nasreddin said good words: "It is at the age of fifty that a person begins to understand life well and he has a real taste for life." Judging by the table set, you have great taste! So let's drink to ensure that the table in your house is always full, as on the day of your anniversary!

How at fifty the eyes of women glow!
And the woman is sweet, gentle, kind.
She already understands the taste of life
And, like a linden in a field, blossomed.
Let the horizon burn with a beautiful light
The sun will be at its zenith for many years
May you have the answers to all.
Be beautiful! Live without knowing troubles!
Let the strength fill your heart.
Be loved and joyful forever.
Let them respect you deservedly
Our good and kind person.

Beautiful woman beautiful anniversary
Fill your heart with sweet admiration.
Dear, do not regret the years gone by,
Let every day be a joyful surprise.
A solid age, but the soul sings,
Your youthful gaze caresses our faces.
Old age will definitely not find us at home,
After all, we strive to enjoy life.
Let fifty smiles at the table
And fifty purple roses in a bouquet
Let fifty melodies about the past
Sounds for the best woman in the world!

Who said that fifty -
Is this a mature age?
Today, amicably for you
We're pushing toast!
Energetic, mischievous
And extremely slim.
Believe me, it's all about you
We speak honestly.
Stay always
You are so beautiful.
Let the years go by
Always be happy!

At fifty you, my dear,
Open the door to opportunity
And I will tell you, without cunning:
You are a beauty on your anniversary!
Positive to you, mood,
May thoughts, dreams come true
And so that life any moment
Gave the warmth of kindness!
Let it cover with a stream of happy
And enthusiastic rainbow years,
Compliments, beautiful gifts,
And a gorgeous bouquet of health!

Luxurious woman on a beautiful anniversary
I wish you cloudless happiness
May there be a smile on your lips often
And loved ones love more and more over the years!
Fiftieth this birthday
May it bring good changes
Great success to you every day,
In all matters, good luck and luck!

Congratulations on your anniversary! Today is your golden date, so we wish you jewels of life: golden health for many years, golden relationships and understanding in the family and golden achievements in your career. Let love be as bright as gold, and no gold coins are transferred in your wallet!

Half a century has already been lived,
Instantly the years flew by
I wish you happiness
So that everyone wants to love you.
I wish only to prosper
And enjoy this life
And never lose heart
And definitely don't give up!

You are good, slim, beautiful.
Will you give you fifty?
Hair wave and playful look,
Like twenty, thirty years ago.
We wish you a birthday
Just for a long time
May all the male population
Attention awaits at your feet!

The eyes are full of dashing enrages,
Desires frolic in my soul ...
You are fifty today!
It’s like it’s only twenty!
Do not rush to part with childhood,
Live without regretting the past!
Let me say the same
On your hundredth anniversary:
Love, health and goodness!
Good luck in fate! Hooray!

Toasts for 55 years old man

Two fives is a magic number
As an excellent mark in school.
There is a lot left behind
Ahead - the sea of ​​achievements.
And, having filled with special strength,
Very simply, fate will judge:
Here is a five - for what it was, and
Here is the second - for what will be.

The tree is planted, the house is built, the son is grown. What is left to do? Live for yourself, of course. Enjoy every moment. Spend every day so that it will be remembered forever. Do everything that was not enough ahead of time. Happy fifty-five years anniversary!

In numerology, the number five is associated with unpredictability and happiness. Our hero of the day was endowed with two A's today. What does that mean? It is obvious that in later life many unpredictable, but happy and joyful events await him. So let's drink to our hero of the day and his unpredictable happiness!

If you steal a gypsy's wife, the gypsy will become sad. If you steal a horse from a gypsy, the gypsy will cry. If you steal a song, the gypsy will be silent ...
Therefore, I wish that your horse was always under the bridle, your wife by your side, and the song was sung! Happy anniversary, dear!

Today you're 55, and that's great. For everything that you have done and will do in the future, life gives you two A's. Congratulations: you are an excellent student! After all, you have a great holiday, a great job and, most importantly, a great family! We wish you to continue to be the best and switch to a ten-point system for assessing your life achievements. Happy anniversary!

Congratulations on this date! 55 is a very good number, this year should be one A for you. And we wish you that you will always live “perfectly” and with interest. But at 65 we will gather again and sum up the results of your ten years! Be healthy!

Let's raise our glasses and wish that in the life of our hero of the day, only wine is old, only cheese with mold, and only love is the only one! All the best to you and health (name)!

You are 55 years old today!
In a big bag to grab a lot of money!
Let me give you one piece of advice:
You, most importantly, take them away faster!
May the sea of ​​happiness carry you
To a huge villa near the ocean!
And if you feel sad, friends will always come,
They will support you and pour the wine into glasses!

55 is a great number,
Fate has set you fives.
At 55, you know how to appreciate life,
And every day and every moment is so precious!
Let's celebrate your anniversary
But so as not to go over too much.
Otherwise our dear wives will have to
Tomorrow we will exhibit only deuces.

Fifty-five is a beautiful age, a velvet season of life. It is not for nothing that these are two fives in a row - probably, someone up there, gave such a high mark for the years they have lived so well. All the main difficulties and vicissitudes of life are already behind, the accents are highlighted, the priorities are determined, the marks are set - two fives! Fifty-five is not yet age, this is the peak of life, the peak from which, as in the palm of your hand, you can see everything that has been lived, experienced and that wonderful thing that you should strive for. So we wish you health for many years, so that everything you wish and planned will come true!

Toasts for 55 years old woman

The French say: "If in our youth we have the face that nature gave us, then in maturity we have the face that we deserve." I absolutely agree with them, dear. You are always in a good mood. Your charming smile delights us. And therefore the years have no power over you. You radiate feminine beauty and kindness. On your anniversary, I wish you to remain as cheerful and generous. I kneel before you. And I raise this glass in your honor.

If 5 is a commendable mark for work and achievements, then you, my dear, are doubly excellent! Your anniversary will only double your happiness, your strength, your good health and unforgettable dreams! So we can say that mathematics brings only good things. Happy anniversary!

In some cartoon about unlearned lessons, the five were portrayed as white-winged graceful swans. So your 55th birthday is perceived as a pair of beautiful snow-white birds that carefully carry you across the sky of life. May their flight be endless!

Five and five is like ten again - a good reason
Rejoice of life together on this anniversary.
May happiness fill both hearts and views,
Your bright smile - joy to everyone around!
We wish you health and good luck in everything
And for this we fill all the glasses together!

Great date, already 55.
There is wisdom and experience, you can understand everyone.
Relatives and friends are in a hurry for advice.
Your family has become more united, more friendly.
And we wish you not to count the year,
Let it be a hundred or twenty-five.
Live in harmony, give warmth,
Our smiles will make you light.

It's not dawn anymore
But far from sunset.
By the midday sun, hot
Your clear gaze shines.
The hairstyle is also fashionable,
Makeup is just as good;
Any young girl
Give me a good one.
May the anniversary bring
Happiness to a beautiful soul
And the rest will come
If not already come true.

Your anniversary is like an expensive necklace
The most skillful master. On him
Years strung like jewelry
On the thread of life. Glow with fire
Bright sapphires of carefree youth,
And mature years are already burning with amber.
Rubies are decorated with luxurious silver
Worthy wise years. And forever,
All fifty-five beads of the necklace,
Let them decorate and cherish you
From evil, disease, sorrowful doubts.
Dear joy and happiness, let them lead!

Five tens and five!
They say: the top of the hill, -
Only a woman always
This age is not a year!
May health be strengthened
Verbosity will develop
To convince girlfriends
Run away from disease!
Let science give in
More often grandchildren please
And, to the standards of all evil,
It will be warm in my soul!

Wonderful anniversary of a beautiful woman!
Judge for yourself: numbers five and five
When multiplied, they give the joy of youth,
And when folded, they return you to childhood again!
Putting the numbers next to each other, we get
Wonderful age of female beauty,
Heart wisdom, spiritual maturity,
Caring and endless kindness!

Happy anniversary, dear!
It is unlikely that the woman is different
Can be just as sweet!
We wish that there was
You are infinitely happy
I stayed young forever
May your anniversary year
Only joy will bring!

Toasts for 60 years old man

At the 80th birthday celebration for Winston Churchill, a photojournalist asked him:
- I hope, Mr. Churchill, that I will be allowed to photograph you on the day of the centenary?
“In that case,” Churchill replied, “you will have to take careful care of your health for twenty years.
I can tell the hero of the day that I am ready to take care of my health for forty years in order to be able to congratulate him on the day of the centenary!

Today is a holiday for the whole family - your anniversary!
And we wish you, dear: do not hurt.
May your life be like in a fairy tale, good
And let your soul sing for joy.
So that luck always goes by your side
And the bird of happiness brought its gift.
And so that you have enough strength for everything
May God bless your deeds!

It happens - you wake up like a bird
Winged spring on the cocked
And I want to live and work ...
But it goes away by breakfast.
I want to raise a toast to the hero of the day, who is always active, full of energy and good mood. We, lazy people, looking at him, feel ashamed, we reluctantly rise from the sofas and delve into our little feats. For inspirer and driving force!

Birthday is a wonderful date
It doesn't matter that years go by.
Life is so bright and beautiful
That you should never be sad.
Always be light with your soul
Brave and courageous.
Fight failures
And don't hang your nose
If your life again
Throw up difficulties.
Let them call you ahead
New roads
Any work will be a joy
The gods are merciful.
Be sure, my friend,
You will achieve your goal!
Happy birthday dear
Happy first anniversary!
60 gold, labor
Life has counted out for you!
60 is just the beginning!

I will begin a toast to the health of our hero of the day with the words of the Roman poet Publius Ovid Nazon:
“There is no need to count the years: people live longer.
The essence is not in years, but in deeds - they must be counted.

Good cognac has a lot of stars on the label!
The older and more mature the cognac is, the more noble and refined its taste!
So I want to wish you today that with each subsequent anniversary you become better, more restrained and stronger! For you and for your 60 years!

Fine age sixty -
It's not easy to live so many years.
With your family, with your friends
We wish you to meet ninety!
Live, our dear, for a long, long time
And don't count your years.
May the joy of happiness and health
You are always accompanied.
How many beautiful dates there are
For those who are in love with life!
It's not autumn yet "60"
And only the velvet season!

There are many wonderful dates
But this day is special!
Let the toasts sound festive
There are many very kind words!
May all days be joyful
Desires will come true
After all, at 60 - everything is ahead.
Love and prosperity!

You know, on Georgian holidays, they first drink to the youth. These are those under sixty. Therefore, let's congratulate our hero of the day with the transition to adulthood!

60 years is such a date when it is worth looking back and thinking. I wish you to look back and think: "Well, it's cool I lived for 60 years, but let's just the same!"

Forty years is the maturity of youth, and sixty is the youth of maturity.
Let's drink to a young man - our hero of the day! And many years to him!

Toasts for 60 years old woman

Everything in life was:
Joys and troubles
And sweet honey
And bitter wormwood
But boldly exchange
Another dozen!
Let it be full
Health and love.
You are only life
Don't count the rest
To our delight
Live longer!

Our dear birthday girl! Time flies quickly, and you can't keep up with it. Sometimes you want it to turn back and that we were young again, as before. Who cares how time passes if you spend this time with your friends! I propose to raise a glass to our birthday girl and her friends, who together experienced sorrow and joy, happiness and sadness. And may in future life we ​​all have only good things!

We wish you joy, like the sea,
May evil and grief drown in her,
Good luck, we wish you, and victories,
A century does not know the troubles of life.
We wish you happiness - the ocean
To make it enough for you,
It remains for your grandchildren, children,
And to those who are the closest in the world!
And may for this anniversary,
The warmth of relatives, the warmth of friends,
It will protect you from all adversity.
And the firmament will flash with light,
To wish you many years:
After all, you are only sixty!

It is known that a woman remains a woman at any age and situation. It's hard to say about you that you are a grandmother, because you look like the envy of everyone else. Keep it up! I want to wish you inexhaustible endurance and patience. These qualities are so necessary for everyone in our modern and difficult world. Live happily!

Make a hearty toast soon
I can't wait, shower feeling kinship, -
That is why on a glorious anniversary day
I hastened to this celebration.
So all the best to you and many years to you,
So that, becoming brighter, wiser, kinder,
Do not leave the message unanswered
And wait for the guests for the new anniversary!

To you, our dear,
Only sixty!
Your soul is more and more beautiful
And the look is getting warmer.
The poet is not sung,
Worked day and night
Was always ready
You help everyone
And you taught us
Work and love.
And we, like you, strive
Help people be.
You gave us years
Sincere warmth
And through all adversity
Always led forward.

I want to congratulate you on your anniversary -
You turned 60 today!
Although we, alas, are not getting younger at all,
But we will ask old age to wait!
We disliked, we disliked,
You and I have missed ...
So let life give you an opportunity
Feel young again!

We'll steal you from everyone for an hour,
Where our friends will meet us with a ringing laugh
Let's raise a glass, you are already sixty
And these years are better than any awards!
Accept wishes from us as soon as possible:
Health and strength at this festive hour!
Let the sea of ​​ideas and events flow
Fate will give it by making a new round!

Dear (name)! On this wonderful anniversary, we see in front of us a beautiful middle-aged lady, with smart eyes and a gorgeous appearance. In figure skating, the highest achievement is a score of six - zero. Today life itself has given you this well-deserved assessment. But this is not a reason to stop there and take stock. An amazing time awaits you ahead: time to create, love, give your invaluable experience and knowledge to new generations, children and grandchildren. We wish you to be healthy, not to lose a mischievous sparkle in your eyes and enjoy life. Happy anniversary!

I congratulate you on your 60th birthday, on this round date! On your anniversary, I want to wish you to remain as young, beautiful and interesting. I wish you an inexhaustible sense of humor and the most lasting health! Let love never leave you and luck never abandon you! Let everything in this world not be accidental, but I wish you the most real miracles to happen to you: you really want to believe that magic exists on this planet! I wish you to see such beauty that would take your breath away! May everything you dream of come true and even more! Happy anniversary!

Let the toasts for the 50th anniversary be: full of respect - from colleagues and superiors; filled with love and warmth - from his wife and children. And friends just need to say: "For you!" - and have a drink with the birthday boy to the bottom.

In verse

  • We are so pleased to congratulate you
  • And it's all incredible that you are 50 today.
  • Everyone is talking about this today.
  • But, you look younger.
  • Maybe fifteen years old.
  • We wish your superiority to remain
  • And the shape is excellent
  • Don't lose yours. For you!
  • For your successes, life has given you a "five",
  • "Zero" all your mistakes are appreciated.
  • Let me hug you, birthday boy
  • After all, you look very cute.
  • I wish you to be proud of your ratings,
  • Strive for success every day.
  • In separation from you I miss you very much.
  • I'm not too lazy to drink to you today!
  • Five dozen do you live
  • And you bloom like a rose.
  • Continue in the same spirit.
  • You are beautiful, you know that.
  • May everything work out for you,
  • All your undertakings will be crowned with success.
  • Let a million congratulations sound
  • And life will be beautiful, like a wondrous dream!
  • There is no need to be afraid of age
  • You don't need to doubt yourself.
  • You are able to move mountains,
  • And then have a decent rest.
  • So that fifty is the beginning for you,
  • There is still a lot ahead of us.
  • The mountains are still there.
  • And it is a great honor for me to say a toast to you!
  • A beautiful date gathered us all together.
  • Today, I see quite a few guests.
  • They are in a hurry to say all the congratulations,
  • The birthday boy, after all, it is impossible not to appreciate.
  • At 50 we drink for you, you health
  • We wish. We all just adore you
  • You shouldn't worry about age.
  • It is better to remember all the past years.
  • And develop on their basis.
  • We wish you not to doubt yourself.
  • After all, you have not exhausted your potential.
  • We wish you to become even happier!
  • It's too early for you to think about retirement.
  • Let's celebrate the anniversary as soon as possible.
  • After all, you are fifty. This, in general, is not a lot.
  • Let your road be bright.
  • Only good people meet the way.
  • Let the bad days fly by.
  • May your dreams and desires come true.
  • I wish you prosperity.
  • I wish you do not know any worries you are not in trouble.
  • I wish you a taste of victories!
  • I wish to forget that the years are running by.
  • Let the guests drink wine in your honor!

In prose in your own words

The date we have gathered here is amazing. To live half a century is an achievement. Half a century is the time during which a person realizes the meaning of life, achieves his goals, brings up children and improves the quality of life. Half a century is a family, it is friends, it is a career, this is the improvement of the next years of life. Half a century is only a small part that has flown by very quickly, like one instant. I raise my glass to you, to your achievements and aspirations. Let the number fifty not put pressure on you, but be optimistic.

Once a small tree was planted in a marvelous garden. It grew, grew stronger and flourished. Over the years, it strengthened its roots in the ground. And it became a favorite tree of all visitors to the park. The tree could give extensive shade in hot sunny weather, the tree could delight people when they were very sad. The tree gave everyone invaluable oxygen, which gave life to people. Today I want to compare you to this tree. You are celebrating a wonderful anniversary today. You have been on this earth for 50 years. You always bring joy to those around you. You are like oxygen for your family. You can help people in difficult times. I drink to you, because you can surprise people and love endlessly.

We all lack wisdom at times. Sometimes we make the wrong decisions. We are in a hurry with a choice, we chase a dream without making it come true, we offend our relatives and friends. I can't say anything like that about you. You are the person who always, throughout life, weighs all decisions. He ponders every step, strives for perfection and makes all dreams come true. You are the person who helps in difficult times. You are a fighter for justice, honesty and respect. With you, this world has become kinder, brighter and brighter. You give warmth. All these words are for you. I love you so much. And your fiftieth anniversary is also my personal holiday. Because without you my life would not have had so many bright colors. You always guide me in the right direction and never let me give up. Happy anniversary, to the bottom for you!

It is important for a man to say the very main words, which will be both the result of the half-century traversed path, and parting words for future life. There should be in this speech and wishes of all the best.

Poetic toast to the anniversary

A man turns 50 years old once. Therefore, a healthy speech should be soulful. Beautiful poems, pronounced with a glass of wine in hand, will touch everyone present, touch the jubilee himself. From friends, a toast on a 50th birthday to a man can be a little ironic, funny and life-affirming.

Let it be a little gray-haired

After all, half a century has already been lived,

But at heart you are young!

More responsive than a person

It's hard to find in the world.

Smart, well-mannered, faithful to friendship.

Today we want to say:

We will measure you in percentage.

Let's write down heels for beauty,

On the charm of the heels

And twenty-five, it won't be too much

You are a woman worshiper, brother!

A dozen, let there be courage -

As in childhood I ran away from dogs!

And softness ... Softness?

No, I said wrong here!

That is kindness, tolerance, faith

Love, support - just like that!

There is no measure on earth yet

Measure sensitivity. This is true.

So let's drink, old friend, hurry

For peace, for friendship, for friends!

So that there is a sea of ​​health,

For happiness - a whole waterfall!

So that you never know grief,

So that you are always happy with life.

Comic toast from employees

It is customary to celebrate birthdays at corporate parties. Usually, colleagues write congratulations in advance in the wall newspaper or in a special corner of the birthday person. Toast is prepared separately for 50 years. It can be a reworked song known to all, which the employees will sing together.

Slowly the minutes run away into the distance

Well, my friend, you don’t want to lose them!

And although the past years are insanely sorry,

You are not a youth, but, as before, dashing!

Tablecloth, tablecloth

The table is covered with white

The treats made everyone sick!

To everyone, everyone

We will pour the "white"

Let's drink soon, friends, so that everyone is lucky!

Cheerful speech from the spouse

It is known that a toast to a man's 50th birthday from his wife most of all resembles a declaration of love. And you shouldn't break this rule. Toasts to my husband for 50 years are both words of gratitude and an expression of your innermost feelings.

Unfortunately, mature people so rarely find a reason to say gentle words of recognition. So let the toast help with this.

Anniversary - 50 years! Man

I want to admit to my dear:

I loved you. And to this day

Love! Although I am silent

Very often about this. Ludicrous

To repeat to us about love day and night.

So I say today: I believe blindly,

I trust you. Son and daughter -

This is our continuation with you.

I am forever grateful to you

For your, dear, offer

And for being such a family

It turned out with us. Let's drink, honey!

May we have peace until death!

My dear, the best, beautiful!

Be patient, my idol!

Caucasian toast-parable "Mountain of Happiness" (opening)

Often people use parables and allegories in their healthy speeches. Interesting stories, similar to fables or fairy tales, are slightly moralizing. But these are the rules! And this will not be an exception for 50 years.

“The prose of life is such that fate does not always give a person sweets and cakes. Sometimes one has to dream about a black crust of bread.

This is how two brothers lived, one poor and the other rich. And, as expected, the rich was, if not evil, then, to put it mildly, indifferent. He himself is full, but the head does not hurt about someone else's stomach! The poor man shared the last piece with everyone who would not ask him.

Climax: "Meeting the Lord"

But it so happened that the poor man was pressed down completely by hunger. And he cried out to the Lord: “For what? Or have I wronged you in what? " The Lord answers him: “You, my son, are not guilty of anything. Against! Here, look ... ”And he lifted the peasant above the ground. And I saw that two mountains: one is huge, its top rests on the sky, and the second is so-so, not even a mountain, but a hillock.

“These are your good deeds. That big one is your mountain, every pebble is a righteous deed. And the mound that is not high for your brother is complicated. I know, you are tired, my son, to struggle with adversity. But soon the denouement of my plan will come ... ”With this the Lord lowered the peasant to the ground.

And the next morning there was a strong flood! The rich brother rushed to his mound, but the water immediately washed him away. The poor man easily climbed onto his own, and even dragged his neighbors. And he wanted to help his brother, but did not have time. To be honest, a lot of nasty people died then ...

Morality of the Caucasian parable

And as the water disappeared, it turned out that the unprepossessing village turned into a golden-domed city, and the frail huts became strong and sturdy houses. The neighbors chose the peasant as their prince-ruler. So the peasant turned from an insignificant beggar into a noble nobleman.

My speech was long, but wise. What did I want to say with this parable? Don't be angry with fate, don't complain! Whatever is done, my friend, everything is for the best! You have already lived half a century. So I will say: your little mountain, which is made of good deeds, will soon reach heaven! Everyone will be rewarded for their actions. Someone in a puddle will flounder, and someone will be happy. Even if not measured by money.

So for the high mountain of happiness, which you will soon climb, we will drink everything together now! "

A toast from children on the half-century anniversary of the father

It is impossible to do without healthy speeches from the dearest and nearest - sons and daughters. Toasts from children are usually the most sincere, the most valuable at a parent's birthday. That is why it is so important to choose the right words for the moment.

Of course, the main thing for children is the health of their parents. Every child, no matter how old he is, wants to stay "under his wing" as long as possible. Even the most confident and sometimes feel the need to just snuggle up to a loved one, just touch their hands, hair, hear their voice. This is what should be said in congratulations to the father.

“Dad, dear! I will not now list your merits, praise you, confess your love. I'll just say: live long. I always need you, the way you are. You are my father. And remember one thing: your son is proud of you! "


Today it has become fashionable to order congratulations from celebrities to your friends and family. But you can save a lot if you ask someone very talented to make an imitation of the voice of a well-known person. And the text of congratulations is easy to compose yourself.

“50 years for a man is a milestone that marks the middle. Of course, a lot has already been done, but far from everything. Yes, and everything is not done quite as we would like. Therefore, today I want to congratulate you on your half-century anniversary and wish you to live the remaining 50 years with taste, understanding of the situation, as the situation requires of each of us. And the situation is as follows: the glasses have been poured, the toast has been said. For the fact that on the centenary anniversary I could again congratulate the hero of the day, let's have a drink, Russians! "

And, of course, congratulations from Zhirinovsky will make everyone laugh.

“We’re sitting, so we’re drinking. I see. But what’s incomprehensible?” it’s gold and diamonds, eh? And that's all - for you, I don’t want to waste! Will you go to the Canary Islands? No, you don’t want something ... "If you want, I know, you won't fool me! Well, if you want, then you will. There, under the oilcloth in the kitchen, the lottery ticket lies, I chose it myself. One hundred percent winning! This is a gift from me. Owl! The win, in short, in half, you understand? And do not spoil! We will meet in the Canary Islands! "

toasts to the anniversary

50 years is like 50 dollars. Is it a lot or a little? How to view? As for me, I only recently discovered that after 50 people also live! Today it was said here that this is only half a life. Well, I won't argue, but I will try to personally check it! ..
I have lived a difficult life. My path of life is strewn not so much with roses as with thorns: "My path is sometimes lost in the darkness,
But, moving stubbornly to the final point,
For half a century I've been walking on the ground
Not missing a single pit ".!
(I. Irteniev)!
Thank you for your kind words. I wish you all a long and happy life! Let there be fewer potholes and holes on your way!

Bismarck once said that people rarely stray as far from the truth as ... after a hunt and before ... an election! In my opinion, there is another event when people are very far from the truth. This happens during anniversaries. My anniversary is no exception. High marks and good words! .. The only thing that consoles me is my age! There is still something I can do to get closer to the person you have inscribed here!
Thank you for your kind words and generous gifts! I drain your glass for your health and happiness!

How to distinguish an optimist from a pessimist? Here's an example: there is half a bottle of wine on the table. The optimist will say:
She's still half full.
It's half empty, the pessimist will say
Let's leave pessimism, and say that our hero of the day is 50 years old.
And let's drink to the fact that his life is half full.

A person needs 2 years to learn to speak and 50 years to learn to keep his mouth shut.
Let's drink to the fact that the hero of the day went through this school.

In Siberia, they say 1000 km is not a distance, 100 deer is not a herd, 60 degrees is not frost, 50 years is not an age.

The peoples of the Baltic states have such a belief. If a child is born in a family, then 100 devils are born with him. When a child turns one year old, one angel appears, and the devils in him become one! smaller. And so year after year: the number of angels is growing, and | devils - less ...
And now the man is fifty! What does it mean? And then ,? that only 50 devils remained in it, but 50 angels appeared! Before us is a man made up of half devils and half angels! But that's not all. Every year the angelic principle will prevail in him more and more!
But I propose to drink to today's birthday man, in which dark and light forces are mutually balanced!

At the 80th birthday celebration for Winston Churchill, a photographer asked him:
- I hope, Mr. Churchill, that I will be allowed to photograph you on the day of the centenary?
“In that case,” Churchill replied, “you will have to take careful care of your health for twenty years.
I can tell the hero of the day that I am ready to take care of my health for thirty years in order to be able to congratulate you on the day of your centenary!

I will begin a toast to the health of our hero of the day with the words of the Roman poet Publius Ovidius Nazon: “There is no need to count years: people live longer. Let's drink not to the next ten years of dear N., but to his deeds - past and future, professional and family deeds, which he does with brilliance!

Let's drink to your first 50th birthday!

At 20 years old, desire rules, at 30 years old - reason, at 40 years old - reason, at 50 years old wisdom ...
So let's drink to the birthday man in whom, even in the wise 50 years, there is reason and reason and desire.