The dog has a persistent cough. The dog is choking and cannot cough up, what to do with a bone, coughs as if trying to burp something, from which, if it wheezes, how to help at home

Cough is a protective mechanism "invented" by nature to cleanse the respiratory tract from foreign bodies, pathogens, mucus, pus, and irritating mucous membranes. With a common cold, it helps to recover faster. But sometimes the animal is seriously ill. One of the symptoms of various dangerous diseases - cough in dogs. How to treat a pet in this case will become clear after finding out the causes of its occurrence.

Characteristics of a cough

What is a cough? This is one of the main symptoms, and not just colds. Different in character, it can signal the development of diseases that are completely different in etiology. The owner must observe the animal in order to be able to accurately describe the duration, severity, and accompanying clinical manifestations when visiting the veterinarian. This will help the specialist quickly determine how to treat the dog's cough.

A dog with different diseases coughs differently. Experts identify the following characteristics of cough:

  • Strength- hysterical, debilitating (often with vomiting) or mild (cough).
  • Character- dry, wet (mucus \ sputum \ pus when coughing).
  • Timbre- voiced / deaf.
  • Duration over time- acute (two days-month), chronic (more than a month, sometimes for years).
  • Time of occurrence morning, evening, all day. The binding to the time of year is also important here - the whole year, in spring or only in winter.

These characteristics, together with a general examination and research, help diagnose the disease that causes the dog to cough.

Causes of cough in dogs

A dog coughs with a common cold, it does not last long (2-3 days), it goes away by itself - a healthy body copes by itself. If the cough does not go away, other symptoms join it (weakness, poor appetite, refusal to feed ...), you should contact your veterinarian. This may be a signal for the development of such dangerous diseases and conditions:

It is still "fashionable" to call him now nursery. A symptom of a viral pathology that affects the respiratory tract of a dog. Pathogenic organisms can be parainfluenza virus, mycoplasma, reovirus, canine herpes virus, bordetella bronchiseptic virus. These pathogenic microbes enter the body through direct contact on walks, training grounds, at exhibitions, while living together - hence the name of the pathology. A dog becomes infected with the kennel cough virus from animals that are already ill or have been ill. Active symptoms of infectious tracheobronchitis appear 3-10 days after infection:

  • poor appetite/complete refusal to feed;
  • cough - weak, moderate attacks (accompanied by regurgitation of foamy secretions). The animal coughs as if it were to burp out a small bone;
  • enlarged tonsils;
  • nasal discharge;
  • the temperature is raised.

A viral cough continues for 10-15 days - it depends on how reliable the dog's immunity is. For dogs with well-developed defenses, medical intervention is not required. It is important to let the body deal with the infection on its own. This will contribute to the formation of active immunity to viruses in the future.

If the animal gets worse, the degree of coughing increases - the dog's body can not cope with the disease. Urgently contact your veterinarian to avoid the development of complications (the most dangerous of them is pneumonia). The appointment of drug therapy is shown - antibiotics, expectorants, vitamins, immunomodulators, other drugs, depending on the symptoms.

Foreign body in the respiratory tract of a dog

The cough appeared suddenly, while the animal swallows and licks its lips - one can suspect the presence of a foreign body in the throat. If possible, carefully look into the mouth to determine the cause. Usually the dog copes with this problem on its own. But if a sharp bone or something similar has stuck into the mucous membrane, call a specialist immediately.

It is very dangerous if the foreign body is deep. The cough will be:

  • convulsive \ paroxysmal;
  • noticeable wheezing, choking, foamy discharge from the nose, expectoration of foam with blood;
  • refusal of food and water.

If a foreign body is in the airways for a long time, emphysema, pleurisy, bronchopneumonia, pneumothorax are possible. The condition threatens the life of the dog - urgently call an ambulance.

Allergic cough in dogs

A breathing problem in combination with a cough of varying intensity occurs with the development of allergic manifestations - food allergies, insect bites, inhalation of toxic substances, flea / tick remedies. Such a cough is always with:

  • lacrimation;
  • sneezing
  • rashes, discoloration of the mucosa.

The treatment regimen is determined only after the causes of the allergy are clarified, and before that, as needed, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

canine pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is always accompanied by a wet cough and other symptoms:

  • breathing is difficult;
  • heartbeat quickened;
  • general weakness;
  • the temperature is increased;
  • nasal discharge is observed.
  • no appetite.

Pneumonia is caused by penetration into the lungs of bacteria, viruses, pathogenic fungal microorganisms. Of particular danger is fungal pneumonia for dogs with reduced immunity.

The most dangerous type of pneumonia is aspiration pneumonia. The lungs of the animal become inflamed due to the ingestion of remnants of vomit, regurgitation of gastric acid. The main causes of this pathology in dogs are neuromuscular disorders that cause swallowing disorders, paralysis of the esophagus. If pneumonia is suspected, when a wet cough is observed in a dog, only a specialist will tell how to treat an animal - it depends on the causes of inflammation of the lungs and the general condition of the pet.

heart cough

Cough signals about heart problems - acute heart failure. A “large” heart presses on the trachea. The cough receptors located on it send a signal to the brain. Heart cough always:

  • deaf;
  • sputum and other secretions are absent;
  • his attacks are painful;
  • impression that the dog cannot cough up;
  • accompanied by shortness of breath and increased fatigue.

One of the causes of this cough is dilated cardiomyopathy, which is common in older giant breed dogs (most often males). The pumping function of the heart is impaired, causing chronic heart failure. The disease is extremely severe, treatable only in the early stages. Therefore, at the first suspicions, the animal should be examined immediately. Only a veterinarian can tell you how to treat a hearty cough in a dog.

Tracheal collapse

Pathology develops in dwarf breeds (most often). The main reason is a congenital defect of the cartilage. The cartilage rings soften, the rigidity of the trachea is lost, the lumen of its tube becomes thinner and changes shape. When air passes, the tracheal membrane is too mobile, it can sag - the lumen of the trachea is blocked, obstruction is possible.

Dry cough is the main symptom of tracheal collapse. Even a slight pull on the leash can cause it. In severe cases, it is joined by:

  • dyspnea;
  • wheezing;
  • bouts of suffocation.

The disease is treated with medication, in severe cases an operation is required - a specialist can accurately determine after a complete examination of the animal.

When infected with worms of the lungs, a cough is always accompanied by:

  • shortness of breath;
  • difficult breathing;
  • in severe cases - pneumonia with internal bleeding.

If dirofilaria "settled" in the heart, it will be:

  • dry cough;
  • wheezing / shortness of breath;
  • swelling;
  • strong heartbeat;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weight decreases (even with a normal appetite).

Important! Carriers of dirofilariasis are mosquitoes. When bitten by infected animals, the larvae penetrate the intestines of the insect. There, changing, they turn into invasive. Further, when bitten by a mosquito, they enter the body of a dog, a person. Dirofilaria is not transmitted directly from a dog to a person, only through the bite of an infected mosquito.

If a pet starts coughing, it does not mean that some object is stuck in his throat. Cough occurs due to something, and there can be many reasons. But still, when the dog really choked, she, trying to push through what is in her throat, begins to swallow saliva, cough. Cough may be accompanied by expectoration and vomiting. The dog does all this reflexively, the animal tries to remove the stuck object on its own. In this case, coughing is a defensive reaction. The body tries to push the foreign object out of the lungs with the pressure of air. And it really helps when the bone is not stuck deep.

If it is clear that the dog cannot cope on its own, you can try to help him and remove the object with your hands or tweezers. It will be difficult to do this without an assistant, the dog must be held tight, otherwise the situation can only be aggravated by injuring it with the same tweezers when the dog tries to escape from his hands.

First aid procedure

Grasping the upper jaw with one hand, and the lower jaw with the other and pressing on the gums with your fingers, you need to force the dog to open its mouth as wide as possible. Look inside, highlighting yourself with a flashlight if possible, assess the situation, and decide what to do next. What kind of object, how is it located, is it possible to remove it, can it injure the animal's larynx. If, after examination, there is confidence that the object can be grabbed and pulled out without consequences, only then take the risk of helping. When there is no such confidence, it is better to turn to urgent veterinary care.

It should be noted that all these operations can be performed if the animal breathes freely.

If the pet began to choke, need to act urgently, expect veterinary care in this case is not worth it. He may die from suffocation.

Initially, you need to act as mentioned above. Open the dog's mouth and try to pull the object out with your hands, if you can see it. If not, then proceed as follows.

large dogs

If the dog is unconscious, then in this case it should be put on the side and, placing your palms just below the rear ribs of the animal, press sharply, trying to push out the stuck object.

small dogs

  • With a small dog, you need to be doubly careful. Careless efforts can lead to irreversible results. So, you need to turn the dog upside down, and press it with your back with one hand to yourself, with the fist of the other hand, press several times under the sternum of the animal, in the direction inward and towards the muzzle. And then proceed according to the same algorithm as with a large dog, try to remove the object with your hands if it does not fall out.

But it is best not to create the prerequisites for the animal to have to provide emergency assistance due to the fact that the dog choked on something.

Possible Causes of Coughing in Dogs

Do not give tubular bones to your dog. Dog can choke on bones from fish. It is necessary to closely monitor the pet on a walk. Chips from a chewed stick, fragments from chewed toys can become prerequisites for a dog to choke. The education of the dog should include the prohibition of the pet picking up something from the ground.

There can be many reasons that cause coughing in a dog, in addition to those discussed above. She will not cough for pleasure. So you need to look for what caused such a symptom.

A dog, just like a man, might just catch a cold, and the first symptom of the disease will be a cough. You should observe the dog during the day, if it has become inactive, the temperature has risen, the cough does not stop. Then you need to contact a veterinarian, who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

An allergic reaction can also cause a dog to cough and sneeze, possibly with parallel tearing. You can't do without a veterinarian's examination. Treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist.

Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system can cause coughing in the animal. Most often this type of disease is common among dogs of large breeds. Tongue discoloration, gums darken and take on a bluish tint, the pet's cough is especially aggravated during sleep - this is an alarming sign that requires immediate contact with a specialist. Early treatment is always the key to success.

Even a tight collar can cause a dog to cough and wheeze. Under a properly tightened collar, the thumb should pass calmly.

A buildup of hair in the dog's stomach can also cause a cough, as if the dog is choking. The body through coughing trying to push out the lump.

Bronchitis causes a debilitating, tormenting dog, a prolonged cough. A special predisposition to this disease in animals, the so-called small breeds - pugs, chihuahuas, French bulldogs.

By the way, snoring and coughing is quite often the scourge of dogs whose respiratory organs have a specific structure. These are breeds with the so-called flattened muzzles - pugs, Pekingese.

Even nervous overexcitation in "small" dog breeds can cause coughing.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the occurrence of a cough, and it is up to the owner of the pet to determine what it is associated with.

When the dog coughed several times, with no deterioration in his general condition, the cough is not accompanied by the release of worms or blood discharge, you should not worry too much, although take a closer look at your pet nevertheless it is necessary.

If the cough torments the dog for a day or more, prevents it from breathing normally, the temperature rises, the pet refuses to eat, then you should seek help from a specialist who will examine the pet and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

With a pet, as with a person, self-medication is contraindicated, it can do more harm than help. And before you do something, take any steps, think over everything well!

Cough - involuntary dotted reflex forced sonorous expiration. This protective reflex is manifested in the dog's body due to chemical or mechanical irritation of the hypersensitive cough zones. With many pathologies, with the help of a cough, mucus, pus, and foreign particles are excreted from the body, that is, it contributes to a speedy recovery. However, this does not mean that there is no need to worry. After all, a cough can be a symptom of not only respiratory diseases.

Causes of cough in dogs

In addition to the common cold, a cough can occur in an animal with such serious pathologies:

A common cause of cough in dogs is the infection of the animal with pathogens of the so-called viral (enclosure, kennel) cough.

Viral cough (infectious tracheobronchitis)

Viral cough in dogs occurs when the respiratory tract is affected by mycoplasma, parainfluenza virus, bordetella bronchiseptic virus, reovirus, canine herpes virus.

Animals become infected from other already sick or recovered dogs. The risk factor is a long stay of a pet surrounded by its own kind, with a large number of other dogs - nurseries, "hotels" for animals, training grounds, exhibitions, etc.

With infectious tracheobronchitis, a cough of varying severity can be observed - weak or painfully paroxysmal (sometimes with vomiting). The animal begins to cough as if trying to burp a small bone from the throat.

Other clinical manifestations of the disease can be:

  • refusal to eat;
  • regurgitation of foamy liquid - the dog coughs with the release of foam;
  • enlargement of the tonsils;
  • with a complicated course, discharge from the nose appears, an increase in temperature is observed.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the dog can be given expectorants, antitussive drugs, and in severe cases, antibiotics are always prescribed.

Viral cough in dogs is highly contagious, so if your pet has a weakened immune system, it is best not to endanger it and not take it to places with large concentrations of animals.

How to treat a cough in a dog

Only an experienced veterinarian can say for sure what you can give a dog for coughing. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a clinical examination, the data of the necessary tests and studies, and also based on the owner's observations of the nature of the cough.

A dog can cough in different ways, both in duration and in strength. Veterinarians characterize cough as follows:

  • By duration - acute (observed from two days to a month) and chronic (lasts for months, sometimes for several years).
  • By timbre - muffled or sonorous.
  • By strength - a slight cough or a debilitating hysterical cough (sometimes accompanied by vomiting).
  • By the time of manifestation - constantly, only in the morning or in the evening. It also takes into account the connection with the time of year - only in spring, only in summer or all year round.
  • By the nature of the discharge - dry or wet (with the release of mucus, bloody sputum, pus).

It should be understood that coughing is a symptom of pathology. Therefore, in order to rid the dog of it, you should first of all find out the cause of the occurrence.

If it is a cold or an infection, then it is not necessary to fight the cough especially, as it helps to remove substances dangerous to the body from the respiratory tract. The exception in this case is a painful dry cough, which greatly disturbs the animal and in some cases even causes suffocation. For the treatment of such a cough, two groups of drugs are used:

  • antitussive drugs that act on the cough center in the brain and block the cough reflex, regardless of its origin (used strictly as prescribed by the veterinarian);
  • expectorants that relieve dry coughs by thinning mucus and increasing its volume.

If a dog coughs, in any case, it must be shown to a specialist, since with more serious pathologies without effective treatment, there is a great threat not only to health, but also to the life of the animal. In this embodiment, first of all, it is necessary to treat the disease that causes coughing.

It happens that the dog, for some reason, begins to cough and wheeze, as if choking. But after a while, the attack passes, and she again continues to live a normal life. If this happened once and did not happen again, then the owner should not worry, apparently his dog just choked. But when coughing, wheezing, and expectoration occur several times a day, it causes concern and indicates problems. Many owners panic because they don’t know why the dog is coughing, as if choking, what is the reason for the pet’s repeated spitting up and wheezing that does not go away.

The dog is constantly coughing, as if choking

If a pet’s cough occurs on its own, without other accompanying symptoms, then the cough may be caused by the following reasons:

  • It is possible that the dog's collar is simply tightly tightened;
  • A foreign body got into the throat of the dog: a piece of wool, a sliver or a fragment of a bone;
  • Colds, which can occur due to hypothermia, for example, after walking in winter or autumn with strong wind or frost;
  • Older dogs may cough due to pulmonary edema that occurs with chronic heart failure. The attacks are especially pronounced after jogging, walking and physical overstrain. Coughing may be accompanied by sputum;
  • Dogs, just like people, can suffer from allergies. Allergens are insects, deodorants, mosquitoes and ticks, flea remedies. With allergic reactions, in addition to coughing, sneezing and tearing of the eyes occur.

Adeneurosis in dogs

If the cough is accompanied by the release of white foam from the mouth, then this may be a sign of an infectious disease. Regardless of breed or age, all dogs are susceptible to kennel cough. This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, and therefore progresses in places of large concentrations of dogs. During a walk, even with a short contact with an infected individual, the dog can become infected.

Cough and frothy discharge are the first signs of adeneurosis, which occur for the first time 5-10 days after infection. Later, other symptoms of the disease appear: inactivity, swelling of the lymph nodes near the ears and under the jaw, the palate and tonsils turn red, the pet loses its appetite and the temperature rises.

The causative agent of "kennel cough" are viruses containing DNA that are similar in structure to the hepatitis virus. If there are all signs indicating a probable infection with this disease, the owner should not delay and not engage in home treatment, but take the four-legged friend to the veterinarian.

Dog coughing and spitting up white foam

In addition to adeneurosis, white foam from the mouth with a cough can occur against the background of a banal food poisoning. Vomit can be of different colors and textures. Nausea can occur after meals or on an empty stomach.

Even the discharge of white transparent foam or water is dangerous for the animal, as it can lead to exicose. And red, black and gray vomit serve as a signal of serious problems. For example, the presence of gastrointestinal diseases: colitis, pancreatitis, intestinal volvulus, or a violation in the functioning of the liver or kidneys.

A pet may vomit from overheating in the sun or an overdose of medications.

Also, white foam at the mouth is one of the first signs of rabies in a dog. This is a terrible and irreversible viral disease that occurs after being bitten by another infected animal.

The dog's behavior changes from indifferent to aggressive, it begins to emaciate, it becomes difficult for her to swallow even water. Lai becomes hoarse. Further worse: the dog becomes uncontrollable, rushes at the owners, stops drinking and eating.

Due to exhaustion, the disease is often fatal.

Dog coughing and wheezing

The pet may suffer from constant wheezing. Establishing the origin of which is not so simple.
Wheezing is dry, wet and wheezing, depending on the cause that caused it:

  1. Moist rales occur because the air in the dog's lungs is forced to pass through the accumulation of foreign fluid. With bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage, blood, purulent secretions, mucus are formed in the lungs, which accumulate and interfere with normal air permeability;
  2. Dry wheezing appears due to narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi or trachea. It can also occur when a foreign object is stuck in the upper respiratory tract;
  3. Wheezing wheezing can be caused by the following diseases: paralysis of the vocal cords or brachycephalic syndrome.

Worms can be of different types:

  • Toxocara and roundworm, which cause toxocariasis and ascariasis;
  • Cucumber tapeworm causing dipilidiosis. The dog is worried about intestinal obstruction and itching in the anus;
  • Esophageal esophageal worms of dogs to cough, wheezing, vomiting and problems with swallowing food are added.

Coughing, wheezing, and regurgitation are fairly common syndromes for a wide variety of diseases in dogs that, even taken together, cannot accurately indicate problems. Therefore, it is very difficult to make a diagnosis only on these grounds. Why the dog coughs, as if choking for several days, can only be said by an experienced veterinarian, after conducting an appropriate examination. The pet is prescribed tests, examines the upper respiratory tract and the pharynx.

Video: problem solving

In this video, veterinarian Anna Moshkina will tell you why a dog can periodically cough, making grunting sounds, and how to help the animal:

A cough in a dog can be caused by irritation of the airways and lung mucosa. However, coughing is often one of the clear signs of a serious illness that requires immediate specialist help. Today we will figure out why the dog coughs, as if choking.

A cough in a dog can be triggered by a variety of reasons, ranging from irritation of the mucous membrane to diseases that are dangerous to the health and life of a pet. To understand the root cause of coughing, you need to pay attention to the behavior and well-being of the animal.

If your pet was running around a minute ago, actively playing, and suddenly began to cough loudly, he could choke on something. In this case, the attack is accompanied by wheezing, whistling and slight gurgling in the lungs. In such a situation, the dog can cope on its own. The dog will cough until the irritant is vomited up. However, do not leave the situation without control, because there are cases when an animal cannot do without the help of a person.

Cough as a sign of a disease is accompanied by other characteristic symptoms. So, a sick pet loses appetite and weight, becomes inactive and inactive, body temperature rises, mucous discharge from the nose and eyes is present. The secreted sputum may differ in its consistency and color. A cough in a dog can be confused with a gag reflex, but in this case there is no vomit.

Mechanical factor

Choking paroxysmal cough can be triggered by the presence of a foreign body in the upper respiratory tract. A similar phenomenon is not common, the ingestion of foreign objects is typical for animals in which the swallowing function is impaired. During bouts of coughing, the dog begins to expectorate, it seems that he could just choke on something.


A viral cough of an infectious nature can occur as a result of contact with another sick animal. Many colds occur against the background of improper care of a pet or its hypothermia. Yesterday they gave the dog ice cream, but today you are wondering why she is coughing and sneezing? Despite a strong immune system, there are dogs that easily catch colds.

Only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe a competent treatment, after examining the patient and performing a series of studies and diagnostic measures. Medications are selected in accordance with the nature of the course of the disease.


A severe dry cough in a pet that looks like the animal is choking on something may be the first sign of adenovirus.

Adenovirus is a viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets through sputum or feces. Most often, the disease is severe and is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, copious nasal discharge, apathy, lack of appetite and weight loss, weakness and rapid breathing. If timely assistance is not provided, the disease can develop into chronic bronchitis.

Adenovirus can be treated on an outpatient basis if there are no complications in the form of acute tracheobronchitis or pneumonia. After examination, the veterinarian prescribes a course of mucolytics that thin the sputum and antibiotics.

Heart failure

The choking, dry cough that is often seen in older dogs can be caused by heart problems resulting from damage to the mitral valve.

The condition of the pet deteriorates sharply, the gums become blue-gray, fluid collects in the abdominal cavity, and arrhythmia appears. During bouts of coughing, the animal may begin to wheeze, making sharp loud sounds.


Cough, accompanied by lacrimation, cyanosis of the oral mucosa, profuse salivation, redness of the eyes, small reddish rashes on the skin is considered allergic.

In animals living at home, an allergic reaction can be food or household. It does not make sense to prescribe a general course of treatment, first you need to establish an allergen.

The presence of helminths

Many do not know what to do with helminthic invasion. If you notice that a small puppy or adult dog is coughing heavily, take your pet to the veterinarian. After examining and diagnosing the condition, a deworming procedure can be prescribed.

Video "Cough in dogs"

In this video, an expert will talk about coughing in dogs, because of what happens, what to do.

How to help a pet

Beginning dog breeders are often interested in what to do if the dog coughs, as if choking.

During play or physical activity, the dog may make a sharp sound, similar to a loud growl. In such a situation, do not panic, the animal "swallowed" excess air. Single attacks of coughing, not accompanied by other symptoms, do not pose a danger to the health and life of a pet.

If there is a sharp paroxysmal cough, try to look into the dog's mouth. A foreign object that has entered the oral cavity must be carefully removed. A small dog or puppy can be gently shaken, large pets are recommended to be brought to a standing position, raise the back of the body and pat on the chest.

If you do not have basic first aid and animal resuscitation skills, it is best to urgently take your pet to the nearest veterinary clinic.