Deepening of the fingernails: the appearance of the nails. Dents on the thumbnails: causes and treatment

One of the diagnostic methods of alternative medicine is the diagnosis of the condition of the nails.

With the help of this simple, but quite effective and accurate method, it is possible to determine the state of health of individual organs and the state of the body as a whole.

This method can be applied independently, or you can turn to its practicing specialists for a more serious and in-depth study.

This approach is taken from ancient Chinese medicine, according to which the so-called energy channels pass through the entire human body.

Each of these channels has an outlet to the fingers, is associated with a specific human organ, and it is precisely by the state of the nail plate that it is possible to quite accurately determine the state of the organ, whether there are any irregularities in its work and what kind of violations it is.

Features of health diagnostics by nails

For this method of determining the state of health, the color of the nails, their shape and surface (appearance) are important.

The advantage of such a diagnosis is that for a qualitative and accurate determination of the presence and nature of diseases, the age of a person does not matter at all.

This works in the same way when diagnosing young children and already quite elderly people.

It is not at all necessary that all nails will have certain deviations.

Changes on one nail are enough to say that problems are already taking place in the body.

Nail structure - photo

The human nail plate consists of:

  • posterior nail fold,
  • cuticles,
  • side roller,
  • transverse groove of the nail bed,
  • lateral sinus of the nail.

Diagnosis of fingernails - signs of disease

Diagnostics of the shape and relief of the surface of the nail plate

Below are the corresponding figures.

1 - an absolutely healthy nail plate, which indicates a good state of human health;

2 - shortened and flat nail (diseases of the heart and blood vessels);

3 - bulging, thickened nail (problems with the heart, spine, lungs or liver);

4 - a flat nail with a curved surface (diseases of the respiratory system);

5 - the nail looks like a tube (possibly cancer);

6 - concavity inside the nail (anemia, skin diseases, disorders in the mineral metabolism of the body, problems with the thyroid gland);

8 - gnawed nail (neurotic condition, chronic gastritis);

9 - the nail plate resembles a triangle (diseases of the spine).

Diagnostics of health by nails - photo

Diagnostics of the holes of notgae nail holes

The wells of the nail plate on all fingers should be well defined.

This speaks of good human health, a high level of energy, a large amount of vitality and good blood circulation.

Small holes, or even their practically absence, are problems with cardiac activity, blood vessels, poor blood circulation, a lack of vitamin B12 in the body, thyroid diseases, neuroses and much more.

If the socket of the nail is enlarged, then there are problems in the work of the heart, blood vessels, and blood circulation is impaired.

If the hole has a slightly bluish tint, then this indicates a malfunction in the liver, gallbladder, stagnation of bile, clogged bile ducts.

With reddish holes, one can assume problems with immunity and endocrine diseases.

Relief diagnostics (stripes, grooves on the nails)

Grooves across the nail indicate the presence of a chronic infection in the body.

Longitudinal grooves are a disturbance in the work of the digestive tract, sluggish work of the stomach, pancreas, spleen, and intestines.

Presumably there may be rheumatic joint damage, diseases in the genital area, depression, neuroses, insomnia, panic attacks.

Dents and pits horizontally on the nail are most likely bad consequences, changes in internal organs due to dietary restrictions or an imbalance in the diet.

Stripes and blotches on the nail occur when there are problems in the work of the spleen, small intestine.

Grooves on the nail that break off indicate limescale deposits in the body.

Cross-strokes of white color are a mineral imbalance in the body, a lack of, first of all, calcium and zinc, as well as other micro- and macroelements.

Waves resembling streaks indicate the presence of rheumatoid changes in the joints.

Health diagnostics by nail color

A healthy nail plate has a pleasant pink uniform color, without any areas of a different color.

If the color of the nail plate is bluish, yellowish, then we are talking about problems with digestion, problems in the liver, gall bladder, in the respiratory system, most likely there is a fat imbalance in the body.

A whitish color indicates diseases of the adrenal glands, kidneys, and the reproductive system.

When the nails are pale, almost transparent, this is anemia, a decline in vitality, energy and physical exhaustion of the human body.

Small specks of white color indicate an increased amount of sugar in the blood, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, a deficiency in the diet of minerals and vitamins, a lack of digestive enzymes, and poor functioning of the endocrine system.

Diagnostics of the time of onset of the disease

Considering that the nails grow by about 1 mm. per week, you can roughly assume the time of occurrence of any disease.

Diagnostics of the appearance - what to look for.

If the nails suddenly slowed down their growth, they became brittle, fragile, their color, surface relief changed, then we can assume the presence of metabolic disorders, a lack of minerals, especially calcium and iron, a lack of vitamins of group B, vitamin A and D. Sometimes so the resulting stresses affect the changes in the nail plate.

If the nails began to exfoliate, split, then it is necessary to pay attention to the work of the digestive tract.

Most likely, there are problems with the activity of the stomach, intestines, etc., as well as circulatory disorders, problems in the nervous system, genital area, chronic inflammation are possible.

Fingernails diagnostics - video

Fingernail diagnostics - conclusion and advice

Regularly carry out self-diagnostics of the condition of the nails or diagnostics by specialists.

This will help in time to track and identify at an early stage irregularities in the work of internal organs and systems.

Changes in the nail plate can signal you not only about the presence of the disease, but also about its disappearance, which can be easily understood by the changing appearance of the nails.

When the disease recedes, the nail plate becomes even, smooth, without grooves, roughness, without pits, thickenings.

It is not brittle, does not exfoliate, strong. The color becomes a dull pink, matte.

Despite the fact that the diagnosis based on the condition of the nails is quite accurate, it is still worth paying attention to other diagnostic methods for determining the disease, for its accurate confirmation.

Indeed, for an accurate diagnosis, other indicators are also needed.

The appearance of nails is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a health point of view. The fact is that it is on the nail plates that many diseases manifest themselves in the first place. Therefore, it is very important to examine your nails from time to time and pay attention to the slightest changes in their relief, color and appearance. For example, if there are dents on the nails, then this may be a reason to see a doctor. What do pits, dents on the nails mean?

Transverse dents

The emerging transverse dents on the thumbnail most likely indicate the presence of problems with the respiratory, that is, the bronchopulmonary apparatus.


In cases where dots in the form of holes appear on the nails, a person asks the question: what could it be? Very often, the presence of small holes and pores indicates a pathology of the spleen.


However, there is also the concept of "thimble symptom", in which small dents appear on the nail - a point "groove". The pits can be arranged one at a time, randomly, or in a plurality of "slender" longitudinal rows. The manifested dimple is possible, both in psoriasis or dermatoses, and in systemic diseases, such as, for example, alopecia areata (the main symptom is the appearance of bald patches on the head).
Thumbnail pits

Reasons for the appearance of dents and pits on the nails

Dents on the nails of the hands are formed for various reasons. This can be caused by a malfunction of the body or provoked by various diseases. Most often, dents are formed in people who are lacking any minerals. It is not difficult to cure the irregularities of the nail plate, it is enough to correctly form your diet and follow the advice of doctors.

If you find dents on your nails, do not delay treatment. First, find out the cause of this ailment. If the reason lies in a lack of nutrients, saturate your body with vitamins A and B. Of the products, it is recommended to eat carrots, apricots, cottage cheese, eggs and fish. Special care procedures will not interfere either. If your nails become bumpy due to diseases, consult your doctor.

Fungal infections

Fungal infection can occur in public places - saunas, swimming pools, baths. At the same time, slippers do not always save you from infection. To make a diagnosis, a dermatologist takes a scraping from the nail plate. The type of fungus that caused the infection is determined in the laboratory.

Important! Most often, this problem manifests itself on the toenails. Outwardly, it looks far from aesthetically pleasing, but pain with such an infection is rare. Fungus damage is also possible on the hands.

Lack of vitamins

With vitamin deficiency, pits most often appear on the nails of the hands. However, in addition to this symptom, hair brittleness or increased hair loss may occur. The nail can "tell" which trace element is lacking in the body. If the dent looks like a transverse groove and there are several of them on the plate, this indicates a lack of iron in the body.
Dimple on the fingernails

Injury, exposure to chemistry

Regular exposure to chemicals can lead to nail diseases such as onychoshijis or onychoya, which may also include nail pits. The disease leads to dystrophic changes in the body, in particular, to the splitting of the nail plate into transverse elements in the form of small leaf-shaped plates.

The reasons are mainly due to the effects of chemicals on the nails while performing professional duties. The disease is inherent in workers in the chemical industry and medical workers in contact with disinfectant solutions. However, the excessive use of varnishes in conjunction with products containing acetone for its removal sometimes leads to the development of this health disorder.

Note! The constant use of detergents and disinfectants in home use only exacerbates this process.

Onychochisis is also a disease that develops due to constant mechanical stress on the nail plate. Recently, IT workers are susceptible to this disease, because they are constantly typing a large amount of information manually. So frequent communication via a computer may not be at all harmless.

Nail psoriasis

In patients with this ailment, only the nails are rarely affected. Usually other parts of the body are also affected - very often skin, sometimes bones.

Symptoms can be different, the main ones are:

  • the color of the nails turns yellow with brown shades;
  • holes (small depressions) appear on the nail plate;
  • horizontal lines (transverse dents) and white spots appear on the fingernails;
  • thickening of the plates are formed;
  • the nail plate may separate from the bed.

Many patients are interested in how to get rid of psoriasis. The answer is unambiguous - it's impossible. However, it is possible to cope with symptoms with the help of ointments and injections, which the doctor can select (individually for you).
Pits on the nails of the hands: causes and treatment

Treatment of pits on the nails

If diseases of the internal organs have led to the appearance of pits on the nails, in order to get rid of them, it is necessary to treat the underlying cause. Dents can be treated with proper nutrition, nail hygiene, and preventive measures.

Healthy eating rules

It is important to treat nail pits with a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables should be present in the daily diet. To saturate the body with nutrients, it is recommended to eat varied and only healthy foods.

The menu should contain foods rich in Omega-3 acids. Therefore, it is recommended to feast on nuts and fish.

To restore all the basic functions of the body, as well as eliminate the pits on the nails, it is recommended to drink two liters of liquid during the day.

Attention! Eliminate fast foods, convenience foods, and other unhealthy foods from your diet.

Features of nail hygiene

For the beauty of marigolds, treatment, as well as the prevention of dents on them, it is important to carry out proper hygiene:

  1. Protect your nails from harmful environmental influences as necessary. If it is windy or cold outside the window, be sure to wear gloves on your hands. Also, protective gloves should be worn when working with soil or household chemicals.
  2. It is important to do your manicure systematically. Clean the nails of dirt, carefully trim chips and holds to avoid pitting.
  3. It is recommended to use a moisturizing hand lotion as needed to retain moisture on nails and skin and to prevent pitting. Also, do not expose your hands to frequent exposure to moisture, as they can dry out and become cracked.
  4. It is useful as a treatment, as well as the prevention of dents on the nails, daily rubbing jojoba oil mixed with vitamin E into the nail plate and cuticle.

To reduce the dimples on the nails, experts advise using nail files to polish them. Polishing should be done with soft and gentle movements, without strong pressure on the nails. The procedure should be performed in one direction only. To eliminate the pits, you will need to carry out several polishing procedures.

Aesthetics and beauty, as well as your health, depend on the appearance of fingernails. Most often, most diseases first appear on the nail plate. If you notice changes in the relief, color and appearance of your nails, it is important to consult a doctor for advice. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons for the appearance of pits on the fingernails, as well as what treatment needs to be done to get rid of them.

What causes pits on the nail plates?

Treatment of pits on the fingers is carried out taking into account the reasons that provoked the appearance of the pathology. The pits on the nails of the fingers have the following causes:

  • infection of the nail plates with a fungus. The disease is transmitted from one person to another through the scales of the skin and is very difficult to treat. Fungal infections come in different forms. Most often affects people with weakened immunity. The fungus on the fingernails provokes the formation of pits and other unpleasant defects that spoil the appearance. In order to carry out successful treatment for a fungal infection, it is important to determine the cause of the pathology, as well as visit a mycologist and follow his instructions. Baths with vinegar or lemon juice, as well as other methods of treatment prescribed by a doctor, will help restore beauty to nails, as well as eliminate the cause;
  • pits on the nails can occur due to injury, uneven thickening of the plate. Therefore, it is important to monitor the integrity of the nail integument, to carry out thorough and careful care so as not to provoke the cause of the appearance of dents on the nail plates;
  • dents on the nails may indicate a lack of vitamins and other nutrients in the human body. For a reason such as vitamin deficiency, not only nails suffer, but also skin and hair. Hair becomes brittle and falls out a lot. If the pits on the nail plates are located transversely and there are several pieces on one nail, perhaps the cause of the problem lies in the fact that your body does not have enough iron. When it is important to carry out treatment by taking vitamins of group B, as well as E and A;
  • grooves on the marigolds can occur due to reasons such as somatic diseases. A dent in your thumbnail indicates a problem with your lungs or respiratory system. The grooves on the index finger indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system. Problems with the nervous system can be indicated by such a reason as dents on the nails of the ring fingers.

To make the correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment for the pits on the nails, it is important to go to the doctor and figure out what is the reason for the appearance of the pathology.

Marigold Pit Therapy

If diseases of the internal organs have led to the appearance of pits on the nails, in order to get rid of them, it is necessary to treat the underlying cause. Dents can be treated with proper nutrition, nail hygiene, and preventive measures.

Healthy eating rules

It is important to treat nail pits with a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables should be present in the daily diet. To saturate the body with nutrients, it is recommended to eat varied and only healthy foods.

The menu should contain foods rich in Omega-3 acids. Therefore, it is recommended to feast on nuts and fish.

To restore all the basic functions of the body, as well as eliminate the pits on the nails, it is recommended to drink two liters of liquid during the day.

Eliminate fast foods, convenience foods, and other unhealthy foods from your diet.

Features of nail hygiene

For the beauty of marigolds, treatment, as well as the prevention of dents on them, it is important to carry out proper hygiene:

  1. Protect your nails from harmful environmental influences as necessary. If it is windy or cold outside the window, be sure to wear gloves on your hands. Also, protective gloves should be worn when working with soil or household chemicals.
  2. It is important to do your manicure systematically. Clean the nails of dirt, carefully trim chips and holds to avoid pitting.
  3. It is recommended to use a moisturizing hand lotion as needed to retain moisture on nails and skin and to prevent pitting. Also, do not expose your hands to frequent exposure to moisture, as they can dry out and become cracked.
  4. It is useful as a treatment, as well as the prevention of dents on the nails, daily rubbing jojoba oil mixed with vitamin E into the nail plate and cuticle.

To reduce the dimples on the nails, experts advise using nail files to polish them. Polishing should be done with soft and gentle movements, without strong pressure on the nails. The procedure should be performed in one direction only. To eliminate the pits, you will need to carry out several polishing procedures.

In order to prevent the formation of pits on the nail plates, it is recommended to moisturize them with special moisturizers, as well as saturate them with vitamins and minerals.

As prescribed by the doctor, in addition to proper nutrition, drink vitamin complexes.

The appearance of pits on children's nails

Pits in the area of ​​the nails in a child can occur due to the influence of a humid environment, lack of vitamins, improper use of scissors or files, fungal disease, frequent ingestion of fingers in the mouth, as well as due to frequent injuries.

Influence of water and vitamins

Lack of fluid and vitamins in a child's body often leads to dry skin, as well as the appearance of pits on the nail plates.

If your baby's skin is dry and thin, the nails will be the same. Therefore, it is important to soften and moisturize them with special baby products for marigolds.

For the beauty of baby marigolds, it is important that the child eats foods rich in keratin, phosphorus, zinc, and carbonates.

The hardness and strength of the nail depends on how much keratin is able to retain water. For flexibility, it should be 14 percent water.

Rules for the care of baby marigolds

To prevent the formation of pits on children's nails, it is important to take proper care of them. The baby should have his own manicure set. Scissors should have sharp and rounded tips. After cutting the marigolds, file them with a nail file.

Fungal infection

Fungal disease can also cause pits in baby marigolds. If you find an ailment of the baby, show the doctor in order to carry out the necessary treatment. The specialist will prescribe treatment in effective ways. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the nail plates and the age of the little patient.

To prevent the appearance of pits, it is important to ensure that the baby does not bite his nails, and also protect them from injury.

Treatment of dents on the nails in children should be carried out only after the exact establishment of the cause of the pathology.

Now you know why pits appear on the nails in adults and children, as well as what methods help to eliminate them. If the dents have arisen due to the development of some kind of disease, it is important to carry out treatment after consulting a doctor. You should not engage in self-treatment, especially if the cause of the pits was a fungus.

Often, it is the nails that give out the state of health of their owner. Sloppy hands and misshapen nails can ruin even the most elegant and flawless look. unfortunately, today few people can boast of absolutely healthy and strong nails, and an uneven nail plate with many depressions and stripes is a very common problem. Why do waves appear on the nails and how to return them to their original appearance? In this article, we will try to answer a pressing question that worries both women and men.

What do uneven nails look like?

The problem of uneven nails looks different from person to person. "Waves" can be located both along and across, there can be a different number of tubercles and stripes, they can be deep or barely noticeable. It is better to study the number and depth of depressions on a note from the side, so to speak in the profile of the hand.

Often, uneven nails appear on the thumbs, since this area of ​​the hand accounts for the largest part of injuries and mechanical stress.

It so happens that the cavity does not go away, even as the plate grows back, and longitudinal waves appear even after the tuberous part of the nail has already been cut off. It is possible to get rid of a flaw only after finding out the reason for its appearance, sometimes consultation and specialist help is required.

Reasons why wavy fingernails

Often, various waves and bumps on the plate appear as a result of improper hand and nail care. Perhaps a manicure or pedicure was done incorrectly, a file that was too coarse to grind was used, or the cuticle was cut too sharply and not neatly. Also, waviness and deformation of the thumbnail can be associated with the presence of the addiction of gnawing and biting marigolds during nervous tension. In the future, any damage and improper movements can affect the condition of the nail.

In everyday life, you constantly have to contact with chemical components that are in the composition of detergents and cleaning agents. And, unfortunately, not every woman protects her hands with gloves during household chores, and over time, the nail collapses due to the negative influence of aggressive chemistry, the plate becomes weak, brittle and bumpy.

These are the most common and popular options for the appearance of relief on the nail. But these are far from the only reasons why nails become wavy, and the problem is not always purely cosmetic. In some cases, defects on the nail plate may be the first signals of the development of certain diseases or the presence of health problems.

It can be quite difficult to unambiguously determine the causes of dents on the nails of the hands. Therefore, if grooves and tubercles are found on the nail plate, the best solution would be to contact a qualified specialist, and in general, make it a habit to see a doctor annually, carry out a visual examination, take the required tests, and also inform the doctor if any changes have occurred. or there are problems in the body.

How to cure bumpy fingernails?

Before moving on to treating the problem, first you need to find and eliminate all sorts of reasons why nails grow in waves.

If the nails are waves, the reasons are infectious, for example, a fungus or other skin or nail lesion has appeared, then it is highly undesirable to self-medicate. The risk of complications is very high, and it is not uncommon for a "neglected" patient to require surgery and removal of the affected plate. Treatment should be comprehensive, with the use of antimicrobial and antifungal drugs, as well as the treatment of infected areas with lotions, ointments and creams.

But, regardless of the cause of ribbed nails, you can follow a set of measures and carry out medical procedures that will help cure the waviness of the nails, and in the future prevent the appearance of such a flaw.

  • , give preference to the ugly European manicure.
  • Wear gloves when in contact with water and household chemicals.
  • Give up nail extension for a while.
  • Too often do not polish the nails and excessively moisturize the cuticle and plate.
  • Use only high-quality care products and varnishes, and before decorative coating, apply a base or strengthening agent. Read more about strengthening nails.
  • Monitor the balance of your diet.
  • In order to prevent transverse dents or longitudinal waves from appearing on the nails, it is recommended to periodically drink special vitamin and mineral course preparations, especially in the autumn-spring period.

We have analyzed the most probable causes of crooked fingernails, it is quite possible to correct the situation, the main thing is to approach the problem with all seriousness.

Maybe you have your own answer to the question of why dents appear on the nails, and a personal proven way of how to overcome bumpy nails, we would be grateful if you share your experience in the comments.

Be flawless!

A long time ago, since the time of Hippocrates, scientists found out that the appearance of nails directly depends on the internal health of a person. Nowadays, a dermatologist can easily diagnose suspicions of a particular disease. All you need to do is look at your nails.

Before the operation, there is a mandatory requirement to remove the nail polish. Doctors watch for changes in their shade, which indicates the level of oxygen in the blood.

Self-diagnosis of nails

You need to start the diagnosis from the wells. In the east, it is believed that if a person does not have a hole on the thumb, this indicates mental problems.

The index finger nail stands for the health of the large intestine. Its changes speak of diseases in the gynecological field.

If the hole on the middle finger is missing, this means that the person may have problems with the blood supply system. With damage to the pituitary gland or neurosis of the heart, the holes may disappear. If you follow a healthy lifestyle, all the holes will return to their places, showing that your health is in perfect condition.

The ring finger nail indicates problems in the endocrine system.

An interesting feature is that the hole on the little finger disappears with age in some people. The little fingernail itself shows the state of the heart and small intestine. After years, it can be clogged with slags, and then the hole will simply disappear.

If there are small pits on the nails , a dermatologist may suspect psoriasis (but this happens infrequently - only in 10% of those observed). And here small holes and pores on the nails indicate pathologies of the spleen. Curvature of nails indicates oxygen starvation, lung condition, and heart disease. In this case, a visit to a doctor and examination is required. One of the signs of lupus is jagged red lines at the base of the nail. Melanoma is displayed with dark lines.

Healthy nails are often pink in color. Any deviations from the norm are a reason to check with a doctor and make sure that everything is in order with health. If the nails are yellow and peeling - it is possible that you have lung problems. White color speaks of problems with the liver, red - with the heart. White and pink nails indicate probable kidney problems, and yellowish blues may indicate diabetes.

If your nails are shiny as if they were covered with a transparent varnish - it is worth checking for hepatitis. Bluish nails may indicate a lack of oxygen. This leads to a huge chain of diseases, up to the fact that there may be fluid in the lungs.

White dots on the nails indicate that your body lacks the necessary vitamins. Sometimes a pale color and fragility of the nail plate is a sign of anemia, which means a lack of iron, and can also report problems with the metabolism of sugars in the body or drinking a lot of alcohol.

Are your nails too red? This could indicate an excess of red blood cells in your blood. But the pallor of the nails, on the contrary, indicates anemia and disturbances in the blood system.

If your nails grow poorly or do not grow at all, be sure to visit an endocrinologist - these may be symptoms of thyroid problems.

The habit of biting your nails talks about disorders of the nervous system, constant anxiety and gastritis.

A sign of bacterial endocarditis is stripes that look a bit like splinters (in fact, these are small hemorrhages). Similar streaks can also appear due to trichinosis.

If your nails are brittle and fragile , this can be the reason for a lack of minerals, hypovitaminosis and indicate your stressful condition. The body signals you that it is time to take care of yourself, rest, take a vacation and drink a course of multivitamin preparations.

The nail plate in healthy people is always even, but its ribbing can talk about a wide range of diseases, for example, about disorders of the cardiovascular or respiratory systems. It can also be a sign of anemia or a problem with the thyroid gland.

If you are 100% sure that you do not have any of the above diseases, but the nails still remain ribbed, then they do not have enough keratin (the material that makes up the nail plates). It can also indicate a lack of vitamin B or moisture and oils.

Healthy nails

Your nails will be in good condition if you do less treatment with cosmetics or direct contact with household chemicals. Dishwashing liquid, detergents and other chemicals damage nails and skin of the hands.

It is also important to monitor the condition of your nails, as well as a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. If you still have reasons for concern, do not delay your visit to the doctor. Do not miss the slightest change in the condition of the nail plates, so that it does not develop into serious health problems.