! Care of body skin. How long look young

These 9 months each woman tolerates in different ways, but skin care during pregnancy is a mandatory ritual. The skin undergoes various changes not always useful for it, so you need a soft supporting care, as well as getting rid of problems that are inevitable during this period. Hormonal restructuring of the body brings acne, pigment spots, dryness and stretching. But the correct preventive care will help you get rid of them.

Skin changes in the first trimester of pregnancy

The birth of a new life is valid for most future mothers peaceful. And even the condition of the skin in some lucky is dramatically improving, but not all. Most observe an unsightly picture in the mirror - the skin becomes overlooking, wrinkles appear, peeling, itching. And if there is also a toxicosis, which is the main culprit of the lack of beneficial substances in the body, the skin will be pale, "tired" with their shackles.

During this period, care for the skin of the face during pregnancy consists in maximum moisturizing. You should drink more water, take vitamin complexes for the purpose of the doctor, and try to get the necessary elements from the power supply. Outdoor care is mild cleansing, as well as the use of moisturizing creams and masks. The latter is better to do independently from various products. Do not use too aggressive cleansing agents. Preference is better to give tonics without alcohol and herbal real.

This is the period for the appearance of pigment spots. May increase the number of moles. In any case, the sun in the second trimester of pregnancy is not the best ally of the skin of the future mother. Therefore, it is better to apply funds with a high level of protection, going outside, if the second trimester fell on the summer. The stains most often appear on the face, hands, chest, as well as at the bottom of the abdomen. Other skin enemies - cellulite and stretching. The baby grows, and even the most elastic skin somewhat loses its properties in the process of pregnancy.

Many future mothers in this period begin swelling. Therefore, you should reconsider your diet, remove salt products from it, as the salt delays fluid in the body. At night, it is better not to drink a lot of water, but eat an apple or something from citrus. But the amount of protein in the diet should increase - the skin will become more elastic. In addition, vitamin E can be added to the usual cream (buy in capsules, pierce one of them and mix with the amount of cream to one application). For pregnant women showing a contrast shower and massage. Mandatory healthy sleep. After the shower, instead of the cream on the face and the body, it is possible to apply oil for a children's body after bathing - it will keep moisture and will fight from wrinkle.

Pigment stains are becoming even more. In addition, Cooperoz appears often. The last trimester of pregnancy is the hardest, both for the future mother and for her skin. Weakened immunity also makes itself felt - the body clings infections, including fungal and papilloma virus. It should be strengthened, it can be repeated with the permission of the doctor to drink a vitamin course. The skin and body skin needs to be carefully cleaned, moisturize and feed. It is not necessary to use too strong means - soaps with antibacterial effect, natural masks, massage, baby oil for the body, as well as a light moisturizing cream quite enough.

Do not know how to carefully clean the skin during pregnancy? If the skin needs peeling - it is better to apply kiwi flesh. In this fruit there are many acids and he whits the skin.

Power should be moderate, you need to drink enough water. Fish, vegetables, fruits, low-fat meat, dairy products will be useful. Masks during this period are good from oatmeal and avocado, banana and sour cream, you can add honey. But it should be remembered that in the process of pregnancy, the skin can respond to some allergies products even if it was not before that. The vulnerability of the body is increased.

A sharp change in the hormonal background is the reason for the appearance of acne and black dots. And the increased load on the body and the cluster of sodium leads to a violation of the water-salt balance and the appearance of edema. They add pigment stains, a tendency to cooperose, stretching, so care for the body and face very carefully and thoughtfully. Pregnancy is a natural process, and not a reason to wave as your hand.

A comprehensive approach is needed - proper nutrition, compliance with water regime, receiving vitamins for pregnant women, selection of safe cosmetics. Massage and contrasting souls will also come across the way. They will help save the skin elastic and quickly bring it into a normal state after delivery. And the shower is also an excellent vessel training, as well as the prevention of the cooperous mesh.

Want to know how cosmetologists advise to take care during skin pregnancy? Then look this video:

Important! Caring for itself must be regular. Many skin problems may not appear if you take care of it in advance.

A poorly removing ring with a finger, problems when equipping shoes, bags under the eyes and endlessness - all this swelling. Most often, they concern the future mother in the second half of pregnancy, when the increasing load causes the kidneys to work slower. In addition, the water-salt balance is broken. With edema can be struggling as follows:

  • Smaller saline. Such products cause thirst, and sodium delays water in the body;
  • Drink enough water is at least 2 liters per day. We can not replace water, juice and other drinks. For the night, it's not worth drinking too much;
  • Do not eat directly before bedtime. It also leads to the appearance of edema. The last meal must be 3 hours before sleep. In the extreme case, you can drink a glass of milk or kefira.

From the outer means of the edema, grafting from the beam parsley, grated potatoes, ice from the infusion of daisies. You can attach and used tea bags, only tea should be without additives. Face care for the night may include applying a mask or cream, but no later than 2 hours before sleep. In general, after it turned out to be pregnant to creams should be treated with caution. Be sure to check the composition and prefer natural ingredients.

Increased production of progesterone is the reason for the appearance of acne in pregnant women. Although the skin becomes more dry, but the wrong power and mode can increase the production of skin saline. In addition, reduced immunity also causes various rash. You need to do the following:

  • Control power. It is better not to get involved in cakes, cakes, sausages and smoked. Incorrect operation of the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy will be completely overweight and the appearance of acne;
  • Clean the skin and deal with acne with high-quality means, which are safe for the future mother and baby. From caring drugs, you can sometimes use a soft scrub or peeling rice. Once a week, a black clay mask should be made, which fights with acne;
  • It is better not to abuse decorative cosmetics, but if you urgently need to hide redness or traces of acne - to do it with a matting powder on a mineral basis.

The fiber, sufficient amount of water, the proper nutrition will help keep the skin clean and beautiful. And special cosmetics - cope with unpleasant problems.

In the second trimester, the skin of a pregnant woman begins to produce melatonin hard and pigment spots may appear. After childbirth, they will gradually pass, but you can apply something now to brighten them and do less noticeable. For example, wipe the skin of the face with lemon juice, which has a whitening effect. You can lubricate stains with castor oil. Efficiency products are also suitable for combating them. There are also special creams that discolor pigment stains.

What to do to make pigment spots do not appear? The cream with high protection against sunlight is preferably children's - it is with a more natural composition. Face care after pregnancy will be more expanded and productive.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period. Disadvantages that appear in the process are temporary, and properly selected care will allow to get rid of them. Walking outdoors, calm sleep, proper nutrition is important for the baby, and for the future mother. And natural cosmetics will make the skin beautiful even in this difficult period.

Skin care during pregnancy is a whole complex of both preventive and therapeutic cosmetic measures aimed at facilitating changes inherent in this state. Pregnancy affects absolutely all aspects of the vital activity of the female organism. Among them and the condition of the skin and hair. And all this is manifested in different ways: someone's hair acquires luxury and glitter, the skin glows, and someone, on the contrary, suffers from dry skin or acne. In the publication, consider the most frequently arising problems and methods for their solution.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman

The non-standard functioning of the internal system organs during pregnancy is laid at the genetic level. Future mothers should be prepared for the consequences of hormone failure, which are manifested in the form of the following manifestations on the skin of the face and body:

Redness and rash

Already in the first trimester, skin faces certain difficulties. With an increase in the development of progesterone - hormone, ensuring pregnancy, the amount of estrogen falls. It affects the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, their productivity can decrease, and thus the skin will become more susceptible to external influences: with a decrease in secretion, it can rehabilitate, lose moisture and very sharply react literally on everything from meteorographs to microorganisms. Especially subject to this place where skin and so dry due to the small number of sebaceous glands.

In addition, increasing the content of progesterone sometimes provokes skin inflammation - the so-called progesterone dermatitis. It is manifested by redness and peeling of the skin. Can also dry and start sneaking hair.

Against the background of changes in the hormonal balance can begin eating rashes. The peculiarity of this problem is that acne during pregnancy can not be treated with familiar methods: peeling, sparking, deep cleaning, because these procedures can affect the skin with increased sensitivity. Use soft cleaning agents, do not forget to moisturize and feed the skin and hair. After consulting a gynecologist, you can start receiving vitamin complexes - in addition to the general strengthening of the body, vitamins will be needed and your skin.

How is it still instantly remove wrinkles and bags Under the eyes?
Oddly enough, the answer to this unresolved question was found in one remarkable article. Its author is a young 38-year-old woman - described in detail how she managed to almost immediately get rid of deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes, without cosmetics, botox and other well-known methods of rejuvenation.

Skin pigmentation

During pregnancy, many future mothers may notice the appearance of pigment spots on the body. It can be both simply red spots on the face and new moles throughout the body. This also includes the darkening of the nipples and the appearance of the vertical strip from the navel. In general, this is a normal phenomenon, and most of these symptoms will leave with the normalization of the hormonal background. An exception is fast-growing moles, pigment stains of uneven color or changing their color. In this case, be sure to refer to the dermatologist.

During pregnancy, you need to take care of the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet. Sunlight can contribute to the rapid development of already emerging formations, so do not neglect the sunscreen at any time of the year.

Stretching on belly and hips

This is one of the most burning problems of future mothers. The reason for stretch marks is all the same change in hormonal background: with a lack of estrogen, the skin loses elasticity and elasticity. And since during this period the body is actively changing, the skin does not have time to stretch and deform. It is especially clear that this happens in those places where she has to stretch greatly: belly, sides, hips, chest. Stretch marks may have a pink or purple color - in any case, this is the option of the norm, later they will be brightened and become whites.

To minimize the number of stretch marks and the likelihood of their appearance, it is important to monitor your lifestyle and power mode. In any case, you should not neglect the right nutrition: you already gain weight, and excess sweets and baking make this process rapidly. This may negatively affect not only the skin, but also on the spine, joints.

Pay attention to the content of vitamin E in its diet. Even if you are taking vitamin complexes, do not neglect additional sources of tocopherol: gentle cereals, grain, vegetables, unrefined vegetable oils. This vitamin protects the destruction of cell membranes.

Vitamin E for skin during pregnancy

This substance can be applied and externally. Pay attention to the creams or gels against stretch marks containing vitamin E. They can be used as prophylaxis since the end of the first trimester until the skin began to stretch.

In addition, as prevention is not only stretching, but the cellulite is perfectly suited. It can be like light skin plug in risk areas and rubbing with a rough brush or a mitten while taking a soul (ideally contrast).

Vienna and capillaries

Contrast and visible vascular asterisks most often appear on the legs, but can be detected on other parts of the body. This, too, most often there is nothing terrible, but if Vienna, especially on the legs, begin to perform too, consult a phlebologist.

Remember that almost all changes taking place with your body during this period are quite reversible. Even if the skin's skin deteriorated during pregnancy, you can gently care for her, patiently waiting for the body's return to the norm after delivery. Many of these symptoms and problems can be prevented or facilitated if you know that they may arise. Listen to your body, indulge it, and it will thank you with good well-being and beauty of skin and hair.

A complex of face care measures

Unpleasant manifestations faced by a pregnant woman, we looked. So that they do not poison the lives of all nine months, it is necessary to use an integral face care approach during pregnancy.

First of all you need to take care of diet. It is necessary to limit the use of salt, spices, products saturated with poor cholesterol. They lead to the clapperiness of the body and violation of the water-salt balance. It is better to use more fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, fermented milk products, low-fat varieties of meat, purified water. No need to overeat, it is better to eat more often and small portions. You can not overeat for the night, the last meal must be 4 hours before sleep. Take a complex of vitamins, previously consulted with a doctor.

The second important stage in care is creamand massage. Moisturize and sweat the skin with cosmetics, which include elastin, vitamins B, D, and E. Do 5 minutes per day point massage. It enhances the outflow of lymph and blood, increases the elasticity of the dermis:

  • with the help of a large and index finger with a circular movement by massaging the point at the bottom of the chin, and then on the forehead;
  • without much effort, we squeeze the skin from the center of the face in the direction of temporal depressions, we repeat 2-3 times;
  • from the corners of the eyes to the urnesses of the ears perform lung pressure.

Give the skin the opportunity to breathe. Facial care for pregnancy is properly selected cosmetics that will help localize the problem. Do not load the face by identical ointments, causing one after another. Use a light moisturizing cream in the morning clock, and for the night - nutrient serum. 2 times a week With the help of scrubies and peels, it is necessary to clean the skin. Use cosmetic masks based on plant components every three days. Avoid direct impact on the skin of the sunlight with creams with SPF protection.

We ask how to care for the skin of the face during pregnancy, you need to understand that for sensitive skin of the future mother, the high-quality medical decorative cosmetics is suitable. And in the summer, it is generally better to minimize the application of cosmetics.

Skin care around the eyes during pregnancy

Special attention in the period of tooling the fetus requires delicate skin around the eyes. In due care, it needs constantly, but for the future mother this question is especially relevant. Physiological changes lead to the appearance of mimic wrinkles and dryness of cover. To help keep the skin with a flawless look, follow simple recommendations when performing the main maintenance stages:

Folk ways to care for the skin of a pregnant woman

Our grandmothers always managed to look flawlessly. The secret of their youth and beauty in the use of folk agents. Cosmetics cooked with their own hands, has a careful effect and helps to return the skin a healthy appearance. Here are some recipe time-tested:

For those who have left skin care issues during pregnancy, we offer to watch videos with lots of useful information for future mothers:


Many modern "future" mothers use the services of a cosmetologist. The use of high-tech equipment in aggregate with the professionalism of the wizard guarantees clean and shining skin. Skin care is possible at home. This is a less expensive, but very effective way. The main thing is to choose the means. Products should be gentle, but simultaneously valid. Some ingredients that can have an adverse effect on the fruit are excluded.

In continuation of the topics of care during pregnancy, let's talk about the skin of the face. In this post, we disassembled all the nuances of the face care during pregnancy, based on the recommendations of cosmetologists, gynecologists and neonatologists.

Daily face care during pregnancy

The skin of the face during pregnancy is often changing. Most often it becomes either too dry or too fat. Therefore, it is worth thinking about building a new care program.

In addition, care should be soft. The use of serious anti-air of funds and aggressive tools for problem skin is better to leave for later. Such cosmetics contains active ingredients, many of which are included in the list not recommended during pregnancy.

Let's talk in detail about the three basic phases of the face of the face and their features during pregnancy.

Demaciazh and cleansing

To remove makeup, use the most natural items with a "simple" composition, for example, micellar water. For dry skin, milk will fit perfectly. It is not overwhelmed, but on the contrary additionally moisturizes and will calm down.

For washing during pregnancy, be sure to start. On the label in the composition there should be no components with the word sulfate (Sulphate). Instead of sulfates, soft seals must be present, for example: cocamidopropylbetain (Cocamidopropyl Betaine), Kokat Sodium Sodium Cocoate, Cocoamfoacetate sodium (Sodium CocoamphoaceTate), Lauril glucoside Lauryl Glucoside).

These means gently remove dust and skin fat, without damaging the epidermal barrier.


Refuse therapeutic and alcohol lotions. Excessively active ingredients are not recommended for pregnant women, and the alcohol is strongly dried and can additionally provoke pigmentation.

Choose a light tonic, the most natural in the composition. Well fit. But remember that all of them have a soft, but fairly specific "vegetable" smell, which can cause unpleasant sensations in pregnant women. It is better to smell before buying.

Regardless of skin type:

  • in the cold time in the morning we apply a nutrient cream, and at night moisturizing.
  • in the warmth (when the temperature begins to hold above +7) - meals for the night, and moisturizing in the morning.

During pregnancy, pay attention to neutral creams from pharmaceutical grades. Their advantage for future mothers in high-quality, but not strongly active ingredients. The mass market is often sinning cheap and dubious preservatives. And professional creams are usually saturated with active ingredients that now we are completely nothing to do.

Talking about the neutrality of the cream, we mean not only the absence of allergens (essential oils, strong fonders, etc.), but also that the cream only performs basic functions - food and moisturizing, but does not solve specific skin problems - that is, does not whiten , does not mature, does not fight acne, etc., set aside for these problems for later. Now it is important to maintain natural skin health.

For moisturia, cream with hyaluronic acid or scarlet, and for nutrition - with natural oils.

Intensive care for the face during pregnancy

Let's talk about the procedures you need to do 1-2 times a week.

Deep purification

The use of any cleaning devices is categorically contraindicated for future mothers (ultrasound, laser, etc.). By the way, the same applies to Darsonval and various electric mass machines. Their impact on the kid is completely not studied, and the benefits in the case of cosmetology cannot exceed potential harm.

Manual face cleaning at the cosmetologist - the procedure is quite painful. Therefore, it is also contraindicated to future mothers. In addition, such cleaning can provoke a serious inflammatory process in the skin, and the weakened immunity of pregnant women will not be able to cope with it properly. Therefore, do not risk and wait with professional cleaning until the end of pregnancy.

No competent cosmetologist knowing that you are pregnant, will not write you to this procedure.

Nutritional masks

Especially important for dry skin during pregnancy. These are dense cream masks with valuable lipids and oils in the composition.

The skin around the eyes during pregnancy needs special attention. Since, due to the general trend towards dryness and dehydration, mimic wrinkles may appear. Therefore, a good hypoallergenic is your best friend.

Lips during pregnancy

Sponges during pregnancy also often suffer from excessive dryness, peeling and even crack. Well, if your lip balm will contain physical SPF, natural oils and waxes. A couple of times a week you can make a light peeling for lips with the help of a scrub or the same cellulose sponge, and for the night a thick layer to apply shea, cocoa or NIMA oil. From the enzyme lip balms like Lucas Papay is better to refuse.

Decorative cosmetics. What is worth painting a face during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time to switch to mineral decorative cosmetics. Minerals are maximally neutral. In the mass market and professional cosmetics there are toxic components, rigid preservatives and potential allergens, which before the skin could not respond. Now that the immunity of the already weakened, their presence in the composition of cosmetics can become a problem. Therefore, minerals are the best decorative cosmetics for pregnant women.


The face care during pregnancy should be soft, with the most natural in the composition of the funds. No hardware procedures, minimum of aggressive, deeply penetrating the skin components.

Direct the forces on the soft cleansing and maintenance of natural skin immunity. After childbirth and the end of lactation, all serious cosmetics and procedures will not only be safer for you, but more efficiently.

More wisdom for future mothers:

Love yourself, stay beautiful and enjoy your "interesting position."

Specify the questions and share your face careers during pregnancy in the comments.

Each person, regardless of gender and age, wants to remain slim and attractive. During intensive discharge or set of mass, first of all, skin covers suffer, because a larger amount of fat is under the skin. Therefore, in order to keep beauty, during weight loss, it is necessary to pay external covers of the skin increased attention.

Read more

So what happens during the loss of adipose tissue? Nature provides a special mechanism in which the reserves of epidermis elasticity reserves are involved - it can be quite strongly stretched (with overweight or pregnancy) and tighten, restoring a normal form and tone. But these processes proceed not instantly, the body needs some time to perform such actions. That is why doctors and cosmetologists insist that reduce body weight need gradually, in order to avoid health problems and appearance, including excessive dryness, appearance of folds of flabby skin, wrinkles, stretch marks. This is especially true if the doctor allowed you to receive specialized drugs, such as xenical, which significantly accelerate weight loss. In any case, if you have to get rid of even from a few kilograms, do not forget about the proper skin care of the whole body.

First of all, as neither paradoxically, follow the normal content of fats and proteins in food. They are necessary for healthy skin. Take vitamin and mineral complexes if you do not get enough of them enough. Another prerequisite - drink at least one and a half or two liters of water per day - this will help prevent dehydration of the epidermis and other body organs. Do not forget about sports and exercise, they not only accelerate weight loss, but also contribute to the increase in skin tone. Aquaeverobics and fitness are especially effective. Non-light help will be wrapping (especially with essential oils), body scrubs, sea salt and massage.

Appropriate care requires a person, because it also loses weight. Maintain the elasticity of the gentle skin of the face with the help of cosmetic massage and masks that contribute to strengthening blood circulation, power and hydration. Compliance with these advice will help you not only significantly improve the appearance after weight loss, but also for a long time to hold weight in the normal limits.

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But many problems can be prevented if you know about them in advance.

Skin pigmentation

The complexion during pregnancy can change. Sometimes they say even about mask pregnant women - Light brown pigment stains that appear on the forehead or on the cheeks. Sometimes future mothers note that they are much easier than before blush , covered with a light blush in the field of ears, eyelids, cheeks. It is completely harmless, the pigment stains go by themselves after childbirth, and the ability to blush about and without it will gradually disappear.

Often there is an increase in pigmentation on the whole body. In the body of a pregnant woman, more estrogen and progesterons are produced, and on this hormonal background can somewhat darkened nipples, pigment spots and moles. During this period, it is advisable to avoid open sunny rays and ultraviolet irradiation - do not go outside without sunscreen and reliable headdress.

Do not attempt to correct the situation with the help of peeling and bleaching procedures - during pregnancy, the skin becomes very sensitive, and aggressive actions can affect it in the best way.


Sometimes pregnancy presents not the most pleasant surprises in the form of a variety of skin rashes. It can be:

Acne (acne rash)

Appears against the background of a changed hormonal background. Do not attempt to clean the skin yourself using deep cleansing, sparking, etc. During pregnancy, it is better to use gentle oils, gently cleaning the skin. Your body needs now in an increased amount of vitamins A and E (you can take them in the complex - for example, in the preparation "Aevit"), but it should be previously consulted with a gynecologist.


This unpleasant phenomenon is often accompanied by redness and itching. Pay attention to underwear - it must be made of pure cotton. Try more often to air the skin so that it can breathe freely. You can lubricate areas of rash with diluted lemon juice - it also helps to cope with rash.

With itching (more often, it appears in the field of the sacrum, but sometimes there arises throughout the body) Vitamins A and D will help. Add olive oil to the diet, do not forget about carrots, yolk, fatty varieties of sea fish, orange vegetables and fruits, germinated wheat And nuts. Castor oil can be applied to itchy places.

Venous trouble

Venous "spiders" and "stars" on the legs also often appear precisely during pregnancy - they often pass by themselves, although just in case it would be nice to seem well with such a phenomenon of phlebologist.

Stretch marks

This is a separate problem that is very worried about future mothers. Unfortunately, the tendency to stretch for most women genetic. So ask your mother - if at her pregnancy there was such a problem, you will need to turn to the skin of the chest, hips and belly special attention.

Stretch marks (they are "stripes of pregnancy", they are stria) appear as a result of changing the hormonal background. The skin lacks proteins and elastin, so it begins to throw out (especially, in those places where it is most stretched). Intragean breaks The body seeks to "close up" as quickly as possible, increasing the connecting tissue (just as the wound is healing after injury). First, the connecting tissue has a pink or purple tint, then the number of blood vessels decreases in it, and it becomes whiten, and even during the tanning does not change its color.

How to warn the stretching

  • Eat right , not fond of sweets and baking. This, on the one hand, will help not gain excess weight, on the other hand, will have a beneficial effect on the skin. As we found out, the skin is especially needed proteins (of which collagen and elastin are synthesized), as well as vegetables (source of vitamins, carotenoids and other beneficial substances). By the way, about vitamins. Pay attention to vitamin E (tocopherol). It is believed that it is he who protects the membranes of cells from oxidative destruction. If you are taking complex vitamins for pregnant women, then it is part of almost all complexes. But, perhaps, you need additional sources of vitamin E. It is especially much in grain products, seedlings (wheat, rye, pea), in vegetables - tomatoes, salad, peas, spinach, parsley, rosehip. Excellent source of vitamin E - unrefined vegetable oils: sunflower, soy, cotton, peanut, corn, sea buckthorn.
  • Impact outside. Vitamin E will help with external use - it (together with other fat-soluble vitamins) is part of most special means "from stretch marks" (gels, creams, oils). They can be applied, starting from the third month of pregnancy, while the skin has not yet been very strongly stretched. Lubricate the "risk zone" before bedtime, it will help to enhance the activities of fibroblasts - cells that produce collagen and elastin.
  • External support. Wear a specially selected prenatal bandage. It will help to reduce the load on the spine, the muscles of the abdominal press. But still try not to abuse, the muscles should work and themselves. If you are at home, then we carry it about 2 hours with a two-hour break so that the abdominal muscles worked and independently.

The more elastic your skin will be, the easier it is to cope with stretch marks. BUT skin elasticity can be enhanced by the following methods. :

  • Cold and hot shower. It perfectly improves blood circulation and makes the skin more elastic. Here's how to properly spend this procedure. At the beginning, water should be a comfortable temperature. After that, you turn on the hot water as much as possible (but if you have never taken a contrasting shower before, try to soften the contrast of temperatures, alternate indoor and cold temperatures). After 30 seconds, hot water overlap and open cold - for 20-30 seconds. Then - hot again. So you should repeat 3-5 times. Finish the procedure with cold velocity. An important point - the contrasting souls can not be applied if you have a threat of pregnancy interrupt!
  • A simple and effective means - massage, especially in combination with stretch marks. Try, for example, a plumbing massage, in which the skin is easily compressed and delayed. Perform a massage in the "risk zones" for 10 minutes. By the way, this is an excellent prevention of cellulite. For massage, you can also use not very rigid brushes or mittens from horse-eye (dry or wet, during a bath or soul). Mass the skin with small circles, trying not to put pressure on it too much. Massage is always conducted from the periphery to the center - from the limbs to the heart. If you use a finger massager, do not forget to lubricate the skin with special cream or gel.

Problems with skin during pregnancy is not fatal, but they make you pay serious attention to your diet and lifestyle. Listen to the signals of your body!

Inessa Smyk