Well-groomed hands are easy. How to get your hands well-groomed

There is no woman who would refuse to look younger and more beautiful. But there are "traitors" who at first glance betray the real age, and sometimes even add a couple of years. One of these traitors is the skin of the hands. The fact that the hands usually look older than the rest of the body is known to all women, because our hands are doing something all the time and much more often than other parts of the body suffer from exposure to chemicals and other negative factors.

One of the features of the skin of the hands is that it is very thin, much thinner than even the skin on the face. At the same time, it is often washed, wiped and subjected to other harmful influences. To preserve the youth and health of this thin and delicate skin, you need to make some efforts, but you can do without a lot of money, since many help no worse than factory ones. The main thing is to remember what and how to do, and not to be lazy.

Exfoliation is the first step in hand care

It may seem that we are already too often exposed to the skin of our hands, and all dead cells are washed away during washing dishes, washing, cleaning, etc. But really Exfoliating dead cells with a special scrub is an integral part of hand care.

You can use any face or body scrub you like to cleanse your hands, or you can make a very effective scrub yourself. To do this, you need a teaspoon of brown sugar (you can use regular sugar) and a little of any. Coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, or whatever you find in the kitchen is fine. After peeling, you can rub your hands with lemon juice or milk. This will help eliminate and prevent skin darkening, which often begins with age.

Sunlight is the enemy of youthful skin

Although today a beautiful tan is one of the attributes of a well-groomed woman, it must be remembered that under the influence of sunlight collagen, which is the building material for our skin, is destroyed. If it becomes less, the skin becomes thinner, it loses its elasticity and acquires wrinkles. That is why, after going out into the sun in the evening, it is necessary to use a nourishing cream. And before going outside, it is advisable to apply with an ultraviolet filter. It is advisable to have such a cream in your purse at all times and apply after each hand wash.

In winter, it is necessary to give preference to more fatty nourishing creams. Several times a week, you can thickly apply this cream on your hands before going to bed and wear thin cotton gloves. In the morning, your hands will become soft and silky, and all the negative effects of the cold will be nullified.

The correct choice of detergent is the key to youthful hand skin

Our hands are too often affected by detergents. There is no way to reduce this influence in the modern way of life, therefore it is necessary to make its harm to a minimum. For washing hands, dishes, etc. it is best to use mild products with glycerin and use hand cream after each wash.

Antibacterial soap is not the best choice. It greatly dries out the skin and kills all bacteria, both harmful and beneficial. Endless treatments with antibacterial wet wipes also do not lead to anything good. It is necessary to understand that most of the bacteria that we encounter on a daily basis do not pose any threat to us and we do not need to fight them, all the more, harming ourselves.

It is important to choose the right temperature for hand washing. It should be comfortably warm. Too hot or cold water will dry out the skin. If you are used to washing dishes in very hot water, it is better to switch to cooler water. In this case, the harm from a good dishwashing detergent will be much less than from regular exposure to high temperatures.

Homemade recipes for hand beauty

Very often, simple home skin care products are more effective than expensive commercial creams. The only drawback is that the shelf life of such funds is usually short-lived, and they must be stored in the refrigerator. But the price and quality will please.

To make homemade hand cream, you can take a tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of butter. You also need to prepare an infusion of medicinal herbs, you can take chamomile, calendula or any herb with a pleasant aroma. We mix all the ingredients to get a homogeneous composition that resembles a cream in consistency. Such a cream brings excellent results if it is applied at night under cotton gloves.

Every week you can make masks for nourishing and moisturizing hand masks. To prepare such a mask, you need to take a tablespoon of almond and olive oil and a little coconut oil, the yolk of one egg, a tablespoon of glycerin and the juice of one lemon. Stir all this and add 100 ml of herbal infusion and 20 ml of rose water. The volume of the mask will turn out to be rather big, so you need to store it in the refrigerator. Before applying the mask, you need to peel with a scrub, and apply the mask to the skin for 20-25 minutes. After that, the mask is washed off with warm water, it is also advisable to apply a nourishing cream.

A very useful procedure is herbal hand bath. The right herbal decoction helps to soothe the skin, brighten it and make it firmer. To make an effective and inexpensive hand bath, mix a tablespoon each of chamomile, calendula, nettle, sage and coltsfoot and pour in a liter of water. Everything is heated together in a steam bath, and then cools down to a temperature that is pleasant for the hands. In a warm infusion, it is necessary to lower the hands for 20 minutes, then wipe and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

How to heal cracks and calluses on your hands

If your hands often have cracks, the first step is to visit a doctor, as this may be a symptom of certain diseases. Also, cracks on the hands may indicate hypovitaminosis. If medical research has not found any health problems, then a special healing tea will help cure the cracks. This tea is prepared from chamomile, lime blossom, etc. Baths with such an infusion must be done daily until the cracks are completely healed.

Dry calluses are much more difficult to deal with. Contrast baths usually help with this. Hands must be steamed in hot water and soap, and then lowered into cold water and so repeat several times. When the corn has softened, rub it with a brush and apply a nourishing fat cream. After several such procedures, there will be no trace of the callus.

Very good for dry calluses on the elbows and vegetable oil. You can use absolutely any oil that can be found at home - olive, sunflower, linseed. It just needs to be applied to the elbows or kept in oil baths. The longer you can keep your elbows in oil, the sooner the calluses will disappear without a trace.

Correctly chosen nail polish will emphasize the beauty and youthfulness of hands (Video: "How to choose nail polish")

Even the smoothest and youngest skin of the hands will not save the day if the nails look not well-groomed. That's why manicure must be done at least once a week... Which manicure to choose, edged or gentle is a matter of taste, but it must be done regularly and correctly. It must also be remembered that with a trimmed manicure, the cuticle grows much faster, therefore, it must be done more often.

It is very important to choose the right nail polish. For those who do not have enough time for regular nail care, it is better to choose a colorless varnish or gel coating. It lasts longer than a simple colored varnish and, even if it is slightly damaged, it will not be conspicuous. Those who paint their nails regularly can be advised to choose the color of the varnish depending on the length. Dark colors work well on short nails, while light pastel shades can be preferred for long nails.

If you want to look stylish and modern, forget about bright paintings and rhinestones on your nails. Today it looks vulgar and cheap, even despite the high cost of such a manicure. Remember, the best hand decoration is ageless velvety skin, not bright nails.

Every woman should take care of her hands. Hands are the main source of information about their owner. They will talk about your lifestyle, habits, attitude towards your appearance. Every successful woman should have beautiful hands. This is a visiting card of the fair sex! Well-groomed pens are not only a chic and expensive manicure. The nails and skin of the hands must be healthy!

Hands should be looked after regularly. Protect your hands from cold air, water, dust particles and household products. Remember to wear gloves to do this. If your skin comes into contact with chemical elements, it threatens the loss of moisture and fat. Your skin suffers greatly from contact with washing powders, dishwashing detergent, household products. It becomes dry, loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear on it. After washing the dishes, apply a cream to the handles that suits your skin type. If you are going for a walk, protect your hands from frost or heat. The corresponding cream can help you with this too. Use a mild scrub once a week. This remedy will help get rid of dead skin cells.

How else can you make your hands beautiful and well-groomed?

1. Peeling mask with grapes.

Take the pulp of grapes and rolled oats to be ground. You must choose such proportions that the resulting mass will not flow and crumble. Apply the mask to your hands and massage them in circular motions for about 5 minutes. Wash the handles with warm water and grease them with a special cream.

2. Mask of eggs for your hands.

Before going to bed, rub a special gruel into the skin of your hands. You can get this mixture by using the yolk, a tablespoon of honey, and a teaspoon of oatmeal flour. Wear fabric gloves. Already in the morning, the skin of the hands will become very soft and pleasant to the touch.

3. Hand mask with honey and glycerin.

This mask perfectly softens the skin of the hands and eliminates flaking. Take a teaspoon of glycerin and honey. Add 2 tablespoons of water. Take a teaspoon of wheat flour and add to the resulting mixture. The mask is kept on the skin of the hands for about 20 minutes.

You can rub lemon juice into the nail plates. This procedure helps to keep your nails healthy and strong! Rub the juice into your nails before going to bed. Don't forget about the salt baths. When you finish this procedure, rub vitamins A and E into the nail plate. This massage will give you real pleasure! You can lubricate your hands with olive oil. After that, you need to put on cotton gloves and hold the olive oil for about 15 minutes. It should be completely absorbed. Your nails will be strong, healthy and will not break.

These simple tips will help you become the owner of well-groomed and beautiful pens. Remember: everything should be perfect in a woman! And hands are no exception. Start caring for your hands and you will notice that your efforts are paying off. The admiring glances of men are yours!

Hands, as well as the neck, immediately give away a woman's age, especially if they are not looked after. If you have dry, slightly rough skin on your hands from constant work, the recipes I offer will help you perform a small miracle. With their help, you will soften and smooth the skin of your hands.

For rough, dry, chapped or chapped skin of the hands, the following procedure is useful: boil 5 potatoes, grind into gruel and add 5 tablespoons of milk. Apply the gruel to your hands or immerse them in a container with the mixture for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and cold milk, apply a nourishing cream.

The following mask softens and smoothes the skin of the hands: mash boiled potatoes with milk and add a little vegetable oil (1 tablespoon). Immerse your hands in the mixture for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water, dry thoroughly and apply a nourishing cream.

In winter, when the skin flakes, turns red and becomes rough, use this procedure: 1-2 times a week in the evenings, make 15 - minute baths of strained potato broth. After the bath, grease your hands with a greasy cream and put on gloves.

Slices of raw potatoes soften, whiten and rejuvenate the skin of the hands.

The darkened, dirty skin of the hands is whitened with gruel from boiled potatoes, milk and lemon juice.

Add a little vegetable oil to the water where the potatoes were boiled, hold your hands in such a bath (10 minutes), then lubricate with a fat cream, lightly massaging the skin.

A bath of an aqueous solution of starch (a tablespoon of starch per 1 liter of water) will soften the rough skin of the hands. After the procedure, dry your hands and apply the cream. Baths should be done daily at night until the desired result is obtained.

To make your hands look like the hands of English aristocrats, that is, they are white and soft, try to massage with a mixture of glycerin and starch every evening. The components are taken in equal amounts.

Bran bath is one of the most effective remedies for softening the skin and making it silky. Especially good in the cold season: mix half a glass of bran and a glass of boiling water in a bowl. Wait for the bran to cool and immerse your hands in it. Hold for five to seven minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands in warm water and dry thoroughly. You can soak as often as you like.

To soften, soften and soften the skin of your hands, use egg white: break the white of one egg into a bowl (the yolk can be used on the skin of the face), put your hands in a container and start vigorously rubbing the white into the skin. Be sure to rub into your palms and fingers. After 1-2 minutes of this effective massage, wash your hands in warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

It is said that a woman's true age can be determined by the way her hands look.

Small wrinkles, cracks, swollen veins, unkempt nails, dry skin are all signs of age-related changes.

And sometimes it happens that a woman hides her age. Therefore, first of all, she needs to pay attention to her hands.

First, let's talk about what not to do.

At first, is to lift weights. Gynecologists forbid women to lift bags weighing more than 10 kg. But severity has a bad effect not only on the internal organs. From prolonged and systematic dragging of weight on the hands, veins appear very clearly, and it looks just awful.

Secondly, wash dishes exclusively with rubber gloves, in extreme cases, you can buy a mild detergent-balm.

Thirdly, take off jewelry, rings, bracelets at night. They interfere with normal blood circulation, as a result of which blood does not flow to the fingers, and swelling occurs.

Now let's talk about what we need to do to make our hands look young, healthy and beautiful.

The first assistant in this will be simple gymnastics. You can do it in the morning, in the evening and in your spare time in the afternoon. Keep your hands relaxed on the table or knees for a minute or two. Then begin to clench your fingers into a fist with sharp movements, each time increasing the pace. Now count your fingers, taking turns bending and unbending them. Everything. Gymnastics stirred up your joints a little, dispersed the blood, to which, undoubtedly, your hands will say "thank you!"

Next, let's talk about hygiene.
We all know the rule that you need to wash your hands with soap and water before eating. There are a lot of different pathogenic microbes and bacteria around us, which can penetrate through the smallest cracks and scratches on your hands and cause skin inflammation. Wash your hands preferably with mild soap and glycerin or liquid soap. After washing, hands should be wiped dry with a towel. If you do not have the opportunity to wash your hands after traveling on public transport, use a special antiseptic gel, or, as a last resort, a damp cloth.

Do not forget to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream before bed.... And in the morning, before going to work, especially if the weather is windy, then use a moisturizer. In winter, in frosty weather, be sure to wear gloves, otherwise not only the skin of the hands will suffer, but also the nails. The cream must be rubbed in with light circular movements, at the same time the skin receives a relaxing massage session, the blood rushes in and saturates the skin with useful nutrients.

There are also many popular recipes. to help you get your hands in perfect condition.
Honey masks perfectly soften the skin. Mix equal parts honey and egg yolk. Apply the mixture to the skin of your hands, hold it for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Kefir or yogurt trays will make your skin more shiny and supple. Put a few drops of lemon juice in a bowl with warm curdled milk and hold your hands there for 15 minutes.

For dry and inflamed skin of the hands a strawberry mask helps well. Mash 2 tablespoons of chopped strawberries with 1 tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese. Apply a generous layer of the mixture to the back of your hands, and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The cucumber mask perfectly moisturizes both the skin of the face and the skin of the hands. It is necessary to chop in a blender or grate a cucumber on a fine grater until a gruel forms, put it on your hands and wear fabric gloves. Hold for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Any woman who respects herself should take care of her hands and nails at least once a week, making masks and manicure, because well-groomed beautiful hands are like a visiting card, they are always in sight. But. in the frantic rhythm of modern life, not everyone and not always manage to visit a beauty salon, and prices in salons are growing every year. Therefore, many learn to take care of themselves at home.

Varieties of manicure

First, you should deal with different types of manicure and decide which one is right for you in terms of execution technique and results.

Classic - trim manicure. Not all women decide on such a manicure. It is quite traumatic, it requires perfectly sharpened tools: tweezers or sharpened scissors. The cuticle is removed as much as possible to the skin, often you can touch nearby tissues, which will lead to inflammation. This type of manicure should be chosen by women with rough cuticles, it should be processed carefully, because any inflammation can cause even stronger growth and roughness of the cuticle.

The procedure of European (unedged) manicure consists in dissolving the cuticle with mild acids such as lactic or fruit. Such a manicure can be done by women with coarse cuticles, but it is important to remember that there can be an increased sensitivity to chemicals, especially if the skin is thin and prone to allergies.

You can learn how to do a manicure by taking a manicure course. Such skills will undoubtedly come in handy for any woman.

What should you buy for a manicure?

Manicure requires not only certain skills, but also good tools. You will need:

Nail scissors,
... A metal spatula or stick made of orange wood to push back the cuticle,
... Nail file,
... Metal tweezers for trimming manicure. The material when buying is very important, it is better to take surgical steel, from the materials it is more durable and the instruments from it do not become blunt so quickly.
... Bath products: container, oil, preferably olive oil,
... To remove varnish: preferably a product without acetone, cotton pads or sticks,
... Cuticle remover,
... Hand cream or cream mask,
... Various nail polishes (it is better to have not one or two, but for different occasions and for different outfits).
... Base and fixer. With them, your manicure will delight more than one day.

A huge number of manicure courses are offered. Undoubtedly, they have their advantages:

2) Help in choosing tools, advice on materials and firms.

3) Only in the courses do the masters share the subtleties of their work, you cannot read this on the Internet.

The courses will be useful not only for beginners, because every year there are new technologies, new tools and methods of manicure, new varnishes and coatings, as well as methods of their application.