Educator: job description. Responsibilities of the teacher Dow. Official instructions for pre-school organization

1. General Provisions of the Job Designer

1.1. The real job description of the educator of the DOU (kindergarten) was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Gos of Preschool Education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on October 17, 2013 No. 1155; Based on a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of the posts of educators", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 761n of August 26, 2010, as amended from 05/31/2011; In accordance with FZ No. 273 dated December 29, 2012, "On Education in the Russian Federation", as amended from July 3, 2016, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating the labor relations between the employee and the employer.
1.2. The teacher is hired and is exempt from the position of the head of the pre-school educational institution.
1.3. The teacher must have a higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without the presentation of the work on experience or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without presentation of the requirements for the experience Work.
1.4. A kindergarten teacher directly subordinate to the head and senior educator of a pre-school educational institution.

In his professional activities, the teacher of the Dow must be guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation"; legislative acts of the Russian Federation; Typical Regulations on the pre-school educational organization; rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety; Sanpine "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations"; Federal state educational standard for pre-school education; Charter and local acts of a children's educational institution; The rules of the internal labor regulation approved in kindergarten; Collective agreement; orders and orders of the head of the kindergarten; Labor contract and contract concluded with parents (legal representatives) of a child, other treaties in a preschool educational institution. Instructions for labor protection of the teacher of the DOW, as well as other safety instructions and safety techniques when performing work.

1.6. The educator should also be guided by the official instruction of the educator of the DOW taking into account the requirements of the GEF to, instructions for labor protection for the educator of the DOW, other labor protection instructions when performing work and operation of audio, video equipment and multimedia devices.
1.7. The teacher of the Dow should know:

Priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating the educational activities of the pre-school educational institution; instructions for the protection of the life and health of children; pedagogy, children's, age and social psychology; Psychology of relations, individual and age features of children; age physiology and hygiene; Methods, forms and technology for monitoring the activities of pupils; pedagogical ethics; theory and methods of educational work, organization of free time pupils; The newest achievements in the method of preschool education; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods and ways of persuasion, arguments of their position, establish contacts with pupils of different ages, their parents (legal representatives) and colleagues who are employees of DOU; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation of the Russian Federation; Basics of working with textual and graphic editors, presentations, email and web browsers, multimedia equipment; Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizing the educational process in kindergarten. Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

1.8. The educator in kindergarten should strictly comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Federal Law of 24.07.98 No. 124-FZ (as amended from 06.29.2013) "On Basic Guarantees of the Child Rights in the Russian Federation".

2. Functions of the teacher
The main directions of the activities of the teacher DOU are:
2.1. Planning and implementation of educational work in accordance with the program implemented in the unified educational space of the kindergarten, taking into account the requirements of the GEF to.
2.2. Protection and strengthening the health of pupils, preservation, support and development of the child's personality.
2.3. Interaction with parents of pupils, the provision of advisory and practical assistance in matters of education and development of children.

3. Official duties
The educator of a kindergarten has the following job responsibilities:
3.1. Exercises educational and educational activities of pupils, ensuring the implementation of the educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Pre-school Education (GEF to) and the ROU-Wing
3.2. Promotes the creation of favorable conditions for the individual development and moral formation of the personality of pupils, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of their upbringing.
3.3. Exercising studying the identity of children, their inconsistencies, interests, individual abilities, promotes the growth of their cognitive motivation, becoming their learning independence, the formation of competencies and the development of abilities in various forms of children's activities.
3.4. It monitors the behavior of children during their adaptation in the kindergarten, creates favorable conditions for easy and fast adaptation.
3.5. Creates a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each child. Promotes the development of communication of children. It helps the pupil to solve problems in communicating with children in a group, pedagogical workers, parents (persons replacing them).
3.6. Helping children in educational activities, contributes to ensuring the level of their preparation relevant to the requirements of GEF to, federal state educational requirements.
3.7. In accordance with the individual and age interests of pupils, the vital activity of the group, the pupils of the kindergarten. Complies with the rights and freedoms of children.
3.8. Exercises the adequate care for the children of the group in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the protection of the life and health of children in the premises and at the children's walking sites of the pre-school educational institution.
3.9. Plans and organizes a variety of gaming activities, independent and joint activities of children and adults aimed at mastering the basic general education program in accordance with the specifics of pre-school education and the internal regulations of the group's vital activity.
3.10. Together with the music director and instructor in physical culture prepares holidays, organizes children's leisure.
3.11. It plans and organizes the equipment of the developing subject-spatial environment of the group, leisure, exhibitions of students of pupils, the participation of children in contests of different levels and other events in accordance with the annual plan of kindergarten.
3.12. Provides protection of life, health and safety of pupils during the educational process in Dow.
3.13. Conducts observations (monitoring) for health, developing and raising children, including using electronic forms. Leads active promotion of a healthy lifestyle among pupils.
3.14. Develops a program of educational and educational work with a group of pupils of a pre-school educational institution.
3.15. With respect and care, it belongs to each child in their group, shows an excerpt and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.
3.16. Uses modern innovative technologies and techniques, performs their effective application in its educational and educational activities.
3.17. Takes part in the monitoring procedure: at the beginning of the school year - to determine the zone of educational needs of each pupil; At the end of the year - in identifying the level of achievements by each pupil of the final indicators of the program's development, the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities.
3.18. Strictly observes the day-mounted day and the schedule of educational activities of pupils.
3.19. Based on the study of individual features, the recommendations of the psychologist's teacher plans and conducts with children with disabilities, a correctional and developing work.
3.20. Coordinates the activities of the assistant teacher, the younger educator in the framework of a single educational process in the group.
3.21. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodical work, in the work on parental meetings, health, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program of the DOU, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them).
3.22. Interacts with parents (legal representatives) pupils on the implementation of the main educational program, strategy and tactics of the educational process.
3.23. Supports proper order at its workplace, in group rooms and at a walking site. Carefully and gently uses the property of kindergarten, methodological literature and benefits.
3.24. Strictly performs all the requirements of this official instruction of a kindergarten teacher, taking into account the requirements of the GEF to, the rules for labor protection and fire safety in kindergarten.
3.25. In a timely manner informs the medical service of the DWA about changes in the state of the health of children, parents - about planned preventive vaccinations.
3.26. Performs a periodic update of the content of thematic stands for parents, the design of the group and information stands to the festive dates.
3.27. Leads the following documentation in the prescribed manner:

Calendar and promising, plans; educational work plan; Journal (Tabel) visits to pupils; Group passport; Journal of Control Status of Labor Protection in the Group; health magazine; Protocols of parental meetings; Diagnostic materials. Other documentation of the teacher of the Dow according to the nomenclature of cases in accordance with the order of the head of the kindergarten.

3.28. The annual medical examination is held on the schedule installed in the institution.
3.29. Mastering additional professional educational programs of professional retraining or advanced training.
3.30. Performs the requirements of the head of the preschool educational institution, a medical worker, a senior educator who are associated with pedagogical activities and the protection of life and health of pupils.

4. Rights of the educator of the pre-school educational institution
4.1. The educator of a kindergarten has the rights stipulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the "Model Regulations on the Preschool Educational Organization", the charter, collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor regulation and other local acts of the kindergarten.
4.2. The teacher of the Dow within its competence is entitled:

Take part in the work of creative groups; establish business contacts with third-party organizations within their competence; contributions to improve the educational process; make their proposals in the process of developing an educational program and an annual plan of a pre-school educational institution; freely choose and use learning and education techniques, training aids and materials that meet the general education program approved by a preschool educational institution; to present their experience in pedagogical work at the pedagogical councils, methodological associations, parental meetings, reporting final events and in the printed publications of a specialized orientation; Get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the head of the kindergarten, which relate to its activities; familiarize yourself with this official instruction of the teacher of Dow, get it in hand; demand from the administration of a preschool educational institution to create the conditions necessary to fulfill their professional duties; Participate in the work of self-government bodies. In a timely manner to improve the qualifications and certify on a voluntary basis. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The educator has the right to protect professional honor and dignity, get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, give explanations on them.
4.4. The educator has the right to inform the head of the Dow, the Deputy Head of Administrative and Economic Work (Zagokhoz) on the acquisition of educational, developing, and demonstration equipment, repair activities and the premises of the group necessary in the educational and educational activities.

5. The responsibility of the teacher of kindergarten
5.1. The teacher of the Dow is personal responsibility:

For the life and health of pupils during the educational process, during the supervision of the premises of the Dow, on the site, during walks and excursions outside the territory of the kindergarten; for violation of the rights and freedoms of pupils; for non-fulfillment of labor protection requirements, to ensure fire safety; For non-appearance of prefigure assistance to the victim, not a timely notification or concealment from the school of an accident.

5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper performance without valid reasons for the charter and regulations of the internal labor regulations, other local regulations, legitimate orders of the head, duties established by this official instruction of the educator in the DOU, including not the use of the rights provided, the educator carries disciplinary responsibility in The procedure determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.3. For use, including single, methods of education associated with physical and (or) psychic violence on the identity of the child, as well as the commission of a different immoral act, an educator may be exempted from his position in accordance with the labor legislation and federal law "On education in the Russian Federation. " Dismissal for this deed is not a measure of disciplinary responsibility.
5.4. For the guilty causing a preschool educational institution or participants in the educational process of damage due to the execution (non-execution) of their official duties, the tutor is material responsibility in the manner and limits established by labor and (or) civil law.
Control of the execution of this official instruction of the educator in kindergarten assigned to the senior educator of the preschool educational institution.

6. Relationship. Tutorials
A kindergarten teacher:
6.1. It works in the normized working day on schedule compiled based on the 36-hour working week and approved by the head of the preschool educational institution, participates in the required planned general activities of the DOW, which are not established by the developmental norms.
6.2. Speakers at meetings, pedagogical councils, other events on the education and education of pupils.
6.3. Informs the head of the orphanage, Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work (Zagokhoz) about all the shortcomings in ensuring an educational process. Contributes to eliminate deficiencies, to optimize the work of the educator.
6.4. Replaces the temporarily absent kindergarten teacher based on hourly payment and in accordance with the tarificization.
6.5. Gets from the administration of pre-legal and organizational and methodological materials from the administration, meets a receipt with the relevant documents.
6.6. Carries out a systematic exchange of information on issues included in its competence, with the administration and pedagogical workers of the pre-school educational institution.
6.7. In a timely manner informs the head of the kindergarten and the relevant services of all the emergencies associated with the life and health of children.

Elena Menshikova
Official instructions for a kindergarten

Job description teacher

General provisions

1. The educator is appointed to the post and exempt from office In accordance with the established labor law, the order of the head of the institution.

2. The tutor must Have a higher education or secondary vocational education in the framework of the enlarged groups of areas of preparation of higher education and specialties of secondary vocational education "Education and pedagogical sciences" Or higher education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of activities in the educational organization.

3. The requirement for experience is missing.

4. Qualification requirements for educatornot established by the present job descriptionare installed according to a single qualifying director posts of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics posts Education workers "by posts« Educator(including senior)»And Professional Standard" Pedagogue (pedagogical activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)».

Communication by posts

5. Educator obeys senior educator.

6. Works directly under the leadership of the older educator.

7. Educator Requires the requirements of a medical worker related to the protection of the life and health of children.

9. Coordinates the activities of the Assistant.

10. Works in collaboration with another educatorworking in group:

10.1. agrees with him forms, funds, methods education children in accordance with the educational program;

10.2. personally gives him a shift, children pass on the list;

10.3. When transferring a change leaves in the group an exemplary order;

10.4. reports replacing educator The necessary professional information (events that occurred in the group in the first half of the day, changes in the state of the health of individual children, requests and wishes of parents (legal representatives) upon supervision and care, etc.);

10.5. Replaces the second educator, absent from illness and other reasons, within the limits of working time;

10.6. interacts with others educator When creating a developing subject-spatial environment.

Official duties

Responsibilities when receiving children to the group

11. Together with the medical worker, the daily morning reception of children is conducting daily.

12. Interrogates parents (legal representatives) On the state of the health of children.

13. According to the testimony (in the presence of catarrhal phenomena, inxication phenomena) Conducts a child thermometry.

14. Does not take a child with a suspect of the disease (disabilities in health):

a) temperature above 37 0s,

b) cough, runny nose (abundant selection, voices fucking,

c) diarrhea, vomiting,

d) rash, spots on the skin,

e) red, swollen eyes,

e) complaints of toothaches, on abdominal pain, in the ears,

g) other complaints about poor well-being.

15. In the absence of a child more than 5 days (with the exception of weekends and non-working holidays, as well as after the suffering disease, requests from parents (legal representatives) and transfers a certificate with a certificate with an indication of the diagnosis, the duration of the disease, information about the absence of contact with infectious patients.

16. Helps children change clothes, monitors dressing up.

17. Watching the drying of the upper clothes and shoes of children.

18. Does not take from parents (legal representatives) And it does not allow leaving in the building or on the territory of the fairyment facility, sledding, bicycles, skis.

19. Presents the Elder educator:

a) immediately - about children with suspected of committing in the family of physical violence (the presence of a child of characteristic bruises, abrasion, scratches, etc., as well as the use of methods educationassociated with mental violence (The child is intimidated, constantly and without external causes and dr.);

b) on improper performance by parents (legal representatives) Children's Responsibilities (the child is neglected, uncleant, comes to the institution hungry, etc.).

20. Takes from parents (legal representatives) Phone calls or SMS messages about children left at home (due to illness or for other reasons).

21. Informs the medical worker about missing children, finds out the causes of their absence (if the causes of the absence did not report parents (legal representatives) child).

Responsibilities for working with the group during the day

22. Complies with the regime of the day in the group, including the following duration walking, reduces their normal duration With adverse weather conditions.

23. Exit with children for the territory of the institution only on the basis of the order of the head of the institution.

24. Regulates the behavior of children in order to ensure them security:

24.1. Does not allow children without supervision (provides constant finding children in visibility zone / in sight educator, younger educator);

maintains constant control over the location of children;

24.2. prevents falling, blows, bruises, cuts, burns, children electricians, etc.;

24.3. does not allow supercooling and overheating of children;

24.4. ensures that children have not brought with by himself:

a) toys, including dolls, cars, designers, as well as separate details of the designers and machines, other games and toys,

b) food (including juices, candy,

c) medicine

d) perfume and cosmetics,

e) stitching and cutting items,

e) mobile phones, tablets, electronic games and other electronic devices,

g) umbrellas, sunglasses,

h) flammable and explosive substances;

24.5. ensures that the window and balcony openings in the group are in a closed state. (when the room is not ventilated);

24.6. Holds entrance doors to a group closed, as well as internal doors;

24.7. locks the door of the cabinets and storerooms available in the group;

24.8. Does not allow fights, clashes, conflicts between children;

24.9. It pays special attention to children with a disorder of the autistic spectrum, as well as children with aggressive behavior.

25. Organizes meals children:

25.1. monitors compliance with the power mode in the group;

25.2. manages the preparation of children to receive food;

25.3. controls the behavior of children during power;

25.4. Uses working techniques with poorly eating or refusing to take food by children.

26. Organizes daylight children:

26.1. regulates the behavior of children before bed in order to reduce the intensity of moving emotional games;

26.2. Stakes children:

a) helps children to undress

b) helps children put on pajamas (at the request of parents (legal representatives) children, on the recommendation of the medical worker, in other cases

c) puts the first children with difficult falling asleep and sensitive sleep;

d) curtains the curtains, turns off the lighting,

e) helps children fall asleep (reads a book, tells a fairy tale, includes quiet music, etc.);

26.3. continuously present in the bedroom during children's sleep or ensures the presence of an assistant educator / Junior Educator;

26.4. In the warm period, during sleeping, children holds windows open, not allowing draft;

26.5. Conducts a gradual rise of children.

27. Provides compliance with personal hygiene children.

28. Provides temporary insulation of the victims during the day children:

28.1. in time reveals children with suspected disease;

28.2. transfers children with suspected medical personnel;

28.3. If necessary (when hospitalizing a child in a medical organization and in other cases) promptly informs parents (legal representatives) About child's disease.

29. Controls the temperature and humidity of air in rooms intended for children's stay.

30. Ensures compliance with the mode of ventilation and wet cleaning of the bedroom and other premises designed to stay children.

31. Does not allow end-to-end ventilation in the presence of children.

32. Worst for ensuring the insolation of the premises (includes sources of additional artificial lighting, spreads the curtains after child sleep, etc.).

33. Checks the state of bed, controls the timely renewal of bed linen.

34. Controls laundry laundry laundry.

Together with the younger tutor / assistant teacher Marks bedding.

35. In groups for children of infant and early age in the middle of the day, the toys are washed (in specially dedicated, marked tanks, with the exception of non-damp treated toys.

36. Supports order on a pleasure plot (leaves him right after the walk of children).

Responsibilities at the end of the day

37. At the end of the day, he transfers their parents to their parents (legal representatives, other persons specified in the Education Treaty.

38. Does not allow children to third parties, as well as parents (legal representatives) with signs of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic inxication:

38.1. informs about this fact the head of the institution or deputy head of safety (in the absence of the head or his deputy - calls them);

38.2. takes measures to transfer the child to other relatives;

38.3. If it is impossible to transfer the child to parents (legal representatives) - The child in the child in the juvenile affairs division.

39. Together with the medical worker informs parents (legal representatives) Sick during the Day of Children on signs of the disease and the first aid rendered (if such assistance turned out).

40. Briefly reports to parents (legal representatives) Children needed information (about the behavior of a child in a group, about classes during the day, about the features of development, how well or badly eats, the child is sleeping in the institution, etc.).

41. Informs the head of the institution (Deputy Head, Senior educator) About children who have not taken away from parents at the prescribed time (legal representatives).

42. Prepares the premises of the group to the following day:

42.1. washes toys (in specially selected, marked tanks, with the exception of toys not subject to wet processing;

42.2. erases as dolls with doll clothing using childish Soap and drives it;

42.3. She washes new (purchased) Toys (with the exception of soft connected) Before their flow of running water with soap or other detergent and then dries in air;

42.4. Processes according to instructions manufacturer Polyolatex, pissing toys and soft-bispical toys;

42.5. plays children's tables, chairs, etc.;

42.6. removes toys, other learning tools and education;

42.7. Closes cabinets, shelves, drawers, etc. (if possible - on the key);

42.8. turns off the network music center, computer, multimedia equipment;

42.9. Checks, whether water taps are closed (valves) in a group;

42.10. closes the windows, balcony doors (other doors leading to the street, reserves, lowers (lines) jalousie;

42.11. Turns off the sources of lighting, electrical installation and household electrical appliances.

Educational work

in the field of socio-communicative development:

43. Discusses various situations with children from life, from stories, fairy tales, paying attention to ethical standards and rules of behavior.

44. Stimulates children to express their experiences, feelings, glances, beliefs.

45. Learn to negotiate, follow the order, establish new contacts.

46. \u200b\u200bTeachs children by the rules of safe behavior.

47. Organizes watching cartoons with value-semantic load.

48. Organizes the interaction of children in groups, pairs.

49. Organizes a joint viewing and discussion of paintings, illustrations.

50. Organizes elementary household work indoors and on the street (site institution).

51. Forms self-service skills (Eating skills, dressing, personal hyena, maintenance of order).

52. Organizes a different type of game, including plot-role games ( "Score", "Bus", "Barbershop", "Polyclinic", "Fire", "Theatre", "Library", "School" and etc.).

53. Includes children in collaboration planning.

54. Stimulates communication pupils with each other and with adults.

55. Organizes the joint activities of children and adults when conducting leisure activities.

56. Promotes the creation of a favorable microenvironment and an optimal psychological climate for each child.

57. Supports cheerful, cheerful mood of children in the institution.

58. Carries out daily observation of the emotional state of children.

59. He examines and evaluates the emotional well-being of children on specific indicators (child ratio to themselves, peers, adults, anxiety level, general emotional tone, etc.).

in the field of cognitive development:

60. Provides the formation of the readiness of children to school.

61. Organizes the cognitive and research activities of children on affordable subjects of the nearest environment.

62. Conducts didactic games with mathematical content.

63. Uses educational (training) Potential of regime moments.

64. Applies an individual approach and individual forms of work with children experiencing difficulties in the development of the educational program of pre-school education.

in the field of speech development:

65. Organizes speech communication in different activities (in game, educational and research, communicative, visual and other activities).

66. Conducts special classes with children to teach their own speech and language.

67. introduces letters, teaches reading, writing with printed letters.

in the field of artistic and aesthetic development:

68. Organizes children's classes with drawing, modeling, applique.

69. Reads children fairy tales, stories, poems.

70. Organizes listening to children of fragments of musical works.

71. Demonstrates the sound children's musical instruments.

72. Invites children to the tasks for elementary musication on toy musical tools, as well as on whistles, ratchets, pipes, wooden spoons.

73. Conducts musical games.

74. Organizes didactic games and artistic exercises.

75. Introduces children with works of painting, graphics, sculptures, architecture, decorative and applied arts (for walks and excursions, when visiting the museum, in free artistic activities, when considering illustrations, reproductions).

76. Organizes exhibitions children's creativity(thematic, species, genre).

77. Forms and leads children's portfolio.

in the field of physical development:

78. Organizes various forms of motor activity children: Morning gymnastics, physical culture in the air and in air, physical strength, rolling games, sports exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, exercises on simulators, swimming and others.

79. When organizing motor activity, children ensures the use of equipment and inventory of the physical education room and sports grounds in accordance with age and the growth of the child.

80. Holds special classes on the physical development of children (with absence instructor in physical culture).

81. To organize classes on the physical development of children in the open air, checks the absence of medical contraindications in children and the presence of sportswear in children, corresponding to weather conditions.

82. Conducts children's hardening events using the main natural factors. (sun, air, water).

83. Organizes sports exercises and games.

84. Worst for the posture of children, conducts exercises for the formation and correction of posture.

85. Plans and holds holidays, health days, tourist and local history campaigns of children and parents, sporting events, etc.

Methodical, preparatory work

86. Participates in the development, update:

a) educational program (programs) pre-school education, including partial programs,

b) the development programs of the institution,

c) annual, quarterly plan (plans) work institution

d) plans educational, physical and wellness, sports, creative and other events held with pupils.

87. Selects pedagogically substantiated forms, means, methods education and development in accordance with the age characteristics of children.

88. Exercises the annual setting of goals education and development.

89. During the year makes adjustments to the goal educational activities(together with the teacher-psychologist and other specialists) According to the results of monitoring, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of each child of early and / or preschool age.

90. Participates:

a) Pedagogical Council,

b) methodical associations,

c) psychological and medical and pedagogical conservima.

91. Carries out the broadcast of pedagogical experience.

92. Organizes the subject and spatial environment, filling it with the necessary equipment, objects and materials - musical tools, reproductions of paintings, paper, crayons, pencils, paints, etc.

93. Participates in the creation of space for the game, design, cognitive, research, visual and musical activity of the child, as well as for its motor activity.

94. Participates in the work on updating the gaming developing material, the acquisition of developing game sets and designers, game complexes for the development of large and small motors, for cognitive, speech and other areas of development of children.

95. Makes proposals for the purchase of didactic material and equipment for children with disabilities.

96. Participates in conducting self-examination, in ensuring the functioning of the internal system for assessing the quality of education.

Diagnostic work

97. Selects methods and evaluation tools.

98. Applies various scales of individual children's development.

99. Conducts pedagogical monitoring of the development of the educational program and an analysis of educational work in the group of children of early and / or preschool age.

100. Learn the personal features of children, their inclinations, interests, conducts observations. (monitoring) For health, development and education, Including with the help of electronic forms.

101. Based on the data of pedagogical diagnostics, it evaluates the effectiveness of its pedagogical actions and implements their further planning.

102. Uses the results of observation and diagnostics to optimize work with a group of children.

103. Diagnosing the effectiveness of working with children, raising in sophisticated social conditions and (or) experiencing difficulties in development.

104. Conducts the diagnosis of social and pedagogical causes of difficulties in development.

Work with parents (legal representatives)

105. Talking with parents (legal representatives) On the state of health, sleep, appetite, emotional well-being, children's clothing in the group.

106. Consulates parents (legal representatives) on specific issues, issues related to raising and developing children.

107. Bringing parents (legal representatives) in matters of crisis children's age, mental neoplasms in preschool age, physical development of the child, its formation of readiness for school and other issues children's Psychology and pedagogy.

108. Conducts parental meetings in the group or participates in the organization and conduct of general meetings of parents.

109. Learn the opinion of the parents (legal representatives) on the quality of education, including the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities in the institution (based on conversations, surveys, etc.).

110. Stimulates the participation of parents (legal representatives) In the design and filling of the game and other developing material of indoors (group) and the external territory of the institution.

111. Examines parents' requests (legal representatives) In additional education: conducts a survey at least 2 times a year, regularly conducts conversations with parents (legal representatives).

112. Informs parents (legal representatives) On the possibilities of obtaining additional education in the institution and at the place of residence in other institutions, taking into account the inclinations and interests of children.

Organizational work

113. Gives a receipt to parents (legal representatives) About the parental board, controls payment.

114. Collects parents' statements (legal representatives) About the country of consent (for the processing of personal data, on the participation of a child in psychological diagnostics, for training on an adapted main general education program, to provide psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance, for a child's trip, to participate in urban, district, regional competitions, and t . P.).

115. Participates in the execution of the prescriptions of bodies carrying out state control and supervision in the field of education, in terms of its competence.

116. Participates in the work of elected institutions (when elected in them).

117. Performs rules:

a) on labor protection,

b) fire safety,

c) anti-terrorist safety.

118. Passed:

a) preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (once a year) Medical inspections,

b) labor protection training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements at least once every three years,

c) professional hygiene preparation and certification - at least once every two years,

d) instrupture on fire safety - twice a year,

e) instrupture on anti-terrorism security - once a year,

(e) Teaching first-aid training skills - on schedule.

Other work

119. Caring for indoor plants.

120. Provides photos, video reports, other materials on activities carried out to host the institution or on the institution page on the social network.

121. Makes group corners.

Records management

122. Leads the following documentation:

a) the table of accounting for children attendance,

b) child reception notebook

c) maps of developing children

123. Makes up and represents the eldest tutor for monitoring:

b) a written report on activities - no later than 7 working days at the end of each half of the year,

c) operational planning documents

Improving professional level

124. Receives additional vocational education in the direction of the employer at least once every three years.

125. Examines advanced pedagogical experience (including attending the classes of others educators, adapts it and applies in his work.

Personal hygiene obligations

126. Coming to work, as well as after a walk with children:

a) leaves upper clothes, shoes, headdress, personal stuff in the closet or in the dressing room,

b) change clothes (streetwear is removed,

c) shoes shifts (slippers, slates, etc. are not allowed,

d) my hands with soap.

127. Dresses overalls (Light Tone Robe) In the following cases:

a) during quarantine,

128. Uses overalls for its intended purpose, stores it separately.

129. Complies with the requirements for food during the worker of time: Food at the same time together with pupils(eating in other places at work is not allowed).

130. Enjoy only toilet for staff, after leaving the toilet, hands with soaps carefully.

131. Briefly cuts the nails.

132. Collects long hair into a neat hairstyle.

Requirements for appearance

133. In the institution wears dresses, sweaters or blouse, skirt or classical trousers (traditional) or business style.

134. Occurs its moderation in the use of cosmetics, wearing jewelry, jewelry and other accessories.

135. When using perfumes, he chooses perfume products without a strong smell.

A responsibility

136. Educator carries a responsibility:

for life, health and safety pupils during the stay of the child in the group;

for non-fulfillment and improper performance of their official responsibilities for his fault;

for compliance with legal, moral and ethical norms, the requirements of professional ethics;

for disclosing personal data, including diagnoses pupils;

for late rendering or non-appearance of first aid;

for the failure to prevent or resolve the conflict of interest;

for compliance with the requirements for receiving gifts established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

for causing material damage to the institution.

FROM official instructions acquainted(but,

instruction got(but)

«___» ___ 20 ___ g. ___ (___)


Head teacher:________________

Order from "__" ________ 2015 № _____

Official instruction assistant teacher

MBOU "Wasinskaya Secondary General School"

1. General Provisions

1.1. Actual job descriptions are developed on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010.№761 N "On approval of a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification Characteristics of Education Workers' posts "

1.2. The hospitality of the educator is appointed and exempt from the position of school director.

1.3. The helpfulness of the educator is directly subordinate to the school director, the head of the economy, the health worker, the educator of the group

1.4. The working week of the assistant teacher is 36 hours.

1.5. In its activities, it is guided:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the Pskov region ;;

Typical Regulations on the pre-school educational organization;

Rules and norms of labor protection and fire protection;

SanPine2.4.1.3049-13 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations";

Federal state educational standard for pre-school education;

Charter and local acts of MBOU "Witzinskaya Sosh";

The rules of the internal labor regulation; Collective agreement;

Orders and orders of the director of the school;

A real job description;

Employment contract;

1.6. The assistant teacher should know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities;

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Instructions for the Protection of the Life and Health of Children;

Basics of pedagogy, psychology, age physiology, hygiene, prefigured medical care;

Basics of theory and methods of educational slave

Methods of persuasion, arguments of their position, establish contacts with pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them);

instructions and rules for the protection of life and health of pupils, child care;

The rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational organization;

Rules for labor protection and fire safety;

Sanitary and hygienic standards for the content of premises, equipment, inventory.

1.6. The helpfulness of the educator must comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. Requirements for qualifications

2.1. For professional education without presentation of work experience or secondary (full) general education and vocational training in the field of education and pedagogy without presentation of work experience.

3. Duty

Assistant teacher:

3.1. Reads:

In the organization of the activities of pupils, in conducting classes organized by the educator;

In the prevention of deviating behavior and bad habits in pupils.

3.2. Provides:

Together with medical professionals and under the guidance of the educator, the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, compliance with the regime of the age of the age group;

Condition of premises and equipment corresponding to sanitary and hygienic standards of their content in accordance with SanPiN;

The protection of life and health of pupils during their stay in the organization.


Wet harvesting of group premises twice a day with the use of detergents;

Wet cleaning in the bedroom after day sleep;

Cleaning carpets with a wet brush and using a vacuum cleaner;

General cleaning of all rooms of the group 1 time per month (according to schedule) with the use of detergents and disinfectants; Wash windows as pollution.

Sanitary treatment of dishes, children's tables before each meal, children's pots (if available) after each use in accordance with SanPiN requirements;

Bed linen change as contamination, but at least 1 time per week;

Daily hygiene treatment of bathrooms 2 times a day;

Additional events in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN with an unfavorable epidemic situation.

3.4. Performs Under the guidance of the educator, everyday work, providing the creation of conditions for the socio-psychological adaptation of children.

3.5. Organizes:

Work on grafting the pupils of self-service skills, taking into account age;

Social and useful work of children of senior and preparatory groups (one-time orders for junior groups), table serving;

Feed meals by pupils, conducts work on the development of children's behavior rules, cultural and hygienic skills.

3.6. Intelligence with parents of pupils (legal representatives) in matters of their competence.

3.7.Products water for tempering procedures and rinsing of the mouth.

3.8 helps the educator in dressing and undressing children the first two-thirds for the walk of children go with the educator, the remaining one third of the children dress the assistant to the teacher and displays them to the site, passing the tutor.

3.9. For the cleanliness of the towel, the presence in the group of boiled water for drinking and rinsing the mouth.

3.10. Sign with the educator:

Conducts hygienic and hardening procedures;

Prepares a plot for a walk (if necessary);

It looks at the children during the "quiet hour" during the absence of an educator in the group for a valid reason.

3.11. Exposure and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.

3.12. It takes a shift 10 minutes before the start of the working day.

3.13The order of the order at its workplace. In all rooms of the enshrined group. Parently uses the property of the organization.

3.14. Profit medical examination is strictly on schedule no time.

3.15. Complies:

The rights and freedoms of the pupils contained in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection, sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements;

Labor discipline, requirements of this official instruction and labor regulations.


The protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process;

Strict implementation of the established time mode, fulfilling the requirements of the head, the head of the farm, the medical worker related to the pedagogical work and the protection of life and health of pupils


4.1. The helpfulness of the educator has the right to an annual paid leave with a duration of 28 calendar days, and also enjoys the rights provided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the "Model Regulations on the Preschool Educational Organization", the Charter, collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor Rules and other local acts of MBOU "Navinskaya Sosh".

4.2. Assistant educator within its competence has the right:

Make proposals for improving the educational process;

Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the pre-school organization regarding its activities;

Require the administration of the organization of creating the conditions necessary to fulfill professional duties;

Participate in the work of self-government bodies.

5. Convenience

5.1. The hospitality of the educator carries personal responsibility:

For improper performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties stipulated by this official instruction - within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For offenses committed in the process of carrying out its activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation;

For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

5.2. In the case of the violation of the Charter of the Organization, the conditions of the collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor regulation, this official instruction, the orders of the head of the educator subjected to disciplinary recovers in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5.3. The application of the education methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence on the personality of the pupil, the teacher may be dismissed under Article 336p.2CTC of the Russian Federation.

Control over the execution of the instruction is assigned to the School Director.

The job description of a kindergarten teacher determines the labor relationship. It establishes functional responsibilities, types of responsibility of the employee, the right, the order of classes, exemption from the post, the rules of submission, the requirements for experience, education.

The document develops the head of the unit. Approves the general director of the institution.

The standard form presented below can be used in drawing up the job instruction of the younger, the older teacher, the educator of the extended day group. A number of provisions of the document may differ depending on the specifics of the institution.

Sample typical instruction instruction teacher of kindergarten

І. General provisions

1. A kindergarten teacher belongs to the category "Specialists".

2. The person who has an education is appointed not lower than the average special and medical conclusion on admission to work is appointed to the position of educator of a kindergarten.

3. The educator of a kindergarten directly submits the head of the kindergarten.

4. During the absence of an educator of a kindergarten, his functional responsibilities, rights, responsibility are transferred to a different official, which is recorded in the order at the institution.

5. Appointment or exemption from the position of the teacher of the kindergarten is carried out by order of the head of the kindergarten.

6. A kindergarten teacher should know:

  • legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts on educational issues;
  • labor legislation;
  • children's, social psychology, pedagogy;
  • regulations on the rights of the child;
  • methods and methods of control of pupils;
  • age features of children, hygiene, physiology;
  • pedagogical ethics;
  • methods of communication, the establishment of contacts with colleagues, pupils, their parents;
  • methods, theory of educational work, filling the free time of pupils;
  • methods for establishing the causes of conflict situations, their warning and elimination;
  • advanced pedagogical techniques of educational training;
  • basics of working with communications;
  • basics of ecology;
  • rules for labor protection and fire safety;
  • rules of internal labor regulations.

7. A kindergarten teacher is guided in its activities:

  • Charter establishment;
  • given by the job description;
  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • the rules of the domestic labor regulation, other guidelines of the institution;
  • orders, manual orders.

ІІ. Official duties of the teacher of kindergarten

The educator of a kindergarten performs the following job responsibilities:

1. Controls entrusted pupils in accordance with the requirements of the safety instructions, the health of children in the premises of the institution, on the walking sites.

2. Performs official duties only after passing a medical examination twice a year.

3. Worst for the state of the child's health.

4. Regularly conducts health promotion activities, together with the medical personnel of the institution.

5. Produces hygienic care for children. Pay attention to pupils who visit the kindergarten after the disease.

6. Carries out corrective, developing activities with pupils on the recommendations of psychologists and other specialists.

7. Plans to produce educational, educational activities in accordance with the program, together with the specialists of the institution.

8. Prepares for classes on the established plan.

7. Promotes the implementation of the established procedure and the day of the day.

8. He examines individual interests, children's ability. Uses these results in pedagogical activities.

9. Regularly reports the head of the institution, the senior nurse on changes in the state of the health of children. It establishes the cause of the lack of children, leads the attendance tabel.

10. Watches the behavior of children during adaptation. Wills observation records.

11. Works with parents in matters of education of children in the family. Provides the creation of the necessary conditions in the premises of the institution for the implementation of the educational, educational program.

12. Prepares leisure, festive events involving children, together with the music director and instructor in physical culture.

13. Refers to pupils with respect, care, manifests and pedagogical tact in communicating with children and their parents.

14. Replaces a changer tutor during its absence.

15. Provides the documentation in a timely and efficiently.

16. Performs instructions of the head, senior caregiver, senior nurses that are associated with the protection of life, the health of children, pedagogical activities.

17. Personally replaces the second educator. Children transmits on the list.

18. Participates in the pedagogical councils of the institution, methodological associations in the area, district. Conducts parental meetings. Participates in reviews, contests, exhibitions of children's work.

19. He has activities with pupils for the improvement of the territory of the institution.

20. Strictly performs the work discipline and labor regulations.

21. Regularly increases professional qualifications at seminars, courses.

22. Carefully apply to the property of the institution.

23. Sanitary and hygienic regime in the group of pupils.

ІІІ. Rights

A kindergarten educator has the right:

1. Require from the leadership of creating normal conditions to fulfill their official duties, the safety of material values.

2. Represent the interests of the institution in the prescribed manner.

3. To advance the sentences to the leadership, which relate to the activities of the institution.

4. To make independent decisions as part of its competence.

5. Report to the direct supervisor about the identified disadvantages in the activities of the institution. Stop proposals to eliminate them.

6. To communicate with the staff of the structural divisions of the institution on working issues.

7. News, sign documents within its competence.

8. Receive the necessary information to execute their job duties.

9. Receive information on the decisions of the institution's management in relation to their own activities.

10. Do not fulfill your authority in the event of a hazard for health, life.

ІV. A responsibility

A kindergarten teacher is responsible for:

1. Violation of the requirements of labor discipline, the norms of the internal employment regulation, safety regulations, fire protection.

2. The consequences of their decisions, independent actions.

3. Violation of the requirements of etiquette, communication norms.

4. Unlawful handling of personal data of pupils, employees, disclosure of confidential information.

5. Violation of the requirements of the Guidelines of the Institution.

6. The quality of reporting documentation.

7. Inappropriate performance of their official duties.

8. Cause damage to the institution, its employees, pupils, state.

9. Providing leadership, employees, parents (guardians) are obviously unreliable information.

10. Unauthorized leadership representing the interests of the institution.

Assistant teacher in kindergarten

Assistant caregiver in kindergarten assists in the educational process. He participates in the classes that the tutor holds.

Main job responsibilities assistant teacher in kindergarten:

1. Regular cleaning, ventilation, disinfection of the premises of the institution.

2. Promoting the educator in conducting work with pupils.

3. Placement of replacement applications, repair of equipment institution.

4. Help the cook in cooking and serving pupils.

Job description

Teacher of the pre-school group

1. General Provisions

1.1. The educator of the pre-school group MOU is appointed and exempt from office by the Director of MO on the basis of a statement and employment contract.

2.3. Planning and implementation of educational work in accordance with the program implemented in the Unified educational space of MOU.

2.4. Promoting the socialization of pupils.

2.5. Interaction with families of pupils, providing advisory and practical assistance in matters of education and development of children.

3. Official duties

3.1. Education to raising children in MOU.

3.2. Promotes the creation of favorable conditions for individual development and moral formation of the personality of pupils.

3.3. Makes the necessary adjustments to the education system of children.

3.4. Creates a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each pupil.

3.5. Contributes to the development of communication of pupils. Helps the pupil to solve problems arising in communicating with comrades, parents (people replace them).

3.6. Carries out assistance to pupils in training activities, contributes to ensuring the level of their preparation that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the Federal State Educational Requirements.

In seminars, trainings organized on the basis of MOU and DMTS.

4.3. Getting acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, give explanations on them.

4.4. For the confidentiality of a disciplinary (service) investigation, except for the cases provided for by law.

4.5. Independently choose and use techniques, educational technologies, teaching aids and materials.

4.6. Make proposals:

To improve working conditions for their inclusion in the Agreement on Labor Protection;

On the participation of their group in specific projects of the educational cycle;

By improving educational and educational work, improving and improving the conditions for conducting the educational process.

4.7. Administration information about all disadvantages in providing an educational process that reduces the vital activity and performance of pupils.

4.8. To use all the rules concerning the working time mode, vacation time, vacation, social security, which are established by the constituent documents and labor laws.

4.9. Improve your qualifications: learn on advanced training courses (at least 1 time in 5 years); Get acquainted with new pedagogical developments; receive advice from the Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work, narrow specialists; Participate in the certification procedure in order to improve the qualification category and receive it according to the results of the certification.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The educator is responsible:

For the life and health of children, violation of rights and freedoms in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

For the implementation of not fully educational programs, the quality of the educational programs implemented;

In accordance with the applied form, methods and means in organizing an educational process with age psychophysical peculiarities, inclinations, abilities, interests and needs of children;

For the safety of property in the group;

For the timely passage of medical examination.

5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without valid reasons for the Charter and the rules of the internal labor regulation of the MOU, the legal orders of the Director of the MOU and other local regulations, the duties established by this Instruction, including for non-use of the rights provided, the educator carries disciplinary responsibility in the manner defined by labor The legislation of the Russian Federation.

For a gross violation of labor duties, dismissal can be applied as a disciplinary punishment.

5.3. For use, including single, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence on the identity of the child, an educator may be exempted from his position in accordance with the labor legislation and the law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Dismissal for this offense is not a measure of disciplinary responsibility.

5.4. For violation of the rules of fire safety, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules, the educator is involved in administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by the administrative legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. For the guilty causing my damage due to execution

(non-fulfillment) of their job duties The educator is of material liability in the manner and in the limit set by ourselves and (or) civil law of the Russian Federation.

6. Relationships and communications

6.1. Works on schedule compiled based on the 25-hour working week (5 hours 12 minutes daily), coordinated and approved by the Director of MOU; Participates in the mandatory planned general events of the MOU, which are not established the norms of production.

6.2. Replaces the temporarily absent educator based on hourly payment (depending on the change rate); It is not allowed to change shifts without approval with the administration.

6.3. Replacing his changer in the group during the time of temporary absence, under justified circumstances, may refuse to replace and be freed from work in an additional shift, subject to preliminary agreement with the senior caregiver.

6.4. It is obliged to report director, senior nurse, deputy director for NMR about the nebid to work on a hospital leaf and about entering the work after illness.

6.5. Once a year (in May) prepares a group to lease for the new school year.

6.6. Leaving the work, the educator is obliged to leave his workplace (group) in perfect order.

6.7. Receives from the administration of the MOU materials of a regulatory and organizational and methodological nature, meets a receipt with the relevant documents.

6.8. Transfers the Deputy Director for Educational and Methodical Work information received at meetings and seminars, immediately after its receipt.