Second pregnancy 21 weeks. What happens in a woman's body. If you or your partner has signs of a urinary tract infection

The question: "21 weeks of pregnancy, how many months is this" - worries many young and inexperienced mothers. While a woman is pregnant, it is necessary to remember every moment of this wonderful state. It is necessary to keep a pregnancy calendar, because at first one, then the second week will bring the woman closer to the end of the pregnancy.

One week is different and will never happen again. 5 obstetric months have already passed - this is a long time. When the 21st week of pregnancy comes, this is considered the first week in half a year. This period of a woman is the calmest and best.

At this time, you need to have time to do all the planned things.. Day by day the belly is getting bigger. This means that he will interfere with the woman more and more. The baby grows literally by leaps and bounds. Doctors note that it is at the 21st week of pregnancy that the rhythm of fetal development slows down a bit.

How the fetus develops, its size and the establishment of the sex of the child

The baby at the 21st week of pregnancy is actively developing, its weight is sufficient. If you count from 20 weeks, then you can set the growth of the fetus from the heels to the crown. For many women at this time, the size of the child is 26.8 cm. The weight of the fetus on average weighs 360 g. Now it is actively developing. It grows quickly, moves a lot, it begins to form the first layer of fat, so it needs a lot of resources for proper development.

During pregnancy, a woman begins to form taste preferences in her child. Already in the pregnant state, the baby must be tamed to wholesome and healthy food. If during pregnancy the expectant mother drinks alcohol and smokes a lot, then this is reflected in the taste of amniotic fluid.

A small organism digests food with the help of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, they are produced in small fractions. Getting stronger every week the muscle and bone tissues of the baby, they are fixed and grow more and more. By this time, the endocrine glands of the baby begin to function dynamically, and by the scheduled date of 21 weeks, the spleen begins to form.

The baby also has a very small stature, but despite this, in his mother's womb he is very comfortable and at ease. There is a lot of room in the tummy for tricks such as somersaults and rolls. The child really likes to lead an active lifestyle inside the tummy.

If during this period the gender of the baby is not determined, then it must be addressed universally, but there must certainly be love and warmth in the voice. The baby feels it very well. At night, the movements of the baby are activated with special force. It is during this period that mom can not wait to relax, but this does not always work out. If the child pushes hard, then he must be calmed, like a newborn . You need to stroke your tummy and sing a lullaby.

What is the belly at 21 weeks pregnant

At this time, the tummy “shows” its special position to everyone around. And it can also be seen what the baby is doing in the mother's tummy. The movements and movements of the child become visible to the outside eye. Sometimes you can accurately determine in which bokeh the child is located.

As a rule, during this period, the blows begin to be felt very well.. Due to muscle tension, the stomach hurts, the uterus is growing very actively at this time. Thus, a place is won for its own inhabitant.


She starts to push harder and harder to internal organs. Thus, the consequences of what is happening are displayed on the woman. Due to the protrusion of the uterus, the girl may feel short of breath, sometimes there is no way to take a deep breath and inhale. But by no means should you be worried.

It is during this period that one must begin to master breathing techniques, they will then provide invaluable assistance in the birth process. The uterus at the 21st week of pregnancy begins to rise above the navel, it is 1 cm higher. The degree of standing of the bottom of the uterus is at the level of 22 cm from the pubis.


Pain, which begin in this interval, do not carry any threats. During this period, the woman feels a pronounced pain. If she's obsessive, is felt in the lower abdomen and gives to the lower back, then it cannot be left uncontrolled.

  1. As a rule, this is a harbinger of increased uterine tone, and this is very bad.
  2. At this point, various pains arise, which greatly annoy the pregnant woman. Such pain can occur in the lower back, navel, or back. Many women note pain in the legs and sacrum.
  3. At this time, the uterus begins to press on the navel from the inside, pressure on the pelvic region is also detected. A woman at this time increases weight. Thus, there is a lot of pressure on the spine. And also under pressure are the knees and lower back.

Future baby from mother pulls all the calcium, so contractions can occur in the calf muscles. During pregnancy, there can be a lot of reasons for pain, but your situation can be alleviated. . To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. You can't walk in heels.
  2. You don't have to spend a lot of time on your feet.
  3. You must sit in a chair with a back.
  4. You don't have to cross your legs.
  5. You need to walk and walk often.
  6. You can't sit still for a long time.
  7. Legs should be elevated if they hurt.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to sleep on your back and stomach.

When pregnant, it is important to get out of bed properly. To do this, first of all, you need to lower your legs. In a pregnant state, a woman should bend down and squat correctly, for this she needs to slightly spread her legs, bent at the knees. Thus, there is an overload on the hips, shoulders and buttocks.

A pregnant woman is not allowed to carry weights. But still, there are cases when a woman carries heavy bags from the store. In this case, the weight must be distributed both hands equally. Do not make sudden and unexpected movements. You can not raise your hands above your head and hold them in this position for a long time. You need to consult with your doctor about how to properly wear a bandage. During pregnancy, the posture should be straight and correct.

What sensations do the expectant mother have at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Very soon, the woman begins to strain the severity of pregnancy, which is different from those experienced in the first trimester.

At this time, many women begin to produce colostrum. Thus, the mammary glands are prepared for feeding the baby. At this time, it is necessary to observe increased hygiene of the breast, milk should not be squeezed out of the breast.

21 weeks - how many months

21 weeks is 5 months. Almost the fifth month is coming to an end. There are 4 months left before the birth process, but the woman needs to prepare for this event.

  1. You may need to sign up for specialized courses for pregnant women. By this stage, almost all women are gaining weight in the amount of 4 kg, and then in time the weight will begin to arrive even faster.
  2. At this time, the expectant mother looks very beautiful, she has shiny hair, smooth skin and strong nails.

During the period presented, the condition of the pregnant woman nothing should be clouded. At 21 weeks pregnant, the baby is about the size of a grapefruit, 18 cm long and weighs 300 g.

What kind of discharge does mommy have at 21 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, discharge is noticed from the vagina. Their good condition at this time:

  1. Colorless.
  2. Watery.
  3. Smell nothing.

There should be no color prints on the linen. If the discharge from a woman differs from those described above, that is, they have a pronounced color or smell, or a too thick consistency, then an urgent need to take a smear for analysis.

In many women during pregnancy, thrush intensifies, if this happens, then she must be treated in a strict manner. If bloody traces remain on the underpants, then this may be a consequence of severe constipation and hemorrhoids. If bloody discharge has started from the vagina, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Ultrasound at 21 weeks pregnant

If the pregnancy occurs safely, then for the entire period - this is the second ultrasound. But if the doctor prescribes more procedures, then there is no need to be upset about this.

Now the equipment is modern, there is no harm to the health of a woman. Moreover, the passage of ultrasound will not harm the child. On ultrasound during this period, you can determine the sex of the baby. But this is possible if the child is in the correct position.

Usually, during this period, the baby's genitals begin to be clearly visible. The doctor diagnoses the child for the appearance of pathologies. At this time, the parameters are evaluated:

  1. Palpitation.
  2. The size of the fetus and uterus.
  3. motor activity.
  4. The state of amniotic fluid.

And also the uzist will determine how the pregnancy goes in general. Now it is possible to conduct ultrasound in 4D or 3D format. If the decision is made to conduct such an ultrasound, then the child can be clearly seen. And now it is also possible to make a video of how the child behaves in the mother's tummy.

What tests should be taken at 21 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, indicators are submitted for screening. But screening results cannot be judged on their own. Only a specialized program can give such an assessment. It combines the data of all markers into one picture:

  1. Independent estriol.

This is an indispensable condition, because each marker cannot be deciphered separately. Screening takes into account the weight of the pregnant mother, her age, health status, number of fetuses, heredity and other factors.

The end result of screening looks like a risk indicator. Liminal value is 1:350. If mom has such an indicator or lower, then doctors will classify the fetus as low-risk.

High risk starts at 1:250 and above. This means that one out of 250 mothers with a similar result may have a sick child. It should be noted that this is only an estimated low or high risk of hereditary diseases in the fetus. In domestic ultrasound centers, screening is not always carried out correctly. Therefore, it can be considered low information.

In conclusion, I would like to say that 21 weeks of pregnancy is 5 obstetric months. At this time, you can find out the sex and size of the fetus, and during this period, the necessary screenings are carried out, which help to identify pathological diseases of the unborn baby.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 23 minutes


Here you come to the finish line. The term of 21 weeks is a kind of equator (middle), this corresponds to the development of the fetus. So, you are in your sixth month, and you are probably already used to the slight floundering and movement in your stomach (these sensations will accompany you until delivery).

Feelings of a woman at 21 weeks

The twenty-first obstetric week is the opening of the second half of pregnancy. Half of the difficult but pleasant journey has already been completed. At the twenty-first week, it is hardly possible to detect any constantly disturbing discomfort, however, there are periodic painful sensations that are compensated by one pleasant ():

  • Pulls the stomach (reason: tension of the ligaments of the uterus and expansion of the pelvis);
  • The appearance of hemorrhoids and bleeding from the anus;
  • Back pain;
  • Abundant vaginal discharge;
  • The appearance of colostrum;
  • Painless Breston-Hicks contractions (this phenomenon does not harm either the mother or the child. Most likely, these are the so-called “training” contractions. If they are too painful for you, consult a doctor);
  • Increased appetite (will accompany the expectant mother up to 30 weeks);
  • The appearance of shortness of breath;
  • Frequent visits to the toilet, especially at night;
  • Heartburn;
  • Swelling of the legs.

As for external changes, they take place here:

  • A sharp weight gain (about half of the weight that you have already gained);
  • Increased growth of hair and nails;
  • increased sweating;
  • Increasing the size of the legs;
  • Appearance.

What do they write on the forums?


Here we are at 21 weeks. Thank God, I began to feel like a person, although sometimes I feel unwell. The mood is changeable. Either everything and everything infuriates, then again a smile for all 32 teeth, especially when the baby moves!


We are already 21 weeks old. We have a boy!
It seems to me that I have gained a lot of weight and it worries me, but the doctor said that everything is normal. Sleep problems reappeared. I wake up every two hours to go to the toilet, and then I can't sleep.


We recently had an ultrasound! The husband is just in seventh heaven with happiness that we have a son! I feel like in a fairy tale. There is only one “but” - problems with the chair. I can't go to the toilet at all. Hellish pains and occasional blood!


My tummy is very small, the weight gain is only 2 kg, but the doctor says that everything is fine. recently he just left me alone, but I don’t feel like eating at all. I eat mostly fruits and vegetables! Very often it pulls my back, but I lie down a bit and everything is fine.


Something strange with appetite, sometimes I want to eat as if from a hungry land, sometimes I don’t want anything. Gain already 7 kg! The peanut moves very often, and the folder has already heard! We will soon find out who God has rewarded us with!


I have already gained 4 kg, now I weigh 54! I had to eat a lot. I can't go a day without sweets! I try to walk often so as not to gain the weight that is not needed at all! Our pauncher often moves and kicks!

What happens in the mother's body at the 21st week?

This is a relatively calm period, unlike the first three months of waiting for a baby.

  • An additional circle of blood circulation appears - placental, through which the placenta can pass up to 0.5 ml of blood every minute;
  • The uterus is enlarged;
  • The bottom of the uterus gradually rises, and the uppermost edge reaches a position 1.2 cm above the navel;
  • The mass of the heart muscle increases;
  • The volume of blood circulating in the body increases by an average of 35% relative to the norm of the average non-pregnant woman.

Fetal development at 21 weeks

Fruit appearance:

  • Your child is already growing to an impressive size of 18-28 cm, and already weighs about 400 grams;
  • The skin becomes smoother and acquires a natural color due to subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • The baby's body becomes more rounded;
  • The formation of eyebrows and eyelashes is finally completed (he already knows how to blink);
  • The rudiments of milk teeth are already appearing in the gums.

Formation and functioning of organs and systems:

  • By the 21st week, the internal organs of the fetus are completing their formation, but they have not yet been debugged;
  • Almost all endocrine glands are already performing their functions: the pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal glands and sex glands;
  • The spleen is included in the work;
  • The central nervous system (CNS) improves and the child is awake during the period of activity and rests during sleep;
  • The digestive system is so developed that the baby can swallow amniotic fluid, and the stomach, in turn, separates water and sugar from them and passes it all the way to the rectum;
  • Taste buds develop on the tongue of the bladder; very soon the baby will be able to distinguish sweet from salty, bitter from sour. (Attention: the taste of the amniotic fluid is directly related to the mother's nutrition. If the mother is fond of sweets, then the liquid will be sweet, and the baby will grow up sweet);
  • Leukocytes are formed, which are responsible for protecting the baby from infections;
  • The kidneys are already able to pass up to 0.5 ml of filtered fluid excreted in the form of urine;
  • All "extra" elements begin to accumulate in the large intestine, turning into meconium;
  • The growth of the lagoon on the baby's head continues.

Ultrasound at 21 weeks

With ultrasound at 21 weeks, the size of the child approximately corresponds to the size of a fairly large banana. The size of the baby is completely dependent on the physique of the mother (it is unlikely that a miniature mother can have a large child). With the help of an ultrasound at week 21, you can find out who you should expect in the near future: a boy or a girl. It is at 21 weeks that you will be able to see your baby for the last time on the screen in full growth (later the baby will not fit on the screen). You may notice that the baby's legs have become much longer. Due to the growth of the lower limbs, the entire body of the child looks proportional.

Video: Ultrasound in the 21st week of pregnancy

With ultrasound at 21 weeks, all necessary measurements of the fetus are mandatory.

For clarity, it provides you fruit size norm:

  • BDP (biparietal size) - the size between the temporal bones - 46-56 mm.
  • LZ (frontal-occipital size) - 60-72 mm.
  • OG (circumference of the fetal head) - 166-200 mm.
  • Coolant (abdominal circumference of the fetus) - 137 -177 mm.

Normal size of fetal bones:

  • Femur 32-40 mm,
  • Humerus 29-37 mm,
  • Forearm bones 24-32 mm,
  • Lower leg bones 29-37 mm.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the mother's abdomen and video at the 21st week

This is what the fetus looks like at 21 weeks

This is what the belly looks like at 21 weeks

Video: What happens at the 21st week of pregnancy?

  • As the fetus begins to grow rapidly, you increase your calorie intake by 500 kcal. The required daily calorie content for a woman at this time is 2800 - 3000 kcal. You need to increase the calorie content of your diet at the expense of dairy products, fruits, vegetables, easily digestible meat and fish. Read the article about.
  • You need to eat 6 times a day in small portions. The last meal should take place no later than 3 hours before a night's sleep;
  • Do not abuse fatty, spicy and overly salty foods to avoid harming the baby. Keep in mind that you are setting your child's future eating habits now;
  • Feet in the sixth month can swell and hurt, so you need to take the choice of shoes with all responsibility. Walk barefoot at home, and on the street, wear sneakers or any shoes without a heel;
  • Clothing should not contain synthetics and should be loose, not obstructing breathing;
  • You need to buy new underwear. Any item of underwear must be cotton;
  • The bra should not squeeze the chest and interfere with free breathing;
  • To support a rapidly growing tummy, get a bandage;
  • Limit physical activity, try to explain to your loved ones about the need to take on some household chores;
  • Make sure that your menu includes the required amount of vegetable fiber to avoid constipation;
  • In order to avoid additional pressure on the veins of the rectum, try to choose a comfortable sleeping position. Ideal option - sleep on your side.
  • Do not stay long and do not stand;
  • Don't strain while having a bowel movement– otherwise cracks may form;
  • Do Kegel exercises to stabilize blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • EVERY TIME after a bowel movement wash from front to back;
  • If you still have discharge, use panty liners and change your underwear as often as possible;
  • Have sex in positions where you can't hurt yourself or your baby. Avoid positions in which the man is on top;
  • Avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety. If your doctor says that everything is going well, then it is so;
  • At week 21, the baby hears everything that happens and feels what you feel, so avoid quarrels and scandals. Sit down and read him a book at night or sing a lullaby;
  • In case you haven't experienced it yet

On the twenty-first week of pregnancy expectant mothers feel good with normal fetal development. In the absence of any complications, this time is very good in terms of sensations: the tummy has grown significantly, but it still does not particularly interfere with movement. The baby is already kicking quite noticeably. Mom even knows when her future child likes to stay awake and when to sleep. Toddlers usually begin to be active in the evening or early in the morning. During the day, when mommy walks and does business, the little baby sniffs sweetly in her cozy shelter.

At this time, you can even see how the fetus moves. The baby has already grown enough so that his movements of the legs can be seen on the surface of the abdomen. The spectacle is truly bewitching and can even break through a tear especially impressionable. And in this interesting position, almost all women become very sensitive, emotional and often too impressionable.

Of the positive changes, we can name a significantly improved appearance: the hair seems to thicken and become more shiny, a healthy blush appears.

However, there are also some negative factors. So, 21 weeks pregnant, sensations:

  • Increased appetite, and as a result, excessive weight gain
  • Slight shortness of breath due to the fact that the internal organs are shifted higher and begin to put pressure on the lungs
  • For the same reason, severe heartburn may appear.
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Dizziness and weakness due to possible drops in blood pressure
  • Nasal congestion
  • Bleeding gums
  • Anxiety before the upcoming birth
  • Increased skin pigmentation
  • The appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen.

Sometimes women during this period simply rejoice at the future meeting with the long-awaited baby and simply do not notice these unpleasant little things. But if you notice that you are very depressed, you worry for no reason, your mood changes too often, you become extremely forgetful and absent-minded, then it is better to consult a doctor. After all, your condition may indicate any negative internal processes.

Now mothers are starting to eat more, but also more tired. After all, the baby is actively growing, and he needs more energy and more nutrients.

Fetal development at 21 weeks of gestation

At the twelfth week of pregnancy (this is the obstetric period, the embryonic week will be approximately 22-23), the weight of the fetus is approximately 300 grams. Growth - already almost half of what the baby will be born - about 25 cm. length from crown to tailbone 18 cm.

If you look at the embryo in the ultrasound images, you can see that the baby's skin is already formed, but still covered with numerous wrinkles and folds. The color of the skin is still reddish. At the same time, fatty tissue gradually increases. The more it is, the rounder the fruit will be.

The rudiments of teeth are already forming in the fetus, both milk and permanent .. He can blink with cilia, which, like the eyebrows, have already formed.

At the same time, the baby is already moving very actively. But you need to watch his movements. Too little or excessive physical activity should alert. A doctor's consultation is required.

At this time, all the glands of the endocrine system have already been formed and are working - the thyroid gland, pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, sex glands. The spleen is functioning. The gastrointestinal tract is already actively working: the baby swallows amniotic fluid, which delivers nutrients to the baby's body through the stomach. But unnecessary elements are deposited in the intestines. They form the original feces - meconium.

The embryo is already able to taste - there are taste buds on the tongue. Therefore, the baby can react to the taste of food that the mother consumes.

The child's body can already protect itself from some infections - the formation of leukocytes is already underway in the blood.

The first hair grows on the head.

What factors affect the development of the fetus

Now the placenta is fully formed, and the baby is already well protected. Most unnecessary and harmful substances are filtered out and will not harm the fetus. However, there are factors that can significantly negatively affect the state of the embryo. These are alcohol, drugs, nicotine, antibiotics, some toxic substances (arsenic, mercury, potassium iodide, quinine and the like), hormonal substances.

The influence of ionizing radiation is dangerous, therefore, fluorography for the entire period of pregnancy is prohibited. Contact with household aggressive detergents and cleaning agents should also be avoided.

What complications can occur at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Complications can occur later with a lack of vitamin D: after birth, the baby may develop rickets.

If there is not enough calcium in the mother's diet, then this leads to varicose veins and hemorrhoids after childbirth.

Overeating threatens with a serious weight gain - and this is the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes in a woman.

A serious complication is swelling of the extremities, especially the legs. At the same time, at each appointment, the doctor must control the size of the swelling. Then you may need to adjust your diet.

Changes in the body of a woman at 21 weeks of pregnancy

On the 21 obstetric weeks of pregnancy the woman is already fully aware that a new life is developing within her. She already feels her baby well, talks to him, communicates to the best of his ability. And this is very good for the baby, because scientists believe that a deep emotional connection is already being established between a mother and her child.

The tummy is already significantly noticeable to others. However, there is also some discomfort here. The enlarged uterus begins to shift all the internal organs upward, so there are always unpleasant sensations. For example, sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe when walking - this is pressing down on the lungs. The stomach begins to play pranks, because the fetus pushes it up together with the intestines. Possible severe heartburn, constipation, indigestion. But now it is already possible to take drugs that regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but only after consulting a doctor.

A very big problem for many is the frequent urge to urinate. For some, it comes to the point that they are afraid to leave the house for a long time, as it is difficult to control the muscles that hold the urethra. And sometimes unpleasant sensations appear after a particularly active baby begins to beat the bladder with his foot.

The chest has now grown significantly. There may be a slight discharge of colostrum from the nipples.

The volume of blood in a woman's body increases by 35 percent. Naturally, the load on the heart increases.

In women who had any chronic diseases before pregnancy, the unpleasant symptoms of existing diseases may worsen.

For many, the size of the foot increases. Edema appears on the extremities. This should be especially monitored, because severe swelling may indicate complications.

But for most, the appearance becomes simply amazing: beautiful and fast-growing hair and nails, good skin, blush on the cheeks and sparkle in the eyes.

The level of hCG in the body of a pregnant woman is gradually decreasing - now the norm is 4720 - 80100 mIU / ml.

Analyzes and medical examinations

Serious analyzes for 21 weeks pregnant not required. At each visit to the observing gynecologist, you will have to take a urinalysis (general). Also, the specialist will monitor the baby's heartbeat, measure the mother's weight, blood pressure, tummy volume and the height of the uterine fundus.

Normal weight gain now is about 4 kg. Busting can be dangerous in the future risk of diabetes.

The doctor will prescribe all other examinations based on the general condition of the pregnant woman, the course of pregnancy and the presence of chronic diseases. In case of serious deviations, hospitalization may be required (for preservation).

Ultrasound at 21 weeks pregnant

On the 21 weeks a second screening ultrasound may be ordered if not already done.

Ultrasound will help to see and evaluate the development of the embryo, its size, the formation of internal organs, the position of the fetus.

The specialist will check the condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid. It is also necessary to measure the heart rate - normally it is 180-190 beats per second.

First of all, now you need to take care of your safety and the safety of your unborn child. Now, because of the grown belly, the center of gravity has shifted significantly, so you will have to learn to walk and move as if from the beginning. It is worth bending over carefully so as not to press the stomach. The same goes for sleeping positions. Especially in winter, you need to move carefully so as not to slip and get injured.

Try not to go for walks alone, stay alone for a long time, as frequent dizziness is dangerous.

Pay special attention to nutrition. Although by this time many women have already formed their diet, they are used to a certain set of products, but it is worth remembering the required amount of nutrients and vitamins. Appetite is sometimes also worth moderating, so as not to gain excess weight.

You should not take risks by using all sorts of folk remedies: herbal infusions, teas, ointments and the like. The impact of natural natural substances on the body of a pregnant woman has not been fully studied. For example, hibiscus tea can increase the tone of the uterus.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

Strictly taboo still applies to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs. Taking medicines only as directed. Try to avoid stress if you still have to work. But it is better to reduce your job responsibilities to a minimum at this time.

Sex at 21 weeks pregnant

Sex at 21 weeks pregnant may be prohibited if there is a placenta previa or a threatened miscarriage.

With intimate relationships, you should be careful, choose positions in which there will be no deep penetration and pressure on the stomach.

Otherwise, bed comforts are not forbidden. Moreover, now the sensitivity of a woman's erogenous zones is greatly increased. And pleasant sensations will only benefit.

Sports and physical education

Shouldn't be avoided now physical activity. It is clear that the load should be within reason. A minimum of mandatory daily walks. If you have the opportunity and desire, do gymnastics, Pilates, yoga, go to the pool. Naturally, all exercises should be special for pregnant women.

You should not lie on the couch all day and take care of yourself like a crystal vase. The muscles of the body must be in good shape, at least with a minimum load.

Vitamins and medicines at 21 weeks pregnant

We continue to take medicines only when necessary and only after the recommendation of a doctor. No self medication.

It is also better to discuss a vitamin complex for pregnant women with a specialist if you think that you are not getting enough of what you need with food.

On the 21 weeks pregnant You can already enroll in special courses to prepare for childbirth. It's time to learn how to breathe properly, do exercises that will facilitate the process of childbirth. It is useful and morally set yourself up for this moment. It is important to communicate with other pregnant women, share impressions, support each other.

The 21st week of pregnancy or the first week of the sixth month is a kind of equator when the fetus is exactly in the middle of its development path. According to the obstetric calendar, the 21st week of pregnancy corresponds to the 19th week of fetal development from the moment of conception.

The happy expectant mother by this moment, most likely, already has time to get used to the stirring in her stomach, which will now continue until the very birth.

The fetus continues to develop intensively as well, but its growth rate at week 21 slows down somewhat.

And the woman already clearly notices not only the internal, but also the external changes in her body: the tummy has become quite noticeable, but, nevertheless, it is not yet so large as to cause inconvenience.

It is at this time that most expectant mothers finally manage to fully realize that they will have a baby very soon.

What happens at 21 weeks

At week 21, the fetus continues to develop and grow. Moreover, its growth in length slows down a little, and weight starts to increase. That is why many women notice an increase in appetite.

At this time, as a rule, one of the most exciting events in the entire pregnancy takes place - future parents get the opportunity to find out the gender of their baby, listen to how his heart beats.

Besides, on ultrasound it is already possible to see possible malformations and deviations in development and prevent them, therefore, pregnant women are strongly recommended to undergo this examination. Read more about second trimester screening

In the same period, the child begins to receive from his mother immunoglobulins- antibodies that protect the fetus from (the so-called passive immunity). The thickness of the placenta should already be approximately 17.5 mm, although this figure may vary in each individual case.

At the sixth month, the fetus does not yet occupy any specific and can turn freely.

The height of the baby is already 26 cm, and the weight is about 370 g, which corresponds to the size of a large carrot.

Well-being of a woman at 21 weeks

From 21 weeks, the second half of a difficult but happy journey begins. Signs of toxicosis by this time most often disappear, and woman feeling good. However, regular changes continue to occur with her body.

Possible physical sensations

Each female body is unique, so all physical sensations at week 21 are extremely individual. Hormonal changes continue to occur in the body, but completely new sensations are added to this.

  1. Fetal movements. At 21 weeks, the baby, as a rule, moves very actively, every now and then, changing the position of his body in the womb.
    1. Usually, doctors recommend monitoring the frequency of movements, since the activity of the child indicates his condition.
    2. It is believed that everything is normal with the fetus if a woman feels his movements at least ten times a day.
    3. If the number of movements significantly exceeds the specified number of times, this may signal that the child is not entirely comfortable, for example, if the mother is in a stuffy room, etc.
    4. Read about why it is necessary to monitor the movements of the child.
  2. The weight. Around the 21st week of pregnancy, a woman notices that she has begun to put on weight a little more than usual. This is absolutely normal, because over the next ten weeks the weight will increase even more. All this is connected not only with the increased appetite of the expectant mother, but also with the fact that the baby begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat. However, doctors still advise trying to avoid too much weight gain, as this is fraught with the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Read more about how not to gain weight during pregnancy.
  3. Breast. During this period, the woman's breasts are still enlarged. With a weight gain slightly above normal, it can become even more voluminous due to subcutaneous fat. The halo of the nipple becomes darker, and its area increases. The nipples now stand out much more, and their sensitivity increases. For many women at 21 weeks pregnant, a small amount of colostrum, which is a clear or whitish liquid, may ooze from the nipples. So that it does not stain the linen, it is recommended to put special napkins in the bra.
  4. Stomach. Since the fetus is already taking up more space, it tries to increase the free space a little by stretching and kicking. In this regard, some expectant mothers may notice that the abdominal muscles ache a little. The stomach itself has already grown noticeably, so it can be difficult for many women to find a comfortable position for sleeping. The movements of the child are already becoming noticeable from the side, and by placing a hand on the stomach, you can determine exactly what you are touching: the baby’s leg or ass. Read about the norms and changes in the parameters of measuring the abdomen
  5. Uterus. By week 21, the uterus becomes about 3 centimeters higher than the navel, and the height of its bottom from the pubis is about 21 centimeters. The ever-increasing uterus compresses the internal organs and raises the diaphragm, because of this, a woman may experience shortness of breath from time to time. To cope with this unpleasant phenomenon, experts advise starting to master breathing techniques, which will later be very useful during childbirth.
  6. Leather. Due to the hormonal changes taking place in the body of a pregnant woman, her skin becomes smoother, but sometimes age spots still appear on it. It is better not to get rid of them during pregnancy, otherwise it should be done very carefully, using sparing folk remedies. So, you can gently wipe the skin with lemon juice or a cotton pad dipped in milk. Also, due to the high concentration of estrogen, the skin of the hands and feet may look slightly bluish. After childbirth, her color returns to normal.
  7. pain. Despite the fact that it is the 21st week of pregnancy that is called the period of relative calm and well-being, a variety of pains can annoy a woman. Slight pain in the uterus can be that do not pose any threat to the health of the baby and his mother. However, one should not ignore the pronounced pulling or cramping pain that radiates to the lower back. It is better to immediately consult a doctor, since such a symptom may be a sign of increased uterine tone. In addition, due to excess weight, a woman may have pain in her legs and back. Under the pressure of the uterus, pain in the navel may occur.
  8. Allocations. Normally, vaginal discharge at week 21 should not differ radically from ordinary discharge in some way. Under the influence of progesterone on the mucous membrane, they can become somewhat more abundant. Normal vaginal discharge from a healthy woman is translucent, grayish whitish with a sour smell. If some deviations from the norm are observed (the discharge smells bad, becomes purulent or flaky, etc.), then this usually signals some kind of pathology. So, for example, when impurities of blood appear in the discharge and pain in the abdomen, suspicions of premature birth may arise, which can be prevented by contacting a medical facility as soon as possible. If the discharge is watery and transparent, it may be a premature outflow of water. This condition also requires medical supervision. Read more about the nature of discharge during pregnancy.
  9. Stomach disorders. Since almost all internal organs gradually move up under the pressure of the uterus, digestive disorders, constipation and bloating often accompany 21 weeks of pregnancy.
  10. Insomnia. The lack of adequate sleep can be associated with several aspects at once. Firstly, due to the increasing pressure of the uterus on the bladder, a pregnant woman has to go to the toilet several times a night. Secondly, when the tummy is already noticeably sticking out, it is not so easy to comfortably sit in bed. Many women are simply accustomed to sleeping on their back or on their stomach, so lying on their side, they cannot fall asleep for a long time. The psychological factor cannot be ruled out, because often future mothers are not allowed to fall asleep by their own thoughts and experiences.
  11. Frequent urination. With each week of pregnancy, the uterus increases more and more, which means that it puts more and more pressure on the organs, including the bladder. Because of this, women have to go to the toilet "in a small way" much more often than usual.
  12. Nails and hair. Almost all mothers by the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy note that their hair and nails began to grow very intensively. Again, due to hormonal changes, hair can begin to appear in unwanted places.
  13. Legs. Developing, the fetus absorbs from the mother's body all the useful substances it needs, but the mother may not have enough of these substances. So, with a lack of calcium, a pregnant woman may feel cramps in her legs, which occur mainly at night. In addition, many women suffer from the fact that their legs are very swollen. Even worse, if it occurs due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses on large veins. In order not to burden the legs too much, pregnant women are advised to wear comfortable shoes without heels and not be on their feet for a very long time.
  14. Haemorrhoids. Anal bleeding, unfortunately, is a frequent companion of this period of pregnancy. Its cause, as a rule, becomes hemorrhoids, which do not pose a serious threat to health and often disappear after childbirth. Read more about hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Possible emotional experiences

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the emotional state of the expectant mother more or less stabilizes. She no longer suffers from frequent mood swings and excessive irritability. Usually during this period pregnant woman is completely satisfied with herself, she likes her changed appearance and inner feelings.

Such internal harmony is primarily connected with the fact that the hormonal surge is left behind, and the body has already managed to adapt to a new state for it. In addition, during this period, the expectant mother begins to establish an emotional connection with the baby, talk to him, feel him. Of course, this in no small way contributes to a good mood.

It is known that, being in the womb, the baby is very sensitive to all the experiences of his mother.

Therefore, in order to maintain a good mood for both, a pregnant woman should:

    try to avoid stress and emotional upheaval;

    take care of loved ones and not get annoyed over trifles;

    comply with all prescriptions of doctors.

Reviews of women about 21 weeks

21 weeks of pregnancy is considered the most prosperous time when a woman feels good and is satisfied with herself, despite the weight gain and changes that have occurred with the figure. Here are some expectant mothers' impressions about this period:

margarita: “I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant and feeling great! The baby is already moving with might and main and even responds to my touches. My appetite increased a little, but still not to such an extent that I could get up in the middle of the night and go to the refrigerator. The only thing that darkens this wonderful time a little is that toxicosis hasn’t gone anywhere, plus heartburn also torments me.”

Olga: "My baby kicks all the time and it's so much fun! In weight, so far I have gained only 4.5 kilograms, and then everything went into my stomach. Many people tell me that the tummy is now the same with which many women walk in the ninth month. I remember how, from the very beginning of pregnancy, I was looking forward to when my stomach would grow, and now it began to increase so dramatically.

Oksana: “Yesterday my husband and I had an ultrasound, we found out that there will be a girl! It's such a joy beyond words! And I finally fully realized that very soon I will become a mother.

Faith: “I want to congratulate everyone who has crossed the midpoint of pregnancy! From the very beginning of pregnancy, I gained only three kilograms, and as for the stomach, it is still practically invisible. I really want to finally start wearing all those wonderful maternity clothes that I bought a month ago. My baby moves very actively, especially when I go to bed. And the night before last we watched fireworks at a holiday in the park, so with each volley the baby jumped right up, it was very funny.

Svetlana: “Well, finally, yesterday the baby made itself felt! The sensations were incredible, as if something was vibrating inside the abdomen. I've waited so long for this moment that I even burst into tears. But today it's quiet again."

Alina: “And for several days now, transparent discharge has appeared from my nipples, literally drop by drop a couple of times a day. The doctor said that this is absolutely normal, which means that the breast is just getting ready to perform its main function: to feed the baby. She also advised me to pay special attention to breast hygiene.”

Regina: "I constantly communicate with my baby, and it seems to me that she already understands absolutely everything, or at least feels that her mother loves her and is waiting for her."

Julia: “We are already exactly 21 weeks old, two days ago they did an ultrasound and determined the sex of the child - a girl. Moreover, the doctor described everything in such detail (labia and everything else) that I even doubted whether it was possible to see all this in such a crumb?

Evgeniya: “But in the first trimeter I managed to lose weight by as much as 7 kilograms! Now, at 21 weeks, I managed to recover a little, and then thanks to the increased feeding of my mother and husband.

Love: “I also went 21 weeks. To be honest, I don’t really follow my weight, I only weigh myself at a doctor’s appointment, until I gained about 5 kilograms. Three years ago, an ultrasound showed that there would be a boy, my husband and I are happy! Now we choose a name, we constantly play the game “This is dad, this is mom” with him. I also read in the book that if you lie on your back, the baby will begin to kick actively, since he does not really like this position. It's true, try it! Yesterday, I couldn’t wait for so long for the baby to make itself felt, so I ate a piece of chocolate and began to ask him to move, and he really began to kick me in the tummy.

Fetal development at 21 weeks of gestation

As already mentioned, the 21st week of pregnancy can be considered a certain milestone, because already from the end of this period the child is able to survive outside the mother's womb.

His internal organs already fully formed, the process of debugging their functioning and thermoregulation begins.

The diameter of the child's head is 49.9 mm, the tummy is 50.5 mm, and the chest is approximately 50 mm.

Leather the baby is no longer red, it has turned pink and has become denser and smoother, thanks to fatty tissue accumulated under the skin. Subcutaneous fat is essential for thermoregulation so that the fetus can retain internal heat.

It develops especially actively at 21 weeks digestive system, because the child constantly trains his lungs and esophagus by swallowing amniotic fluid, which contains all the necessary nutrients: sugar, water, etc. How tasty this first food will be depends on, so at this stage it's time to start instilling in your baby a love of healthy and healthy foods.

Hydrochloric acid and special enzymes help the tiny organism digest the first meal. Solid dead cells are not digested, they remain in the intestine until the very birth, turning into the original cal - meconium.

At 21 weeks continues to strengthen and grow muscle and bone tissue. The endocrine system of the baby is already actively functioning, but now the spleen will join it.

Rapid development is taking place fetal brain, And his movements become much more coordinated. There is a division of nerve cells, the formation of the cerebral cortex, as well as its convolutions and furrows.

Higher nervous activity The baby continues to actively improve. During the day, its activity alternates with periods of calm and deep sleep. Just like in an adult, during periods of wakefulness, the fetal heart beats more often, and the frequency of respiratory movements also increases. During sleep, and this period is approximately 18 hours a day, the child's muscle activity drops, the heartbeat and breathing slow down.

Another interesting point that happens to the fetus at 21 weeks is the formation of taste buds on his tongue. Very soon he will learn to distinguish tastes: sweet and sour, salty and bitter.

Circulatory system is also developing. The first leukocytes begin to circulate in the blood, which means that the defense of the tiny organism against infections is strengthened.

Week 21 is the optimal period to start actively communicating with the baby, because he is already able to recognize the voice of his mother, as well as his intonations (calm, irritated, etc.). Therefore, it is very important to be gentle, not to be nervous because of the little things, because the baby very sensitively captures the emotional state of his mother and adapts to it.

Photo ultrasound of the fetus

So many expectant mothers who are 21 weeks pregnant are concerned about the same questions:

    is it possible to have sex at this time?

    Will playing sports be harmful?

    how to eat right so as not to gain a lot of excess weight, but to provide the child with all the nutrients?

    how to improve well-being without harming the baby?

    What examinations are required during this period?

So, first things first.

Sex at 21 weeks in principle, it is not contraindicated if there is no threat of premature termination of pregnancy, and the expectant mother herself wants to deal with it. However, it is necessary to choose only such positions in which there will be no pressure on the abdomen. You should not think that such an action can be unpleasant for the child, because he reacts, first of all, to the emotional state of his mother, so if she enjoys it, then the baby will too. Read about safe sex positions for pregnant women.

Sport. Concerning active sports, then they are also not contraindicated, but the load should be reasonable.

Dosed physical activity strengthens the body of the expectant mother and contributes to the supply of the fetus with a large amount of oxygen. According to doctors, the best sport for pregnant women is swimming, which can be practiced until the very birth. An excellent alternative will be under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Also, a pregnant woman can also exercise on sports equipment or do gymnastics at home, but without loading her stomach and back. It is clear that at the 21st week of pregnancy there can be no question of weightlifting.

Read more about sports and pregnancy

Nutrition at 21 weeks plays a crucial role, because this period is characterized by intensive growth of the child, which requires more and more nutrients. At this time, the average caloric content of a woman's daily diet should be approximately 3000 kcal. So, there is a need to increase the daily portion of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Naturally, you should not lean on fatty fried meat, sweets and fast food.

diet expectant mother should include the following products:

    fermented milk and dairy products, including milk porridge;

    chicken or rabbit meat, which is considered easily digestible;

    vegetable fats;

    products made from wholemeal flour;

    fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, the last of which is desirable to eat no later than three hours before bedtime. Most likely, during this period, a woman may need.

Usually the doctor prescribes calcium preparations, which must be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Read more about calcium intake during pregnancy

As for general well-being, at week 21 it can be overshadowed by various problems that are, in principle, natural. Most expectant mothers experience problems with their feet, which swell and hurt. The following tips will help alleviate the condition:

    resting, you should raise your legs to a hill;

    during pregnancy, it is advisable to abandon shoes with heels;

    it is better not to cross your legs;

    you can ask your doctor about the advisability of wearing a special bandage that supports the lower back and abdomen.

Underwear. Among other things, at the 21st week of pregnancy, a woman should already attend to the choice of special underwear in which she will feel as comfortable as possible.

Linen should be made from natural and hypoallergenic materials. If a woman has varicose veins, she can wear special medical tights that improve blood flow and relieve swelling.

Examinations at 21 weeks of gestation

As a rule, 21 weeks is the time for the second scheduled ultrasound and screening, which will allow:

    measure the parameters of the fetus;

    find out the size of the parts of the body of the unborn child;

    evaluate the functioning of its organs;

    assess the condition of the placenta;

    find out the gender of the baby;

    identify possible intrauterine infections and malformations.

It is very important to assess the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, uterine tone, fetal heart rate, etc. All these indicators will allow to draw a conclusion about the state of health of the baby.

By this time, the screening results are already ready, but they can be adequately assessed only with the help of specialized programs that combine all the indicators.

Read more about second trimester screening

At each gynecological appointment, a pregnant woman takes general tests.

If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, the doctor may prescribe additional individual studies, for example, or a detailed

The 21st week of pregnancy is the most important for many expectant mothers, so it is very important that during this period they are happy and calm.

Husbands can be started now by taking them with you for an ultrasound, allowing them to communicate with the baby in their tummy. This will certainly unite the family even more, and the baby will feel loved and long-awaited.

Video about 21 weeks of pregnancy

At 21 weeks, all mothers undergo an ultrasound in order to determine the development of the fetus. During this period, the baby's body acquires the correct proportions. Let's take a closer look at what a baby looks like at 21 weeks.

Fetal development

At the 21st week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus slows down, it also grows, the fetal systems develop. A child at 21 weeks of gestation, swallowing amniotic fluid, its liquid part is absorbed, and the solid part passes into the intestine, where it remains until the moment of birth.

The child's blood contains the required amount of red cells. At this time, white cells begin to be produced that suppress various infections. The bone marrow develops intensively. Every day the weight of the child increases by about 10 grams. Your fruit is the size of a banana this week.

A baby at 21 weeks pregnant begins to weigh about 360 grams. Until this week, his height was considered the distance from the top of his head to the tailbone. Now growth is being measured from head to toe, which means that the height of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation is about 26.7 cm.

Pregnancy 21 weeks fetal development is the formation of cilia and eyebrows, he is already able to blink. If the fetus is male, then he has testicles, which in just a couple of weeks will pass from the pelvic cavity to the scrotum. The fetus at 21 weeks pregnant can hear your conversations and distinguish other people's voices. If you sing or read aloud, then be sure that he hears you.

Many scientists have come to the conclusion that if a newborn is read the same books that the mother read to the baby at 21 weeks of pregnancy, then he will suckle the breast much more intensively. If you want to check this fact, then immediately pick up some book, just keep in mind that you will have to re-read it several more times. So think carefully about your choice of book. This book may become your child's favorite fairy tale.

What is formed during this period?

Scientists say that a child at 21 weeks pregnant can distinguish his mother's voice from his father's. In addition, he hears the sounds of melodies. You can conduct an experiment, sing something or read, you will immediately notice how the child calms down. At this time, another ultrasound is prescribed, on which you can definitely find out the sex of the child. Get ready for the doctor to tell you exactly who you will have.

How does mom feel?

At 21 weeks pregnant, the weight of the baby increases accordingly, and you feel a noticeable increase. At 21 weeks, a woman can add 3 kg. Do not panic, even if you scored a little more. During pregnancy, weight can be gained in leaps and bounds. One week you may gain more than the norm, the next - less. During this period, you may grow hair on your stomach or back. The hairline on the head will also improve, the nails will become strong. This is due to the rapid outflow of blood and excessive intake of nutrients.

At this time, women may notice improvements in intimate life. You may notice that getting an orgasm has become much easier, or vice versa - it does not work. The changes are justified with the hormonal background, most likely after childbirth everything returns to normal.

During this period, you will feel very comfortable, because at the 21st week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus does not yet hamper your movement, and the ailments are already disappearing. During this period of time, try to relax and gain strength for the third semester.

Possible highlights

If at week 21 you feel pain in the groin and abdomen, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. Many women at this time can observe discharge in themselves. If the discharge is not accompanied by an unpleasant itch and smell, then you can leave everything as it is. If there is an unpleasant smell and itching, then you will have to take tests to identify the cause of the discharge.

A child at 21 weeks of pregnancy begins to move actively, which is not a very pleasant phenomenon for a woman. During the 21st week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus allows it to feel quite at ease in the uterus. The fetus at the 21st week of pregnancy actively moves in the uterus and turns over from head to foot and vice versa. At this time, parents begin to show great attention to him - they stroke and talk to him. At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's weight increases due to the buildup of fat mass. A woman may experience excessive sweating as the fetus grows and it takes a lot of effort to carry it.

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the dimensions of the fetus are approximately: weight - 300 grams, and height 18 cm. The baby prepares the piles of the stomach for the first meals. At this time, he carries out the processes of swallowing the liquid around the fetus, about 0.5 liters per day.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, the baby has a taste, now he feels the taste of all the foods eaten by his mother. At 21 weeks, the mother's appetite improves, during this period it is necessary to monitor nutrition. Do not abuse "harmful" foods, try to eat more vegetables and fruits. Avoid salty, spicy and fatty foods.

Sports during pregnancy

If at 21 weeks of pregnancy the baby's weight is normal, then you can safely do various exercises. If before pregnancy you devoted a lot of time to sports, then just reduce the load. If you decide to work out after conception, then start with light movements, not biceps and pump the press.

Do not forget that pregnant women have a strongly shifted center of gravity, it is not difficult to lose balance. The difference in pressure can cause dizziness. You should not make sudden movements, and make sure that you always have a person with you who knows how to provide first aid. If at the time of training you feel dizzy or have abdominal pain, take a break and reduce the load.

If at 21 weeks of pregnancy the development of the fetus is normal, then you can go swimming or yoga. Do not strain your abdominal muscles, and try not to do those exercises that can hit your stomach.

If the fetus is at 21 weeks of gestation, do not forget to undergo an ultrasound in order to gain confidence in the correct development of the baby. After that, you can relax and enjoy the last calm days and prepare for the third semester.