50 years old younger brother. Bright congratulations to brother for fifty years

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Time rushes inexorably
And multiplies everyday life by years.
It seems all the time - we are thirty,
And it will be so in the future, always.

Changes the date to date quickly,
Without slowing down the life of the run.
You were a boy once
Today - an adult.

Half a century, brother, is wisdom
And the figure is important in fate.
May your cheerfulness not fade away
Let it be lucky always, everywhere.

I wish you well, in all prosperity,
Health to go forward.
May your life be smooth
I wish you a bright path!

You are 50 today, my dear brother,
Though your head has turned gray, you are a boy at heart.
And it's very good, getting old is not interesting,
And you need to live as if you were 25, so that the feelings were cramped!
I wish you this with all my heart, dear.
Be healthy, happy and loved, I congratulate you!

They say that people fall back into childhood with age. So this is great! After all, childhood is the most carefree, joyful and cheerful time. Therefore, dear brother, on your 50th anniversary, I wish you to fall back into childhood, not knowing worries and troubles, serenely enjoying life.

Dear you are my brother,
Even though you are no longer a boy.
Fifty is not the date
Little else has been taken in life.

Therefore I wish a lot
No advance payment and collateral!
Every year like a hundred years
He brought various victories.

Both in love and at work.
Only ride a Toyota
Money purse full
And spring blooming branch.

There is one man in this world,
With whom everyone is happy to make friends.
And in my life I am always in a duet with him,
After all, this man is my brother.

I congratulate you on your anniversary
And I will say a lot of words, brother, from the bottom of my heart.
Those fifty were beautiful, I know
But the next ones will be good too.

After all, it was only half
We spend so much time running
Now you will have a reason
Be calmer and happier than everyone!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
You must be very happy
Not sparing beautiful words:
"I have a wonderful brother!"

You know me perfectly
Protected from all losses
And today, can you imagine
You are now fifty!

Let your eyes shine
As before, with kindness,
You, with us, everyone knows it,
You will be forever young!

Happy holiday today
What else can I say?
Fifty to my brother
Fifty, not twenty-five!

Brother, I became a respectable husband,
Neither add nor subtract.
What is such a lord
Wish you a birthday?

I wish you a lot of gold -
You can't find happiness in gold.
Long and calm life -
There is no luck in it.

Maybe love is bad?
They can call them old.
Eh, I would return the years, brother,
And again, like at twenty-five!

Happy anniversary, my beloved brother,
You are exactly fifty today.
Saying without exaggeration,
You have not lived these fifty in vain!

I wish peace to your family
So that there is always bread and salt on the table,
At work to be appreciated
Everyone respected you, loved you!

I'm proud of you, brother, -
How much time has passed,
And you are the same rascal,
What it was like a long time ago.

The torso is tucked up, you press from the floor,
You build eyes for everyone.
Women sigh languidly -
After all, the groom was taken into custody.

For his wife a reward,
For the children of relatives - a joy.
We love, appreciate, value
And we keep repeating:

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Always be one step wiser
Happiness may come to your house
Let the miracle happen.

Dear brother, happy anniversary to you
From our hearts we congratulate you in love!
We wish you health - only Siberian
And not to meet troubles on the way - well, not at all.

Always be: happy as today, now,
And the mood of life, so that it does not fade away forever,
Charging, jogging in the morning,
And plunge into the ice-hole cold in winter.

In physical shape, always, so that he was,
About age in "fifty dollars", forever so that I forgot,
After all, your soul is just a "thirty",
You are a brother, dear, a romantic in life!

Fifty is not too much
You are still like a boy
Everyone is more fun with you
We celebrate your anniversary!
So that you always live in abundance,
Let things be all right.
So that fate only smiles
Everyone admired you.
Live another half century
Such a good person!

Dear dear brother
You are also very young
And 50, so it is not enough.
Pour and drink brother with me.

And in these modest fifty,
What is my brother to wish for ?.
Of course happiness, and kindness,
Love, family warmth.

So that you do not recognize grief in life,
And pouring drank to the bottom.
Your brother is not a hint,
I give this congratulation.

Brave, my beloved brother,
The holiday flies on the wings
So you're 50
A salute is thundering.

How much love and warmth
You give it to friends and family.
I'd follow you
It wouldn't be scary with that.

May it always be in your life
There will be luck, success.
If you are near then
Everyone will have happiness!

50 years is a serious anniversary,
A very important milestone in life.
My dear brother, you today
I want to read my wishes.

Always be successful and lucky
Catch the bird of happiness by the tail.
Let them go around the side of bad weather,
Let your life turn into paradise!

To my sibling
I want to say hello!
Congratulations on a powerful date:
Fifty (do not believe) years!

I look at you and love:
Outwardly young and lean;
Your life will be longer
If there is a fire in the soul of love.

I wish you, brother,
Sparks of mischievous eyes
So that you fly with happiness
Every day in heaven.

Beloved brother is a hero of the day,
Fifty turned
May good luck and warmth
Your life will be filled!

You are cheerful and young
Despite the years
Side will be bypassed
May you adversity.

Fifty solemn moments
And there are as many candles on the cake!

May he be rich in joy!
An honorable and wonderful anniversary!

Dear you are my brother,
Even though you are no longer a boy.
Fifty is not the date
Little else has been taken in life.

Therefore I wish a lot
No advance payment and collateral!
Every year like a hundred years
He brought various victories.

Both in love and at work.
Only ride a Toyota
Money purse full
And spring blooming branch.

Happy anniversary, my beloved brother,
You are exactly fifty today.
Saying without exaggeration,
You have not lived these fifty in vain!

You are 50! It's a glorious date.
And I am very proud of you as a brother.
You have achieved a lot in life, brother.
Ride a ride on a bird of luck.

After all, there is a beloved family nearby.
Success in work is flying with stars.
Be the most fortunate, brother, as before.
Good luck to you, happiness and bright hope!

Happy Anniversary, brother! Here's a half a little for you,
Today we have prepared a humble rhyme for you,
On this important day, we want to tell you
Don't stop surprising us with your health and strength!
You will be stronger than any young guy
You still apply for the competition of strongmen - athletes,
We do not know more cheerful than you in our circle,
And this is fifty years old! Brother, congratulations!

Funny congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the brother

After all, 50 is not a date at all,
When there is so much strength left.
We wish that the coming year
Bringing success and joy.

We wish our brother many years
May health be excellent
There will never be grief
And happiness will be limitless.

You are fifty today.
You're still young, brother.
And congratulations on the anniversary
Take it from me soon.

My brother, are you really fifty?
Well, you, as before, boy, my brother!
I love you, dear, with all my heart.
These are the words I will say today:

I wish you to be as healthy as a bull
I'm used to a sports lifestyle.
So that the women all sigh with admiration,
When you were observed at the resort.

Friends and relatives - everyone respects you,
They wish you success, prosperity, luck.
Always stay, my brother, you are in the ranks.
You will win in any battle!

(Name), brother, what do I see - oh god!
The years are running, flying, in a hurry,
And you seem to have become even younger
If only ... a beard!
What is fifty years old for a man
When just another takeoff run was taken ?!
After all, you have only lived for half a century -
That's just the point, when the knocks - century!
And you will be in full bloom then,
And, I hope, this is the same gull,
And what a century, if a millennium
We will turn the calendar sheet!
And in that, already in another millennium,
Under the circumstances of others,
We will meet with you again ... as children
Most honorable parents.
And we will remember the native "sorting"
Where each of us looked for his own ways:
How I honed my "skill" in poetry,
You - from the button accordion "carved sparks".
Oh, how magical the music sounded! ..
And how many singers are remembered! -
After all, the queue was "behind you" ...
Pretty, young girls.
Our summers are running, flying, leaving, -
Already youth is somewhere, somewhere far away.
But for you this "turn"
It hasn't diminished yet!
We still do not summarize ourselves at all,
Although the hair is not counted gray,
And there is still something we can do
And in some ways not worse than the young.
And we would all live and live in this world! ..
Oh, how gloriously we shall live! -
To live with us, our children learned,
Especially - as we drink and sing! ..
We keep our fatherly spirit zealously:
Pour your own glass more fully
And quickly spread the accordion fur, -
Do you not know: where is "forte",
there and "drunk" ..
After all, the "Golden" anniversary today!

Today is the birthday of such a person!
The brother has become an adult uncle, he is already half a century.
You were just a kid yesterday, I was little
And now you are solid and cool at the head of the table.

I wish you to smile more often on your anniversary,
Dream, hope, love and enjoy life.
Until a hundred years, your ship will sail through life.
My brother, my boy, I love you so much.

Brother exchanged fifty,
Even imperceptibly.
He is taut, bold look,
Nobody will say.

We wish him - happiness
No worries.
Together they will perish as one
Adversity and doubt.

Well hold on a little longer brother
Be strong, cheerful.
You are not a brother, you are just a treasure,
Always be like new.

Brother, how many years in a row can you
Every time to congratulate you on your birth,
Fifty times this was the case,
I already, brother, are fed up with the order!
Yes, I'm joking, happy Jubilee, be happy and be healthy,
As a young pioneer, always be ready
To be forever young and beloved man,
And so that you were rich, brother, like Pinocchio!

Beloved brother! I congratulate you on a great date - your 50th anniversary. You have come a long way in life with dignity, my respect for you is immeasurable. We didn’t always get along as children, but over time we began to understand each other and help when it was really necessary. You are very dear to me, on this day I wish you to get everything that you want yourself. It is important that the results summed up by you on this day please you, making you proud of yourself. Happy anniversary!

We celebrate our brother's jubilee all together,
We do not sit at all in one place,
At your 50 we will give you congratulations,
Let the impressions be wonderful!
Congratulations brother, together we heartily,
You stay young like that forever!
May luck, happiness not pass by
There will be a festive fireworks in your honor!

How handsome is the birthday brother!
Yes, and young like no one else.
That it was fifty dollars,
Won't believe it for anything.

All service barriers
He slipped by in an instant.
But he does not live for a career,
And for loved ones.

And there are no vacant places around!
How many friends he has gathered!
Became almost popular
Its a glorious jubilee.

If something has not come out yet,
It will be accomplished - this is a fact:
What is the finish for another,
My brother is just a start.

Everything is in order and everything is normal.
So go through life.
You are always in great shape
And on the right track.

It's cool to congratulate brother on his 50th birthday

Dear brother, happy anniversary to you
From our hearts we congratulate you in love!
We wish you health - only Siberian
And not to meet troubles on the way - well, not at all.

Always be: happy as today, now,
And the mood of life, so that it does not fade away forever,
Charging, jogging in the morning,
And plunge into the ice-hole cold in winter.

In physical shape, always, so that he was,
About age in "fifty dollars", forever so that I forgot,
After all, your soul is just a "thirty",
You are a brother, dear, a romantic in life!

Brother! Today we celebrate your fifty years!
But age has not left its mark on you
You have never been subject to either time or years,
The youth of the soul is read in your eyes!
And for you today I will raise a glass of wine
I will drink to the bottom for your health with pleasure,
Stay, brother, always on such a wave,
I wish you only happiness and joy!

Fifty solemn moments
And there are as many candles on the cake!
Fifty magical impressions
Fifty solemn speeches!

May the holiday be blessed
May he be rich in joy.
An honorable and wonderful anniversary!
Brother, you are fifty today!

There are so many wonderful wishes
They are all for you today.
After all, it's very interesting with you
It was for me to sit by the fire.

Brother, happy Jubilee, a lot of happiness,
Various benefits and eternal warmth.
Be as bright and cheerful
How I was in the yard near the fire!

Fifty is so little for you:
Half of the way covered.
May happiness be endless
Doesn't cease to carry you!

Happy holiday today
What else can I say?
Fifty to my brother
Fifty, not twenty-five!

Brother, I became a respectable husband,
Neither add nor subtract.
What is such a lord
Wish you a birthday?

I wish you a lot of gold -
You can't find happiness in gold.
Long and calm life -
There is no luck in it.

Maybe love is bad?
They can call them old.
Eh, I would return the years, brother,
And again, like at twenty-five!

To my sibling
I want to say hello!
Congratulations on a powerful date:
Fifty (do not believe) years!

I look at you and love:
Outwardly young and lean;
Your life will be longer
If there is a fire in the soul of love.

I wish you, brother,
Sparks of mischievous eyes
So that you fly with happiness
Every day in heaven.

Happy birthday to brother on 50th anniversary

You are fifty today
Great Anniversary,
Eyes, as they burn in youth,
Don't regret the past!

Life makes us happy every moment
No matter how old
And you need to value life
To love, it is not more beautiful!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Health and love,
May wishes come true
All and your plans!

Happy birthday to brother 50 years old

Fifty is a solemn date!
Everyone is worried, they want to tell you
That I have a caring brother,
I wish you, brother, again

So that your family always appreciates you,
Because you are the support of the whole family,
And health so as not to fail,
All your children respected you.

Well, and I, my dear, wish
Affectionate sun and in winter
Everything will be fine with you, I know
May luck walk with you.

Touching congratulations to brother on his 50th birthday

Today brother is fifty,
Eyes burn with wisdom.
I have gained experience in life,
After all, he always lived happily.

Now it's time to have some fun
And let the holiday not stop.
I wish you grief so as not to know
And never lose heart.

Happy anniversary, dear brother,
I am very glad to meet you.
So stop being discouraged
We must start the holiday!

Congratulations to brother on his 50th birthday from sister

Happy anniversary, you are 50!
I wish smiles and laughter
So that sadness does not touch you
In the life of a warm mild summer!

May there be only success in business,
The mood is joyful, cheerful!
I wish you many years
Necessarily bright and kind!

Short congratulations to brother on his 50th birthday

You exchanged six dozen
But only outwardly he became older!
Your eyes always shine
The soul is vigorous and young!
Say thank you to the days of the past
But do not sigh longing for them.
Make plans, raise grandchildren,
Let the joy flow over the edge!

SMS congratulations to brother on his 50th anniversary

Brother, happy birthday!
I wish that by the pike's will,
Your cherished desires have been fulfilled
So that life is full of charm!

Congratulations to brother on his 50th birthday from brother

Fifty years is the middle of life
And our youth is behind for a long time,
Let the spray of champagne fly
And wine is poured into the glasses.

I congratulate you, my brother,
Today is our anniversary
I wish you at fifty
Stay brother, just like now

As young, beautiful,
And strong in his righteousness,
I want to be always happy
Good, clear days to you.

Congratulations to brother on his 50th anniversary in verse

You have lived half a century
My dear, beloved brother.
You are an example of honor, vigor, peace,
I am very glad to congratulate you today.

Let health in life do not fail,
Love also warms and preserves everything,
Success keep your eyes on you
And happiness intoxicates with tenderness.

Beautiful congratulations to his brother on his 50th birthday

Brother's holiday, anniversary,
Friends gathered
Pour a glass for toast,
Family will congratulate.

As many as fifty years
Brother, you have exchanged
It doesn't matter for the men
You have not lost

Congratulations to your brother for 50 years

The glasses are full,
The toasts are all shouting out loud.
Half a hundred years have already been lived,
Happy anniversary to you, brother.

Your endurance and honor
Anyone will envy.
Money, strength, a lovely wife,
Happy birthday dear!

Congratulations to a brother for 50 years from a sister

Congratulations, brother, on your anniversary,
I am very glad to wish you today
Something that is not more important in the world:
Strong health and vigor!

Much happiness, and more grandchildren,
Huge pension to smile more often
And so that you live to a hundred, or even longer,
And he still waited for his great-grandchildren!

Beautiful congratulations to his brother for 50 years

Brother is exactly fifty,
Friends gathered
Everyone thought what to say
Express loving

And what a good brother you are
And a great family man,
As an employee, by the way,
You are the best among men.

Now I wish my brother
So that you are healthy, strong,
I will say that I respect
And I ask you not to forget.

Touching congratulations to brother for 50 years

Happy anniversary, my beloved brother!
50 years is not a reason to be sad
It's time for new rewards
And health will not let you go!

There is still a lot you can accomplish
Happiness is enough, fervor for a long time,
And that thread will not break love
After all, your soul is bottomless with her!

Congratulations to your brother for 50 years in verse

Brother is 50 years old
Many victories in life
Is left behind
It's time to go to new ones!
A man in 50
Still the same young look
Be healthy, naughty!
Happiness, vigor and strength!

Congratulations, dear brother!
You are fifty today!
On this glorious anniversary
Receive guests.
I want to wish you
Happiness, joy in fate,
Life to love and not be sad
And always be healthy.
Kind to be surrounded by people
Everyday life did not become boring,
More bright colors in life,
All sorts of different impressions,
To know no peace from love,
Everyday life should be arranged properly,
So that fortune visits
There is a lot of money to be enough
Increase your capital
And what I dreamed of came true
May you be lucky in everything a hundred times
Happy birthday, dear brother!

We grew up together, my best brother,
And they didn’t blink - you’re already fifty!
And behind so many achievements and victories!
They managed to eat a pood of salt in so many long years!
But is that a lot, on the other hand ?!
The kid is still, brother! We are full of strength with you!
Though your wisdom came with gray hair on the anniversary,
The soul is still full of young dreams!
I wish you stormy ups in your career and work,
May fortune haunt you always, everywhere!
Health, happiness, joy, success, live without troubles!
Well-being in the family! Miracles! Hope! Victories!

Brother, dear, such a little !!! -
After all, you are only fifty
May sickness and fatigue
Your enemies are guests!
Let fun be a guest -
From dawn to dawn!
The bones will not hold together yet!
Brother, burn like a torch!
Rest more often
And get your awards!
You are a real gentleman!
So brother, do not be bored!
Let you walk for half a century -
But on the other hand, always forward!
You always help us out!
May you always be lucky !!!

Ah, fifty! Already? Incredible!
You, as before, are young and handsome!
It's so damn nice to hug you -
Accept my heartfelt and sincere impulse!

Not so long ago we played "war":
You always defeated me, joking ...
The laws of living with risk studied
And - have succeeded! .. so many years later! ..

My dear brother! Today again, as before,
When we were children, I am proud of you!
I wish my soul to live in your - Hope,
And Joy - always accompany!

Glasses are clinking, guests are having fun,
Champagne hisses, - the Jubilee is walking!
I whisper: “Brother! "Be, not seem to be"
Anything you want - guess! Hurry !!!

On this holiday
In the circle of best friends
I want you brother

Live without troubles and hardships,
No problem and no hassle
A lot of new,
Brother, find out!

They might argue with me
Fifty, they say, you
What have you seen all
And I knew.

After all, he lived half a century,
I walked a hundred roads,
And met, loved,

I will answer then
No, friends are wrong,
Your life is still
She took her start.

Every new day of yours
Let him give you
Happiness joy,
Friends' smiles.

Let everyone bring
A rich gift to you
And luck
Comes with you!

Brother to the 50th anniversary

On this bright anniversary
Pour a couple of glasses for us.
Let's drink to your health, brother,
To be happy and rich

Been through the years
And he did not know the need and troubles.
All the relatives are already at the table:
Children, grandchildren, you and me.

The whole family wishes for happiness
Peace, joy and passion.
There is no greater luck in life,
Than our family and our brothers.

You are special my beloved
Brother, protector, best friend.
You have always been my support
You are honest to everyone around you.

We will not forget to congratulate
The whole company is honest
Anniversary with this date
At fifty - young again!

Congratulations for brother in prose

Today is a holiday for all of us, we are celebrating a wonderful anniversary - the 50th anniversary of my beloved brother.
Today I want to say a lot, feelings overwhelm me. Half a century has been lived, and you are the same little boy in your soul, and do you remember, brother, how we spent time together, and you always covered up my pranks from my parents? I have always appreciated that you are so caring with me and that you were always ready to substitute your breasts. Today these advantages have been multiplied a hundredfold. You have become a wonderful father and loving husband. With all my heart I wish you well-being, love and health as strong as hardened metal. Love you!

Dear and beloved my elder brother, I congratulate you on your anniversary. At 50, everything is just beginning…. I grew up, now you do not need to look after me, the children have grown up, and do not need care. It's time to take care of yourself, because you must admit there are no more people like you. So, may the next 50 years be surrounded by wonderful and extraordinary personalities, good health, which the young will envy, so that loyal friends do not turn away from you in difficult times, and, of course, well-being.

June 29, 2015.

Today is such a good day
Today brother is 50,
Everyone gives toasts and gifts
And they want to wish you

Health and good friends,
And so that you are always happy with them,
And from myself I want to say:
"You are the best brother in the world!"

Happy holiday today
What else can I say?
Fifty to my brother
Fifty, not twenty-five!

Brother, I became a respectable husband,
Neither add nor subtract.
What is such a lord
Wish you a birthday?

I wish you a lot of gold -
You can't find happiness in gold.
Long and calm life -
There is no luck in it.

Maybe love is bad?
They can call them old.
Eh, I would return the years, brother,
And again, like at twenty-five!

Dear brother, on your wonderful anniversary, on your wonderful 50 years, I sincerely wish you to live in respect and love, to receive a vigorous charge of energy with every dawn and to spend every day actively. May your heart rejoice with success in work and happiness at home, may your soul boldly strive for new goals and never be left without good hope.

There is one man in this world,
With whom everyone is happy to make friends.
And in my life I am always in a duet with him,
After all, this man is my brother.

I congratulate you on your anniversary
And I will say a lot of words, brother, from the bottom of my heart.
Those fifty were beautiful, I know
But the next ones will be good too.

After all, it was only half
We spend so much time running
Now you will have a reason
Be calmer and happier than everyone!

Dear brother, happy anniversary to you
From our hearts we congratulate you in love!
We wish you health - only Siberian
And not to meet troubles on the way - well, not at all.

Always be: happy as today, now,
And the mood of life, so that it does not fade away forever,
Charging, jogging in the morning,
And plunge into the ice-hole cold in winter.

In physical shape, always, so that he was,
About age in "fifty dollars", forever so that I forgot,
After all, your soul is just a "thirty",
You are a brother, dear, a romantic in life!

Happy anniversary, my beloved brother,
You are exactly fifty today.
Saying without exaggeration,
You have not lived these fifty in vain!

I wish peace to your family
So that there is always bread and salt on the table,
At work to be appreciated
Everyone respected you, loved you!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
You must be very happy
Not sparing beautiful words:
"I have a wonderful brother!"

You know me perfectly
Protected from all losses
And today, can you imagine
You are now fifty!

Let your eyes shine
As before, with kindness,
You, with us, everyone knows it,
You will be forever young!

I'm proud of you, brother, -
How much time has passed,
And you are the same rascal,
What it was like a long time ago.

The torso is tucked up, you press from the floor,
You build eyes for everyone.
Women sigh languidly -
After all, the groom was taken into custody.

For his wife a reward,
For the children of relatives - a joy.
We love, appreciate, value
And we keep repeating:

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Always be one step wiser
Happiness may come to your house
Let the miracle happen.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
You are fifty today.
May all dreams come true
Let your eyes shine with happiness.

Be support and support
So that there is a lot, a lot of health,
Let the family pass quarrels
And in life so that an easy road.

Fifty is not too much
You are still like a boy
Everyone is more fun with you
We celebrate your anniversary!
So that you always live in abundance,
Let things be all right.
So that fate only smiles
Everyone admired you.
Live another half century
Such a good person!

My beloved brother! For half a century now, you have made me and this whole world happy with your presence. It is difficult for me to imagine someone who would be better than you, you are the most amazing person in the world and it is important for me that you know about it. Happy birthday to you and a great anniversary.