Asthenic type of figure. Asthenic and other types of physique in women. E. Kretschmer's typology

How to determine the types of a man's face? The mesomorphic body type of a man is perhaps the most desirable. Recently, there are more men of the asthenic body type. Men belonging to the normosthenic group have an athletic body type. A man with an asthenic physique outwardly differs from other types by not too developed muscles. The athletic body type is ideal for bodybuilding.

People with a pycnic body type are characterized by a rounded, soft shape due to a well-developed fat layer, a wide red face with soft features. Each person has his own physique. The goal of exercise for a man with an endomorphic physique is to fight obesity. For a man with a mesomorphic physique, any workout is suitable, if they are regular.

A mesomorphic man is a kind of marathon runner who needs short, but at the same time the most loaded and effective workouts. Eating a combination of calcium and omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial. Among these people, there may be cold and domineering types. Endomorphs (pycnic type) have a short, powerful neck, massive torso, short stature and are rather squat. People of a picnic physique are sociable and carefree.

They are very friendly people with whom it is pleasant and easy to communicate. The athletic type almost always strives to dominate and take a leading position. The southern type of appearance is characterized by dark eyes and dark hair. These men are distinguished by their dark skin and their hot temperament. Many people make a big mistake and believe that by the type of appearance you can determine the character.

A heart-shaped face is characterized by a wide forehead and tapering from the cheekbones to a pointed chin. Today there are various types and classifications of the male figure. Three types of physique, identified by competent scientists, maximally generalize the physiological characteristics of the human body. It should be noted that your shape may be a combined merge of several types. Do you have time?

Thin "ectomorphs" have a cherished dream since childhood - an athletic physique with developed muscles. Asthenic ”should leave the place of training with clogged muscles and a pleasant feeling of fatigue. If you belong to the group of ectomorphs, then be sure to take a break now and go to the refrigerator.

Regular struggle with excess weight and dreams of a muscular figure are the usual way of life for a male endomorph. Do your proportions tell you that you are asthenic? The basic categories, which can be called completely differently, have created the basis for the classification of body types: athletic, asthenic, pycnic.

Asthenic type and its features

The workout should be hard (in terms of the complexity of the exercises and the weights used), but not long, so as not to lose the calories necessary to build muscles. Strong arms and legs, large hands and feet, broad shoulders, narrow hips. The legs, in comparison with the upper parts of the body and especially the hypertrophic shoulder girdle, sometimes seem thin. Only an individually selected training program and proper nutrition in fitness will provide an effective result.

These people often tend to be obese. The most effective workouts are cyclical, aimed at restructuring the body towards building muscle mass and burning fat. Over time, the body will become more prominent. It is recommended to contact a specialist and ask for help in drawing up an individual exercise program aimed at gaining muscle mass, and alternating it with cyclic exercises.

Many people are mistaken when they completely refuse food and resort to "hungry" diets. Sports supplements will come to the rescue, which will not only maintain muscle mass, but also help to quickly increase it.

People with a pycnic body type show a definite tendency towards obesity. In this article we will try to understand the body types, appearance and their definition. A man's physique can tell a lot about his qualities and character traits. For example, the Scandinavian type of appearance does not at all mean that a man is weak in character and feminine. The Scandinavian type of appearance of men is distinguished by light hair and light eyes.

Asthenic body type (ectomorph)

Main characteristics:

  • "Fragile" structure
  • Classic "skinny" people who gain weight heavily (both fat and muscle mass)
  • Flat chest
  • Narrow shoulders
  • Small muscle mass
  • Increased basal metabolism

Ectomorph- a typical "skinny" man, be it a man or a woman. The body of an ectomorph has a light structure with small joints and small muscle mass, long limbs, elongated muscles and narrow shoulders. Most often, the weight of ectomorphs is normal or below normal.

Ectomorph women are characterized by general thinness, a long and thin neck, narrow shoulders, a flat and narrow chest, elongated thin limbs, an elongated face and a thin nose. Growth is often above average.

The muscles in such women are poorly developed. Therefore, they lack strength and endurance. But the representatives of this group are energetic, light and graceful, have little weight. Of the obvious advantages of an asthenic physique, it is worth mentioning the minimal tendency to be overweight.

When choosing sports disciplines, it is better to give preference to those that are aimed at developing the missing skills: strength and endurance. These include swimming, aerobics, dancing.

To correctly classify your physique as a thin-boned type, measure the circumference of your wrist. In the group under consideration, it should be less than 15 cm.

The nature of the ectomorph

Asthenics are focused on the knowledge of the external and internal world, on constant reflections on life, science, art. They love a variety of logical problems, are prone to abstraction and mathematical reasoning, they are not averse to fantasizing, but in everyday life they are more often guided by reason than by feelings.

For an asthenic, work that requires lengthy reflection, classification, systematization of disparate facts is more suitable. Asthenics, in contrast to hypersthenics, move more easily from simple to more complex types of work, reaching the peak of their performance by the middle or end of the working day.

It is more difficult for an asthenic to establish contact with other people and it is more comfortable for him to work with documents and equipment in scientific, design and engineering departments.

Normosthenic body type (mesomorph)

Main characteristics:

  • Athletic
  • Strong physique
  • Well-defined muscle definition
  • Rectangular shape
  • Gains Lean Muscle Easily
  • Gains weight easier than ectomorph

Mesomorphs have large bone, large muscle mass and a strong physique, they are usually quite athletic. It is the ideal physique for bodybuilding and many other sports disciplines. It is relatively easy for people with this body type to gain and lose weight.

In women of this constitution, the main body sizes are proportional.

Such ladies often have slender legs, a thin waist and, in general, a beautiful harmonious figure. Growth is often average.

Such people are naturally well coordinated, sharp and fast. Best sports discipline

t game types (volleyball, basketball, etc.).

The circumference of the wrist should be between 15 and 17 cm.

The nature of the mesomorph

Mesomorph hates unfinished business, red tape and reasoning. He likes clearly defined tasks that require decisive and immediate action. He performs easily in large audiences, among unfamiliar people and is often a good organizer.

Normostenics are suitable for professions related to production activities, the creation of wealth and the management of people. This expresses his need to transform the surrounding reality, including the management of people.

Normostenics always strive to dominate communication and relationships. Normostenics need to learn to respect the rights of others so that their overconfident behavior does not overwhelm other types. And so they can achieve even greater success.

Hypersthenic body type (endomorph)

Main characteristics:

  • Soft body with rounded shapes
  • Easily gains fat and muscle mass
  • Low stature
  • Losing weight hard
  • Poorly expressed musculature

Endomorphs are more likely to be overweight than other types, even while consuming fewer calories.

Women of this constitution have heavy and wide bones, voluminous shoulders, a wide and short chest, slightly shortened limbs (as a rule). Growth is often below average.

By nature, such ladies have strength and endurance, but are deprived of flexibility and grace. Therefore, the recommended sports disciplines are as follows: yoga, callanetics, martial arts, etc.

In addition, the disadvantages of a hypersthenic body type include a low metabolic rate, which

implies an increased tendency to be overweight.

The circumference of the wrist with a broad-boned physique is more than 17 cm.

The nature of the endomorph

Hypersthenics are distinguished by sociability, emotionality, impressionability, feelings, not reason, are the leading in their behavior. People of this type love companies, know how to play a trick on themselves and others, easily get to know each other and adapt to a new environment.

Hypersthenics easily switch from one activity to another, but fatigue develops more likely, and their interest in work decreases. It is easier for them to switch to other things than to continue what they started. Therefore, for effective activity, it is advisable for a hypersthenic to start the day by solving more complex problems, and at the end of the day to do the work easier.

Hypersthenics have good short-term memory, so they effectively solve current, operational tasks.

As a rule, there are mixed body types, with one of the varieties dominating. The mesomorph is characterized by a large chest, broad shoulders, a long torso; when doing power sports, he quickly and easily builds up muscle mass. The endomorph has a wide bone and a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat, a relatively slow metabolism; he gets rid of extra pounds with difficulty.

The third type is ectomorph, the owner of a thin figure. It is characterized by thin bone, minimal body fat, and slightly elongated muscles. He almost never has a problem of being overweight due to an accelerated metabolism, but it is very difficult for him to replenish or gain muscle mass.

When ectomorphs manage to gain muscle mass, it looks very impressive and relief due to the absence of excess body fat.

In an ectomorph, the difference between the girth of the hips, chest and waist is often insignificant. The wrists and ankles are thin, the arms and legs are thin and often elongated, the shoulders are narrow, and the ribcage is also narrow and flat. As a rule, the height of such slender people is above average.

The advantages of the constitution include the fact that they do not get fat, even overeating sweet at night, often look younger than their years because of their slender figure. On the other hand, some ectomorphs are unsuccessfully trying to gain weight or build muscle and often take longer to recover than other people. During periods of stress, high exertion or forced dietary restrictions, they often lose even that minimum of fat that is available, and become even thinner, acquiring a painful appearance.

Ectomorphs are characterized by bursts of energy, due to which they can show hyperactivity, fussiness and anxiety, and suffer from insomnia. But after a while this leads to depletion of strength and decline sets in, and then a person needs to provide himself with quality relaxation and rest, a relatively long sleep. Ectomorphs should focus on strengthening their nervous system and will benefit from balancing practices such as meditation and yoga.

It is believed that ectomorphs are most often introverted and prone to intellectual activity.

The system of physical activity for ectomorphs has its own characteristics.
Physical training should be dynamic, but not too long, and between workouts, the body should be given sufficient time to recover. Exhausting yourself with aerobic exercise is contraindicated, because they are needed in this case not for losing weight, but exclusively for health improvement and for training the lungs and heart. In fairness, it should be noted that due to the specificity of contraction of muscle fibers, ectomorphs can have an advantage over representatives of other types of constitution in endurance exercises.

An ectomorph needs a nutritious and high-calorie diet several times a day, preferably on schedule, with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats. Of course, these carbohydrates and fats should be healthy, because, leaning on candy and fried, an ectomorph can ruin their digestion and lose even more weight. Healthy carbohydrates are found in fruits, cereals, and honey, while fats are found in flaxseed and peanut butter, seeds, and nuts.

Who are asthenics: distinctive features of ectomorph people.

A typical sign of asthenics is thinness. Even a rich diet that includes a significant proportion of sweets and pastries does not always contribute to weight gain. Ectomorphs, as a rule, are tall, but sometimes people of average, even very short stature are found. They have a poorly developed muscular frame, almost no fatty layer is observed. The torso, face and limbs are elongated, elongated, and the shoulders and pelvis are narrow.

Asthenic men are always underweight. Their bones are thin, the ribcage is sunken, the ribs protrude. Female representatives with asthenic body structure are outwardly more similar to adolescents. Such persons age early - due to a too fast metabolism, muscles and skin atrophy at an untimely rate.

Surprisingly, the type of physique also affects the psychological characteristics of a person.

Asthenics are characterized by such distinctive character traits:

  • punctuality, scrupulousness and accuracy;
  • conscientiousness and decency in relation to others;
  • emotionality;
  • shyness (even bashfulness), the tendency to instantly "fall in color" in awkward or stressful situations;
  • delicacy;
  • sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • suspiciousness and thoughtfulness;
  • self-doubt, increased susceptibility to stress.

Interesting! Among asthenics, introverts and artistic natures are more common.

The hyposthenic body type creates a predisposition to ailments of the respiratory and digestive organs. For example, asthenics are often diagnosed with gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis with low acidity. There is a high risk of arterial hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

What factors prevent an ectomorph from accumulating muscle mass?

Asthenics, as you know, find it more difficult than other people to build muscle mass, develop its strength. There are reasons for this:

  • Firstly, initially there is a noticeable lack of muscle and adipose tissue - their starting volume is much lower than normal.
  • Secondly, all asthenics are characterized by an accelerated metabolism (metabolism), due to which the consumed carbohydrates are instantly burned, without having time to transform into a fat resource. This happens even in a state of complete rest.
  • Thirdly, the muscles of the ectomorph are not particularly prone to overgrowth due to anatomical and physiological characteristics.

A person with a hyposthenic physique is forced to make significant efforts and spend a lot of time so that his muscular frame takes on relief outlines. In addition, the achieved result comes to naught much faster than in persons of other types of constitution.

To build muscle tissue, you need an integrated approach. It implies nutritional adjustments and proper selection of sports exercises.

The right foods for an ectomorph

Asthenic is desirable to reduce the amount of foods with high fat content in the diet. We are talking about pork meat, mayonnaise, fast food, chips, overly sweet and fatty desserts, sausages, whole milk, etc.

Menus are formed with an emphasis on proteins and other healthy nutrients. Their optimal ratio is considered as follows:
1) complex carbohydrates - from 50 to 55%;
2) proteins (proteins) - from 30 to 35%;
3) healthy fats - about 15%.

It is possible to satisfy the asthenic's need for carbohydrates at the expense of nuts, various vegetables, and rice. The source of high-quality protein in this case is poultry (turkey, chicken), eggs, kefir. Quality fats are rich in olive and flaxseed oils, shrimp, mussels and sea fish.

Observing the balance of basic nutrients, a person helps his body to synthesize in a more or less sufficient volume its own protein, which is necessary for the formation of a muscular frame.

What exercises should you pay attention to?

Training for asthenics should be combined with extended periods of rest. This is due to the fact that ectomorphic people take much longer to recuperate. Excessively intense and frequent exertion can lead to exhaustion of the body, instead of making the figure fit.

Important! "Lazy breaks" during sports are a must for asthenics - they help increase the effectiveness of exercise.

Adequate strength training is included in the set of mandatory exercises. Thanks to them, you can significantly increase muscle mass. Varieties and features of such exercises:

  • monotonous work of muscles with free weights;
  • a gradual increase in the intensity of loads;
  • improvement of the execution technique.

Endurance and strength need to be trained regularly, since muscle mass in ectomorphs is lost faster than it builds up.

Cardio will also be useful, especially for eliminating the stress that asthenics are prone to. In this case, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Aerobic exercise is performed for 15 (maximum 30) minutes, no more than three to four times a week.
  2. The training is carried out in the "corridor" of values ​​from 60 to 80% of the personal maximum of the pulse (or heart rate) indicators, in order to prevent burnout, loss of valuable calories.

It is good to do yoga, pilates, martial arts, tai tzu. They help tone and stretch muscles, optimize local blood flow and muscle trophism.


Due to the increased metabolism, asthenics are slender, which is often excessive. For the body to look harmonious, one complete (mainly carbohydrate-protein) nutrition will not be enough. It is necessary to go in for sports, but there are also nuances here. In most cases, asthenics are not faced with the task of losing excess weight, but aerobics is necessary in this case in the same way as strength training.

Ectomorphic body type

This type of male body structure is also called asthenic or hyposthenic. Signs by which it is easy to get ahead of the asthenic are:

  • growth is above average;
  • poor development of muscle tissue;
  • narrow shoulders and chest;
  • thin and light bones;
  • scanty layer of fatty cover.

Metabolic processes in a representative of this body constitution proceed quickly, therefore, gaining fat mass, like muscle mass, is quite problematic, this requires long and hard work.

Mesomorphic body type

For men who want to have a toned body and pumped up muscles, the mesomorphic body type is the most desirable. It is also called normosthenic or athletic.

The features of mesomorphs are:

  • naturally strong and strong muscles;
  • broad shoulders;
  • almost complete absence of fat;
  • strong and thick bones;
  • proportional to the torso.

Mesomorphic males have great potential for rapid muscle gain and strength gain.

Endomorphic body type (hypersthenic)

Men of this type are considered stocky, prone to overweight. It is characterized by several features:

  • short limbs and neck;
  • short stature;
  • massive body;
  • heavy bone foundation;
  • obesity tendency.

Men with an endomorphic build are prone to becoming overweight, but due to the fact that they have well-developed muscle tissue, with regular physical activity and proper nutrition, they can keep themselves in good shape and even boast impressive muscles.

How to determine body type in men

Often the figure of a man combines signs of two types, but one of them still dominates. In its pure form, the body types of men are quite rare. If, by external signs, difficulties arise in determining the constitution, then this can be easily done by measuring the girth of the wrist and comparing the results obtained with the scale:

  • if the girth is less than 18 cm, the man is of the ectomorphic type, he has thin bones;
  • in men of normosthenic constitution, the volume of the wrist is 18–20 cm;
  • the wrist of the endomorph is the widest - more than 20 cm.

This method is the simplest and allows you to accurately determine the physique. But there is another method for determining the type of male figure - measuring the angle of the ribs. To do this, you need to stand in front of a mirror, take a deep breath and hold your breath so that the chest is as tense as possible. In this position, you need to find the bottom pair of ribs and determine how much the angle between them will be:

  • an angle of less than 90 degrees indicates that the type of figure in a man is asthenic;
  • a right angle between the ribs indicates an athletic type;
  • if the angle between the ribs is more than 90 degrees, then the man belongs to the endomorphic type of body structure.

Correct determination of the constitution of the body is the key to the effectiveness of training, which is planned in the same way as the diet, taking into account the characteristics of the type of figure in men.

A well-planned diet, the implementation of specially selected physical exercises for a certain type of male constitution, perseverance and patience can make significant adjustments to the data laid down by nature and achieve impressive results for any man in achieving an athletic and muscular body.

For men with asthenic body structure

It is difficult for ectomorphs to quickly gain muscle mass, since the breakdown of carbohydrates in men of this constitution is increased, but the process of protein assimilation is slowed down. The success in achieving the set goals for building muscles in representatives of a lean physique is 70% dependent on nutrition, therefore nutritionists advise adhering to the following recommendations.

  • It is necessary to take food often (5-6 times a day), each time eating a large portion of food, focusing on protein and carbohydrate foods.
  • The daily diet should be 50% complex carbohydrates. The advantage should be given to cereals, legumes, pasta from durum wheat, vegetables.
  • It is recommended to exclude foods rich in fast carbohydrates (sweets, pastries, preserves).
  • The protein intake is 2–2.5 g / kg of body weight. Protein products: white meat of chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish should account for up to 30% of the daily diet.
  • Dairy products must be present in the diet of an asthenic, but preferably of low fat content (1%), since the recommended daily intake of fat in the diet should not exceed 20%.

Workouts should be limited to 3 times a week and structured in such a way that the load is as heavy as possible, but not exhausting, and the duration of the session does not exceed 45 minutes.

Mesomorph nutrition and workout plan

Since this type of male figure is considered ideal in terms of building a perfect body, all recommendations for nutrition and physical activity are reduced only to preventing overtraining and adhering to the principles of a healthy diet. The recommended daily diet for the mesomorph is as follows:

  • proteins - 30–40% (no more than 2 g / kg of body weight);
  • fats - 10-20%;
  • carbohydrates - 40-50%.

Men with an athletic body type do not need to strictly adhere to any diets, you can sometimes treat yourself to sweet and starchy foods. For effective workouts for gaining muscle mass, mesomorphs can use any standard programs lasting 50-60 minutes 3-4 times a week, which are recommended to be changed every 2-3 months. Lack of exercise and poor nutrition over time will lead to excess weight and loss of physical data, donated by nature.

The goal of physical training for men with an endomorphic body type is to combat excess weight and build up muscles that are hidden deep under the layer of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, the training program is focused on rebuilding the body towards the formation of muscle relief and burning fat.

  • It is imperative to perform cyclic exercises (exercise bike, running, swimming) in combination with aerobic exercise and strength exercises.
  • Classes on a split system are effective, when two or three daily workouts alternate with one day of rest.
  • It is worth including in the program and circuit training every 5-6 sessions (at least 4 circles without a break).
  • The main part of the daily diet should be protein food (40-50%). Increase protein intake to 3 g per kilogram of body weight.
  • You need to eat every 2 hours, but in small portions up to 7 times a day.
  • Eat complex carbohydrates in the morning. They should be at least 40% of the daily calorie intake.
  • It is recommended to limit fats to a minimum of 10%, and completely forget about sweets, flour products, fast food.

Read more: step aerobics for weight loss at home

A successful result in the fight against excess weight largely depends on nutrition in men with an endomorphic type. If a man has a mixed type of constitution, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations for training and proper nutrition of both types: the diet should be selected depending on the metabolic rate, and the training programs should be alternated. To find a relief and slender body, it is important for a man to correctly assess his natural data and determine the type of physique. After that, you can choose a training and nutrition program suitable for this type of figure. The advice of nutritionists and coaches and perseverance in achieving goals will help every man achieve the ideal result, regardless of his constitution.

Experts distinguish 3 types of physique: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic. The Pignet index, which takes into account height, weight and chest circumference, will help to understand which species a person belongs to. From the figure indicating the growth in centimeters, the sum of the chest volume and body weight in kilograms is subtracted. A figure above 30 means that the person is of the asthenic type.

Asthenics or ectomorphs are thin, thin-boned people. This feature is manifested even in infancy, the ectomorph child is very lightweight, grows slowly, eats poorly. In adolescence, representatives of this type are sharply drawn out, most adults are taller than average. However, there are also miniature asthenics, more often among women. Among men, there are real giants with extremely long limbs.

Compared to the representatives of the normosthenic type, in asthenics everything is long and narrow: arms, legs, feet, fingers, face, chest. People with a similar physique are characterized by:

  • disproportionately long limbs;
  • a small amount of muscle;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • sunken chest;
  • Long neck;
  • pale skin, noticeable shadows under the eyes.
Asthenics love nature and tolerate loneliness well.

Men of the asthenic type do not gain muscle mass well, they may look clumsy and haggard. The girls are distinguished by a slightly boyish figure without feminine curves. They are characterized by a small chest, flat buttocks, a sunken belly and a relatively wide waist. Underdevelopment of the body associated with a reduced production of female sex hormones is quite common. Representatives of both sexes rarely suffer from obesity, they gain weight poorly, but they lose weight very quickly. Bright representatives of the asthenic type are residents of some Asian countries, especially the Japanese and Vietnamese.

Asthenics often freeze, they almost always have cold hands and feet and low blood pressure. Representatives of this type do not tolerate cold and temperature changes, they easily catch colds. Susceptible to respiratory infections, prone to depression. People of asthenic physique speak softly, rarely raise their voices. To rest and recuperate, they need more time than normostenics and athletes. At the same time, asthenics are distinguished by superficial sleep and often suffer from insomnia. Representatives of this type often get sick and recover for a long time.

To improve health, ectomorphs need frequent preventive measures: contrast douches, sleeping in the fresh air, taking vitamins.

Representatives of the asthenic type may experience breathing problems, among them there are many asthmatics. Another common problem is slouching. This is especially true for adolescents. At the same time, ectomorphs can look very graceful, girls and women have a light gait, smooth movements, and innate musicality.

A characteristic feature of ectomorphs is a narrow, thin face with pale skin without blush.

Basic preferences

Asthenics prefer to lead a measured lifestyle, they do not cope well with stressful situations. According to psychologists, representatives of this type love nature, long walks, avoid noisy companies, preferring the company of close friends.

Ectomorphs experience nutritional problems, and there are many people with bulimia or anorexia among them. Eating disorder is especially common in young girls.

People of the asthenic type need constant stimulation of their taste buds. They like spicy, salty and sour flavors, and a variety of spices and seasonings. Women and children cannot imagine their life without sweets, many asthenic men are also partial to desserts. In order to keep fit and not experience health problems, it is useful for ectomorphs to eat small portions, avoiding overeating and rigid diets.

Character traits

Ectomorphs are characterized as calm, slightly withdrawn, self-absorbed people. Among them, phlegmatic and melancholic people are more common. Asthenics are characterized by the following character traits:

  • self-doubt;
  • the tendency to overestimate one's own strengths;
  • high pride;
  • intolerance of criticism;
  • resentment;
  • vulnerability;
  • suspicion;
  • a tendency to hypochondria;
  • inability to make contacts with new people;

Representatives of the asthenic type are characterized by accuracy, pedantry and attention to detail.

Asthenics are very sensitive, any failure can unsettle them for a long time. They often misjudge the situation, rush to conclusions, and tend to be negativistic. They are very distrustful, feel uncomfortable in the company of strangers. They do not tolerate rudeness, are distinguished by rancor and suspiciousness. Many representatives of this type need the support of a psychologist to correct bouts of depression and bad mood. In old age, negativistic character traits intensify, people become very suspicious and distrustful, demanding an account of their loved ones in any deeds and actions. It is difficult to get along with representatives of their type; more balanced and vital normostenics are suitable for them as permanent partners and friends.

Despite their complex and controversial nature, ectomorphs have many positive features. Among the main ones:

  • hard work;
  • obligation;
  • accuracy;
  • attention to details;
  • attention to loved ones;
  • emotional restraint;
  • decency.

Representatives of the asthenic type are very fond of animals, they often keep several cats or dogs in scrap at once. They are very attentive to their pets, but illness or death of a pet can lead to real depression. Ectomorphs are prone to introspection, they can ponder the actions of people and their own reactions to them for a long time. In case of sudden danger, they turn to stone, fall into a stupor and lose the ability to defend themselves. Often people of this type try to hide their vulnerability and vulnerability behind ostentatious bravado and coolness, this behavior is especially typical for adolescents and young people. To feel comfortable, an asthenic needs a narrow circle of close people who accept him as he is.

Exists dozens of different typologies developed by renowned psychologists.

Some of them became widely known, including socionics, psychosophy, and even became the object of increased attention of people far from psychology.

One of the most famous typologies is the one that was proposed Ernest Kretschmer, a German psychologist. It is based on the idea that there are a number of personality types closely related to how a person looks and what physical health they have.

Body type - what is it?

Everyone has a unique appearance depending on many factors, including health status, race, nationality, degree of mobility, dietary habits in childhood and adulthood.

The physique is also individual for each person, but in general, similar characteristics can be noted and a typology based on them created.

The creators of most theories about the constitution, human constitution, distinguish three main types:

At the same time, it is difficult to find classical hyposthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics: anyone can combine the characteristics of each type.

The above types of constitutions help in the selection of the optimal training and nutrition regimen, which will help you quickly recover or lose weight, gain muscle mass.

E. Kretschmer's typology

Ernest Kretschmer divided all body types into three main types and described each of them. In his opinion, the constitution, and in particular the shape of the head, largely determines how a person will behave and what mental illness will be predisposed to.

Despite the fact that Kretschmer's theory has been criticized more than once, it continues to be popular both among those who are seriously interested in psychology and among the general population.

You should look constructively at any typology, including the one that was created by Kretschmer, since none of them can 100% characterize any person, and people who pretty much correspond to any type do not meet very often.

Three main body types suggested by Kretschmer:

Kretschmer also singled out dysplastic type (asymmetric, disproportionate to one degree or another body), but gave him a less detailed description. Some dysplastics, in his opinion, are prone to the development of schizophrenia.

There is and mixed a type that combines two or more basic types.

Detailed description

Asthenic (hyposthenic)

Main character traits: seriousness, the desire to be alone and communicate with others only when necessary, shyness, dreaminess, immersion in one's own world, low emotionality, polarity in emotional states.

Asthenics are both energy-filled, stubborn, decisive and strong-willed, and rather weak-willed, unstable.

Strengths: striving for justice, orientation to ideals, in striving to achieve which the asthenic is capable of much, perseverance, a high level of activity, especially in things that are important to him, developed, the desire to stand out from the crowd and improve himself.

Weak sides: selfishness, a tendency to wander in the clouds, low development of communication skills and lack of desire to communicate, lack of will (not characteristic of all asthenics), poorly developed sense of humor, self-will, stubbornness, exactingness.

Features of men and women: increased emotional coldness is one of the features characteristic of asthenic men, in many respects associated not only with the type of constitution, but also with the peculiarities of gender upbringing. It is more difficult for them than for women to express emotions, they are restrained, persistent.

Asthenic women find it easier to understand others, they usually experience less stress in the process of communication, but they are also cold and tend to prioritize work and favorite activities, rather than family.

Suitable professions: creative sphere - writers, artists, musicians, poets, dancers. Also, asthenics are well suited to the scientific field, closely related to research (physics, chemistry, biology, and so on). Professions that involve active communication are not suitable for them.


Main character traits: heightened sensitivity, concentration, patience, the desire to constantly analyze one's own actions and plans, immersion in oneself, shyness, incessant doubts about one's own usefulness and competence, anxiety, a tendency to develop, difficulty in making decisions, indecision, low self-esteem, perfectionism.

Strengths: ability to analyze, reason, high intelligence and craving for knowledge, restraint, self-criticism (often excessive, unfortunately), craving for making plans for the near and distant future, including work plans, accuracy, love of cleanliness, developed imagination, reliability, but with provided that the psychasthenic is in sufficiently comfortable conditions.

Weak sides: indecision, self-doubt, anxiety, excessive vulnerability, difficulty trying to make a decision (the more serious it is, the more psychasthenic will spend time thinking). Psychasthenics find it difficult to adapt to new circumstances.

Features of men and women: psychasthenic girls carefully take care of their own appearance, but usually choose discreet clothes and do subtle makeup.

It is extremely difficult for both women and men to start relationships with the opposite sex: they are embarrassed and worried too much.

Suitable professions: it is advisable to choose a job in which there will not be too much stress, constantly changing conditions. It is also difficult for them to work with a large number of people, to speak in front of a crowd.

Artistic, scientific (but not teaching), professions that require attention to detail (programmer, proofreader and editor of fiction) are suitable for them.


Main character traits: composure, conservatism, inflexibility, difficulties in the process of adapting to new conditions, the desire to pay too much attention to what is not essential.

Positive sides: the ability to remain calm, poise in difficult situations, rather low emotionality, friendliness, ability to concentrate,.

Negative sides: conservatism, inflexibility, stubbornness, inability to quickly adapt to changing conditions, pettiness, inertia of thinking.

Features of men and women: athletic girls are often in the spotlight due to their visual appeal, enjoy sports and love to eat well.

Men also strive to play sports, are active, love female attention.

Suitable professions: suitable areas in which there will be no need to constantly adapt to changing conditions. Otherwise, the list of possible professions is quite wide: for example, managers, accountants, athletes, coaches, dancers.


Main character traits: friendliness, good sense of humor, craving for communication, optimism, ability to easily converge with people, slight instability of mood, practicality.

Strengths: developed communication skills, the ability to win over others, charm, positivity, purposefulness, the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions, flexibility, activity, high performance.

Weak sides: poorly expressed indecision, superficiality, variability, insufficient rational assessment of one's own abilities.

Features of men and women: Hypersthenic girls are often the focus of men's attention due to their charm.

They easily win over people, they are more tactful than men, they are not inclined to joke rudely. Both women and men of this type are well suited for leadership roles.

When choosing a profession, it is important for all people, first of all, to be guided not so much by their type as by their own feelings, desires, and abilities. Too many conditions affect the formation of the human personality, and no typology can take all this into account.

What are we like? Three body types:

According to the structure of bones, the characteristics of weight gain and problem areas, there are traditionally three types of physique. To determine which of them your figure belongs to, it is enough to carefully look in the mirror and take elementary measurements. This is not to say that any of these types are more beautiful. All of them may be equally liked, it is important to choose the right image and clothing, taking into account the characteristics of the category. With a mixed type, it is worth focusing on the prevailing indicators.

Asthenic physique

Women-asthenics (ectomorphs) are distinguished by their general thinness and elongation of lines. Their main features:

  • long and thin neck;
  • narrow shoulders and chest;
  • elongated face oval, clear cheekbones, thin nose;
  • undeveloped muscles;
  • high growth.

Long-legged girls of asthenic (ectomorphic) physique often lack strength. Endurance is not a strong trait of the asthenic type. At the same time, they are characterized by lightness and grace. Subtle girls gain excess weight very slowly, maintaining a slim figure even with improper and unbalanced nutrition, and quickly get in shape.

Elongated and thin limbs are one of the signs of an asthenic physique.

Bone diseases and problems with the spine are common among asthenics. They often experience low blood pressure and low hemoglobin levels. In addition, the likelihood of colds, stomach problems and vegetative-vascular dystonia is high. Asthenics prefer warmth, avoiding too cold weather.

The diet of androgenic asthenics should be dominated by carbohydrates - 50-60%. Proteins and fats should be supplied in equal amounts - 20-30%. When choosing a sport, give preference to physical activity that will develop the missing characteristics: strength and endurance. For example, swimming, aerobics are good.

Normosthenic physique

Normostenic girls (mesomorphs) have a proportional figure. Their main parameters:

  • medium height;
  • thin waist;
  • long and slender legs.

The normosthenic (mesomorphic) type is considered the most harmonious. Its owners are not characterized by special diseases, they are distinguished by good health and endurance. It is believed that these athletic girls were lucky to be born with innate coordination, speed and agility. The best sports are volleyball, basketball, tennis. With age, women of this athletic and athletic type should pay more attention to proper nutrition and healthy physical activity, eat more apples, pears and other fruits in order to easily lose weight when needed.

It is useful to walk a lot, breathe fresh air, take vitamins. Otherwise, there is a risk of gaining excess weight and earning unpleasant diseases.

The diet of normostenics should include less fat than the menu of asthenics. Their percentage should be 10-20%. The share of proteins is 30-40%, carbohydrates - 40-50%.

Normosthenic wrists have a circumference of up to 18.5 cm.

Hypersthenic physique

The endomorphic physique is distinguished by some heaviness and squat, dense, full figure, rapid weight gain. The main signs of this type of physique:

  • large bones;
  • growth is below average;
  • wide and short chest;
  • shortened limbs;
  • broad shoulders.

Hypersthenics (endomorphs) complain of a slow metabolism, as a result of which a tendency to be overweight develops. It is difficult for them to knock down unwanted pounds. You can only lose weight on a strict diet and in compliance with a sports regimen. All diseases that primarily threaten women of this type are associated with excess weight. These are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, skin cancer.

It is especially important for hypersthenics to develop correct eating habits and try to lead an active lifestyle.

The advantage of hypersthenics lies in their strength and endurance. It is necessary to develop flexibility and dexterity. This will be facilitated by yoga, callanetics, karate and other martial arts.

Hypersthenic men also tend to be overweight.

The amount of fat in the diet should be minimized - no more than 10%. The main share of nutrients should be proteins - 40-50%. Carbohydrates should be 30-40%.

How to determine your body type

There are several methods for determining body type, and not all of them require a calculator. The simplest of these is to measure the circumference of the wrist. In asthenics, this figure is less than 16 cm.The indicator of the wrist circumference for normosthenics is 16-18.5 cm. A broad-boned physique implies a wrist length of more than 18.5 cm.

However, this calculation only gives an approximate result. A more accurate measurement involves comparing the rate of growth and length.

The growth of normostenics and hypersthenics most often does not exceed 170 cm. Asthenics can boast of a higher growth. The proportions between height and leg length are also important.

To correctly calculate the length of the legs, take a centimeter and check the distance from the tubercle of the femur to the floor. In the asthenic type, the legs are 2-4 cm longer than half the height. In the normosthenic type, by 4-6 cm. In the hypersthenic type, by 6-9 cm.

Even more accurate indicators can be recognized using the Pignet index. It is calculated using the following formula: standing height (cm) - (body weight (kg) + chest circumference (cm)). If this indicator is less than 10, the physique is strong (hypersthenic). With data from 10 to 25, normal (normosthenic). With an indicator from 26 to 35 - weak (asthenic), more than 35 - very weak.

Calculation of the norm of weight

Healthy weight rates differ for each type. At the same time, being overweight is not always an indicator of excess body fat. Adipose tissue is a necessary part of any organism, without it health and proper metabolism are impossible. The standard male body fat is 1/20, female - 1/16. Most of it is located under the skin, protecting organs from hypothermia, overheating, or injury. In addition, fat provides the necessary energy reserves for emergencies. Therefore, you should not thoughtlessly drive him away, without taking into account your indications, doctor's prescriptions and body type.

There are different norms of weight in grams per centimeter of height for asthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics. For men, these parameters are different.

  • For thin-boned girls, this figure is from 315 to 355 g, depending on age.
  • For women of normosthenic constitution - from 325 to 380 g;
  • For hypersthenics - from 355 to 400 g.

Calculating your weight per centimeter of height is simple: just divide your body weight in grams by your height in centimeters. Having correctly determined your body type, it is easy to calculate your ideal weight: just multiply the coefficient by height.

The hypersthenic body type is one of the three main options that are characteristic of the human figure. There are also normosthenic and asthenic body types. Other variants of the names of these body types are endomorph and ectomorph, respectively.

In general, we can say that hypersthenics are characterized by the largest physique by nature, possessing developed muscles and a powerful skeleton. Asthenic is the complete opposite of a hypersthenic, with thin bones, undeveloped muscles and a thin figure. In turn, the normosthenic is an average physique, which in its characteristics occupies an intermediate place between the hypersthenic and the asthenic.

The type is determined mainly by his genetic predisposition to a particular type of figure and is given to him from birth. Of course, in the process of life, a person can slightly change the shape of his body, for example, by losing weight or gaining weight, gaining muscle mass. However, he is not able to radically change his body type.

Features of hypersthenic physique

Features of the hypersthenic body type are manifested in all characteristics of the human body - from the structure of internal organs to the structure of the skeleton. So, as for the internal organs of a person, it usually has a large heart, and its rounded chest determines a relatively high position of the diaphragm.

Its skeleton consists of large and heavy bones, and the bones of its limbs are usually not very long, as a result of which the hypersthenic has rather short arms and legs. Men of this body type usually have developed shoulders, while women have wide hips.

People with a hypersthenic body type are usually naturally equipped with more muscle mass compared to other body types. Due to this, the weight of a hypersthenic with a normal body mass index is usually 7-10% higher than that of a normosthenic. However, nevertheless, experts emphasize that it is hypersthenics who are also prone to gaining adipose tissue: this is due to a rather slow metabolism, during which a significant part of the calories consumed is deposited in fat. Therefore, people with this type of figure should not write off the whole weight gain on the "wide bone": you need to carefully monitor your diet and play sports.