Aura of water and its energy. Use of water energy. Joint use of solar energy and cold of small streams

The oceans contain colossal reserves of energy. The internal energy of water (thermal), corresponding to the overheating of water on the ocean surface, in comparison with the bottom, for example, by 20 degrees, has a value of about 10 ^ 26 J. The kinetic energy of currents in the oceans is estimated at about 10 ^ 18 J. But people today can to use only the smallest fraction of this energy, at the same time at the cost of large and long-term return on investment. Therefore, energy based on the use of the internal energy of water, until now, seemed unpromising.

But the limited reserves of fossil fuels (gas and oil), the use of which contributes to environmental pollution, the depletion of uranium reserves (along with hazardous radioactive waste), as well as the uncertainty of the timing and consequences of the environmental impact of the use of thermonuclear energy in industry forces engineers and scientists to pay more attention to the search new opportunities for the use of harmless energy sources: the difference in the water level in rivers, as well as the heat of the sun, the energy of the World Ocean, wind. The public, as well as many engineers, do not yet know that the work on extracting the internal energy of water from the oceans and seas in recent years in some countries has already acquired a large scale, that they have promising prospects. The ocean stores several types of energy: the energy of ocean currents, ebbs and flows, thermal energy of water (internal) and some others.

Energy of the tides

The most obvious way to harness the power of the oceans is to run tidal power plants (TPS). In France, since 1967, at the mouth of the Rance River, at high tides, the height of which reaches 13 meters, a TPP with a capacity of 240 thousand kW has been operating with an annual output of 540 thousand kW / h. Domestic engineer Bernstein identified a convenient method for constructing PES units that can be towed to the right places afloat, calculated a cost-effective sequence for turning on the power plant in the power grid during the hours of their greatest load by energy consumers. Its ideas have already been tested at the TPP, created in 1968 near Murmansk in Kisla Guba; then they will be tested at a 6 million kW TPP on the Barents Sea in the Mezen Bay.

In the 70s, the situation in the energy sector changed. Every time oil prices hiked by suppliers in Africa, the Middle East, and South America, tidal energy became more and more tempting as it competed perfectly with fossil fuels in cost. Soon, in South Korea, the Soviet Union and England, interest in the outlines of coastlines and the possibilities of constructing power plants on them increased. In these countries, they seriously thought about using the energy of tidal waves and began to allocate funds for research in this area.

Lighthouses and buoys that use the energy of waves dotted the coasts of the seas and oceans of Japan. The buoys - the whistles of the US Coast Guard have been operating for years thanks to wave fluctuations. Today, there are practically no coastal areas where there is no own inventor, creating devices that work on the basis of wave energy. Since 1966, two cities in France have met their electricity needs entirely from ebb and flow.

Energy production based on the difference in the chemical composition of water

Many salts are dissolved in the waters of the ocean. Can the salinity of water be used as an energy source? Can. The high salt content of the ocean prompted scientists at the Scripp Institute of Oceanography in La Colla, California to create such structures. They concluded that in order to obtain large amounts of energy, batteries could be created where the reactions between unsalted and salted water would take place.

World Ocean Biomass Energy

Ocean waters provide an excellent life-sustaining environment with nutrients, salts and minerals. In this environment, oxygen, dissolved in water, feeds all animals of the seas - from the smallest to the largest. Carbon dioxide dissolved in water contributes to the life of marine plants - from diatoms single-celled algae to brown algae, which reach heights of 200-300 feet (60-90 meters). The marine biologist should take one step further to move from seeing the ocean as a natural life support system to trying to scientifically extract energy from that system. In the mid-70s, with the support of the US Navy, a group of ocean scientists, divers, marine engineers created the world's first energy farm in the ocean at a depth of 40 feet (12 meters) under the sun-drenched Pacific Ocean near the city of San Clement ... The farm was small, it was an experiment. Giant brown algae were grown on it. Project Director Dr. Howard A. Wilcox, of the Center for Oceanic and Marine Systems Research in San Diego, California, believes that up to 50% of the energy produced by the algae can be converted into natural fuel gas methane (C2H6). Farms of the future, producing algae on an area of ​​about 100,000 acres (40,000 hectares), will be able to generate enough energy to meet the needs of a city in the United States with a population of 50,000.

Energy of currents in the oceans

A team of oceanographers noticed that the Gulf Stream is carrying waters off the coast of Florida at a speed of 5 miles per hour. The idea of ​​applying this warm stream of water is tempting. Is it possible? Will giant underwater propellers and turbines, similar to windmills, be able to generate electricity from currents and waves? The MacArthur Committee, under the auspices of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Miami, Florida, concluded in 1974 that they CAN. The general opinion was that there are certain problems, but they can all be solved in case of allocation of appropriations, since "there is nothing in this project that would exceed the capabilities of technological and modern engineering thought."

Thermal energy of the ocean (internal energy of water)

Notable attention has been received by "ocean thermal energy conversion" (OTEC) - the generation of electrical energy based on the difference between water temperatures at the ocean surface and deep ocean waters sucked in by a pump, for example, when using phenol or ammonium turbines (volatile liquids) in a closed cycle.

The temperature of the ocean water varies from place to place. Between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer, the surface of the water warms up to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (27 ° C). At a depth of about 2,000 feet (6,000 meters), temperatures drop to 35-38 degrees Fahrenheit (2-3.5 ° C). Can the temperature difference be used, i.e. internal energy of water in order to obtain electrical energy? Can an underwater thermal power plant generate electricity? Yes maybe.

Back in the 1920s, Georges Claude, a determined, persistent and gifted French physicist, decided to investigate this possibility. He chose a section of the ocean near the coast of Cuba, after several unsuccessful attempts to create a 22 kW unit with a capacity. This became a scientific achievement and was acclaimed by many scientists. By using warm water from the ocean surface and cold water from the depths, having created the appropriate technology, we have everything we need to generate electricity, the supporters of the use of the internal energy of ocean water assured. "We estimate that the ocean surface has energy reserves that exceed 10,000 times the global energy requirement." “Alas,” the skeptics denied, “Georges Claude managed to get only 22 kilowatts of electricity in the Matanzas Bay. Did it make a profit? " “No, it didn’t, because to get these 22 kilowatts, Claude had to spend 80 kilowatts on the pumps.”

Nowadays, professor at the Scripp Oceanographic Institute, John Isaacs, performs calculations more accurately. According to him, modern technology will help create power plants that use the temperature difference in the ocean waters (the internal energy of water) to generate electricity, which would produce it twice as much as the whole world consumes today. This will be electrical energy that converts ocean thermal energy (OTEC).

1 m3 of water has potential energy At an altitude of 124 m - 1000 * 9.8 * 124 = J (Krasnoyarsk HPP - Russia)

Largest hydroelectric power plants in Russia Name Capacity, GW Average annual output, billion kWh Geography Sayano-Shushenskaya 6.4023.50 rub. Yenisei (Sayanogorsk) Krasnoyarskaya 6,0020,40 rub. Yenisei (Divnogorsk) Bratskaya 4,5022.60 rub. Angara (Bratsk) Ust-Ilimskaya 4,3221,70 rub. Angara (Ust-Ilimsk)

Wind farm multiple wind turbines assembled in one or more locations. Large wind farms can have 100 or more wind turbines. Sometimes wind farms are called wind farms (from the English. Wind farm). wind generators.

A tidal power plant (TES) is a special type of hydroelectric power plant that uses the energy of tides, and in fact the kinetic energy of the Earth's rotation. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of the seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Fluctuations in the water level near the coast can reach 13 meters. The world's largest tidal power plant in La Rance, France

To obtain energy, the bay or the mouth of the river is blocked with a dam, in which hydraulic units are installed, which can operate both in the generator mode and in the pump mode (for pumping water into the reservoir for subsequent work in the absence of ebb and flow). In the latter case, they are called a pumped storage power plant.

In Russia, since 1968, an experimental TPP has been operating in Kislaya Bay on the coast of the Barents Sea with a capacity of 0.4 MW. TPP in the Mezen Bay (capacity MW) on the White Sea. The height of its dam is 6 m, length is 93 m. 9 Model of the tidal power plant

If the amount of water in our body is reduced by at least 2%, then you will immediately feel weakened, incoherence of short-term memory will appear, there will be poor concentration of attention and poor assimilation of any information. Scientists have already proven that drinking five glasses of clean water daily will significantly reduce the risk of cancer in humans. All life on our planet is based on water.

Ten reasons that will show you the importance of water

Much has already been said about how useful water is. Everyone should be aware that water is necessary not only to quench thirst, but also so that our entire body can function properly. So why do we need to drink water and what effect does it have on us?

1. Water is the elixir of youth and beauty

Women all over the world dream of always being young and beautiful. They spend crazy money to extend this period even a little bit. But this miracle cure is always there. If you drink clean water every day, then it will have a beneficial effect on the vital activity of all cells in our body. The skin, as if from the inside, will receive the moisture it needs, and due to this, it will maintain its elasticity.

2. Water will be able to cleanse our body of toxins, toxins, remove the products of poisoning and other harmful substances

Water improves the functioning of our digestive tract and, thanks to this, harmful substances are released from the body. Remember what doctors advise us in case of poisoning. Yes, they recommend drinking as much water as possible. Water improves the function of the kidneys, which are a filter for the entire body.

3. You will not be afraid of heart attacks

Scientists have done a lot of research and found that the more water a person consumes, the lower the risk of heart attacks. To keep your heart working well, you should try to drink five glasses of pure water a day.

4. Only thanks to water in our body joints and all muscles work

Almost all fluids contain water molecules, such as a special joint fluid, which is a kind of lubricant for joints and muscles and thanks to which they work properly. Everyone who goes in for sports, especially its power types, is well aware that a lack of water in the body can lead to muscle cramps. But athletes are not the only ones to be aware of the important role of water. Each of us should drink water before and after physical activities, and ideally during them.

5. Water gives us energy

Every day we perform physiological processes such as sweating, breathing, urination, and bowel movements. As a result of all this, our body loses about 10 glasses of liquid per day. If the body does not replenish water reserves, then the process of dehydration will begin in it, which causes headaches, fatigue and irritability in a person. Therefore, it is very important that there is always enough water in the body.

Even the amount of oxygen in the blood depends on the water level in the body. The liquid helps the metabolism to pass better, due to which the body fats are burned faster and they do not settle on the walls of blood vessels. All this fills our body with energy.

Scientists have revealed a very interesting fact that even the brain cannot function normally without water.

6. Proper digestion and water are one

If there is enough water in the body, this will help prevent constipation, since food is quickly broken down and all nutrients enter the body faster. Carbohydrates and proteins are transported by water to the circulatory system.

7. Water promotes our immunity

It is not surprising, but it is water that helps to avoid all kinds of infectious diseases. If the body constantly lacks water, this will lead to chronic dehydration, which is very bad for our body. At the cellular level, we need water. Cellular activity decreases if there is little water in the body, and this, in turn, adversely affects our immunity.

8. Water is also responsible for temperature regulation.

Thanks to water, our body is cooled, it acts as a refrigerant in refrigerators or air conditioners. All we need is plenty of clean water every day. Water makes up about 55 - 75% of the average person's total weight and it is she who regulates the temperature of the whole body.

9. Water also takes part in the metabolic processes of all proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and of course we must also thank water for our muscles

We remember that not enough water will lead to dehydration of the entire body. All this also affects the slowdown in the synthesis of proteins (simple proteins), namely, they are responsible for the formation of muscles. The muscle building process is very energy intensive. It also depends on the synthesis of proteins how much fat the body stores in reserve and the fewer calories the body burns, the less energy it receives.

10. Our overall health depends entirely on water

From childhood, doctors advised us to drink as much water as possible for colds or acute respiratory infections. And believe me, these are not just empty words of the therapist. Water normalizes the temperature, helps to liquefy dry coughs, removes phlegm and mucus. Replenishing the body with fluid is very important.

Water is very important for all living things, starting from the smallest cell. And we must remember to drink as much water as possible. I hope everyone can understand that water is a real source of life, energy, health and youth. It helps to transfer all the most useful substances into the blood.

Everything is very simple! Learn to listen to your body, and you will hear its first signals that will make you feel thirsty.

Science took a huge leap forward precisely when scientists were able to prove that water has its own memory. Now the structure of water is used almost everywhere: in medicine, biology, chemistry, physics, and even in astronomy. And everyone knows that this is far from the end point. Studying the features of ordinary water, many opportunities open up before humanity.

Sometimes it happens that a good mood or inspiration appears when meeting with an interesting person, and especially after communicating with him. So this time, after Anastasia's story about a wonderful weekend, about unforgettable impressions, immediately there was a desire to write about water as a source of energy.

But first, her short story.

“The Southern Bug River is the heart of the Ukrainian Podillia. A catamaran, two kayaks and a wonderful team, with whom we rafted over 46 km. I never could have thought that the Vinnytsia region could be so beautiful: a mighty river, granite rocks that protect it and a forest that lives in harmony with small villages and their inhabitants.

The last camp was in the village of Pechora, where once Konstantin Pototsky (1816 - 1857) built an incredibly beautiful park and a mill.

We talked with wonderful people Vsevolod and his grandson Alyosha, who live in a family home and are developing green tourism. What is especially pleasant, Alyosha invites young people to try living in the village. This means that there is a prospect with the creation of jobs for the relocation of the urban population to rural areas. I would like to come to this place again not only because of nature, but also for the treasures left by the Potocki family. "

Among the variety of alternative types of energy, a special place is occupied by water as a source of energy... And it is no coincidence that the evolution of the development of human society is directly related to the use of water energy. Man has long understood that it is possible to use the energy of moving and falling water.

The development of the entire civilization owes to these opportunities, and at first, mills, sawmills and other structures were built on the banks of rivers and near waterfalls, which used the power of water flows in their work. But with the development of technical progress, with the invention of electricity, the need for the construction of structures near water sources has disappeared. In mechanisms, electrical energy began to be used as a drive.

However, with the growth in the consumption of electrical energy, an intensive search for the cheapest production began. And the man realized that nature itself created the conditions for the construction of hydroelectric power plants that convert the energy of water into electric current. While building large hydropower plants, we have undeservedly forgotten small hydropower.

And only enthusiasts, inventors and self-taught, who wanted to get an independent source of electrical energy in their home, tirelessly improved the design of mechanisms using the energy of small rivers. I wrote about one of the few such enthusiasts in this article.

Being in constant search for something new and interesting in the direction of small-scale energy, in order to provide another alternative source of energy for private households, I got acquainted with the materials of the AGRO-T company, which corresponded to my search. This article is just about a home power plant.

What I particularly liked was the detailed analysis of the application of small hydro turbines. Their uniqueness in comparison with other alternative sources of solar and wind energy. Binding of such units to specific conditions. Technical characteristics and generated electrical power versus water flow rate. Calculations and drawings are given. All this confirms that the material is of interest based on practical experience and application.

Judge for yourself.

“Small Hydro Turbines (250 - 5000W) provide interesting business models for individual users.

Users have access to the use of their own micro hydroelectric power plant - a turbine, to obtain their own electricity, and in case of its surplus, to transfer it by simple methods to the general electrical network.

The model is attractive in remote areas and not only for countries that have problems with electricity, but also for countries that have an abundance of electricity. Power in these remote areas can be provided from a stand-alone grid that is not as costly as building other, larger hydraulic structures and hydraulic systems. Small hydropower plants and microturbines do not compete with large hydropower plants; they provide economically and environmentally sound alternative energy to facilities in remote areas.

More and more individual users are starting to receive electricity through solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric power plants. Our Micro Hydroelectric Power Plants use water as a source of energy can be combined with alternative sources to allow the user to create customized electrical systems.

Competition versus PV solar panels (photovoltaic) and diesel electric generator

The cost of producing kWh of energy differs depending on the river speed and the amortization time of the installation.

In general, the installation is designed for a 10 year life cycle.

The cost of using diesel fuel to generate electricity 0.30 Euro / kWh

Solar panels become competitive from 0.17 Euro / kWh

Small hydropower is the most competitive from 0.10 to 0.15 Euro / kWh

Small hydropower plants can be combined with solar panels and diesel generators

Market where such mini hydroelectric power plants can be used by segment (priority by market size).

Decentralized electrification (example: houses located near a water body)

Modular installations in the channel system of different countries

Green electricity when connected to the public grid

Agricultural market (diesel driven irrigation pumps for irrigation systems, farm, pasture)

Mobile and temporary structures (for the operation of remote antenna complexes, charging stations and equipment, emergency response services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations)

Manufactured products - miniturbines up to 5 kW, for rivers with a flow of 1.0 m / s

Benefits of using.

Available in two versions: "floating" with floats for work on the surface and "recessed" in the water with anchors attached to the bottom of a river, canal or checks

Scalability, modular system, i.e. use of several 5kW units. Up to 1000 mW in one system.

One unit can produce up to 42,000 kWh per year, more than the corresponding wind and solar installations

Unlike other hydraulic systems, construction does not destroy the landscape and ecosystem of the reservoir and does not change the river bed

The resulting direct or alternating current can be supplied both to the general network and used to charge the accumulator battery packs

At night, with little use of electricity, its surplus can be transferred to the operation of other consumers

The equipment is inexpensive, easily transported and moved if necessary, easily assembled into a working kit and simple to operate

The equipment works successfully on small rivers where it is impossible and ineffective to build conventional hydraulic structures with dams

The equipment allows you to provide electricity to places where there is no common network, for example, agricultural structures, small settlements, remote tourist complexes, remote power points

The equipment is easily deployed for use during emergencies, effectively replaces diesel power plants (the use of hydraulic turbines is 2-5 times cheaper than the use of diesel power plants, no diesel fuel or oils are required) "

The company's experience confirms that the use of small turbines allows the use of water as a source of energy very efficient and quite affordable. This will arouse undoubted interest among residents whose housing construction is located near small rivers. Such technologies are available to many people, both those who do not have close electrical networks, and those who want to have an independent source of electricity.

The properties of water have always been shrouded in mystery. A person cannot live without water, water contains the energy of life.

This energy has been known to people since ancient times and since that time its healing power has been used. Among the tales, myths and legends of every nation, there are sure to be those that tell about its healing and rejuvenating properties, and even properties - conquering death, resurrecting and giving immortality.

Water is used in various cult, spiritual and religious ceremonies, ceremonies and rituals.

The fact that water is an excellent cleansing agent is also known from time immemorial, as this is its natural property.

We find water everywhere: rivers with lakes, and seas with oceans, and snow that covers the highest peaks of mountains, and rain that irrigates our Earth from clouds, and even our bodies, which are 80% of the same water. And it unites us with all of nature.

A person cannot live without water, a person enjoys water, because water is created by nature with already inherent properties for purification, renewal and rebirth. And this her ability - to heal, cleanse and rejuvenate - is used not only by humans, but also by representatives of all the numerous flora and fauna of the Earth.

And of course, for a person - water is the best natural healer , a great way to get your health and vitality.

The easiest and most wonderful way is swimming: in the sea, lake, river. The interaction of our entire body with the water element relieves stress, cleanses, hardens. But it is important not to turn a good friend into an enemy. It is best to swim in warm enough water - from 20 to 27 degrees Celsius. Before you enter the water - give your body a little breath of air - undress and expose your body to the sun and fresh air. Do not rush into the water if you are sweating - let your body cool down a little. And you don't need to swim on a full stomach. The duration of one bath, depending on how you feel, is from 3 to 20 minutes.

Of particular benefit is sea bathing, which has a healing effect on almost everyone, especially those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and many others. The only limitation is all diseases in the acute stage, a significant increase in blood pressure, as well as children under two years of age.

While bathing - help your body get as much energy as possible from the water. Moreover, it does not matter where you take water procedures - in the sea or river, and maybe in the pool or in your bath.

How to fill yourself with the energy of water?

The water should not be very cold or hot. Keep it cool or slightly warm.

As always, when we want to get energy, we turn tobreathing .

We begin to do full breathing, breathe rhythmically. Duringinhalation imagine how water sends us energy, which is absorbed by our pores, and whenexhalation - this energy spreads throughout the body to the very tips of the fingers on our hands and feet. The energy of the water becomes the energy of our body.

Due to natural conditions, we cannot swim in open water all year round, but we can take water procedures that heal our body without even leaving our home.

There is a law in hydrotherapy, which is one of the main ones, which says: the stronger the irritation, the stronger the rush of blood to the site of irritation.

Water can be a powerful irritant if it is hot, or vice versa, cold, or if hot and cold water is alternated. And since such water irritates our skin and our body, it means that it causes a rush of blood to the places of irritation and thus stimulates blood circulation. And an increase in blood circulation enhances the cleansing processes in our body, and therefore the processes of renewal of tissues and fluids are enhanced. In addition, it is a great workout for the elasticity of our blood vessels.

Avicenna also wrote about the benefits of such exposure to water:

"Bathing in cold water immediately settles the innate warmth inside the body, then it re-rushes to the surface of the body, intensified several times".

The main means of hydrotherapy are baths, showers, compresses and wraps.

You need to start contrasting water procedures at a comfortable temperature: for cold water - 16 -18 degrees, and for hot water - 39-40 degrees. But the best effect of such a procedure will be obtained if the temperature of the cold water is 11-15 degrees, and the hot temperature is 41-43.

If you have never taken contrast baths - you need to start with baths for the feet and hands, gradually move on to a contrast shower, and only after that, it is possible to do full contrast baths (at home, this is practically impossible, since this requires 2 baths - one with cold and the other with hot water).

Thanks to this alternation of temperatures, cleansing of skin cells, skin respiration will intensify, the vessels subjected to such "gymnastics" will regain their elasticity, and a powerful restructuring will begin in the body. All this will enhance blood circulation, enriching it with oxygen, which will carry it with the blood to every cell, filling them with vitality. At the same time, there is a kind of internal massage of the vessels, which means their cleansing.

This is a fountain on the embankment of the city of Gelendzhik. See how much energy the water carries!

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