Baba with hooves. The media learned the origin of the legend of the girl with hooves vote on the track

This video not only exploded the Middle Eastern Internet, but also caused hot disputes in Europe. Can I not?

Sevda Alizade - Singer of Iranian origin living in the Netherlands. Wikipedia already gives it discography.

And what, in fact, this? The image of a ghost girl with hooves instead of the feet for a long time does not give rest not only to clipsmakers, but also to film producers.

So, a shooting group from Kazakhstan under the direction of the director Aidar Espenbetova Back in 2016, announced a short film with a similar plot. At that time, in the Kazakh roads in the top there was a legend of a kind of girl, which at night costs the road, wrapped in a raincoat, votes, and when someone from the drivers stops, the lady drops the raincoat and ... For chasters, the story ends not very good.

The Kazakhs, however, the matter was completely never brought. But the Dutch was confused and issued a video product on the mountain.

Roller "Human", the same, with hooves, came out at the end of 2016 (Congatory with the Kazakhs!). By and large, in Europe, disputes about the scandaling and the admissibility of such plots have already got up. And this year, the Russians have to be expressed by Russians.

The fact is that the singer will arrive in our country with Gastro. On August 20, she has the only performance in Moscow at the Museum of Contemporary Art "Garage".

The announcement about the singer is reported as follows:

Born in Tehran under the name of Sevda Alizade, she has lived in the Netherlands from five years and even managed to play for the national basketball team. But its electronic art pop - catchy, bright and experimental - does not refuse national roots. Alizade finds in the culture of Iran, closed for Europeans after Islamic revenge, plots and stories that feed her creative impulse. Career Sevdaliza began in 2014, and the first album, published in 2017 on his own label, brought the singer comparison with Bjork and made it a favorite of advanced musical publications. Approaching his records and performances as completed multimedia projects, SevDaliza operates an image of seductive Odalis, which tells under the hypnotizing digital bits not at all of the foaming fairy tales, but stringent truthful stories about the modern and role of women in society.

No desire to ride a concert? Well, then choose from events

The story of a mystical girl with hooves, which terrorizes motorists on the night highway, intends to film the director Aidar Espenbetov. He reported this in an interview. The director explained that at the moment the script is already fully prepared and the actress is found on the main role.

Now he is busy with solving the problem of a realistic image on video of horsepower with hooves, which are the main part of the frightening image. "There is a danger - if you do too stupor - people will not believe. I want to do something half-documentary. Therefore, we break the head, how to make such legs steppewithon," he said. Espenbetov noted that one experimental decision he plans to try in the near future.

There are several versions of the story about the girl with hooves. In one of them, this is a woman in a raincoat, catching his companion on the Kapshagay highway. According to the story of the story, two guys stop to pass a stranger. Talking with guys, she is already starting to sit in the car, but then the passenger, noticing that she has hoofs, shouts the driver to drive. The guys are trying to escape, and the girl pursues a car on a rabid speed for some time, looking straight into the eyes of frightened people.

Another version, says Espenbetov, he was told by people who claim to personally saw a girl with hooves. This time, the events occur within the segment of the Almaty route - Astana for the village of Shamalgan, not far from Aula Gengeldy. "My old friend, with whom I have not seen for a long time, suddenly began to tell how he and his wife returned from Astana to Almaty on his own car. The case was at night. On a flat section of the route after a sharp rise, the descent began, followed by the girl with hooves . She stood in the middle of the road, in a white dress, long black, asian face type, from dresses, as my friend said, the lower part of the horse, the tail and two hooves. For me, so the top of the girl - human - reminds of films character "Call," - transmits words of eyewitness of Espenbets.

Another person told him that he saw a girl with hooves on a much closer distance. "He said that it was on this highway, he drove at night and from great fatigue, so as not to fall asleep, parked and tried. I woke up from the grinding of something acute on the glass. Right at the driver's window was standing and the nails tried to do the hole in the glass. According to the guy, from the christmas look, the girl is only paralyzed and he is not something to move, he could not even look away. Nevertheless, he himself could not explain how he managed to start the engine of the car and leave. The only thing that remembers that he remembers that As lay, loosen, and drove a few kilometers, after which, apparently, the girls with hooves stopped acting, "the director says.

In conclusion, Espenbetov led another story, this time on behalf of three familiar drivers. "Drivers on three cars drove to Astana. Our hero was first in the column. A sudden appearance of a girl with hooves found him surprise. He lost control. Attempts to keep the car on the road were not crowned with success, and he turned over. After that accident, he is called Sonya. By Words of guys, shepherds in that area are also some strange. On my question: why? - They answer, and how would you be when such a girl with hooves go next, "the director will summarize.

The answer that came immediately, the woman reread several times. She tried to delve into the meaning of a short message for a long time, from which goosebumps ran out on her back:
- Does your daughter have a hoof?
The woman could not understand what he had in mind her girlfriend. She increased the photo site and saw that the rights: from under the door, hairy hoofs were visible.
At that moment, the woman seemed to be colder in the apartment. She stared at the monitor, fearing even look towards the door. It seemed to her that from there right now someone looks at her. Then she remembered that her daughter was playing now in that room. I didn't have an irrational feeling of fear, but a desire to protect your child was added to him. In the end, the maternal instinct took the top, and the woman slowly went towards the door. As it approaches the goal, the fear intensified everything. Going to the door closely, the woman realized that if he did not close his eyes, she would see something terrible. Then she closed her ears, fearing something to hear.
Returning in fifteen minutes of her husband discovered his wife in a strange position. She lay, curled on the floor near the door to the room, where their daughter slept peacefully. Woman clapped her ears and eyes with her fingers and cried softly, something mumbling. Puzzled spouse tried to find out what was the matter, but the wife behaved inadequately and hardly reacted to his questions. The man called an ambulance.
Doctors identified serious mental disorder from his wife, and that the residue of life led in the hospital. There, only her husband visited her, as the woman reacted inadequately on her daughter. About that photo everyone forgot, and why remember the usual nonsense crazy? ..
The girl grew up healthy and mentally balanced, in one exception: she never photographed.

Igor, Gleb and Vitya drove on the night. A few minutes ago, they left the city and killed to the morning to the sea. Igor sat behind the wheel and displeasually looked at his friends.
"He had to go before!" He said.
Vitya looked at him from the passenger seat, drank from a bottle of beer and said:
Yes, okay you grumble! The main thing is that we are already going!
Yes, but behind the wheel I! You and so me half a night did not give to sleep with your drunkenness, and we still go to the morning!
- I will heal? - Gleb asked with a drunken voice from the rear seating.
"You are generally silent there!" Said Igor, to wash it back.
All silenced. Vitya finished the beer and threw a blank bottle into the window.
"Is it one?" He asked turning to Gleb.
- Look!
-TorMosi! - said Vitya Igor.
-Aga, now! Worms spread up! - answered Igor- Sit down already! Or do you want to drink everything, but to sit on the sea and let alone?
"Is there no stores?" Gleb leaned.
Igor did not answer. Soothing herself he focused on the road. Vitya with Gleb surrendered.
-Obid! - whispered Vitya to a friend.
-Do you can silence? - The voice asked Igor.
- Of course! - Quietly answered Vitya and sat down more convenient.
Igor turned on music. Gleb stared stared in the window, but did not see anything there. Suddenly he smiled slyly:
- I go down!
Igor deeply sighed soothing himself, and Vitya walked. Gleb also laughed at his joke.
- Clear, assholes!
Suddenly Vitya stopped laugh and said:
Check the ghost!
Everyone stared in the windshield.
On the side of the road stood a girl in a bright long dress and caught the fellow. The sleeves hid her hands, and long blond hair-face.
-What nafig ghost? - Pronunciation of Igor.
Vitya Zahoshikal:
-News in white.
-Time? - Igor asked.
Vitya wink Gleb and he nodded.
- Look! She just starts up to the morning!
Vitya stopped the car near the girl, at that time Gleb got out of the car and headed for the trunk.
-Vas throw up? - asked Vitya.
-If you can. - answered the girl.
-Sit down!
Gleb also sat in the car. In his hands, he kept two bottles of beer, one of which stretched out.
-Vas until you bring to? - asked Vitya looking at the girl in the mirror. She was cute with magnificent hair, slim and, as it seemed like, modest. The dwelling is that she boldly sat in the car to three unfamiliar guys, two of whom were drunk.
- Fleece. - The girl answered.
Vitya turned to her.
-And you can find out the name of such a charming girl?
"Why is it?" She asked calmly.
-For communication! My name is Vitya, Gleb is sitting next to you, and Igor's name is our driver.
-Work, it means? - said Igor- now someone walks on foot!
Yes, I'm kidding! - Vitya patted a friend on the shoulder, then turned to the girl - we introduced themselves, now your turn!
-What names are there?
Vitya suppressed beer from such an answer. Gleb Zahoshikal and opened his bottle of beer dropping the lid on the floor. Igor saw it.
"Don't the Musori in the car!" He said.
Gleb climbed to look for a plug, highlighting himself a flashlight on a lighter, and Vitya snatched and said:
-And you have a fun girl! Well, how do you like the name Katya?
- Creative.
From under the seats rose Gleb. Vitya saw that pale.
Are you bad? He asked.
Gleb snapped:
Yes, I feel bad! Stop the car!
Sighing Igor Spehal on the side of the road and stopped.
-Can you go through? - asked Gleb girl pointing at the door.
That silently opened the door and went out, missing Gleb. But he slammed the door and shouted:
-Dava for gas!
-What? - Friends were surprised in one voice.
- She is hoof!
- You are a squirrel! - Pronunciation of Vitya.
Suddenly there was a blow to the glass, which was immediately covered with a grid of cracks. Igor pressed the gas and the car rushed from the spot.
-Had, - he shouted on - what a fuck?
Gleb was shaking, he even sober away from fear.
"She was hooves instead of the legs!" Said these big and coated with wool!
"I didn't seem?" Asked Vitya.
Gleb shook his head negatively.
Suddenly there was a strong blow and the car swung.
-What ...- Igor never agreed. In the rear view mirror, he saw that girl who flew behind the car at a speed of at least eighty kilometers per hour!
Her dress shared above his knees and friends saw her powerful horsepower. Her hands were ordinary, but ended with hooves too.
"Gas!" - Gleb shouted, she catch up!
Another strong blow heard and Igor at some point even thought that the car turns over. The speedometer arrow rose to one hundred, the girl began to lag behind and dissolved in the dark.
Friends went silently. Everyone was submersible in his thoughts.
"We need to spend the night somewhere!" Pronunciation of Igor.
-What? - I was surprised by Vitya, drive away from here!
-I want to sleep! Do you want us to turn over at such a speed?
Vitya was silent.
Igor slightly slowed down the speed and peered at night. Quietly played music. Gleb looked at the broken glass and suddenly asked:
-Interesting from where it took this creature?
Nobody answered.
-Host! - said Igor and turned off the road towards pale sign lit by one lamp. The car stopped on a small heel near the entrance and friends came out of the car. Wearing around, they headed into the old two-story building.
Inside, it was also unbelievable, in a small file they met a middle-aged man.
"I thought it seemed to me that someone was piced!" He said.
"I would have to spend the night." Said Igor.
-It's possible. Until morning or how?
-Until morning.
-Well. "The man told them to the table at the staircase. - For a long time there was no one! What led you here?
Moving with hooves .- whispered Gleb.
The man looked at his friends and asked:
-Do you saw a girl with hooves?
Igor Zlo looked at Gleb and replied:
-Yes. She remembered my whole car!
-Do you know what it is? - asked Vitya.
The man sighed, the past behind the table and sat down.
-When she was a daughter of one very famous surgeon. But one day on this very highway, a few kilometers from here, a few guys raped her and mocked her. They cut her hand brushes, then legs and quit knees. Father found her already at death. He saved her sewing a horse limb, which was not far away.
- But it is impossible! - Pronunciation of Vitya Man and Horse ...
- I also did not hoped for a miracle too! But she survived and turned into a monster!
"Where do you know that?" Gleb asked.
Suddenly, the glass broke behind their backs and the knock of the hooves was heard. Friends in horror dared to the stairs. Steps frozen.
Suddenly, the girl jumped out from behind the corner and flew into three friends. She beat and trampled them with their hooves making human laugh in a mix with horsepower.
From somewhere far came the cry of a man:
- Don't do it, daughter! ..

There are a huge number of different traces, which for different reasons are related to inexplicable. To this phenomenon, we only attribute hoof-like traces, since in all cases their appearance allocated general features other than other phenomena in which the appearance of unusual traces appears.

Smooth-like traces in many cultures are traditionally associated with unclean power. Different nations consider the source of their emergence, demons, devil, as well as witch with hooves instead of legs, damned, etc.

Thus, the phenomenon of "traces of the devil" will consider hoof-like signs that appeared on different surfaces that have certain signs of deviation from the norm (the rate of occurrence, the distance between prints, etc.)

Stories about the "Devil Traces" are rooted in deaf antiquity. The very first mention can be considered 929 years. In Japan, "Devil's traces" were observed on the territory of the Imperial Palace.
The earliest writing mention that it turned out is dated 1205 year. According to Ralph Kehesel (who also described strange phenomena in his era), the writer of the 13th century, on July 19, 1205, there were strange prints of hoofs after a strong thunderstorm.

The most famous case is the incident called "Footage of the Devil in Devon", which may have occurred in February 1855 near Limana EXS in South Devon. Brief description of this fact: on the night from 7 to February 8, 1855, at 1.00 or 2.00, after heavy snowfall, hoof-like signs appeared on the snow. These traces, most of which were about 4 inches in length and about three inches wide, located at a distance of eight to sixteen inches from each other and following approximately one direct direction (albeit with small deviations), were found in more than thirty places in all Devon and partly in Dorset. It was estimated that the total length of the route, during which they met, ranged from 40 to 100 miles. Houses, rivers, hay stacks, fences and other obstacles did not stop the one who left these traces: they were found on the roofs of houses, their walls with a height of up to 14 feet and even at the entrance and outlet of small sewers with a diameter of four inches. The traces were named so because some people believed that these are traces of Satan, as they were allegedly made for forked hooves. Many theories were nominated to explain this incident, and many of its aspects, as well as authenticity, even at that time were subjected to doubts; Nevertheless, this event was the cause of quite serious (albeit a short-term and fast forget) mass hysteria.

There are very few primary sources telling about this event. Also known only documents found after the publication in 1950 an article about the incident in the Devonshire historical society, which asked for help in finding additional information. After that, a collection of articles and emails of the 1850s Vicar Ellcomba was discovered, among which there is a letter to him from his friend Vicar McGrowwa, containing his letter in the newspaper The Illustrated London News marked "not for print" and with a pattern of traces, allegedly performed From nature, and there were also found on other newspaper articles telling about this event; According to them, the personality was established for the first correspondent's traces: they were the future curator of one of the Extra Museums, who was 19 years old at that time.

In total, a relatively reliable source about the event, in time not far from it, four: emails Ellakomba, a letter McGrowwa, a report from Extrah and a letter of an anonymous author into one of the newspapers in which he assumes that the traces left the otters. All subsequent articles, including those mentioned above, as well as article 1890 Buska, where he led eyewitness testimonies, reprinted in 1922, appeared much later than the event, so they should be treated with caution.

There is also information about several such incidents in other parts of the world, although none of them had the same scale as the case in Devon.

James Clark Ross wrote that during the Antarctic Expedition 1839-1843 on the island of Kergelen in 1840 they found strange horseshoe traces - first on Earth, in the snow, and then on a rock where there was no snow. Footprints were similar to traces of a horse or donkey, but there were no such animals and the expedition or the island itself.

For fifteen years to Devonian events, in 1840, The Times wrote that in Scotland, in Glen Orchi, on March 14, strange traces were found, similar to the prints of split hooves, up to 12 miles away. The one who left them was, if proceed from the depths of traces, a large size (approximately from a large fooder) and at the same time lame.

In The Illustrated London News In March 1855, the article of the newspaper correspondent in Heidelberg was published, which, referring to the "authoritative Polish doctor of medicine," reported that on the sandy hill in the kingdom of Polish, on the border with Galicia, such traces found in the snow (and Sometimes in the sand) every year, and local residents believe that they leave their supernatural creature.

1886: New Zealand.

1909: New Jersey, USA, Beaches near Glouter.

1945: Belgium.

1950: Again Devonshire (Beach).

1952: Scotland.

1954: Brazil.

In the fall of 1957, in the journal Tomorrow ("Tomorrow") an article of researcher of paranormal phenomena Eric Dingulla called "The Devil walks again" appeared. In it, in particular, the story of the 26-year-old Colin Wilson (later the famous writer) was brought about how in the summer of 1950 on one of the deserted sea beaches of Devonshire he saw on a smooth and dense surface of wet sand, rammed by marine waves, strange imprints, similar on the traces of hoofs.
1974: Ethna slopes, Sicily.

1976: Alps in the Nice district and near Lake Silyan (Norway).

On March 12, 2009, there were reports in the press that the same traces appeared in Devon at night, there were even photographs, but official science did not give any comments about this.

This can also include various urban legends and fasting about a woman with hooves. They do not have some particular geographical location. Very similar references to people with hooves are available almost throughout the territory of modern Russia and neighboring countries. Remote similar city legends are already known almost in all parts of the world.

For example, in the Voronezh region, the appearance of "babs with hooves" is famous for the upper Hawa and Kashirsky district. In this case, the cases and fasting of the top hava describe no longer the appearance of traces, but the "women" itself. The case that occurred in the Kashirsky district in 1997 was rather similar to Devonian.

The hypothesis of the origin of the "Devil's traces" are similar to hypotheses explaining traces from the incident in Devon.

Over the years, the researcher Mike Dash, who has collected this event, generalized all the primary and secondary sources found by them and secondary sources in the article "The Devil" s Hoofmarks: Source Material On The Great Devon Mystery of 1855 "(" Devil Traces: Materials for the study of the Great Male Devon 1855 "), first published in Fortean Studies in 1994. He, not denying the reality of the fact as such, came to the conclusion that there was no one and could not be some kind of" source "of origin of traces: some of them were almost certainly The hoax, some were left completely ordinary four-legged animals - for example, doses or horses, and some are mice. However, he recognized that it could not explain all the challenges (especially those who were found in cities), and that "the mystery remains."

Conditionally, they can be divided into mystical, natural and hoax.


  • Balloon. The author of Jeffrey Hauscholl suggested that the traces left the experimental balloon, mistakenly released from the devonor, by means of links at the ends of its mooring ropes. The source of the version was a local resident, Major Carter, whose grandfather worked in Devonport at the time. Carter said that the incident was silent because the ball destroyed several winter gardens, greenhouses and windows before sank to Earth in Honton. Although this version can explain the form of traces, it seems very doubtful that the ball could follow in such a strict trajectory for a long time and at the same time not to cling to the rods behind a tree or other object.
  • Jumping mice. Mentioned Mike Dash in his article indicates that at least some traces, especially those found on the roofs of the houses, could well be left to forest mice, which because of unusually cold weather rushed to cities. The trail remaining in the snow after the mouse jump, looks like a split hoof because of the movement of the mouse during the jump. Dash claims that the theory of "mouse factor" appeared in The Illustrated London News back in March 1855 (because an article about this event, despite the request of Vicar, was still printed, for the first time - February 13). It was observed that in some places the traces seemed to be interrupted, which was explained by the attack on birds of predatory birds (for example, owls), and allegedly near the traces, even sometimes found the corpses of mice. The mouse also could well climb along the walls and even crawl through the pipes. Thus, today the version of forest mice is the only one that could at least partially explain this event from the point of view of science.
  • Mass hysteria. In addition, it was often assumed that the whole story is the result of a sudden mass existence caused by comparison of various traces of various origin (which could well be left by cattle, badgers, outstanding and so on) and their issuing for a single whole. This also includes the version of the origin of traces from famous living beings.
  • Kangaroo. In his letter to The Illustrated London News, Vicar McGroów wrote that there were rumors, as if from a private animal in Sidmut had fled Kangaroo. However, there are no sources of information on the reliability of this event, how could Kangaroo cross the Liman - it is not clear, and McGroów himself wrote that he himself came up with the story about Kangaroo to calm down and distract his flock that believed that their land really visited Devil.


  • Single-hand. According to one of the versions, which is unknown by whom, the traces were left by animals called one-hand - it was reported, for the first time I saw in 1001 on the island of Labrador Some Viking Bjerf Heriolisen; The animal had only one leg, but moved with an extraordinary speed. However, in the newspaper, which published this version, it was said that rather, you could believe that the traces really left the devil, rather than believe in the existence of a single-board.
  • Jack jumper. The history of the traces of the devil was also associated with a Jack-jumper, the character of the English city legend of those times. But even if we assume that Jack jumper existed, then this version seems very dubious. First, in Devon, at that time the appearance of Jack was not fixed. Secondly, the description of the traces of the "Real" Jack exists, and they are not similar to those found in Devon.

Jack-jumper, or Jack-Heeled Jack (English. Spring-Heeled Jack), - the character of the English folklore of the Victorian era, a humanoid creature, notable primarily with its ability to perform jumping heights. The very first messages about the appearances of Jack-Jumper in London dated 1837. Later, his appearance was recorded in many places of England - especially in London itself, his suburbs, Liverpool, Sheffield, Midlands (Central England) and even Scotland. "Peak" reports accounted for the 1850s; Despite the fact that a number of messages about the meetings with Jack from England and even other countries arrived in the 20th century, the last date of his appearance is considered to be 1904.

There are a large number of theories about the nature and identity of Jack-Jumper, however, none of them is scientifically proven and does not give affirmative answers to all questions related to the "Activity" of Jack. Thus, his story remains unexplained so far, science is unknown about the device, with the help of which a person could make such Jack jumping, and the fact of his real existence is disputed by a significant number of historians. The city legend about Jack Jumper was incredibly popular in England in England the second half of the XIX century - primarily because of his unusual appearance, aggressive eccentric behavior (Jack often attacked people) and the mentioned ability to make incredible jumping in height - until Jack became the hero of several artistic works of European "boulevard literature" of the XIX-XX centuries.

The story of Jack-Jumper is significant due to two points. First, his image had a huge impact on the "comic-culture" of the 20th century, and it was his robe that became a prototype "Superhero (or Superzlodsky) costume." Secondly, this is the only "reasonable mystical creature" in the history of humanity, the "case" of which was discussed at the level of the state institution that came to the recognition of his reality.


  • There are many versions of how torture methods. For example, that traces could be left to a certain "unknown hot metal subject."