White-yellow discharge in early pregnancy. White-yellow discharge during pregnancy. When yellow discharge is safe

A pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor her health, because we are talking not only about her, but also about the future baby. However, you should not be scared every time when one or another symptom unfamiliar to you appears. In particular, yellow discharge during pregnancy is considered as such.

It must be remembered that after conception, the nature of the so-called leucorrhoea changes depending on the trimester, the presence of gynecological diseases, etc. To understand the nature of their appearance, you need to familiarize yourself with all possible reasons.

Causes of yellow discharge

It is impossible to correctly diagnose one or another disease in oneself without appropriate tests, but you can notice uncharacteristic symptoms in time and seek advice. It is better at this moment to be prepared and know the probable causes of the occurrence of the phenomenon in question.

As a rule, white-yellow discharge during pregnancy, which is not disturbing in any other way, is considered normal. But if, in addition to them, there is pain, burning, irritation of the mucous membrane or skin, weakness, dizziness, fever and other negative signs, then you can begin to suspect you have some kind of pathology. There are a number of possible factors for this to occur:

  • decreased immune defense functions;
  • non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • unprotected intercourse;
  • existing diseases, the progression of which often begins during pregnancy.

At the very beginning and at later stages, the causes of the appearance of yellowish discharge may differ. This topic causes heated discussions on women's forums, so we will try to answer the most troubling questions from network users.

In the first trimester

"Hello everybody. I wanted to know if a yellowish or beige daub is normal for pregnancy? I only have 7 weeks, I have not been to the doctor. There seem to be no illnesses "

The appearance of a yellow shade of sexual secretion at this time can be associated with both normal and pathological conditions.

Yellow ones talk about the production of progesterone. This hormone activates the production of secretions, which can cause particles of the epithelium or mucous plug, which has begun to form, to enter the mucus. The combination of these components gives a yellow or beige color.

Inflammatory processes that can cause thick yellow discharge include thrush, colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis, and genital infections. The great complexity of treatment at this time is caused by the restriction in the list of acceptable medications. Many are only allowed by week 12.

In the second trimester

“Some have appeared. The next day began to smear with brown. Sips slightly in the lower abdomen. What could it be?"

“Girls, help. I have 14 weeks now. The discharge went some kind of liquid, there are not very many of them, but the daily has to be laid down. Maybe someone knows where they could have come from? "

Discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy becomes thinner and usually more abundant. This phenomenon is also associated with hormonal changes in the body, only now it occurs due to estrogen. Moreover, any change in the nature of the leucorrhoea should alert. The same diseases that are characteristic of the first trimester act as pathological conditions.

Brownish secretion in this period of pregnancy is considered completely unacceptable! If you notice a similar sign, you need to contact a consultation.

Thus, liquid yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, without itching, inflammation, pain and other negative signs, is not a cause for alarm.

In the third trimester

"Can anyone tell me what discharge at 33 weeks of gestation is considered normal?"

"Hello everybody. Maybe someone had yellowish discharge at 36 weeks of gestation? Can a mucous plug come off? "

Yellows are considered natural if they become a little more abundant. They should be odorless, incomprehensible clots and blotches. There is no cause for concern unless there are other signs. However, it is still necessary to tell the gynecologist about this, since some diseases at the initial stage are almost asymptomatic.

Along with the pathologies listed in other paragraphs, yellow discharge in the third trimester may appear due to:

  • Leakage of amniotic fluid is a phenomenon in which the integrity of the fetal membrane is disrupted. It is considered dangerous until 37 weeks, when the baby is not yet full-term;
  • Chorioamnionitis - infection of the inner membranes of the fetus or infection of the amniotic fluid. A similar condition is immediately determined by the results of a smear, since an increased number of leukocytes is found in it. Among other things, there is a high temperature.

Immediately towards the end of the term, the yellowish color of the mucus most often indicates that the mucous plug is leaving, and this is considered an early harbinger of childbirth.

Yellowish discharge of different shades

A correctly defined color and nature of mucus can help in the diagnosis of a particular pathological process. Transparent or colored, liquid or - signs of completely different diseases or, conversely, the normal course of pregnancy.

Light yellow, odorless discharge

It is the light yellow discharge during pregnancy, which does not cause discomfort in a woman, that is considered the norm. As mentioned above, they appear naturally due to the processes observed after conception. In particular, this is the production of progesterone and the formation of a mucous plug.

If the mucus becomes white-yellow and becomes abundant, this is often the result of an allergic reaction. A similar phenomenon is almost always accompanied by irritation of the skin or mucous membrane of the external genital organs. In this case, it is necessary to quickly identify the allergen and eliminate its contact with the skin. Most commonly, allergies appear to scented panty liners, intimate hygiene gels, or other skin care products. Moreover, during the carrying of a child, it can appear even on those things that were previously freely used.

Dangerous shades of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Often, in addition to the yellow tint, the sexual secret also has some kind of additional one, or after the yellow color it gradually passed to a completely different one. In such cases, we often have to talk about some kind of inflammatory or infectious process.

Let's figure out what kind of sexual secret is in nature and what it can testify to.

  • Bright yellow or orange discharge during pregnancy is one of the most obvious symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes. Bacterial infection is also possible.
  • A yellow-green tint appears as a result of some genitourinary diseases. If at the same time there is a characteristic smell of fish, then an urgent examination for infections, especially trichomoniasis and gonorrhea, is necessary. These diseases also cause foaming or purulent discharge during pregnancy. In this case, you cannot postpone the visit to the clinic.
  • In some cases, the same shade can speak of different phenomena, both normal and pathological. The only difference is in the period at which it appeared. So, for example, they are perceived by specialists normally, since most often they talk about implantation of the ovum or minor injuries on the mucous membrane due to increased sensitivity. Later, such a symptom may even indicate a threat of miscarriage, but this should be talked about when it does not go away for a long time or is accompanied by other negative symptoms.
  • You should also pay special attention to dark yellow discharge during pregnancy. They can be the result of exposure to the body of bacterial infections (staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, Escherichia coli). It often happens that these bacteria were already in the body before pregnancy, but they showed activity just after conception.
  • are often a sign of Candida activity. This microorganism is the causative agent of such a common disease as thrush. Pregnant women are quite susceptible to it due to weakened immunity, dysbiosis, metabolic disorders, etc.

Each uncharacteristic shade characteristic of any gynecological disease has a number of additional symptoms. When contacting a doctor, you should tell in detail about your condition - this will facilitate the diagnostic process.

Prevention of the appearance of pathological secretions

Increased attention to one's own health has not hurt a single person. In an interesting position, a woman should pay attention to this aspect with even greater eagerness. Of course, before conception, it is better to undergo a full examination, which will exclude the presence of any latent diseases of the genital area. In the future, it remains only to observe the completely usual preventive measures:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene. In this case, you need to know when to stop. Sometimes too frequent washing with the use of special hygiene products causes vaginal dysbiosis, and this, in turn, can trigger another pathological process (for example, thrush).
  2. Choose hygiene products carefully. It is advisable during this period to give preference to hypoallergenic items (daily without perfume and dyes, non-scented gels for intimate hygiene, etc.).
  3. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics. Synthetic products do not allow the skin to breathe, which creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.
  4. Eat correctly and in a balanced way. Pregnancy is the time when most of the nutrients are used for the normal development of the fetus. Lack of vitamins and minerals can seriously undermine the health of the expectant mother.
  5. Do not overdo it with physical activity and rest on time. Adequate rest and sleep not only give strength, but also strengthen the immune system of a person.

From the foregoing, it follows that during pregnancy, yellow discharge can be in both normal and pathological conditions. Aspects such as color, consistency of the discharge and accompanying symptoms make up the correct diagnosis. In any case, it is better to immediately consult with a gynecologist about the appearance of uncharacteristic mucus.

The changes occurring in the female body at different stages of pregnancy are aimed at preparing the body of the expectant mother for the rapid growth of the fetus, creating optimal conditions for its development, as well as preparing for the upcoming childbirth, the postpartum period and breastfeeding. Therefore, throughout all nine months, a woman observes various new changes for her.

One of these changes, which manifests itself literally from the second week after conception, is a fundamental change in the nature of vaginal discharge. They become more abundant compared to those that a woman could observe before pregnancy, thick. All this happens under the influence of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, the amount of which increases many times in the first trimester. All this is necessary to enhance the barrier function, in particular to protect the birth canal from the development of infections.

According to gynecologists, the vaginal discharge of a pregnant woman should not have a specific or unpleasant odor, it should be transparent or slightly whitish. However, many expectant mothers notice that the mucus secreted from the vagina becomes yellowish in color. What can this mean and is not such a phenomenon dangerous for their health and for the baby growing in the womb?

Every woman knows that a change in the color of vaginal discharge often lurks health risks: infection, inflammation, leakage of water or blood during pregnancy. However, yellowish refers to those that in the overwhelming majority of cases are physiological, that is, natural for the period of pregnancy.

In the first trimester, the discharge can acquire a yellowish tint due to the increased work of the secretory function of the mucous membranes of the birth canal under the action of the same progesterone.

Thus, dead cells of the epithelium of the cervix and vagina, cells of the not yet fully formed mucous plug, as well as some of the normal bacterial flora are added to the usual transparent mucus, due to which the secretions acquire a slightly yellowish color. By the end of pregnancy, a beige or yellowish tinge of discharge may indicate the beginning of the discharge of the mucous plug, which is one of the first signs of an imminent onset of labor.

In any of these cases, the discharge should not have an unpleasant or specific odor, accompany discomfort in the vagina or external genitals. The presence of such symptoms may indicate various inflammations or active genital infections, which are very dangerous for the health of a developing child.

Sometimes a yellowish discharge may not be physiological in nature. In this case, we can talk about the pathological processes occurring in the mother's body. It is possible to suspect the presence of any deviation from the norm not only by the presence of an unpleasant odor, itching or burning, but also by the color of the discharge itself:

  • light yellow, clear, odorless are normal secretions and should not be a cause for concern;
  • saturated yellow color may indicate an active inflammatory process in the ovaries or fallopian tubes;
  • dark yellow with an admixture of a substance resembling ichor or pus, may indicate the presence of E. coli in the vaginal flora or staphylococcus;
  • yellow-green or yellow-brown discharge, accompanied by itching or burning, putrid odor, sometimes bubbling, can appear in sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

Inflammation or infections that may cause pathological yellow discharge may not be newly acquired. Genital infections or inflammations that are not cured or not completely eliminated may not give a woman anxiety for a long time, reminding themselves again precisely during pregnancy. All this is due to the natural suppression of immunity at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as a noticeable weakening of the body by the end.

That is why it is important to completely eliminate any genital infections and inflammatory processes even at the planning stage and, if necessary, check for their presence immediately after confirmation of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that in most cases, yellow discharge during pregnancy is not fraught with danger, their sudden and unexpected appearance should not be neglected. Infections that can cause a change in the color of the discharge can cause irreparable harm to the health and even the life of the unborn baby and lead to both miscarriage and premature birth, and infection of the fetus, which is fraught with the appearance of birth defects.

In addition, these same infections, as well as inflammations, can affect the health of the mother in the future: they cause the onset and progress of the adhesion process, as a result of which the risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility increases.

If you find any unusual discharge, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the daily pads, burning, pain or itching in the vagina, redness of the external genitals, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate and can harm the health of the baby and his future mother, moreover, it is unlikely to help, since the development of several completely different ailments at the same time can be the cause of unpleasant symptoms.

Going to the doctor with complaints about the appearance of yellow vaginal discharge during pregnancy often entails the need for some tests. Most likely, to confirm this or that condition, or, conversely, to eliminate the possibility of inflammation or infection, the doctor will prescribe a clinical urine test, a general blood test, and without fail take a gynecological smear.

Based on the results of these studies, it is often possible to identify the cause of the appearance of yellow discharge and prescribe adequate treatment to eliminate it. In some cases, the gynecologist may recommend an ultrasound scan and possibly a more extensive blood test.

If a pathological cause of the appearance of yellow discharge is found, the purpose of the treatment regimen depends on the nature of the pathogen. Drug therapy may include taking antiviral, antifungal or antibacterial drugs, immunostimulating and vitamin formulations, drugs to restore vaginal and intestinal microflora.

In order to prevent the occurrence of a condition requiring treatment, every pregnant woman should carefully monitor her health and lead a healthy lifestyle even before pregnancy, and when carrying a baby, observe the necessary hygiene rules, carefully monitor her diet and the general condition of the body.


Each woman is unique and inimitable, however, during pregnancy, a woman becomes even more vulnerable, touching and interesting. In the process of waiting for the appearance of a child, specific processes take place in the body, which are reflected in all systems and organs. Therefore, the amount, shade, consistency of vaginal secretions can change significantly. In this case, the process should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Typically, the amount of leucorrhoea increases before the onset of menstruation, during ovulation (mid-cycle), during breastfeeding, pregnancy and during hormone therapy.

Any color deviations are not normal, it is considered to be a manifestation of pathology dark yellow, green, white discharge during pregnancy, especially with the presence of a fetid odor, pain, itching in the vagina, burning sensation when urinating. During gestation, a grandiose restructuring occurs in a woman's body. The body's natural defenses at this time weaken so much, and in the modern world, few can boast of ideal health that the occurrence of such secretions can be both normal and pathological.

Yellow discharge early in pregnancy

After conception, changes occur in a woman's body, which mostly relate to hormonal changes in the body, there is an increase in the production and accumulation of progesterone, the lack of which threatens to terminate pregnancy. In addition to protecting the baby, this hormone has a significant effect on the change in leucorrhoea in a woman, they acquire a more viscous consistency, the amount increases slightly.

If a discharge of a characteristic yellow color appears at the initial stages of pregnancy, this can be both a sign of infection and a relative norm. When a yellow-white secret appears, which leaves spots of a characteristic color on the linen and no longer manifests itself in any way, you should not worry too much, but you still need to consult your doctor, and also pass standard tests.

But wearing synthetic underwear, allergy to household and intimate hygiene products, decreased immunity and other unfavorable factors can provoke a more intense reproduction of pathogenic microflora of the vagina than usual during pregnancy. The growth of protea, fungal agents, streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli can disrupt the natural environment of the vagina, provoking the development of pathologies such as gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis, colpitis. In such cases, a dark yellow discharge appears, which is quite often combined with burning and itching in the vagina, an unpleasant odor and other manifestations.

During pregnancy, abundant yellow discharge appeared - what to do?

Obviously, during pregnancy, a woman experiences an increase in the production of vaginal leucorrhoea due to an increase in progesterone levels, an increase and thickening of the walls of the uterus. However, if the discharge becomes yellow-green, yellow, abundant and very viscous, there is a likelihood of developing any disease that was previously in a "dormant" state, and during the weakening of immunity due to conception it manifested itself.

Bacterial and fungal infections

Most often, abundant yellow vaginal discharge during gestation occurs with fungal and bacterial infections. In addition to discoloration, such leucorrhoea also has an unpleasant odor, sour, putrid, causes severe burning and itching in the vagina and external genital area, and painful sensations during urination often develop.

Bacterial vaginosis

The discharge becomes yellow due to the accumulation of decay products and the vital activity of microorganisms, purulent impurities in the mucus. If, in addition to the dark yellow discharge, there is also the smell of fish, one can assume the presence of bacterial vaginosis or even trichomoniasis, which adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

Diagnostics and treatment

Only on the basis of these analyzes can a gynecologist make an accurate diagnosis and choose a safe course of therapy. If you find unusual changes in smell, color, consistency of discharge, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. It is forbidden to independently deal with the treatment of manifestations by using suppositories and oral medications.

Without accurate diagnosis during gestation, it is forbidden to accept any, even previously proven methods of therapy, especially douching.

At the same time, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, since the infection should be started to heal as soon as possible. The results of laboratory tests to determine the pathogen will help the doctor decide on antibacterial or antifungal agents.

What discharge during pregnancy is normal?

Normal discharge is considered to be leucorrhoea without foreign inclusions, flakes, lumps, from a milky to transparent color and a consistency similar to egg white. Subject to the rules of intimate hygiene, vaginal discharge should be odorless. The main thing is that the vaginal secretion should not cause additional discomfort in the form of a rash, the appearance of spots and redness of the skin, and there should also be no irritation of the vaginal mucosa. In principle, we can say that a slight yellow tint of whiter is one of the options for the norm, but it is always better to consult a doctor.

Often, many women, being in an interesting position, worry when they notice the appearance of profuse vaginal discharge. This is understandable, especially since in most cases it can be a direct indicator of a serious illness. But there is also a downside to the coin. Very often, yellow discharge during pregnancy does not pose a great danger to the baby and mother.

Why does yellow discharge occur?

Synthetic underwear is one of the causes of discharge

There are many reasons for the appearance of such discharge in pregnant women, but the following can be called the main ones:

  • body care cosmetics;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • irregular showering;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dysbiosis of the vaginal microflora.

Yellow discharge - worth sounding the alarm or false fear

If yellow discharge appears at the initial stage of pregnancy, then this is not a cause for concern. Indeed, during this period, a mucous plug is formed in the cervix, which is designed to protect the fetus from negative factors. And in parallel with the emerging secretions, you can observe the release of excess of this mucus, which have a yellowish tint. This fact is not a cause for concern, since the body takes care of the safety of pregnancy.

Discharge, which is disturbing in the middle of pregnancy, is usually associated with the active development and growth of the fetus. And also with the fact that at this time the body can react negatively to some things, showing a reaction in the form of itching, a rash on the skin and secretions from the genitals. This may be due to personal hygiene products, pads or shower gels. But, importantly, they may indicate an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs.

Before the birth itself, almost every woman notices a yellowish mucous discharge, which indicates the passage of the cork. Therefore, this fact must be reported to the doctor in order to warn him about the impending birth. It is worth noting that if during pregnancy a woman notes yellow discharge, but they do not differ in smell, do not cause itching and discomfort, in which there are no blood impurities and they are absolutely clean, then there is no need for excitement. But it is worth informing your doctor about this.

What do yellow discharge during pregnancy indicate?

The discharge that accompanies a pregnant woman during a certain period can vary in shade, consistency and volume. What each specific species speaks about, we will consider further:

If one of the above types of discharge occurs, as well as a change in quantity, color to more brown or greenish, you need to inform the doctor as soon as possible in order to diagnose and timely therapy, thereby preventing possible complications.

Possible consequences of yellow discharge during pregnancy

The appearance of yellow discharge, whatever they are, should always alert a woman who is expecting a baby. After all, if you miss the moment, do not seek the advice of a doctor in time and do not conduct an examination, then the consequences can be very sad:

Therefore, at the first signs of yellow formations on underwear, it is categorically impossible to self-medicate and make diagnoses on the advice of friends. It is necessary to notify the doctor as soon as possible, since such phenomena may not speak of the only infectious pathology and put both the baby and the expectant mother at great risk.

In order to minimize the risks of the appearance of all kinds of pathologies during pregnancy, expectant mothers are simply obliged to take special care of their health, fully rest, eat balanced and healthy, avoid strong anxiety, and also adhere to preventive measures:

  • take a shower in the morning and evening;
  • the choice of personal hygiene products must be approached individually;
  • during pregnancy, abandon thongs and it is advisable to purchase comfortable, practical underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • strengthen the body's defenses, take vitamins, fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • during sexual intercourse, use protective equipment, namely a condom.

It is important to remember that in your actions, everything that you do, eat, experience, directly reflects on your baby, which grows inside. And in conclusion, it can be noted that prevention and an active lifestyle, a timely visit to a doctor and full attention to your health will allow you to fully enjoy your pregnancy, avoid troubles and give birth to a beautiful baby.