Jewelry under a blue dress with a round neck. How to choose an adornment on the neck to match the neckline of the dress? What kind of neck decoration is suitable for a dress with a round neckline, boat, square, V-shaped: diagram, examples of combinations, photos. The right combination with the neckline

Quite often you notice that it is not so easy to choose the right accessories. And an illiterate choice can ruin even the most exclusive outfit. So how to choose jewelry for your dress? Let's start with the main rules that need to be met.

1. Dress decorations should be chosen in such a way that they match the event you intend to attend.

2. The shade of the accessories is selected in the same way as the makeup, based on the look of your appearance. Cold shades are suitable for winter, brown, green, burgundy for autumn. For a spring girl, it is preferable to choose golden, blue, pink, and for a summer type of appearance - a restrained pastel range.

3. Stick to the rule of restraint. There is such an approach, the older the lady, the less jewelry you need to use.

4. It is very important to choose the right jewelry for the neckline of the dress.

5. Decorations should not be catchy for juicy shades of a dress, but choose bright additions to pastel shades.

6. For dense fabrics of a dress, it is better to choose massive jewelry and, conversely, for thin graceful fabrics - refined and fragile.

7. You should not combine gold and silver jewelry with costume jewelry.

8. Accessories are absolutely useless for shiny dresses, outfits with ruffles and frills, with overly bright dresses with stones and embroidery.

9. Gold and silver are quite appropriate in one outfit.

The photo of fashionable girls clearly shows that the right jewelry will emphasize any part of the body and make it stand out!

How to combine shades of accessories with a dress?

The simplest combination will be the choice of jewelry to match the color of the dress. Thus, it is possible to create a holistic image, moreover, this way you can lengthen your legs and silhouette.

For warm colors, for example, orange, coral, yellow, feel free to choose gold earrings and chains. Choose silver complements for blue, green, gray, dark dresses.

Combine in color two or three shades that are in a rainbow of colors. These are, for example, blue, purple and pink or yellow, orange and terracotta.

Combinations on the contrast of complementary colors are a combination of completely opposite colors that emphasize and reinforce each other. For example, a red dress with lilac shades in accessories or a yellow dress with blue accessories will look beautiful.

A beautiful contrast can be made by choosing colors that enhance each other's action. This option is relevant, for example, if you prefer a purple dress and red earrings. Green jewelry and a yellow outfit look very beautiful.

Choosing jewelry based on the style of the dress

If you want to really choose the right jewelry, you need to look at the style of the dress. So, if you are wearing a sheath dress, choose large necklaces and bulky earrings. For a small black dress, you can safely choose any accessories. Light and delicate jewelry goes well with airy and graceful outfits. If you want to add dimensional accents to your look, feel free to buy voluminous earrings or a large bracelet for a summer light dress.

Read also: With what to wear a mink coat to emphasize status and style

Dark dresses need gold and weighty jewelry, and light ones need silver additions. Accessories made of expensive stones can be worn with a black dress, while the maximum number of jewelry should not be more than three. There can be only one bulky decoration with a black dress. Several pearl beads will accentuate your femininity.

You can freely choose the brightest and most massive jewelry in your jewelry box for your evening dress. Choose a beautiful bracelet for a sleeveless evening dress. It is best to match the earrings with the shade of your purse and shoes.

A guipure outfit will look perfect with heavy accessories, retro jewelry with massive stones or pearls.

The current sheath dress can be combined with almost all accessories. Thanks to the light cut, you can combine an outfit with beads, pendants, necklaces, earrings and chains. For the case, you can choose vintage-style pendants or beads. Brooches and heavy bracelets are also suitable.

Complements to the wedding look

Gold accessories are suitable for a retro wedding dress with golden and pink shades. For a snow-white wedding dress, choose trendy purple, red and blue shades of jewelry. A wedding sheath dress can be complemented with large earrings and a bracelet. If your wedding dress has ruffles or other decor, buy jewelry with stones of the same shade. Jewelry with massive stones will suit a lush outfit. The minimum set of wedding jewelry is earrings, a ring and a chain.

We select jewelry for the cut of the dress

It is very important to choose jewelry that is tasteful for your cut on the dress. Consider the most popular types of cuts:

  • V-shaped cut perfectly highlights the neckline. Long chains should not be worn around this neckline. In this case, a delicate accessory with a pendant will look perfect. For a harmonious ensemble, choose a pendant that reflects the geometry of the cutout.

Accessories are a very important element in creating an image. Incorrectly selected jewelry can ruin the dress, makeup, hairstyle, or significantly emphasize the flaws in appearance. This process should be approached with all responsibility. Many, not knowing how to choose an adornment for the neckline of a dress, make mistakes. In this matter, all the subtleties must be taken into account.

Color and decoration

It all depends on the color, design, model of the dress and its cut. In creating a beautiful image, it is important to emphasize the beauty, not spoil it. First of all, you should pay attention to the combination of the color of the jewelry with the shade of the dress.

Cool monochromatic tones of the fabric go well with accessories made of silver, platinum and white gold. In this case, stones of the same color range are allowed. For example, accessories made of transparent sparkling stones in a dark silver setting are well suited to.

Neckline and accessory

To choose the right one, you need to take into account its shape. So, a deep V-shaped neckline will well emphasize a massive necklace of medium length. Also suitable for rectangular, triangular or oval shapes. Square and round ornaments should be avoided at the same time. In this case, the earrings should be either long, hanging, or very short. Here you also need to take into account the hairstyle. If the hair is loose, then short massive jewelry will look better. And when they are selected, then it is worth wearing or accessories of medium length.

Dress and decoration

How to choose the right decoration for the neckline of the dress? First of all, you should pay attention to how harmoniously the selected accessory is combined with it. For example, dresses with pictures, patterns, lace, stones or rhinestones do not require the presence of accessories in the image.

Such outfits themselves look rich and rich. It is not worth highlighting their beauty with a lot of jewelry. You can wear a thin chain with a small pendant, earrings and several rings. It is better not to use a wrist bracelet or watch. It is important to remember that the image is very easy to overplay. As a result, you will look like a Christmas tree.

Those girls who do not know how to choose an adornment for the neckline of a dress can learn this. Sometimes it is easy to estimate for yourself how harmonious a selected necklace or chain looks.

But often, in an effort to look perfect, young ladies make elementary mistakes. There are some tips to consider when choosing jewelry:

  1. Don't mix silver and gold. For example, silver earrings and or vice versa. It looks not only tasteless, but also ridiculous. As an exception, the option is allowed when the jewelry itself is made of silver and gold.
  2. It is not recommended to wear flashy jewelry to dresses in rich colors.
  3. You cannot combine leather, wood, plastic jewelry with dresses made of flowing graceful fabrics.
  4. Multi-colored accessories can only be worn with solid-colored suits. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the color of shoes, clutch, shade of makeup, color of eyes and hair.

How to choose the right jewelry for the neckline of the dress? It's also important to consider trending and seasonal colors. Nowadays, jewelry and outfits made using the ombre technique are very popular. The transition from light to dark. Many modern designers use this technique to create dresses.

Round neckline

Warm shades highlight and complement gold jewelry. The presence of stones is allowed in accordance with the tone of the dress. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the length of the outfit and the shape of the neckline. For example, what would work if you have a round neck dress? How to choose jewelry in this case? If at the same time the dress is short or of medium length, then you can choose a small massive round necklace with matching stones. A pearl necklace with the same earrings looks good with a strict outfit.

Depending on the color, the decoration can be made, for example, from turquoise or other precious stones. In any case, it should look neat, discreet and elegant. The earrings should be in line with the necklace. You can also wear a bracelet or a nice watch, but only without a leather strap. Sooner or later, every girl has a question: how to choose an adornment to the neckline of a dress? Solemn events often happen in our life. You can easily learn how to create an exquisite image, pick up accessories. To do this, you need to follow the latest fashion and take into account the trend colors.

Long sleeve and distinctive neckline

Choosing jewelry for and a round neckline should be very careful. In such cases, it is better to limit yourself to either beautiful, massive earrings, or a chain of medium thickness with a stylish pendant. And if the dress with long sleeves has a wedge-shaped deep neckline, it can be emphasized by a beautiful massive necklace with stones.

Medium or long earrings with stones go well with the outfit. By listening to these tips, you can easily figure out how to choose the right jewelry for the neckline of your dress. Then you will be able to create a personal unique image.

Not only is the dress important when choosing accessories ...

Jewelry should emphasize the beauty of the girl. It is important to learn how to choose colors and shades that go well with hair and makeup. Dresses are worn for a variety of reasons. But not always you need a special reason for this. Many girls wear dresses of various models every day.

So, in such cases, you should not supplement it with expensive jewelry. Especially if you go to work in this form. In a business style, very small and inconspicuous accessories are allowed. But even they are able to make the image of a girl better or worse. Therefore, it is recommended to wear jewelry in the form of a thin chain and small earrings. A maximum of 2-3 inconspicuous rings are allowed.

Open back

How to choose an adornment for a dress neckline? Let's figure it out now. and a plunging neckline allow you to complement it with exquisite embellishments. Beads in two or three rows with small or medium stones look very harmonious. The palette depends on the color of the dress. For dark outfits, rich and deep colors of stones are suitable. It is worth noting that light or transparent ones can look dull on a dark and bright background of the dress. It is also worth noting that black jewelry and other dark shades do not suit fair-haired girls. An exception may be dark blue. They should experiment with these colors carefully. Otherwise, with their help, you can add several years.


Now you know how to choose an adornment for the neckline of your dress. A photo of some interesting combinations is presented in our article. We hope that the recommendations will help you in the selection of jewelry.

Any woman wants to dress beautifully and stylishly, regardless of age. But in addition to the right outfit, it is necessary to pay due attention to accessories, including jewelry. Their assortment is quite wide today.

In stores, every woman can be offered both precious metals and jewelry, which, by the way, looks absolutely no worse than real jewelry. But it is necessary to choose this or that option, taking into account what style of dress, what is its color, and most importantly, what event it is intended for.

Choosing an accessory is an important undertaking, as one wrong step and the image will be ruined, even if the most exclusive outfit is used for this. In order for the chosen decoration to successfully complement the image, you need to adhere to the following simple recommendations:

  1. The choice of jewelry for the outfit should be made taking into account the fact that they correspond to the event to which the girl is going to go.
  2. The shade of the jewelry is chosen to match the make-up, taking into account the type of appearance. For the winter version, cold tones are perfect, for autumn - brown, green. If a girl has a spring color type, then she should pay attention to golden, blue, pink shades. And for the summer type, there is a restrained pastel range.
  3. When choosing jewelry, you must follow the rules of restraint. If a woman is not young, then, accordingly, he should have a small amount of accessories.
  4. The choice of jewelry should always be carried out taking into account the type of neckline on the dress.
  5. If the color is juicy, but the decorations should be discreet. But for a pastel-colored outfit, bright accessories are suitable.
  6. If dense fabrics were used for sewing the dress, then the jewelry should be massive. And for fine matter - refined and fragile.
  7. It is not recommended to combine with silver jewelry, and vice versa.
  8. If the dress is shiny, has ruffles, frills, stones and embroidery, then there is no need to select jewelry for it.
  9. You can combine gold and silver in one ensemble.

On the video selection of jewelry for the dress:

To black

The secret of such a demand for a black dress lies in its versatility. This outfit is always popular, regardless of fashion trends. And this is not surprising, since a black dress is the embodiment of special charm and elegance. In it you can go to any holiday, to visit and even to the office. If you choose the right accessories for it, then you can wear the same black dress, creating different images and always look original.

Classic version

For a classic black dress, the medium length remains a characteristic feature, although in some cases it can be slightly below the knee. The classic outfit is complemented by a semicircular neckline, short sleeves or ¾. At the same time, there can be no talk of any kind of drapery. This option is considered universal, because it is suitable for going to a restaurant or to the office. An excellent option for a classic black dress will be a case style. To create an evening look, you just need to put on dressy shoes and change jewelry. Jewelry made of metal, pearls, Swarovski crystals or.

Delicate pearl necklace

If you need to get a restrained classic look, then you need to wear an elegant pearl necklace. Thanks to him, the image will acquire a unique charm. When choosing pearls, you should give preference to not too small pearls, since they will simply be lost against the background of a black dress. But with the help of large pearls, you can get a flirty and bright look.

Moonstone and jewelry with Murmansk glass look very impressive with a black outfit. Laconic black decoration can create a stylish tandem with massive monochrome jewelry.

You can combine a bracelet made of large beads with an outfit. To emphasize the brightness of the ensemble, you can use turquoise jewelry. But their shape is selected taking into account the shape of the face, figure and other parameters.

Jewelry with Murmansk glass

If the sheath dress has a fitted style, then jewelry made in black and white shades will look great. An asymmetrical black outfit will perfectly complement a bright and massive necklace made of silver and blue-black enamel. You can add extravagance to the image with a wide belt, a black clutch and high-heeled shoes.

Jewelry in black and white shades

A black dress with a floor-length of a classic cut will be beneficial to "cooperate" with jewelry in emerald colors. Thanks to this luxurious palette, absolutely all brunettes will be able to choose the desired option. It is necessary to stop your choice on long earrings with green stones. You can pick up a ring with a similar stone. But for fair-haired and red-haired beauties, there is a black jewelry option.

Emerald flower decorations

Day option

If a black dress is used for daytime, then the amount of jewelry in this case should be minimal. For a strict, laconic cut, inexpensive jewelry is suitable, but at the same time it should be elegant. To eliminate the stiffness of a black dress, it is worth pairing shiny jewelry with it. Thus, a strict yet elegant style can be created. If, when sewing a black dress, light silk and chiffon were used, then the jewelry should be extremely light - thin chains, bracelets and graceful earrings.

Black dress and inexpensive jewelry

For daytime jewelry, you can choose earrings and beads made from cheap stones. Moreover, their shade should be matte. And to get a bright and memorable look, you have to complement the black dress with purple corals. In this case, it is worth giving up expensive jewelry. A large necklace will look too flashy. It will be enough to wear thin earrings or a brooch.

Black dress with earrings and beads

For ladies of a hot temperament, it is worth choosing colored jewelry made of plastic, leather, wood and other extraordinary materials. If a black dress has an unusual cut, embroidery, patterns and their material is made with a certain texture, then you should wear elegant jewelry in the form of a thin chain, a bracelet.

Plastic jewelry

Don't forget about pendants. If a small black outfit contains a cutout in the form of a triangle or asymmetry, then a large pendant suspended on a thin long chain can complement it. You can also choose a bracelet and earrings made of the same material as the pendant.

Evening option

If you are planning to go to a party in a black dress, then most often it has a floor length or above the knee. At the same time, the ceremonial outfit is restrained. Velvet, satin, chiffon can be used for its sewing. Deep cuts, drapery and elegant ruffles can be used to decorate the outfit.

Black dress to the floor with decorations

  1. The most successful is the combination of achromatic decoration. This option is perfect for office style. When choosing this kind of jewelry, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of contrast: white products for a dark green outfit, but black for a light green one.
  2. To create an evening look, you need to base on a monochrome bow. If the neckline on the dress is deep, then the accessories can be chosen to match.

If the necklace is placed over the dress, then their shade should be lighter or darker than the fabric of the dress.

To understand what contrasting jewelry looks with a green dress, it is necessary to make a comparative analysis between it and the color of the circle. After that, you can understand which main color prevails in the shade in question. If shades of yellow dominate, then contrasting accessories should have a warm color scheme - ivory, coral and red.

If a blue tint prevails in a green dress, then jewelry should be presented in cold colors - from blue to deep purple. If you choose a pink shade as a contrasting shade, then it can also be cold or dark. When a green outfit contains a print or decorative trim, then the jewelry should be identical in color and style. The perfect tandem will be a green dress with jewelry, the color of which is similar to one of the shades of the print and the color of the shoes.

Bijouterie in cold colors

A green outfit is a winning backdrop for any metal. Beads made from ceramics, amber, wood, leather are perfect here. But such products must correspond to the event for which they are intended. At the same time, when going to a party, you do not need to put on all the jewelry that you have in your box. Everything should be discreet and graceful.

It will also be interesting to see what the jewelry looks like for a black dress with sequins:

It will also be interesting to know which one is most suitable.

To the pink outfit

A pale pink outfit will look great with white jewelry. Such a tandem will allow you to create a light and charming look. Pearl jewelry can complement the dress. Pearl string, pearl earrings and bracelets will ennoble the pink outfit, give it tenderness, romance and femininity.

Jewelry for a pink dress

For a dark pink dress, black jewelry is suitable. They will be able to advantageously highlight the depth of the shade in question. But the main thing here is not to oversaturate with black. Otherwise, the image will turn out to be gloomy and dull. It is enough just to emphasize a little. For example, you can use a black belt or sophisticated lace trim. And also the look will be ideally complemented by beads and earrings of black color.

If you choose a silver shade of jewelry, then with their help you can highlight the beauty of pink. When choosing them, you do not need to adhere to any specific rules. The fashionista can choose the shape, design and size of jewelry herself, adhering to her taste. But it is most suitable, it will help to understand the information from the article.

To the gray color of the outfit

Typically, a gray outfit is used to create an office style. And such a choice is quite justified, since it is not vulgar, it masks the flaws of the silhouette and allows not to stand out against the background of office modesty. But in order to somehow dilute the boring look, you need to choose the right accessories. This will allow not only to revive the outfit, but also to give it an original look.

Jewelry for a gray dress

For a gray outfit, choose jewelry in shades such as dark gray, chocolate and pale pink. It is allowed to decorate the dress with a homemade flower brooch. It can be made from pink silk. Silver jewelry is perfect for a gray outfit. Bulky chains, necklaces, long earrings - all this will allow you to turn a gray mouse into a stylish and effective lady. But how good it looks, you can see in the photo in this article.

Neutral accessories will be those made in deep purple, lilac and blue shades. Earrings with massive stones, beads from large beads will add a touch of mystery and femininity to your everyday look.

To coral and burgundy outfit

To the silver color of the dress

Jewelry for a beautiful and bright silver dress should be chosen so that it is not brighter than the dress itself. Do not forget that this is just an addition to the image.

As for the quantity, there shouldn't be a lot of decorations. This includes rings, earrings, bracelets. The pendant can be worn if the silver dress has an open neckline. As for materials, it is forbidden to combine gold, platinum and silver with a silver outfit. Only white gold can be used.

Jewelry for a silver dress

If it is jewelry, then it must be of high quality. Otherwise, the image will turn out to be poor and funny. Now we can talk about the color of the jewelry, which will be in harmony with the silver dress. These include cool tones, so you should pay attention to black, dark gray, blue, metallic and purple.

Jewelry is a necessary element of any outfit, regardless of style, color and length. You need to choose them not only for the evening version of the dress, but also for going out every day. This will make your image less boring and monotonous. But when choosing jewelry for an evening dress, it is important not to overdo it, so that the image does not turn out to be funny and ridiculous.

The right decoration can transform an ordinary thing into something new, unusual and stylish. But, at the same time, a mistake can be worth the condemnation of fashionistas and a bad mood. To prevent this from happening, let's figure out which decoration suits which neckline best.

When choosing jewelry for an outfit, in addition to the shape of the neckline, you need to pay attention to a few more points. To begin with, the chosen beads, necklace or pendant should always correspond to the occasion / event, and, therefore, to the style of the image.

Before going out, be sure to evaluate your whole image and only then pick up jewelry. They should emphasize the dignity of your appearance and clothing. If you made the wrong choice, then this end can still be corrected. You don't want to listen to your friends laughing!

Another important rule is to know when to stop. You need to be stylish and attractive, and jewelry will help with this. But shouting "I am an African aborigine" should not be. Do not hang on yourself "all the best." By the way, the ban on mixing expensive jewelry and bijouterie in the form of expensive jewelry can also be attributed here, this technique speaks only of one thing - the lack of taste.

A lot of jewelry is good on African tribal girls or Indian brides, but not on you while walking

arrow_left A lot of jewelry is good on African tribal girls or Indian brides, but not on you while walking

And here are a few more small rules that are best observed:

    the type of fabric and jewelry should be in harmony - wear light and fragile jewelry with light fabrics, heavy and massive with heavy ones;

    for a bright look, choose, on the contrary, discreet jewelry, but bright jewelry is perfect for modest pastel colors;

    always pay attention to the length of the chains, beads and necklaces.

Shiny dresses, like dresses with a collar or asymmetric neckline, are self-sufficient and do not need beads, necklaces, pendants and other similar jewelry. But it is possible and even necessary to complement the image with earrings and a bracelet.

These are not all principles, but only the most basic ones. But taking them into account and adding the following rules for the selection of jewelry for a particular neckline, you can always make your image harmonious, attractive and "alive". And this, in turn, will attract the admiring glances of those around you, and it doesn't matter if you walk in the park or attend a party.

This is one of the favorite options for daring fashionistas. This neckline draws attention to the chest and accentuates it. V-neckline can be found on evening dresses, summer sundresses, blouses and ... almost everywhere.

With this type of neckline, it is better to wear something light, unobtrusive. A thin chain with a small pendant or pendant works best. If possible, be sure to accentuate the cut lines with a square or triangular decoration.

The length of the jewelry should be medium. So that the pendant or pendant is above the lower point of the cut, but does not fit tightly to the neck.

This type of cut is very similar to the previous one, but with one difference - massive decorations can be used here.

There are a few basic rules:

    If the shirt or blouse is slightly unbuttoned, then all the rules of the V-neckline are preserved. In this case, it is also necessary to give preference to lightness and unobtrusiveness (such a neckline itself is bold and attractive). The best choice is a chain with a pendant.

    Quite massive necklaces can also be combined with an unbuttoned shirt. Their part will be slightly covered with fabric and this will add playfulness, elegance and even a little mystery to the image.

    If all buttons are buttoned, then give preference to massiveness and brightness. Thin chains in this version will be a failure, but a large necklace with a mass of different elements, worn over a shirt, is a 100% hit.

In this version, you can give free rein to imagination. Here, maximalism in size will be very appropriate. What can be chosen for such a cut:

  • large massive necklaces;
  • large beads;
  • a variety of collars, trimmed with a wide variety of elements;
  • long chains, including several tiers.

The boat option is not very popular. To be more precise, it suits very few people. To wear dresses and blouses with this type of neckline, you need to have a long, thin neck and a neat face shape. If this is about you, then feel free to replenish your wardrobe with such things. But for girls with a short neck, the boat only spoils the neckline, against its background the neck will seem even shorter and fuller, and the face will be visually rounder.

If a boat suits you, and dresses with such a neckline are in your wardrobe, then be bold and do not hesitate to complement it. In general, this type of neckline looks great on its own. But you can complement the image with a long thin chain with a pendant, beads or pearl thread folded in several layers or a long necklace. Jewelry can be in tune with clothes or play on contrasts.

The main thing is that the decorations are long, they must be below the cut line. Necklaces and beads 76-80 cm long will look great.

This option can be found on dresses (both business and evening) and on summer T-shirts, blouses. The square neckline, in relation to the jewelry on the neck, is somewhat similar to the round neckline and the boat. Here you can also opt for long necklaces and beads if the fabric line is high: under the throat or above the collarbones.

But for deep options for a square neckline, it is better to use shorter necklaces or tight-fitting necklaces. Make sure that the space above the edge of the cutout is filled with the embellishment and that the latter is above the edge of the fabric.

This option is also called a blind cut. A high neck is an essential attribute of turtlenecks and many golfs. It is not suitable for everyone, for example, for owners of curvaceous forms, it is better to refrain from a high throat, since it makes the girl's face even more round and full.

The fact that the neck and décolleté area are hidden in clothes with a high neck does not interfere with the use of various jewelry. We can even say that jewelry is a must for a blind cutout. Feel free to use long beads (55 cm and more) in one or more layers. They will accentuate the chest and make the silhouette more elongated and slender.

The color of the jewelry should be in contrast to the color of the clothes, or at least stand out against the background of the fabric. What is the point of wearing jewelry if it is not visible and cannot make the image brighter and more "fresh"?

Avoid chunky, chunky necklaces paired with a high neckline. They will make the neck and face larger and more massive.

Such a dress will be a decoration for a girl in itself. The main thing here is to act carefully and not spoil the effect of the outfit and only emphasize it.

What you need to refuse:

  • long beads, necklaces, chains with pendants - you have already drawn attention to your chest with such a frank cut;
  • short but very bulky necklaces;
  • too bright jewelry - remember that the purpose of the decoration is only to emphasize the beauty of the dress, and not to "pull the blanket over yourself."

It would be best to choose a short but neat "princess" necklace. It should be elegant and unobtrusive, but noticeable enough and take up free space at the level of the collarbones.

Another option is bright and challenging to open your shoulders and décolleté. Such a dress or corset will not do without a beautiful decoration.

You need to choose a short necklace that will be above the level of the fabric and fill the free space. But for a strapless dress, you can choose a bright and massive necklace. It can be both in tone along with, and play on contrasts. The main thing is not to overdo it with brightness and abundance, remember that the main thing in the image is the dress.

You can still talk about jewelry and how to choose the right one for a very long time. Cutting options are still enough. But these recommendations are basic and basic. Once you figure it out, consider that you are no longer afraid of anything.

Jewelry is an integral part of any woman's wardrobe. Even if you prefer a business style, discreet accessories will help to slightly dilute the strict ensemble, or, conversely, to give the image even more conservatism. Contemporary styles such as R&B make it possible to combine things that previously seemed incompatible - sportswear and precious metal jewelry. In general, without decorations - nowhere.

Someone prefers to avoid jewelry, explaining that they do not know how to choose them correctly for clothes. It's easy to fix, just a few things to remember.

Basic rules for the selection of jewelry for clothes

  1. Clothes and accessories should be in the same style ... If this is an evening dress, expensive jewelry with precious stones will do. For an ethnic-style outfit, choose jewelry made from wood, leather or textiles. The image of a teenage girl allows for inexpensive plastic jewelry. A business suit obliges you to gold or silver, you can also wear accessories made of ceramics, semi-precious or ornamental stones.
  2. The choice of color plays an important role. There are two options here - decorations either support the color scheme of the ensemble, or contrast with it ... In the second case, there should be at least two jewelry from one set, for example, earrings and a bracelet. If there is one contrasting element, it will be out of place.
  3. Equally important pattern ... If the outfit is monochromatic, intricate jewelry is welcome, such as a large flat pendant with a pattern or intricate earrings with stepped pendants. Large, smooth, one-color jewelry is perfect for a colorful outfit - small accessories will simply be lost.
  4. Now about the style. The more original the style of clothing, the more modest the jewelry should be. , so as not to distract attention from the main element of the image. A complex cut, asymmetric details mean a minimum of accessories. If the top in the chest area is embroidered with rhinestones, then we will not need a necklace. It is better not to wear bracelets and watches under a short dress, the hem of which is trimmed with lace voluminous flounces - give preference to long gloves.
  5. Don't forget about weight. No, no, you don't have to lose weight or gain weight to wear certain jewelry. The main thing is that the weight of the outfit is balanced. ... Do not wear chunky earrings with a chunky knit pullover - the look will be too heavy. A light chiffon dress, especially on a thin figure, will also not tolerate large accessories - they will visually "pull" the silhouette down.
  6. Bracelets Look great with lantern sleeves or sleeveless tops. Correctly fitted bracelets can be paired with long sleeves of tight-fitting knee-highs and 3/4 sleeves. But for a blouse with wide sleeves, the best decoration option would be a ring. Bulky bracelets should be avoided when wearing a strapless dress with your arms completely bare.
  7. Should be worn very carefully rings and bracelets over gloves - this trend is back in fashion. The main thing here is that the gloves themselves fit the rest of the outfit and do not destroy the image.

Separately, I would like to talk about jewelry on the neck. A common mistake is a necklace that is incorrectly matched to the neckline of a dress or top. Let's consider the main types of cutouts and the accessories most suitable for them.

Round neckline

A shallow round neckline can be paired with a variety of collars, multi-strand necklaces or chunky chains. By the way, necklaces made of intertwining chains are appropriate not only for jeans. World fashion houses offer today this kind of adornment for evening dresses. The basic rule is that the necklace should be clearly on the cut line, as if hiding it.

Scoop neck

This style reveals a fairly large area of ​​the body. It would be appropriate to fill it with voluminous necklaces consisting of stones. The shape of the stones and the lines of the necklace itself should be smooth and rounded.

Boat neckline

This name has a neckline from shoulder to shoulder. Long chains, beads, pendants can be worn with dresses and tops of this cut. Necklaces of contrasting colors look most advantageous against the background of a plain fabric.


Necklaces that follow the shape of the neckline work well. These can be monolithic inverted triangle pendants or complex designs consisting of many elements and their interweaving.


Choker necklaces look very stylish with dresses and strapless tops. An off-the-shoulder dress almost always looks pretty straightforward. A slightly brutal choker will make the image more strict and unapproachable, and a romantic necklace under the neck will indicate innocence and modesty. In any of these cases, the outfit will not be vulgar.

Blind cut

Dresses and sweaters with a collar of this type are also called turtlenecks or golfs. Pendants on long threads and chains, multilayer chains and beads will be appropriate here.


For shirts and dresses with a similar collar, chokers with small pendants or elaborate necklaces under the collar are suitable. The second option can be used only when the blouse does not have additional decor in the chest area, for example, a frill.

Square cut

This neckline is most commonly seen on tank tops and cardigans. It implies the same angular jewelry - square or rectangular pendants.

Heart cut

A heart-shaped cut outlines the chest, typical of corsets, cocktail dresses and evening dresses. It goes well with voluminous multi-tiered necklaces of complex shape.

Asymmetrical neckline

The most common type of asymmetrical neckline is a one-shoulder dress or top. Asymmetric choker and necklaces look sophisticated and very stylish in this case.

Please note - it is not enough for jewelry to simply match clothes. All accessories should be in harmony with each other and match your type of appearance. Earrings are matched to the shape of the face and hairstyle. Necklaces and brooches - by body type. Rings and bracelets - based on the length of the fingers and the fullness of the hands.

Think over every detail of your outfit as carefully as possible. Beauty does not know the words "trifle" or "not important." Your look should always be balanced and appropriate.

1 Choker is an adornment that fits snugly around the neck.