How to feed a toy terrier puppy - all the rules of a balanced diet. What is the peculiarity of toy terrier nutrition and care

He looks great: he has a thick, even coat without bald spots, combing and dandruff, cheerful, shiny eyes and a great mood.

A healthy animal has strong immunity and does not give in. What does he eat and how to properly feed the toy terrier and make the best diet?

How to feed an adult toy terrier at home?

In that case, If owner of mini dog little free time, for food better choose premium or super premium class for dwarf breeds. They contain a complete set high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements, enzymes necessary for the animal.

They include probiotics - beneficial bacteria that contribute to better digestion and absorption of food, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, stimulate metabolism and strengthen immunity.

Daily feed intake already calculated by experts and indicated on the food packaging. It remains only to feed the pet twice a day. It must be remembered that fresh, clean, not boiled water should be in the drinker all the time.

If desired can be suggested dog natural food. A properly selected diet will not be inferior in quality to prepared meals.

Important! It is better not to mix dry food and natural food.

Dry food does not involve the introduction of additional carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and the calorie content of a balanced diet will be disturbed.

Foods that can not be eaten and that can be

If you have settled on natural food, then consider: in the daily diet adult toy should be included at least 50% of meat - in front of you is a predator, albeit in miniature.

Meat is better to feed raw or gifted boiling water - products purchased at the market or store are tested for helminths.

Sea fish is also served raw. During heat treatment, foods lose some of the useful elements, in addition, the pet needs hard food to maintain health.

The dog eats happily boiled eggs, half is enough for a reception. An obligatory part of the diet are dairy products without dyes and flavors.

Important! The mass of feed at the reception should not exceed 70 grams per kilogram of weight - overfeeding will end in a gastrointestinal upset.

Gastrointestinal tract miniature dog can't handle digestion of smoked meats, fatty meats, all types of legumes, wheat, barley, corn, millet groats. It is impossible to feed a toychik with raw river fish, as infection with a cat fluke is possible.

What do they usually eat?

Toy Terrier is unpretentious in food, a lot depends on what method of feeding the breeder used.

When transferring an animal from one type of food to another, that terrier's food should be moderate, and empirically, you can determine what the baby likes more and what less. The preferences of each animal are individual.

What cereal can you eat?

Cereals and cereals needed dog as a source of carbohydrates, their diet should contain about 25%, this is rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. They should be well cooked and include vegetables or a little, about 2-2.5% of the daily diet, fruits.

What vegetables can be given?

Toychik can be offered any vegetables except potatoes, onions, garlic, celery, parsnips, parsley. Their composition in the diet should not exceed 20%, it is best to include them in the porridge.

How does milk affect the body of a small dog?

Many adult animals do not tolerate milk well, this is due to an insufficient amount of pepsin, which the stomach produces. You can offer the product in a small amount, if the assimilation went without problems, include milk in the diet, the dogs love it very much.

Note! for cereals for baby food: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and mixtures thereof. The packaging contains the composition of the product and its calorie content.

Toy Terriers are very responsive to the owner's care, and the dog will be very grateful for tasty and healthy food. And she will always be in a good mood and excellent physical shape.

Toy Terriers are one of the smallest dog breeds, and owners should be especially responsible in all aspects and maintenance, in particular, feeding. A small organism is very fragile and it is easy to cause irreparable harm to an animal if you do not approach the diet wisely. Today we will tell you how to feed a toy terrier, starting from puppyhood. Below are options for natural diets and ready-made dry industrial feeds that are suitable for this particular mini-breed.

Dogs are not able to independently generate many micro- and macroelements and vitamins that are indispensable for life, therefore they must fully receive them from food. The toy menu will depend on its age, activity level and weight, but the general recommendations will be the same for all dogs of this breed.

The dog needs to be fed on a schedule, every day at the same time. You can not leave the half-eaten portion in the free access for the animal, as well as constantly treat the dog in the middle of the day. An adult toy terrier should receive food twice a day - after a morning walk and after an evening walk. The only thing that should always be in sight of the dog is a bowl full of clean, cool water.

If the pet regularly does not eat up, leaving part of the serving in the bowl, you need to reduce its size next time. If the dog greedily pounces on food, destroying it in a matter of minutes, and continues to lick the bowl, you should consider increasing the portion size.

The nutrition of a toy terrier, even if the owner considers him a full member of the family, cannot be identical to that of a human. You can not give the dog dishes prepared for the owner, even if the dog eats natural products, the diet is prepared separately. Products must be fresh, you can not add seasonings to them, it is also harmful to feed the terrier with complex culinary delights - the dog's stomach is tuned to mono-food.

The owner of the toy terrier must decide for himself what type of feeding to follow: cook from natural products, or purchase ready-made dry food for the pet. The appearance of the dog is an indicator of whether the owner has chosen the right diet for him. If the animal pleases the owner with activity, shiny coat, has no problems with stool, then the food is chosen correctly.

Do not forget that not only the composition of the portion is important, but also the frequency of feeding. Different schemes are suitable for toy terriers of different ages.

Table 1. Toy Terrier nutrition scheme?

Important point! Unlike many other breeds, toy terriers are not allowed to be fed less than twice a day. The fact is that these miniature dogs can experience an acute shortage of glucose against the background of starvation. This is a difficult process that can end in hypoglycemic coma and death of the animal.

Natural nutrition of the toy terrier

The basis of the dog's diet, like any other predatory animal, should be protein products (lean meat and offal, sea fish, poultry). Meat products must be present at each feeding and occupy at least 60 percent of the entire serving. It is not necessary to subject the meat to heat treatment, it is enough to scald the pieces with boiling water before offering to the dog.

Vegetables, berries, fruits and greens are another mandatory and indispensable part of the diet. In a bowl of an adult toy, these products should be present daily without heat treatment (you can finely chop them, it is better to grate or pass through a blender). The following vegetables and fruits are suitable for dogs:

  • zucchini, zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • Bulgarian red pepper
  • apples;
  • pears;

Also, finely chopped fresh greens should be included in the food of toy terriers, you can give dogs blueberries, strawberries, watermelons and melons grown on your site (you can’t give purchased ones, there is a risk of poisoning a small dog with nitrates or pesticides).

Also, the owner should make sure that the pet regularly receives fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir), raw eggs (quail or chicken), and vegetable oils. You can give a small amount of cereals, the best option would be rice or buckwheat.

Vitamin supplements

No matter how fresh and high-quality natural food is, the dog will not be able to get all the necessary substances from it. Therefore, the toy terrier will need to pick up special vitamin or mineral supplements. To make a competent choice, it is better to visit a veterinarian and pick up drugs with him. Supplements for dogs are divided into the following:

  • for growing puppies;
  • for pregnant bitches and lactating dogs;
  • for juniors;
  • for adult dogs;
  • strengthening bones and joints;
  • for hair growth;
  • for older animals.

It should be understood that uncontrolled, and especially long-term intake of vitamins without a prescription from a veterinarian, can negatively affect the body of a toy terrier. Since this is a small dog, an excess of a substance can be no less dangerous than a deficiency. Before purchasing a vitamin complex, it is worth passing a biochemical blood test.

Dry food for toy terriers

If the owner does not want to cook daily for the pet or does not have such an opportunity, or is simply afraid that he will not be able to balance the diet of the toy terrier, industrial dry food is the best option. For a toy terrier of any gender and age, you need to choose high-quality diets (only "holistic" and "super-premium" classes).

Today, on the counter of any pet store, you can find at least ten options for high-quality dry food suitable for miniature breed dogs. When choosing dry food, the owner should be guided by the inscriptions "Mini" or "Small" on the package. Also, close attention should be paid to the composition of the feed. In the first place in the list of ingredients should be the protein source (meat component), and it should be at least 40-50%. Well, if it is turkey, salmon, venison, lamb or duck - most dogs do not have an allergic reaction to these types of meat.

Further, the composition should contain fruits and vegetables, or a source of fiber (grain, potatoes, rice). Also, good food should contain an extensive list of vitamins (groups B, C, A), minerals, micro- and macro-elements. Such a composition includes everything that a dog needs, additional vitamins or other supplements do not need to be purchased.

When reading the composition of dry food, the owner must understand which components are in question. High-quality feeds contain a minimum of ingredients, they are based on meat and cereals (either vegetables or fruits). If the feed contains yeast, flavors, dyes, corn or bone meal, cellulose is a poor quality feed.

According to the owners of toy terriers, the list of the best dry food for representatives of this breed looks like this:

  • "Akana";
  • "Orijen";
  • "Grandorf";
  • Farmina;
  • "Go";
  • "Belcando";
  • "Eagle Pack";
  • "Innova".

Important point! Dry food is selected for the animal individually. It is not necessary that a food that is suitable for one toy terrier will also be good for another. For the first time, you need to take the smallest package in order to monitor the pet's stool, his mood, and possible allergic reactions.

How to transfer a dog from one type of food to another?

Like all miniature breeds, toy terriers have a very delicate digestion, so "leaps" from one type of food to another are unacceptable. Also, you can not abruptly change the brand of dry food. The transfer should be carried out gradually, within a week.

When a puppy moves from a breeder to an owner, the owner must follow the same type of feeding. Before six to eight months, it is undesirable to transfer the pet to another food without much need, for example, due to health problems. If the owner wishes to switch from natural to industrial food or vice versa, he must proceed as follows:

  1. Day One - Nine parts of the usual food and one part of the new food are placed in the dog's bowl.
  2. The second day - in a bowl there are eight parts of the old food and two parts of the new one.
  3. The third day is a combination of 70% of the old food and 30% and then similarly.

The same scheme applies if the owner changes one brand of dry food to another. An exception is veterinary diet food, you can transfer the dog to them in one day.

Video - What not to feed a toy terrier

Every dog ​​owner knows that your pet's diet directly affects his health. Despite this, veterinary clinics are constantly packed with visitors. In most cases, they complain of the same symptoms associated specifically with malnutrition. So what to feed the toy terrier so that the dog is healthy and cheerful?

To begin with, it is worth understanding the general rules and requirements of the breed, according to which it is necessary to form the diet of a toy terrier. Forget the principles of nutrition that apply to large and medium dogs. Using this model in feeding your pet, you may very soon encounter problems in which you cannot do without an appointment with a veterinary clinic.

Most veterinarians and specialists recommend giving dry food, as it contains all the necessary substances in the right proportions. It is far from always possible to choose such a ratio on your own. Even with a great desire, not every owner can form a diet so that it matches the specifics of feeding the breed. If you want the dog to be healthy, not lagging behind in development and receiving all the necessary substances, then you should initially understand that food for a toy terrier has nothing to do with the leftovers on your table, which are often customary to give to a four-legged friend.

What can be given to a toy terrier, and what should be avoided

Even if you feed your dog only natural products, this does not guarantee that such a diet is suitable for this breed. The slightest bust with fatty foods or a lack of nutrients that come through food can cause serious health problems. If you decide to take responsibility and prepare food for your toy terrier yourself, then it is important to adhere to a number of rules of first necessity:

  • When preparing food from natural products, use only what can be fed to this particular breed.
  • Do not use any spices and limit your salt intake as much as possible.
  • Make sure your dog gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs every day.
  • Before feeding your toy terrier, make sure that the food you are using is suitable for the dog.

This breed can not always boast of good health, because the appearance of allergies to certain types of products are not a frequent guest. It is for this reason that buying high-quality ready-made, for example, dry food is more preferable. This diet allows you to better monitor the health of the dog: any changes in the stool or behavior of your pet with a stable diet will be evident. This will allow you to respond in a timely manner in case of problems. With a natural diet, there is always a chance that diarrhea or vomiting

What to feed toy terrier puppies

Separately, it is worth talking about nutrition. If you decide to use dry food, then choosing the cheapest option from the supermarket is simply not acceptable for this breed. Your dog's food needs to be as balanced as possible, so it's a good idea to use food specifically designed for toy terriers. The use of lean meats is allowed, which will perfectly complement the diet when using purchased feed.

Nutrition for puppies on the principle of "morning-evening" are not only harmful, but simply disastrous. Up to three months, the number of meals should be at least six times a day, reducing the rate by one time for each subsequent month. Only when reaching the age of eight months can you switch to two meals a day. It is strictly forbidden to do this before the dog's milk teeth completely change.

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Proper care will not take much time, but it will provide him with a long and happy life.

When it comes to these dogs, there are almost always two main types: Russian and English.

One of the most popular small breeds, not only in Russia, but throughout the world, is, without a doubt, that. The nature of these dogs has become one of the main reasons for the universal love for them.

The appearance of a miniature toy terrier is tender. Still would! This tiny dog ​​looks just adorable. He is endowed with an easy, friendly, cheerful character, thanks to which it is pleasant to communicate with him. Despite the fact that toy terriers are representatives of the smallest dog breeds, they have good health, please with unpretentiousness, and do not need expensive care measures.

Having studied the toy terrier breed: the care and maintenance of representatives is unlikely to be burdensome, each potential owner will be able to assess the feasibility of acquiring a tiny four-legged friend.

Proper care of the toy terrier will be the key to excellent health, a presentable appearance of a four-legged pet.

Ear Care

A dog owner who is interested in how to care for a toy terrier will certainly need to perform a monthly thorough examination of their pet's ears. It is forbidden to examine the condition of the auricle with a finger, stick. Sulfur accumulated in the outer area of ​​the ears, it is advisable to remove with a cotton swab or disk, after wetting it in a special hygienic lotion. In no case should liquids be allowed to get inside the auricle.

According to the standard, toy terriers with short, smooth coats must have high-set ears. A long-haired dog may have slightly hanging ears. As a rule, the rising of the ears in a representative of this breed occurs at the age of 5 - 6 months.

The owner can help speed up the process of setting the ears of his pet by gluing them. Experienced dog breeders advise performing this procedure after the dog reaches the age of 2 months. Gluing the ears of a pet with adhesive tape can be done independently or with the help of an experienced veterinarian. As a rule, the ears of a toy terrier take the desired position for 4 weeks after gluing.

Dental care

Toy Terriers are endowed by nature with small, strong, sharp teeth that need careful care. Do not allow your four-legged friend to have fun dragging various objects for a long time because of the danger of deforming his jaws. Poor or slow loss of milk teeth at the age of five months can cause a malocclusion in a dog.

To avoid diseases of the toy terrier's oral cavity, it is advisable to perform weekly brushing of his teeth.

Modern pet stores offer special products for sale: pastes, brushes for dental care. The recommended brushing time is a maximum of 2 minutes. To accustom the animal to such a procedure should be from puppyhood.

Hair care

According to experienced breeders, the toy terrier does not need excessively frequent water procedures. This is explained by the fact that miniature dogs have dry skin with increased sensitivity. The recommended intervals between washing your pet are 5 to 7 months. A pet that has been vaccinated can be redeemed no earlier than after 2 weeks.

For bathing, you need to provide for the presence of heated water in the bath, purchase special shampoo, conditioner.
The abuse of various hygiene products can provoke dandruff. The coat of a redeemed dog can be dried with a hair dryer.

For a smooth-haired pet, a special brush or mitten is suitable. A long-haired animal needs daily combing with a comb or comb.

Nail care

Puppies at the age of 10 days can start trimming their claws. In the future, the interval between cutting the nails is 10 - 20 days.
Adjustment of the claws of an adult dog is carried out monthly. The upper rounded section of the claw is to be removed. It is necessary to buy a dog nail cutter, special wire cutters in advance. Experienced dog breeders also perform subsequent polishing of the claws with a nail file.

The hard surface on which the animal steps contributes to the grinding of claws. During long walks, there is no need for cutting claws.

Conditions of detention

The Toy Terrier is very vulnerable due to its small size. Its owners will have to constantly look at their feet so as not to injure the dog, slowly open and close all the doors in the house, check sofas and chairs before sitting down for the presence of a dog settled there. In the hands of a small pet should be handled carefully and carefully. If there is a small child in the family (under 6 years old), it is better to refuse to purchase a toy terrier.

Arrangement of a sleeping place

A sleeping place for a toy terrier can be arranged using a soft folded blanket covered with oilcloth. A diaper or a woolen cape is laid on top of the oilcloth. Feather mattress, foam padding are considered far from the best bases for a small dog's "crib". A soiled diaper must be replaced.

Toy Terrier is not averse to play, indulge. The owner will not be mistaken if he provides a four-legged friend with latex, rubber toys of small sizes: balls, rings, bones, animal figures. The dog enjoys playing with himself, but even more he likes entertainment in the company of his owner.

When buying toys, it is very important to control their quality. It is advisable to get rid of old toys in a timely manner, since harmful microbes accumulate on their surface.

Education, dog training

Ownership of information: how to train a toy terrier will allow the owner to raise an obedient dog capable of following some simple commands: “Sit”, “Fu”, “No”, etc. The main thing is to deal with the dog calmly, without threats, the use of force.

A dog that successfully completes a command should be praised and rewarded. If the dog ignored the order, you can repeat the command again and show what exactly is expected from the pet.

Rules for walking a toy terrier

The animal needs daily walking. For a small puppy, 4 to 5 one-time walks during the day are suitable. An adult dog should be walked three times a day.. In cold weather, the walking time should be as short as possible. To make the walk pleasant and comfortable for the pet, it can be dressed according to the weather.

The choice of a quiet, calm toy terrier is considered preferable. A well-bred dog of this breed walks wonderfully without a leash. Veterinarians do not recommend constantly leading a dog on a leash, as this is considered harmful to its skeleton. The animal can be allowed to run a little, which will certainly have a positive effect on strengthening its health.

Clothes for toy terrier

The smooth-haired toy terrier is capable of experiencing serious discomfort while walking in cold weather. The same can be said about dogs with longer hair. For this reason, the animals need the owners to purchase warm clothes.

It is advisable to teach a puppy from a very young age to wear blouses, overalls, hats, so that later the adult dog calmly perceives the procedure of dressing and undressing. It is best to purchase clothes made of quality materials, appropriate for the size of the dog.

The paw pads of the toy terrier are covered with delicate skin that can quickly freeze, get irritated under the influence of salts, aggressive road chemicals. The owner of the dog will need to take care of the purchase of shoes (for example, Velcro boots) to secure their pet's paws. Read more about clothes for small dogs.

litter box training

In the daytime, not all owners have the opportunity to walk with small pets. To avoid trouble in the apartment in the form of puddles of urine, heaps of excrement, you need to learn: how to teach a toy terrier to the tray as quickly as possible. To do this, it is worth acquiring special diapers, which provide for the presence of an upper absorbent and lower waterproof layer (it is also allowed to use plain paper, newspapers).

If the pet begins to behave anxiously, sit down, it should be moved to the tray so that it can relieve itself. The owner, who knows how to teach a toy terrier to the toilet, will certainly praise his pet for every successful defecation in the place designated for this purpose.

Features of feeding the toy terrier

If a toy terrier has appeared in the family, care and maintenance of how to feed a pet, you must know. When deciding how to feed a toy terrier, you can choose a diet that includes natural products or specialized quality feeds. Veterinarians are categorically against mixed feeding of representatives of this breed.

Dry food

The problem of what to feed an adult toy terrier is solved quite simply if a choice is made in favor of specialized factory-made products. When buying dry food for a four-legged pet, it is advisable to give preference to products from the categories "premium", "super-premium", "holistic".

During the calculation of the amount of feed, the toy terrier weight table will be indispensable, since on its basis the necessary calculations of the daily, portion norms will be made. for a toy terrier, you need to buy only from well-known, well-established brands.

natural food

Successful feeding of a toy terrier with natural products will be organized if the owner makes a balanced menu for his pet, rich in vitamins and minerals. Healthy foods should definitely be included in the dog's diet: meat, fish, boiled egg yolks, cereals, vegetables.

Milk is suitable only when the question is relevant: "What to feed a toy terrier puppy at the age of 1.5 - 9 months?".
For adult dogs, it will be preferable to give fermented milk products, cottage cheese.
The natural nutrition of a toy terrier implies the obligatory calculation of portions (80 g of food / 1 kg of dog weight).

The owner, who is worried about what to feed a toy terrier, should be aware of the products that are strictly taboo. Sugar, sweets, fatty pork, egg white, smoked meats, sausage, fatty sour cream, butter, pasta, spicy, hot spices should be excluded from the dog's diet.

How many times to feed the dog?

A toy terrier puppy, purchased from a breeder at 1.5 months, needs 6 meals a day, including: milk porridge, chopped boiled beef, chicken. When deciding how to feed a toy terrier at 2 months old, you should pay attention that 5 meals a day with slightly increased portions are suitable for such a dog. During the period of life of 3 - 5 months, 4 meals a day will be optimal for the dog (the menu can be varied with stewed, raw vegetables, fruits). The age of the dog 5 - 9 months involves three meals a day, and from 9 months the animal is given food 2 times a day.

Breeding toy terriers

It is not so rare that the owners of toy terriers try to try themselves as breeders. The mating of a toy terrier is considered optimal when the age of the female is in the range of 1.5 - 3 years. The period, including 10 - 14 days after the toy terrier's estrus began, is the most productive for the dog to meet the "groom".

The owner will need to organize nutrition in the best possible way, the maintenance of a pregnant bitch in order to subsequently get good offspring and not worry about the health of the dog.

Today, giving birth to a toy terrier at home is considered a common thing. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous to play it safe and arrange in advance with the veterinarian so that at the appointed hour he will help the dog give birth without problems, and also respond in time to possible complications.

The Toy Terrier is a wonderful dog that can quickly find contact with its owners. In the company of this little dog you can spend a lot of time, getting great pleasure.

The availability of a variety of food for a modern person gives him unlimited opportunities in choosing food for both his own and for a dog. But often, due to lack of time, inattention or carelessness, eating comes down to monotony. A monotonous diet causes enormous harm to the health of a toy terrier. If the daily diet of an animal does not include vegetable matter, vitamins, animal proteins and minerals, then one can only dream of a dog's health. How to organize a balanced diet for a toy terrier mini within the home?

Russian toy terrier nutrition

Dog breeders are firmly convinced that all toy terriers love and need meat products. Therefore, in many sources for the care of this breed in the recommendations for food intake, you can find the first item in the diet - animal proteins and in large quantities. This is a controversial issue, because. Everyone sets their own priorities. But it is important to remember one thing: feeding the toy terrier in the first place should be balanced. It is necessary to balance the daily diet according to it due to combinations of fatty and vegetable components, and it does not matter which food is preferred: homemade or ready-made food.

The following ingredients should be included in your dog's daily diet:

  1. animal protein.
  2. Minerals.
  3. herbal ingredients.
  4. Hydrocarbonates.
  5. Vitamin components.

Of course, it is difficult to cook and offer such a dish to your pet on your own, especially taking into account the individual taste preferences of the dog. Therefore, many dog ​​breeders resort to the help of balanced ready-made foods from supermarket shelves. This is an easy, affordable, and hassle-free way to ensure your Mini Toy Terrier is properly fed.

When choosing dry, ready-made food, it is important to remember a simple rule: it is better to give preference to super premium brands - they are specially designed for dogs of this breed and other miniature pets. They are clearly balanced and when using them, you should not take care of top dressing. If necessary, dry granular mixtures can be soaked in an aqueous medium, but this process is not recommended to be done frequently - solid granules help in the fight against plaque on the dog's teeth.

Nutrition of the toy terrier: what is possible and what is not?

It is allowed to introduce from products into the diet:

  1. Lamb.
  2. Chicken meat, but lean and introduce it with extreme caution, understanding how this product can be an allergen.
  3. Beef and its by-products.
  4. Seafood in the form of lean fish, but only 3-5 times a month.
  5. Egg yolk - like fish no more than 5 times a month.
  6. Cucumbers and tomatoes.
  7. Zucchini and carrots.
  8. Cabbage and beets.
  9. Bell pepper.
  10. Rice and buckwheat.
  11. Apples and pears.
  12. Bananas and apricots, you can peaches.
  13. From fermented milk you can cottage cheese and kefir, you can fermented baked milk.

Prohibited in food:

  1. Any fatty meat dishes.
  2. Spicy or sweet, as well as flour foods.
  3. Any food containing starch, including potatoes.
  4. Mushrooms and nuts.
  5. Smoked products, as well as dishes that contain yeast.
  6. Barley, wheat, pearl barley and hercules porridge.
  7. All beans.
  8. Grapes and avocados.
  9. All citrus.
  10. All bones are prohibited.
  11. Corn, soy and maize.
  12. Food with preservatives and dyes.
  13. Bouillon.

  1. You can not immediately introduce in large quantities into the dog's diet dishes and products that have not previously been used in the menu. This should be done gradually, adding one component per day, in small amounts, and observing the dog's reaction to the innovation. If a toy terrier has allergies or constipation, or even worse - diarrhea, then you should immediately stop feeding him a new product. Re-introducing it into feeding can be tried after a few months or six months.
  2. Food that is served to a dog prepared on its own must necessarily contain vitamins. They can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, specifying the dosage, adhering to the weight of the pet. If there is no information about the weight of the pet, then it is better to first weigh the animal at the veterinary clinic and get advice on vitamin preparations from the doctor.
  3. Nutrition should be balanced and varied, containing all the components for normal development.
  4. Meat components should be present in the dog's diet in a ratio of 15-20% of the total food volume.
  5. Vegetable components should be present in the diet in a ratio of 20-25%.
  6. Add berry and fruit products to the diet at a rate of 10%.

This video tells you the best way to feed a toy terrier.

Nutrition for the toy terrier: menu

The optimal nutritional option for mini toys can be considered using the example of a complete daily diet. Feed the dog should be at least three times a day, in small portions. It is strictly forbidden to overfeed a pet or add food to three meals a day, risking causing the process of obesity. If a dog is constantly begging for various treats, you should not mean by this a lack of nutrition - this is a favorite pastime of this breed. It is enough to stop feeding once and everything will work out.

  1. For breakfast, you can offer: porridge to choose from allowed products (rice or buckwheat), to which kefir and vitamins are added.
  2. For lunch: vegetable or fruit salad, which can be seasoned with oil.
  3. For dinner: any meat product with porridge in equal proportions. You can mix these components in a blender, then it will be difficult for the pet to separate the meat from the porridge and he will eat the dish completely.

This video presents 10 factors from the life of a toy terrier. Be sure to leave your wishes, questions and