How to clean super glue stains. How to remove glue from clothes at home using various methods

Superglue in the household is certainly a very necessary thing, but sometimes it can cause a problem. This happens when its droplets fall on the wrong surface. And if you can still somehow scrape it off a smooth hard surface, then what about the soiled things. In this article, we are going to show you how to clean superglue from clothes and other surfaces?

What is superglue

Therefore, it is not so easy to remove superglue from the surface. It does not contain solvents, and when it instantly solidifies, a plastic is formed that is resistant to temperature and humidity. Although this glue dries very quickly, you should not delay removing it. Try to clean the glue stain as quickly as possible.

We remove the stain with acetone and gasoline

It is possible to clean the Moment glue with the help of solvents. It can be: acetone, white spirit or nail polish remover. This method is only suitable for firm, dense fabrics. This method should not be applied to thin synthetic and natural delicate materials. Colored fabrics can also be damaged by the solvent. Pure white matter can also be colored by this substance.

Tip: before using this product, be sure to test it on the wrong side of the garment, making sure that the fabric has not changed its primary structure and color, you can use it.

Dampen a gauze pad or cotton pad with solvent and wipe the area well. After cleaning the fabric from the glue, it must be rinsed under running clean water.

To get rid of glue on delicate materials such as natural silk and wool, use refined gasoline.

IMPORTANT! Do not use regular, dirty, drained gasoline, otherwise the fabric may be further stained and damaged.

You can clean the fabric in the following way. Wipe the dirt off with a cotton cloth soaked in gasoline. Then treat cotton pads with the product and apply them on both sides of the material: front and back for 10 minutes. After all, the thing must be rinsed under clean water and washed with liquid detergents. Wool and silk are washed by hand at a water temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. After washing, the thing is not twisted, but only slightly squeezed. Remember that these natural materials should only be dried naturally. You can not hang them on the battery and open rays of the sun.

Heating method

You can clean the Moment glue from your clothes by heating it with an iron.

IMPORTANT! Since a high iron temperature is required, this method is not applicable to fine synthetics, wool and silk. Check the label on your garment before using the iron. If the ironing icon is crossed out on it, then this thing cannot be processed by this method.

Place a clean cotton cloth on both sides (face and wrong side) of the stain. Press gently with the tip of the iron on the glue spot. When exposed to high temperatures, the glue will begin to melt and absorb into the cotton fabric. Iron the thing first from the front, then from the wrong side. Do this until the stain dissolves.

After such processing, a dark glue mark may remain on the material. It can be removed with the necessary detergents, possibly several washings.

A small stain is brushed off using a household hairdryer. A hot stream of air is directed to the stained area. When the glue has softened, gently peel it off with a knife or other sharp object. Be careful not to cut the material. Then the remaining dirt is washed off.

Sometimes there is no iron or hairdryer at hand. Then you can simply boil the water and gradually lower the stained area of ​​matter into it. When the glue has melted, remove it with a knife or some other sharp object.

Other means

We clean the surface of plastic and plexiglass

When superglue hits the plastic, it literally melts it, so you can only remove the surface layer of the glue. Unfortunately, the smooth, undamaged plastic surface cannot be returned. What can you do.

  • Apply a damp cotton cloth lathered with laundry soap to the stained area. Wrap it with plastic wrap. It is important that the fabric is constantly damp. It is good if at the same time the temperature is constantly maintained at about 40 degrees. Soak the compress for at least a day. The water will soften the glue stain, making it easier to clean.
  • A more aggressive agent in relation to plastic, but still better than conventional solvents, is Dimexide.
  • Anticlea can also clean plastic. They are treated with a glue spot and left for a couple of hours. Then wipe the place with a rag.

Sometimes at home it is not possible to clean the glue from the clothes, in which case you can apply for a dry cleaning service.

When you need to glue something, two problems usually arise: why doesn't it stick, and how to remove the glue from clothes? And if in the first case you should choose the best adhesive, then this article will help in the second.

For help!

This is not to say that only mothers, whose children adore crafts and applications, face such a problem. Often, an adult can also be smeared during minor or major repairs. In any case, it is important to know how to quickly and easily remove the adhesive from clothing.

If you notice that you get dirty right during work, act immediately:

  1. Try to wipe the stain off the garment with a tissue.
  2. If something has already dried up, scrape it off with a knife or scissors.
  3. Before pouring the little thing with any stain remover, check its effect on the wrong side of the product.

It is also important to know what kind of glue you have used in order to use solvents that can handle the specific composition.

Super glue

The most powerful adhesive that can bond wood, plastic and others is superglue. It can be called in different ways: "Moment", "Second", "Power" - but the essence is the same.

It dries very quickly and adheres to surfaces, is moisture resistant and durable. These are all, of course, pluses when it comes to the bonding process. But there are definite disadvantages if a drop got on your T-shirt.

From now on, be careful and wear an apron when working with such a compound!

So how do you remove super glue from your clothes?

  • Wipe the fresh stain with laundry soap.
  • Gasoline can also help. Soak a cotton swab in it and rub the product.
  • Kerosene is another reliable solvent that also removes traces of paint, ink and tar.
  • In building materials stores you can find "Super Moment Antikley" - a special tool for removing the sticky layer. Suitable for white clothes only. By the way, it can be used to remove excess from any surface, not just fabric.

  • These are not all the tools, since you can remove the glue from jeans with a nail polish remover or acetone.
  • White spirit is another proven solvent that can work miracles.
  • Thinking about how to remove super glue from woolen or silk clothes, look into the kitchen. Every housewife has vinegar. Dissolve 20 ml of vinegar in 40 ml of water and soak the little thing in this. Then wash in the usual way.
  • The wallpaper composition can be washed off in soapy water or using regular powder.

Be aware that cheap Chinese tubes will be of inferior quality. That is, this will affect the durability of the materials to be glued, but they are much easier to wash off.


Regular office glue with a water-soluble composition. Fresh dirt can be easily removed in warm soapy water. Even a simple stream of lukewarm water will easily wash away the white liquid.

If you got dirty for a long time, and only noticed now, the following steps will help you:

  • The rubbing alcohol will help dissolve the gluten on jeans and heavy cotton fabrics.
  • The ammonia will cope well with dirt on suede products, including shoes.

It is advised to steam the suede first. Hold over a boiling kettle for 10 minutes, and then wipe with ammonia.

  • Use the freezing method for delicate fabrics. Send your blouse to the freezer for an hour. After that, you just have to scrape off the frozen composition from the surface of the product and wash it as usual.
  • Vinegar can save synthetics (microfiber, fleece, acrylic).

Try to act immediately, as it is much more difficult to remove dried glue from any clothing.


It is also called liquid glass and is often used hot. In case of heavy dirt, it is better to go to dry cleaning, especially if these are thin fabrics. You can try to cope with dense materials yourself.

So how do you remove silicate glue from clothing?

  • Soap solution or washing powder will cope with small dirt. Soak a dirty sweater in a wash basin for a couple of hours, then wash and rinse as usual.
  • You can add soda to the powder and soak it too. This will be effective for old, dried blots.

Silicone sealant

This viscous composition can be easily washed from things if it left a small mark.

  • Soak a sponge in vinegar and place on the stain for 30 minutes.
  • Acetone and White Spirit can also dissolve dried sealant.

Use the products described above for natural fabrics, synthetics will not withstand such a load.

A thick layer of silicone must be filed off or cut off with a knife, the remaining stain must be removed with a solvent.

Any strong liquids must be used with gloves on.

We have listed for you the main types of adhesives that are used in construction and in everyday life. Now you probably know how to effectively remove glue from clothes.

Information for women of fashion was left for a snack.

Stickers, rhinestones, labels

Often in stores, sellers glue labels directly to clothing, so that after removal, a sticky mark remains, which quickly becomes overgrown with pile. Lovers of things decorated with rhinestones have a similar problem. After all, these small beads often fall off, leaving behind a nasty white mark.

So, here are the surefire ways to remove adhesive from stickers, labels and rhinestones from clothes:

  • Apply any vegetable oil to the dirty area. In an hour, it can dissolve any sticky residue. What to do with the greasy stain now? Just soak it in dish detergent.
  • An iron can also be your assistant. Place a paper layer between the spots and the iron coating, now iron the product. The sticky compound should stick to the paper.
  • For white clothes, a cotton swab dipped in white spirit or acetone is suitable. Treat the surface with this and the thing will be clean immediately after drying.

It will be useful to recall that any tool should always be tested first on the wrong side of the product or in things that are invisible to the prying eye. This will help protect you from permanent damage to an already damaged item.

Every house has a couple of T-shirts and pants that are not fit for the public. They are best worn during repair work and in the process of creative crafts.

A glue stain on clothes is not at all a rare nuisance, especially if there are children in the family or one of the household members has a handicraft hobby. And what to do - do you really have to write off the thing in the junk or in the category of "work clothes"? First, it is worth trying to remove the contamination, and it is quite possible that this will succeed.

General rules for cleaning things from glue

The answer to the question of how and how to wash or clean the glue stain depends, firstly, on the type of glue that got on the clothes, and secondly, on the type of fabric from which it is sewn. It is clear that you need to remove a stain on jeans and chiffon, for example, by completely different means. As for the glue, some of its types can be cleaned well with ordinary washing powder or laundry soap, at least as long as the stain is fresh.

But there are certain general rules for removing glue stains:

  • Do not postpone removing the stain until later - the longer the glue stays on the fabric, the deeper it penetrates into its fibers, reducing your chances of getting rid of it;
  • After putting the glue spot on the clothes, immediately blot it with a napkin (carefully so as not to rub the glue into the fabric), and, if possible, scrape off the remaining glue from the surface of the fabric with a sharp object;
  • Before any attempt to remove a stain, check the effect of the applied agent somewhere on an inconspicuous part of the product (at the seam allowance, hemming or hemming of the bottom) - even the most harmless, at first glance, agent can spoil one or another fabric. This advice is especially relevant now, when there are countless different types of synthetic and mixed fabrics, and their exact composition may well not correspond to the information indicated on the label.

How to remove a PVA glue stain?

The easiest way to remove PVA from clothes is water-soluble glue. Therefore, a fresh stain can be simply wiped off with any detergent in warm water. It's another matter if the PVA glue has already dried and eaten into the structure of the fabric:
  • From natural fabrics type of linen, cotton (and denim cotton, including) PVA glue can be wiped off with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. But do not forget to check the effect of alcohol somewhere on the wrong side of the thing - very often recently, an admixture of artificial ones has been added to natural fibers to improve the performance of the fabric. Therefore, the fabric is called "cotton", but in fact, 40% of polyester, for example.
  • To remove PVA glue with suede , you need to steam the contaminated area for about 10 minutes, and then gently wipe the contaminated area with a cloth soaked in ammonia. If you are dealing with upholstery or carpet, try refined gasoline or white spirit.
  • You must act especially carefully if the stain flaunts on silk or other delicate fabric : both alcohol and solvent can spoil it instantly. Try to keep the damaged item in the freezer for an hour. The glue will become brittle and can be scrubbed out of the fibers by hand, kneading the cloth and shaking out the PVA grains.

How to remove silicate glue from clothes?

It is impossible to predict in advance whether it will be possible to remove the silicate glue stain. On different fabrics, it behaves very differently, it matters how long the stain was put on, how long it managed to dry depending on the humidity of the environment, whether the stain was in direct sunlight, etc. If you are lucky, you will remove the silicate glue regular detergent. To do this, leave the thing for 3 hours in a solution of washing powder (gel or soap) and ordinary soda at the rate of 40 grams of soda per 1 liter of water, and then wash with a stiff brush.

You can try cleaning suede clothing or shoes with a special suede detergent, which is usually sold in shoe stores or shoe care departments in hardware stores.

Removing stationery glue from clothing

Stationery glue is a headache for every mother of a young talent of kindergarten or primary school age. Whenever a child brings home an applique, his clothes should be meticulously inspected for stains from office glue. After all, it is perfectly washed, but only if it has not had time to dry.

Wet the contaminated area with warm water, lather well with laundry soap. After a couple of minutes, wash it with your hands, or better with a brush, and then just wash the item as usual.

It is much worse if you did not notice the stain in time, and it has time to dry. Although stationery glue is made on a water basis, when dried on the fabric, it forms a glass-like plate, firmly "embedded" in the weave of fibers. It is hardly possible to get rid of such a stain completely.

Removing stains from casein, nitrocellulose and thermoplastic adhesives

To remove stains from casein glue follow these steps:
  1. First lubricate it with warmed glycerin (sold in the pharmacy);
  2. After 2 hours, rinse the area with water and some ammonia.
You can try refined gasoline on jeans. And in fact, and in another case, then the thing must be washed in the usual way.

Nitrocellulose glue removed in this way:

  1. Wipe the stain with a cotton swab dipped in acetone;
  2. Also treat with gasoline;
  3. Remove the remnants of these substances with a dry paper towel;
  4. Sprinkle with talcum powder for a while.
This method will not work for silk acetate.

Hot glue it can be removed quite simply - you just need to warm up the dirty place with an iron or a hot hairdryer and blot it with a dry napkin.

How to remove superglue from clothes?

Superglue stain is the most difficult case for home (and professional too) dry cleaning. That is why it is “super”, in order to firmly glue various materials, which means that it eats into the fabric just as efficiently. It is clear that the better the glue got on your clothes, the harder it will be to remove it from there. It is hoped that under the guise of "magic" glue you purchased a Chinese counterfeit - in this case, you have a chance to wash the thing.

So, if the fabric from which the soiled item is sewn allows, try:
  • Wipe the stain with a rag dipped in gasoline - the fresh one should give in;
  • A paint thinner can be used to remove dried superglue;
  • On jeans, try using acetone (nail polish remover) to remove the glue stain. Most likely, you will lighten the treated area, but in the case of jeans, you can save the situation by "artistically" placing similar scuffs over the area;
  • Soak woolen or silk clothes in a 1: 2 vinegar solution, and then wash in cool water.

How to clean Moment glue stains from clothes?

Many housewives are interested in what to do if Moment glue gets on their clothes. However, there is no single recipe here. The fact is that TM "Moment" produces several lines of glue designed for gluing various materials, and, accordingly, having different physical and chemical properties.

So, the universal glue "Super Moment Ideal" can be quite easily cleaned with the help of another product of the same brand, designed just to remove the first one - this is "Super Moment Antikley".

Shoe glue of this brand from artificial or natural suede, nubuck, leather can be carefully "cut down" with a nail file or try to remove it with a nail polish remover that does not contain acetone. But "Moment" for gluing wallpaper can be easily washed off with any fabric with laundry soap.

How to remove the trace from the adhesive label

Adhesive labels (with a barcode or price) are very convenient, and many sellers, without hesitation, glue them on everything, even clothes. At first glance, adhesive labels can be easily and easily removed from the fabric, but after a while a dark spot becomes noticeable on light-colored clothes - dust sticks to the remnants of glue from the label. It is not always possible to get rid of these stains with a regular wash. If the composition of the fabric allows, rub the soiled area with a cotton pad dipped in nail polish remover. You can erase the adhesive residue from the suede with a regular stationery eraser.

Removing the glue trap for rodents

Owners of private houses and summer residents are familiar with the problem of fighting domestic rodents. Adhesive devices are widely used as one of the most environmentally friendly methods of catching these pests. But often it is not mice that come across the sticky substance, but the homeowners themselves.

The trap manufacturer advises using gasoline in this case, but there are also more gentle methods. To remove a stain, you need to moisten it abundantly with vegetable oil, let it stand for about 5 minutes and wash the thing in any dishwashing gel.

Video: How to remove superglue from fabric with an iron?

This method of removing superglue stains requires preliminary approbation on an unnecessary piece of fabric, which is similar in properties to the one that needs to be cleaned. If everything went smoothly, then the video helped you solve your problem:

So, getting rid of glue spots - even the famous super-glue that holds any materials “forever” - is quite real. In order for the thing to be like new again, pay attention to the material from which it is made, find out what kind of glue got on the fabric, and proceed according to the instructions given in the article. For difficult cases there are dry cleaners.

Do not be discouraged if a glue blot is found on your clothes, knowing how to remove the glue from clothes, you can "save" your favorite thing. You can remove it in various ways: scrub it off, scrape it off, wipe it off, clean it with chemical compounds.

Read in this article:

How to remove glue from clothes

It is worth trying to soak the dirt from the glue by rinsing in a large amount of water, or leaving it in a solution with any detergent for a while. As a result, the adhesion of the adhesive components will decrease, and the remnants of the substance can be simply scraped off the surface of the fabric.

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how to remove glue from clothes, since it all depends on the type of glue and fabric.

Stains from clerical (silicate), wallpaper and PVA glue, while not dry, are removed from clothes without much difficulty, since these types of adhesive compounds are water-soluble. You just need to moisten the glue marks with water, lather and wash the soiled thing.

Dried glue dissolves much more difficult, even when little time has passed after curing.

Silicate glue

To remove stains from silicate glue, the product is soaked for a couple of hours in warm soapy water with the addition of a few tablespoons of ordinary baking soda. Then rub the stain with a brush or sponge and wash in the usual way.

Old stains are removed in a slightly different way: first, the stain is softened with hot water, the top layer is gently cleaned off with a nail file or the non-sharp side of a knife. The remaining paste particles are wiped off with refined gasoline or nail polish remover (acetone).


To get rid of the stains left by PVA glue, they should be wiped with a sponge soaked in alcohol or vinegar, then held in water with the addition of detergents and washed. Also, one way to remove glue from clothes is rubbing the stains with laundry soap and power brushing.

Wallpaper glue

Stains from wallpaper paste should be soaped and soaked for 4-6 hours, then the product is washed as usual.

Glue "Moment"

If suddenly a little "Moment" gets on your clothes, you don't need to worry. Removing the adhesive joint is very simple. This will require acetone or refined gasoline. Soak a piece of cotton wool in the solvent of your choice and carefully treat the adhesive residue. Then wash the product well. If you allowed the adhesive to get on a more delicate fabric, such as wool, silk and velvet, it is better to use a mixture of citric acid and water, in a ratio of 20 g to 100 ml. Vinegar 70% can also be used instead of citric acid. In this case, mix a tablespoon of vinegar and 100 ml of water. If the stain has not been removed well, you can repeat the procedure.

Be extremely careful with solvents as they can affect the color and texture of the fabric.

There is an easier way how to remove the "Moment" glue from clothes. Almost all adhesive joints are afraid of the cold, and Moment is no exception. Put the spoiled product in the freezer for a couple of hours, the adhesive will harden and turn into powder, after which it can be easily scraped off. If the glue becomes a solid mass after cooling, break it with a rolling pin or hammer. The remaining trace can be easily removed with a solution of ammonia and detergent.

Silicone glue

It is very easy to remove the silicone adhesive from the product before it is absorbed into the fabric. You just need to slightly stretch the spot with the stain, which forms a film, and remove it. A freezer removal method is also suitable. You can also get rid of contamination of silicone glue with the help of a foam remover. Apply the remover to the stain, wait until it dries and remove the film that has formed. Then wash the product. You can also use vegetable oil. Apply oil to the stained area and let it sit for a couple of minutes to dissolve the silicone.

For your safety, the glue removal procedure must be carried out fully armed: gloves, goggles and a respirator.

If the silicone glue has already begun to be absorbed by the fabric, then the stained product must be soaked in vinegar for 30 minutes and the stain must be removed with a rag. Alternatively, you can moisten the speck with vodka or alcohol and rub it with a brush. The silicone will gradually roll into the ball.

Super glue

The components of superglue are instantly absorbed into the fibers of the fabric and harden; in addition, it is impossible to get rid of it as a result of washing. The question remains how to remove the glue stain from clothes.

Do not wait until the glue is completely dry and hardened, you must immediately take measures to remove it. In no case should you wash it off trying to wipe it off. There is a possibility of increasing the adhesion even more.

Be aware that superglue does not soften with water. Trying to wash the product can waste time and the joint will harden completely.

Blots from the second glue can be removed by wiping them with acetone, only before that it is necessary to check in an inconspicuous place how the fabric will behave under the influence of such a tool. If, after contact with acetone, the fabric changes color, it is better to treat the stain with a mixture of water and vinegar in a ratio of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar for 250 g of water.

Factory-made glue stain removers

Manufacturers of adhesives also offer agents that destroy these joints.

"Super Moment Antiklay" - the most common universal anti-glue composition. They can clean blots from various types of glue: PVA, carpentry, polyurethane, epoxy, second and others. Many materials perfectly tolerate such an anti-glue composition, however, it is not recommended to leave the solvent on the fabric for a long time. Since the composition contains acetone, which can also dissolve the paint from the fabric. Therefore, before using these cleaners, try on a small piece of similar cloth. If everything goes well, you can safely move on to the contaminated product.

Also "Antikley Secunda" is in demand, which dissolves all known adhesives. The only difference is in the duration of use, in one case, in order to get rid of dirt, it is necessary to keep the antiglue on the fabric for several minutes, and in the other - several days. The result will still be positive. It is more convenient to use such compounds in the form of a spray.

Knowing which chemical compounds have a destructive effect on the adhesive components, you can effortlessly remove the glue stain from your clothes. When using any cleaning agent, always be mindful of the fabric so as not to get holes instead of stains.

Super glue is a multicomponent agent, mainly based on cyanoacrylates, which are relatively toxic substances that can penetrate into various surfaces, with the subsequent melting of certain materials from which they are made. A distinctive feature of the adhesive is that it dries very quickly - this, in general, largely determines its name.

Super glue stains need to be removed quickly

As it dries, it crystallizes, literally becoming one with the fabric. In this case, it will be much more difficult to remove it. In addition, there is a real risk of material damage. Therefore, the cleaning process must be approached as responsibly as possible, unless, of course, the polluted thing is dear to you.

Immediately after getting the glue on your clothing, you should try to spread it out quickly on a hard surface. You can slip a piece of thick paper directly under the stain to prevent the adhesive from penetrating further. Then you can start cleaning activities, for example, using acetone or nail polish remover. After their completion, clothes must be soaked in soapy water without fail, and then washed thoroughly, followed by rinsing in plenty of running water.

The faster you take all measures aimed at removing glue stains from a particular thing, the higher the chances of success and, importantly, the complete preservation of the integrity and attractiveness of the appearance of the clothes.

There is no need to rush to throw away the contaminated thing - today there are a sufficient number of effective ways with which it will be possible to get rid of both the oldest, large and stubborn stains, as well as small and fresh ones.

Consider how you can scrub off super glue

So how do you remove super glue from your clothes?

Surprisingly, even water can help, however, it must be hot. This method is relevant only in cases where the glue spot has not yet had time to dry. It is also recommended to first make sure that the fabric is able to withstand exposure to high temperatures, otherwise hot water can damage your clothes.

How to remove super glue from clothes using plain water:

  • the thing should be laid out in such a way that the glue spot does not stick to each other;
  • water needs to be heated in a kettle. At the tap, its temperature will not be enough;
  • prepared boiling water is poured into a suitable container, for example, a wide bowl;
  • then the soiled clothes are gently immersed in water, with the glue spot down. You have to be careful not to burn yourself;
  • two or three minutes are enough for the glue to soften. Further, the clothes are taken out of the boiling water and laid out on a flat surface;
  • you need to take any hard object, such as a coin, and try to clean the softened stain. It is not necessary to exert too much effort, as the fabric can be damaged.

Boiling water

If this method does not help, then you need to try to solve the problem with other methods.

It is known that most types of powerful adhesive solutions act on the principle of deep penetration into the surfaces to be glued. The same thing happens with the fabric. How to remove a super glue stain from clothing if it has literally eaten into its structure? It is recommended to make sure that the glue particles simply come off the fibers of the fabric. This can be done by freezing.

Place the stained clothes in the freezer.

Here's what to do:

  • the dirty thing is folded in such a way that the stain is outside;
  • clothes are placed in a regular plastic bag and sent to the refrigerator (it is recommended to put them in the freezer);
  • an hour later, you need to get the frozen thing;
  • then you need to try to pry the stain - for this, a not too sharp, but not blunt object is used, for example, a nail file, tweezers or even an ordinary spoon;
  • after the layer of adhesive solution was pry off, it can be easily removed.

As mentioned above, high-speed glue is afraid of not only low, but also high temperatures. Therefore, it can be very hot, after which it must lag behind the fabric. A more efficient way than boiling water is ironing.

You can remove the glue with an iron.

How to get rid of glue on clothes in this way:

  • the soiled item is laid out on a suitable flat and hard surface, such as a table. You can put a piece of fabric underneath, it is desirable that it be natural;
  • on top of the spot, you also need to put a piece of fabric. In both cases, it must be plain and unpainted;
  • It is recommended to heat the iron to the maximum temperature. Make sure that the fabric of your clothes is capable of withstanding such thermal loads;
  • the heated iron is applied to the surface of the protective piece of fabric and ironed for several minutes. From time to time you need to monitor the state of the glue spot;
  • when the stain has softened enough so that it can be removed with improvised means, the ironing process can be stopped;
  • the adhesive is removed with a spoon, coin, plastic bank card, nail file, etc.;
  • it is then recommended to soak the garment in warm water with a little washing powder and then wash it, either by hand or with the help of.

For some reason, many believe that the larger the stain, and the thicker it is, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it. In fact this is not true. A large amount of glue solution does not spread, since it simply does not have enough time for this (it will dry out), but forms something similar to a pea. You can try to break this ball with a suitable tool, such as a hammer.

You can break a dried drop of glue with a hammer.

How to remove super glue from clothes through mechanical action? The thing is laid out on a flat and necessarily hard surface, but which is not too fragile or expensive. Next, you need to hit the pea several times with a hammer - not too hard, but not too weak. To improve the effect, you can pre-freeze clothes as described above. Next, the standard procedure is soaking and washing thoroughly.

Sometimes it is possible to cope with glue spots on clothes with the help of household chemicals, which can be found literally in every home or, in extreme cases, in any specialized store. The most suitable remedies include:

You need to take acetone, cotton pads and a container of warm water. The contaminated item is laid out on a flat and hard surface and is slightly moistened with water in the area of ​​the stain. Next, you need to pour a small amount of pure acetone onto two cotton pads, and apply them from the bottom and top of the clothing. It takes about 5-7 minutes for the glue to start to lag. In the future, it can be scraped off with a suitable blunt and hard object.

This method is hardly suitable for fabrics that are too delicate, thin or dyed in bright colors, since they can fade under the influence of acetone.

Another common answer to the question of how to scrub super glue off clothes. The method is very similar to the previous one. Here you also need to take two cotton pads (if necessary, you can replace them with two pieces of pure natural fabric), moisten them with gasoline and apply to the stain on both sides. You need to wait about 10 minutes. After removing the adhesive, the item should be thoroughly washed.

If the fabric is thin, then white spirit should be applied to cotton pads or prepared rags, and then applied to the contaminated area. When it comes to rough and unpainted fabric, the solvent can be poured directly onto it. A few minutes are enough for the most resistant glue to begin to dissolve.

It is important to remember that white spirit evaporates very quickly. Do not let it dry completely during the event, and therefore it is necessary to regularly add it to cloth, rags or cotton pads. It is also forbidden to use this product to remove glue stains from cotton and silk.


Another fairly popular method. You will first need to prepare an appropriate solution. To do this, take a glass of ordinary table vinegar (in no case should it be concentrated), to which one tablespoon of warm water is added.

The solution is poured into a suitable container in which the glue spot is immersed for about 10 or 15 minutes. Once removed, the adhesive is removed using the blunt side of a knife, plastic card, spoon, etc. You need to know that this method is relevant only for natural fabrics - in the case of synthetics, vinegar can affect the structure of the fibers, which is why the clothes are deformed.

Now you know how to remove super glue from clothes at home. However, it must be remembered that if you do not follow the existing rules and recommendations, you can easily ruin your dear thing. Therefore, if you are not confident in your own abilities, then contaminated clothing can always be dry-cleaned.