Read beautiful love stories. Love stories and romantic stories from life

Girls, and let's share small romantic stories here ... Maybe a little sad, and maybe merry ..., unusual ... In general, all sorts of one)))
I will probably start

"Love you"

She slowly walked along the autumn park, listening to the rustling of fallen leaves under his feet. Long coat, hands in pockets, heavy shoes. She was still like not to look at what they would say. Short hair with a hedgehog was turned on her head pulled from the cold in the shoulders. Previously autumn morning. The first trams were cast somewhere on the avenue, taking into their cold closer closers. From the neighboring alley heard rustling of leaves under the broom of the janitor. A elderly woman with two crucies passed by, behind her, a young tagged man and Doberman. The city woke up and slowly poured into the usual rut of gray everyday life.

But she was still. She has not paid attention to any people nor the incoming letters or permanent calls for ever-free friends. With the departure of that, the other, in this world there are too few things that are interested in it. She lived with her paintings and memories. And the memories lived in her paintings as the live prints of the past on a dry and indifferent canvas.

This is the other, so beautiful and sparkling with happiness, in the last rays of the setting sun. She sits on the windowsill in their small apartment and is enthusiastic about something tells, hanging in the air with tanned legs.

But they are together at the cottage. She sits in a rocking chair, thoughtfully bowing his head, and that, the other, standing at the back, puts on her head a wreath of dazzling and white meadow daisies. Of all its works, she always highlighted this one, impregnated with spicy air heated by the sun, tenderness, reigning in the atmosphere of their relationship, limitless love and peace of the warm July evening. These were the happiest days of their lives. She will never forget as that, the other, loved to sit at night on the porch of the country house and listen to the restless trills of crickets, watching the shaggy night butterflies go around the lonely burning lamp under the roof, loved to feed skinny homeless cats, or just look at the stars, or just look at the stars Listening to the night wind game in the branches of the old apple tree. She caught every moment the life of the one, the other, every sigh, every look, every "love". Because I knew, I predicated that their happiness would not be long. She loved to keep her fragile little palms in her, truly male hands, warming them with breath and press her chest. Loved gently, slightly touching, kissing her lips, shoulders. Waking up earlier, loved to look at her sleeping on her, smoothing her naughty golden curls, stood on the pillow.

And one day, the other, without opening the eye, a little heard whispered "love you." for the first time.

One memory was replaced by another. Memory, like mocking, helpfully changed the slides of the happy paintings of the past, causing tears to eyes. But she did not cry. Silent is not allowed so luxury.

The sky, completely tightened with a gray haze, finally, twisted the sun, a dim spot that does not give a heat, no light. She reached the gate of the old cemetery and, creaking the gate, entered. The second row is the most extreme left. A cold cross of black marble contrasted sharply with a photo of a joyful smiling, goldstast young girl. Faded flowers on the grave, covered with fallen leaves, low bronze feet, bench near. All before pain is familiar. So much time has passed since her happiness left her and settled here. two years. For two years now she comes here every morning to look at your favorite eyes, smile, sit in silence, think. the main thing. Various next to her.

Seeded squatting, she straightened her cheek to the fence and laid down the ceremony of the cross two maple leaf as two kisses. "I love you ..." she whispered a little heard and closed her eyes. "Love you."

Once in the evening, returning home after a hard work day, sat down at the computer, and such a longing flew to me that I decided to read romantic love stories. I scored in the search engine keywords for search and got on this online resource. And here my wife Olga returned from work, and sees a picture of Sasha in tears in front of him. I just overwhelmed me emotions from the letters of letters in the section "Sad Stories of Love" and I could not hold back tears. And I decided, I will dilute this sad picture of my emotions history of love.
My acquaintance with Olga, as it may seem at first glance, was banal. We met in the chat, on one of . After a short correspondence for several days I decided to get to know her in reality. You can imagine my emotions before meeting, sea of \u200b\u200bunrest, confusion. I almost did not know what to talk to her, I even started stuttering! But, nevertheless, I went to this meeting, which was scheduled for January 1 at 15:00.
- Hello! I'm Olga! So what are you, I imagined you to others! - I told me my future spouse.
- Hello! - I replied. What is very bad?! Not that, yes?
- No! You simply do not look like a nineteen-year-old, I expected to see some "reachable."
- Well, Iced, thank you very much! - I replied, and we laughed.
Next, everything happened according to the gentleman's etiquette. I took the girl into a good cafeteria, and we had a great deal. After our lunch, we went to the park, or rather, I suggested going to my area, because there you could walk in the park, and Olga willingly agreed. During the walk, we were more and more learned each other, but since the time was later, I went to accompany the girl home. Olga, I had told me before my door:
- Sasha! Sorry! But we better do not meet anymore! I spent a good time, thank you very much for the cafe, everything was just wonderful! But…
"Olya," I said. What happened? Maybe I offended you something?
- No! Just quite the opposite! I should not have go to this meeting because ...
- I got it! "Sorry, but you are not in my taste," yes! How is it trite!
"No," answered Quiet Olya. I just recently broke up with a guy, he causing me a lot of pain, and I just wanted to hang out with someone!
- Clear, and this "someone" I turned out to be! Right?
- Yes.
I took a cigarette from my pocket and laughed.
- What are you laughing?
"You see," I replied. Here is the case! After all, I essentially the same as you ... and came to this date so that it will void.
A minute pause, silence, and the silence of the entrance distributed my and Olgin laughter. We exchanged phones and agreed to meet the other day.
Several months have passed. I and Olga met almost every day, walked around the parks, went to the movies, the word was well spent. One fine day, I returned from work angry as a dog, in exchange for a vacation, I received an agenda to the draft board. The next day, Olga came to me:
- Hello! And what are you so angry, do not take the phone?!
"You see," I replied. Here in general, such a thing. Take me to the army!
- How ... But I ... - And Olga rushed to me on the neck all in tears.
- Do not cry Olenka! It's just a year, especially since we are only friends!
- Not! Not friends! How do you not understand! I love you!
That's how I heard the first cherished words. We sat for a long time and talked, and I, in every way I tried to take conversations from the topic of the agenda.
By the end of April, I was appointed to appear in Railienkomat.
And on April 25, all my friends and close to me are gathered. Many flattering words I heard in my address. The queue has come to say Word and Olga. She took a glass, brought and whispered softly, barely holding back tears:
- Sasha, cute, I'll wait for you ...
I did not want to hear anything else. I realized that she was the only one.
My long year of service passed, Olenka I was waited from the army. We have just met for about a year after my service, after a year they lived together, and for almost two years in official marriage. We have a little daughter Sophia and we are happy.
And in the completion of my story, I proudly want to say that my story can be taken to the section. God let God love so much like me, God forbid everyone to be loved how to love me!

Your letters on the project "Letters of Love" - \u200b\u200bsamples, examples of love letters, confessions in love, stories from life about love, history of romantic love.

All these touching and cute stories from real life, after reading which you begin to believe that this world is not so bad ...

Here it is - the power of love! So different, but such a real!

I teach English in the social center for disabled and pensioners. So before the start of the lesson, my older students fuss, open notebooks, put on glasses and hearing aids. And here is the 81-year-old student, setting up his auditory apparatus told his wife:

Tell me something.

I love you, she answered in a whisper.

What? - he twisted his device.

They both climbed, and he kissed her gently into the cheek. I need to lead English, and I sob. Love exists!

I am 32. I did not sell Martini in the store (I did not take the passport). The husband shouted through the entire hall: "Yes, sell my daughter, everything is fine."

My grandfather loved the borsch very much. And therefore the grandmother prepared him all over the month, with the exception of one day when I cooked some soup. And it is on this day, having eaten a plate of soup, grandfather said: "Good, of course, the supus, but, Petrovna, could you boil you tomorrow? I missed him insanely. "

For 3 years of relationship I gave me socks, socks! The most common cheap socks! When I opened a "gift" with a suspicious face, something fell out of one and picked up under the sofa. Having restrained the righteous anger, climbed behind him, and there the sorry dust lies the beautiful wedding ring! I get out, I look, and this miracle is kneeling with a blissful smile and says: "Dobby wants to have a master!"

My aunt has three children. It so happened that the middle child is sick of 4 years, part of the brain removed. Permanent resuscitation, expensive medicines. In general, the enemy does not wish. Has a senior, 6 years old, dream of having hair to heaven. Never cut, even the ends did not allow - hysterics at once. Her cool leader calls, he said, did not come to the last lesson. It turned out that, instead of a lesson, she asked some kind of high school students to cut her, to sell her hair and buy the younger medication.

From the moment the newborn daughter began to pronounce the first sounds, I secretly taught her to say the word "mother" for this word to be her first uttered. And then the man came home earlier than usual, and no one heard me. I go into the room with my wife and the child, and the wife of the word "dad" teaches a secret of me by secretly in secret.

Today she asked her husband, why he no longer says that he loves me. He replied that, after I broke his car, the fact itself, that I am still healthy and I live in his house, already serves as the proof of his hot love.

How interesting is Fortuna works: a happy ticket fell on the bus, I ate him, and after ten o'clock with poisoning I got to the hospital where I met all my life.

When I went to school, my mother always walked me in the morning. Now I study in another city a few thousand kilometers, I study at 8:30, and my mother to work to 10, but every morning she calls me at 7 am and wishes good in the morning. Take care of your moms: they are the most valuable thing you have.

Recently, I often hear from others: "Passed", "he was not the one who was before," "she changed" ... My great-grandmother said: imagine your fellow sick and helpless. The disease relieves beauty from a person, and helplessness shows real feelings. You can care for days and nights, feed from the spoon and clean behind him, getting instead only a sense of gratitude - this is love, and everything else is children's whims.

At the cottage with friends, the door slaughters into the house. At night, I wanted to smoke - quietly went outside when everyone slept. Returning - the door is closed. And exactly one minute later my girl comes out into the street, who felt something wrong, woke up and went to look for me. Here it is - the power of love!

Worked in a shop with chocolate products (figures, etc.). I came in a boy of 10-11 years old. In the hands of the pencil. And then he says: "Is there any more than 300 rubles? This is for mom. " I gave him a set, and he poured a bunch of coins on the table. And a penny, and rubles ... sitting, 15 minutes were recalculated, so nice! Mom was very lucky with such a son: probably the last money, and spends on chocolate for mom.

Somehow saw how one old man got acquainted with one old woman at the bus stop. At first he looked at her for a long time, and then threw a few twigs of Lilac, went to this grandmother and said: "This lilac is the same beautiful as you. My name is Ivan". It was so cute. He has something to learn.

The story told by my girlfriend.

She went to the store today with the younger brother (2 years old). He saw a girl, about about 3. grabbed her hand and dragged her. The girl is in tears, and her father was not confused and says: "Get used to, docha, the boys are always strangely showing love."

When I told my mother about the girl who I like, she always asked two questions: "What color is her eyes?" And "What ice cream does she like?" I'm already 40, and my mother has long died, but I still remember that she had green eyes and she loved the cup with chocolate crumb, like my wife.

My story is very interesting. I was in love with the kindergarten in Timur. He is pretty and kind. I even went to school for the sake of him. We studied, and my love grew up and fastened, but Tim had no response to me. The girl was constantly around him, he enjoyed it, flirted with them, but did not pay attention to me. I was constantly jealous and cried, but I could not confess your feelings. School from our 9 classes. I lived in a small village, and then went to the city with my parents. He entered the medical college, and healed quietly, peacefully. When I reappeted in the first year, then in May I was sent to practice to the area where I lived before. But I was sent there not one ... When I traveled on a minibus to the village of Native, I sat next to Timur. He became an adult and more beautiful. These thoughts made me blush. I still loved him! He noticed me and smiled. Then he sat down and began to ask me about life. I told him and asked about his life. It turned out that he lives in the city where I live, and is studying at a medical college, where and I study. He is the second student sent to our district hospital. I confessed during the conversation that I love him very much. And he told me that he loved me himself ... then a kiss, long and sweet. We did not pay attention to people in a minibus, and drowned in a sea of \u200b\u200btenderness.
We still learn together and are going to become great doctors.

Everything happens in life! And love has not only everything, but everything in the world!

"Zhenya Plus Zhenya"

He lived - there was a girl in Zhenya .... Doesn't this start remind of anything? Yes Yes! Almost the well-known and wonderful fairy tale "Tsvetik-Semicetics" begins.

In fact, everything begins otherwise ... The girl named Zhenya was eighteen. Literally a few days remained to school graduation. She did not expect anything special from the holiday, but I was going to participate in it. The dress was already cooked. Shoes - too.

When the day of the graduation came, Zhenka changed his mind even to go where she planned. But Katya's girlfriend "set up" her for previous plans. Zhenya surprised that she for the first time (in all her life) was not late for the event. She came to him a second in a second and did not believe her clock!

An award for such a "feat" it was acquainted with the guy of her dreams, which, by the way, was also a Zhenkina Tiska.

Zhenya and Zhenya met nine years. And the tenth decided to get married. Decided and did it! Then we went to the wedding trip, to Turkey. In such a romantic period, they also did not leave themselves without "humorism" ...

They went to the massage. They were spent this pleasant procedure in the same room, but different people. Since masseurs spoke poorly in Russian, the atmosphere was already special. Of course, masseurs - a specialist was interesting to know the names of their "guests". That that made a massage wife, asked her name. The second masseuse recognized the name of her husband's husband. Name coincidence, apparently, really liked the masseuses. And they made one of this solid jokes ... .. We began to namely call the wife, to turn around, reacted and he shuddered and she. It looked funny!

"Long-awaited ship of love"

Galya girl received an education in a private and prestigious higher educational institution. Years flying for her very quickly. In the third year, they "scored" run, because the check mark met her true love. The aunt bought her a two-room apartment in a good rash, and Sasha (her young man) made her repair. They lived peacefully and happily. The only thing that Galya is long got used to the long-term business trips from Sasha. He is a sailor. Galya did not see him for four months. The guy came to the week - another and leaving again. And Galya missed and waited, waited and missed ....

She was boring and sad because Sanya was against dogs and cats, and Gale was lonely waiting for his return. And here "turned up" a single-line girl who needed an apartment (a room in it). They began to live together, even Sasha was and against such residence.

Tatyana (Single group Gali) changed her life like no other. This quiet, which believed in God, led Sasha at Gali. What survived the girl - only her knows. But a little time passed, and Sasha returned to his beloved. Beglore her about forgiveness, because I realized my "tough" error. And the galuma forgave ... Forgiven, but did not forget. And hardly forget. Like the fact that he told her on that very day his return: "She was very similar to you. Your main difference is that you were not home, and Tanya was always like that. I'm somewhere leaving - I'm calm, I do not worry that she will run away somewhere from me. You are another thing! But I realized that you were the best and I do not want to lose you. "

Tanya went away from the life of lovers. All began to improve. Now Galka is waiting for not only the ship of love with the owner of her heart, but also the day of their wedding. It has already been assigned and no one is going to change the date.

This story of us teaches us that real love never dies that there is no interference in real love.

"New Year's parting - the beginning of a new love"

Vitaly and Maria fell in love so much that they were going to get married. Vitaly gave Masha Kolyvko, admitted to love any thousand times .... At first everything was so great as in the movie. But soon "the weather of the relationship" began to deteriorate. And the new year a couple noted no longer together .... Vitaly called the girl and said the following: "You are very cool! Thank you for everything. I was incredibly well with you, but we are forced to part. So it will be better not only to me, but also you believe! I'll call you yet. " The tears from the eyes of the girl flowed with streams, lips, hands and cheeks trembled. Her beloved threw the tube .... Favorite left her forever, trampled love .... It happened almost at midnight of the new year ....

Maria rushed to the pillow and continued to cry. She would be glad to stop, but she did not succeed. The body did not want to obey her. She thought: "This is the first New Year holiday, which I was destined to meet in a complete loneliness and with such a deepest injury ...". But the guy who lived in the neighboring entrance, "created" another turn of events for her. What did he make such an unearthly? He just called and invited her to celebrate a magic holiday. The girl unscrewed a long time. It was hard for her (tears interfered). But friend "won" Maria! She surrendered. She gathered, made it, took a bottle of tasty wine, a bag with delicious candies, and ran to Andrey (so called a friend - Savior).

A friend introduced her to another his friend. Which, a few hours later, became her boyfriend. So it happens! Andryukha, like the rest of the guests, got drunk and went to bed. And Maria and Sergey (friend Andrei) remained talking in the kitchen. They did not notice how dawn met. And none of the guests believed that nothing but conversations were between them.

When it was necessary to diverge home, Seryozha wrote his mobile number on the gambling of the newspaper. Masha did not answer the same. She promised that he would call. Maybe someone will not believe, but she kept his promise after a few days, when this New Year's mood was easier.

When the next date of the Mushki and earrings took place .... The first phrase, which the guy uttered, was: "If something is expensive, you will find it better, it is necessary!".

Seryozha helped forget the Masha of the man who brought her millions of suffering. The fact that they love each other understood immediately, but they were afraid to admit to themselves ...

Continued. . .