What if I fell in love with a guy. The most difficult situations. Choosing the right tactics

Almost every girl once in her life wonders: What should I do if I fell in love with a guy who does not notice me? And so, your problem is that you constantly steal a glance at the boy you like, you can’t get him out of your head and your heart is pounding all the time when the guy walks by?

You keep dreaming that he will finally notice you. But the trouble is, the martyr doesn’t even know your name and doesn’t suspect at all that someone is madly in love with him. Let's try to help solve this global problem with a few tips. And we hope they will help you realize your dream and make you happy.

1. It's important to make a good impression. The way you present yourself for the first time is the most memorable and will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, a great first impression is the way to success! If the guy already has a girlfriend, then it is better to abandon this idea. We are sure that in your city there are still many free and beautiful boys whom you can attract without getting into someone else's happiness.

2. Fell in love with a guy who is older than you? Put on a pretty dress. It should be noted that in our time, for some reason, teenagers wear dresses, choosing it from 3 categories: either it is dirty, or too defiant, or it makes you look like a mature woman. When wearing dresses, make sure that you do not belong to any of these categories. The best way to attract a young man is to wear nice clothes that will make you stand out and only enhance your natural beauty.

3. Try to make friends with his friends. If you are afraid and uncomfortable to approach the guy of your dreams directly, then choose a workaround. Try to make friends with someone from his company. After all, the more time you spend with his friends, the more likely the guy will finally notice you and talk to you. Moreover, this is a good chance to learn more about him and introduce yourself.

4. Find out his preferences and what the em likes. Try to find out what the young man is fond of. After all, if in the company of his friends, you show that you know a lot about his hobbies and start praising him, then this will bring you a positive result. You will really rise in his eyes and the guy will begin to show interest in you. For example, he is fond of football and his favorite team is Spartak. Then, search the Internet for information about the composition of the team, what matches did they play, where did they win, where did they lose?

5. What should I do if I fell in love with a guy who does not notice me? Be part of his passion, even if you didn't like it before. For example, if a guy plays volleyball or basketball on the school team. Then become a fan of this sport, try to come to all its matches. The boy will notice that you are not indifferent to his passion and try to share his joy. This is a good excuse to be in his company more often and finally talk to him.

6. Ask him for help, because men love to feel needed. Take and ask to move or move something heavy. Or, for example, help you solve a math problem. And if you let him know that you appreciate his help, it will give you extra points in favor of your efforts to win his heart.

7. Smile more often. Smiling makes the face radiant. Self-confidence is the number one beauty secret of every young girl. So use it often and in large doses! Guys love happy and smiling girls!

8. Don't know what to do if you fell in love with a guy who lives in another city? Write to him first in the social. networks, ask how you are and actively engage in dialogue. If everything works out for you, then it will be easy to come and meet. Many couples meet at a distance, and this only makes their love stronger.

9. If you fell in love with a guy who does not notice you, and after your first steps he still does not make contact, then you should leave him alone and think about yourself. After all, you definitely do not need to exhaust yourself with unrequited love.

Try our little tips for yourself, and suddenly something will work out!

If you love a guy: how to tell a guy that you love him?

How to behave with the guy you love?

There is no need for any hints or intricacies of any kind. Say "I love you" and that's it. It is important that you can tell him this. By the way, not everyone decides to be recognized. Girls, as a rule, expect the very first step from men.

Why not make it yourself?- Pride? Rave! It is inappropriate when the cup of feelings is full. Well, with a caveat: if you really have feelings, if you love ...

Your reactions to his reactions:

You say: "I love you", he does not believe

He thinks you're just kidding. Dissuade him of this: give facts, be frank, explain, talk.

You confess with all sincerity your love for him. Him: "I love you too"

Do not ask in detail why he did not immediately tell you about this. The main thing is your reciprocity. Seal it with real kisses.

Does not react at all and leaves (runs away)

Leave him, don't worry. Perhaps you shocked him. He needs to think about everything. If he decides something, he will return.

Says he has another

You - in tears, hands and knees - in trembling. Calm down girl. There are many such cases. But tears and trembling are just an emotional flow. Come to terms with the words. If you can, talk to him. But do not interfere in his life if he loves another ...

You wrote him a detailed confession

He tore it up without even reading it. Draw conclusions: do you need such a heartless "gentleman"? Such a person is cruel and ill-mannered.

He said you're not his type

You quietly began to hate the whole world. Do not despair and do not be upset. Your heart will continue to beat evenly over time. You understand, heart - do not order. Who tried - lost.

Do you know how my friend confessed her love to a guy?

I came to him in my car with a cake and champagne, all so beautiful. How surprised he was! Usually men do this, but here .... Probably guys are amazed at how girls like to break stereotypes. A friend of mine suggested, about three months ago, as a joke, to open an "association of burglars of stereotypes." This friend is also aware of the act of my girlfriend. He admires her. Open. He says that he would dream that the girl did this to him. Yes, that's just the girls do not dare. A friend is waiting - hoping.

A friend who originally confessed her love is the wife of the one she loves. How lucky she is! Are you jealous? Change the color of envy from black to white. Repeat her feat. Anything can be original. Doesn't have to be repeated.

Original ways to say you love

Originality options:

  1. You are sitting in a cafe. You take a napkin, quietly write a confession on it and give it to your loved one. He will read it, look into your eyes and you will immediately understand everything.
  2. You are walking down the street in company. You take him aside, pull out a lighter from your purse that says "I love you." The lighter can be the most ordinary. What matters is what is written on it.
  3. Buy a huge envelope (or do it yourself). Buy a pretty postcard. On it, leaving no empty space, write everything that you feel, experience and think. You can draw something if you want and think that you can draw beautifully. You can put the envelope under his door or place it neatly in the mailbox so that it does not fall out.
  4. Buy markers. Use them to write a confession on a huge sheet of paper. Attach the sheet where he (your loved one) happens most often. You probably know all of his habitats.
  5. Write a common notebook in a box with verses and confessions. Write down everything you see. Give a notebook to your dear and beloved. He will read everything you write. And save it without throwing it away. But, before reading it, he will begin to be very surprised.
  6. A confession can also be written on a cigarette. Knowing in advance that he will ask you, her. Write about love on the "light" side of the cigarette. It is impossible not to notice him. He won't even smoke it.
  7. Write a hundred love letters. Send them by email. If you do not know the address - ask or find out somehow. Don't say you don't know what to write about: love is a topic that you can write about endlessly.
  8. What to do? - Write a song dedicated to him, pick up the chords. Sing it along with a guitar in nature, on occasion. When you sing, say to whom you dedicated it. Do not be afraid and do not be shy to do it in front of everyone. Are you in love with this guy? If you love, then ... go ahead.

What not to do at all:

  1. Get a tattoo with his name. If you do it, you may regret it, because it is not known how and what will happen to you. Imagine what will happen if you are happy with another, and that other notices your tattoo. He will be uncomfortable. Yes, and you ....
  2. "Begging" from him reciprocity. If you confessed, and you see that you are not for him…. Do not run after him, do not threaten, do not cry, do not put pressure on pity. Useless way to "get" a loved one.
  3. Talk constantly about love, even if you noticed (or know for sure) that you are completely indifferent to him, like a girl. Guys hate obsession despite the fact that they themselves are meticulous in this regard.
  4. Try to lure him into intimate relationships. It will not work out well: you will expose yourself in his eyes in not the best light (to put it mildly). He may think that you are just an "easy" lady who allows herself to be taken advantage of.
  5. Restrain yourself in confessions. What do you think you would achieve by staying silent? Nothing! I would ruffle my nerves in the unknown, drink liters of coffee, smoke a pack a day (of course, we are talking about cigarettes). Good - zero. Strive for the best.
  6. Sobbing non-stop into the pillow. Just soak the pillowcase and that's it. Do you need tearful rains? They will pass like any others, but will not change anything. And you need change, not empty static (immutability).
  7. Take out on others. It's not anyone's fault that things turned out this way for you. People would be happy to help you, but that's just you break down and do not tell what the essence of your problem is. Not everyone can read minds. And you probably don't either.
  8. Fall hopelessly into depression. She is not a medicine that will cure you. No matter how many people tried to save her, it did not help even once.

True love ... Poems, poems and entire novels are dedicated to her. It brings joy, happiness. From sincere, true love, the sky becomes clearer, and the sun brighter.

Is it true that everything is beautiful, everything is perfect? When love is mutual. What if I fell in love with a guy who loves another? How to act, how to live, how to survive and not go crazy?

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Photo gallery: What to do if I fell in love with a guy who loves another

How many girls asked themselves this question, but not all of them found an answer that would satisfy them.

Pragmatists and cynics most often say in such a situation: forget it. You will forget it here, if the other one constantly stands before your eyes, and thoughts are spinning in your head: why is she better, why is she so special, why the hell is this not me? And the worst thing is, in addition to everything else, you also know that she doesn’t love him. Yes, your special, extraordinary, the best, for her - just an empty place.

Anger, resentment, irritation, possibly hatred. The whole spectrum of feelings covers with a head. And you just don't know what to think and how to act. Of course, you can hate her, because it's her, yes, yes, it was she who spoiled and broke everything. Even if this third side of your love triangle knows neither about your love nor about his. Anyway, it's all her fault. You can send her megatons of hatred, curse, wish all the worst of the worst. This makes it easier. For a while.

What if you can't hate her? What if, for example, she is your friend? If she loves him and cannot live without him? And if you, you yourself love her, appreciate her. What then? What to do? Tell her, putting your friendship to the test, or maybe keep silent, and when the truth is revealed, and she will definitely open, just lose a friend and live on with double pain in your soul.

And now you are already banging your head against the wall, crying, cursing the whole world and not seeing a solution to the question: what should I do if I fell in love with a guy who loves another?

What to do? First, move away from the wall. If you knock out your brains, then you definitely won’t find a solution, because there’s nothing to think about. Departed? Well done. Now drink something soothing and try to calm down. And it's better to sleep. With a fresh mind, it is easier to make the right decisions.

So, you're as fresh and rested as possible of course. Fine. Now you can begin to understand the situation.

What to do if he loves another, and she loves him too. I mean, they are a couple. Here you have only two choices: let go or fight for the guy. Letting go, of course, is difficult, painful and unbearable, at first. But in this situation, this is the only correct solution. Even if you think otherwise and want to fight. Well, analyze for yourself: he loves her. LOVES. How are you going to eradicate this love? You can't play fair here. So, you are purposefully, and forgive me, vilely, you are going to destroy the relationship. In other words, you will hurt him. But when they love, they wish happiness. Not with you. Just happiness. So maybe it's not love at all. In addition, let's say you still make him fall out of love with another and be with you. You won’t be able to live in peace, because you will always know that if you were able to take him away from her, then another one of the same, infinitely in love, will be able to take him away from you. Is it possible to call a happy life when you constantly feel fear? Answer these questions and think again about the option to let go.

Scenario two: he loves her, she doesn't love him. Here everything looks much brighter and more promising. At first sight. Of course, you can show that you are a true friend, that you understand him, that you are ready to help and support, that no one is better than you. Over time, he will forget her and realize that you are perfect. Unfortunately, this is mostly the case in movies. In real life, the percentage of such an outcome is negligible. Of course, you can still take a risk, but remember that it is quite possible that you will suffer, because we will not achieve the result that you so expect.

Because, most of the time, love doesn't go that fast. And if a person suffers because of an unrequited feeling, the one who at that moment offers him his love simply becomes a substitute, a way to forget, to cause jealousy. Even if your loved one sincerely tries to build a relationship, it is far from a fact that he will succeed. The fact is that with the help of you, he will forcibly eradicate feelings for another from himself. And violence causes irritation and hatred. And all this negativity, sooner or later, it will splash out in your direction. And then you will be a hundred times more sick. After all, you have already managed to give him your soul, and he turned out to be an ungrateful pig. And even worse, he will eventually forget past feelings and fall in love. But not you. And a completely outsider girl who does not even know about all his recent spiritual upheavals. I. in fact, there is nothing to blame him for. Because, in most cases, between one and the second love there should be a transition, a bridge that makes you move away from one edge and step on the other. You can stand on the bridge for a long time. But no one has lived there yet. It's a shame, annoying, but true.

And now let's think about the most painful and unpleasant scenario: me, my girlfriend and him. This is really the problem. The little man to whom you were always ready to tell everything makes you angry. You want to stop hating her. And you can't. After all, you are already in love! You want to tell everything, but you don't have the strength. In this case, probably, the relationship with a girlfriend can become a bigger problem. Think about whether you are ready to fight against her, in fact, ruin her life. If yes, then yes, and not a friend at all. And if not. Then you should tell her everything. I'm sure she already feels that something is wrong, suspects, but does not dare to speak out loud. And she worries. Therefore, it is best to talk honestly and decide what to do.

A real friend will understand, because you can’t command your heart. And if she condemns you, then this person is not worth the high title of "friend." You can take my word for it, after such a conversation it will become easier. Let not by much, but still easier. And even if you decide to move away for a while, she will know the reason, and not be lost in conjecture and worry. After all, no matter how much we love, no matter how worried, it often happens that guys come and go, but friendship remains forever.

I had such a situation, my girlfriend made friends with a boy that I liked. They started walking together and then we were like me, she and another friend were sitting on the bench and she tells me that she likes him and she knows that I like him too. I just told her, yes, I still can’t change my luck and left. Then I often watched how they walked and even kissed, and I just stood there and envied. I was not beautiful then, I realized that after all, beauty is not important, but no one loved me just because I was not beautiful.

My friend fell in love with a guy who was in prison not long ago for stealing... He is a friend of her brother. This guy with whom she fell in love also shows sympathy for her, but nothing shines for them, because he is a friend of his brother and his brother will simply kill her, but what could she even think about this, about a criminal .... She is all exhausted , constantly waiting for him at our school (he sometimes comes for his younger sister) thinks about him. He often hangs out at their entrance with friends, she spins there all the time .... She says that if he falls in love with some girl and everything is serious with them, then she will not bear it ...... How should she be ?? Help with advice, sorry girl .... ((

Help me please! What should I do? I am in the 5th grade, I fell in love with one boy, my girlfriend loves him too and they are already dating! I told him what I love! But he says not fate! This girl is leaving for Moscow soon, but will come on vacation or will come forever! Because she loves him too, I don't want to be friends with her. I was even sad one day (I tried to make him notice it). And the long-awaited happened, he wrote to me: What happened to you today? I wrote - I was sad. Well, there we talked about cleanliness. He used to love me and my girlfriend equally, but you see, I didn’t show any signs. What to do? Help! He knows about my feelings, but he doesn't love me! What should I do?

Here I am even worse. My friend has loved one boy since 4th grade (now we are in 7th grade). But in the 6th grade he found a girlfriend for himself (she is very beautiful, many go crazy over her), but she does not really love him, they constantly quarrel. And recently they put us together with him, and we fooled around, fought with textbooks, called names, argued, quarreled, hugged each other, etc. (well, you know). Once he even wrote on my hand "Beautiful loshara". And I realized that I love him. My friend did not speak. One day we were rehearsing at school and he was behind the curtain. I approached him, he looked at me, approached me close, close ... and .... we touched our noses! He turned his head to the right, almost touched his lips... AND HERE THE FUCKING TEACHER! HERE IS WHO ASKED IT! she leaned in, opened the curtain and said, "Get up quickly." The next day we were seated because we talked a lot. He didn’t bother me anymore, and didn’t pay attention to me. Before that, we corresponded in his VK, but then he closed his page from me. Here...

You know, in your situation, you need not show sadness, longing for a guy, you just need to be yourself. And I was outraged by what you write, he loved me and my girlfriend equally! How so? Is he a bastard? You can love once and one person! The fact that he took an interest in you does not mean that he liked you, and he will leave her for you !!! I have a girlfriend, and she has a boyfriend, I like him madly, but for him there is no better than his beloved!!! Maybe you're just lost in feelings?! Somewhere there is that person who will fall in love with you, and he will need you! And now it’s worth talking with a friend, and you can’t stop talking, because a guy can leave her, and you will remain a friend! It hurts you to look at their relationship, but imagine how painful it will be for her to look at you !! And to imagine that you were her friend could do that!! Understand yourself, but rather try to change something, maybe there is a person nearby who will be needed just for you!?*

You know, he's probably just scared! He is afraid of relationships! Or did not understand the feelings! After all, he still has a girlfriend, and after all, she loves him! Frequent quarrels are not a sign of fading feelings! Before him, perhaps the choice was you or his girlfriend! But here you need to know the situation! Suddenly you misunderstood the situation behind the curtain! It was a momentary hobby, and everyone is sitting at their desks! Maybe he considers you a friend, but no more. From the beginning, try to find out if he has a relationship with his girlfriend, if not, then you need to take action, if there is a relationship, then back off! Find yourself another, but the situation that was may not be perceived by you correctly! Try not to think about it and switch, and there are many beautiful things in the world! He himself admits if necessary!

I love one boy very much. He lives in another city. I don't know what to do, I can't live without him. It's such a strange situation. Every summer I go to one city, he lives in the yard where my grandmother lives. At first I just fell in love, well, and then I think I went crazy when I left there. So the whole school year I thought only about him. Well, until next summer, there is quite a bit left. One month left, I don’t know if I will go there or not, and if I will see him. Here is my situation. I don't know, but I think I'm going crazy and I think he loves another girl. I so want him to fall in love with me as much as I love him. Yes, this is my first sincere love. Like this

I feel bad. I like my friend a lot. Last summer, I confessed to him. At first he was normal, and then stupidly ignored the whole year. Then removed from friends. I found out from a friend that he has a girlfriend. He confirmed. It seems to me that he is lying. Yesterday we met on the street. Our eyes just crossed paths. I started to smile, and today when we were at the garages, he went out to the balcony. I thought what to do when he goes out for a walk. It's heavy breathing...

It is not necessary to be beautiful or not, the main thing is what is in your soul! Here on the forum they describe such "friends" who either take the guys away, or they meet with those that you like. And you know, I'm one of them. I tried for a very long time to get love from my friend's boyfriend, but all in vain. You will probably judge me, but I really love him very much, and for a long time I persuaded my girlfriend to give him away, even tried to bewitch! Now they broke up, by the way thanks to me, but alas, we are not together! A friend was not offended, and does not know what I should listen to from her what a goat he is! After all, I just love him, you can’t order your heart, you can’t tell him that this is a friend’s boyfriend! We are called bitches, homeowners, but believe me, we are deeply tender in our souls, we just fell in love with him just like you! For half a year I have been trying to get him, but there is no attention, only insults! You know, I'll probably never love anyone more than this! Many people run after me, but they are either older or very broken! And I need him!

You know, I recently fell in love through the Internet. You may say that this is stupid, but this feeling is killing me. But we have a 15 year difference. We are both roleplayers and often roleplay together. In general, we did not even communicate, but recently, when his girlfriend left for the camp (she is 15, he is 28), he became lonely. It as though seduced me in role. I fell in love with him without a memory, but the problem is that he does not love me. I somehow live normally with this, but it seems that I am also turning into a homemaker. I know that this is not serious, but I so want to be needed by him. I'm sorry to take up your time, but I need advice. Very soon his girlfriend will return, and I will fade into the background. Now he said that only mine. He knows about my feelings and does not try to get rid of me, but rather help get rid of it, because he has become attached to me and he does not give a damn about my feelings. Your help is very much needed.

Quote: Just Me

I fell in love with a friend who, I know from childhood, he and my brother were best friends. We still communicate, but he does not see me as a girl (what to do with such a character). He calmly talked about his ex, and in general about his acquaintances, how they came to his dacha, etc., showed pictures on the phone, and I'm sure that this is not in order to "cause my jealousy" (as I a hundred pounds would have been written in the comments) after all, I have known him all my life. He is a lover of jokes, and of course, and it was not without a joke addressed to me, well, how can I say jokes ... every day he teases me! I have been in love with him for 5 years now, when his friend told me that he likes another girl, it hurt me a lot, more painful than all his stories and pictures, I just don’t know what to do, because it seems that I’m already in love too much ...

You know, you most likely fell in love with the image. Yes, yes, exactly the image of your brother's friend. He definitely became a friend to you too, but here's the problem as you wrote yourself: he doesn't see you as a girl! And this is the biggest problem in my opinion. But you didn't say anything about age. How old are you? him? Maybe he's older than you and you just like him for it. After all, girls often like guys many times older than themselves. You also wrote that you love him for 5 years, what is the question in five years you have not met a guy who you would like? Or did no one like you? Maybe you're too immersed in your own fiction? After all, he trusted you, told you a lot, you can say he was friends with you! But often we do not see the boundaries between friendship and relationships. But it's in vain! You were counting on some kind of relationship, but in return you received only communication and friendship. That's why you're lost between reality and fiction. It's time for you to remember that you can love another, that your person is walking somewhere, who can become the most important person in your life. If you want, you really want to rise from this unrequited love, then first you need to change dramatically. Start to radically change your appearance, style of clothing, manners, and then you yourself will notice how you will no longer be interested in his life, you will notice that this is just a friend and nothing more. For now, just find yourself another hobby, do not wind yourself up with thoughts about his girlfriend. I understand that it is very difficult for you, but it is necessary for you!!! Therefore, let's slowly come to reality and write how old you and him are !!! Good luck...

Quote: I

I love him until I lose my pulse, and he looks at me, says that he will think and maybe we will be together, and on the same day he walks and hugs another. What does it mean?

No matter how rude it may sound, but maybe you are his backup option, it may also be that he feels sorry for you and with these words he is trying to somehow calm you down.

I love the guy, and he loves my girlfriend, but he likes me, he said this. We communicate with him, walk in the same company, when it's cold he gives me his jacket, sits next to me, looks at me, smiles. I don't know what to do, tell me please. I'm 16, he's 18, but he's modest.

Dilemma "Santa Barbara" in the entourage of the landfill.
My childhood friend started dating a guy. He introduced her to his friends (namely, the airsoft team), she quickly became friends with everyone, and then gradually began to fall in love with their commander. The guy turned into a jealous Moor and they parted. And then I met their commander ... And I fell in love not little by little, but immediately. He also showed me signs of attention. A friend stood in the position "I will not give up!" and I, having expressed my negative attitude towards such dibile melodramas, washed off from the arena of actions - well, what the hell, my nerve cells are still dear to me! I went crazy for a month or two, and then I (see below) was not up to it. The commander did not agree to be with her, because. this is not friendly of him towards her boyfriend.

A friend returned to her boyfriend, his jealousy attacks were gone and, in my opinion, they are happy. The commander got a new girl - alas and ah - not me. Although with such melodramas (I can’t stand them!) - perhaps this is fortunate. But I entered a technical university and drive frightened flocks of students (there are no female students at all). And with the commander, and with a friend, and with her boyfriend, I maintained a warm relationship. As a friend, the commander turned out to be a much better option for me than as a guy (only the new girl is jealous of me, which is a little frustrating). Everyone is doing well, although some nostalgia sometimes covers ... But this is so - when there is nothing else to do.

P.S. If they figure it out and find out that I made this public, then I will be encrusted with bullets. Oh no no no! So it remains only to be glad that not a single self-respecting airsoft player will come here, and I can share such a story.

I fell in love with a guy. I recently moved to a new school, at first it was scary. But then after 2 weeks I got used to it. I made friends with new classmates, everyone treats me well, well, except for individuals. Here, I’m sitting on a bench, joking with a classmate, as he passes into a friend. I'm in 7th grade, he's in 8th. I fell in love with him right away. A classmate, Katya, says that it was love at first sight and she pushed me to an important step. Get to know this guy. How could it be! I took the liberty of approaching him to meet him. Honestly, I did not expect! We chatted, joked, he smiled sweetly at me. We soon got to know each other better. And he started walking me home. And once again he accompanies me to the house, we stop. And he confesses his love to me! I'm shocked! I don't know what to answer him. I probably stood for 20 seconds, looked at him. And she said I like him too. Then we started dating. Everyone envied me, as he is a handsome boy, cheerful, the soul of the company. And so, I decided to introduce him to my girlfriend, who studied with me in the old school. Once I promised my friend that I would introduce her to my boyfriend when I moved to a new school. And now this day has come. We met and I started introducing them. Everything went well. By evening we parted ways. After 2 days, my friend calls and asks me to meet. I come to a meeting and she tells me that she has fallen in love with my boyfriend. Then she began to ask me to give it to her. I didn't know what to say. I love my boyfriend and I don't want to give him away. Well, I don't want to lose my girlfriend either. I told my friend that I would think about it. I consulted with my boyfriend. He said that he simply would not see her and communicate with her. Then I consulted with my classmate. She offered me to talk to her friend about cleanliness. I do not even know. I do not want to break friendship, I am very afraid of losing my girlfriend! Help me please!

I love one boy. He studies in a parallel class. At first we started chatting online: he and his 3 friends and me with my 3 girlfriends. Gradually, we all began to walk together. From that moment he immediately knew that I liked him (he was told by his friend, probably it was noticeable)!! Then I realized that I love him, but at that moment he liked a girl who was a year older than him. She had a boyfriend, so I knew that they would definitely not succeed. I was right, and after a few months they completely stopped talking. After all this, we finally began to communicate quite often, but then everything somehow suddenly stopped. Then I found out that he was in love with my best friend! And his best friend began to stick to me ... well, how to stick, he just talked to me in such a way that I immediately realized that he likes me ... he is very kind and sweet, but that's what disgusted me ... It seemed to me that if someone attacks us, then most likely I will defend him, and not he me, and therefore I simply did not imagine us together ... if I find out that someone I don’t like likes me, then it starts me to twist his presence, it becomes disgusting and uncomfortable for me ..)) So, I found out that my beloved boy offered to meet my best friend, but she refused him, because she does not love him .. It seems that you can calm down, but he then he loves her ... It was summer. I don’t know how it is now, but it still seems to me that he loves her, and recently I found out that he even painted her (also in the summer). I sit and cry, I don't know what to do. Why is everything so unfair? I love him, he loves another, and she loves another too, a love triangle...

Falling in love is a feeling that arises completely unexpectedly and without any warning.

Therefore, when a girl realizes that “I have fallen in love,” a number of painful questions arise.

First of all, it is worth distinguishing between concepts. Most likely you were covered by a second feeling and there is nothing to worry about.

Choosing the right tactics

But even a light and heady feeling of falling in love makes girls nervous, wondering: I fell in love, what should I do?

It is necessary to choose the right tactics and find out as much as possible about the person of interest. It is possible that the veil before your eyes will fall immediately after a closer acquaintance.

  1. Collection of information- every girl can turn into Miss Marple if necessary. This is just the case. Get to know him better: what he is fond of, tastes and preferences, etc. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to do this purely personally. Connect your friends, so you can recognize a man from all sides and not arouse suspicion in your direction.
  2. Is it mutual? This is probably the most important question that worries a girl in love. In fact, revealing his attitude is a very simple task. Men do not have natural cunning and cannot hide their feelings. If he likes you, he will always look at you, take an interest in you and follow you with his eyes.
  3. decisive action- if you do not want to directly declare sympathy, then you can organize "random" meetings and fateful collisions. Having met by chance at the cinema, show all your charm so that the chosen one wants to go to the next session with you.
  4. Step back- now that the work done is bearing fruit, it's time to give up positions and leave the initiative in the hands of the guy.
  5. Long awaited reciprocity- after his courtship and romantic meetings, you can say the long-awaited "yes". In this case, all the trump cards will be with you. After all, it was he who drew attention to you and achieved reciprocity.

How not to become a slave of love?

I'm falling in love ... It would seem that a wonderful proposal, filled with deep meaning. However, feelings often make us slaves to their desires.

A girl in love becomes dependent on the man she is in love with. Their meetings and conversations are of particular importance. The girl tries her best to please him, choosing her words carefully and laughing out loud at his jokes.

Choosing such tactics, the girl often loses her "I" and the man feels it. Thus, the strategy of the ideal girl fails miserably.

You should not impose yourself on the chosen one, show your best sides, try to charm him and let him go. If you make an impression, he will definitely come back.

How to behave:

  1. Remember your goals, aspirations and desires - you must be a self-sufficient and developed person. Do not forget about what you wanted to achieve in life before you fell in love.
  2. Do not dismiss the attention of other men - as long as your communication is at the level of several meetings, you can accept the attention of other men. So the hunter's instinct will work for him, and you can compare whether he is so good.
  3. Take everything around with humor - even if your communication is not going the way you wanted, do not get depressed and do not become melancholy.
  4. Give him the reins of government and the right to initiative.

What if the situation is a little more difficult?

Not always love can be simple and unambiguous. There are a number of examples where one's own feelings can be destructive. For example, if a girl fell in love with a colleague, or a married man.

Here a difficult situation arises when it is necessary to make a strong-willed decision. Are you ready to become the reason for the breakup of the family for the sake of your happiness? Or do you prefer to hide your love in the hope that it will pass?

If your sympathy fell on a lonely colleague, then you should act like this:

  1. You see each other often, so you always look stunning.
  2. Become a part of office life, show how you know how to start easy conversations.
  3. Take the opportunity to get close at a corporate party.
  4. Always smile at work, he constantly looks around at you.
  5. Forget about competing with the object of desire.
  6. Try to arrange a joint business trip.

Falling in love is a warm and intoxicating feeling that is worth enjoying. Even if it turned out to be not mutual, you should not be upset and worried.

Take possible problems on the love front as a valuable experience. After all, to love is no less beautiful than to be loved! Author: Ekaterina Volkova

"I love my friend's boyfriend" - psychologists very often hear such a confession from young girls. At the same time, unfortunately, such feelings often get in the way of female friendship, destroy it. From this situation it is necessary to find a way out.

Sometimes it happens that a girl falls in love with her friend's boyfriend.

She perfectly understands that she should not feel sympathy for a close friend of her friend, but she cannot forget the young man. The situation is complicated by the fact that she has to see the guy all the time. And in fact, it is very painful - to feel love towards a young person, but not be able to say it.

If the guy lets the girl know that he also feels some sympathy, then the situation becomes even more confusing. The girl faces a difficult choice. She needs to either permanently abandon the guy and continue to communicate with her friend, or betray her friend and start dating her boyfriend.

A serious conversation will help to understand the situation. A girl who falls in love with someone else's boyfriend needs to talk to her friend first. She should find out how serious her feelings for him are. If there is a trusting relationship between the girls, then it is quite acceptable to talk about your sympathy. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify that no one is going to destroy the couple. If the relationship between young people is serious, then perhaps you should suppress your passion, since any attempts to attract the attention of a guy will end in the collapse of a long-term friendship. In addition, it will look very ugly from the outside and will be considered a betrayal.

Two girlfriends and a boyfriend can be in the grip of a love triangle. It is very important to act correctly in this situation. Do not ignore a friend, even if you really want to improve your personal life. Most likely, nothing good will come of it.

If a friend treats a young man without any seriousness and for her he is just a fleeting hobby, then perhaps she herself will refuse him.

To do this, you need to show her how valuable her friendship and her opinion are. In addition, a frank conversation cannot but bribe. Every girl will be pleased to know that her friend is extremely honest with her.

If the relationship of a friend with her boyfriend is serious enough and the girl does not plan to end it at all, it is better to try to suppress the feeling of falling in love. In most cases, this is quite easy to do. Psychologists say that young girls are very amorous. Often they mistake ordinary sympathy for love.

In order to get rid of the obsessive feeling, you need to try to see your friend's boyfriend less often. Do not look for reasons to meet him. It is better to be distracted by your favorite hobby, to meet with your friends more often. It is possible that very soon love will begin to pass. Thanks to this, it will be possible to maintain a good relationship with a girlfriend. It is better for a girl to look for a guy on her own, and not to look at young people of close acquaintances. It is necessary to wait for the only one who will immediately pay attention to her and distinguish her, and not her friend, from all the other representatives of the fair sex.

To the question of what to do if you fell in love with a friend's boyfriend, no one can give a definite answer. Psychologists can only suggest what will happen if a girl sacrifices her moral principles. The decision, in any case, she must make herself.

Girlfriends often like the same guy. If a girl likes a friend's boyfriend, then she must decide for herself what to do in this situation. Perhaps you should open up or try to find out how strong their relationship is, then think about what to do next.