What to do the test showed. How does a pregnancy test work and what to do with a positive result

Thanks to the fact that at one time were invented tests for early detection of pregnancy , a woman can get a positive result long before the gynecologist confirms the happy news. You can be sure that you are pregnant already in the first weeks after conception. If you use the test correctly, you can get the most accurate result.

But for this you need to know exactly how to do the test, which one to buy, when to conduct it and when you can find out about pregnancy. All the features of express pregnancy diagnostics, as well as how to choose the best test, which ones are better to use in a certain period, and how to understand the result, are described in this article.

How does it work?

The mechanism of all pregnancy tests is the same: they determine whether a woman's urine contains human chorionic gonadotropin hormone(hcg) , which begins to be produced in the body after attachment in the uterus of the embryo. That is, during the test, the result appears when hCG appears in the urine of a woman after conception.

Positive result "two stripes" in the photo

Women are always interested in when the exact result of the test will show. It should be noted that the amount of hCG after conception increases every day, but immediately after fertilization, only specialists can determine that a woman has managed to become pregnant by conducting a special study of venous blood. In this way, you can get a positive result five days earlier than 2 strips show any of the tests. Sometimes in the first days after conception, the 2nd strip is barely visible - it depends on the level of sensitivity.

For most rapid tests, the sensitivity level starts at 25 mUI hCG. Sensitivity on some is indicated by 10 mUI hCG, but there is no evidence for this. According to many pharmacists, such sensitive tests are just a publicity stunt. Also, advertising moves can be considered that the express test allegedly has the highest probability of determining pregnancy even before the delay with an accuracy of 99%. Moreover, their price is quite high.

How to conduct?

When to do a pregnancy test, each woman determines for herself. But at the same time, it is important to know when you can take a pregnancy test so that it correctly shows the exact result. The answer to the question of when it is better to take a pregnancy test after conception depends on whether it is regular or not. menstrual cycle at a woman. The corresponding number of days is counted after ovulation , so it depends on when you need to do the test.

After a delay

If you need to determine if there is a pregnancy after a delay, then on which day to do the test, it does not matter, since from the first day of the delay you can diagnose the presence of hCG in the urine. In any case, test manufacturers, answering the question of how long it takes to do a pregnancy test, say exactly that. But in fact, experts say that it is necessary to determine pregnancy a week after the delay, that is, after the expected day of the onset of menstruation. At what delay the test determines pregnancy accurately, it also depends on the level of its sensitivity.

Until the delay

However, many women still rush to take a pregnancy test before the delay, choosing highly sensitive samples that have good reviews. However, it should be noted that even the most sensitive test before the delay may not always show the correct result. After all, it is important to correctly determine when testing can be done before the delay, so that even before the delay in menstruation, the reliability of the result is high.

For example, if a woman has a regular cycle and is 28 days, then if the procedure is done on the 23rd day of the cycle, even a sensitive jet will not determine pregnancy before the delay, since there will not be a sufficient level of hCG in the blood. Whether pregnancy will show before the delay on the 26th day of the cycle also depends on the day of fertilization and the duration of the cycle, etc.

With a regular menstrual cycle

It is with her that the reaction occurs when the pregnancy test shows. That is, when a pregnancy test shows a result, this is due to the fact that the hormone contained in the woman's urine reacts to the impregnation of the strip. As a result, a second strip quickly appears on the test.


The test is easy to do: you need to take a clean container, collect some urine in it. The strip is lowered into the urine with the tip up to the mark indicated on it, and held for 10 seconds. It is necessary to lower the strip with the desired side. Evaluation of the result - for 1 to 10 minutes. Whether the second strip will show in the first minute depends on the level of hCG: the lower it is, the later the second strip appears.

What day does it show?

From the first day of delay.




It is not very convenient to use, it may be wrong, it will not show until the delay.

Modern strip tests

  • Evitest №1
  • FRAUTEST Express
  • Eve (can determine from 1 day delay)
  • secret
  • bbtest
  • Femitest Practice
  • Femitest Practic Ultra
  • Itest Plus

tablet test

Produced in a special box with two holes-windows.

Tablet (cassette) - Evitest Proof

Works like a strip test. Also included is a pipette, a container for collecting urine.


The first step is to drip 4 drops of urine into the first window. After 1-10 min. in the second, 1 or 2 stripes appear.

What day does it show?

From the first day of delay.


Inexpensive, the result is easy to determine.


You need to do a lot of things to do.

Modern tablet tests

  • Evitest Proof
  • LadyTest-C
  • Frautest Expert
  • Sezam
  • clear blue
  • KnowNow Optima
  • Femitest Handy

Inkjet test

The name already defines the principle of action: you can make it by placing it under a stream of urine.

Inkjet test method - Frautest Exclusive

It is important that those who use Frautest instructions for use were followed exactly. Although the sensitivity frautesta and others of the same type are very high, Frautest Exclusive may show a negative result if it has been used incorrectly.


It should be placed with a tip with a filter under a stream of urine or in a container with it for 10 seconds. After that, 1 or 2 strips appear in a special hole in 1-10 minutes.


Can determine hCG in the urine as early as 5 days before the delay. When asked if the test can not show pregnancy if conception has occurred, the answer is no. An inkjet test will show pregnancy before the delay, as well as in the first days of the delay.


Convenient application, accuracy.


The price of an inkjet pregnancy test is high.

Modern inkjet tests

  • Frautest Comfort
  • Evitest Perfect
  • Frautest Exclusive
  • Femitest Jet Ultra
  • clear blue
  • clear view
  • duet

Electronic test

It is also called a digital pregnancy test.

Electronic verification method - Clearblue

Reviews of experts indicate that this is the most modern express test.


It is necessary to lower the test with the end with the filter into the urine, hold until it is saturated. You can evaluate in three minutes. If the result is positive, the word " pregnancy” or the “+” sign.


Shows pregnancy 4 days before the delay. Due to its high accuracy, it shows a 99% correct result 2 days before the date of menstruation.


If we evaluate the sensitivity of pregnancy tests, then it is the electronic one that is the test with the highest sensitivity. There is no need to ask what are the most sensitive electronic tests, as they all have high sensitivity.


The price of an electronic pregnancy test is very high. How much such a test costs depends on the manufacturer, but on average the cost is about 400 rubles.

Pregnancy test clear blue (the so-called "blue" test), despite the high cost, is very popular. If electronic clear blue, the instruction is observed, then the result will be as accurate as possible. However, this pregnancy test, the instructions for use of which indicates that the resulting inscription on Clea Blue disappears after a while, the woman will not be able to leave as the first evidence of pregnancy. However, Clearblue is now popular.

Reusable Digital Tests

The latest invention usb plug test , which can be connected to a computer and see the result.

The kit includes 20 cartridges treated with a reagent that reacts to the presence of hCG in the urine. With the help of such a test, you can check whether conception has occurred 21 times.


Shows the result 4 days before the delay.


If you choose such a test, it can be used many times. Some tests can also check the gestational age. But the time of conception can be known with an accuracy of 92%.


Buying replacement cartridges is currently very difficult.

Negative pregnancy test

Relevant for many women is the question, can a test be negative during pregnancy? Whether an express test may not show pregnancy, patients often ask doctors.

Why the test does not show when pregnancy is delayed, may be due to the fact that a woman uses it very early . After all, some of the tests are not so sensitive.

In some cases, a woman who wants to get pregnant begins to check the "situation" too early, long before the expected period. For example, if you start testing on the 25th day of the cycle, then at this time, hCG in the blood does not yet reach the desired level. Even if a woman has a cycle of 25 days, when you can get pregnant depends on the day of ovulation, so if the value is negative, you should check the result after a while. Which test to choose, the woman decides. But it is important to consider that a negative value is also possible if it is used incorrectly.

Thus, the reasons for a negative test during pregnancy may be as follows:

  • Testing too early.
  • Violations in the body of a woman.
  • Incorrect application of the test.

False positive results

The appearance of two strips in the absence of pregnancy is possible:

  • During the first two months after childbirth.
  • With the development ovarian dysfunction .
  • When hormone-producing tumor .
  • If you are using a test that has expired.

Are the results reliable if you do testing during menstruation?

Another topical question is whether it is possible to do during monthly pregnancy testing? After all, sometimes menstruation continues in a woman even after conception, so such an analysis is very relevant.

Menstrual blood does not affect testing, so how much a pregnancy test shows the result does not depend on menstruation. Be sure that even if the procedure is done using blood-stained urine, the result will not be affected. And, therefore, during pregnancy, two bright stripes will appear.

Outcomes in ectopic pregnancy

If , the fertilized egg is attached outside the uterus. However, the body still produces hCG. But in this case, hCG grows slowly, and sometimes it is completely absent. That is, the usual rapid test for ectopic pregnancy shows 2 strips. In this case, the second strip may be barely noticeable, blurry, when compared with the one that appears during normal pregnancy. It is necessary to take into account, when making a pregnancy test, on which day it will show the result in case of an ectopic pregnancy: the second strip appears only after the delay has occurred. What day the pregnancy test will show depends on the day of conception and the individual characteristics of the female body.

There is a special test Inexscreen , which a few weeks after the delay makes it possible to suspect that the pregnancy is ectopic. Its action is based on the determination of the modified isoform that is part of hCG. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, this figure is much higher than the 10% that occurs during a normal pregnancy.

Results with a frozen pregnancy

positive or negative when missed pregnancy the result of testing depends on the time when it was carried out. So, if two clear stripes initially appeared, later, after a few days, one strip became fuzzy, and after a few days one strip completely disappeared, you can suspect that the pregnancy has died. In this case, it is important to immediately visit a specialist who will determine how to check the result in this situation.

Whether a gynecologist can determine pregnancy before a delay in this case depends on the research methods.

What to do next if the result is doubtful?

Regardless of which day of the cycle to take the test, it can be doubtful in the end. This is often evidenced by the reviews that women write to each thematic forum.

Doubts arise if it is not clear how many strips appeared. Sometimes the second strip is not visible well, it is somehow blurry, fuzzy. This happens in the following cases:

  • A low level of hCG in the body associated with a woman's health problems.
  • A test that is no longer suitable for use (it may not work due to an expired expiration date, damage).
  • The desire to see exactly two stripes (“I’m afraid that I’m not pregnant”). Often a woman notes indirect signs - nausea, weight loss - and assures herself that she is pregnant.

What is the probability that a woman is pregnant can only be confirmed. Can a blood test for hCG be wrong - in this case, the answer is no.

But you can still repeat the testing, after a 2-3-day break - do it, for example, on the 31st day of the cycle, if menstruation usually begins on the 28th day. The second or third attempt will be successful.

Which tests "cheat" most often?

No matter how manufacturers assure that their products are almost 100% effective, some tests that we do still show unreliable results.

According to the observations of many women, the most common false negative and positive results show such tests:

  • Faith Test (its sensitivity is 25 mIU/ml);
  • Bebichek
  • Mon Ami
  • bee sure
  • rest assured


What to do if a woman already has a positive test before her eyes depends only on her. Many future mothers, even those for whom pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, do not know, seeing two stripes, what to do next. In fact, you need to calm down and rejoice. Regardless of which week the pregnancy test you choose shows, there is still a lot of time ahead. Now it is important not to be nervous, to practice a healthy diet and the right lifestyle. And also - visit a doctor to confirm the good news and get important recommendations.

Have you already decided that it's time to have a baby, and you are looking forward to two cherished stripes? How to determine an interesting position? When is it worth doing a pregnancy test, how to do it correctly? Learning how to do a pregnancy test at home ...

Today, home pregnancy tests are actively used by girls and women around the world. A correctly performed pregnancy test will help you determine the presence or absence of pregnancy without any extra effort and cost.

What is a home pregnancy test and how does it work?

The pregnancy test is a simple and easy-to-use biochemical system designed to detect pregnancy early through the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG test). HCG appears in the blood and urine of a woman only after fertilization and the onset of pregnancy. If the concentration of hCG in the urine of a woman exceeds a certain critical value, a pregnancy test will show a “positive result”.

Modern home tests help determine the onset of pregnancy with an accuracy of up to 98% (provided that you carry it out correctly). Home pregnancy tests can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

When should you take a pregnancy test?

We understand that you want to see 2 stripes as soon as possible and please your future dad. But there is no point in doing a pregnancy test before the first day of delay. Ideally, a pregnancy test can be performed with confidence one week after the first day of a missed period. For the greatest certainty, you can do several pregnancy tests from different manufacturers. To confirm the reliability of the result, it is recommended to repeat the test again, about a week after the first attempt, regardless of its results. As a control check, a blood test for hCG in a laboratory or clinic should serve.

Any pregnancy test contains a special indicator that determines the hCG indicator and changes its color if the hCG concentration exceeds a certain critical value - those same two strips.

What are pregnancy tests?

Today you can choose for yourself two main types of pregnancy tests:

  • Type 1 pregnancy tests measure the concentration of hCG in the blood. Such tests are available only in special clinics, so you need to contact a doctor or a laboratory to conduct them.
  • Type 2 pregnancy tests measure the concentration of hCG in the urine. This pregnancy test is also called a home test. Such pregnancy tests are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

In modern pharmacies, you can find many varieties of home pregnancy tests. The cost of a home test is also different (from 40 rubles), it depends on the company, the form of application (jet test, pipette or test that requires urine sampling).

Before you conduct a pregnancy test, be sure to determine its type and carefully read the instructions.

Many home tests work on the same principle. Some of them involve collecting urine in a container and introducing a test into the urine to a certain level (strips). Others require holding the test under a stream of urine. The time after which the result will be determined varies from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. After contacting the home pregnancy test with urine and the time required by the instructions has elapsed, you can determine the result.

In various tests, the results can also be displayed differently, more often these are strips - indicators, there are also special icons - on electronic tests.

  • The first strip (control indicator), it indicates that the test is working and suitable for use.
  • The second strip (pregnancy indicator), it shows the presence (appearance of a strip), or the absence of pregnancy (absence of a second strip).

The intensity of the color of the pregnancy indicator (second bar) has no meaning in pregnancy tests, unlike ovulation tests. Even if you saw a pale pink stripe, this is evidence of pregnancy.

How accurate is the result of a home pregnancy test?

As practice shows, home pregnancy tests show a very accurate result (up to 98-99%). The reliability of the result will depend on the following factors:

  • Pregnancy test expiration date - make sure the test is valid.
  • Strict adherence to test instructions.
  • Do not rush to distinguish the result - the most optimal determination time is 10 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that the concentration of the hCG hormone increases as pregnancy progresses. Therefore, your test will give the more accurate result the later you do it and vice versa!

What to do next if the pregnancy test is positive?

If a home pregnancy test showed a positive result, be sure to visit a gynecologist, do an ultrasound scan to confirm the result 100% and exclude diseases, including ectopic pregnancy.

Also, the doctor will advise the main steps to maintain pregnancy, vitamins and necessary drugs (for example, taking folic acid, if you have not started drinking it before planning a pregnancy). Early registration in gynecology will help you easily transfer your interesting position, bear a healthy baby and maintain your own health and beauty.

There is hope! A few BUT...or can the test be negative BUT you are pregnant?

  • The test may give a false result even a week after the delay. If your suspicions of pregnancy remain, be sure to visit a gynecologist.
  • If you are taking certain medications that contain the hCG hormone, they can also affect the accuracy of the result.
  • And, of course, do not smoke, drink and take drugs. They will affect not only the results of the pregnancy test, but also your health and the health of the unborn baby.

And finally, Mikrusha offers you the most popular pregnancy tests:

FRAUTEST pregnancy tests: express, doublecontrol, expert, frautestcomfort, exclusive.

CLEARBLUE Pregnancy Test: Clearblue Litmus Stick Test and Clearblue Digital Test.

EVITEST pregnancy test: EVITEST One (pregnancy test), EVITEST Plus (2 test strips), EVITEST Proof (tablet test cassette with pipette), EVITEST Perfect (jet test cassette with holder and cap).

There are also pregnancy tests BABYCHECK, LADY TEST, MON AMI, LADYS CONTROL, Rest assured and others.

Many women are familiar with the experience of pregnancy. For some, it's long this moment whose joy knows no bounds. For others - a big surprise that disrupts plans, but in most cases no less pleasant than in the first case. Well, the well-known helps to find out about pregnancy or its absence. And although it is familiar to almost everyone, there are still many questions regarding its application, to which we tried to collect answers in our today's article.

1. What is the principle of the pregnancy test?

The essence of the pregnancy test is to recognize in the urine, if the test is performed at home, or blood, if it is performed in the laboratory, a unique hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) produced exclusively during pregnancy. When a woman is not pregnant, this hormone is not present in the woman's body. But if pregnancy is present, then the level of this hCG hormone from the moment of conception doubles every couple of days, reaching maximum levels by about the 12th week of pregnancy. The content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine and blood of a person is preserved until the birth of the baby and another 2-3 weeks after.

Visual instructions on how to conduct a pregnancy test at home

2. When should you take a pregnancy test?

Doing a pregnancy test immediately after the intimacy that has taken place or after a few days after it is pointless. Only very sensitive tests can detect the presence of the aforementioned hCG hormone after 7-10 days from the date of possible conception. And even in this case, the content of the hormone may be so negligible that the test will not be able to detect its presence.

Most of the tests are able to recognize pregnancy at home for about 2-3 days of delaying the next menstruation. In turn, a blood test can show the content of the hCG hormone even before the date of menstruation. Such an analysis is done in various paid medical institutions and antenatal clinics.

3. What is the probability of a pregnancy test error?

As much as you would like extreme accuracy, almost all pregnancy tests provide only 97-99%. In other words, the chance to make a mistake, although small, always remains. Therefore, to ensure maximum accuracy, you should perform the test without rushing things, if there is a delay of several days, observing all the subtleties of the instructions for its implementation. Do not exclude the individual characteristics of the female body, as well as other concomitant precursors of pregnancy.

An incorrect negative result, when in the presence of pregnancy, the test does not show it, is possible if:

The gestation period is very short, as a result of which the content of hCG in the urine is not enough;
The day before the test, you drank too much liquid, due to which the concentration of hCG dropped to a minimum not detected by the test;
The test is overdue;
Test instructions not followed.

The result of an inkjet pregnancy test

A false positive result on a test can be the result of:

Taking fertility drugs containing hCG. In most cases, these drugs are given by injection;
The presence of malignant tumors, which are also treated with drugs containing the hCG hormone;
The presence in the uterus of the remnants of the fetal egg in the case of premature birth or miscarriage.

4. What time of day should I take a pregnancy test?

It is recommended to use the test to detect pregnancy in the morning, since at this time the urine is most concentrated and contains the maximum amount of hCG hormones, if any. However, it is allowed to do the test at other times of the day. For those who doubt whether it is possible to do a pregnancy test during the day, it is recommended to use a particularly sensitive inkjet test, which does not fall into the urine, but is substituted under its stream.

5. How should I use the pregnancy test?

The rules for using pregnancy tests vary depending on their type. There are the following types of pregnancy tests.

If we are talking about strip tests (strips), which are the most affordable and, accordingly, the most common, then everything is quite simple here. The test strip is lowered into a container with urine collected in the morning for 10–20 seconds, after which it must be placed horizontally on a dry surface and wait for the result, which appears within a few minutes. One strip - pregnancy was not detected, two strips - the result is positive.

Another type of pregnancy test is a tablet. These tests are similar to conventional test strips, but they contain a paper strip in a special plastic case. In this case, urine collected in the morning is dripped into a certain hole on the test using a pipette attached to the test. The result is determined in the same way as in the first case by the number of strips that appeared.

The jet tests already mentioned are convenient in that there is no need to collect urine. You simply substitute the test under the stream of urine, and it is not necessary to do this in the morning. Particular sensitivity allows you to perform this pregnancy test during the day. The result, as always, is determined by the number of strips: 2 strips - you are pregnant, one - not.

And, finally, another type of tests - electronic. These tests are equipped with a special strip - a sampler, which is either lowered into the urine collected in a container, or substituted under the stream. To determine the result, 3 minutes are enough, after which the appearing “+” sign indicates the presence of pregnancy, and the “-” sign indicates its absence.

6. What does the barely noticeable second line on the test indicate?

The presence of a pale, barely noticeable second line on the test in most cases indicates the presence of pregnancy. And the reason for this lack of clarity is the low content of the hCG hormone, if the period is very short, or the low level of susceptibility of the test used. In any case, after some time has passed, it is recommended to repeat the test to verify the result obtained by the fact of an increase in the level of hCG in the woman's body.

7. What is the best pregnancy test?

It is quite difficult to name the best pregnancy test among those on the market today. In this case, it all depends on individual preferences. If it is important for you to find out the result as quickly as possible, then the best solution would be a blood test in the laboratory, which allows you to determine pregnancy from the second week after conception.

For connoisseurs of convenience who do not want to collect urine and adjust to a specific time, inkjet tests are most suitable. And, conversely, for those for whom the process of holding the dough under the stream seems not very convenient, the usual and at the same time the cheapest strip tests are better suited.

8. Online test: an innovation in determining pregnancy or a scam?

No matter how much we want to keep up with the times, using computer technology in almost all areas of life, it is impossible to establish pregnancy online.

Unfortunately, offers of online pregnancy testing are quite common and come in many forms, from simple surveys to even such nonsense when a woman is asked to put her finger on a computer screen. Often, for this kind of research, they also ask for money. All this is a real scam, which in no case should be succumbed to.

9. Can the test show the gestational age?

Home pregnancy test is intended solely to answer the question about the presence of the fact of conception or its absence. It is not possible to determine the gestational age using such a test. This requires a blood test in the laboratory, as a result of which, according to the level of hCG, it will be established for which week of pregnancy this hormone level is typical. Also, with the help of such a study, a frozen pregnancy is recognized, in which the level of the hormone stops growing, despite the increase in the period.

10. Can the test show an ectopic pregnancy?

The test result may be positive even if the ovum is attached outside the uterus. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the ectopic pregnancy itself will terminate at about 7-8 weeks, which will be accompanied by serious blood loss, severe pain and other negative consequences for women's health. In order to avoid all these problems, it is strongly recommended that if you find signs of an ectopic pregnancy, you should terminate it as soon as possible in a hospital. These signs include aching pain in the lower abdomen and spotting if the test is positive.

An ectopic pregnancy, in which there is no fetal egg in the uterus, and the epithelium grows as in a normal pregnancy, is characterized by a reduced level of hCG, which should be determined using a blood test performed in the laboratory over time. But the usual pregnancy test in this case is not effective.

11. Can the test be tampered with?

Like any other product purchased in a store, a pregnancy test has a certain expiration date, after which its use is ineffective. In addition, the test may be unusable due to improper storage.

To protect yourself from buying spoiled dough, you should check the expiration date on the package and the integrity of the package before making a purchase. Well, for greater persuasiveness, it is recommended to purchase 2 tests at once, so that in case of doubt, re-conduct the study and verify the result.

  • Home pregnancy test: how it works
  • Reason 1. Failure to meet the test check time
  • Reason 2. Recent miscarriage or abortion
  • Reason 3. Chorionic adenoma (molar pregnancy, hydatidiform mole)
  • Reason 4. Taking medications
  • Reason 5. Diseases
  • Can pregnancy tests be trusted at all?
  • What to do if the pregnancy test is positive

Home test systems for determining pregnancy are very popular today, they are so simple and reliable to use - manufacturers talk about 98 and even 99% reliability of the results. If you are wondering what is wrong with that 1%, then here are five reasons why a pregnancy test can be false positive.

Home pregnancy test: how it works

Home pregnancy tests are based on determining the concentration of one of the hormones - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine. With the onset of pregnancy, the level of this hormone in the blood of a woman rises sharply, and it can be detected both in the blood and in the urine.

There are several varieties of home pregnancy tests, and usually the manufacturer gives clear and detailed instructions on how to use them. So, some test strips need to be lowered to a certain level in a container with urine, others need to be urinated (or drop urine on the contact area of ​​the test).

Depending on the choice of the manufacturer, a “+” sign, the words “yes”, “pregnancy” may appear on the test strip of a pregnant woman, but most often - two indicator lines. One of them appears in any case (this confirms that the test is working, and you followed the instructions exactly), the second - only with an increased level of hCG in the urine, that is, it indicates pregnancy. The second strip may be noticeably paler than the first, but still indicates a positive result. It is with these tests that women make the most common mistake.

Reason 1. Failure to meet the test check time

All tests have a time interval when the result should appear clearly and clearly - usually not earlier than 3-4 minutes after contact with urine and not later than 10-30 minutes after. If you look at the test later, after an hour or more, then for the second strip you can take the evaporation line - the border to which urine has risen along the test strip. After the dough dries, the dividing line becomes clearly visible, and it can be confused with an indicator strip.

Always strictly follow the test system manufacturer's instructions!

Reason 2. Recent miscarriage or abortion

After an abortion (natural or artificial), the level of hCG in a woman's body decreases, but, of course, not immediately. In some cases, it may take up to 35 days before the concentration of this hormone returns to normal, and the average time interval for establishing hormonal balance is 19 days. Of course, a pregnancy test during this period will show a false positive result.

If you have had a miscarriage or an abortion, you have used contraception, and your pregnancy test remains positive after three weeks, this is a reason to get a medical examination. Part of the placenta may remain in the uterus, which continues to produce hCG. If you do not take any measures, then in the future it will lead to inflammation and serious health problems.

Reason 3. Chorionic adenoma (molar pregnancy, hydatidiform mole)

A rare in Russia (according to various sources, one case per 1000-3000 pregnancies), but quite common in the countries of the Far East (one case per 120 pregnancies), a genetic anomaly in which the maternal chromosome is “lost” during conception, and the non-viable embryo contains either only the father’s chromosomes , or a double set of chromosomes of the father and one - of the mother. There may not even be a fetus at all, but at the same time, a pathological proliferation of placental tissue occurs.

This pathology is easy to identify with ultrasound, but if a woman does not go to the doctor, then she may consider herself pregnant for some time: her stomach grows, she suffers from toxicosis, and the results of the test strip inspire confidence. However, chorionadenoma is a dangerous pathology that can provoke severe uterine bleeding and the formation of a malignant tumor. Pathology is rare, but let's not forget about it!

Reason 4. Taking medications

The vast majority of medications, as well as foods (including alcohol) do not affect the results of a pregnancy test. The only exception is drugs that contain hCG (they are used to treat infertility). If you are taking these drugs on the advice of your doctor, you will need to choose another way to test for pregnancy.

Reason 5. Diseases

Various diseases can affect the level of hCG in the body. It changes when:

  • premenopause or menopause;
  • oncological diseases of the ovaries, bladder, kidneys, liver, lungs, colon, breast and stomach;
  • kidney disease or urinary tract infection;
  • ovarian cyst.

In addition, there is the so-called "phantom hCG" - the chemicals in the pregnancy test can react with them in the same way as with the hormone itself. The doctor finds out that we are talking about “phantom hCG” by determining the content of chorionic gonadotropin by other methods. If the results of different tests differ significantly (sometimes by dozens of times), then we are talking about just such an error.

Can pregnancy tests be trusted at all?

Can! But it must be remembered that it varies greatly in different women and at different points in pregnancy. It reaches its maximum at 8-9 weeks after conception. If you are anxious to find out about a positive result and you try to take the test before the date of the expected period, then it is very likely that you will get a false negative result. It is much more common than false positive.

What to do if the pregnancy test is positive

If a pregnancy test shows a positive result, you must notify your doctor. Only a specialist can confirm whether you have a normal pregnancy or a false positive test result.

If the test shows a negative result, but you still think that pregnancy is possible, you should also consult a doctor.

The accuracy of the pregnancy test is high - 99%. But do not forget that someone falls into the 1% of exceptions!

According to medical news today