What can after 16. Age of sexual consent - what you need to know

Pregnancy in 16 is a serious test for a teenage girl not only from the point of view of psychological comfort, but also in connection with the state of health. Not all girls have time to form up to 16 years to make a healthy child.

No matter how many years have been a woman, during pregnancy on her body, a double load is located with which he is not always easy to cope. Pregnancy at the age of 16, when the girl is not yet ready for heating and childbirth, it can significantly ruin her health.

Far from medicine is entitled to surprise, modern girls look quite developed. But this is only for those who are unfamiliar with the peculiarities of changing the body of a teenager. The girls of this age are not fully formed bone tissue, in connection with which both organism do not get the micronutrients necessary for the future life: calcium, iron, phosphorus and others. Not "matured" cardiovascular system, the fetus lacks oxygen. The nervous system is not prepared for early motherhood, in connection with this, during pregnancy, the mood differences occur, which adversely affects the child's nervous system.

Is it really a way out, make an abortion? Of course, the decision on the abortion of pregnancy has to take parents together with the girl, based on living conditions and economic considerations. But parents must be aware of: an abortion sometimes makes a great injury than the upcoming birth. In addition, the first abortion can pathologically affect the women's future teenager, deprive the girl forever the joy of motherhood.

To interrupt pregnancy or leave a child - it is desirable before you finally make a choice, consult with your doctor. In the case when you leave pregnancy more expedient, the girl put into account. The girl pregnant in 16 years old may not yet be aware of his responsibility for the future child: it is wrong to eat, not abandon the bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. Responsibility to follow, so that it relates to attentively, should take on parents. Girls of this age and younger give birth to healthy children only in 15% of the incidence. They often have toxicosis in late dates, detachment of the placenta, anemia. The risk of the birth of a mentally underdeveloped child is the same as women over 40 years old.

Births for girls of this age are also problematic, they are very often prescribed cesarean section. Children in young mammies in most cases are born with low weight, they are more likely than at moms, with a finally formed organism and who have reached the child's age, there are underdevelopment in many internal organs.

Some parents seem to be that if the girl grew up, from the category, the teenager passed into the girls, especially in appearance, then she needs less attention. This is an erroneous opinion. Nearby parents often lead to what they find: a pregnant daughter at age 16.

It is worth considering pregnancy in 16 and from the point of view of psychology. Having learned about your condition, girls in most cases are frightened, depressed, can decide on extreme actions and even suicide. Some believe that everything is somehow normalized and told parents about pregnancy already on a large period, when it's too late to do something. Fears from girls are therefore, they are afraid of parental punishment and condemning society. Parents should not completely shift blame for early pregnancy. They need to ask themselves how it happened that the daughter, hitting the difficult situation, did not apply to them for help. What is the associated distrust?

Girl, even if she early tried adult life, not spoiled. The pregnancy led the usual child curiosity with the desire to look like an adult, to touch the new life for themselves. At the same time, the child did not explain in time, how to behave during the start of sexual life, did not teach to be protected. And this is the direct responsibility of the parents. The early start of sexual relationships leads the propaganda of the "unhealthy" lifestyle, the availability of the Internet portal and advertising of the beautiful and free communication of young people "on TV". The child is not able to analyze the flow of information and begins to imitate the heroes. So it is not necessary to scold a girl, but to give her moral aid.

It is worth summing up. If the girl is pregnant in 16, what to do to her in this case? To tell about the problem to parents or reliable senior comrade, maybe the elder friend, relative, to whom she used to trust. It should be borne in mind that parents will not accept the information with delight, but after the first emotions are forgotten, they will help to take the right decision. It should be borne in mind that this state will still become known to parents, and if earlier, it will be a blessing for the future child to be born. It is unlikely that the girl at the age of 16 is able to provide himself and the child itself, additional costs will be slandered by their parents.

But still the main question for early pregnancy is to leave a child or not. Here the decision must take the very girl, and parents must provide it with this right.

As already mentioned, the decision does not need to be taking. It is required to analyze many aspects: economic, social, be sure to consult with a gynecologist, ask the opinion or inform the father of the future child.

It happens that pregnancy in 16 years is planned. Young people love each other and were going to get married immediately, as the class will finish and the opportunity will appear. In this case, the parents are only required to help a young family to stand up.

Parents! If the daughter is pregnant at 16 years old, you do not need to immediately drive it to an abortion without listening to fears and arguments. Think! This is a miracle - the baby is not available to everyone. Try to soberly assess the situation on the basis of the interests of your daughter and then make a decision.

Hello, Alevtina.

Early Guardianship

Alone to exercise your parental rights your daughter may since the age of 16. The guardian for the child would need if your daughter would give birth to the age of 16. This guardian with the consent of your daughter could be, father or any other relatives. At the same time, your daughter would not lose your daughter in any way.

However, this issue has a very important nuance. The current legislation does not oblige in such situations be sure to assign a guardian for a child a minor. Assist to educate a child in informal rights can all relatives living with such a guinea. In your situation, when the girl has already reached 16 years, no questions may not arise at all. To date, it is fully entitled to dispose of their parental rights in relation to the child born.

Social aspects of labor in 16 years

It is no secret that too early pregnancy and childbirth can occur with some complications. If in your situation everything went smoothly and a healthy baby appeared on the world, this does not mean that your daughter will not face certain problems.

After the appearance of the baby, you should surround a young mother's maximum care and attention. And she, and the baby is now needed by your comprehensive support and care. Your daughter itself has not yet reached a complete legal independence, which she will find only at the age of 18.

Try to customize your daughter to the desired way, charge it with optimism. As a person who has lived life and has experience in solving many questions, tell me that it may face certain problems associated with its young age. The perplexity of the surrounding, legal illiteracy of officials, questions of study and work - all this can knock down a young girl with a sense, sow in her soul many fears and fears.

Despite the fact that you do not need a guardianship to the granddaughter, you must take the most active part in its upbringing and support your daughter. Most likely, they will live in your home, so you can control the process of upbringing and communicating a young mother and her baby.

Get ready for the fact that not always the interaction of your daughters and granddaughters will be similar to the peace and idyll, which is depicted in the pictures "Mother and Child". Quite often early pregnancy and childbirth knock out young moms from the habitual rut. In essence, your daughter is still a child who has not yet taken an adult life and does not know what the world really does. Despite the fact that different situations may arise between you, incl. And conflict, and the degree of communication sometimes will be overwhelmed, you do not need to exacerbate the already shaky emotional state of your daughter.

In fact, your child will be very hard at this time. Naturally, you should also be prepared for such a cardinal change in your life. We are talking about financial and psychological, and legal issues. Sometimes it will seem that everything fell as time. But this is just another difficult strip of our very striped life.

I hope you have enough strength and excerpt to cope with the situation in your family. If you could not protect your daughter from early pregnancy, now get used to the fact that you have another baby. Despite the fact that it is your daughter according to the law bears all responsibility for him, the practice of such families shows that it is the parents of young moms that take this burden of responsibility for themselves. Be honest in front of you, a girl in 16 years old is still a child, respectively, needs to be controlled and helped her. But with the control and help, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise it is consistent as attempts to subjend it. In this situation, all adolescents act equally - called adults.

Sincerely, Natalia.

The age of sexual consent is the legal border denoting the age period of a person when his consent when joining intimate communication begins to be taken into account. All actions with persons who have not reached this age plank are qualified by law as crimes against minors. What you need to know about the age of sexual consent?

The accurate age of sexual consent is defined as the concept of the age boundary, upon the occurrence of which, a person can decide independently: whether to enter into a sexual connection or not to do this.

Article 134 of the Criminal Code provides for criminal punishment for sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16. The age plan from 16 to 18 is protected by law only if there has been a provision of sexual services for the promised or real remuneration by persons from 16 to 18 years.

The aggravating circumstances are taken into account when prescribing punishment for crimes against sexual inviolability of persons under 12 years of age, because before reaching this age, the person, according to the law, does not understand and does not fully appreciate the action that makes it.

This legal status is called helpless. Sexual crimes with the involvement of persons under the age of 12, have consequences in the form of criminal liability under articles: P. B "Part 4 of Art. 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph "B" Part 4 of Art. 132 of the Criminal Code. In the Code, they qualify as rape of the victim under 14 years of age, as well as actions of a sexual nature with the use of violence against a minor.

Sometimes among the norms of criminal law, you can find such where the difference in age between partners is important. Article 134 of the Criminal Code says that when the age difference between the rapist and the victim is less than 4 years old, the punishment in the form of imprisonment is not applied in the following cases:

  • For sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 14.
  • For the accomplishing actions of a depraved nature without the use of violence.

In modern legislation, the age of sexual consent and bar of puberty differ. Since 2014, the qualifying signs excluded mandatory clarification of the offensive or not offensive of the injury of the affected party.

How old can you be responsible?

When a person marks 16 years old, he can independently give consent to the sexual relationship or reject those. If one partners reached higher than the marked age, and the other is over 18 years old, then the responsibility for the second does not occur.

When an adult citizen (ka) comes into contact with the person who has not come to the age of sexual agreement, it may be held responsible for it, which is qualified by different articles of the Criminal Code. If the person selected for intercommunication has not reached 12 years, then such actions will be called rape. If the person with whom such actions have been committed, has age from 12 to 14 years, then the crime will be qualified according to Art. 134 h. 3 of the Criminal Code. With persons from 14 to 16 years, the responsibility will come under Articles 134 and 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Even the law becomes part of the accused if the age of the injured person visually determine quite difficult. Many girls and boys in their 14 years may look like adults. Then such a crime will have mitigating circumstances. But to prove the fact of the lack of information about the age of the sexual partner is quite difficult.

NOTE To article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains information that the person who first committed a crime against a minor can be exempt from liability if marriage was concluded between the victim and accused of a crime face. Since in this case a person stopped being dangerous for his partner.

But from this notes should not be unregistered children, and then make marriages with them. This note applies to those cases when the victim has reached the age of 14.

In court practice, there were precedents when this note was reliated with the guilty of a crime. If this person could prove that it is really not dangerous for the victim. The court also considers such a fact as a softening circumstance as the recognition of paternity, if children were born in relations with the person who had reached 14 years old.

When the crimes of a sexual nature are committed against persons who have not crossed the age strap at 14, no softening or special circumstances are recognized by the court and are not considered substantial.

In some legal matters, modern children are picked up not worse than parents. And on the requirement "Sit for the lessons!" Easily quote "Every child has the right to rest." Where does the "can" end and begins "should"? With a specialist of the children's legal site, Mir.Pravo.by, Olga Bura, we made a list of rights and responsibilities that you may not know.

Each child from birth has the right to life, name, protection and health promotion, citizenship, inviolability of personality, protection from exploitation and violence, freedom of beliefs and their expression on all issues that affect it. It can also independently determine his attitude towards religion, confess any of them or not to confess any.

Article 14 of the Law on the Rights of the Child prescribes it to comply with the laws of the state, take care of parents, respect the interests of others, the traditions and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the Belarusian people, other nations, to master knowledge and prepare for independent work, carefully apply to the environment and all types of ownership. So it is impossible to draw on the desks. And since the main activity of children is associated with obtaining education, it is not recommended to lean from homework.

Any child has the right to know their mother and dad and together with them to live except when separation with one or both parents is necessary in the interests of the child.

Upon reaching 10 years of age, the child receives the right to choose one of the parents to coach.

From this age, the teenager has the right to receive a passport. Independently apply to the court with a statement about the protection of its interests, use the help of lawyers and other representatives in court. Require the abolition of your adoption. Give consent to a change in citizenship. Work in your free time with the consent of one of the parents no more than two hours and 18 minutes a day with certain labor legislation with benefits. Contribute any transactions with the consent of the parents (adoptive parents, trustees). At its discretion to dispose of their own earnings, scholarships and other income. Independently carry out the rights of the author of the work of science, literature or art, invention or other results of their intellectual activity. Make money into banks and dispose of them. Driving a bike when driving on the roads. Become a member of the youth public association with the written permission of legitimate representatives.

The more right, the wider the circle of responsibilities. With the receipt of a passport, for example, its owner must follow the preservation of the document. And when applying to work (albeit, only two hours with a tail per day), it is obliged to carry out instructions in accordance with the terms of the contract, to comply with the employment and discipline, compensation for damage. There is independent property responsibility for prisoners. As well as disciplinary responsibility in the form of comments, sponsoring or deductions for non-performance or improper fulfillment of the requirements of legislation in the field of education and the rules of the educational institution (lateness, non-appearance, insult, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking). Fine embezzlement, violation of fire safety in forests, ill-treatment of animals, breeding fires in prohibited places, violation of the rules for public transport and other visual offenses entail administrative responsibility. From the age of 14 for certain types of crimes (intentional causing grave damage, theft, robbery, the hijacking of the vehicle, intentional destruction or damage to property, drug trafficking trafficking, knowingly false danger report) is criminal liability.

You have the right to marry if there are valid reasons for the permission of the local government.

Whatever adults you do not seem to be, before the onset of the 16th anniversary, walking through the streets without maintaining parents (guardians or trustees) from 23:00 to 06:00 is prohibited.

From this age you can almost all! Work up to 35 hours per week on preferential terms provided by labor legislation. With the consent of the parents to engage in entrepreneurship. Driving a mopder when driving on the roads and led by driving a car. Independently join cooperatives and youth public associations. And if this is not enough, you can get all the rights of 18-year-old and be recognized by the fully capable of decision of the guardianship and guardianship with the consent of both parents (without consent - by the court decision) in the case of work on an employment contract or entrepreneurial activities.

From this age, each young man is obliged to get up for military registration. And absolutely for all guys and girls comes administrative and criminal liability for committing any kinds of crimes.

Hooray! On the day of its majority, you become fully capable, and therefore, you get all rights and obligations and carry full responsibility for your life.

In fact, sixteen years - this is not so much as much as you think. Of course, many of your girlfriends are already related to guys. But! Remember that all their stories and boasting are far from the truth. Now you may seem that they are not lying, but in fact, it is. But they lie either to you or yourself. At the age of sixteen, the guys practically do not think about serious relationships. Of course, they like the meeting process itself, kisses and, perhaps, sex. But they do not dream of anything more serious, unlike you.

If you say: I am 16 years old and I still have no guy, it means that young people simply do not see what they see in others. And it's not bad, it's great. With age you will understand. In the meantime, think about what you want from relationships. How do you generally imagine your romantic meetings, dates, relationships?

If you want to have a relationship with a more adult young man, honestly answer yourself - you are ready for a serious relationship. True serious. The guy who is more than twenty years wants to see near himself an adult, smart, quite an independent girl who can help and support that will understand his problems. And believe me, at his age, they are really more serious than yours. You will be able to be with him when necessary, find a common language with his friends, to be with them on an equal footing? If he has something happens, you will have the opportunity to take a taxi and come to the other end of the city? I can ask you hundreds of such questions. Can you answer them affirmatively? Of course, if we are talking about a boy with barely finished vocations from your yard, then you can not think. But do you need it? If you start at sixteen with whom I got, then to twenty people will be happy to heal with the forty-haired Alkash Vasya in his basement. Therefore, think carefully, can you be near a normal adult guy.

Unfortunately, even if you are a smart and erudite girl who feels older than peers, in the company of such a young man you will still be a child. And there is nothing wrong with that. Just during this period, the difference in age is really noticeable. If even a young man loves you, such a relationship will not last long, because in your behavior will always slip "childhood", quite characteristic of your age. And, as I said, he needs an adult girl who knows how to be wise, to make compromises and even knows something in life. Therefore, so far such guys are not for you.

If you want to meet with your peer, then you should forget about any romance. Maximum that you will get - this is one cocktail in the club, and even that is not a fact that he will be able to negotiate you. So it will be only if the young man has rich parents. Of course he can earn something to earn, but at sixteen years old, the guy will better spend money on the next game or the prefix rather than on the girl. So get ready to steal the evening on a beer bottle. If you are not satisfied with such perspectives, then you don't need a guy yet.

Understand, at that age, only units can give something to the girl. The bulk of young people think only about sex and beer. And most girls are satisfied. Do you really want this? If yes - forward. Show you that you are the same as the rest and you will definitely have a wormer. And you merge with a gray mass.

At sixteen years it seems that you are already really very adult and life has given a crack, because everyone has someone, and you have no. But believe me, there will be a couple of years and priorities will change. Many girls are later ashamed of themselves for such behavior and inseparation. Youth maximalism makes us go beyond the crowd. We buy clothes, choose the subculture to find a guy only to keep up with others so that in the class do not laugh, so that the company does not mock. And only units may resist this and go their way. If your friends do not understand this and do not evaluate if they cannot support you as you mean, they mean, they are not adults, and not at all friends. People who have grown to normal relationships will never be a girlfriend for the fact that she has no guy. It generally ceases to matter. With age, you begin to understand that love is so simply not coming and is already reluctant to exchange on "to be". Many girls talk about what is better to stay alone, live in their pleasure.

Therefore, you do not need to worry about the fact that you do not have a guy. Of course, now everything seems terrible and disgusting, but it's really wrong. After a couple of years, you will sincerely laugh at these problems.

Think, do you want just a guy or love? If love, then it comes when destined and here you can do nothing. If you are destined to find it in sixteen - you will find, unexpectedly, where you expect the least. Well, if, love should appear a little later, you should not worry, suffer and pay attention to the opinion of limited people. It is better to sweep your young man on various hobbies, new acquaintances, communication and friend friends, rather than on tears and depression because of the guys who are still very small boys. Think about it, and stop worrying. In a year or two, everything will become different. You will begin to study at the university and understand that those guys with whom you communicated before - this is not all the varieties of male representatives. In the meantime, just do not pay attention to those who want to offend and pour you the lack of a guy.

The presence of a peasant nearby is pride for those whom to boast absolutely nothing more. Remember this is prettier and do not fall on them, bother on the principle: "Oh, I already have 16, and I still have no guy - I guess I am terrible, ugly and uninteresting" is not worth it. You do not have a guy because you are worse, but because you are, on the contrary, it is better. And your requirements for men are higher. When you yourself completely grow up to the relationship, how you grow up to them and young people, you will have a not just a guy, but a loved one.