What is an emerald? Properties, mining, history of the gem. Emerald - "green stone

Emerald is the last of the top grade gemstones (if you count the Mohs scale). In Sanskrit and Persian, the name of this stone sounded like "zamorod" and "zumundi", which meant "green", and in Old Slavonic emeralds were called "smaragd".

But the English word emerald appeared only in the 16th century. There is a version that all minerals with a green color were named so.

Emphasizing the aristocratic nature of the stone, its "inaccessibility" and transparency, people called the gem green ice.

How did the emerald earn such a reputation?

Mysteries of history

Like many other gems, green minerals have sometimes become the makers of history.

So, at the beginning of the 16th century, the conquistador Fernando Cortez wanted to give his bride five of the rarest emeralds. The minerals were distinguished not only by unsurpassed quality, but also by a special shape in the form of a rose, a bell, a goblet, a horn and a fish. In order to get the stones, a desperate Mexican stole them from the Incas.

Cortez did not know that Queen Isabella of Castile, who had become his mortal enemy, was hunting the stones with him. The story with emeralds only added fuel to the fire of the then raging struggle of the two clans for the Spanish throne. However, none of the jewel hunters won.

In 1541, the unique stones mysteriously disappeared.

Magmatic mineral

Emerald is of magmatic origin and is a type of beryl. However, it is easy to distinguish from other stones of similar color due to its high degree of clarity and transparency, as well as its cool shade of green.

Along with diamond and ruby, it is considered one of the most expensive minerals. According to the law "On Currency Regulation" in Russia, this stone is equated to a freely convertible currency, that is, it can be exchanged for any foreign currencies, act as payments in international transactions, and also participate in trading on the main currency markets. Unlike many other beryls, emerald is quite soft. Therefore, if products with green minerals are not stored correctly, the stones lose their original shine and become dull.

Colorless or tinted with green pigment oil will help to ennoble natural emeralds, to give them a special shine. This method is often used by jewelers from different countries.

Many years ago, the German physicist Goldschmidt, while studying the mineral, discovered that the color of an emerald depends on the amount of chromium or vanadium impurities.

Natural stones, as a rule, have many defects, so it is quite difficult to find gems that are ideal in purity and shade in nature. So, during mining, minerals weighing hundreds of carats are found, but they have no jewelry value. At the same time, rare pure emeralds of bluish-green color can cost more than diamonds.

The most valuable emeralds are called "antique". These stones have a deep dark green color, which is not possessed by samples mined in new deposits.

In nature, there are many minerals similar to emeralds: green garnet, jade, tourmaline, tsavorite, fluorite and other stones of a similar shade. How not to confuse them?

You can distinguish an emerald from other green gems using a refractometer. This special device measures the refraction of light that occurs in a particular stone. The index of the emerald is approximately 1.58 units.

Modern technologies

Most often, gem-quality emeralds are relatively small in size, but artificially grown or synthetic minerals are often used in modern production. The main cultivation methods are flux and hydrothermal. For this, the crystals are placed in an environment whose temperature is about 600 degrees Celsius, and the atmospheric pressure can reach 1400 atm.

Also, jewelers use the ancient technology of making doublet stones, connecting two small emeralds or an emerald and some other mineral.

Emerald is one of the few stones, after which a certain method of cutting minerals, widely used in jewelry production, was named.

This is a type of stepped cut, in which the stone is endowed with a rectangular shape with beveled corners. Emerald cut protects even the most fragile minerals from damage and chipping, and also advantageously represents the color of the stone and its purity.

Southern stone

An important role in evaluating expensive stones is often played by their deposit. So, for example, Kashmiri rubies are considered the best, Burmese rubies are of the highest quality, but Colombian rubies are recognized as reference emeralds. It is in Colombia that the famous Muso mines are located, where amazing bright green minerals are mined.

The famous Etbay deposits of Jebel Zubar and Jebel Sikayt are located in a mountain range on the Red Sea coast at an altitude of 550 m.

In addition, precious minerals are mined in East and South Africa, Egypt, India and Pakistan. In Russia, the Urals are famous for their emerald deposits.

Experts can recognize the "citizenship" of each stone by the special inclusions that are characteristic of the minerals of a particular country.

In addition to Colombian gems, gems from Zimbabwe are also especially valued, which are still cheaper than reference stones.

Star image

Having never lost its value, the precious mineral is still very relevant today. In the right frame, even the classics sound new and modern.

Most often, the stone has a gold setting. Complemented with diamonds, emerald jewelry looks sophisticated and sophisticated. Such products will be a great accent to your evening look.

Emerald jewelry may well become a family heirloom. Luxurious gems are favored by style icons such as Sherlize Theron. Sharon Stone, Beyonce, Cameron Diaz, Dita Von Teese and others.

Emerald is the most popular and praised by people precious gem. It is this amazing stone that is mentioned in myths and legends of different peoples and cultures.

Geology describes natural crystal as a type of beryl, a transparent stone with green hues. Also, nature sometimes complements the traditional color of crystals with blue. Even diamonds are inferior to the color spectrum of the precious mineral. The ancient Greeks called the gem a "stone of radiance", identifying it with a symbol of hope and wisdom.

The name of the stone determines its direct relation to aquamarine, which is a type of beryl. It is known that the mineral is also called "green ice". The herbaceous tint of the stone is indicative of the chromium oxide contained in its structure. Previously, scientists believed that the proportion of this mineral determines the characteristics and properties of the emerald.

Emerald color

In the 20th century, experts discovered that some varieties of gems contain not chromium, but an admixture of vanadium, which turns the stone into a grassy color.


There is a direct dependence on the density of the stone and its location:

  • In Siberia and Colombia - 2.72 g / cm³;
  • In Brazil - 2.67 g / cm³;
  • On the southern coast of Africa - 2.77 g / cm³.

The more metals such as rubidium and cesium are in the structure of the stone, the higher its density. The bright green crystal takes a leading position among other gems in this indicator. Geologists say that the hardness of the stone becomes more and more over time.


It is not difficult to distinguish a gem from similar stones. Its main differences can be determined visually - these are transparency and purity. An amazingly beautiful transparent structure is one of the main criteria that raises the value of the mineral.


Emerald, along with ruby ​​and diamond, are among the most expensive gems. The most highly valued stones are cut, clean, without visual defects.

Resistance to external influences

The mineral has good resistance to many reagents, including acids. But at temperatures above 700 ° C, it loses its amazing color.

Varieties of emeralds

Gemstones are very rare in nature. This is where their high value lies. The mineral is found from time to time in various parts of the planet, but in very limited quantities.

The modern name "emerald" has come down to our days from ancient times, having undergone significant metamorphoses. There are references to (Marakata, Markat, Tarkshia) in the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata". the ancient Indian manuscript on precious stones "Agastia" tells about eight varieties of the mineral. The Sanskrit or Persian name "zamorrod" eventually turned into Greek "smaragdos", and then into Latin - "smaragdus". Modern sounds "emerald" (and earlier "esmerald" from Latin emerald), "smaragd", "emerald" appeared in the Middle Ages. At first, under these names, any green stones, both transparent and opaque, were combined, and, probably, in the 16th century. this was the name of the variety of beryl of a juicy green color. The English name of the mineral is emerald. Synonyms: Emerald- smaragd, zumurrud (Biruni, XI century).

Chemical composition

The emerald is characterized by an increased content of Cr 2 O 3; 0.06%, 0.25-0.29, 0.50%, 0.1-0.05%. In addition, they contain: Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, V, Ni. B.

Crystallographic characteristic

Syngonia... Hexagonal L 6 6L 2 7PC.

Symmetry class... Dihexagonal-bipyramidal - 6 / mmm. Axis ratio. s / a = 0.4989.

Crystal structure. It is a type of beryl

The form of finding an emerald in nature

Crystals are always prismatic.

Emerald inclusions

Emerald is characterized by a large number of inclusions, both gas-liquid and solid (albite, garnet, talc, carbonates, carbonaceous matter, etc.). The features of the microrelief of the crystal surface include tubercles, striae, protrusions (corrugated relief), meander-shaped bends, etc.

Physical properties


The color is emerald green in varying degrees of intensity and shades (yellowish or bluish). The green color of the emerald is due to Cr 3+ ions, which isomorphically substitute for aluminum ions in the octahedral positions of the beryl structure. The intensity of the color is related to the content of this chromium impurity. Stones from different deposits differ in different shades of green. Colombian emeralds are characterized by a bluish tint, for the Ural and North American emeralds - a light yellowish, giving some warmth to the stone, due to the presence of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ ions in the tetrahedral position, for Bulgarian - bluish, associated with the presence of Fe 2+ ions in the tetrahedral and octahedral positions with relatively equal concentration. Perhaps some influence on the shades of green emerald can have an admixture of vanadium. In minerals of Norway (Minne), the concentration of V 2 O 5 was 0.9% with a Cr 2 O 3 content of 0.1%, in Muzo emeralds - 0.05% V, 0.12% Fe, 0.14% Cr and others. elements (Ti, Mn, Ca, Sc). However, green chromless (<0,0003 %) бериллы из месторождений Бразилии Феррос и Салининха, окраска которых связана с примесью ионов V 3+ , изоморфно замещающих ионы Аl 3+ в октаэдрических позициях структуры берилла, по мнению А. М. Тейлора, Б. В. Андерсона, Дж. Арема и др., не следует называть изумрудами.

The color intensity of the stone is different. In jewelry, minerals are used from weak green to thick juicy emerald color. With the same degree of transparency, defectiveness (the presence of cracks and inclusions) and size, the cost of a stone is higher, the more intense its color, and the difference in the cost of stones of different shades of color is very significant.

  • The line is absent due to high hardness
  • The line is missing. The powder is white.
  • Glass luster.
  • Low tide to greasy (resinous).
  • Transparency The transparency is uneven: often in one crystal, along with overflowing inclusions, there are absolutely transparent areas of high gem value.


  • Hardness 7.5-8
  • Density 2.727-2.745.
  • Cleavage according to (0001) is imperfect to perfect (possibly, it corresponds to separateness), according to (1010) it is imperfect.
  • The fracture is conical and uneven.

Chemical properties

Acids, with the exception of hydrofluoric acid, do not work. With brown it gives a transparent colorless glass; emerald is a pale green pearl (chrome). For a quick diagnosis, a reaction with quinalizarin is used (the surface of beryl crystals turns blue).

Other properties

Melting point 1420 °

When heated slowly (for half an hour), green beryl from Sherlova Gora completely changes its color to blue; this property is used to obtain aquamarines from green beryls. Some green and yellow beryls turn brown when heated to 200-500 °. Jayaraman found that when beryls are heated for 5 hours to 500 °, Fe 2+ is partially oxidized, and all green beryls become bluish.

Diagnostic signs of emerald

Currently, along with natural, artificially grown emeralds are widely used... Since ancient times, doublets have been made from two smaller stones or from emerald and some other stone - pale beryl, quartz, synthetic spinel, which are cemented with emerald-green paste. Doublets can be identified by inclusions in the bonding plane. In addition, green minerals are used as imitations, usually less expensive and more common - corundum, dioptase, chrome diopside, tourmaline, uvarovite, demantoid, grossular, chrysolite, alexandrite, giddenite, jadeite, zircon, fluorite, chrysoprase. Among these minerals, according to B.V. Anderson, fluorite from Namibia, chromium-containing tourmaline from Tanzania and jadeite deserve the greatest attention. Emerald green fluorite is red under the Chelsea filter and three-phase inclusions similar to Colombian emeralds. However, it can be distinguished by the absence of birefringence and dichroism, by lower values ​​of hardness (4), and refractive index (1.434), higher density (3.18 g / cm 3), lilac luminescence in ultraviolet rays (365 nm). Chromium-containing green tourmaline has a red color under the Chelsea filter, an absorption band characteristic of emerald in the red region, but in contrast to it, higher refractive indices (1.620, 17638).
It is possible to distinguish jadeite from it not only by its lower hardness (7), but also by higher values ​​of refractive indices (1.65-1.67) and density (3.33g / cm 3) and characteristic ripples or graininess on the surface of the polished stone. In Burma and Russia there is a beautiful emerald green color chrome diopside, which differs from emerald in hardness (5.5-6), refractive indices (1.672-1.708) and density (3.20 g / cm 3). difficult to distinguish from chrysoprase, colored with nickel compounds and having an absorption line at 623 nm. Emerald green uvarovite, due to the small size of the crystals, is rarely found in faceted form.

It, like demantoid and grossular, is isotropic, has no dichroism, and has a higher refractive index and density. The properties of emerald differ from other green stones and glasses, which have long been used as imitations of a precious stone. In the latter, inclusions of air bubbles are present, and other signs are also characteristic. There are known cases of "ennobling" of fractured minerals by impregnating them with oil with dyes. Such stones can be identified by immersing them in water containing a grease solvent (such as laundry detergent) or by slightly heating the stone to remove oil from the cracks.

Origin and location

It is characteristic of different types of pegmatites. See beryl

Practical use

Jewelry stone.

For processing transparent emeralds, the following types of cut are used: stepped, rectangular "emerald" or "square", less often brilliant. Translucent stones are cut in the form of cabochons. Dichroism must be taken into account. It should be noted that only a very small proportion of emeralds are processed in the countries where they are mined. The highest quality emeralds are processed in Idar-Oberstein (Germany), Ramat Gan (Israel), London, Geneva and New York. Stones of medium and low quality, which make up the bulk of the mined minerals and are suitable for making cabochons, are processed in India. They are often combined with diamonds in jewelry.

Unique emeralds

The sizes of crystals are different: gem-quality crystals are usually small. The largest emerald in the world measuring 14x35 cm and weighing 24,000 ct was found in 1956 at the Somerset mine (South Africa). Unfortunately, it was not preserved in its original condition, as it was cut into several parts and processed. Unique emeralds with a mass of 1629.6 and 1160 ct were found in Zimbabwe.
Unique emeralds have also been found in our country. The largest of the Ural emeralds is a transparent grassy-green crystal called “ Emerald Kokovin”, Was found in 1834. Its location is currently unknown. Over time, this name passed to another emerald of a beautiful color and good quality weighing 11 thousand ct, which was kept in the Kochubei collection (hence the second name - "Kochubeevsky Emerald"), and now it is in the collection of the Mineralogical Museum of the USSR Academy of Sciences. A. E. Fersman.

The "Diamond Fund of Russia" contains an emerald found in 1978 called "Glorious Ural", weighing 3362.5 ct and other crystals of good quality and color, significant in size.
The stones from Colombia enjoy well-deserved fame: "Crystal from Gachala" (7025 ct), "Austrian emerald" (2681 ct), "Devonshire emerald" (1383.95 ct). The American Museum of Natural Sciences in New York contains the Patricia emerald (632 ct). An emerald weighing 6300 ct was found at the Carnaiba deposit in Brazil in 1970, which was later exported to Germany.
The largest North American emeralds are: "Pride of America" ​​(an aggregate of crystals weighing 1470 ct.), "Stefanson's Emerald" (1438 ct.), "The Stolen Emerald" and "Gidzenite Emerald" (1270 ct.) And a number of others. These stones are unique not only in size, but also in quality - they are beautiful, largely transparent stones of a beautiful thick color. Various souvenirs are sometimes carved from large emeralds.

In the collection of the Vienna Museum there is a vessel for ointment weighing 2,680 ct, made of a dark green crystal.

Synthesis of artificial emeralds

Synthesis of gemstones in the United States is carried out on an industrial scale. Artificial stones are very similar to natural ones in inclusions and zoning; at the same time, they are easily distinguished from natural ones by the microrelief in reflected light, by the presence of rough steps and growth spirals, by the absence of other minerals on the crystal faces that are common on the facets of natural crystals. The density of artificial emeralds is 2.65, their refractive indices (n o = 1.563, n e = 1.560) are lower than those of natural ones. In ultraviolet rays with filters made from a weak solution of copper salts, some natural minerals differ from artificial ones: Colombian emeralds show a bright red glow, and artificial ones glow with a crimson color. The method of X-ray topography is used to diagnose natural and artificial stones.

Crystal-optical properties in thin preparations (thin sections)

Pleochroates: yellowish-green in No, greenish-bluish in Ne. n o = 1.586-1.592, n e = 1.579-1.589; n o = 1.572-1.580, n e = 1.572-1.575; n o = 1.589-1.590, n e = 1.580-1.581. Sometimes abnormally biaxial. Dichroism is quite clearly expressed in emeralds, especially in Colombian ones: Ne - green, bluish-green; Na - yellowish green. Zonal coloration is often observed in them. Moreover, zoning can be manifested in different ways. There are crystals with a weakly colored peripheral and intensely colored green central part, and vice versa. Another type of zoning is a change in the color intensity along the long axis of the crystal, and several alternating bands of different intensities are visible. Sometimes crystals are colored unevenly. The color is stable and does not change under the influence of light and heat. However, when heated to 700-800 ° C, the crystals fade somewhat. This gem is optically uniaxial. The refractive indices and birefringence of crystals from different deposits may differ slightly, which is associated with a change in the impurities included in the structure. This is reflected in the density of the mineral as well. Emeralds of some deposits luminesce in ultraviolet rays: red in long wavelengths and green in short wavelengths.

Mineral photo gallery

Emerald is a stone that belongs to the herbaceous green variety of beryl and is highly valued. A green and sometimes bluish tint appears in colorless beryl due to chromium impurities.

The color of the emerald is unique and is the hallmark of the stone.

The name of the mineral came from the Persian language, and the deposit is considered to be Colombia, East Africa, India. The magical properties of the emerald and its healing functions are issues that have been hotly discussed for several centuries. The description of the emerald excites researchers even now, since the functionality of the stone is amazing.

Mineral characteristic

It is not difficult to recognize a green emerald among other gemstones - it stands out for its elongated prismatic crystals, bright color and glassy shine. It is believed that the full information about the gem has not yet been disclosed, and the knowledge of emerald stones continues.

It is difficult to find a pure green gem with an ideal shape, because faceted minerals with a bright color and beautiful appearance are highly valued and are not available for purchase by most people. The cost of an emerald is comparable to that of a diamond, since the mineral is one of the most expensive gemstones. At the same time, prices for pale emeralds are low. The uniqueness and uniqueness of a precious mineral depends on its bright radiance and the place of extraction.

Thus, the mineral found in Colombia has a beautiful herbaceous color and bright shine.

Emerald is a soft and scratch-prone mineral with an easily abraded surface. A damaged stone devoid of shine is estimated at 10 times cheaper than a polished one. Despite its softness, the mineral is considered strong, although inferior in hardness to rubies and diamonds. A detailed description of the stone plays a key role in determining its price.

Determining the value of a stone

In order to find out how much an emerald is worth, it is not enough to determine "by eye". The ideal stone is the one in which a rich bright color and transparency are combined.

The brighter the color of the mineral, the more valuable it is.

Special criteria are used to calculate the price:

  1. With fewer cracks, the price of emeralds will be higher. Cedar oil, thermal or vacuum installations, epoxy resins are often used to treat splits and damage.
  2. The value of a stone directly depends on its color. The bright green hue is characterized by the highest cost. There are times when stones with a less vibrant color are highly valued, which, after cutting, turn into sparkling and shiny gems. The advantage of emeralds among other jewelry is the independence of the price from the number of inclusions. On average, the cost is several tens of hundreds of dollars for one carat of an emerald, the color of which is rich and deep.

The value of a mineral directly depends on the cutter.

Especially for the gem, a cut called "emerald" was developed, which is a rectangular or square shape with slightly blunt corners.

This design gives exceptional value and prevents the effects of mechanical damage.

The healing properties of emerald

Natural emerald is valued not only for its beautiful appearance and giving status to the owner. Since ancient times, the crushed mineral was considered a powerful antidote, a means of fighting night blindness, an eyesore. Ancient healers believed that by keeping a natural stone in your mouth, you can permanently get rid of dysentery, psoriasis, and diabetes.

Shades of emerald

Now the gem is credited with the following medicinal properties:

  • decrease in temperature;
  • treatment of burns, inflammations and infectious diseases;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • improved vision;
  • fight against epilepsy;
  • treatment of restless sleep and insomnia;
  • elimination of depression, unreasonable fears and increased fatigue.

The emerald mineral fights high blood pressure, headaches and joint pains, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation in the bladder.

If you put the stone in a container with raw water and leave it to stand overnight, then the liquid can be consumed without further purification.

It is believed that it is possible to get rid of melancholy, strengthen memory, acquire peace of mind, and calm nervousness thanks to the green, soothing glow of emerald: the properties of the stone for a tense person open up with exceptional power.

The magical possibilities of emeralds

Several centuries ago, there was an opinion about the ability of the emerald to provide protection to warriors, to make them braver. The magical properties of the stone amazed with the power of healing and the bestowal of happiness. If you believe the ancient legends, then with the help of the mineral you can achieve universal recognition and success.

Esotericists believe that emerald affects the sphere of feelings

The characteristic of the emerald as a magic stone connects it with the ability to influence feelings, love, and fidelity. Due to the mineral's ability to enlighten, it can be used during meditation, prayer, or confession.

The magic of stone in modern life extends to many areas. So, it will be useful:

  • while ensuring material well-being;
  • when adultery is revealed - in this case, the stone will split into pieces;
  • in the fight against the deceitfulness of the owner, tendencies to scams;
  • in case of family disagreements;
  • with problems with procreation.

The mineral gives the owner health, good luck, dissipates negative energy, warns against the dangers of a person's house. Thanks to the emerald, you can get in touch with deceased people, start deciphering the mysterious signals of the Universe.

Finding out who suits the emerald is not difficult. Due to the delicate properties of the stone, he will not be able to take root in a rude and aggressive owner who constantly demonstrates these sides of character.

But the mineral will correct the character of young people, relieve them of addictions, cheeky inclinations. The stone will have a separate positive effect on nursing mothers, creative personalities, artists, researchers.

Only emerald is capable of attracting inspiration and going in search of a muse with a delicate nature, the magical properties of which attract good luck, good, success and creative spirit from all sides. There is a legend that to create world famous works, Goethe used a small amulet interspersed with a magic mineral.

Emerald for zodiac signs

When can emeralds be worn and who are they suitable for? The gem is not only an attractive jewel with magical properties for each person, but also a talisman for individual signs.

The strong energy field of the stone can have a beneficial effect on the life of Lions, Aquarius, Cancers and Pisces.

This is due to the closeness of signs to nature. Strengthening the family hearth, seeking peace, love and respect - the purpose of the emerald; the meaning of the stone for the listed signs is also manifested in the ability to find the necessary support, friendship, and cope with bouts of anger.

This stone is most effective in jewelry.

The most effective talisman is in the form of a ring with the inclusion of emerald stones. Each sign must wear a talisman on a certain finger:

  1. Taurus is on average.
  2. Cancer and Pisces - on the little finger.
  3. Lions and Sagittarius - on the index.
  4. Aquarius - on nameless.

The energy that the emerald transmits to the signs of the zodiac is not suitable for everyone. Aries, Virgo, Libra, Capricorns, and especially Scorpions, according to the horoscope, the mineral is contraindicated. A separate reservation is required by Gemini, for whom the stone can become a guide to the afterlife or a thread connecting the owner with spirits.

When choosing a precious piece of jewelry with a natural component, one should take into account its detailed characteristics. Despite the attractiveness of the stones, sometimes purchasing them can be overkill. This can be traced by examining emeralds, the color of which attracts everyone, but does not suit everyone due to individual characteristics.

The exquisite emerald stone is a popular element for jewelry decoration. It is widely used to ennoble expensive jewelry and elegant decorative items. Emerald is the source of numerous mysteries: its magical properties are shrouded in mysticism, and its noble effect on the body, although not recognized, is widely used. This precious crystal is not only a symbol of beauty, but also a famous amulet for young girls and mothers of many children.

History and origins

In Ancient Egypt, emerald was ranked among the symbols of the goddess Isis. Its striking color matches perfectly with the image of matured femininity. The goddess Isis gave emerald branches to selfless mothers who prayed to her for the good of their children. Patronizing women's affairs, Isis strengthened the correct image of motherhood. The ancient priests included these precious stones on the list of the best gifts for her. It is thanks to the belief in the goddess that the emerald was firmly rooted in the use of the Egyptian high castes and the wives of high-ranking priests.

The emerald was also highly valued in Babylon. This wealthy country contained many precious resources. Most of the famous figures, thinkers and politicians of Babylon accumulated precious stones as a personal resource, among which emerald was often found.

The mystery and value of the emerald gradually brought the stone to wide distribution in the circles of the aristocracy of all countries. The resource broke out beyond the borders of the countries in which it was mined and became a worthy adornment of kings and a value for the sultans. They say that the Arab sheikhs gathered whole hills with stones of ideal quality and purity.

Physical properties

The emerald is classified as a first order stone. He is deservedly placed on a par with, etc.

Properties that distinguish emerald from other stones:

  • All representatives have a rich green color.
  • The stone can withstand temperatures up to 700 degrees, after this point it begins to lose color.
  • Resistant to acids.
  • The hardness of the stone is estimated at 7.5-8, which is not too high on the Mohs scale. Emerald is inferior to sapphires and diamonds.
  • The fragility of the stone ensures the frequent presence of cracks in individual specimens in the form of individual defects and small meshes.
  • The stones are often diluted with gas bubbles and other rocks.

The quality of an emerald is determined by two main criteria: color and transparency. The color of the stone should be rich, deep and even. Samples with a clear hue, sufficient transparency and no damage are considered ideal, and similar models over 5 carats in size cost more than high-quality diamonds.

Emerald colors

The structure of emerald has a structure identical to that of beryllium. Now the differences between them are weak and since the 19th century, the emerald has been officially ranked as a variety of beryllium. Previously, all varieties of beryllium, including those with a bluish tint, were called emeralds.

The colors of the emerald can be very different, however, they are all united by the presence of a pronounced green fragment of the gamut. There are varieties of yellowish-green, blue-green shades, while yellow and blue can only be indirect accompaniments to the basic green tone. The base itself can also range from light colors to shades of dark green foliage.

The edges of the stone can change color and reflection when turned. One stone can simultaneously shine with different tones of green, yellow, blue. The purest is the color of green grass, which has a sufficient degree of transparency.

Place of Birth

The emerald industry on a small scale is widely developed around the world: stones are mined in Russia, USA, Australia, Bulgaria, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, France, Cambodia, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Mozambique, Namibia, Ethiopia, South Africa. However, there are only a few large industrial centers where high-quality emeralds are mined in large quantities.

The largest crystal deposit is located in Colombia. There are smaller deposits in Zambia, Egypt, Brazil and New Granada. These five locations hold the bulk of the world's supply of emeralds.

Talismans and amulets

Overgrown with parables and mysteries, the emerald has become a popular stone for making amulets and talismans. Since ancient times, talismans have brought women good luck and revealed certain qualities, and amulets served as protective amulets from evil spells.

Not only among the Egyptians, emerald is firmly associated with the image of matured femininity and beauty. This value of the jewel is firmly rooted in the minds of different peoples. The Scots and Saxons sincerely considered the emerald deposits to be wonderful offerings from the Dryads. They associated the stone with the purity of female love and the connection of girls with nature.

The Russian aristocracy of the times of Kievan Rus considered the emerald a stone of married women and allowed it to be worn only by those who had more than three children. Over time, this custom faded away, but it shows well the deep symbolism of the stone.

The magical properties of the stone

The magical properties of the emerald stone include:

  • Emerald protects virgin beauty and deep connection with nature in young girls. He maintains the purity of thoughts in relation to men, helps to cultivate loyalty and devotion in the girl in relation to the future family and her man. Emerald protects pure fantasies and protects from outside sensual temptations.
  • Protects the correct development of motherhood in a woman: helps to bear a healthy child, protects the fetus from the influence of evil extraneous thoughts, makes the child close to nature. Nourishes the mother's correct expression, cleanses her from bad influences.
  • Keeps a woman's connection with nature, due to which her natural sensuality (but not passion) and the ability to deeply experience living things, to distinguish the true, living, present from the inanimate, fake, far-fetched, are revealed.
  • Keeps a deep connection of a woman with the wisdom of the clan, helps to better feel and anticipate what is coming, intuitively make the right decisions for the benefit of the future of the family and children.
  • It reveals the inner wealth of a woman, thanks to which the material level of the whole family can be evened out.

Best of all, the emerald reveals its qualities in women who want to understand true femininity in themselves, enhance the natural girlish qualities and grow from a girl to a woman not only in body, but also in mind and heart. This is a stone for women who truly understand the value of family and yearn to become a permanent blessing for their relatives.

The healing properties of the stone

The stone is endowed with powerful healing properties. In the Middle Ages, he was considered one of the attributes of healers and healers.

Emerald has a positive effect:

  • on the autonomic nervous system, due to which the work of organs and systems can be improved;
  • on the digestive tract, improves the functioning of the walls of the esophagus and intestinal permeability;
  • on vision, improves the ability of crystals to correctly conduct light;
  • on the reproductive system, helps to get rid of pain during menstruation, normalizes the ovulation cycle;
  • on the endocrine glands, helps to normalize the normal production of hormones.

Scientific evidence can disprove the healing properties of the stone, because there is no direct evidence for it, but interaction with the natural aspects of the crystal structure and confidence in its action can create a placebo effect. So this or the crystals have real healing qualities is unknown.

Emerald and zodiac signs

Green emerald is suitable for all signs of the zodiac: this stone has a mild positive effect, calms the psyche and improves the functioning of the senses. However, the stone is most compatible with Pisces and Cancer.

Artificial emerald

Modern artificial emeralds can have a quality even higher than the real ones: they give high-quality analogs greater strength, greater purity of color and saturation, they are larger in size and surpass natural specimens in all respects. Naturally, we are talking only about analogues of really high-quality production. However, no matter how strong, pure and rich the artificial emerald is, natural specimens are many times more expensive and are much more valuable. And this is not surprising: natural crystals will always be valued higher than synthetic material due to their origin and structure.

The first time a synthetic emerald was mined in Germany at the end of the nineteenth century. After that, the United States gathered scientific resources and for 50 years brought the production of artificial crystals to large sales in the world market. Now the largest corporation providing supplies of synthetic emeralds belongs to the joint production of Thailand and Russia.

How to distinguish a fake?

Most fake emeralds are sold as a standalone product called Igmerald. However, if you decide to choose a natural specimen, then sometimes you need to make sure of the quality of the purchased product. The high quality of counterfeits makes identification a rather difficult process.

So, how to distinguish a real emerald:

  • Natural emeralds often have a more dull color, while synthetic ones often saturate with a luster that is too bright for this crystal. If you see a stone that shimmers in the light no worse than a diamond, then it is most likely a fake. If a stone of deep, even, uniform color fell into your hands, then it is most likely real.
  • You can check the crystal under ultraviolet light: synthetic crystals have a brownish-orange glow in the UV spectrum, real emeralds do not react to radiation in any way. However, this method cannot be considered final: there have been cases when natural stones reacted like artificial analogs.
  • It is necessary to take a closer look at the edges of the stone: it is important that the crystal does not have worn or worn edges. The edges should be clear and sharp, precisely defined. The strength of the emerald does not allow the stone to wear out quickly under normal conditions. The worn out edges indicate a low-quality fake.
  • The internal structure of the stone must be uniform and uniform. The presence of lamination or hints of the existence of inner layers indicates a cheap fake.
  • The presence of cracks and internal small defects in large stones indicates the probable natural origin of the crystal.

Caring for products with emerald

Emerald is not of the highest strength, however, it is quite difficult to damage it in everyday conditions. Despite this, it is better to be careful with jewelry:

  • Get rid of pebbles from possible contact with cosmetic and household products: remove jewelry when doing household chores (cleaning, cooking, etc.), as well as before carrying out water procedures.
  • Put on jewelry after applying makeup: powder, blush, shadows can get on the stone, and the stone will not be able to express all its beauty.
  • Store accessories in a cool, dark place. You can wrap each item in a separate soft cloth.

To clean the accessory from small dirt, soak it in a warm solution of water and soap. After that, you can wipe the decoration with a cloth or clean it with a soft brush.

Emerald (Smaragd) - green gem

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