Yes, I have a complex nature of the quote. Statuses about the character of the girl

What is my character? Hate him! And I am sure that in this feeling I am not at all alone, many people hate me ...

Yes, maybe I'm not ideal. Not blonde, not blue-eyed, and my character, what to say, not sugar, but ... I know how to love with all my heart and surrender to this feeling.

Oh, my dear, character is not for you? Why the fuck did you powder my head then?

Something is pulling me towards you, but what, I can't understand. The appearance is unremarkable, the character is also not the most pleasant, so why do I like you? Mystery…

Best status:
My character is not simple: restrained in English, gentle in French and firm in Russian.

The best features of my parents have united in me: beauty is my mother's, character is my grandmother's, but kindness from my dad, so if you don't want to get a shovel in the fucking place, go out of here!

I used to think that I was looking for a guy like me, but when I found him, I realized that two identical characters cannot get along.

If a guy has a great character, then his appearance and figure are no longer so important to me!

I can be so different, Now capricious, now beautiful, Now a bogeyman opupenny, Now a beauty - Miss "Universe", Now docile, now with character, Now I am silent, now I swear ...

He loves my character. He tolerates my whims. He's so wonderful. (with)

- He has such a character. Horror. How do you deal with him? - Love him.

- Stick your character in the ass! - I can't, I have an awl there ... (c)

we talk to another on the phone ... (and he has a red cat) Then he yells: “Don't touch the redhead, otherwise fuck * no !!!”. Then there was a hiss in the receiver and short beeps ... I think, you still need to listen to people sometimes, and not show your character ...

Social survey - Why don't I have a girlfriend ?: 20% -I look average, but very funny in nature. 30% -I am very shy when girls are around. 50% -I'm a level 80 elf ...)

Describe me in one word ?! -my!!!

Do you wanna get me? Try to break my character, call me, write, bother me, make me angry, make me hate you ... And the rest I will do myself, I will take just one step, one step from hatred to love ...

Thanks everyone! You have developed a new character trait in me ==> aAbsolute indifference…. ?

And when I die .. will you cry? -Yes. I will pay. in front of everyone, forgetting about who I am, about my character. I will fall to my knees and cry .. no. not cry. I will scream hysterically and, choking on tears, feel like a part of me has been torn off. (c)

God, give wisdom to understand a man, give love to forgive him, patience to endure his character. Just don’t give me your strength, otherwise I’ll fucking kill him! :).

And I love my Alinochka, not because she has big breasts, a beautiful waist, etc., because she does not put tons of makeup on herself, and her character is natural, and does not adapt to mine like a doll =) Someone will find such I give the girl advice, CARE there are few of them left)))

So that the meeting was purely friendly, she did not shave her legs, put on panties with a barbie and drew a dick on her chest with a marker

you are not rich, and you are not posh character, you are not handsome ... but I love you as you are: *]

Today I wrote a description and there the initials "OO", smiled =))

To have an angelic character, you need to have devilish patience.

in fact, a person has 3 characters: 1-which is attributed to him by others, 2-what he wants to seem to everyone and 3-the one who really is ... and tell me more that this is not so ...

I can officially confirm that the way to a man's heart these days is not through beauty, stomach, sex or gentleness of character, but simply through the ability to pretend that you are not at all interested in him. (with)

“My girl, you’re so good ... But I’m a womanizer, I can’t help myself, but I don’t want to hurt you ...” (c) this was said to me a couple of days ago, he is silent, due to his character I am silent too ... and I fell in love with him ...

Maybe the character is heavy because it is golden? 168 Bonnie

When we met, you said “Appearance is not the main thing, the main thing is character” ... judging by your new girlfriend, you were not lying.

And I have a character. I remember you called once and said that you miss ... And I hung up. Not because I didn't get bored. Not because I don't like it. Because you called too late… through the millions of beats of my tortured heart….

[Damn, I got it, I can’t, I took my whole brain out. Fucking character. Here's a nasty thing ah. Don't contradict me, don't do me a favor, blah, blah, blah. But I love it anyway *]

Yes, I'm unbearable! I have a pissed-off character, loud laughter, a special sense of humor, and I'm kind of jealous ... But you fell in love with me? Is not it?

“Everyone asks me: -That's why you love him so much ??? He is not cute, not smart, terrible character, does not appreciate people ... I closed my eyes and answered: - Just because he is! but now ... I opened my eyes and laughed out loud ... "

He has a lot of bad habits, a terrible temper, he can never make you happy. What did you find in him? -He has beautiful eyes ...

Do you know who a CAT is? This is an entertaining fur product =))

Eh, it's a pity there is no marital status in kontatka “Fuck each other's brains”. Such an accurate description of many relationships!

- I'm just lovely. Awesome !! - yes, you have nothing charms, of course, but your character is f * cking ..

When the characters are similar. It's very difficult to build relationships!

Yes, she has a difficult character, she tries to do the opposite, she is an adult, she always understands and supports ... and yet she is a mother:

my character is not fucking awesome. just nobody likes

My character will ruin me more than once ...

- I learned to kiss on tomatoes! - And I'm on bricks! I love girls with character!

I want to change ... it will change so that the character would become stricter, less jealousy, and moderate pride ... (c)

this is how you live and you don’t know that there is a process inside you that is closely related to endocytosis and is typical only for those groups of eukaryotes that do not have a cell wall ... and when you find out, it becomes scary to live ..

Here, damn it ... well, what a character I have ... I fall in love at first sight .. 2 weeks, that's all, my love burned out ..)))

Recently, I have been having thoughts of a sexual nature - "Who would ** get to?"

In ICQ. 4ikSа: I say, you and Ruslan x-mi are very similar. Russel: YES ?! Dicks or characters ?!

My character is heavy, because - golden !!!

[She has tons of unnecessary numbers on her phone, old sms, she loves a lot of chocolate, expensive perfume, she has a bad character, but still she is perfect for someone else]

Some do not agree in character, but we did not agree in time .... That I am busy, then he is busy ... rarely saw each other .... No good it did not lead ...

Describe it to me. -She, well, what is she .. no mind, no character .. some boobs.

... Its character is sugar with glass grated into crumbs. She is always different. With an interval of a couple of minutes she laughs, and then cries. She knows how to make me laugh. She is crazy about roses. Hysterical. But at the same time, quiet and good ...

She has cute eyes ... complex character ... good with her. But not everyone understands this ...

Darling, you have an angelic character, a kind soul, you are the best ... -I will not give ... -Bitch, creature, bow-legged slut, fucking ugly! Hmm, that's to be expected.

Yes .. my character is heavy .. maybe because he is made of gold ?!

I don't like my character!? ... I got up and went out !!!

Here I will take and marry Dimka! .. Although, judging by his character, I would rather marry him ... 😀

I love your eyes. Hair, lips. Your body. Your scent that is impossible to forget. I love the very moment when you take off your T-shirt. Your stupid character. I love everything. 187 Treece

Mom, dad, I love you very much. Forgive that I am not always what you want, forgive for hurting you, forgive for my bad temper ...

Take care of yourself and correct your character, can anyone bite, but for now, fuck you !!!

My ideal: handsome, smart, strong, stylish, with a sense of humor, kind, gentle, caring, with a strong character, sharing my interests ... to start a harem, or what? =)

What a strong character you need to have, that when your loved one leaves you, you walk around and pretend that you are happy when you want to hang yourself !!!

For some reason, rudeness, drunkenness, cigarettes, lasciviousness, obscenities - these are the main characteristic features of modern guys. Long ago they forgot the culture of behavior, they do not know the word "LOVE" and think that everything in the world is subject to them.

she has blue eyes, a complex character, but it's good with her .. just try .. then you won't come off, try before it's too late .. one chance for always ..

Why can't a guy say to his face: “You have a finished character, you kiss badly, you infuriate me, bitch.” But you just have to freeze ...

Even by its nature it can be determined. why she doesn't have a boyfriend: r [O] rday; [D] impudent; embittered [N] th; f [A] lshy ...

To endure my character - you need to fuck how much you love me)

[My character is sugar with glass grated into crumbs, I love like no one has ever been lucky, My life is a complete contradiction. I am loved by everyone and endlessly nobody's]

every time I take offense at the garbage and leave (thereby showing my stupid character) I go as slow as possible, imperceptibly biting my lips, fearing that you will not follow such a fool ...

A conversation between a girl and a guy: Girl: "I have a very difficult character, by the way, according to the horoscope, I am a scorpio" Boy: "You would be better off with cancer"!

eh, you guys! here you will part with your girlfriend, and then you are looking for the same one! with the same name in appearance or character! you are looking for just a PITy COPY!

I love to show my tongue, FUCK, and character)

I am sweet ... my mother bathed in syrup as a child (= And also, I have a fluffy character, like a hedgehog ...)))

.... I am a small, selfish, but very good girl, with not a very good character ... 😉

her character is sugar, with glass grated into crumbs, she loves because no one has ever been lucky, she swoops in like a tornado and leaves quietly without words, she is an unsolvable problem from igrekov and xx

I want a daughter from you. With my appearance and your character. I want in a toy store, you, so courageous and strong, explain to the saleswoman that it is the pink fairy wings that are needed.

The main thing in a guy is character, and it doesn't matter what brand he has a touchscreen phone)

It is foolish to scold for the character of a person whom he himself raised ©

"Kozel - beer with your character"))

I have a fluffy character, like a hedgehog ...

Rubbing weight nervously? HIS character. At your place? Stockings, lace bra. HE weighs like mercury and looks like power. You have breasts! ALL! … YOU WIN!!!

A friend says: - At the time of graduation from kindergarten to school, my husband was given the characteristic “Sociable, eats and plays well” ... You know, NOTHING has changed in 30 years!

Just don’t look ... Just don’t look at him ... Just don’t look into his eyes .. Beautiful, bottomless ... Just don’t be able to ... Spineless!

and when he kissed my belly and said that this was the house of his unborn child ... and now we do not agree in character (.. it hurts ..

Everyone says: cool, beautiful, gentle, sexy ... .. nice ...))) And he says: a fool with makeup, with a childish character ... insulting (((188 vasek

mulberry I write a lot of statuses ... that express my thoughts) and put in contact, I don't have enough courage ... damn it, well, what a character ... (((

Today I wrote on myself a description for the military department. How awesome I am =)

Girls are not beautiful because of how much makeup they wear, or how they are dressed, girls are beautiful in soul ... and if the character is terrible, then no clothes will help ...

we are standing in a shop. a guy is standing nearby and calls on the phone. There is such a conversation: -Dear, I have a question for you personally of a sexual nature ... How to cook a fish pie ?? ..

Compare her character and my ass ... ... I'm cooler, right ?!))

what kind of nonsense ?! she herself says that she has a disgusting character and she is harmful, but it was worth saying that she was hurt-offended (((where is the logic ?? PPC ....

boy, you are constantly growing up with your beloved girl, looking for her for the sake of another, always y not the same name, outsider or character! you are looking for a Pitying copy of your beloved ...

Yes!!! I have a difficult character !!! And all because it is ... GOLD!))

[she is short, she has bright blue eyes, complex character, but good with her].

a super cool guy lives in my bathroom ... with a fucking character and wonderful eyes .... God, how I love him ... sorry for him on the other side of the mirror ..))

After all, the main thing is not how a person looks, but his character, behavior, sense of humor and intelligence ... but many do not understand this ... sadly ...

just don’t look. Just don’t look at him. Just don’t look into his crafty, beautiful, bottomless eyes. Just don’t ... Spineless ...

You haven't had anyone for a long time, you need to get someone. - Start? This is not a dog to turn on someone. - Of course. The dog is chosen for life. You will not tell her: “Sorry, dog, we did not agree with each other

Even if we have different characters, we often quarrel ... but we look spectacular !! 184 Mas

Indeed, they are friends and love not for anything, but IN SPITE! In spite of everything: circumstances, common sense. And not for qualities of character or appearance, not out of pity, not out of duty, not out of gratitude, but because of an inexplicable inner attraction to another person ... 106 Bonia

[Well, let it ... Let me be so loud .. funny ... and not at all grown up ... .so funny and loud ... slightly inadequate ... With a complex character and far from ideal ... Well, let it ... But I am real ... and I know how to love ...

Sometimes we pay too much, showing our character ...

It's time to understand for a long time that they really love for their soul and character, and not for their awesome figure and beautiful eyes.

And my character is wonderful! It's just that everyone has some kind of weak nerves ...

My character is not difficult, it is individually and especially developed.

You only recognize a person's character when he becomes your boss.

I have a bad temper, so I can't stand people with a bad temper.

I have a very patient nature, like a cumulative discount system. the main thing is not to fall under my bonus distribution later.

A person's character can be judged by how he behaves with those who cannot be of any use to him, as well as with those who cannot give him back.

Yes, I have a difficult character, but everyone chooses for himself whether to have a kitten or tame a lioness ...

The lightest character is among the cynics, the most unbearable - among the idealists.

I hate myself for my stupid nature. ... I may miss a person madly, but I will never tell him about it.

Those who have an orderly character, those who have a well-ordered life.

People often, in advance, invent the character of a person by his appearance, without knowing the soul.

My character is not the best, but my priest is cool ...

My character is golden, that's why it's so heavy !!!

The true character of a person is reflected precisely in the little things, when he ceases to take care of himself.

You will remember my bad temper and beautiful eyes forever.

Character can manifest itself in important moments, but it is created in the little things.

Character brings people closer together than mind.

Good character is wealth for life!


It just so happened that we are all completely different in our features and our behavior. He is sometimes docile, sometimes impulsive, rebellious and simply unbearable. What are we talking about now? Right. This is character. Each of us has a certain character warehouse, which is formed throughout our life. Attitudes, opinions, pressure from relatives and friends - all this affects what kind of person we will eventually become. And it is foolish to deny the fact that the most hidden deposits in our subconscious, at times, have just an incredibly destructive character on our lives. Many people visit psychologists, experience discomfort when communicating with the opposite sex or in general with the society around them. This is what our character is. Has it ever happened that you began to build a relationship with a person who does not know how to control himself, or constantly breaks in your direction, or just shudders the surrounding air with its whining and rage! And whoever says what, I am inclined to believe that if a person has an initially obnoxious character, then this is most likely for the rest of his life. After all, our habits come from childhood, and it is very difficult to correct them, and for this you need to work a lot on yourself, and not everyone is capable of this, alas. However, you should always try to fix what you don't like, being different is always good. Statuses about character especially for those who want to know all the nuances of this issue from all sides. Enjoy your reading.

Only girls with a truly firm character can show softness and flexibility. Those who are characterized by constant gentleness, rather try to hide their weakness and anger.

While others are watching my smile and docile nature, the evil bitch sitting inside me persistently promises to give me a dick.

Character, especially if he is proud, is not the best assistant in making important decisions.

Why do I have such a difficult character? It's just - golden ...

Best status:
In order for life to be beautiful, a girl needs 4 things: up to 18 years old they are good parents, from 18 to 35 years old - good looks; at the age of 35–55 - good character, and then - good money.

What will I do if someone breaks my character, shut me up and finally shows me where I belong? Hmm ... I think we will find something to do with such an interesting person ...

In my life, character and feelings are much more important than appearance with art.

If my character does not correspond to your ideals, then there is nothing to be done, because not all ideals are perfect!

I hate guys who write to one: “You are the best girl on Earth”, and then copy and send it to 15 more fools ...

If people heard what I was saying, they would call less often before answering their call.

Don't like my character !? Got up and went out!

There are no unattainable goals, there are weak characters ...

I am one of those who love in silence, endure for a long time and leave abruptly!

I want to meet you and kick you in the face so that you don't relax! I'm tired of hearing these gossips of yours behind my back!

And I’m going away like that, so I’ll go away ... What are the legs ...

- Come with me to the end of the world? - Next time. I'm eating.

Pride: “Hey asshole! .. It's good to whine, wake up, and keep on living”! Heart: “It's easy for you to say, you don't love” ...

Why am I tormenting people who are in love with me ?! I don't even want to be touched or kissed! Who else has it?

My character is like green tea with sugar ... very few people like it ...

Men want a bitch, women want love. And everyone is doing the same thing.

All the guys are like a public toilet, either shit or busy.

Life is shit ... but I'm with a shovel!

Has exhausted the limit of tears for one man ...

Only our men laugh at the woman driving, sitting on the bus.

I do not care anymore. Like in a stupid movie. The world is an empty talk ...

My harm is a defensive reaction ...

The mind is given to a woman in order to hide her character.

In the eyes - freedom ... In actions - strength ... In words - character ... And in the soul - a little defenseless girl ...

To the reply: "I will kill the reptile!", I calmly answer: "In the queue!"

If a woman does not watch herself, the man watches over another.

When a man tells a woman that she is the most beautiful, intelligent and kind - he says this not so much to her as he inspires himself.

A smile is my face. Laughter is my character. Joy is my life!

So broken that I want to write a snotty status about how you get disappointed in people and "best" friends, about how the icy city got stuck and the temperature was 35 instead of 36.6, how you got into your own character, indifference, ignoring everyone and your "beloved" loneliness.

Before, I tried to please you in every possible way. Well, now, I, proudly raising my head, send you fuck * d.

Kind is juice! And I'm angry!

Broke ... Yes, give a fuck! Another moron will glue ...

I have a bad character, but a good figure.

I warn you right away, I know boxing, karate, sambo, kickboxing and many other scary words ...

You can take a girl out of a collective farm, but never a collective farm from a girl !!

It's so hard to be kind when all around you are smart-ass!

You mess with the girl, don't be a rag! The place for the rag is next to the mop, not with this girl!

I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t use foul language! I want to go to the red book.

- Describe me in one word. - Well ... Sweetheart ... Beautiful ... Delicate ... - I asked for one. - Well, I do not know. What do you want me to say? - Fucking, honey. Oh * yeah.

I'll write a couple of stupid words here and I'll sit fashionably.

A neighbor came and began to yell ... But I can’t hear it, I shit!

Thank you dear, you made me a bitch and taught me to look at life differently ...

Because of my character, my parents don't even know how much I love them.

And my character is wonderful! It's just that everyone has some kind of weak nerves.

Strength of character lies not in the ability to punch walls with your head, but in the ability to find a door ...

We found each other, my harmful character and his iron patience.

Because of my bad temper, some people don't even know how much I love them.

May you have a heart that will never harden, and a character that will never deteriorate, and a touch that will never hurt.

I don't like my character either, but I live with myself.

Compassion for animals is so closely related to kindness of character that it is safe to say that one who is cruel to animals cannot be kind.

I don’t make myself impassable in my soul. And I will honestly add that character is not honey. Yesterday the black cat made way for me. And spitting three times, he went around!

Where your character begins, your relationship ends.

Thank you dad for the character.

For a happy family life, the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just a pretty appearance is enough.

The character of a woman, as a reflection of the love of a man. The more his love, the more tenderness she has. And the one who treats women differently may not be surprised that he comes across evil women.

Some people have shit. They call him character.

Never confuse my character with my attitude towards you. My character depends on me, and my attitude depends on your behavior.

A man should be decorated with three things: decency, character and deeds, and not cheap show-off, overestimated self-esteem and a long tongue

Today I met a person with the same character as mine ... It's hard to admit it, but ... I really wanted to strangle this infection in 10 minutes.

Sympathy is when you like appearance, falling in love is when you like appearance and character, and love is when you like even flaws.

Damn, you're so dumb, weird. I can't stand you! I hate your character! But I love you...

People with an ardent character are rarely constant in friendship.

Fate is your choice, plus your character!

Recently I met a guy with exactly the same character as mine. Now I understand what an asshole I would be.

Sometimes we pay too dearly for our disgusting character.

If a tough temperament prevents you from going with the flow and pulls you to the bottom, try to make it more broad.

Only music has the power to shape character ... Through music, you can teach yourself to develop the right feelings.

There is freedom in the eyes. Action is strength. In words - character. And in my heart - a little defenseless girl.

Traitors will make you stronger. The pain will temper the character. Life will teach you to respect and believe.

Problems are an opportunity. Problems are experiences. Challenges reveal potential. Problems are the building blocks of character.

Railway rails are distinguished by the greatest inflexibility and straightforwardness of character.

He just loves me. Appreciates everything that I do for him. He loves my whims and character, he is the only one so wonderful. This is love.

If a person is really needed, you will forget about pride and about your character.

Remember: all people come into your life for a reason. Some bring happiness, while others experience and tempered character.

Enrages when they say "Forget it, you will find better." Yes, I do not need it better. I want it with his idiotic nature. It was him. And I don’t need better.

The character of a man is best evidenced by the health of his wife (Cyril Connolly, English writer).

All people enter our life for a reason. Some bring happiness, while others experience and tempered character.

Any guy is NOT a guy! When Daddy wakes up with flowers in the morning and congratulates on DR!)

A man is characterized by four situations: how he fights, how he counts money, how he looks at children and how he ends the relationship.

Up to 18 years old, a woman needs good parents, from 18 to 35 good looks, from 35 to 55 good character, and after 55 - good money.

You can take a girl out of a collective farm, but never a collective farm from a girl !!

Life is shit ... but I'm with a shovel!

Has exhausted the limit of tears for one man ...

My character is like green tea with sugar ... few people like it ...

Pride: "Hey asshole! .. It's good to whine, wake up, and keep on living!" Heart: "It's easy for you to say, you don't love" ...

Only our men laugh at the woman driving, sitting on the bus.

I am one of those who love in silence, endure for a long time and leave abruptly!

If people heard what I was saying, they would call less often before answering their call.

The mind is given to a woman in order to hide her character.

I have a bad character, but a good figure.

If a woman does not watch herself, the man watches over another.

My harm is a defensive reaction ...

I hate guys who write to one: "You are the best girl on Earth," and then copy and send it to another 15 of the same fools ...

And I’ll go away like this, so I’ll go away ... That I’m already kicking ...

Sometimes, due to their character and pride, people make decisions that they will later regret very much ...

Why am I tormenting people who are in love with me ?! I don't even want to be touched or kissed! Who else has it?

In the eyes - freedom ... In actions - strength ... In words - character ... And in the soul - a little defenseless girl ...

A smile is my face. Laughter is my character. Joy is my life!

I want to meet you and kick you in the face so that you don't relax! I'm tired of hearing these gossips of yours behind my back!

If there is such a person who can tame my character, put me in my place or shut me up ... I may be interested in him.

To the reply: "I will kill the reptile!" I calmly answer: "In the queue!"

Only people with a hard character can be truly soft; for the rest, seeming softness is more often than not just weakness, which easily turns into anger.

All the guys are like a public toilet, either shit or busy.

There are no unattainable goals, there are weak characters ...

It's so hard to be kind when all around you are smart-ass!

Don't like my character !? Got up and went out!

Men want a bitch, women want love. And everyone is doing the same thing.

- Describe me in one word. - Well ... Sweetheart ... Beautiful ... Delicate ... - I asked for one. - Well, I do not know. What do you want me to say? - Fucking, honey. Oh * yeah.

I'll write a couple of stupid words here and I'll sit fashionably.

I warn you right away, I know boxing, karate, sambo, kickboxing and many other scary words ...

A neighbor came and began to yell ... But I can’t hear it, I shit!

My character is far from ideal ?! This poor ideal of yours is far from my perfect character!

Thank you dear, you made me a bitch and taught me to look at life differently ...

When a man tells a woman that she is the most beautiful, intelligent and kind - he says this not so much to her as he inspires himself.

Beauty is appearance, photography is art, but character and feelings are more precious in life.

Broke ... Yes, give a fuck! Another moron will glue ... - Statuses about character

Before, I tried to please you in every possible way. Well, now, I, proudly raising my head, send you fuck * d.

Kind is juice! And I'm angry!

My character is golden, that's why it's so heavy))

- Come with me to the end of the world? - Next time. I'm eating.

I do not care anymore. Like in a stupid movie. The world is empty talk ...

You mess with the girl, don't be a rag! The place for the rag is next to the mop, not with this girl!

I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t use foul language! I want to go to the red book.

While I pretend to be a good and obedient girl, the bitch and the bastard inside me just fucks at what is happening ...

So broken that I want to write a snotty status about how you get disappointed in people and "best" friends, about how the icy city got stuck and the temperature was 35 instead of 36.6, how you got into your own character, indifference, ignoring everyone and your "beloved" loneliness.

My opinion may have changed, but I'm still right!

Too strong to cry Too weak not to react.