Effective conspiracies from fear. A conspiracy from fear and depression

Every mother wants to protect her child as best she can. She dreams that the child would feel safe in absolutely any situation. But due to the fact that the child has an unstable psyche, children are very often afraid of something. You can also deal with childhood fears in magical ways. There is a conspiracy from fear.

Rules for reading a conspiracy from fear

If you want the conspiracies from fear in children to work one hundred percent, then it is worth using the following rules in their application:

  1. To speak a childish fear, however, like any other fear, will work only if you firmly believe in this ritual. And faith here is of fundamental importance. If magic "knows" that you believe in it, it feels it and gladly responds to you in return. If you are making a conspiracy just to do it, then it is better not to start.
  2. Getting rid of childhood fear should be carried out during the waning moon. This rule applies to all conspiracies where a person wants to get rid of something, and not vice versa to acquire through a conspiracy.
  3. When you read a conspiracy out of fear, then you should not have anxiety, your own fears, it is very important to feel confident at this moment. Because it is with the help of your confidence that you will be able to overcome. A lot depends on the state of the person at the moment of the conspiracy. A child can easily and quickly get rid of fears only if he feels confidence from a loved one who reads a conspiracy on him.

When is a fear conspiracy used?

If we talk about situations where you can use a conspiracy from fear, then they can be as follows:

  • You can lead a conspiracy from fear if you notice that your child has begun to sleep anxiously at night. It is difficult to put him down, he is more than usual afraid of being alone in the room. In this case, a conspiracy against fear, directed to the Mother of God, will help a lot.
  • A strong conspiracy against fears must be read on a child if some kind of recurring nightmare is tormented. It is desirable that the conspiracy in this case be supported by a correctly chosen prayer.
  • Very often children are afraid of something specific, for example, people in white coats, that is, doctors. Because for them such a meeting is associated with the fact that they will be hurt. In such a situation, you can also use getting rid of fear.
  • If the child is older, then he may have a fear of death. This can manifest itself as the fact that the baby reacts very emotionally to death conversations. He can wake up on his noses and cry from the fact that he realizes that he is mortal. In principle, the awareness of their mortality is normal for a baby, unless it is intensified by very strong negative emotions.

In all of these situations and in many others, a good conspiracy to relieve fear will help.

Egg plot

This conspiracy is very good because after it the baby not only ceases to be afraid, but he also has defenders at the spiritual level. Such a ritual will help remove the feeling of fear even in a situation when the child is following you, hiding behind you all the time and is afraid of strangers.

Be sure to perform this magical ritual to get rid of fear during the waning moon. To carry it out, you will need the following ingredients: one candle from the church, a fresh chicken egg, a half liter jar, this jar should be on the bottom of water.

The person who will carry out the conspiracy must wait until the child is completely asleep. It is necessary to wait for the deep phase of sleep so that the baby does not wake up from the manipulations that you perform on him. Next to his bed, place all the ingredients you have prepared to get rid of the fear.

The first stage of the magic ritual is that you roll the egg over the baby's body and a prayer should be read three times. Choose the prayer for this ritual yourself. If nothing comes to mind, then you can read Our Father three times.

Then you need to break this egg into a jar of water. Then go to the kitchen. Heat a cast-iron skillet over a fire and heat a tablespoon of table salt in it. Then pour the chicken egg from the jar on it. All this contents of the frying pan must be burned until it burns, and at the same time such a conspiracy to the child's strong fear must be uttered:

“The bird flew with an empty beak, flew over the servant of God (the name of the baby) flew up to him and swept away with its wing that frightened. Scarecrow, scarecrow, you are only in the garden and left. On the servant of God (name) you are no longer there, burned, gone. And every time the servant of God (name) sees birds, so he gains courage and confidence, but there is no alarm. "

Conspiracy on a toy

This ritual to get rid of fear will help if children are very much afraid of something. For example, they are literally horrified at the sight of dogs. In this situation, it will be effective to translate the fear into a toy. To do this, buy a brand new toy. It should be a small stuffed toy. Your child should not see it, do not show it to him, otherwise you will then have to forcibly take it away.

When the baby is asleep, walk up to him with a toy and one church candle. All sources of electric light in the child's room must be turned off. Light a candle instead. Take a toy in your left hand, look at the baby and pronounce the following conspiracy from childhood fear, you need to read confidently:

“From Fedot the big and Fedot the little, as well as from the servant of God (name), go to the inanimate. A lifeless person cannot live, not be afraid, not drink water, not rejoice, he just be. And little Fedot and the servant of God (name) live, worry, drink water, but let this excitement be only joyful. So that there is no fear and no hiccups, anxiety that torments. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise ”.

After this, a prayer should be recited, which will further strengthen the power of this magical ritual. The prayer must be read until the church candle is completely burned out. Then this charmed toy must be placed under the child's bed. Only so that he doesn't find her. After three days, take out the toy and put it somewhere far away, for example, on the mezzanine. All children's fears will be transferred to this toy, and the child will feel much more confident the very next day.

This ritual is similar to the ritual of Vanga or the healer Stepanova from hiccups. If you know that children have hiccups precisely because of fear, then such a magical rite can also be safely applied.

Signs that the ritual is working

There are signs by which you will understand that the ritual for childhood fears worked:

  1. You will notice for yourself that children are no longer so afraid of being left without you. They will be able to spend more time alone with themselves and in this they will be much calmer.

According to many experts in the field of psychology, fear is the state that quickly mobilizes the body's internal energy reserves, so that it quickly copes with such reactions. But fear may not always be short-lived. Often this stress, which is dangerous, it disrupts the functions of organs and systems. A person becomes insecure, loses a vital supply of energy. Therefore, it is very important to know how to overcome your anxieties and fears, how to overcome panic and panic attacks. A fear conspiracy is a great helper with which you can quickly get rid of the problem.

Stress can be hazardous to health

A fear conspiracy can be done independently at home. Many of the rituals do not require the use of special attributes or knowledge. It is important to get rid of such a state, since a person who is constantly in fear has thoughts clouded over, he is not capable of making correct, deliberate decisions. Prolonged stay in a state of fear can lead to the development of a depressive, panic state, and go into neurosis. A person loses strength, both physical and psychological. A fear conspiracy will help overcome these types of fear:

Stress can lead to depression.

  • yearning;
  • depressive state;
  • unexplained anxiety;
  • fright;
  • disturbing thoughts;
  • panic;
  • panic attacks;
  • childhood fears;
  • fear of the dark.

Effective rites

For courage, fearlessness and courage, various rituals and conspiracies have long been used, prayers were read. They have not lost their relevance at the present time. Many sorcerers and magicians in their practices carry out very effective rituals with the help of which it is possible to overcome various fears in both children and adults.

From night fears

Nightmares are worth fighting

If a person is afraid of the dark, there are effective conspiracies from the fear that manifests itself at night. When turning to higher powers for help, you need to remember that in addition to magical actions, you should, if necessary, undergo insomnia treatment. The conspiracy for fear must be read before bedtime:

“From fear they are dark, from fear I speak bed. Do not be afraid anymore, let the bad go away. There is no more terror in the dark night, no more fear in the desolate desert. There will be no fear from fire and deep water, from military affairs, fist fighting, the face of a dead man. There is no anxiety and fear in the soul of the servant of God (name). "

You can say the text several times, after which usually the fear should recede. Also, with such a text, you can independently remove the damage to fear, since words carry a very strong charge of positive energy.

On water and candles

For fear, there is a strong Slavic conspiracy read into the water. Old Slavonic conspiracies are very powerful, such spells were used by our ancestors, they are still relevant today. Magic actions are performed during the waning moon. You will need 13 candles and spring water (spring or well water can be used). Put candles in the form of a circle, read the text on a glass of water:

Wash yourself with spring water

“I look at you, the key water. I will save myself from fears, anxieties, fears, negativity. Let the soul be cleansed of evil, and courage comes to my soul. Let the mental suffering go away, and grief and anxiety will never be again. Pure water, heal from the torment of the soul. "

Then wash your face, take a few sips of water. Let the candles burn out completely.

From childhood fears

A powerful and fast-acting ritual is used to overcome the phobias that plague childhood. You cannot carry it out on yourself, only on a loved one. You will need the following attributes: a church candle, a handful of earth, a glass of water, a piece of paper, matches. Magical actions are performed alone, no one should know that you are performing this ritual, otherwise it may turn against you.

“As this leaf burns, it turns into ash, fears, anxieties, panic and phobias are carried away with smoke. Let the negative leave the soul of the servant of God (name), let it go along with the smoke to distant countries, beyond distant swamps, fields and mountains. There will not be even a drop of it in the soul or body. I call upon the Lord and higher powers to help me. Let it be so".

Come home silently and without turning around

After reading, set fire to a leaf from a candle flame, while the leaf is burning, repeat the plot again. Then pour the ashes into a glass of water, pour the water onto a handful of earth, repeat the text again. At the end of all the manipulations, collect the earth and carry it as far as possible from the house, pour it out in a deserted place. Go home in silence, without talking to anyone and without turning around. Wash your hands at home.

From fear of death to poppy

To get rid of the unpleasant state, you should take three handfuls of poppy consecrated in the church, read the text of the conspiracy over them, and then sprinkle the poppy on the person's head. The ritual is performed during the waning moon. The conspiracy text is:

“My guardian angels, abide forever with me, and save me from the fear of inevitable death. Let your shield stand over me, life will grant me. Amen".

Universal rite

With the help of a universal rite, various fears and anxieties can be overcome; as a result, a person gains confidence in his abilities, the conviction that he is able to overcome obstacles in his life. The universal rite is performed outside after the sun has hidden behind the horizon. Standing in the open air, the magic text is read to each side of the world:

Speak words to each side of the world

“Far distances send a ray of light for me, it flies to my house. This light illuminates my path. Let it become a light for me, and the darkness will go away, in the light all my fears and worries recede, they are not and will not be. If something unnecessary, someone else's wants to penetrate into my world and create fear, let him return to someone else's, I don't need it. Inside me there is only calmness, light and purity. There are shields around me, on all four sides. I am filled with good inside, the light is visible from me. All my fears, my fears go far away, as if they are carried away by a stream of wind. "

When this text is read, you should bow to each side of the world, each side three times. Silently go home, not talking to anyone or turning around.

Prayers for help

There is a strong prayer that is read in front of the spring. Scooping water with the palm of your hand, say:

“Voditsa is key, strong, cleanse my soul from fears and anxieties with your keys. In the name of all saints, the Lord and the Mother of God. I cleanse myself from evil eyes and corruption, from the influences of magicians, psychics and sorcerers. Let there be a stream of water between us, let the tricks of enemies and envious people not hurt me. And let fear go away with the stream of water, take it yourself, spring water, as you flow away into unknown distances, so does my fear and my anxiety flow. "

Situations in life are different. Some lift us up, make us dream,. Others, on the contrary, sink to the bottom of despair.

To a large extent, our attitude to life situations depends on previous experience, emotional sensitivity. Much fear spoils everything. Let's talk about it.

What is it in terms of magic, you know? Imagine: you are surrounded by a transparent sphere like a balloon. This space is completely yours.

It concentrates those forces that allow you to live well, stay healthy, achieve success and goals, and be happy. You need them.

Without them, you simply cannot live the way you want, as the Higher Forces have determined for you.

But this sphere was pierced. And they not just made a hole, but attached a hose to it, through which energy is stolen, pumped out in favor of that person or egregor (or rather, it goes to both), which causes anxiety and fear.

Man, it turns out, gives his life almost voluntarily. After all, he can always rationally solve a problem or drink sedatives to get rid of horror.

But no, we don't do that. We give our strength and happiness to someone who evokes not the best emotions.

Magicians understood this (maybe some have seen it) for a long time. All rituals are aimed precisely at disconnecting this thief. Among them, a conspiracy from fear takes pride of place.

It is valuable because everyone can learn and apply it as needed. That is, you do not need to go somewhere, along the road heaping new waves of horror on your head and soul.

In order for the conspiracy from fear to work, you must believe in it. Such a simple rule. Now let's move on to practical application.

How to read

This rite has some peculiarities. They are associated with the fact that in fact a person is fighting a more powerful rival. Their strengths are simply incomparable a priori.

Fear is not just an emotion, but a huge egregor. He extends his black tentacles to anyone who allows it. Therefore, it is advisable not to resist him.

You know, when faced with such a problem, transform (internally). What does he do when he is afraid? He hides in his mother's lap or under the table, under the blanket.

Imagine yourself as a toddler crawling into a closet in terror and confident that this behavior will help. Some are encouraged to do just that for ease of visualization.

The less you begin to resist fear, the more difficult it will be for the egregor to keep you energetically. Sincere naivety in this case is the surest weapon. It allows you to feed directly from your Angel, increase protection.

Letters from our readers

Theme: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv ****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of the constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries ... and a constant lack of money. You will not buy toys or new clothes for children once again, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money work.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for your current needs.

Of course, in the family we have learned to live and live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this, I asked myself. Look, others have money, bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is wealth.

I was already beginning to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that the article would change my life so much!

I have money! And not just a small change, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Over the past year we have made an excellent renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not got to this site.

Don't scroll past. Find a couple of minutes for this information.

How to achieve this state, read the conspiracy from fear. Try at least once to do this all not in imagination, but in reality. Then it will be easier.

You will have this model of the "little child hiding in the closet" in your brain.

If you are wondering if there are any special time restrictions on the use of this rite, then throw these thoughts out of your head. The spell is read when the soul is anxious, afraid.

At any time, under a wide variety of circumstances. Disconnect from what is happening for a minute and say the words of the formula, not forgetting the feeling of that child in the closet.

Here is one of the conspiracy options:

“Fierce day has come, the devil attacked us! Strengthen, Almighty, with the power of your forest! Let the walls stand around, let only a friend penetrate through them. Lord, you are not afraid of anything! Fill our spirit with your will, so as not to be afraid of anything more! Help the devil to master. Let the only remain of him! Amen!"

People prone to all kinds of experiences or elementary cowardice are advised to write these words down with their own hands on a piece of paper and have them with them. In moments of terror, you can forget their order. And the feeling of a leaf at hand will already be a serious help.

Remember that faith is also a powerful magical tool, no matter how blasphemous it may sound. Frightened, you are in anxiety, remember prayer.

The simplest and most famous "Our Father" helped many to cope with unnecessary emotions. They say they read it even in their dreams, when nightmares roll in a black, sticky wave.

There is a completely different ritual. It is carried out when a person falls into a trap of constant terror. That is, to be in a stressful situation for a long time.

For example, his boss is “weird” at work, but you can't change your job (you don't want to). Constantly worrying about how you will be evaluated, whether you will be fired, you can go crazy!

Still tense. But you never know reason to be afraid. Maybe you forgot to pay for the goods, now you are afraid that the police will come!

You should not put up with this state of affairs. It is necessary to get rid of this "tentacles of the egregor of fear."

The ceremony is held on the waning moon. You just have to go to the place where the water flows. At least to the river, at least to the lake, at least to the fountain.

As a last resort, run water into the bathroom. But this is not recommended. Have a handkerchief with you to tie a section of your hair.

When you arrive, pick up a pebble or a lump of earth. Tuck it into the bundle, saying this:

"I crown my fear with the earth!"

Now throw this bundle into the water, pronounce the formula, turn around and walk away. Do not contact anyone along the way, do not turn around, no matter what you hear.

The rite is powerful. You can hear barking or rumble. Go straight home.

Conspiracy Words:

“The devil followed me, but found a fresh grave. He could not cross, so he will be in hell. Take the water away to the devil, let him not jump into the gate, do not spoil, do not make noise. Let him sleep peacefully in hell! The Lord returned the strength to me! The devil is gone forever! Amen!"

How to get rid of another person's fear

Such a rite also exists.

  1. Make a doll out of wax and name the person you want to help.
  2. Write on the figure: fear of such and such.
  3. melt it and pour the wax into the ground.

At the same time, say the following words seven times:

“Fear into the ground, trouble into the abyss, horror into hell! Amen!"

Miraculous words: Stepanova's prayer for fear in a full description from all the sources we found.

How to get rid of fears

No fear in the dark night

Not in the deserted desert,

Not in fire, nor in water, nor in military affairs,

Not in a fist fight, not in the face of the deceased,

Not in the court of the earth.

There is no fear in the heart of the servant of God (name),

In the name of Jesus Christ Himself,

Not afraid of death on the Cross. Amen.

“Even as a child, at the age of twelve, I read a book about various omens, mostly about bad ones. After that, I began to pay attention to all this, turned into a superstitious person. Now I am twenty-four years old, but I still have bad thoughts all the time. I think all the time about how something would happen to my family, loved ones, myself.

These thoughts come up all the time, even though I try not to focus on them. I began talking to myself or commenting on my actions, either silently or aloud, to distract myself from bad thoughts. I often try not to look in the mirror - I'm afraid to jinx myself. I have become very suspicious, I constantly feel some kind of responsibility. I began to come up with various rules and I believe that if I don't follow them, something bad will definitely happen. I tried to control myself, to change - it doesn't work.

How many times have I told myself that that's enough. But things are still there. It has already turned into a disease that is progressing day by day. I try to hide all this from my family and friends, but it happens that my strange behavior simply cannot be overlooked. Help me cope with this misfortune. I want to live a normal life, free myself from bad thoughts and actions that oppress me. I am constantly anxious. I have only hope for you. What do I need to do to get rid of the obsessive thoughts that have been haunting me for so long? "

Fear conspiracy

Read also:

The article makes it possible to better understand how to pronounce such conspiracies correctly and which ones are really worth using, as well as describes real examples and practices, the repetition of which will give the desired effect.

Prayer for fear and anxiety

Prayers that are intended to be read out of fear should be recited regularly until the time anxiety leaves the person's soul. In order for the effectiveness to be maximum, it is necessary to light three sacred church candles and, concentrating all thoughts on getting rid of the inner feeling of fear, you need to say the words of the prayer sincerely with a heart of full faith:

“Alive in the help of the Most High, will settle in the roof of the Heavenly God. The Lord speaks: Thou art my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver thee from the hunter's net, and from the word of rebellion, His splash will overshadow thee, and under His krill you hope: His truth will go around you with a weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, of an arrow flying in days, of a thing in the darkness of transitory, of a crumbling, and of a midday demon.

Thousands of your country will fall, and tma at your right hand will not come close to you, look at both your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. As you, Lord, my hope, the Most High, you have laid your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as with His Angel the commandment about you, keep you in all your ways. They will take thee in their arms, but not when you knock your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I will trust in Me, and I will deliver and: I will cover and, as My name is known. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him: I am with him in sorrow, I will scourge him, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation. "

Prayer for deliverance from fear

Before reading the prayer for deliverance from fear, you need to prepare. Focus on what is most frightening and what instills violent fear, then cross yourself and read the prayer "Our Father". Kiss the cross and begin prayer that saves directly from fear:

“Let God rise again, and scatter them against Him, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. Yako smoke disappears, yes disappear; as if wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away demons by the power of the prophesied Lord Jesus Christ on you, the power that has gone down and gone down into hell to the devil, and who gave us to you His Honest Cross to drive out every adversary.

Oh, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen".

Prayer for fear and uncertainty

Fear and insecurity are the main enemies of success and a happy life of a person, therefore, with their deliverance, one should not delay, but take serious measures to cleanse the soul of obsessive, unwanted "guests".

For this, prayer is best suited to help protect a person from fear and insecurity. It should be read every evening with a lit church candle before going to bed immediately after the prayer "Our Father" is said. Prayer words for fear and uncertainty:

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take out my sin before me.

You who have sinned, and evil in your sight, have I done, as if you were justified in your words, and conquer always judging you. Behold, in transgressions I am conceived, and in sins bore me my mother. Behold, you loved the truth; Thy unknown and secret wisdom Thou hast revealed to me. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

To my hearing dasi joy and joy; the bones of the humble will rejoice. Turn Thy face away from my sins, and cleanse all my iniquity. Build a pure heart in me, O God, and renew the spirit of rights in my womb. Do not reject me from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of Thy salvation and confirm me with the Spirit of the Lord. I will teach wickedness in Your way, and wickedness will turn to You. Deliver me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation; my tongue will rejoice in Thy righteousness.

O Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. As if you wanted sacrifices, you would have given them: do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God the spirit is broken; a contrite and humble heart God does not despise. Bless, O Lord, with Thy good pleasure Zion, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; then they will lay calves on your altar. "

Conspiracy from fear in a child

To commit a conspiracy from fear in a child, you need to go into the forest and pick a thistle. Bring it to church and dedicate it. Then, when the child falls asleep, sit down by his bed, light a candle from the church and lead a sacred thistle over the head and chest of the child, saying the following words of the conspiracy:


Saint Egoriy, you are brave and fearless at heart!

You are not afraid of demon, fire, or water.

Brave Heavenly Warrior

You are not afraid of enemies and foes.

So would my child (name) nothing

And he was not afraid of anyone.

Among the brave brave men

He was always the first.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy from fear to read on water

To commit a conspiracy out of fear, you should purchase 13 church candles and dedicate water. Having retired in a room, the candles need to be placed in a circle with a container of holy water in the center of this circle. As soon as the candles begin to flare up, it is necessary to utter the following conspiracy words:

“I look at clean water, I say a prayer. From fears, illnesses and anxiety I conjure, I invoke courage into my soul. May my soul no longer suffer from fear, and let grief and anxiety disappear. Holy water will help to heal from torment, give courage and firmness to drink. Amen". Wait until all the candles have burned out to the end, then put the cinders in a handkerchief and bury them in the ground. You need to wash your face with water every day.

A quick conspiracy from all worries and fears

To carry out a ritual to get rid of all anxieties and fears, after sunset, go to the crossroads and, bowing to each side of the world three times, read the words of the conspiracy four times:

“From the farthest shores to my home, a ray of light stretches, it gives me light, the light will show me the way. Light is not dark, in the light of fear is not visible, fear is not. That someone else's servant of God (name) scares, then let it be someone else's. I am clean, I am calm, I am holy. From me on all four sides the shield is installed, from me on all four sides the light comes out. That light will dispel my fears, as the dawn dispels the darkness of the night. My cowardice, like the fast wind leaves, will go along all four paths-sides, and will no longer find me. "

How to get rid of bad thoughts and fear of conspiracy

To conduct a conspiracy to get rid of bad thoughts and fear, you need to go to the market and buy, without bargaining, a nightgown, the simplest of cotton and without various stripes and decorations.

You cannot take change from a merchant. As soon as the purchase is completed, you should immediately go home without turning around or talking to anyone. At home, before going to bed, you should speak this shirt with special words and go to bed in it: “Lipney, fear, stick! Everything that is dashing in the head sits on the heart, let it hang on this shirt from now on. Not in the thoughts of the slave (name) will take root, but will be sewn to the wide hem. Amen".

In the morning at dawn, you need to take off your shirt and carry out such a ritual with it. Pour clean water into a saucepan and boil it. Lower the nightie into a saucepan and wait until the water begins to boil. As soon as the water boils, you need to bend over it and say the words of the conspiracy:

“As the water began to boil, I gathered my strength into a fist. As the water boiled, so I kept my word: go away all bad things from the head of the slave (name). Don't sit on your shoulders, don't lie under your heart, don't dangle under your feet. Go away, fear, from the slave (name) and do not return back. All bad fears, all dashing troubles, all sighs and sighs, all sorrows and heavy thoughts boil off with water, leave the chambers. Amen".

At the end of this ceremony, you need to drain the hot water and rinse the shirt in clean cold water. It is necessary to carry out such a ritual for 7 days, without missing it even once.

Stepanova's prayer for fear

On the sea, on the ocean, among the White sea

There is a copper pillar

From earth to sky, from east to west,

And in that copper pillar is a copper copper

From pains and ailments.

I am sending the servant of God (name)

Into that copper pillar

What's on the sea, on the ocean

And I command him with my commandment

Put your darling in that brass post.

And would be from that commandment of the servant of God (name)

Safe and sound and delivered from a relative

To this hour, for life.

I gnaw, gnaw, stop me, calm down

There are twelve relatives on the servant of God (name):

Umbilical, heart, internal,

Head, articular, vein,

Bone, hand, foot,

Eye, howler, talker.

As the dead from the grave does not toss and turn,

So it would be for the servant of God (name)

These ten relatives would never toss and turn.

Century after century, from now to century.

How does a child have warts speak

“My son, who is now a year and a half, has black warts on the back of his head. First one, then two, and now there are several of them. We went to the doctor, but we were told that the child is still too young, so it is impossible to remove them. They told me to wait until the son grows up, and before that, maybe they themselves will fall off. If not, then they will have to be burned. Natalya Ivanovna, it hurts me to look at my son. Please advise us something. "

Like a broken branch dries up,

So the spike on my body will dry up, melt away.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Words against toothache in children

“My son is only one year and eight months old, and almost all of his teeth are affected by caries. What to do in this case? "

Let the child open his mouth, and you immediately say:

The mouse has a turnip tooth,

My baby has a bone tooth.

The servant of God (name) has a tooth, no pain,

And you, burdock mouse, take the pain away. Amen.

To keep the child from drooling

“My little son is drooling all the time - just some kind of horror. Natalya Ivanovna, please help. I'm sure there is a conspiracy to get rid of such a scourge. "

Place a handkerchief under the pillow in the evening and leave it overnight. In the morning, take out a handkerchief and wipe your child's drool with it until the evening, until he goes to bed. When the child falls asleep, read a special plot over the handkerchief and hang it on the street. The ceremony is carried out for three days, and then the scarf is washed.

The conspiracy words are:

The servant of God (name) gave

The wind took it and gave it to someone.

And to whom - only God knows.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the child does not eat snot

“Natalya Ivanovna, it’s even uncomfortable for me to write about my problem, but I have no way out. The fact is that my son eats snot, and this is very harmful, especially for such a small child. He flatly refuses to blow his nose, but when I try to wipe his nose, he fights and cries loudly.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There is no mouth above the nose,

And so it would not happen from the nose to the mouth too.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Till the end of time. Amen.

“My daughter is three years old. Recently, I began to notice that from time to time she jerks her shoulder (as if something is bothering her and she wants to get rid of it). It looks like a nervous tic. Help me please!"

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I pronounce, God's servant (name), my daughter.

I gave birth to her, I gave her a name,

I breastfed her

I baptized her in my mother church.

I say to her:

Nerves from bones, nerves from all relics,

From a ruddy body

So that not a single nerve vein hurts.

I will stand, blessing, I will go out, crossing myself,

I walk in a green meadow, a steep bank.

There a willow grows on the sand,

There is a hut of gold under it.

There, the Mother of God reads the Bible,

The servant of God (name) corrects the nerves,

The bad takes away everything and throws it into holy water.

Christ reigns, Christ commands,

Christ saves, Christ heals.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Fright conspiracy

“My daughter is one and a half years old, and she is terribly afraid of people.

Until eight months she was a very sociable girl, but then we went with her to congratulate my grandmother on her 80th birthday. When I brought her into the room, everyone was very happy about her arrival and began to talk loudly. My daughter started hysterical. That day we had to sit in another room the whole evening, because as soon as one of the guests came to us, there were tears again. And then in the fall (after this birthday) they came to us to take blood from a vein. For forty minutes they were picking at the wreaths on the handles: they could not get in. And now, when guests come to us, my daughter starts hysterical, so we don't invite anyone else to our place. She is afraid not only of strangers, but also of her own grandfather, and in fact he does not like a soul in her (although he rarely sees her). As soon as he approaches, she shakes all over with fear. How can we deal with this? "

The month was born, the Lord was baptized,

He baptized me too, my body and soul.

As angels are not afraid of the cross,

How they are not afraid of God's icons,

So the servant of God (name) would not be afraid of anything,

I didn't know with hiccups and fright

Not now, not now, not in an hour,

And forever and endlessly.

Till the end of time. Amen.

Another conspiracy from fright

“Please help my child (he is three years old). At night he abruptly wakes up, screams, cries, points his hands somewhere in the void ... Tell me, please, a conspiracy from fear. "

Trouble, step out the door.

You are ugly,

Sick, prickly, spinning.

From a kind, from a man,

From white eyes, from a bullet flying,

From a shining prayer

From the thundering thunder

From all objects encountered,

From the midday demon, from the night enemy,

Leaving days and nights without sleep. Amen.

Trouble, get out of your head

Servant of God (name),

From the hands, from the legs, from the insides, from the heart,

From veins, from bones, from half bones,

From the joints, from the semi-joints. Amen.

Trouble, go to the dense forests,

On the shaking shakes,

Where birds don't fly

There is no human eye. Amen.

Childhood fright conspiracy

“Please tell me how you can remove fear from a child.

My daughter is four months old, and she reacts very strongly to all sorts of rustles, whispers, a little shuddering, she can cry for no reason. "

Conquer, God, baby (name),

Frightened by an invisible eye

Let this beast

Which interferes with (name) in a good life,

Will leave his fate.

Intrauterine fright

“When I was pregnant, I almost got into an accident - my husband miraculously dodged a car flying at us. To say that I was scared is to say nothing. Now I have a capricious, whiny child. It seems to me that it is somehow connected ... "

You bark and howl

And to my child

Don't be afraid.

The Mother of God on the images

And the fear on the second dog's eyes. Amen.

How to treat intrauterine fright

The fire will ignite like fire

The fear of fear is not afraid.

Water will not drown with water,

Fear from the servant of God (name) will be pumped out.

As long as people have this land,

The fear of fear of the servant of God (name) will not eat.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remove intrauterine fright from the child

On the head bones, on the head,

Along the back straight, along the heart muscle,

On a white belly, on a dear navel,

Frisky on the legs, grasping on the hands

I roll the testicle - I take off the fear,

I pick up all the fear, all the disease.

Who is guilty, who sent sickness, return to him,

Who tormented the child, return to that one,

Loop, roll the wheel.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.

A conspiracy from fear of the dark

“My daughter is very afraid of the dark: she constantly hears some rustles, imagines monsters hiding in the corners. She falls asleep only with the light on. No amount of persuasion and explanation helps. When a daughter stays with her mother, it’s a disaster. My mother is a tough person and believes that all this is nonsense. She turns off the light and leaves, forcing her daughter to sit in the dark (this is how she re-educates her!). As a result, when my husband and I return home, we find our daughter hysterical. Because of this, we practically do not go anywhere and spend all our evenings at home. How should we be? "

Three evening and three morning dawns in a row wash your face with charmed water. The conspiracy words are as follows:

In the afternoon, where the sun is red

Where is the window in the Kingdom of God,

I watch with my child

Servant of God (name).

I don't see enough

I look not enough,

I am not baptized.

I ask Jesus Christ

Deliver the servant of God (name)

From night fears

From all the commotion

From fear in the night

Give your shield and swords,

Give her peace, save and defend.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from a child's commotion

“My son is two years old. He goes to kindergarden. In his group there is one scandalous child who just so immediately roars, falls to the floor and starts banging his head, does not listen to anyone. Some children, including my son, adopted this demeanor. The last time the son banged his head on the refrigerator in protest, he turned pale. Since then, he began to complain of a headache. After hitting his head on the floor, his nose bleeds. Today, jumping on the bed, I hit my head against the wall so that I immediately wet myself. Advise what to do, how to wean him from such tricks? "

In this article:

Fear and stress are special biochemical reactions that can help a person cope with the most difficult situations. These feelings can mobilize the maximum capabilities of the human body, and this can be used to save and protect yourself and your loved ones.

But they can be not only good, but also harmful, moreover, in most cases, stressful situations only interfere, do not allow concentration and disturb the inner peace of people.

Everyone knows that the more a person is confident in himself, the less fears he experiences, the more chances he has to succeed in life.

That is why you need to get rid of all sorts of stress, moreover, get rid of it as quickly as possible, before they have time to do much harm.

An anti-fear conspiracy is an old and effective method of dealing with fear, stress and phobias. Most often, such magical rites are used to treat fear in children, but they can also help an adult.

We are all afraid of something, someone for their loved ones, someone for their children, someone worries about work, because of a relationship with a loved one. These endless fears are incredibly exhausting, depriving of all strength, and special magical practices can significantly reduce the fear.

Christian prayer for fear

If you feel scared, you are afraid of something so much that you lose heart and you cannot live and work in your usual rhythm, this simple prayer will help you.

If you are in doubt about Christian dogma, it is better to use another ritual.

Prayer words:

“With the blessing of Shemigumen Savva, Almighty Lord God, hear me. The hour of Thy glory has come, have mercy on me, Thy servant (name), deliver me from the great misfortune. Lord God, I put my trust in You; I pin my hopes only in You. I myself am helpless and insignificant, help me, Lord, deliver me from great fear, give me strength to overcome fear. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Practice prayer constantly, it is a very powerful tool.

Magic rite from fear

“From the most distant shores to my home, a ray of light stretches, it gives me light, light will show me the way.

Light is not dark, in the light of fear is not visible, fear is not. That someone else's servant of God (name) scares, then let it be someone else's. I am clean, I am calm, I am holy.

From me on all four sides the shield is installed, from me on all four sides the light comes out. That light will dispel my fears, as the dawn dispels the darkness of the night.

My cowardice, like the swift wind leaves, will go along all four paths-sides, and will no longer find me.

After reading, you need to bow three times on each side of the world.