Longevity and nutrition. What do centenarians eat? Lifestyle and longevity. How much sea fish should you eat and how to replace it

What is the secret to a long and healthy life? All centenarians have their own recipes - from a glass of whiskey or a daily nap to ice cream. Here's what some very old people might have to advise us.

A woman named Ruth has been doing Pilates every week since she was 92:

1. Don't look at the calendar. Just keep celebrating every day.

2. Invest in quality, it will never go out of style.

3. I force myself to go outside and take a short walk every day, even if I just walk around the house. The key to staying young is to keep moving.

4. Physical exercises, as it seems to me, are absolutely unnecessary. I think that many people overestimate their importance.

5. Drink vitamins? Forget about it. And I do not approve of doctors who advise this.

6. Fall in love and get married. Have sex with enthusiasm.

Another 100-year-old shared tips for love, passion, and forgiveness:

7. Even if you hate, keep your hate to yourself. Don't hurt other people, whatever the reason.

8. Never stop believing in love.

9. Nobody controls you.

10. Take time to cry.

11. Travel while you are young. Don't worry about money, just make it work. Experience is much more valuable than money.

12. Do not compare yourself with others, otherwise you will never be happy. The grass in someone else's yard is always greener.

13. If you are embarrassed and cannot ask someone out on a date, you should not make acquaintance with him.

14. Do one thing every day - just for yourself.

15. Don't be greedy.

16. Goodbye.

17. Find your passion and live it.

18. Many things will become clear by themselves.

19. Choose the right parents.

20. Get a pet. It gets lonely sometimes. Pets are a reminder of how much we are all alive.

21. I am not saying that you should profess this or that religion, or not profess any religion at all. I just want to say that you need to understand what you believe and live by it.

22. Learn to adapt.

23. Take time to mourn what you have lost.

For Adrin Lee, the key to longevity lies in four simple steps:

24. Keep going forward and never give up.

25. Walk a lot.

26. I drink tap water.

27. Don't die if you don't want to die.

Here are some tips on how to find happiness:

28. Living is fun. Be happy. You shouldn't be happy all the time, but you should be satisfied.

29. Love people. Find something good in every person - simply because we are all human.

According to other centenarians, the secret is education:

30. Get a good education. Nobody can take this away from you.

One century-old woman gives this advice:

31. Think positively.

32. Exercise every morning. I have a typewriter, which is a cross between a damn exercise machine and a bicycle. Every morning I sit down at it and write 150-200 lines. Until I do this, I do not leave my bedroom.

There are also century-olds who are more active than 20-year-old couch potatoes. One of them, an avid skier, shares his experience with the younger generation:

33. Be active. I ski even though I am a hundred years old. Few do this, although they have the strength to do so. I try to eat right, exercise, and stay outdoors and in the sun for longer.

34. If you are positive, then you are doing well. When you think bad things, you are poisoning your body. Just smile, they say, laughter is the best medicine.

Sardinia, an Italian island, is known for its large number of centenarians. They have their own opinions about health and medicine:

35. For many years I have not taken any medicine at all. I don’t think they’re all that useful, and doctors often use you as guinea pigs.

36. Don't die too early.

The advice of centenarians has something in common:

37. Just move forward and do your job, no matter what.

38. You may get carried away by local issues. But there are so many different things in the world ...

39. There are many different people in the house. There are many different people in general - young and old, black and white, people from all over the world. People have always supported me.

40. Just keep moving.

Many centenarians praise exercise:

41. I largely associate my longevity with walking, not the back seat of a car.

42. I did almost everything I learned about: ballet, tai chi, yoga. I walked six kilometers a day. I did pull-ups and push-ups. And I wrote a book.

Other century-olds believe life is rock and roll:

43. I spent my health on whiskey and cigarettes. I only drink when I'm not myself - but my doctor said that without this I would have died. And I'm still alive and I can raise my elbows - which is great.

The Centenary Physician has provided some invaluable advice for young people:

44. We all remember how in childhood, when we were having fun, we forgot to eat and sleep. I think adults should do the same. It's best not to tire yourself out with numerous rules, such as a strict time for lunch or sleep.

45. For breakfast I drink coffee, a glass of milk and a little orange juice with a tablespoon of olive oil in it. Olive oil is great for helping your arteries and skin stay healthy. For lunch, I have milk or some biscuits - or nothing at all if I'm too busy to eat. If I'm focused on work, I don't feel hungry. For dinner - vegetables, some fish and rice, and twice a week you can eat 100 grams of lean meat.

46. ​​There is no need to send oneself into retirement - a purpose in life can appear even after 65 years.

47. When a doctor recommends that you undergo tests or some kind of operation, ask the doctor to imagine how his other half or children go through this procedure. Contrary to popular belief, doctors cannot cure everyone. So why endure unnecessary pain? I think music and animals are more helpful than most doctors realize.

48. To always stay healthy, walk up the stairs and move your own body yourself. I climb two flights of stairs at a time to get my muscles to work.

49. My inspiration is the poem "Abbot Vogler" by Robert Browning. My father read it to me. The poet urged us to create great art, not pathetic scribbles. The poem says that we need to try to draw such a huge circle, which cannot be closed while we are alive. All that we see is an arc, the goal is beyond our vision, but it is there.

50. Pain is too mysterious, and pleasure is the best way to forget about it.

51. Don't go crazy with the accumulation of material things. Remember, you never know when it's over, but you can't take anything with you to the other side.

52. Only science can heal people or help them.

53. Find a role model and try to surpass him, even if you can never do it.

54. To live long is wonderful. Until you are 60 years old, it is easy to work for your family and achieve your own goals. At a later age, we try to contribute to the development of society. I have worked voluntarily since the age of 65. I can still spend 18 hours a day, seven days a week at work and enjoy every minute.

Other centenarians offer relationship advice:

55. Here's a tip for women: don't marry an older man, marry a younger man.

What else? Just live

56. I try not to worry. I'm just trying to live.

57. I try to trust myself and be confident enough so that I can deal with difficulties when they arise.

According to some long-livers, old age appears due to a simple lifestyle:

58. I don't eat a lot of meat. I have always tried to eat fruits and vegetables and very little meat and always make sure that I have salmon or sardines for lunch twice a week.

59. I had a mortgage for less than seven years. I paid everything at once, and this is how I live to this day. This is the secret to longevity - do everything without delay.

60. Do what you like.

Or is longevity just luck?

61. You must have a good genome.

62. You must have been lucky ... for a hundred years.

63. Try not to eat something just because it is considered healthy food. I eat whatever I want. The secret to longevity is in ice cream!

64. Throw while you're still on horseback.

65. It is very important to take care of your mind. I finished two classes ... and studied everything from anti-Semitism to current affairs.

A modern source of youth? Humor

66. Humor is the lifeblood to overcome difficulties.

67. When you laugh at yourself, you prevent others from laughing at you.

68. I think people should be curious. They should be interested in life outside of their little world. They should be delighted with everything new, with meeting new people, with a new play - and just adore life.

69. I don't care what you are passionate about - maybe you collect mugs. But if you enjoy it, then you are alive.

70. Age is not a disease.

Other century-olds advise to take care of yourself:

71. Don't get hurt.

72. Be honest. I rarely lied. When you are honest with people, they are drawn to you, they are frank with you. Lying is too hard work. There is no need to overwork yourself.

73. Treat everything with an open mind, even if something seems very strange to you.

74. Always listen to the other person. You will learn something. Try to sit comfortably because you will learn a lot more by listening to others rather than telling everyone how much you know yourself.

75. You must love what you do. If you find a job that you love, then you won't have to work a day in your life.

76. Take time to take a nap every day.

77. You have only one family, so hold on to it. Whatever the difficulties, financial or mental, all the same - hold on to your family. Some days will seem worse to you than others, but this is as it should be: the night is dark before dawn.

78. I try not to rush to see and appreciate the little things that make this life great. When I do this, time slows down.

Other centenarians say the following:

79. Do something interesting every day, otherwise you will get bored.

80. Learning new things makes you happy and allows you to keep your mind sharp.

81. Sleep well, try not to worry and enjoy pleasant dreams.

82. I have participated in a huge number of activities. I played bingo, practiced meditation and crafts, attended workshops like zumba for seniors, and practiced yoga. I never miss! I also fall three times a week.

83. Be nice. I have lived a long life because there are so many people who love me.

84. I drink whiskey every day - and feel great after that.

85. Be correct.

A centenary woman drives a car. She says:

86. I have never drank, smoked or cheated. And I didn't let anything upset me - especially the traffic.

87. I don't like stress. I hate to argue. If someone is too fussy, I will leave. I love being around positive people - nice people will never drag you down.

What else? In the end, most of the advice boils down to one thing - live life to the fullest:

88. Go about your business and do not eat healthy foods.

90. Look into your soul and find your strengths. We all have these, and they help us live. I have two strengths - my words and my pictures. I had my typewriter, computer and camera to fight injustice. Whenever I am given the opportunity to help people in need, I want to help them.

91. Have a good appetite, lots of friends and little free time.

92. Good wife, two scotch whiskeys per night - and above all, don't worry.

93. Never shirk responsibility. Everything has a reason - find it and knock it out of yourself. It will increase your opportunities, interest in life and help you stay alive longer. I am alive because I work. Strength is our reward.

94. It is very important to be curious about everything in life.

95. Be strong, active and educated. Beat your drum.

96. Do not smoke, drink or give up on yourself.

97. Live one day and keep going.

98. You should be lucky, but the best thing I did was when things were bad. I also eat prunes every day.

99. Do what needs to be done. Don't analyze, just do it.

100. It's easier than easy - enjoy life, and come what may. Sleep well, eat ice cream when you have a cold, and wake up healthy the next morning.

Memo to the Russian long-liver

Memo to the Russian long-liver

academician Fyodor Uglov

  1. Love your homeland. And protect her. The rootless do not live long.
  2. Love your job. And physical too.
  3. Know how to control yourself. Do not be discouraged under any circumstances.
  4. Never drink or smoke, otherwise all other recommendations will be useless.
  5. Love your family. Know how to answer for her.
  6. Maintain your normal weight, no matter what the cost. Don't overeat!
  7. Be careful on the road. Today it is one of the most dangerous places to live.
  8. Do not be afraid to go to the doctor in time.
  9. Save your kids from health-damaging music.
  10. The mode of work and rest is inherent in the very basis of the work of your body. Love your body, spare it.
  11. Individual immortality is unattainable, but the length of your life largely depends on yourself.
  12. Do good. Evil, unfortunately, will work itself out

Ten Commandments

Sooner or later, everyone asks the question - how to preserve youth? The answer to this question was found by an international group of doctors, psychologists and nutritionists. They developed the "Ten Commandments" - recipes for youth, which form the basis of a healthy lifestyle, following which we will be able to prolong and make our earthly existence more pleasant.
1st commandment: do not overeat! Instead of your usual 2,500 calories, settle for 1,500. Thus, you will unload your cells and keep them active. Cells are renewed faster and the body becomes less susceptible to disease.

2nd commandment: the menu should be appropriate for your age. Women in their 30s will develop their first wrinkles later if they regularly eat liver and nuts. Betacarotene is useful for people over forty years old. After 50 years, calcium keeps the bones in shape, and magnesium keeps the heart. Men over forty need selenium, which is found in cheese and kidneys. Selenium helps relieve stress. After fifty, eating fish will protect the heart and blood vessels.

3rd commandment: work is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. Try to find a suitable job for you. Some professions, according to sociologists, help preserve youth. These include the professions of conductor, philosopher, artist and priest.

4th commandment: find yourself a mate. Love and tenderness are the best anti-aging remedies. When a person is in love, the hormone endorphin is produced in his body, which is also called the hormone of happiness. It helps to strengthen the immune system.

5th commandment: have your own point of view on everything. A consciously living person is much less likely to become depressed and depressed than someone who only passively floats with the flow.

6th commandment: move. Even eight minutes of physical activity or sports a day prolongs life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after thirty years.

7th commandment: sleep in a cool room. It has been proven: those who sleep at temperatures of 17-18 degrees stay young longer. The reason is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

Commandment 8: Pamper yourself from time to time. Sometimes, contrary to all recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, allow yourself a tidbit.

9th commandment: you should not always suppress anger in yourself. The one who constantly reproaches himself, instead of telling what upsets him, and at times even argue, exchange opinions with others, is more susceptible to any diseases, including malignant tumors.

10th commandment: train your brain. From time to time, solve crosswords, play collective games that require mental activity, learn foreign languages. Count in your head, not just on a calculator.

Tips from the Carpathian Mountains

A resident of the Carpathians, Andrei Voronov, died due to an accident, at the age of 104. Like academician Fyodor Uglov, who lived for more than 103 years and also worked almost until recently, Andrei Voronov left his advice on the rules of a long life.

He advised:

Find joy in this life and enjoy every minute;

To bring joy to people and to be human;

Forgive everyone and always, including yourself;

Laugh with your face and soul, do not take people and yourself seriously;

Breathe freely, deeply and with pleasure;

Sleep plenty and with pleasure.

If you comment on these seven tips of the Carpathian sage, you can be amazed at their sunshine, simplicity and accessibility to any person. It is difficult to stay in this world for a long time if he does not enjoy his life as it is; if he does not help people and does not illuminate their life with the light of joy; if he is filled with envy, resentment, anger. Laughing with your face and soul means treating people and yourself with a certain amount of negligence, so inherent and useful to a person in love.

Stability, joy of life and faith in it, these are the main things that you can learn from Andrey Voronov to extend your years. He said: “For decades I have been living in one place. I am doing one job. I have conversations with some people. I sit down at the same table at the same time and eat almost the same food. I go to bed at the same time and in the same bed ... Years pass, but nothing changes - not the environment, not me. For my soul does not change. And this is good. I look at the images of my grandfather, father, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and it seems that I have always been in this world. And I will be forever ... "
A lot of advice has come down to us from this person. Andrey Voronov wrote down his thoughts and they came to us in the form of wise advice, tested in the practice of his life. The simplest and most difficult thing remains for us - to apply them in our difficult life. Here are some of them:

  • About nutrition.

    Don't overeat! A hungry beast is more cunning and nimble than a well-fed person. With a handful of dates and a mug of wine, the Roman legionnaires fled in full ammunition for 20 kilometers, crashed into the enemy ranks and fought without respite ... And from satiety and debauchery, the Roman Empire fell.
  • Drink clean water wherever possible, without waiting for thirst. Do not drink sweet and salty (mineral) bottled water. The first will corrode the liver, the second will seal up the vessels.
  • When you eat food, do not wash it down. Do not drink either before or after meals.
  • You should have vegetables on your table every day. In the first place - beets, there is no better food on earth. Then - beans, pumpkin, berries, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, lettuce, apples, grapes, plums.
  • When you cut vegetables, they lose their earthly strength. Better to eat and cook them whole. Onions are twice as useful when crushed with your hands or a wooden plank.
  • You don't have to drink store-bought tea. For me, the best tea leaves are young pears. This tea is very aromatic and medicinal. It removes salts and excess water, relieves pain and inflammation of the joints, increases male strength. And coffee, tea, sugary drinks, beer eats away the heart. Boil young pear shoots for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • When the berry season comes, you can deny yourself any food, just not berries. Eat at least a cup daily. If the stars are the eyes of the sky, the berries are the eyes of the earth. There are no major or minor among them. Each will saturate with strength and health - from cherries to watermelons.
  • Don't forget about the nuts. The nut is like our brain. It has power for the brain. It is good to consume a teaspoon of nut butter daily.

If there is fish on the table, you are a pan. The fish cleanses and rejuvenates, just like the water where it came from. Jesus wore the fish sign. Fish, dry rye bread, vegetables - the best treats for you.

Fasting is the greatest grace. Nothing strengthens or rejuvenates me like fasting. The bones become light, like a bird's. And the heart is cheerful, like a guy's. With each major post, I get younger by several years. But not eating meat is not fasting. Not “eating” your neighbor is the first step to fasting. Fasting is not a tradition, not a biblical prescription, not a sacrifice to God. This is a manifestation of love for God. Since it is more important and more than love for delicious food, drinks and entertainment ...

Everything that grows in your garden is for your health and food. Every plant that your hand has tended is twice as nutritious as the one you buy. I enjoy them as children. And they understand this. The plant guesses and gives us what we are missing.

  • Our parents knew very well that for health you need to eat lard with onions, and porridge or beans with butter during the fast. And be sure to bow. And every day. Onions to tease both tongue and stomach, and therefore - and the husband.
  • Meat, if you want, you can eat. But rarely. DO NOT EAT pork, she sent more than one person to the next world. But a thin hunk of bacon will do good. But don't smoke it. Why use resin ...
  • Bad food - sausage, fried potatoes, cookies, sweets, canned food, pickles. My food is cereals, beans, herbs. The predator ate meat - barely crawling, lazy. And the horse pulls from oats all day long. The locust feeds on grass, which is why it has the strength to fly.
  • It is better to eat a handful, but often. To eat less, I drink a lot of water and compotes, eat rough food and raw vegetables.
  • I cook hot meals only 1-2 times. The food must be fresh.
  • After supper, I stroll through the garden for another half hour.
  1. You don't have to go far to get medicines. Nature prepared them for us in the neighborhood. The willow is one of the first plants; after the flood, it was the first to turn green on the banks. Do not count what the willow helps from: headache, neuroses, neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, liver, stomach, colds ... 5. Live where the air is clean. If it does not work out, then more often be in nature.

    8. In order not to go with your child to hospitals and pharmacies, put him in the hands of Nature. From an early age, teach to step on the ground barefoot. This is the strongest tempering. A child burned in the sun - it will do good, if bitten by a bee or an ant - it’s also good, he will be stung by nettles, bathed in cool water, pricked himself with a thorn, ate a carrion in the garden - it means that he has become hardened from ailments, became stronger in body and spirit.

For good health

  1. I was only once in a hospital in Siberia when my leg was broken. But I have never been to the pharmacy. I treat myself and treat others. These medicines are very simple, cheap and affordable. For example, water. It refreshes the brain, strengthens the heart and calms the nerves. Note: not some kind of drink, but only pure water. And at least a liter daily, and preferably two. And coffee, tea, sweet drinks undermine the heart. Sit less, but sleep enough. Healthy sleep is a healing power, but you need to earn it every day with some kind of load, efforts. It is good to nap half an hour on your back in the middle of the day so that the blood will refresh your head and face. It is bad to sleep after eating, because then the blood becomes thick and fat accumulates on the vessels.
  • Move more. A stone that is rolling does not become overgrown with moss. Never be afraid to start learning a new business - you will renew yourself.
  • I have never been to a resort, nor did I lay down on Sunday. My rest is a change of occupation. The nerves rest when the hands are working. The body gains strength when the head works.
  • You have to walk a lot. When walking, the soles rub and nourish the brain.
  • Look for an opportunity to be near the water. It will relieve fatigue, clear thoughts. Try to be outdoors more. Train yourself to live in a cool room. It is enough for the legs and arms to be warm, but the head is cool. The body wastes away and grows old from the heat.
  • In order not to go with your child to hospitals and pharmacies, hand him over to the hands of Nature. From an early age, teach you to walk barefoot on the ground. This is the strongest tempering. A child burned in the sun - it will do good, was bitten by a wasp or an ant - it's also good, stung by nettles, bathed in cool water, scratched with a thorn, ate a carrion in the garden - it means that he has become hardened from ailments, became stronger in body, stronger in spirit.
  • If you are tired, weakness, soreness appeared, just give the body a rest. Make your nutrition easier. To do this, eat the same dish for one day. The next day another. And so at least a week or two.

    15. Don't recycle. After a few days of hard work, rest.

    If you are tired, weakness, soreness appeared, just give the body a rest. Make your food easier. To do this, you need to eat one dish during the day. The next day, another dish. And so at least a week or two.

  • When you feel that the body quickly gets tired, that everything is annoying, work, as they say, falls out of hand - this means you need to take carrots two or three times a day. So you will regain your strength.
  • So that there is no cold, do not wash with hot water, eat nuts and garlic every day, walk barefoot on the corn poured on the floor and sleep a lot.
  • I rarely resort to soap (no shampoos, but I do not deny myself a steam room. I made myself a large oven out of clay. I burn branches, leaves, resin. When it burns out, I climb into Cherin (a platform over the roof of the Russian stove), lie down on a wooden grate. While steaming, I wipe myself with corn grits and loofahs from hay.It softens bones well, cleans the skin and washes away impure salt.
  1. If a person takes at least a third of a glass of pumpkin juice or mashed potatoes daily, he will feel strong for a long time. On this score, I will give one more tip: do not wear warm and tight underwear. Nature has built man in such a way that his genitals protrude from the body. Therefore, they should always be in the cold and in the air.

Try to avoid salt. There are three dangers for men: salt, sugar, and white bread. And the fourth danger is vodka. This is not your food or your drink. In earthly fruits and greens, there is enough salt and malt. And take honey without fear and hospitality. On an empty stomach with water. And you will see that your head will be light and your body will be light.

  • Do you want to stay young and live long? Have a nut and apple day once a week. In the morning, cook 8 apples and 8 nuts. Eat one apple and one nut every 2:00 or so. To keep the stomach busy during the day.
  1. A man who lives with two women (mistresses) dies before his women.
  • To keep the flu out of your home. All you need to do is chop the onion and garlic and spread it out on a towel in the corners of the room and by the front door. A bad virus will not enter the house.
  • Strengthen a weak, frozen body with herbs. A handful of herbs, berries, leaves, branches of currants, raspberries, strawberries, steam with boiling water and drink all day. In winter, you will get great benefit from this.
  1. Pear fruit for men. But a medicinal pear, only the one that smells. In addition, it lowers blood pressure. Rotten pears cannot be eaten.

    21. We forget that medicines grow from the earth. For example, buckwheat. It normalizes blood pressure, helps with diabetes. Buckwheat will replace the patient with potatoes and bread. Everyone who suffers from sclerosis, rheumatism, arthritis also needs to include buckwheat in their menu. Buckwheat strengthens blood vessels and cleanses the eyes.

    22. Celery, cranberries, grapefruit are the best for lowering blood pressure.

    23. The most valuable unripe nuts. They contain several tens of times more vitamins than dried ones. Therefore, do not be lazy to peel unripe grains with vodka, honey or syrup. Here is your pharmacy.

Tips for the soul

  • Cherish in yourself an inner feeling of joy and charm with life. Learn to see all living things around and rejoice in it - grass, tree, birds, animals, earth, sky. Look at them with kind eyes and with an attentive heart - and you will discover such knowledge that you will not find in books. And you will see yourself in them - tamed and renewed.
  • Be kind and considerate with people. You can learn something from each of them, even an empty one. Make no enemies or friends out of people. And then you won't get any trouble from them.
  • What is destined for you will be given. Just learn to wait humbly. That which you should not have and should not wait. Let the soul be light.
  • When the soul is bad, you have to walk a lot. Better in the field, in the forest, above the water. The water will carry your sadness. But remember: the best medicine for body and soul is physical work.
  • Do not be cunning to take advantage of everything, but try to be useful yourself. The vine that does not give birth soon dries up.
  • Find time for silence, for calming down, for a sincere conversation with yourself. What is good and what is bad - let the heart tell, and not human rumor.
  • Don't worry about who thinks and says what about you. Be your own judge in purity and dignity. Don't be angry with people. Don't judge them. Each person you forgive will add love to yourself.
  • Do not compete with anyone in anything. To each his own. Do not argue. Each has its own truth and its own resentment. Don't teach people how to live, what to do. I never teach, only advise when asking for advice. Do not consider yourself the smartest and most decent, better than others.
  • The poor is not the one who has little, but the one who has little.
  • Never hit or shout at children. Otherwise, slaves will grow out of them.

The advice of a Carpathian long-liver should be taken very simply - the more you apply them to your life, the better and longer you will live. In conclusion, there are seven more principles of life from Andrey Voronov:

  • If you are afraid to do, don’t do, but if you do, don’t be afraid.
  • Not everything is subject to reason. But everything obeys perseverance.
  1. Don't argue. Each has its own truth and its own resentment.
  2. Happiness is in what centenarians say, but not individually, but in everything together - in the totality of their advice.

Seven benefits

One doctor tried to find out what many good years have given me. I thought about it and wrote to him on a piece of paper. There were 7 benefits.

  1. 1. Moderate nutrition,
    Constant moderate physical work, the habit of walking a lot.

    4. The sun.

    6. Rest.
    7. Faith.

7 main things

  1. Moderate nutrition,
    2. Constant moderate physical work, the habit of walking a lot.
    3. Clean water and clean air.
    4. The sun.
    5. Self-control, self-restraint.
    6. Rest.
    7. Faith.

7 main things to learn:

  1. Find joy in this life. The joy of every minute given to you.
    2. Bring joy to others. Be human.
    3. Forgive. Is always. Everyone, including myself.
    4. Repent. Free yourself from sin and mistakes.
    5. Laugh. Face and soul. (Doesn't take people and himself seriously).
    6. Breathe. Free, deep and enjoyable.
    7. Sleep. To my heart's content and with pleasure.

7 cherished dishes

They are presented to a person from Above, not only as the best food, but also as a medicine.

  1. Beet
    2. Cucumbers and onions.
    3. Sour milk.
    4. Fish.
    5. Porridge (millet, buckwheat, corn, beans).
    6. Apple.
    7. Berries and nuts.

7 cherished liquids

  1. Spring water.
    Green tea.
    3. Grape juice (wine).
    4. Tea made from leaves, twigs and flowers of berries.
    5. Kvass.
    6. Sexton's compote.
    7. Cabbage pickle.
  • As long as you live and free ...
    Barefoot, but go ahead.
    Although lame, go ahead.
    Although legless, but go ahead.
  • If you are faced with a difficult choice or a difficult decision, make up your mind with a light heart in the evening, then in the morning when you get up, there will be an answer for you. And so it will be.
  • If you don't know what to do, do at least something that you can.
    If you're afraid to do it, don't do it.
    But if you do, don't be afraid.
  • "Bad", useless, empty work does not exist.
  • If you do not know what to do, do what your heart desires, but do not break the measure.
  • Not everything is subject to reason. But everything obeys perseverance.
  • And nothing is impossible for you as long as you live in freedom.

and in recent years, the average life expectancy in Russia has increased markedly. This was largely due to a decrease in mortality from so-called manageable causes (cardiovascular and oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus and other ailments) and is closely related to an increase in the medical literacy of the population. However, there are separate regions on the globe where the life expectancy of individual people exceeds 100 years.

The most famous in this respect are the Caucasus and Yakutia, the Mediterranean Crete and the Japanese island of Okinawa, the Himalayas and the Vilka-bamba valley in the Ecuadorian Andes. Therefore, it is useful to know the peculiarities of nutrition in each of the regions mentioned, because, according to scientists, it is the daily diet, along with a favorable ecology, high physical activity, constant exposure to fresh air and the absence of stress, that is one of the most important reasons for the phenomenon of longevity.

A bit of theory

Gerontologists distinguish between natural, delayed and accelerated (premature) aging. The true age of a person is determined not by the number of years lived (calendar age, which is easy to establish according to the passport), but by the state of the body (biological age). And these two indicators do not always coincide. Sadly, a fifty-year-old man can have such changes in blood vessels and internal organs, which often do not occur in eighty-year-olds: in this case biological age is significantly ahead of the calendar, and we can talk about premature aging. Its symptoms, unfortunately, often manifested in people aged 45–55 years, include a decrease in mental and physical performance, increased fatigue, early memory impairment, weakening of emotions, sexual function, a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of various body systems and, as a consequence , the development of diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardiovascular and other diseases, which in themselves accelerate aging, thereby creating a vicious circle. In centenarians, the opposite picture is observed: they are characterized by delayed aging, when their biological age significantly lags behind the calendar age. Let's see why this is happening.

Meet the centenarians

If you compose the most general, schematic portrait of a long-liver, it will look something like this. This person, as a rule, does not abuse alcohol or smoke. And there is no surprise here: it has been established that among those who have crossed the eighty-year mark, there are five times more nonsmokers than smokers. He also avoids sweets and white wheat bread, preferring whole grain bread and honey. (Note in parentheses that recent studies on animals have confirmed that limiting sugar in the diet really helps to prolong life.) The long-liver is characterized by a dairy-plant diet, a high content of complex carbohydrates and fermented milk products in food, which determines a kind of healthy landscape of intestinal microflora: how important this is for achieving longevity was mentioned at the beginning of the 20th century by the great Russian scientist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. The long-liver's diet is replete with raw vegetables, fruits, herbs and herbs, and he drinks melted water whenever possible. A long-liver is usually thin, for not only moves a lot, but also always observes moderation in food and drink. Moreover, many of those who lived to old age often had to be malnourished and endured considerable material hardships. Gluttons are extremely rare among centenarians. The only exception is the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who, as you know, loved to eat and smoked cigar after cigar, however, despite this, died, celebrating his ninetieth birthday. But who knows how much more he would last if he led a healthy lifestyle?

Manage your age

Those who want to live a hundred years and remain vigorous and healthy at the same time need to remember: if for the prevention of ailments it is enough not to overeat and maintain body weight within certain limits, then in order to become a long-liver, the calorie content of the daily diet should be reduced by 20-25% (that is, by 500-600 kcal), while increasing the consumption of plant foods rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements, low-fat dairy products, low and medium-fat fish, and melt water. According to the Research Institute of Gerontology, along with a uniform restriction of caloric intake due to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, a significant, albeit somewhat smaller, increase in the life expectancy of experimental animals also caused a decrease in the proportion of protein alone. At the same time, the positive effect of a low-protein diet was accompanied by alkalinization of the blood. (Interestingly, the alkaline diet itself also contributed to a marked increase in life expectancy.) Moreover, it has been shown that to ensure longevity, it is enough to limit the intake of only one of the amino acids of the protein - tryptophan. It is just very little in corn, which is especially loved by the long-livers of the Caucasus and the Mediterranean.
In any case, do not forget that everything is fine within reasonable limits: as experiments on animals have shown, at first, as the calorie content of food decreases, the lifespan of experimental individuals progressively increases, and then begins to sharply decrease, leading to significantly earlier mortality than in animals that eat no limits. Therefore, each person must determine their own optimum, focusing, first of all, on the state of health and appearance.

Six Steps to Longevity Nutrition Program

Step one. Switch to a diet that helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases:

Ensure energy adequacy (stable normal body weight), maximum variety and environmental safety of food;
include in the daily diet at least 400 grams of various fruits, berries and vegetables rich in flavonoids and vitamin C, containing coumarins and salicylates (grapes, cherries, blackberries, strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, plums, currants, cherries, blueberries, apples) , as well as folic acid (cabbage, cilantro, green onions, parsley, lettuce, dill) and potassium (apricots, dried apricots, grapes, raisins, plums, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, spinach), rich in dietary fiber (beets, prunes, apples, turnips , Jerusalem artichoke) and other biologically active components;
regularly consume foods that are sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids 0mega-3, Omega-b and Omega-9 (sea fish, vegetable oils, especially olive, soft margarines, nuts and seeds), as well as products from soy and other legumes;
increase in the diet the proportion of fresh low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk), cottage cheese and cheese;
to significantly limit the use of industrial processed meat products (sausages, sausages, ham, etc.), as well as table salt and products preserved with salt, alcoholic beverages;
under no circumstances consume very hot (scalding) food, including drinks, and moldy foods.

Step two. Completely exclude from the diet foods and dishes that centenarians absolutely do not consume:

Sausages and canned meat made with the use of glutamates (flavor enhancers) and nitrites;
instant products: noodles and various instant soups, mashed potatoes, in which there is a lot of table salt, flavor enhancers and various preservatives;
crab imitators (sticks, meat, etc.), also containing glutamates;
instant juices, literally stuffed with dyes and sugar;
gummies, candy in bright packaging, all kinds of lollipops and sugary carbonated drinks rich in sugar and dyes;
culinary and confectionery fats, solid margarines, rich in trans fatty acids, as well as food products containing them (potato chips, which are an explosive mixture of carbohydrates, fats, dyes and flavor enhancers; crackers, chocolate spreads, creams from vegetable cream, as well as waffles , sweets, cakes and pastries based on them);
containing artificial colors and preservatives, yoghurts and other fermented milk drinks with a shelf life of 1 month or more.

Step three. Provide active physical activity for at least 1-1.5 hours a day (walking, jogging, cycling, rollerblading, skating or skiing, swimming; it is also very useful to devote 10-15 minutes daily to exercises for joints).

Step four. Gradually improve the diet by introducing elements into it that directly contribute to an increase in life expectancy:

Increase the daily intake of fruits, berries and vegetables to 700 g or more, along with an increase in the proportion of whole grains and fermented milk products in the diet;
use meat and fish for food only in natural form, and prepare them using extremely gentle processing methods (cooking, including steaming, stewing, baking); ;
to expand the use of melt water for drinking, juicing, etc .;
regularly (1-2 times a week) arrange fasting days and carry out one-day fasting on melt water (first once every two weeks, then once a week);
daily drink 15–20 ml of dry red grape wine or 40–50 ml of natural juice from dark grape varieties. It has been proven that regular consumption of high-quality alcohol not only increases life expectancy by 4–5 years, but also prevents the development of senile dementia.

Step five. Increase physical activity up to 2 or more hours a day.

Step six. Carry out hardening procedures (first rubdown, then a contrast shower and pouring cold water in the morning, and as you get used to it, during the day). It should be remembered that the long-livers of Yakutia and the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, the Himalayas and the Ecuadorian Andes are constantly exposed to either cold or contrasting temperatures (it is cold at night and in the morning, and hot during the day).

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Centenarians can tell about how they lived to be a hundred years old, no more than a two-meter person is able to tell about how they grew up to two meters. They don't know that. Is the cup of wormwood sake that Okinawan Wuxi drinks before bed is good for her health? Maybe so, but that doesn't explain why she doesn't have cancer or heart disease, or why she is so energetic at 104. Scientific studies, in particular the famous studies of Danish twins, indicate that only 25% of the cause of long life is in the genes. The remaining 75% are conditioned by conditions and lifestyle. If you are leading the typical life of the average city dweller, you are more likely to shorten your life by ten years. But what if we manage to reclaim the ten years that we, without knowing it, are wasting in vain? What do I need to do?

1. Don't sit, move!

The oldest people on earth don't run marathons, and they don't pose as sports stars on Saturday mornings. On the contrary, they engage in low-intensity physical activity, which is an integral part of their daily routine. Long-lived men in the Blue Zone of Sardinia have worked as shepherds for most of their lives, and they had to walk many kilometers a day. Okinawans work in the vegetable garden every day. This is the kind of physical activity that longevity experts recommend for a long and healthy life. In all cultures of longevity, regular low-intensity physical activity meets all the requirements described above and does not place stress on the knees and hips.

Fill your daily life with action. Do what you like. Forget about the gym if you don't feel like it. Hiking is free and doesn't put too much stress on your joints. In addition, vigorous walking has the same beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels as running, and helps to get rid of stress. Find some company for yourself and combine an evening walk with pleasant communication.

If you are halfway through your life and are looking to prevent osteoporosis, swimming is not the best option because it does not strengthen your bones. Gravity resistance exercises such as walking help improve bone metabolism. There are also exercises to strengthen the vestibular apparatus. Taichi and yoga are very popular. These types of exercises reduce the risk of falls. It is known that people who participate in marathons have a stronger cardiovascular system than those who are not keen on jogging. However, running too hard can have a negative effect on your joints. Therefore, marathon runners have good cardiovascular systems, but bad joints. The ideal regimen that you should discuss with your doctor is a combination of aerobics and exercises to balance and strengthen muscles.

The main goal is to get into the habit of exercising for 30 minutes (ideally for an hour) at least five times a week.

A combination of these four types of exercise will help maintain strength and endurance.

  • Walking, cycling and swimming strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Weightlifting strengthens and maintains muscle tone.
  • Stretching exercises help you stay flexible.
  • Balance training with yoga helps avoid falls.

2. Take time to look beyond the horizon

The Okinawans call it ikigai, and the Nikoyans call it plan de vida, but in both cultures this phrase is translated as "why do I wake up in the morning." They feel needed, they know how to listen, laugh and appreciate what they have. For many, the goal of life is children and family, for some it is a favorite job or hobby. New activity often turns into a new goal. It is very important to train your brain, to try yourself in something new and difficult (it does not matter if it is learning a foreign language, knitting or playing a musical instrument). As soon as you reach the heights in this activity and it loses its novelty, move on to another. It's like strength training for the brain: it strengthens memory and may lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Play a more active role. Don't forget about the spiritual aspect of your life.

"So how do you live to be 102?" - I asked at the end. I understood that I was asking an unscientific question, but sometimes it is the answers to such questions that are most valuable. “I used to be very beautiful,” Kamada replied. “I had my hair up to my waist. It took me a long time to understand: beauty lies within. Beauty comes when you stop worrying about your problems. But it’s best for you when you care about others. ” Any other tips? "Eat vegetables, enjoy life, be kind to people and smile more often."

3. Don't forget about the sun

Nicojians are exposed to a lot of sun, which is beneficial for the production of vitamin D, which contributes to strong bones and overall health. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a host of problems, such as osteoporosis and heart disease; regular "reasonable" sunbathing (about 15 minutes on hands and feet) supplements the diet and makes up for the lack of this important element.

4. Make yourself inconvenient

By introducing certain difficulties in everyday life, you can easily provide yourself with additional physical activity. (Of course, this applies to city dwellers.) Try to get rid of the following items: TV remote control or garage door, electric can opener, electric blender, snowplow, and lawn mower. Try to use your bike, rake, broom, snow shovel as often as possible. Be sure to purchase comfortable walking shoes.

Frenchwoman Jeanne Kalman was born in 1875 and lived 122 years 164 days. Until the end of her days, she retained a clear mind and competence and attributed her longevity to port wine, olive oil and a sense of humor.

5. Be sure to relieve stress

The Sardinians go out at five o'clock in the evening, the Nikois take a break at noon and chat with friends. People who have lived to be one hundred years old seem to radiate an inexhaustible serenity. Centenarians are wise people and they perfectly understand that if you fly headlong towards your goal, you can miss many precious moments. I remember watching Gozei Shinzato, who admired the thunderstorm as she washed the dishes after breakfast, and the Sardinian shepherd Tonino Tola, who lovingly looked at the emerald fields that spread around. This majestic landscape had been presented to him for almost 80 years, and yet he made a stop every day to enjoy this beautiful sight. There are no whiners among centenarians; they enjoy life.

From Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, Loma Linda Adventist residents create a "sanctuary in time" during which they focus on God, family and nature. They do not work. Children don't learn lessons. Families go for a walk, for example, which helps them become more friendly.

Regular meditation allows you to calm your mind, muffle the incessant rumble of voices in your head, concentrate and see the world as it is, and not as we want it to be. It helps to tune in and realize that the hustle and bustle, anxiety and many urgent problems are actually not that important.

Clear your home of as many TVs as possible and only leave them in one room. The body's response to stress can manifest itself in the form of exposure to infection, injury, or increased anxiety. Create your own "sanctuary in time" for at least 10 minutes a day - equip your apartment with a quiet corner, put an armchair there, or put a pillow. Whatever happens, find these 10 minutes a day in order to be alone in silence and calmly reflect.

6. Family comes first

The longest living people we have met in Blue Zones have always put family first. Their whole life was built around marriage and children, family debt, rituals and spiritual closeness. Joint meals and rest disappear from our lives, become a rarity. Create rituals. Children need rituals like air, they love repetition. The family's daily meal should become a tradition that is not customary to break. Cultivate family rituals. For example, come to Grandma's for dinner every Tuesday. Be sure to celebrate all the holidays together. In the homes of Okinawa, the ancestral altar takes pride of place in the best room. It consists of photographs of deceased relatives and things dear to their hearts and serves as a reminder that we are not alone in time, but inextricably linked with each other. Pictures of parents and children can be hung on the wall or family photos can be stored in chronological order. Play with your kids, take care of your marriage, and honor your parents.

The average life expectancy is 90 years. What's the secret? No problems! The main thing is fun, positive in everything. Never talk about politics, only rest, entertainment and ... girls 🙂 From food - steak and beer, but everything is natural, fresh, no frozen foods and additives. Well, fresh air, of course. The house is needed to spend the night, all the remaining time in nature, maximum relaxation, meditation and beauty. Mandatory use of Vejima (beer malt extract that remains at the bottom of the barrel after beer fermentation). Begin to use from 1 year of age. And no negative, only positive in everything!

New Zealand

The average life expectancy is 80 years. Every inhabitant of this country will say: "Eat honey, live happily ever after." New Zealand bees collect honey from the tea tree. It is very useful as it contains many useful vitamins and other substances. Gums hurt - honey. Heart problems - honey. Vessels "junk" - honey. Inflammation - honey. Damaged skin - honey. There is a desire to prolong youth - also honey! But our product is just as useful, so listen to the New Zealanders.



A country in which representatives of the stronger sex live longer than their companions. Kenyan Mzi Barnabas Kiptanui Arap Rop, who passed away at the age of 133, preached the Holy Gospel and considered the confession of holy laws, love for nature and people to be the secret of his longevity.


When the chief of the Baue tribe died, he was 126 years old at that time. His wife (one of many) shared a secret that her husband never had dental problems, and even in old age he had all his teeth. Also, he fulfilled his marital duty almost until the last days :)


Oddly enough, but under the conditions in which the Egyptians live, the average length of women is 73 years, men - 68. This is a fairly good indicator. Long-livers of Egypt said that diseases are treated only with herbs. No contraindications, no side effects. Only natural treatment with natural ingredients that they themselves collect.


Women look very young in this country. They are grateful for their eternal youth and health to argon oil, which they themselves make from argan fruits. They add it wherever possible: in food, in the bath, on the skin, on the hair. And also, Morocco is the place where Rassoul volcanic clay is born. It is considered one of the most effective remedies for youthful skin and face. It is used for the manufacture of cosmetics by the most expensive cosmetic companies. You can't forbid living beautifully 🙂


Long-liver Ali bin Muhammad al-Omari, who at the age of 127 shared the secrets of his health, said that he achieved such success through work, walking and diet. Every day he walked along the seashore, breathed the air. Did not eat meat and animal products. He started farming and worked constantly.

North America


Do you want to go over the 100-year mark? Three simple rules:

  1. Have sex regularly!
  2. Drink real coffee!
  3. Smoke cigars!

In between these "procedures" it will not be superfluous to turn over a glass of rum. Eat fish, eggs, milk, vegetables. The bread is only white. Reduce your addiction to salt and spices. That's all! Take these simple things as rules, and you can safely make a list of plans and goals for the next 90 years 🙂


The Mexicans also see the secrets of longevity and health in nutrition. Corn, legumes, pumpkin seeds, cumin, jicama are the foods they advise to consume every day. This food helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Therefore, very few people in Mexico have diabetes.


Residents of Canada are grateful to the economic development of the country for their opportunity to live happier, richer and healthier. When the economic level is stable, then the population also feels happier. And happy people, as you know, live the longest. If the political and financial situation of your country wants to expect the best, then use maximum thinking and strength to start earning.


Californian centenarians are confident that if you stick to the “biblical diet,” your life will last happily ever after. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol. Eat oatmeal, nuts, avocados, and figs. In general, become a vegetarian and live as long as you want 🙂 Only a small amount of fish is allowed. The motto “Eat to live, not live to eat” is perfectly suited to the lifestyle of California centenarians. Well, don't forget about outdoor walks.

South America

Costa Rica

Squash (we have this pumpkin), beans and corn are the three most important foods that the inhabitants of this country eat every day. Centenarians claim that it is this food that provides them with youth, beauty and health. They almost never get sick with heart disease, have disease-resistant immunity.


Peruvians advise not to get upset if you are poor. This is a good ability to live long. The main thing is to strive for money, always be busy, work physically, eat not much. But use only plant foods, natural, no chemicals, additives. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, it is harmful. You don't want to die early, do you? Is not it?


Serrano Arencas, the oldest inhabitant of northern Colombia, recommends never bothering with earthly problems. Everything depends on the will of God. Earthly chores are given to us so that we go through them and learn, and not suffer and consider ourselves unhappy. Start thinking about spiritual things, believe in God, and everything will be fine. This is exactly how he had everything: 24 children, the last of whom was born when his father turned 70.



Georgian centenarians are grateful for their long years to red wine, especially to the one produced in Kakheti, and to fermented milk products. Sour milk products in Georgia are traditionally called yogurt. They say that regular consumption of small doses of wine and fermented milk products provides the cells of the body with all the useful substances that help to maintain their youth. Therefore, Georgians recommend adhering to a rational diet, as well as maintaining spiritual peace.


Be active and sleep only on your right side. Lu Xiqiang, who died at the age of 109 even at a fairly old age, was engaged in martial arts. Long-livers of China advise to beware of "night" meals and overeating. Isn't morning, afternoon and evening enough to please your stomach? Also, long-livers of China shared another secret - the song. Working in the fields, they constantly sing. Statistics confirm that singing lovers visit doctors much less often, and hardly encounter senile depression. So, go ahead and with the song 🙂


Don't smoke, play sports, run, but don't see a doctor. When you first feel unwell, do not go to the hospital. Get used to it, it will become a habit, and you will spend your free time there. The Syrian woman, who lived for 128 years, admitted that in her entire life she had never been to a doctor, she didn’t even know what the hospital looked like, and the man in a white coat didn’t tell her anything. And this despite the fact that as of 2014, Syria occupied one of the first places in the area of ​​health care in the region. Of course, you shouldn't abuse this rule. But there is a rational grain in this.


Start eating natural condiments like cumin, ginger, cinnamon, coriander, curry, and turmeric. These products contain biologically active substances that keep the body cells young and prevent the body from getting sick with “senile sores”. Although India cannot boast of a large number of centenarians, the number of elderly people suffering from senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease is significantly less than in other countries. All thanks to the spices.


Make lunch your ritual. Never eat on the go. Sit down, chew well, enjoy the food, then run. Never overeat. Eat small meals. Not familiar? Then add a spicy seasoning, such as chili, to the dish. You can not only improve the taste, but also reduce the portion size. Replace coffee with green tea. Eat fruits and vegetables 5 times a day. Forget about the crispy crust, eggs, cook everything with only olive and canola oil. Borrow the Japanese tradition of consuming rice, seafood, and soy regularly. Use only soy milk. Make it a rule to walk, move more and work physically.


To live to be 100, as recommended by the Tibetans, follow a few tips. Learn to solve problems correctly, without worry. If it can somehow influence the consequences, act. If not, why worry? Let it go. Relax more often (inhale through your nose, hold, and exhale through your mouth). Learn to self-massage the head. Tibetan centenarians strongly recommend making new acquaintances. Sociable people live much longer, this is a proven fact. Parties should be regular :) Eliminate fried foods from your diet. Eat beans, meat. But once a week, be a vegetarian. And as many tomatoes as possible (in any form).


Turkmens advise to consume a sufficient amount of stearic acid, which prevents the body from aging quickly, improves metabolism, and preserves stem cells in the body. Don't know where to get it? Eat lamb! Turkmens know what they say. It is this product that protects their youth in such difficult living conditions.


Forget about restaurant food. But if you have already gone, order non-high-calorie meals. Remember the rule: lunch and dinner are household chores. Give preference to steamed dishes. Learn to share with your neighbor. The large portions were divided into two. Never overeat. Make friends with salmon, tuna and mackerel. Eat fish 3 times a week. Buy a bike and forget about your sedentary lifestyle. Only activity and fresh air!


A glass of red natural dry wine every day and no stress, depression, feeling unwell, irritable. Quercitin and polyphenols, which are part of brightly colored wine, reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and improve immunity. This is even longer than enough to live a long and happy life. Young Spaniards consume 2 glasses a day. Elderly, dilute the drink with clean water 1: 2. Do you want to prolong your youth using Spanish technology? Then buy only those wines that are made in those countries that are famous for long-livers.


Live - learn - work. Work - learn - live. Muscovites, or rather residents of the capital (since there are about 70% of centenarians), advise you to always work with your “brains”. From constant "brain training" you can improve your financial condition, which by itself activates the hormone of happiness. And also activate the work of the whole organism.


Ukrainian centenarians recommend eating natural products, drinking at least 1.5 liters of water daily, and exercising regularly. Walk a lot. Learn to run a hundred meters in 8 seconds, and then you can make plans for the next 100 years 🙂 It is very important to become useful to someone. It will make your life move. Do what you love. Smile often and do good deeds. Do not envy anyone. Believe in God, and ... work, and work again. Don't forget about the song. Singing prolongs life. Take care of love in your heart.


The Turks offer not to "take a steam bath" and live for one day. About what will happen tomorrow - think only tomorrow. Everyone probably has their own opinion on this matter. Agree, this lifestyle has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. The best option, most likely, is to live today, but do not forget about “tomorrow”. The most ancient inhabitant of Turkey was Zora Agha (154). Her secret was constant physical activity, sense of humor, simple food, no fats, only safflower oil. He ate only black bread, dried in the sun. I have never eaten artificially prepared food.


Life expectancy for men and women has increased significantly in Lately... Hungarians have never been able to boast of their long-livers as they do now. How do they do it? Hungarians believe that every inhabitant has his own resource, which tends to be depleted. Therefore, they are very energy saving. They do not overexert themselves at work, do not get nervous over trifles, do not freak out in vain, do not take everything to heart. Many Hungarians adhere to the motto: “Spit on everything - keep your health” 🙂 They do not abuse alcohol and cigarettes. This hobby is considered too dangerous. The main thing is that everything in life should be in moderation. Then you will live happily ever after.


The people of Iceland are considered the healthiest people in the world. Their secret is that half of their food is made from fresh sea fish. Russians, for example, consume fresh fish about once a month, when there is a fish day in Iceland every day :) Therefore, they live long and healthy. If you want to prolong youthfulness, eat fish at least 2 times a week. The diet must include fatty fish (mackerel, tuna, trout). The main thing, .


Do not sit down at the table until it has herbs, brown rice, and orange juice on it. Do not overeat, the portions should be small. Bread is your enemy. Only vegetables for a side dish. The sound of opening a bottle of red wine should be a daily tradition 🙂 This is no joke. French wine, in comparison with other drinks, contains 5 times more nutrients and antioxidants. Do you want to look young and healthy? Add a glass of French red wine to your daily diet.


The rule that the long-livers of this country adhere to: 30% - walking, 10% - bicycle, 38% - other mode of transport. Have you compared your lifestyle? Don't ignore him either. Try to move as much as possible. Regulate your time so that as a result of your actions, you still have a lot of it. Somewhere, about 100 years old 🙂


Did you know that after lunch all public places are closed for 3 hours in order to give people the opportunity to rest and recuperate? This time is called siesta. After all, even if you take half an hour a day in order to take a nap, the body is fully restored. Get in the habit of resting for an hour or two after lunch. Also, Italians advise not to forget about social contacts. Constant communication with family, familiar friends. More than 80% of centenarians each find time to interact with people. Active conversations are great for your health.


The Greeks eat a small amount of fish and very little meat. Instead, various oils, vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains, fresh herbs, honey and goat milk are actively added. Want to live long, maybe you should buy a goat too? 🙂


There are a lot of fish in this country, but this is not the main guarantee of Finland's long-livers. Compared to Iceland, the Finns don't use it as much as it seems. Their hobby: active lifestyle. Even cold weather will never prevent a Finn from going fishing or walking on a robot, even if the walk takes about an hour. They love winter sports. If you dream of living for more than 100 years, then regular exercise in the fresh air is what you need. And skis and skates should become your constant friends.


Exercise, active lifestyle, preferably outdoors, good sleep and ... whiskey. Don't forget about whiskey. A small glass every day. This way of life is grateful to the Englishman Nazar Singh, who celebrated his 111th birthday.


Do you want to celebrate your centenary in full health? Then listen to the advice of the Albanians: start a household, a vegetable garden. Grow your own fruits and vegetables. Spend more time outdoors. It is thanks to the healthy climate and the fresh food they eat that Balkan men live no less than 74 years, and the average duration of women is 80 years.


They have learned a lot from the Finns and follow their tradition: exercise as much as possible on the street, as little as possible in the gym. Eat plenty of fish as well, as fish oil is known to keep your cardiovascular system and joints healthy. Regular consumption of fish helps to avoid senile marasmus and Alzheimer's disease.

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